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November Events

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November Forecasts

November Forecasts

1Dead Ringer, Musical by Zachary Stevensonc $25 chemainustheatrefestival.ca runs to 11/13

Printmakers Only Group (POG), annual art show celebrating printmaking, CVAC Annex 2687 James St. Duncan to 11/10 FREE


Maple Bay Painters Art Show, CVAC Gallery, 2687 James St. Duncan runs to 11/10 FREE

3Prime Rib Night at Farm Table Inn, 6755 Cowichan Lake Rd. Reservations 250-932-3205 also 11/10/17/24

4HUB Cafe Fridays Coffee/ Baking/Lunch 8:30-2pm, The HUB @ Cowichan Stn 2375 Koksilah Rd, also 18/25

5Clay Hub’s Collective 7th Annual Pottery Sale, 10-4pm, The Hub, 2375 Koksilah Rd.

Art Opening! VI Miniature Masterpiece Art Show, 12-3pm, Excellent Frameworks Gallery 115 Kenneth St, runs to 11/30 FREE

CVRD OCP Ideas Fair - Learn about ideas from the Community Circles and contribute new ideas! 10am-4pm. 3550 Watson Ave, Cobble Hill 2pm Mark Holland planyourcowichan.ca Crofton Art Group Fall Show & Sale 10-4pm Crofton Seniors Ctr 1507 Joan Ave

Cubism Art Workshop CVAC 9:3012:30pm 2687 James St. Duncan, register cowichanvalleyartscouncil. ca/whats-on/ $45

Row of Crowz, 8pm Osborne Bay Pub 1534 Joan Ave, Crofton $15 tickets@eventbrite.ca

5&6 Arbutus Ridge Art Club Show & Sale 10am – 4.pm, 3515 Telegraph Rd, Cobble Hill FREE

654-40’s Neil Osborne - A Family Curse, 8pm, Osborne Bay Pub,1534 Joan Ave, Crofton $20 advance tickets@eventbrite.ca

Chemainus Classical Concerts May Ling Kwok piano 2pm, St. Michael’s Chemainus $25/$10 Reserved $20 250-748-8383

Times They Are A Changing Exhibit, Sundays 11-3pm, Heritage Museum, 2851 Church Way, Mill Bay, heritagemuseummillbay.com by donation, also 13/20/27

7Maddie Storvold Live in concert ft. Jill McKenna on Upright Bass, doors 6pm show 7pm, The Fort Game Cafe, 250 Jubilee St. Duncan $25 tix eventbrite.ca

8NDP Town Hall: Affordability and Federal Economic Relief measures, 6-7:30pm, Centennial 8 100 Women Who Care Cowichan, 7pm Queen Margaret’s School, 660 Brownsey Ave, Duncan

9NDP Town Hall: Affordability and Federal Economic Relief measures, 6-7:30pm, Cowichan Community Centre (Somenos Rm) 2687 James St. Duncan

Warmland Book & Film Collective, discussing God is Red: A Native View of Religion by Vine Deloria Jr. 5-7pm online. For Zoom link: WarmlandBFC@gmail.com

Drawing Cats & Dogs, CVAC Art Workshop, 12:30-3:30pm, Cowichan Community Ctr register online $45

10 Volume One Bookstore hosts author Jack Knox, 7pm, Duncan Showroom 133 Station St. FREE

11 Remembrance Day Ceremony begins 10am Cobble Hill Hall, 10:30am Parade to Cobble Hill Cenotaph, 10:50am ceremony at Cenotaph, Malahat Legion #134 open after service Tad Ruszel w/guest Jai Mills 7pm Cowichan Folk Guild Coffeehouse @ Duncan United Church Hall, 246 Ingram St. Tix $5 members $10 non-members cowichanfolkguild.ca 12 Intuitive Shift Medium Readings w/Leigh Thiessen 11-4pm 30 min $55 1hr $115 Community Farm Store To book: shift123@shaw.ca

The South Island Rhythm King, 8pm, Osborne Bay Pub 1534 Joan Ave, Crofton $15 Tix @ eventbrite. ca

Woodstick Live@Riot Brewing Co. Good tunes + good times

12&13Fiesta World Craft Bazaar 10am - 4pm Queen Margaret’s School, 660 Brownsey Ave, Duncan

13 Kirtan w/ Loves Triangle and Sound Bath with Massimo Pintus, Gaia Tone Art 2:30-4pm Collective Space 166 Station St. Duncan by donation 14 Friends Met at a Hanging art show, CVAC Annex 2687 James St, Duncan runs to 11/28 FREE

16 Cowichan Stamp Club Meeting 7pm, Valley Seniors’ Centre 198 Govt St, Duncan, Visitors Welcome FREE

17-20 Christmas Chaos Arts & Crafts Market, Cowichan Community Ctr Duncan FREE

18 Friday Night Kirtan, 7-8:45pm, VI Yoga School (Harmony Yoga) 103-360 Duncan St. by donation 19 Farm Girl Treasure Kick Christmas kick-off event w/ tasty treats & music, 10-7pm, 2350 Calais Rd. Duncan

Daniel Wesley w/ guests, 8pm, Osborne Bay Pub, 1534 Joan Ave, Crofton $30 advance tickets@ eventbrite.ca

21 Soul Market: local makers, intuitive readers & live music! 12-7pm upstairs in The Community Farm Store 5380 TCH, Duncan

23 Lotsa LEGO: What Goes Around, Family Art Show, CVAC Gallery 2687 James St. Duncan, register online runs to 12/16

24 Introduction to the Soil Food Web workshop, 6:308pm @The Collective Space, Registration: hannahsophia@ cowichangreen community.org by donation 25 Making Holiday Crafts, art workshop ages 9-13 9-12:30pm, 2687 James St, Duncan, to register cowichan valleyartscouncil.ca/whats-on/ $35 Hub Film Club ft. “My Old School” on the big screen, 7pm, The Hub @ Cowichan Station 2375 Koksilah Rd, For info: hubfilmclub@gmail. com

26Queen Margaret’s School Christmas Bazaar 10am-2pm 660 Brownsey Ave, Duncan 26 Dinter Nursery Annual Open House + Makers Market, 10-3 pm, 2205 Phipps Rd. Duncan, FREE

26-27 The Trail of Lights: enjoy wines & shop local farms, 3-7pm www. tourismcowichan.com 27 Loves Triangle Community Kirtan 2:30–4pm, Collective Space 166 Station St, Duncan lovestriangle108@gmail.com by donation

28 Reel Alternatives Film Night ft. “Phantom of the Open”, 7pm Cowichan Performing Arts Center $17, proceeds to Cowichan Hospice Society www.cowichanpac.ca 29 Christmas Kick-Off, Downtown Duncan


19&20 Owl Designer Fair Fernwood Community Centre. 1240 Gladstone Avenue, Victoria FB:owldesignerfair 25-26 Sidney Harvest Sale, fresh nuts, dried fruits & fine confection from Rancho Vignola 9am, Mary Winspear Centre, 2243 Beacon Ave, Sidney

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