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Infusing Love Into Your Life With Crystals

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February Forecasts

February Forecasts

Love comes in many forms- each adding value to our lives in different ways. Love can bring happiness, joy, intimacy, and feelings of connectedness- but first you have to be open to it. Use these crystals to help infuse love into all areas of your life:

Chyosophrase can help expand the Heart energy center and allow one to receive the infinite love of the universe; it may also help one to feel and express love more freely. It can be a powerful love attractor and help one to prepare for a new relationship.


Rose Quartz, known as the stone of “unconditional love’’ can bring about a feeling of inner peace because of its calming energy, cultivating a state of mind that allows one to receive love. If one has suffered from loss, it can help to bring comfort; if one has lost trust, it can help bring back faith and self-esteem and if one has never been in love, it can help open up all the possibilities of falling in love.

Emerald is a stone of successful and abundant love that can help open the heart in all aspects of life; enhancing our own self-love and strengthening the connection with divine love. Emerald is also known as a protective stone of the heart, boosting courage to love and be loved. Crystal Ritual for opening to love: • Find a quiet and comfortable space to sit/lay down for a few minutes. • Take some deep breaths as you slow down and become more present to the moment. • Choose a love infusing crystal (or all of them!), place over your heart and state “I am open to receiving and giving love” 3 times. • Imagine or sense the loving energy of the crystal(s) infusing into and filling up your entire being. When you feel full of love, imagine a beam of light radiating out from your heart and sending it to people in your life you wish to send love to. • When you feel complete, gently bring your awareness back into your body and the space around you. Carry your stone with you for the rest of the day, repeat daily as necessary.

CFS for the SOUL- located upstairs in the Community Farm Store in Duncan- Open Mon-Sat from 10am- 5pm.

Venita Chow is an Integrative Energy Healer, and Crystal Keeper at CFS for the SOUL.

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