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Reflexology for Relaxation

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Cut Broom in Bloom

Debbie Shkuratoff - Reiki Master Teacher Usui - Karuna - Komyo - Tibetian - Seichim

Reflexology is a simple, effective and natural therapy which focuses on the feet. It is over 5,000 years old and has origins in China and Egypt, where pressure therapies were recognised to have therapeutic benefits and more importantly, help prevent disease.


Every part of the body has a reflex point on the feet. The right foot represents the right side of the body and the left foot, the left side. The feet have many nerve endings and it is felt that this is why reflexology works. The nerves are stimulated at the reflex points with specific thumb and finger techniques. The nerve relays this stimulus through the nervous system up the spinal column to the corresponding affected area of the body.

Where there is inhibited functioning or disease, congestion will be found in the form of grainy crystal deposits. These deposits are caused by excess acidity in the bloodstream which increases calcium deposits at the nerve endings. They may feel tender, sensitive or positively painful and/or they may feel hard, tight or lumpy.

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, it is believed that ch’i (energy) circulates along twelve meridian pathways within the body. The six meridians which penetrate the major organs of the body are found in the feet - specifically the toes. Reflexology helps to clear the blockage along the medians and encourages the ch’i to flow.

As a holistic therapy, Reflexology aims to treat the body as a whole and works to get to the root cause of disease and treat this, not the symptom. However, most disease/ailments have taken time to manifest and will therefore take time to eradicate. Reflexology has proved itself to be effective, it is safe for everyone, and very relaxing. A Reflexology treatment reaches the receiver on several levels - physical, mental and spiritual, it can only be of benefit, while bringing the body into a state of balance and harmony. An absolute wonderful, relaxing way to relax to spend an hour and feel better at the same time.



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The Cowichan Family Life Association (CFLA) is excited to announce the revival of the Garden Tour on Sunday, May 29.

“We are honoured that six local garden owners have generously opened their gardens for the public tour this year,” says CFLA President Deanna Wrate. “The tour is a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together to appreciate the beauty of nature while helping community members who are going through difficult times. These are experiences we can all appreciate.”

CFLA provides affordable, if not free, mental health services for individuals and families of the Cowichan Valley and has done so for more than 50 years. Programs include training for volunteer peer counsellors, healing anger, communicating with confidence and individual counselling. Other programs are in the process of development such as First Nation, youth and senior services and finding financial freedom. org. The Garden Tour serves as a major fund raiser for the organization and tickets are now on sale at various locations, including Third Edition, Dinter Nursery, Buckerfields, Volume One Books, Russell Farms, and Black Door Décor, as well as the CFLA office. Tickets are also available through e-Transfer at admin@ cowichanfamilylife.

Tickets are $25 each and come with the map of the garden locations. Raffle tickets will also be available during the garden tour itself, a chance to win some choice prizes such as winetasting passes for Cherry Point, $125 gift basket from Country Grocer, passes to Butchart Gardens, and an E.J. Hughes print donated by the Municipality of North Cowichan, among others.

CFLA would like to thank the following sponsors who generously donated funds to assist with the Garden Tour promotion: Buckerfields; Dinter Nursery; 49th Parallel; Island Office Equipment; HSM Insurance; Merit Home Furniture; and RE/MAX Island Properties.

If you or someone you know could benefit from mental health services, please contact Cowichan Family Life Association at 250 748-8281.


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