9 minute read
Lucky Dog Leash manners, for humans… 6

February 2021 Issue 147 Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine Publisher Richard Badman Editor Sheila Badman Contact us at: editor@cowichanvalleyvoice.com 250 746 9319 6514 Wicks Rd, Duncan BC V9L 5V2 Visit us online at www.cowichanvalleyvoice.com
Distribution Proofreader Calendar & More Richard Badman Diana Pink Angela Sheppard
Advertising Enquiries Please contact us at info@cowichanvalleyvoice.com for a rate card, monthly offers and print ad specials for March Issue. Next Ad Deadline February 15 for March 2021 Issue 148 *Non Profit Community Ad Rates available please enquire. COMMUNITY CALENDAR LISTINGS ARE FREE! Next EVENTS DEADLINE February 15 for March 2021 Issue 148 E-mail: Date, Event Title, Time, Location and Cost w/ subject “EVENT” to events@cowichanvalleyvoice.com
Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine reserves the right to, omit and/or edit submitted listings due to space limitations
SPECIAL THANKS TO FOLLOWING VALLEY VOICES Susan Down, Cathi Jefferson, Mary Fox, Pam Stiles, Chef Brad Boisvert, Leeann Froese, Angie Quaale, Chris Turyk, Krystal Adams, Craig Spence, Amanda Vance, Kathie Tenold, y Robyn Dailey, Ryan Jones, TiaLee Foster, Kate Koyote, Veronica Scott, Rose Wagner, Denise D’Fantis, Dr. Lyn Pascoe, Alistair MacGregor MP, Linda Helm, Sharlene G. Ionescu, Terence Miranda, Silvia Graber, Sonia Furstenau MLA, Cynthia Montgomery, Hannah Auer, Bernie Dinter, Caden Koontz, Nicola Constantine-Macdonald, Cynthia Qin, Anny Lee, Tyler Hoffman, Debbie Wood, Maureen Alexander, Dr. Tara Imlay, Kirsty Grant, Patty Abbott, Debbie Shkuratoff, Miyo Stevens, John Mowat Steven, David Suzuki, The lovely Georgia Nicols, Nicolette Genier, Cindy Jolin and the Wonderful Staff at the Community Farm Store.
COVER IMAGE: “Feeling with our heart, light is always shining around us.” Photograher, Cynthia Qin Baby Cakes from the Duncan Garage Cafe & Bakery on show at Aquamaris Art Gallery located upstairs in the Duncan Garage.
We welcome your story ideas & photo submissions; however Cowichan Valley Voice Magazine reserves the right to omit and/ or edit all submissions for space, clarity, content and style. The opinions expressed in Valley Voice Magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the editor, publishers or other contributors. Please send a query e-mail with your suggested topic prior to sending your article as space is limited and may not always be available.
Valley Voice Magazine is distributed through 450 + select locations throughout the Cowichan Valley- Malahat, Mill Bay, Shawnigan Lake, Cherry Point, Duncan, Cowichan Bay, Crofton, Chemainus and Salt Spring Island and to Cowichan Lake, Ladysmith, Victoria, Tofino and Parksville
February Events 5 Romantic Adventures in Chemainus 18 10 Sweet Valentine’s Day Gifts in Downtown Duncan 22 Processing capacity and Food Security 34 Stay Local to Local • Valentine’s Gift Guide 36-37 Making Love Lights 52 Chinese New Year in Cowichan Valley 54-55 Pursue Good Fortune and Ward Off Evil Spirits in 2021 56 The Trail That Will Improve Your Networth 58 I Never Would Have Guessed That! 62 Pandemic Theatre: Your Stories from the Covid World 67 February Forecasts 69 Directory of Local Services 70-71
Sip Savor Support Cowichan 8-9 Chaat – The Must Have It Indian Street Food 10 Art of Fondue 11 Order by Wednesday - Delivered by Friday & Saturday 12 Warm Your Heart and Body with An Easy Slow Cooker Recipe 13 Local Valentine’s Dining and Drinking in the Valley 14-15 Building a wine region, together 16-17 Valentines Day Tarts 20 Birria- A culturally rich dish made with love to warm you up 21 Baby Cakes are Back! 25 Poon Choi 54
Cowichan Seedy February 2021 46 Fruit Tree Pruning 47 Sunrise Waldorf School Westcoast Seeds Fundraiser 53 How to maintain a “heated” relationship with your home 59
Mentoring The Young at Art 6 Local Potter Mary Fox Releases New Book 7 CVCAS AGM looks to 2021 challenges, opportunities 19 Valentine’s Shopping at Imagine That! Artisans’ Cooperative 30 Loving Local! 31 A Touch Of Eastern Elegance At Aquamaris Art Gallery 38 Ceramic Artist Linda Helm Excellent Frameworks Gallery 39
Romance is in the Air 24 A Warm and Cozy History of Wool 26-27 Take Heart 28 Cowichan Women’s Health Collective 29 The Heart: Pulsing Through Millenia 32 No Travel & No Tan = Excellent Time For Laser Treatments 33 My Heart Health And Microgreens 40 How are You? 41 Hearing Loss and Cardiovascular Disorders 42 Heart Healthy Happiness 43 Talking to Tessa Small About Screenagers 48 Screenagers: Growing Up In The Digital Age 49 Amethyst Crystal Therapy The Amethyst Bio Mat 65 Why We Should Read A Quality of Light by Richard Wagamese 67
Bundling up with layers of clothes and getting outside 44 How Green Is My Valley? 45 & 66 Lucky Dog Leash manners, for humans… 60 Anthropogenic Bird Mortality – Identifying Sources and Bird Origins 61 Local Hikes For Everyone 63 Rediscovering Our Place In Nature 68
1Los Colores, from Mexico to Chemainus Featuring artist Rohana Laing Rainforest Arts 9781 Willow Street in Chemainus, is open 11 AM to 4 PM Wednesday to Saturday runs to end of February.
Then and Now explores creative journeys of 35 local artists Cowichan Valley Arts Council’s Gallery 2687 James St, Duncan11-4pm Runs to 02/03
Sip Savour Support Cowichan celebrate flavors of Cowichan eateries www.tourismcowichan. com/savour Runs until 02/28
Cowichan Valley Naturalists Carnivores, Salmon & people of the BC coast 9:30 am Chris Darimont Professor & Raincoast Chair in Applied Conservation Science UVic Email cmilo@ telus.net for zoom link All Welcome
February Fondue Sets Available from Cure Artisan Meat & Cheese Pre order and pick up Valley View Centre, Cobble Hill (250) 929-2873 Runs to 02/28
1-15 Fabrications Jewellery Sale 125 Kenneth St, Duncan
1-20 Visit Downtown Duncan’s social media online enter to win a Valentine’s Giveaway Gift Basket Runs to 02/20
Sip Savour Support Tasting Passport self guided tour 10 craft beverage producers www. tourismcowichan.com/savour $35 Runs to 03/31
5Shards & Shreds glass & fibre artists show Cowichan Valley Arts Council’s Gallery 2687 James St, Duncan Weekdays 1-4pm Sat 12-4pm Runs to 03/03
6Water Big & bold art by Dominique Eustace Cowichan Valley Arts Council’s Portals Annex 2687 James St, Duncan Weekdays 11-4 pm Sat 12-4pm Runs to 02/20 8-14 Valentine Baby Cakes are here for a limited time. Duncan Garage Bakery & Cafe Pre order yours 250-748-6223.
10 Warmland Book & Film Collective Empire of Wild by Cherie Dimaline 5-7pm Online Open to all warmlandcollective@gmail. com
Spiritual Upliftment and Connection three Baha’i friends details and link Laurice Tim & Lee 250 748-2585
16 Cowichan Valley Naturalists Identifying breeding ground origins of overwintering landbird species experiencing high anthropogenic mortality in southwestern B 7pm Tara Imlay Landbird Biologist Canadian Wildlife Service Email cmilo@ telus.net for zoom link All Welcome 22 Recent Works by Rory MacDonald Cowichan Valley Arts Council’s Portals Annex 2687 James St, Duncan Weekdays 11-4pm Sat 12-4pm Runs to 03/08
Remembering Clare... a kind spirit who built her own drum and danced to her own beat
24 Chemainus Valley Cultural Arts Society Annual General Meeting 7pm Zoom register CVCAS.ca/ agm-2021. All welcome only members vote.
Spiritual Upliftment and Connection three Baha’i friends details and link Laurice Tim & Lee 250 748-2585

Mentoring Young at Art
Susan Down is managing director of the Cowichan Valley Arts Council.
Whether it is exhibiting children’s LEGO structures like fine art or encouraging adults to express themselves artistically (even the ones who say “I can’t draw”), the Cowichan Valley Arts Council seeks to celebrate creativity in all its forms.
This month, local artists can start planning their entries (registration is in April) for the Spring Fine Art Show in May – the largest nonjuried show on the Island. CVAC’s youth program is growing with new workshops on things like stop-motion animation (in person), weekly online activities and summer art camps. The annual student art show in April is a chance to showcase local talent and inspire others.
Another exciting development: we have expanded our mentorship program for students at the high school or university level wishing to develop their visual fine art, literary, technical or performing arts practices.
CVAC is accepting applications now for the mentorship program sponsored by the family of Dale Nigel Goble through sales of the late Cowichan Valley artist’s prints. Dale believed strongly in encouraging young talent.
Students will become more proficient, learn to give and receive feedback and broaden their exposure to the arts while refining their work alongside experienced artists, professional members of the CVAC who are willing to work to inspire individual students.
Participants receive a free one-year membership to CVAC, professional workshops and critiques and a chance to exhibit work in the annual student art show.
Winter Barn by Dale Nigel Goble

Net profits from the sale of Dale’s prints go towards supporting the CVAC mentorship program. Prints are available at www.dngstudio.myshopify.com
Trial By Fire Pottery Studio
Pottery Classes
www.trialbyfi repottery.ca I 250-710-8758 www.trialbyfi repottery.ca
Mary Fox Gallery Photographer, Sean Sherstone, their classic lines maryfoxpottery.ca/legacy. with the “beauty and strength of ‘Mary Fox My Life as a Potter’ can be purchased locally at pure form.” Her Volume One, Salamander Books, chalice pieces on-line, and at Mary’s gallery in “are designed Ladysmith. Her gallery is open to enhance and Tuesday to Saturday 11 to 5. inspire everyday With the ongoing pandemic some life with their of our Artisans studios are open beauty and to while others are appointment invite contem- only, please check first with the plation and Cowichan Artisans you wish reflection.” to visit or for the most recent
Local Potter Mary Fox Releases New Book Proceeds from this book go to support information go to: www.cowichanartisans.com. the Mary Fox Cathi Jefferson creates unique salt fired stoneware and is one of the not, you will be engaged with all aspects of this wonderful book. Legacy Project Society, which was brought about by Mary’s concern for young potters when This past Fall Cowichan Artisan member, Mary Fox, published an amazing book ‘Mary Fox My Life as a Potter’ - on her life and journey as a ceramic artist. It’s a beautiful book with stunning full-colour images that you will want to display on your coffee table in your living room. Mary writes so well about her life and work and whether you’re a potter or founding member of the Cowichan Artisans. Mary begins her story when she starts working with clay at the age of thirteen. As she writes, “it was love at first touch.” This book chronicles Mary’s personal life as well as her journey as a professional studio potter for more than 40 years. She explores her functional tableware believing “there is nothing more satisfying than eating and drinking from beautiful handmade vessels.” Her one of-a-kind forms are known for they are first starting out. A 2-year residency will provide an opportunity for young emerging ceramic artists to develop their skills while having a place to live with a studio and gallery for selling their work. With their living expenses covered they will have the opportunity to save the income from sales to put toward establishing their own studio when their residency ends. To donate or find out more information on how to support the Legacy Project go to:

Altered Vessel Chalice series, Terra sigillata, layered crawl glazes, multifired in oxidation, mounted in rock, 2020. 40cm T x 30 cm W. Photographer, Mary Fox