Winning Formula and Richard images Š Cadence Š Purebred Publishing
TD x Wonderment x Migel ■ The #1 Proven Type Bull: Show Winners, Sale Toppers & Breeder Favorites! ■ A “MUST USE” in Every Herd: Loads of Milk, Superior Udders & Tall, Dairy Frames. ■ One of Best Bulls in the World, No Bull More Consistent & Available in Sexed Semen! voelkers td carter *tm ■ Reg-68119645 ■ aAa 132546 ■ DMS 246,234 ■ Kappa Casein: AB
twinkle-hill carter Alexia
tandara carter sarajevo 107
Res. Intermediate Champion Idw Show 2016
1st Place Spring Yearling World Dairy Expo 2016
groves View carter trina Owned by Groves View Dairy, Missouri
hilltop acres carter nola Owned by Hilltop Acres, Iowa
1st Place Winter Calf Eastern National 2016
Owned by Blessing Farm, Indiana
G-iB -1.5
+T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
jenlar carter trix twin
Nominated All American Jr. 3 Year-Old 2015
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
4.4 T 1.0 S 2.3 O 0.0 S 0.5 W 0.7 S 0.6 S 0.6 S 0.9 S 0.9 H 1.7 W 1.1 S 0.2 S 2.1 C -1.4 S
Owned by Tandara Brown Swiss, Australia
cutting edge carter kitty etv
Owned by Olivia Love, Pennsylvania
FAT +23 / -.07%
PROTEIN +21 / -.04%
PPR 107
PROD. 95%R 282 DTRS/161 HRDS TYPE 93%R PL +1.4
UDC +1.32
Milking Speed 95 CE 5.7%
NM$ $181
SCS 3.09
TYPE +1.4
Conception (SCR) N/A DPR +0.0
Owned by Brianna Meyer, Wisconsin
MOB +0.7
M AT I N G G U I D E + Dairy Strength & Size + Fore Udder + Udder Depth & Cleft + Rear Udder Ht & Wd Rear Legs- Some Set & Rump Angle- Level
Sire: webster ridge td et *tm Dam: voelkers wndrnt carabella ‘E 90’ 2-03 364d 2x 20,600 4.7 972 3.6 741 3-04 334d 2x 22,510 4.2 951 3.3 741 4-05 365d 2x 32,300 4.2 1,368 3.4 1,106 mgd: voelkers migel candid ‘3E-94’ 5-03 335d 2x 33,090 5.1 1,673 3.6 1,189 Lifetime: 3,087d 219,659m 9,818f 7,291p All-American 5 Year Old 2009
Brookings x Wonderment x Pronto ■ Cadence is the HOTTEST Bull in the Breed: From #1 G-PPR to Daughter Proven #1 PPR! ■ A Breeder’s Dream: Sky High Type, Show Winners, Production, Longevity & Fertility. ■ 70% of First Crop Daughters “VG” for Udders, Bull Mothers & Preferred Sex Semen! shiloh brookngs cadence eT *tM ■ Reg-71130650 ■ aAa 156 ■ DMS 345,456 ■ Kappa Casein: BB
hf cadence aspen Owned by Hendel Farms, Minnesota
twinkle-hill caDENCE OAKLEY 1st Place Northeast National Show 2016 Owned by Elite Dairy, New York
triangle acres cadence ko ko Owned by Triangle Acres, Illinois
G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
1.2 T 0.7 S 0.7 O 0.1 S 0.2 W 0.1 S 0.2 S 0.5 S 1.6 S 1.2 H 0.5 W 0.8 S 0.1 S 1.1 C -0.2 S
twinkle-hill cadence stardell 1st Place Udder Yrlg. In Milk WDE 2016 Owned by Twinkle-Hill Farm, Wisconsin
Voelkers Cadence Cameron 1st Place Jr. 2-Y-O Southeast National Show 2016 Owned by Voelkers Swiss, Missouri
FAT PROTEIN +49 / +.01% +44 / +.02%
PPR 216
PROD. 91%R 101 DTRS/50 HRDS TYPE 86%R PL +5.2
UDC +0.99
Milking Speed 109 CE 4.4%
NM$ $548
SCS 2.80
TYPE +1.2
Conception (SCR) +1.4 DPR +0.5
cozy nook cadence jessica Owned by Cozy Nook Farm, Wisconsin
Sire: r n r payoff brookings et *tm Dam: sun-made sd wonder buffy et ‘v 88’ 2-00 344d 3x 25,780 4.8 1,247 3.6 925 4-03 278d 3x 35,460 3.9 1,368 3.4 1,199 MGD: FRONT LINE PRONTO BOUNTY ET ‘E 90’ 2-02 305d 2x 22,060 3.9 863 3.3 717 3-02 365d 2x 32,110 4.2 1,335 3.5 1,110
MOB +0.3
M AT I N G G U I D E + Fore Udder + Stature & Show Style + Rear Udder Ht & Wd + Udder Depth & Cleft Rear Legs- Ideal & Rump Angle- Level
G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
Glenn x Wurl x President ■ The Real Type Story: 51% Daughters “VG or EX” & 57% “VG or EX” for Udders! ■ Unmatched Udders on the Farm with Veining for Days & Milk Machines. ■ High Production, Eye-Pleasing Cows, Show Winners & High Protein! manis glenn whiskey ET*TM ■ Reg-68133750 ■ aAa 315 ■ beta Casein: A2/A2
whiskey whitney Owned by Peter Alleman, Switzerland
arethusa whiskey norell et Bred by Arethusa Farm, Connecticut
sun-made whiskey tea 2nd Place Jr. 2 Year Old WI State Show 2016 Owned by Voegeli Farms, Wisconsin
Hilltop acres whisk buttercup Owned by Hilltop Acres, Iowa
G-iB -1.5
+T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
1.5 T 1.1 S 0.1 O 1.0 S -0.1 N 0.5 S -0.7 P -0.2 I 0.4 S 0.1 H 0.1 W 0.2 S 0.7 S 0.9 C -0.8 S
FAT +4 / -.10%
PROTEIN +23 / +.00%
PPR 69
PROD. 92%R 166 DTRS/102 HRDS TYPE 89%R PL -1.1
UDC +0.41
Milking Speed 99 CE 5.7%
NM$ $63
SCS 3.06
TYPE +0.6
Conception (SCR) N/A DPR +0.4
MOB -0.3
M AT I N G G U I D E + Teat Size & Plcmnt + Rear Udder Ht & Wd + Udder Cleft + Dairy Strength Rear Legs-Straight & Rump Angle-Slope
Sire: schamaun bs gordon glenn et *tm Dam: manis wurl wachtel ‘V 88 E 92 MS’ 3-00 305d 2x 20,409 3.4 689 3.4 689 4-02 305d 2x 27,082 3.5 955 3.3 896 Udder Champion at 2012 European Championship MGD: manis president polly ‘E’ 94 E 95 MS’ 6-00 305d 2x 22,959 3.9 887 3.7 838 7-02 305d 2x 26,937 3.3 889 3.7 983 8-06 305d 2x 28,061 4.0 1,120 3.5 988 Lifetime: 203,229m 7,723f 7,520p
Driver x Joel x Pronto ■ High PPR, Outcross Option, Super Health Traits & Milk! ■ Great Udders, Great Components & Herd Favorites. cozy nook driver tonka *TM ■ 68139913 ■ aAa 531 ■ Kap Casein: BB G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
0.3 T 0.6 S 0.1 O 0.0 S -0.1 N 0.2 S 0.1 S -0.3 I -0.1 W -0.2 L 0.0 W 0.3 S 1.1 S 0.7 C 1.0 L
FAT PROTEIN +60 / +.09% +37 / +.02%
PPR 185
PROD. 78%R 21 DTRS/14 HRDS TYPE 73%R PL +4.0
UDC +0.28
Milking Speed 108 CE 5.7%
NM$ $475
SCS 2.90
TYPE +0.2
cozy nook tonka abralee Owned by Cozy Nook Farm, Wisconsin
Conception (SCR) N/A DPR +0.9
MOB -0.3
Sire: hilltop acres h driver et *tm
M AT I N G G U I D E + Strength & Power + Udder Cleft & Depth - Pin Width + Feet & Legs Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Level
Dam: cozy nook joel tipper et ‘v 89’ 2-01 365d 2x 26,940 4.2 1,144 3.5 950 3-04 330d 2x 22,640 4.8 1,084 3.9 888 4-03 297d 2x 21,100 4.7 999 4.0 843 5-02 322d 2x 28,920 4.2 1,211 3.7 1,056 MGD: cozy nook pronto twylight ‘4E 92 E 93 MS’ 4-01 365d 2x 39,680 4.0 1,569 3.3 1,303 Lifetime: 3,548d 304,681m 13,170f 10,703p
dam: Cozy nook joel tipper et ‘V 89’
Alibaba x TD x Dynasty ■ Consistent Daughters, High Milk & Outcross! ■ Breeder’s Satisfaction: Super Udders & Profitable. hilltop acres ali jackson eT *tM ■ Reg-68137885 ■ aAa 243 ■ beta Casein: A2/A2 G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
-0.7 S -0.2 W -0.1 T 0.5 S 0.0 W 0.1 S 0.0 S 0.1 S 0.0 S 0.3 H -0.1 N 0.8 S 0.8 S 1.7 C -1.5 S
M AT I N G G U I D E + Udder Depth & Cleft + Mobility -Stature + Rump Structure Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Slope
FAT +12 / -.01%
PROTEIN +5 / -.03%
PPR 40
PROD. 92%R 118 DTRS/47 HRDS TYPE 89%R PL +1.8
UDC +0.48
Milking Speed 105 CE 4.9%
NM$ $148
SCS 2.96
TYPE +0.3
hilltop acres jk kuttie Owned by Hilltop Acres, Iowa
Conception (SCR) N/A DPR -0.7
MOB +0.3
Sire: scharz bs presidnt alibaba *tm Dam: hilltop acres td jess et ‘2E 90’ 2-07 324d 3x 26,860 4.5 1,201 3.4 909 3-07 365d 3x 36,430 4.6 1,686 3.7 1,354 4-11 305d 3x 33,055 4.3 1,411 3.8 1,238 MGD: hilltop acres dty jazzy ‘3E 91’ 6-02 365d 3x 45,230 4.9 2,234 3.7 1,696 9-01 365d 3x 36,070 5.8 2,107 3.7 1,340 Lifetime: 2,706d 229,953m 11,756f 9,019p little hill jackson mango Owned by Little Hill Farm, Pennsylvania
G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
Brookings x Denver x Jolt ■ Consistent Results: Breeders Want More Daughters! ■ Daughter Fertility, Milk, Protein & Dairy Strength. switzer tals brkngs desi *TM ■ 68136748 ■ aAa 315 ■ Kap Cas: AB G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
0.9 T 0.4 S 0.5 O 1.8 S 0.3 W 0.2 S 0.6 S 0.4 S -0.8 W -0.2 L 0.4 W -0.9 D 0.9 S 2.1 C -2.3 S
BH2 Positive
FAT PROTEIN +16 / -.09% +30 / +.01%
PPR 128
PROD. 85%R 85 DTRS/65 HRDS TYPE 79%R PL +2.7
UDC +0.26
Milking Speed 107 CE 4.5%
SCS 2.96
TYPE +0.5
robland desi dora Owned by The Landgraf’s, Missouri
Conception (SCR) N/A
NM$ $286
DPR +1.4
MOB +0.3
Sire: r n r payoff brookings et *tm
M AT I N G G U I D E + Teat Size & Plcmnt + Udder Cleft + Dairy Strength Rear Legs-Some Set & Rump Angle-Slope
Dam: switzer tals dnvr disabel ‘2e 92 E 91 MS’ 4-07 361d 2x 38,080 3.7 1,426 3.3 1,264 5-08 365d 2x 38,790 3.8 1,488 3.4 1,319 7-01 365d 2x 38,230 3.7 1,418 3.3 1,252 Lifetime: 2,289d 213,159m 8,359f 7,154p MGD: switzer tals jolt delani ‘3E 90 E 90 MS’ 5-09 365d 2x 39,190 3.8 1,508 3.1 1,202 Lifetime: 2,894d 252,872m 9,921f 7,933p
switzer tals desi delmona Owned by Switzer Tals Farm, Wisconsin
Payoff x Denmark x Prophet ■ Daughters Make Him HALL OF FAME Worthy! ■ Profitable Cows, Show Winners & Herd Favorites. r n r payoff brookings et *TM ■ aAa 642513 ■ DMS 345,135 ■ Kap Cas.: AB G-iB -1.5
+T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
0.4 T 1.1 S -0.8 T 0.7 S 0.3 W 0.2 S 0.0 S 0.6 S 1.2 S 0.3 H -0.6 N 0.3 S 0.2 S 0.8 C -1.0 S
M AT I N G G U I D E + Fore Udder + Udder Depth + Rear Udder Ht & Wd -Dairy Form + Strength Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Slope
BH2 Positive
FAT PROTEIN +24 / +.05% +28 / +.08%
PPR 162
PROD. 99%R 3885 DTRS/1984 HRDS TYPE 98%R PL +5.7
UDC +0.31
Milking Speed 103
SCS 2.74
TYPE +0.8
Conception (SCR) +3.2
autumn creek brook frisky (2nd lactation) 3rd Place 4-Year-Old Eastern National Show 2016 Owned by Richard & Amiee Love, Pennsylvania
CE 4.0% NM$ $467 DPR +2.9 MOB +0.3 Sire: R HART BC COLLECTION *TM Sire: triangle acres po payoff et
Dam: r n r denmark brooke ‘3E 94’ 3-10 296d 2x 27,410 4.0 1,098 3.4 883 4-09 365d 2x 34,920 4.3 1,510 3.5 1,145 7-05 365d 2x 35,440 4.0 1,400 3.4 1,125 Nominated All-American 2003 MGD: R N R PROPHET BRANDY ‘E 90’ 4-02 365d 2x 25,430 4.3 1,086 3.4 838 Due to BROOKINGS’s BH2 status do not use him on Daughters or Maternal Grandaughters of: PREMIUM, LEGACY, POMERE, SOLUTION, GALAXY, TOTAL, Zoldo Zeus, TRACE, PAYOFF, COLLECTION, CAMELOT, BOSEPHUS, BOSS, DESTINATE, DAMIAN, GIB, GIL, ZACH, RAVEN, PRIZE, PREMIER, MICA, ZIPPER,PUZZLE, KINGSMAN AUSTIN, GOLDRUSH, DEPUTY, PLATINUM, TALENT, MAGIC
wil-rene brookings sal (2nd lactation) Grand Champion Oregon State Fair 2016 Owned by Wil-Rene Farm, Oregon
G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
Double Dare
Joel x TD x Vance ■ Tremendous Type, Great Udders & Strong Frames! ■ Outcross Opportunities & Farm Favorites. fjel-mar joel double dare et *tM ■ 68122123 ■ aAa 135 ■ Kappa Casein: AB G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
2.2 T 0.3 S 1.7 O -0.2 H 0.4 W 0.6 S 0.5 S 0.3 S 0.7 S 1.6 H 1.3 W 0.9 S 0.2 S 0.7 C -0.4 S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
FAT PROTEIN +28 / +.10% +22 / +.07%
PPR 111
PROD. 88%R 54 DTRS/31 HRDS TYPE 82%R PL +0.2
UDC +1.10
Milking Speed 105 CE 5.1%
NM$ $199
SCS 2.90
curvecrest dbl dare alpha twin Owned by Kristin Erf, Minnesota
TYPE +1.0
Conception (SCR) N/A DPR +0.1
MOB +0.6
Sire: red brae daa ace joel *tm Dam: hilltop acres dandelion ‘2e 91 e 91’ 3-06 365d 3x 38,560 5.0 1,919 3.4 1,314 5-05 365d 3x 35,770 4.8 1,702 3.6 1,285 Lifetime: 1,663d 144,913m 6,805f 5,122p
M AT I N G G U I D E + Rear Udder Ht & Wd + Size & Dairy Strength + Udder Depth & Cleft
MGD: HILLTOP ACRS V DAPHNE ‘V 86’ 4-06 305d 3x 31,700 4.9 1,568 3.9 1,229 Lifetime: 1,628d 122,710m 5,862f 4,806
Rear Legs-Some Set & Rump Angle-Level
hilltop acres dbl dare jaffa Owned by Hilltop Acres, Iowa
President (D) x Even x Preston ■ One Of The World’s All-Time Best Bulls! ■ World Wide Daughters Still Making the Right Kind. sun-made vigor et *tM ■ aAa 165 ■ DMS 456,345 ■ beta Cas: A2/A2 BH1 Positive G-iB -1.5
+T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
0.2 T -0.1 W 0.0 O 0.6 S -0.5 N 0.4 S 0.1 S 0.2 S 0.9 S 1.7 H 0.0 W 0.7 S 0.9 S 2.2 C 0.1 L
M AT I N G G U I D E + Rear Udder Ht & Wd + Fore Udder + Udder Cleft & Depth - Pin Width + Foot Angle Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Some Slope
FAT -5 / -.07%
PROTEIN +12 / +.01%
PPR 94
PROD. 99%R 23438DTRS/8442HRDS TYPE 99%R PL +5.8
UDC +1.06
Milking Speed 105 CE 5.2%
NM$ $287
SCS 2.87
TYPE +0.5
ie champion view vigor 3849 5th Lactation & Over 216,000 Lifetime Milk! Owned by Jo Bo Holsetins, Pennsylvania
Conception (SCR) N/A DPR +1.1
MOB +0.4
Sire: Lost Elm President ET(D) ‘Superior Sire’ Dam: Genesis Even Victoria ET ‘2E-93’ 2-04 365c 3x 26,080 4.1 1,057 3.9 959 3-06 365d 3x 28,610 3.6 1,024 4.1 1,104 6-05 365d 2x 36,530 4.3 1,558 3.9 1,348 MGD: GENESIS PRESTON VERONICA ‘2E-90’ 5-01 365d 3x 27,720 3.6 991 3.6 945 7-06 365d 3x 30,030 3.7 1,124 3.2 887 vigor mariza Owned by Stocker Rolf, Switzerland
G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
Brookings x TD x Denver ■ Leading DPR, Longevity & Profit Potential! ■ Superior Fat, High Milk & Proven Pedigree.
switzer tals brkngs dewey *tM ■ 68138137 ■ aAa 432 ■ Kap Casein: AB G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
-0.6 T 0.3 S -0.1 T 0.7 S -0.2 N 0.2 S 0.0 S 0.6 S -0.6 W -0.4 L -0.1 N -1.0 D 0.4 S 0.2 C -1.3 S
BH2 Positive
FAT PROTEIN +56 / +.07% +38 / +.03%
PPR 192
PROD. 80%R 28 DTRS/19 HRDS TYPE 72%R PL +4.2
UDC -0.24
Milking Speed 102 CE 3.5%
NM$ $514
SCS 3.02
TYPE +0.2
Conception (SCR) N/A DPR +2.9
MOB +0.5
Sire: r n r payoff brookings et *tm Dam: switzer tals td dewzee ‘v 85’ 3-03 350d 2x 27,580 4.4 1,226 3.1 854 5-05 365d 2x 29,990 4.5 1,335 3.2 953 Lifetime: 1,500d 113,240m 5,007f 3,590p MGD: switzer tals denver disabel ‘2E 92 ’ 7-01 365d 2x 38,230 3.7 1,418 3.3 1,252 Lifetime: 2,289d 213,159m 8,359f 7,154p
jo bo dewey whistle Owned by Jo Bo Farm, Pennsylvania M AT I N G G U I D E + Udder Cleft + Strength & Balance + Teat Size & Plcmnt
- Size
Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Slope
Beamer x Pronto x Gordon ■ Superior Components & Cows That Last! ■ Making Profitable Cows for 9 Years.
cozy nook beamer torch *tM ■ 198625 ■ aAa 654213 ■ DMS 561,456 G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
-2.1 S -0.1 W -1.0 T -0.5 H 0.1 W 0.0 S -0.3 P -0.1 I 0.7 S -0.3 L -0.7 N 0.3 S -0.1 W -1.3 W -1.1 S
FAT PROTEIN +32 / +.10% +26 / +.08%
PPR 127
PROD. 96%R 270 DTRS/91 HRDS TYPE 93%R PL +3.6
UDC -0.28
Milking Speed 103 CE 6.1%
NM$ $361
SCS 2.61
TYPE -0.1
Conception (SCR) +1.6 DPR +2.1
MOB -0.2
Sire: emic gord beamer *tw *tm Dam: cozy nook pronto twylight ‘2E-92’ 4-01 365d 2x 39,680 4.0 1,569 3.3 1,303 Lifetime: 3,548d 304,681m 13,170f 10,703p MGD: cozy nook gordon twyla et ‘V-88’ 3-11 365d 2x 37,840 4.5 1,692 3.5 1,306 Lifetime: 2,362d 201,640m 9,046f 7,002p
onword vitalis *tM G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
-0.7 S 0.1 S -0.6 T 0.0 S -0.1 N 0.1 S 0.3 S 0.0 S 0.4 S -0.7 L -0.5 N 0.2 S -0.2 W -0.2 W -0.6 S
M AT I N G G U I D E + Fore Udder + Strength & Balance + Udder Depth
- Size
Rear Legs-Straight & Rump Angle-High
Driver x TD x Jetway (*M) ■ Breed Leader for Fat, NM$ & Profitable Cows! ■ High PPR & The Breed’s Best for Calving Ease.
68119051 0
hilltop acres torch kaijs 2nd lactation Dam Of 54Bs547 Kobe Owned by Hilltop Acres, Iowa
■ 1.5
aAa 342
Beta Casein: A2/A2 ■ DMS 561,456
FAT PROTEIN +64 / +.26% +26 / +.10%
PPR 141
PROD. 88%R 67 DTRS/37 HRDS TYPE 80%R PL +2.7
UDC -0.25
Milking Speed 104 CE 3.7%
NM$ $450
SCS 2.95
TYPE -0.2
Conception (SCR) +0.2 DPR +0.6
MOB +0.0
Sire: hilltop acres h driver et *tm Dam: onword td vitality ‘e 90’ 1-11 365d 2x 26,200 4.3 1,132 3.4 889 3-02 365d 2x 29,520 4.5 1,333 3.7 1,093 4-04 365d 2x 33,730 4.5 1,521 3.4 1,147 5-07 365d 2x 38,290 4.2 1,607 3.4 1,314 Lifetime: 1,856d 162,420m 7,163f 5,783p
eachibon bliss v blythe Owned by The Weihrouch Family, Wisconsin M AT I N G G U I D E + Fore Udder + Feet & Legs + Udder Depth
- Size
Rear Legs-Some Set & Rump Angle-Level
G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
Nemo x Ensign x Banker ■ #1 for G-UDC & #3 G- Type. ■ Show-Winning Daughters!
54BS539 *TM jo-dee nemo richard *TM ■ Reg-68155420 ■ aAa 453 G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
2.4 T 0.7 S 1.9 O -0.8 H 1.2 W 0.5 S -0.2 P 0.5 S 1.1 S 2.9 H 1.5 W 1.3 S 1.2 S 0.4 C 0.6 L
FAT +4 / -.11%
PROTEIN +10 / -.05%
PPR 78
PROD. 64%R TYPE 65%R Conception (SCR) N/A PL +2.8 CE 6.5%
UDC +1.71
SCS 2.95
TYPE +1.3
NM$ $124
DPR +0.1
MOB +0.5
Sire: jo-dee prelude nemo et *TM Dam: jo-dee ensign rosebud ‘2E 93 E 92 MS’ 5-11 365d 2x 30,280 3.6 1,085 3.3 988 All-American 2013 & 2X HM All-American 5X Nominated All-American MGD: jo-dee banker rose ‘2E 92 E 92 MS’ 3-09 365d 2x 33,080 4.1 1,347 3.3 1,102 Lifetime: 2,194d 182,680m 7,613f 6,407p Nominated All-American 2009
richard dtr: peach kist richard brynn 5th Place Fall Calf World Dairy Expo 2016 Owned by Jenna Smith-Lenhart, Pennsylvania M AT I N G G U I D E + Size & Dairy Strength + Fore Udder + Udder Depth & Cleft + Rear Udder Ht & Wd Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Level
Winning Formula
Jongleur x Glenn x Agenda ■ From the 2015 & 2016 WDE Champion & Sexed! *TM ■ Daughters Leaving Their Mark in the Show Ring!
brown heaven winning formula et *tM ■ 107362998 ■ aAa 351 ■ Beta Cas: A2/A2 G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
1.8 T 1.5 S -1.3 T 0.3 S 0.3 W 0.4 S -0.4 P 0.0 S 1.7 S 0.9 H -1.0 N 1.6 S 0.4 S 1.2 C -1.2 S
FAT +1 / +.00%
PROTEIN +0 / +.00%
PPR 15
PROD. 64%R TYPE 62%R Conception (SCR) N/A PL -0.8 CE 5.4%
UDC +0.63
SCS 2.92
TYPE +0.6
NM$ $19
DPR +0.8
MOB -0.3
Sire: jolahofs polo jongleur et Dam: brown heaven glenn fantasy ‘E 95’ 2-04 365d 2x 23,104 4.2 974 3.7 866 4-00 365d 2x 30,091 3.8 1,151 3.6 1,096 Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2015 & 2016 Res. Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2014 All-American ‘12, ‘14 & ‘15 & Res. All-American ‘13 Grand Champion Royal Winter Fair 2013 All-Canadian 2012, 2013 & 2014
winNing formula dtr: blessing formula flourish 3rd Place Spring Calf World Dairy Expo 2016 Owned by Blessing Farm, Indiana M AT I N G G U I D E + Fore Udder + Udder Depth & Cleft + Rear Udder Height + Size & Dairy Strength Rear Legs-Straight & Rump Angle-Level
Wonderment x Wagor x Cartoon ■ 1st Crop Dtrs. Calving & Look Promising! ■ Super Type From USA’s first E 95 Cow.
54BS521 cutting edge w kingsman *TM ■ 68145429 ■ aAa 231 ■ Kappa Casein: BB BH2 Positive G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
0.5 T -0.7 W 1.2 O -0.7 H -0.3 N -0.1 L 0.6 S 0.1 S 1.9 S 1.6 H 0.9 W 1.3 S -0.7 W 0.5 C 0.3 L
FAT PROTEIN +19 / +.05% +12 / +.03%
PPR 87
PROD. 74%R 11 DTRS/8 HRDS TYPE 67%R PL +1.9
UDC +1.07
Milking Speed N/A CE 4.4%
NM$ $229
SCS 2.78
TYPE +0.7
Conception (SCR) N/A DPR +0.3
MOB +0.2
Sire: top acres c wonderment et *tm Dam: eloc wagor kandid ‘3E 95 E 95 MS’ 3-02 221d 2x 14,387 3.8 549 3.7 529 4-03 365d 2x 23,483 4.1 975 3.7 859 Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2014 Grand Champion Southeastern Nat’l Show 2015 All-American 2014 All-Canadian & Nom All-American 2012 MGD: eloc cartoon kara ‘E 90 E 90 MS’ 6-05 365d 2x 26,204 3.7 982 3.5 915 Lifetime: 1,841d 117,588m 4,594f 4,103p
kingsman dtr: dan-maur z kingsman saphire 1st Place Yrlg in Milk Northwest Nat’l Show 2016 Owned by Dan-Maur Farm, Washington M AT I N G G U I D E + Rear Udder Ht/Wd + Fore Udder + Dairyness & Style
- Strength
Rear Legs-Some Set & Rump Angle-High
54BS528 Amber Rae Temtation DALHART *TM Reg# 68146277 CE% 5.2 aAa: 153 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S:Cozy Nook Joel Temtation ET *TM D: Amber Rae Puzzles Dallas ‘2E 91’ 4-11 365d 3x 37,450 4.2 1,563 3.0 1,142 54BS543 Switzer Tals Cdnc DANE ET *TM Reg# 68156270 CE % 4.4 aAa: 315 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Shiloh Brookings Cadence ET *TM D: Switzer Tals Alibaba Davos ‘V 86’. 3-04 365d 2x 30,201 4.8 1,458 3.5 1,054
dan maur z kingsman finesse daughter of 54bs521 kingsman 2nd Place Yrlg In Milk NW Nat’l 2016 Owned by Dan-Maur Farm, Washington
54BS558 Hilltop Acres B DAREDEVIL *TM Reg#840003012559129 CE % 4.9 aAa: 261 Beta Casein: A2/A2 DMS: 126,561 S: Shiloh Jackson Brady ET *TM D: Hilltop Acres Bose Dixiland ET ‘V 88 E 90 MS’ 2-01 365d 3x 32,557 4.7 1,548 3.9 1,159 54BS544 Switzer Tals Pyssli DARIO ET *TM Reg# 68156800 CE % 4.8 aAa: 435 DMS: N/A S: Payssli ET D: Switzer Tals Alibaba Davos ‘V 86’ 3-04 365d 2x 30,201 4.8 1,458 3.5 1,054 54BS526 Hilltop Acres CT DAVENPORT ET *TM Reg# 68146682 DMS: 561,135 CE% 4.5 BH1 Positive Beta Casein: A2/A2 aAa: 423 S: Voelkers TD Carter *TM D: Hilltop Acres V Dolly ET ‘E 91’ 3-07 3x 365d 29,850 4.7 1,416 3.9 1,158 54BS536 Switzer Tals Desi DELPHI Twin *TM Reg# 68154441 CE% 4.7 aAa: 135 DMS: N/A S: Switzer Tals Brkngs Desi *TM D: Switzer Tals Drivr Delora ‘V 85’ 3-04 365d 2x 25,485 4.5 1,148 3.6 905
blessing formula flower daughter of 54bs548 winning formula 6th Spring Calf World Dairy Expo 2016 Owned by Blessing Farm, Indiana
54BS510 Forest Lawn DB DEPUTY ET *TM Reg# 68139092 BH2 Positive DMS: N/A aAa: 234 CE %: 4.3 S: R N R Payoff Brookings ET *TM D: Forest Lawn Ransom Dice ET ‘2E 91’ Lifetime: 2,649d 239,640m 8,792f 7,636p 54BS529 Switzer Tals Alimoney DIRK ET *TM Reg# 68147126 CE% 4.8 aAa: 234 DMS:N/A S: R Hart V A Alimoney ET *TM D: Switzer Tals Dnvr Disabel ‘2E 92’ 5-08 365d 2x 38,970 3.8 1,488 3.4 1,319
54BS531 Cozy Nook Carter ALEUTIAN *TM Reg# 68150045 CE% 5.5 aAa: 435 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Voelkers TD Carter *TM D: Cozy Nook Scipio Aleut ‘V 88’ 3-09 341d 2x 28,190 4.9 1,376 4.0 1,127 54BS551 Bittersweet Carter ben *TM Reg# 68159896 CE% 4.7 aAa: 162 DMS: N/A S: Voelkers TD Carter *TM D: Bittersweet Galaxy Bella ‘EX 90; 3-05 305d 20,793 3.8 795 3.6 747 54BS535 Shiloh Jackson BRADY ET *TM Reg# 72341784 CE% 5.3 aAa: 342 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Hilltop Acres Ali Jackson ET *TM D: Sun-Made SD Wonder Brenda ‘ 2E 91’ 3-05 3x 392d 47,290 4.7 1,943 3.6 1,581 54BS555 Kulp-Terra Parade CAR *NP *TM Reg# 68164593 CE% 4.1 aAa: 342 DMS: N/A S: Friedens Parade NP D: Voelkers Brook Cara ‘V 89 E 90 MS’ @ 2 yrs. 2-06 321d 2x 24,779 4.4 1,090 3.5 871
54BS518 Fjel-Mar Vasir DOUBLE DELUX ET *TM Reg# 68139284 DMS: N/A aAa: 423 CE %: 6.1 S: Vasir D: Hilltop Acres Dandelion ‘2E 91 Lifetime: 1,663d 144,913m 6,805f 5,122p 54BS537 Hilltop Acres CP DUPONT Twin *TM Reg# 68153946 CE% 5.9 SDM Positive aAa: 342 S: Voelkers Wndt Chili Pepper *TM D: Hilltop Acres DV Delilah ET ‘ V88’ 3-01 305d 3x 30,408 4.1 1,213 3.9 1,184 54BS554 Hilltop Acres Huray DUNDEE ET *TM Reg# 68163022 CE% 5.1 aAa: 432 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Huray *TM D: Hilltop Acres Dv Delilah ET ‘ 3-01 347d 3x 33,800 4.1 1,375 3.9 1,324 54BS559 Lentreroche Biver FLASH *TM Reg# 109109707 CE% 6.2 aAa: 342 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Scherma Blooming Biver *TM D: Lentreroche Vigor Flower ‘V 86” @ 2 yrs. 1-11 305d 2x 20,404 4.3 877 3.7 761
54BS557 BMG Lust GET LUCKY ET *TM Reg# 68170100 CE% 4.2 aAa: 351 SCR +2.5 DMS: 135,345 S: Huray D: Harts Lady Lust ‘E 90 E 90 MS’ 5-01 365d 3x 37,783 4.7 1,781 3.1 1,169 54BS545 Hilltop Acres Cad JUBLATION *TM Reg# 68157233 CE% 4.9 aAa: 513 DMS:N/A S: Shiloh Brookings Cadence ET *TM D: Fair Hill Vigor Jan ET ‘V89 E 91 MS’ 3-01 305d 3x 30,047 3.9 1,196 3.6 1,079 54BS521 Cutting Edge KINGSMAN *TM Reg # 68145429 CE% 4.4 BH2 Positive DMS: N/A aAa: 231 S: Top Acres C Wonderment ET *TM D: Eloc Wagor Kandid ‘3E 95’ 4-03 365d 2x 23,483 4.1 975 3.7 859 Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2014
54BS515 Cherry Crest D PLATINUM *TM Reg# 68135769 BH2 Positive CE% 5.0 aAa: 123 DMS: N/A S: Hilltop Acres H Driver ET *TM D: Brothers Three Pnutbutercup ‘V 86’ @ 2 yrs. 2-01 301d 2x 19,365 3.5 686 2.9 569 54BS546 Hilltop Acres Desi PRICE *TM Reg# 68157232 CE% 5.3 aAa: 351 DMS: N/A S: Switzer Tals Brkngs Desi *TM D: Snow Valley Vigor Priceless ‘2E 91’ 4-07 365d 3x 35,420 4.4 1,563 3.4 1,216 54BS533 Hillpoint SV Tempting REBEL *TM Reg# 68148631 CE% 4.7 aAa: 132 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Cozy Nook J Temtation ET *TM D: Rosina Nesta Reba ET ‘V 88’ 2-02 365d 2x 31,478 2.9 944 3.4 1,087 Nominated All-American 2013
54BS547 Hilltop Acres JK KOBE ET *TM Reg# 68158961 CE% 5.7 aAa: 231 DMS: N/A S: Hilltop Acres Ali Jackson ET *TM D: Hilltop Acres T Kaijsa “2E 92” 4-04 365d 3x 36,920 5.4 1,981 3.9 1,455
54BS539 Jo-Dee Nemo RICHARD *TM Reg# 68155420 CE% 6.5 aAa: 453 DMS: N/A S: Jo-Dee Prelude Nemo ET *TM D: Jo-Dee Ensign Rosebud ‘2E 92’ All-American Aged Cow 2013 & 4x Nominated 5-11 365d 2x 30,280 3.6 1,085 3.3 988
54BS556 R N R A KYRIE *TM Reg# 840003013267197 CE% 4.3 aAa: 462 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Oak View Xeus August *TM D: R N R Wonderment Boardwalk ‘V 89 E 90 MS’ 3-04 365d 2x 36,640 4.6 1,693 3.3 1,193
54BS553 Cortland Jackson ROSCOE ET *TM Reg# 68162176 CE% 4.4 aAa: 132 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Hilltop Acres Ali Jackson ET *TM D: Alegria Monarch Renee ‘2E 91 E 91 MS’ 4-08 365d 2x 43,890 3.3 1,440 2.9 1,276
54BS552 BMG Jackson LAWMAN *TM Reg# 840003014530226 CE% 5.7 aAa: 342 DMS: N/A S: Hilltop Acres Ali Jackson ET *TM D: BMG Luck Be A Lady ‘E 90’ 3-06 365d 3x 30,326 4.2 1,283 3.4 1,033
54BS524 Pit-Crew Brook TALENT ET *TM Reg# 68144288 BH2 Positive CE% 4.6 aAa: 315 DMS: N/A S” R N R Payoff Brookings ET *TM D: Pit-Crew Wonder Tada ‘E 91’ Reserve All-American 2011 2-01 305d 2x 15,260 3.7 560 3.0 457
54BS541 Twinkle-Hill Nelgor LEXUS *TM Reg# 72973214 CE% 5.3 aAa: 135 DMS: N/A S: Alders Wagor Nelgor *TM D: Twinkle-Hill Agio Lolita ‘E 90” 3-05 365d 2x 33,184 4.8 1,584 3.4 1,136 54BS562 BMG Biver LIBERATE *TM Reg# 840003014530348 CE% 4.2 aAa: 234 DMS: N/A S: Scherma Blooming Biver *TM D: BMG Brook Luck Be A Lady ‘E 90 E 91 MS’ 3-06 365d 3x 30,326 4.2 1,283 3.4 1,033 54BS522 Wapsi-Ana Brook MAGIC Twin Reg # 68142826 BH2 Positive CE% 4.0 aAa: 531 DMS: N/A S: R N R Payoff Brookings ET *TM D: Wapsi-Ana Zeus Molly ‘E 91’ 4-05 304d 3x 42,570 4.7 1,994 3.3 1,403 54BS560 Little Hill Dupont MOSES Twin *TM Reg# 840003128652025 CE % 5.3 aAa: 423 DMS: N/A S: Hilltop Acres CP Dupont Twin *TM D: Little Hill Brookings Mocha ‘V 88’ 3-01 3x 30,693 4.5 1,389 3.5 1,085 54BS530 Olsons Mel Pay MPOWERED ET *TM Reg# 68147387 CE% 7.8 aAa: 135 DMS: N/A S: Payssli ET *TM D: Olsons Brinks Melody *TM ‘2E 92’ Lifetime: 2,702d 240,910m 11,002f 8,597p 54BS534 Triangle Acres Drbl PEGASUS *TM Reg# 68149162 BH1 Positive CE% 4.6 aAa: 351 DMS: N/A S: Hilltop Acres W Durable ET *TM D: Triangle Acres Dally Pisces ‘2E 91’ 3-05 365d 2x 26,880 4.3 1,158 3.7 989
54BS542 Holyland TEMPO ET *TM Reg# 840003004509691 CE% 4.2 aAa: 423 DMS: N/A S: Huray D; Cozy Nook Joel Tipsy ‘E 90 E 91 MS’. 4-09 365d 3x 36,870 4.3 1,596 3.4 1,264 54BS548 Brown Heaven WINNING FORMULA *TM Reg# 107362998 CE% 5.4 aAa: 351 Beta Casein: A2/A2 S: Jolahofs Polo Jongleur D: Brown Heaven Glenn Fantasy ‘EX 95’
4-00 305d 2x 27,130 3.7 1,008 3.6 970 Grand Champion World Dairy Expo 2015 & 2016
D I SCL A I M E R O F W A RR A N T Y A N D L I M I T A T I O N O F L I A B I L I T Y Availability of all semen is subject to change without notice. Semen is collected, processed and stored in accordance with sound recognized practices. Neither New Generation Genetics, Inc. (NGG) nor owners of bulls leased to NGG nor its employees or agents shall be liable after delivery for any injury or disease caused to any persons, animals or property through the use or handling of the semen. NGG does not guarantee semen to be free of genetic recessives. NGG does not guarantee the fertility capacity of any semen. No warranty of any kind is inferred except to sell and convey good title. Any other warranty is hereby disclaimed. Should a breach of any NGG warranty be deemed by applicable court of law, the purchaser’s exclusive remedy shall be limited to replacement of semen or refund of payment at NGG’s option and NGG shall not be liable for any consequential or additional damages or expenses. All rankings based on NAAB Active List ALL %P ARE SHOWN IN TOTAL PROTEIN Product of the USA
G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
*TM Brady x Bosephus x Glenn ■ #1 Type & #2 Udder Composite & The HOTTEST Bull to Ever Hit the Market! ■ The Dairy Dream: Top Type, #10 G-PPR, High Production & Super Health Traits. hilltop acres b daredevil et *tm ■ 840003012559129 ■ aAa 261 ■ Beta Cas: A2/A2
G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
1.9 T 0.7 S 0.7 O 0.3 S -0.1 N 1.0 S -0.6 P 0.3 S 2.5 S 1.9 H 0.5 W 1.5 S 0.9 S 1.9 C -0.9 S
FAT +37 / -.07%
PROTEIN +36 / -.03%
PPR 185
PROD. 60%R TYPE 61%R Conception (SCR) N/A PL +5.0 CE 4.9%
UDC +1.65
SCS 2.84
TYPE +1.6
NM$ $484
DPR -0.1
MOB -0.1
Sire: shiloh jackson brady et *tm Dam: hilltop acres bose dixiland et ‘ v 88 E 90 ms‘ @ 2 yrs. old 2-01 365d 3x 32,557 4.7 1,548 3.9 1,159
Get Lucky
MGD: hilltop acres gln dignity et ‘e 90’ 1-09 305d 3x 24,640 4.2 1,025 3.5 859 4-02 305d 3x 30,960 4.6 1,435 3.6 1,121
dam: hilltop acres bose dixiland et ‘v 88 e 90 ms’ M AT I N G G U I D E + Size & Dairy Strength + Udder Depth & Cleft + Rear Udder Ht & Wd + Fore Udder Rear Legs-Straight & Rump-Some Slope
*TM Huray x Wonderment x Prestige ■ The #1 G-PPR Bull in the Breed & Now the Highest Bull Available in Sexed Semen! ■ A Profit Machine: #1 for Fat & Protein, Milk, NM$, Positive Health Traits & Type. bmg lust get lucky et *tm ■ 68170100 ■ aAa 351 ■ Kappa Casein: AB
G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
2.8 T 0.7 S 0.2 O 0.3 S 0.0 W 0.1 S 0.1 S -0.1 I 0.2 S 0.7 H 0.1 W -0.4 D -0.4 W 0.7 C 1.5 L
FAT +61 / -.09%
PROTEIN +56 / -.05%
PPR 217
PROD. 60%R TYPE 60%R Conception (SCR) +2.5 PL +1.7 CE 4.2%
UDC +0.18
SCS 3.15
TYPE +0.6
NM$ $424
DPR +0.6
MOB +0.0
dam: harts lady lust et ‘e 90 e 90 ms’
Sire: huray Dam: harts lady lust et ‘E 90 E 90 ms‘ 2-01 365d 3x 37,330 4.2 1,580 3.3 1,226 5-01 365d 3x 37,783 4.7 1,781 3.1 1,169 MGD: bail-mik p lady liberty et ‘e 91 e 91 ms’ 7-03 305d 2x 44,770 3.8 1,680 3.2 1,450 Lifetime: 1,046d 104,810m 4,337f 3,607p
M AT I N G G U I D E + Size & Strength + Feet & Legs -Teat Length + Rear Udder Height + Fore Udder Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump-Some Slope
*NP *TM Parade *NP x Brookings x Wonderment ■ The Best Pedigreed POLLED BULL on the Market From CARTER’s Family! ■ Tremendous Components and %, Great Udders, Longevity & Best for PPR & NM$. 54BS555
kulp-terra parade car et *tm *NP ■ 68164593 ■ aAa 324 ■ Kappa Casein: AB G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
0.4 T 0.6 S 0.5 O -0.3 H -0.4 N 0.0 S 0.0 S 0.3 S -0.3 W 0.5 H 0.4 W 0.0 S 0.7 S 0.8 C -0.6 S
FAT PROTEIN +39 / +.06% +28 / +.03%
PPR 136
PROD. 64%R TYPE 63%R Conception (SCR) N/A PL +3.2 CE 4.1%
UDC +0.40
SCS 2.84
TYPE +0.4
NM$ $356
DPR -0.4
MOB +0.2
Sire: friedens parade np Dam: voelkers brook cara ‘v 89 E90 MS‘@ 2 yrs. 2-06 321d 2x 24,779 4.4 1,090 3.5 871 MGD: voelkers wment carabella ‘e 90’ 2-03 364d 2x 20,600 4.7 972 3.6 741 3-04 334d 2x 22,510 4.2 951 3.3 741 4-05 365d 2x 32,300 4.2 1,368 3.4 1,106 Dam of 54BS482 CARTER & 54BS505 COSMO
Dam: voelkers brook cara ‘v 89 e 90 MS’ @ 2 yrs. M AT I N G G U I D E + Udder Cleft + Dairy Strength + Rear Udder Ht & Wd -Pin Width + Teat Placement Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump-Some High
G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
Carter x Vigor x Premium ■ aAa 423 ■ Beta Casein: A2/A2 BH1 Positive 12/16 G- CDCB PERFORMANCE MILK +427
FAT PROTEIN +15 / -.01% +15 / +.01%
+T -S
PPR +S -W 125+O -T
+S -H PROD. 66%R TYPE 66%R Conception (SCR) N/A
PL +4.6
+W -N
UDC +1.22
SCS 2.94
TYPE +0.9 +S -L
NM$ $324
DPR +3.1
MOB +0.7
CE 4.5%
+S -P
+S -I +S -W
dam: hilltop acres vigor dolly et ‘2e 92 E 93 MS’
+H -L
+W -N + Udder Cleft & Depth +S -D + Fore Udder + Rear Udder Ht & Wd +S -W +C -W Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Some Slope +L -S
G-CDCB -1.5
G-CDCB -1.5
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
1.7 T 0.0 S 1.0 O 0.2 S -0.3 N 0.3 S 0.2 S 0.3 S 1.3 S 1.6 H 0.7 W 0.8 S 0.3 S 2.0 C -0.9 S
(4th lactation photo)
Biver x Brookings x Wonderment ■ aAa 234 ■ Kappa Casein: AB 12/16 G- CDCB PERFORMANCE MILK +1076
FAT PROTEIN +38 / -.02% +40 / +.02%
+T -S
PPR +S -W 177 +O -T
+S -H PROD. 58%R TYPE 57%R Conception (SCR) N/A
PL +3.5
+W -N
UDC +0.76
SCS 2.92
TYPE +0.8 +S -L
NM$ $438
DPR +0.3
MOB +0.0
CE 4.2%
+S -P
+S -I +S -W
dam: bmg brook luck be a lady ‘E 90 E 91 ms’
+ Rear Udder Height - Udder Cleft + Fore Udder + Udder Depth Rear Legs-Straight & Rump Angle-High
+H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
1.1 T 0.4 S -0.2 T -0.4 H -0.1 N 0.3 S -0.6 P 0.0 S 1.6 S 1.5 H -0.2 N 0.7 S -0.2 W 1.1 C -0.3 S
Anibal x Jackson x Wonderment ■ Anibal Son from BRADY’s Full Sister with Loads of Potential & a Super Dam! ■ Tremendous Fat, High Production, Longevity, NM$ & Superior Udder Composite. shiloh anibal bowie *tM G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
-0.4 S -0.2 W -0.1 T 0.3 S -0.2 N 0.3 S -0.2 P 0.2 S 0.8 S 1.6 H -0.1 N 0.4 S 0.6 S 1.5 C -0.5 S
■ .75
840003133184777 1.5
aAa 354
B. Casein: A2/A2 BH1 Positive
FAT PROTEIN +43 / +.06% +28 / +.02%
PPR 151
PROD. 62%R TYPE 62%R Conception (SCR) N/A PL +4.1 CE 5.0%
UDC +0.81
SCS 2.75
TYPE +0.6
NM$ $433
DPR -0.5
Dam: shiloh jackson bridget et ‘v 88 @ 2 yrs.
Sire: scharz bs vigor anibal et *tm G-IB-M/US 12-16 PTA +632m +22f -.02% +28p +.03% Dam: shiloh jackson bridget et ‘V 88 E 90 MS’ G-CDCB 12-16 PTA +620m +30f +.02% +16p -.02% 2-05 305d 3x 24,040 4.6 1,111 3.2 768
M AT I N G G U I D E + Fore Udder + Rear Udder Height + Udder Depth & Cleft
Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Slope
MGD: sun-made sd wonder brenda ‘E 91 E 91 MS’ 2-01 365d 3x 31,220 4.2 1,326 3.4 1,050 3-05 331d 3x 35,280 4.2 1,485 3.3 1,174 Lifetime: 1,496d 137,970m 5,817f 4,661p 3rd Dam: Front Line pronto bounty et ‘E 90’ 3-02 365d 2x 32,110 4.2 1,335 3.5 1,110
mgd: sun-made sd wonder brenDa et ‘e 91
SEMEN RELEASE JANUARY 2017 G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
Dario x Cadence x Vigor ■ New Release in the Top 5 for G-PPR! ■ Profit: Elite DPR, Longevity, NM$ & Milk.
jo-lane dario hampton et *tM ■ 74300972 ■ aAa 246 ■ Kappa Casein: BB G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
0.6 T 0.7 S 0.0 O 0.1 S -0.3 N 0.6 S 0.0 S 0.3 S 1.4 S 0.9 H 0.0 W 0.8 S 0.2 S 0.6 C -0.8 S
FAT PROTEIN +31 / -.06% +40 / +.01%
PPR 214
PROD. 58%R TYPE 58%R Conception (SCR) N/A PL +7.6 CE 5.0%
UDC +0.68
SCS 2.77
TYPE +0.8
NM$ $579
DPR +3.0
Sire: switzer tals pysli dario et *tm G-cdcb 12-16 PTA +1007m +35f -.03% +40p +.03% Dam: jo-lane cadence hilary et G-CDCB 12-16 PTA +1263m +46f -.02% +43p +.00% R.I.P. 2-02 211d 3x 18,148 3.9 708 3.3 598 MGD: cutting edge v hiphi ‘V 89 E 91 MS’ 2-00 365d 3x 28,900 4.0 1,168 3.2 919 3-03 365d 3x 38,640 2.7 1,062 3.2 1,240
dam: jo-lane cadence hilary et M AT I N G G U I D E + Fore Udder + Rear Udder Height + Size & Strength
- Pin Width
Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-Level
Biver x TD x Dynasty ■ Biver Son from JACKSON’s Dam & Outcross! ■ Elite Udders, High Type, Components & DPR.
54BS561 *TM hilltop acres bv jesse et *TM ■ 840003132647435 ■ aAa 315 ■ Kappa Casein BB G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
1.1 T 0.4 S -0.1 T 0.1 S 0.1 W 0.7 S -0.7 P -0.2 I 1.4 S 1.3 H -0.1 N 1.0 S 0.1 S 0.9 C -0.5 S
FAT PROTEIN +32 / +.02% +32 / +.04%
PPR 133
PROD. 60%R TYPE 58%R Conception (SCR) N/A PL +0.6 CE 4.8%
UDC +0.77
SCS 3.10
TYPE +0.7
NM$ $272
DPR +0.8
Sire: scherma blooming biver *tm G-IB-M/US 12-16 PTA +746m +38f +.04% +41p +.07% Dam: hilltop acres td jess et ‘2E 90 E 90 MS’ G-CDCB 12-16 PTA +309m +22f +.04% +12p +.01% 3-07 365d 3x 36,430 4.6 1,686 3.7 1,354 4-11 326d 3x 34,080 4.3 1,471 3.8 1,280 Lifetime: 1,394d 129,300m 5,743f 4,731p MGD: hilltop acres dty jazzy et ‘3E 91 E 91 MS’ 6-02 365d 3x 45,230 4.9 2,234 3.7 1,696 Lifetime: 2,704d 229,950m 11,756f 9,019p
dam: hilltop acres td jess et ‘2e 90 E 90 ms’ M AT I N G G U I D E + Rear Udder Height + Udder Depth -Dairy Form + Fore Udder Rear Legs-Straight & Rump Angle-Level
Anibal x Huray x Joel ■ Outcross Sire with Unlimited Options! *TM ■ High Production, Components & Longevity.
holyland treasury 591 et *tM ■ 840003132453223 ■ aAa 135 ■ B Cas A2/A2 BH1 Positive G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S +S -W +O -T +S -H +W -N +S -L +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
1.1 T 0.2 S 0.0 O -0.5 H 0.1 W 0.0 S 0.3 S -0.2 I 0.0 S 0.2 H 0.0 W 0.2 S 1.1 S 0.6 C -0.3 S
FAT PROTEIN +38 / +.04% +32 / +.04%
PPR 140
PROD. 58%R TYPE 57%R Conception (SCR) N/A PL +1.6 CE 5.2%
UDC +0.36
SCS 2.81
TYPE +0.2
NM$ $318
DPR -0.1
Sire: scharz bs vigor anibal et *tm G-IB-M/US 12-16 PTA +632m +22f -.02% +28p +.03% Dam: holyland treasure 2352 et ‘V 85 V 85 MS’ @ 2 years old G-CDCB 12-16 PTA +1056m +41f -.01% +29p -.03% 1-09 305d 3x 25,132 4.3 1,078 3.4 860 R.I.P. 2-09 67d 3x 5,658 4.7 264 3.6 203 MGD: cozy nook joel tipsy ‘2E 91 E 90 MS’ 2-04 365d 3x 27,770 3.9 1,075 3.4 952 4-09 365d 3x 36,870 4.3 1,569 3.4 1,264
mgd: cozy nook joel tipsy et ‘2E 91 e 90 ms’ M AT I N G G U I D E + Teat Size & Plcmnt + Size & Strength + Udder Cleft & Depth Rear Legs-Ideal & Rump Angle-High
G- Indicates Genomic Enhanced Evaluation
RUW Scores
New Champion for the Collection “WATCHOUT” for this new Genomic Type Leader at #3 G-Type with so many show winnings and awards on the top and bottom side we can list them all! 54BS567 Hills Valley R
G-CDCB -1.5 +T -S
ET *TM+S -W Reg# 840003132145767 aAa: 243 Beta Casein: A2/A2 +O -T Richard son from a super young Supreme and +S -H +W -N Grandson of one of the most popular cows in the +S -L breed in the last 10 years! +S -P +S -I +S -W +H -L +W -N +S -D +S -W +C -W +L -S
Stature Strength Dairy Form Rump Angle Thurl Width Foot Angle Rear Leg Angle Rear Leg Rear View Fore Attachment Rear Udder Height Rear Udder Width Udder Depth Udder Cleft Teat Placement Teat Length
2.4 T 0.9 S 0.3 O -0.5 H 1.1 W 1.3 S -1.0 P 0.4 S 2.3 S 1.3 H 0.3 W 2.5 S 0.6 S 0.7 C -0.2 S
It has come to our attention there were some significant changes which have seriously impacted Rear Udder Width scores for bulls with large numbers of daughters in Europe. While complicated, it has seriously decreased many of these bulls. We feel this is an error in the system, and will work with CDCB and USDA-AGIL staff to rectify this for the next run. In the interim, please consider the RUW under- estimated for international bulls and bulls with large numbers of European daughters.
FAT -3 / -.06%
PROTEIN +2 / -.03%
PPR 50
Dam: Fairdale Supreme Wow ET
PL +3.7 CE 5.8%
UDC +1.32
SCS 2.94
TYPE +1.3
NM$ $37
DPR +0.7
Sire: Jo-Dee Nemo Richard *TM Dam: Fairdale Supreme Wow ET ‘ + 83 V 86 MS’ 2-03 305d 2x 19,441 4.8 933 3.6 700
MGD: Frosted Sieg Wammy ET
MGD: Frosted Sieg Wammy ET ‘2E 93 E 95 MS’ 03-08 365d 2X 31,020 4.1 1,269 3.5 1,072 05-09 301d 2X 29,490 4.5 1,321 3.3 979 Supreme Champion N.A.I.L.E. Show 2013 All-American 2012 & 2013 Reserve All-American 2011
Semen Release January 2017
Freight Costs
FOR USA CUSTOMERS ONLY As anyone that mails a letter or a package knows, all forms of shipping have increased dramatically over the last years. Our policy of free shipping in the U.S. for orders of 20 units is no longer sustainable as a result. Going forward, we will still provide free shipping, but on orders of 30 units or more. For less, there will be a very modest freight charge. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.