2 minute read
Custom Rechargeable Hearing Aids
Terence Miranda, AuD, RAUD, RHIP Doctor of Audiology Resonance Hearing Clinic www.resonance hearingclinic.com
There are two general types (and several sub-types) of hearing aids in existence, one type has a piece that fits Behind-the-Ear (BTE) and the other has everything In-the-Ear (ITE). Each of these types have advantages and disadvantages and the best type for you depends on a number of features and personal preferences. One of these personal preferences is whether to use a hearing aid that is rechargeable or to use one that requires batteries for its power source. Although each option has its pros and cons, rechargeable hearing aids have become very popular over the last few years and hearing aid manufacturers continue to improve and refine their functionality and reliability. The main benefit of rechargeable hearing aids is that they don’t need to have their batteries changed. Hearing aid batteries can be tiny which allows the hearing aids to be made very small. Although small hearing aids are desirable for cosmetic purposes, they can be a problem for people that have dexterity issues or poor eyesight. Hearing aid batteries also need to be changed frequently; they typically last a week or so and sometimes less for the very smallest batteries. This is due to the power requirements for modern hearing aids. The battery has to power all the miniature components of the hearing aids, including a powerful miniature computer that processes sound in lots of different and complex ways to provide the best possible hearing for the wearers and hence small batteries can drain quite quickly. Rechargeable hearing aids are significantly different as they are charged fully overnight and last the entire day without issue.
Because rechargeable hearing aids require more space due to recharging requirements, BTE hearing aids have been the only rechargeable option available to consumers until recently. Developments in technology have progressed to the level where the smaller ITE hearing aids can now be made in a rechargeable format. This means that the benefits of ITE devices (such as using the natural sound collection properties of the ear, being smaller, sometimes less visible, and less likely to catch on the mask strap and get lost) can now be enjoyed with the added benefit of being rechargeable. Rechargeable custom hearing aids are available from two major manufacturers thus far. Because Resonance is an independent hearing clinic, we not only carry this technology, we have had some experience and good success with rechargeable ITE hearing aids, should you want to try them.