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Cowichan District Hospital Foundation
Everyone at the Cowichan District Hospital Foundation is so grateful to all of you who supported us this past year, a year like no other in my memory. Instead of tinkling champagne glasses with you at our annual gala, we took turns working in the office meeting you as you stopped by to drop off a cheque and have a masked distanced visit.
We’re so excited to be able to gather in groups again. We’ve heard from some of you that as you plan your summer BBQ’s and pool parties that you would like to raise funds for the hospital or the new hospital – thank you!!
Working in partnership with the CDH healthcare teams, Cowichan District Hospital Foundation (CDHF) is excited to be turning the corner on this pandemic with them and supporting their work as they transition from the demands of Covid to those of keeping one hospital going while building another.
How exciting is that!
Construction on the new hospital site will begin early in 2022, with the goal of opening to the public by the fall of 2026. Involved since the outset in hospital planning, the CDH Foundation will be a major funding partner in this oncein-decades chance to build a new hospital for Cowichan. This is our chance, let’s get it right!
Keep an eye out for CDHF fundraising campaigns as they unfold over the next year. Until then, help us continue to strengthen the excellent work carried on at our current hospital—bursting at the seams as it is—with our new 50/50 monthly draws or through an individual or corporate donation. Supporting current healthcare needs in Cowichan remains our first priority.
We would love to hear your thoughts on additional goals and priorities through this process. Please reach out to us with your thoughts and wishes for the #BestHospitalPossible. We look forward to working with you to help build a new Cowichan District Hospital of which we can all be proud.
Please connect with us! By phone 250-701-0399, email tbrown@cdhfoundation. ca or info@cdhfoundation. ca, on Facebook https:// www.facebook.com/ cowichandistricthospital foundation, website www. cdhfoundation.ca, or come by the office #101 – 5822 Garden Street (at James).
The Cowichan District Hospital Foundation was established in 1984 and has focused on raising funds to purchase equipment and support patient & resident care and comfort at Cowichan District Hospital and Cairnsmore Place. Together through generous support by donors and volunteer, the CDHF has raised over $21 for improved healthcare in the Cowichan Valley.
Tracey Brown, Cowichan District Hospital Foundation NEW LOCATION! Visit us in the Coastal Offi ces building 103-255 (Unit 212) Ingram St, Duncan 250 715 5649 www.cowichanvalleyacupuncture.com