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Remembering our Veterans

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November Forecasts

November Forecasts

We Will Remember Them

November 11th is not just a day that most Canadians get the day off as a stat holiday. November 11th is set aside to honour the veterans who lost their lives or who were injured, or suffered PTSD when they returned.


Please join the Malahat Legion in honouring those that fought in the various wars so that we can live the way we do. 10am Remembrance Day Ceremony at Cobble Hill Hall 10:30am Form Up For Parade to Cobble Hill Cenotaph 10:50amRemembrance Day Ceremony At Cobble Hill Cenotaph The Malahat Legion will be open after the Service.

We Will Remember Them

How can you support our veterans? Mainly through the Poppy Campaign held each year from the last Friday in October to November 10th. The money raised provides aid to Veterans in financial distress, as well as funding for medical equipment, medical research, home services, and long term care facilities. All money raised during the Poppy Campaigns is held in a trust and expenditures must be approved by B.C. Yukon Command. Approximately 7,000 poppy envelopes were mailed out to everyone and boxes were distributed to various businesses and schools in the Cowichan Valley. Donations can also be dropped off at the Legion. Wreath Orders may be ordered until Thursday November 9th on line MalahatLegion.ca or by email to: rcl134@shaw. ca or drop by the Legion any Friday or Saturday. Freedom is not free (Anonymous)

It was the veteran, not the reporter, who gave us freedom of the press. It was the veteran, not the poet, who gave us freedom of speech.

It was the veteran, not the campus organizer, who gave us freedom to demonstrate It was the veteran who saluted the flag, who served beneath the flag and whose coffin is draped by the flag.

Thank a veteran if you love your freedom.


Free drip coffee for veterans and those in service. Come in and warm up with a hot drink or bowl of nourishing soup!

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