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Discovering the Deep: Life in our Last Wilderness
Humans derive huge benefits from the oceans, both shallow and deep. However, mounting pressures from humans are threatening the ability of that ocean to deliver such services. As exploration has expanded our access, the marvels of deep ocean ecosystems are revealed, just as exploration has opened horizons to exploitation. Seabed mining is one such venture offering promises for the ‘green revolution’ but also fundamental threats to biodiversity hotspots such as hydrothermal vents. Verena Tunnicliffe – Professor Emerita, Dept of Biology and School of Earth & Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria – will be presenting her research at the Cowichan Valley Naturalists’ Society meeting at 9:30 am April 4th. Email cvns@naturecowichan. net for the zoom link.
Verena Tunnicliffe – Professor Emerita, Dept of Biology and School of Earth & Ocean Sciences, University of Victoria – is a marine biologist who held a Canada Research Chair in Deep Ocean Research at UVic until her retirement in 2020. In December 2021, Dr. Tunnicliffe was named an officer of the Order of Canada “for her outstanding contributions to ocean sciences and for being a pioneer in the scientific exploration of the deep sea.” Verena combines a drive for ocean exploration with a passion to understand the nature and functions of novel communities. A lifetime of ocean exploration has stretched from coral reefs to subsea volcanoes making hundreds of dives with SCUBA and both manned and remotely operated submersibles. Her research in marine habitats in extreme conditions has retrieved over 100 new species especially associated with hydrothermal vents. For a decade, she helped to make the “Ocean On-line” a reality as Director of the subsea observatory, VENUS, where her program examined the impact of climate change on coastal communities. She seeks new techniques to bring a greater depth of understanding of the ocean world to research, education and the public. Current research focuses on deep ocean conservation, including environmental management around deep-sea mining.
April 4 9:30 am Cowichan Valley Naturalists’ presents Discovering the Deep: Life in our Last Wilderness, Email cvns@naturecowichan.net for the zoom link.