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The Holidays and Reflexology

Traditional Chinese Exercise for Health
All Classes in the Cowichan Valley *unless stated
Wild Goose Qigong (Chi Gong)
Gentle movement • Calms your mind • Heals internal organs • Develops fl exibility Mondays 9 -10 am Tuesdays 6 pm - 7 pm (combined Qigong and Chun Yuen) Wednesdays 10-11:15 am Fridays 10-11:15 am (Victoria)* Northern Shaolin Chun Yuen Quan
Dynamic movement • Improves posture • Increases energy • Strengthens bones
Tuesdays 6 pm - 7 pm (combined Qigong and Chun Yuen)*
Wednesdays 9 am - 10 am
250 748 4060 rivendellrhythm@shaw.ca
Nervous systems go into overload when the holidays approach. Christmas is a time when we all want to feel good and look great. It is traditionally a season of joy, family reunions, roast turkey and generosity. While that sounds great – the holidays can bring on even more stress, pressure, and for some loneliness and depression.
So, how can we better “deal” with this Holiday season? The scientific theory behind this practice is that certain regions of your feet are connected via your nervous system to other parts of your body, and a reflexologist can use these regions to access the corresponding body parts. The tips of your toes, for example, might be used to trigger a response in your head. The chest region can be accessed through the ball of the foot, your heel is connected to your lower back and intestines. And the arch can be used to bring healing to many of the organs in your lower torso. The sensitive, trained hands of a qualified reflexologist will detect imbalances in the feet, indicating that there are depletions or blockages in the energy channels through the body. By applying pressure to these points with thumbs or fingers, the reflexologist can stimulate the flow of energy to all parts, clearing blockages and helping the body to achieve its own state of balance and good health, without any adverse sideeffects.
People who undergo reflexology treatments generally find them to be effective and very comforting and the treatments themselves are non-invasive and pain-free. It is most commonly used for treating stress, digestive problems, migraines/headaches, insomnia, plantar fasciitis and back pain. Utilized by many cancer and surgery patients to improve their circulation and promote healing, it is also effective as a postoperative or complementary therapy.
Reflexology is a wonderful tool used to restore equilibrium within the body. Whether you’ll be hosting a family gathering, improve your sleep, balance your hormones, or enhance your over all well-being, reflexology can help. Remember: self-care is an act of self-love! Do yourself a favour and see for yourself about the wonderful benefits of reflexology!
Gift certificates are always available; call Helga or book on-line at www. naturalheelingreflexology.com and give your feet a treat for the holidays! Wishing you a Merry Christmas with many blessings in 2023.
Helga Feichtinger is a Registered, Certified Reflexologist and Massage Practitioner in the Cowichan Valley. 250-732-7988