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Himalayan Salt Lamps: Bringing light and peace into your life!
Not only are they beautiful and help to create a feelgood ambiance, himalayan salt lamps have some incredible health benefits.
Positive ions infiltrate our homes, mainly created from our electronics. Breathing in a lot of these positive ions cause the cilia which line our passages to become sluggish and not function as well to keep contaminants out of the lungs and our bodies. They also sap out our energy. Himalayan salt lamps work through the power of hygroscopy to attract and absorb water molecules from the surrounding environment. As the lamp warms up, that water evaporates into the air and the trapped particles removed from the air are locked in the salt. In this way, salt lamps purify the air, remove dust, pollen, cigarette smoke, and other contaminants. The positive ions also get sucked up with the water and particles and when the heated salt releases the vapor back out it expels negative ions which benefit our airways and whole body. The ionized air can invigorate you like going outside!
This can make for a reduction in allergy and asthma symptoms through that removal of dust and dander, mildew and mold, etc. from the air. Himalayans pink salt is good for your airways! This can also ease coughing. Place one in the room you are in most. Negative ions also neutralize electromagnetic radiation. Our homes are filled with this, through computers, television, refridgerators, and other electrical devices and appliances. Long-term effects of EM exposure can be detrimental to health, including increased stress levels, chronic fatigue, decreased immunity, among other issues/ problems. Salt lamps neutralize electromagnetic radiation. Place one in the living room.
Positive ions can reduce blood and oxygen supply to the brain, not only making you tired but this can also disrupt regulate sleep patterns. Keep one in the bedroom. Negative ions also help mood and concentration, giving you a serotonin boost! The beautiful light they emit can aid seasonal affective disorder(SAD).
Choose size according to room size. Multiple lamps spread out around the home a good idea.
Come check out our different sizes, and shapes- traditional, hearts, cubes, bowls, lanterns, and lovely candle holders too!
Essential Remedies 141 Craig St, Duncan
Good health to you! Tina Foster, RHN Essential Remedies