Index to Consignors: Abbott & Allyn................................................... 70 Miss AHA Destry at Last-ET...............9/4/2014
Eaton, Aaron...................................................... 41 Phoenix Shottbolt Kandid-TW...........6/3/2015
Oakfield Corners Dairy..................................... 28 Oakfield Lotus Lilac-ET......................9/1/2015
Abbott, Chelsea................................................ 8 St-Jacob Oklf Effortless-ET *RC........9/15/2015
Eaton, Lundy & Liddell..................................... 35 Edie’s Gold Evening............................6/18/2015
Oakfield Corners Dairy..................................... 39 Oakfield Ashley Tisdale-ET................6/3/2015
Abbott, Chelsea & Caitlyn............................... 9 Ms St-Jacob Dempsey Again............9/15/2015
Fleury Holstein.................................................. 68 Fleury Sid Lilia.....................................9/12/2014
Oakfield Corners Dairy..................................... 52 Oakfield ABS Candy-Red...................3/9/2015
Allyndale & Murphy.......................................... 31 MS Doorman Sammy .......................7/18/2015
Galton, Cooper.................................................. 3 Ms Roll-N-View Dundee Savvy-ET.....December
Penick, Cameron.............................................. 72 Comestar Hope Goldwyn-ET..............9/1/2014
Black & Meier................................................... 67 Ms Goldwyn Shazam-ET....................11/15/2014
Galton, Cooper.................................................. C Choice - Doorman x Kristina.............choice
Phoenix, Mike.................................................... 26 Valcroft Shottbolt Nadia....................9/2/2015
Black, Jamie...................................................... 80 Drentex Paige’s Petra........................9/1/2015
Harvestacre, Heffernan & Phoenix................ 69 Harvestacre Alert The Media............9/6/2014
Phoenix, Mike & Jessica.................................. 61 Dappleholm Armani Maverick..........12/3/2014
Black, Jamie...................................................... 82 Campbell TB Hired Gun Roseline-ET 6/1/2015
Heffernan,Phoenix,Black ............................... 58 Sunspark Armani Disco-Red-ET........12/31/2014
Reid & Kugler.................................................... 2 Hooby-Acers-K Lady Lovely...............12/2/2015
Borba/Sco-Lo Franchise.................................. 60 Sco-Lo-Coons Recharge Ya-ET..........12/8/2014
Hetts & Lindvent............................................... 47 Edie’s GC Everlasting ........................4/4/2015
Reid, Kyle........................................................... 5 Hobby-Acres Airlift Equal-ET.............10/5/2015
Budjon, Kietzman & Woodmansee............... 25 Budjon-JKC Goldchip Delilah.............9/2/2015
Iager, Kueffner, River Valley & St. Jacobs..... 15 Gold-Barbara Sid Beauty-ET..............9/8/2015
Savage, Chip...................................................... D Choice - GoldenDreams x Leona......choice
Comestar Holsteins.......................................... 42 Comestar Lauchate Dempsey..........6/2/2015
Jacobs................................................................ 11 Jacobs Doorman Britt-ET...................9/10/2015
Schultz................................................................ 12 Ranway Meridian Wiggle 980..........9/9/2015
Comestar Holsteins.......................................... 62 Comestar Lari Hann Goldwyn...........12/3/2014
Jacobs................................................................ 18 Jacobs Doorman Izo-ET.....................9/6/2015
Schultz................................................................ 77 Ernest-Anthony Sid Treva-ET.............9/16/2011
Comestar Holsteins.......................................... 63 Comestar Lynda Sid...........................12/2/2014
King, Jennifer.................................................... 7 Midas-Touch Alabama-ET..................9/21/2015
Sco-Lo................................................................. 13 Sco-Lo-Kruse After Luck .................9/9/2015
Conroy & Black................................................. 24 Ms Uno pending .................................September
Liddleholme...................................................... 14 Liddleholme Lotus Pending..............9/15/2015
Sco-Lo................................................................. 17 Sco-Lo-Kruse Door Louise-ET ...........9/7/2015
Conroy & Eaton................................................. 48 Larochelle Lotus Laurell-ET *RC......3/28/2015
Liddleholme...................................................... 29 Atwood Pending..................................9/1/2015
Sco-Lo & Wolf.................................................... 38 Sco-Lo Contrast Ricochet-ET.............6/8/2015
Conroy & Eaton................................................. 73 Erinwood TM Gold Robin-ET..............1/10/2013
Liddleholme...................................................... 50 Liddleholme Spark-Red.....................3/24/2015
St Jacobs............................................................ 51 Hez Ashkn Hotstreak-ET....................3/18/2015
Conroy & Eaton................................................. 76 Floydholm Admiral Gold....................7/1/2012
Liddleholme...................................................... 57 Liddleholme Thunder.........................3/1/2015
St. Jacobs & Mark St. Pierre........................... 6 STJ-PV Doorman Harp-ET...................9/24/2015
Conroy & Hill...................................................... 66 Elegance Seaver Chester...................10/4/2014
Lindale............................................................... 27 Lindale Goldendreams Korina..........9/1/2015
St. Jacobs & Mark St. Pierre........................... 36 STJ-PV Addiction Bluette-ET *RC......6/10/2015
Conroy, Eaton & Dyment................................. 71 Duckett Doorman Brook-ET..............9/3/2014
Lookout Holsteins............................................. 64 Desperle Breeze Atwood...................12/1/2014
St. Jacobs & Robert Fitzsimmons.................. 46 STJ-Fitz Attorney Cabellas.................6/1/2015
Conroy, Eaton & Galton.................................... 75 Koolait Sid Argentine.........................1/3/2012
Lookout Jerseys and Frank & Carol Borba... 81 Harmonycorner-CCC Premier Gibson 3/1/2015
St. Jacobs & Tim Abbott.................................. 30 St-Jacob Gchain All In-ET...................9/1/2015
Conroy, Eaton & Hill......................................... 53 Damibel Airlift Marisa........................3/3/2015
Luck-E Holsteins............................................... 20 Luck-E Okaliber Ashlo........................9/4/2015
St. Jacobs & Tim Abbott.................................. B Choice - Dempsey x Hezbollah.........choice
Conroy, Pat........................................................ 54 Bonaccuiel Annick Doorman............3/6/2015
Lundcrest........................................................... 32 Luncrest Wedding Drm-1713-ET......7/11/2015
Stranshome....................................................... A Choice - MAS x Jen-D Devil Tiffany-Red......... choice
Crothers, Anthony & Deb................................. 78 Underground Hazel Havre De Grace-ET 9/5/2015
Lundy, Eaton & Phoenix................................... 55 Phoenixholm Doorman Sheryl.........3/2/2015
Triple-T & Conroy .............................................. 16 Ms Beautys Black Velvet-ET..............9/8/2015
Crothers, Anthony & Deb................................. 79 Underground Ninas Nora...................9/4/2015
McEvoy, Ken & Lydia........................................ 34 Mac-Mara Golden Dream..................6/21/2015
Triple-T, Conroy & Fisher.................................. 40 Miss Marias Mysterious.....................6/3/2015
Doeberiener....................................................... 65 Signature Clarikas Wind....................12/1/2014
McEvoy, Ken & Lydia........................................ 43 Mac-Mara Defiant Showstopper.......6/2/2015
Ty-D Holsteins.................................................... 45 Ty-D Doorman Malaysia-ET...............6/1/2015
Dyment, Dave.................................................... 4 Atwood Pending..................................December
Mernl, Allan & Johana..................................... 22 Merrillea Lauth Ballerina...................9/3/2015
Vail & Budjon Farms........................................ 19 Budjon-Vail ATW Stylish-ET................9/6/2015
Dyment, Dave.................................................... 74 Idee Windbrook Delicate-ET..............9/25/2012
Meyer & Black................................................... 1 Golden Dreams Pending...................12/5/2015
Welker, Alicia Sharp & Zachary...................... 33 Hott Mess Armani Hussy...................7/2/2015
Dymentholm..................................................... 59 Charpentier McCutchen Sariette......12/22/2014
Milibro................................................................ 49 Milibro Absolute Resty-Red-ET.........3/24/2015
Windy Knoll View.............................................. 37 Windy-Knoll-View Panwind-ET..........6/9/2015
Eaton & Borba................................................... 56 Dymentholm DH Armani Coral.........3/2/2015
Murphy & Eaton................................................ 44 Oakfield Gold Chip Evita-ET...............6/1/2015
Eaton, Aaron...................................................... 21 Fairmont Doorman Dulce..................9/4/2015
Murray, Thomas & Nancy................................ 10 Muranda Octane Levi-ET....................9/11/2015 Oakfield Corners Dairy..................................... 23 Oakfield Archriv Larsen-ET................9/2/2015
Sale location: 4227 West Seneca TPKE, Syracuse NY 13215 All prices will be listed online beginning March 10th at 8:00AM. If there is more than 1 party interested in a specific lot, that lot will be auctioned off between those parties at 9:30 a.m. on March 10th. After 9:30 a.m., lots will sell at first come, first serve. Daily Social Hour: March 10-13, 4 PM till close Sale management will organize all trucking. Note: All animals are fully vaccinated, pregnancy examined and can be charted for the USA and Canada. Sale managers will test all cattle for Canada at sale managers expense. Trucking to be paid by purchaser. Terms of Sale: Cash or good check sale day. No Cattle released until payment is received unless prior arrangements have been made. Choices are 25% down sale day with balance due at calf pickup when youngest calf is 4 months of age. Buyer is subject to a $4 per day charge after youngest calf reaches four months of age. Shipping on embryo purchases is the responsibility of the buyer. For all other terms and conditions refer to the standard Holstein Association Terms and Conditions.
Sale Managers: Pat Conroy...........................260-402-4494 Aaron Eaton.........................315-857-8303 Sale Contacts: Paul Trapp............................608-332-0079 Jamie Black.........................518-353-2602 George Morasci...................209-652-7151 Scott Culbertson.................507-923-1881 Reid “Chow� Stransky........507-456-4156 Pat Lundy.............................518-932-2236 Stephan Posada.................011-521442-1560693 David Garcia........................011-521477-7295022 Evan Creek...........................301-514-4213 Rick Allyn.............................860-248-0361 Tim Abbott...........................802-238-1142 Robert Texiera.....................209-495-0367 Dave Dyment.......................905-308-1008 Anthony Liddle....................518-361-2233 Brock Liddle........................518-641-8874 Callum McKinven................819-437-7552
Sale Co-Managed by:
Jen-D Devil Tiffany-RED EX-95 2E Dam of Lot A
Choice - Mutually Agreeable Sire X Tiffany-Red Special Terms: 25% down, balance due at time of selection.
2nd Dam:
Jen-D Pred Tosha-Red VG-88 EX-MS 4-07 2x 365 31471 2.7 860
3.5 1118
Jen-D Devil Tiffany-RED USA 62918023 96%-NA
Stranshome Reid and Daria Stransky 3209 Austin Road Owatonna, MN 507-444-0071
EX-95 EEEEE 2E 2-04 2x 365 26839 4.1 1096 3.3 895 4-01 2x 365 29831 4.3 1292 3.3 992 5-04 2x 316 27119 3.9 1047 3.3 897 6-06 2x 365 36140 4.1 1473 3.3 1195 Life: 1750d 142,000 4.2 5987 3.3 4661 The only 8x All-American Red & White Nominee Senior Champion, MN State Fair R&W Show 2015 5th 125,000 lb Cow, International R&W 2015 Nominated All-American R&W Aged Cow 2014 Grand Champion, Midwest Spring Nat’l 2014 Reserve All-American Red & White Daughter/Dam 2013 Reserve All-American Red & White Produce 2013 Grand Champion Mid-East Fall Nat’l Show 2012 4x Grand Champion, Minnesota State Fair R&W Show Supreme Champion, Minnesota State Fair 2011 HM All-American Red & White Winter Yearling 2008 All-American R&W Winter Calf 2007
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Maternal sister to choice:
Strans-Jen-D Tequila-Red-ET EX-95
Grand Champion, Senior Champion, 1st 4 Yr. Old, Best Udder, International Red & White Holstein Show, 2015 1st Senior Three Year Old & BU, Intermediate Champion, Grand Champion, International R&W Holstein Show, 2014
Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92 Dam of Lot B
Choice - Dempsey x Hezbollah Special Terms: 25% down, balance due at time of pickup.
Lirr Drew Dempsey
USA 61083609 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
VG-88 EE++ (9-09) GTPI +1938G 12/2015 PTA -483M +13F +4P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.41T +1.95UDC +1.93FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah CAN 104117050 100%RHA-NA
EX-92 EEEEE (4-05) 2-03 2x 365 27190 3.4 933 3.2 878 4-03 2x 365 42050 4.4 1859 3.1 1299 Reserve All-American 4-Year-Old Cow, 2011 1st Senior 2-Year-Old & Intermediate Champion, International Holstein Show 2009 2nd 4-Year-Old, International Holstein Show 2011 1st 4-Year-Old & Grand Champion, Mid-West Spring National Show 2011 St. Jacobs ABC & Tim Abbott 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
2nd Dam:
Dubeau Lyne La Trent Huit B EX-90-CAN
1-11 2x 327 17559 4.7 817 3.4 597 2-11 2x 365 22193 4.6 1016 3.5 775 4-02 2x 365 24980 4.4 1095 3.2 806 5-05 2x 365 28582 4.3 1230 3.3 929 6-10 2x 365 27773 4.3 1205 3.3 919 Life 1787 121,087 4.4 5363 3.3 4026
3rd Dam:
Dubeau JY Antoinette VG-87-CAN
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
7-05 2x 358 27043 4.2 1148 3.2 855 Life 1945 146,111 4.0 5810 3.3 4750
T C Sanchez Kristina EX-95 Dam of Lot C
Choice - Doorman x Kristina
Choose from a minimum of 3 heifers, that will be put in for December 2016 calves. Special Terms: 25% down, balance due at time of pickup.
2nd Dam:
TC Terrason Krista EX-92-4E-CAN
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
TC Sanchez Kristina USA 9972095 100%-NA
EX-95 2-06 2x 313 24174 3.2 780 3.3 805 3-06 2x 357 26872 3.2 866 3.1 836 Nominated All-American 5-Year-Old 2015 Nominated All-Canadian 5-Year-Old 2015 3rd Five-Year-Old, International Holstein 2015 HM Grand Champ, International Jr Holstein 2015 Grand Champion, NY State Fair 2015 Sired by Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
Cooper Galton
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
10-9 2x 365 37487 3.7 1398 7-05 2x 324 33552 4.0 1347 6-06 2x 343 31874 3.6 1162 Life:(7 Lacs): 200,892 3.7 7506 Reserve Grand 2009 Frontenac 1st Aged Cow 2009 Frontenac
3.0 1133 3.3 1109 3.2 1023 3.2 6407
3rd Dam:
TC Rudolph Kristy VG-85-3YR-CAN 2* 3-03 2x 305 24833 3.5 873
3.1 761
4th Dam:
TC Astre Dawn GP-84-2YR-CAN 3-03 2x 324 28003 3.3 913
2.9 818
5th Dam:
TC Counselor Dena VG-85-3YR-CAN 3-04 2x 305 21687 3.9 838
3.5 767
6th Dam:
Trent Canal Warden Melanie VG-85-5YR-CAN 6-11 2x 365 33340 4.0 1340 3.3 1113 Life 159,436 4.0 6406 3.4 5405 Nominated All-Canadian 1988 Nominated All-American 1988
Savage-Leigh Leona-ET EX-96 2E GMD Dam of Lot D
Choice - GoldenDreams x Leona Three calves due in September. Special Terms: 25% down, balance due at time of pick-up.
2nd Dam:
Savage-Leigh Licorice-ET EX-92 EX-MS GMD DOM
Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET GBR 642262 100%-NA *TV *TL
GTPI +1969G 12/2015 PTA -711M +9F -14P 91%R 12/15 PTA +2.71T +3.18UDC +2.38FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Savage-Leigh Leona-ET USA 61604187 100%-NA *GT
Chip Savage 8728 Dollyhyde Rd Union Bridge, Maryland 21792
EX-96 EX-96-MS 2E GMD 2-02 2x 283 25120 4.1 1025 3.3 832 3-01 2x 267 25840 3.9 994 3.1 797 5-05 2x 365 42050 4.3 1796 3.2 1,343 Life: 2244 208,360 4.1 8,644 3.4 7,052 Sired by Canyon-Breeze Allen-ET Grand Champion, Eastern Fall National 2012 Supreme Champion, Maryland State Fair 2012 Res All-American 125,000 lb Cow 2012 Nom All-American 125,000 lb Cow 2014 Nom All-American 125,000 lb Cow 2013 Nominated All-American & All-Canadian 5-Year-Old 2010 HHM All-American Jr. 2-Year-Old 2007
4-02 2x 365 51220 4.3 2178 3.3 1693 Life: 1018 113,740 4.4 4968 3.4 3858 Nom. All-American Produce of Dam 2012 Nom. All-American Produce of Dam 2011 Grand Champion NY Spring Int. Show 2006 Nominated All-American 2006
3rd Dam:
Savage-Leigh Bellwood Linda EX-92 2E GMD DOM 2-10 2x 365 40241 5.8 2348 3.6 1433 Life: 1312 126,760 5.2 6576 3.2 4079 Nom. All American Jr. 3yr. 1999 Nom. Global Cow the Year 2005 & 2006
4th Dam:
Savage-Leigh Star Linda VG-87 GMD
2-02 2x 365 30891 4.0 1237 3.3 1012
5th Dam:
Savage-Leigh Glenview Linda EX-90 GMD DOM 6-08 2x 365 41819 4.6 1936 3.0 1248
6th Dam:
Savage-Leigh Lindas Chairman GP-84
5-10 2x 365 30620 3.8 1167 3.3 1013 Life: 1972d 121,550 3.9 4718 F 3.3 4013
7th Dam:
Savage-Leigh Creek Lydia VG-88 4-11 2x 344 16390 4.2 685
8th Dam:
Savage-Leigh Kate Linda VG-85
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
6-01 2x 305 19940 4.0 793
3.1 511
Cowtown Durham Grasshopper EX-92 EX-MS Dam of Lot 1
Golden Dreams Pending Pending
Born: December 5, 2015 2nd Dam:
Cowtown Gracious-ET EX-90-CAN
Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET GBR 642262 100%-NA *TV *TL
GTPI +1969G 12/2015 PTA -711M +9F -14P 91%R 12/15 PTA +2.71T +3.18UDC +2.38FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Cowtown Durham Grasshopper USA 68971957 100%-NA *TL *TD
EX-92 EEVEE (4-00) 1-11 2x 365 28630 3.5 1007 3.2 919 3-08 2x 364 37840 3.6 1367 3.2 1216 Nominated All-American Senior 3-Year-Old 2013 1st Senior 3-Year-Old, Intermediate Champion & Reserve Grand Champion, 2013 Eastern Fall National 5th Senior 3-Year-Old, World Dairy Expo 2013 Nominated All-American Milking Yearling 2011 Sired by Regancrest Elton Durham-ET
5-07 2x 365 47648 3.7 1748 3.1 1488 Superior Lactation Life 148,903 4.0 5868 3.3 4916 Nom. All-Am Milking Yearling 2009 HM All-NY Fall Yearling 2009 7th Fall Yearling in Milk, 2009 International Holstein Show 1st Sr 2yr-old & Int Champ, 2010 Central NY Holstein Show
3rd Dam:
Alliance Lee Grenadine EX-92 EX-MS 2E 2* 4-04 2x 326 27590 3.7 1016 3.2 889
4th Dam:
Loch-An Brae Astre Greedy EX-CAN-3E 2*
5-07 2x 365 30274 3.6 1085 3.3 1001 8-08 2x 365 35763 3.6 1279 3.2 1140 Lifetime 195206 3.5 6918 3.3 6378 Nom. All-Canadian as 5yr-old, 4yr-old and 3yr-old. Nominated All-Am 5yr-old & 4yr-old 3rd 4yr-old WDE 2000 All-QC 4yr-old 2001
5th Dam:
Loch-An Brae AJ Grace EX-94 3E 3*
10-10 2x 365 33080 3.6 1177 3.0 990 Lifetime 259,131 3.7 9575 3.2 8331
6th Dam:
Loch-An Brae Rocket Gina VG-86-CAN 4*
Daniel & Helene Meier & Jamie Black Fort Covington, NY 12937
11-9 2x 324 19297 3.6 686 3.3 631 Lifetime 189,435 3.5 6676 3.2 3380
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
7th Dam:
Loch-An Brae Winston Gail VG-85-CAN Lifetime 143,420 4.3 6182 3.3 1430
Curr-Vale Goldwyn Lady-L EX-94 EX-MS 2E Granddam of Lot 2
Hooby-Acers-K Lady Lovely 840 003131238802 100%-NA
Born: December 2, 2015 3rd Dam:
Four-Hills Inte Ladylily-ET VG-87
2-01 3x 305 25610 4.4 1121 3.3 837
4th Dam:
Ladyholm Leeanna EX-94 EX-MS 2E DOM
Eclipse Atwoods Archrival-ET AUS H01786521 100%-NA
GTPI +1980G 12/2015 PTA -2M +23F -1P 77%R 12/15 PTA +3.84T +2.79UDC +2.80FLC 77%R 12/15 Sired by Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET
Curr-Vale Sid Ladylike-ET USA 70357048 100%-NA
VG-85 V+V+V (2-10) Sired by Pine-Tree Sid-ET
5-00 2x 365 35294 3.7 1358 2.9 1031 Lifetime 207060 4.0 8361 3.0 6201 Nom. Jr. All-Am Jr 2yr-old 2002
5th Dam:
Ladyholm Larissa EX-95 EX-MS 3E
10-6 2x 365 27420 4.3 1178 3.2 888 Lifetime 186590 4.4 8239 3.4 6362 HM All-American 2yr-old 1998 Nom. All-American 3yr-old 1999 Nom. All-American 4yr-old 2000 Res. All-American 5yr-old 2001
6th Dam:
Ladyholm Laura EX-91 EX-MS 2E
2nd Dam:
Curr-Vale Goldwyn Lady-L EX-94 EX-MS 2E 3-04 365 34910 3.5 1236 3.2 1110 5-06 3x 365 36100 3.8 1382 3.2 1163 Lifetime 129,290 4.3 5506 3.3 4294 All-NY & Junior All-NY Aged Cow 2012 Nom. Jr. All-American 5yr-old 2011 Noah Reid & Whitney Kugler 55 Kinney Rd. Argyle, NY 12809 518-638-8642
6-0 2x 365 33220 4.1 1369 3.5 1167 Lifetime 117680 4.1 4773 3.7 4369
7th Dam:
Ladyholm MDB Alice EX-93 EX-MS 2E
7-00 2x 365 29440 4.2 1228 3.6 1049 Lifetime 185190 4.2 7686 3.5 6458
8th Dam:
Sugarcreek-VU Starlite Alysha EX-90 EX-MS 8-08 2x 365 25760 4.3 1115 3.3 862 Lifetime 126350 4.3 5457 3.5 4438
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
9th Dam:
Sugarcreek-Vu Mars Alice VG-88 3-04 2x 305 25030 3.8 960
3.6 891
Ms Roll n View Dundee Savvy-ET 840003130799886 PENDING
Born: December 2015 2nd thru 8th Dams:
Gen-I-Beq Goldwyn Saby-ET EX-94 EX-MS 2E 3-10 3x 305 45650 4.3 1960 3.0 1388 Life 1331 137,020 4.1 5627 3.1 4197 National Elite Performer
Lesperron Igniter Sabah-ET VG-86-4YR-CAN 5-10 2x 314 30970 3.3 1031 2.7 844
Regancrest Dundee-ET
USA 127640114 100% RHA-NA *TV*TL
EX-95 EEEV (6-08) GTPI +1382G PTA -660M -36F -17P 99%R 12/15 PTA +1.12T +1.40UDC +.09FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Marcrest Encore
Old-Acres Gold Sidney-ET
3-08 2x 305 37037 4.5 1660 3.2 1177 Superior Lactation
Comestar Laurana Raider VG-86-3YR-CAN 15* 6-00 2x 365 53748 4.0 2134 3.4 1825 Life 103,725 3.7 3873 3.5 3573
Comestar Laura Black VG-87-CAN 24*
USA 141637378 100%-NA
VG-89 EEEVE (3-03) 2-02 3x 305 28520 3.7 1058 3.0 865 3rd Winter Calf, International WDE 2012 4th Senior 2-Year-Old, International WDE 2014 Sired by Pine-Tree Sid-ET Cooper Galton
Comestar Formation Larana-ET VG-89-3YR-CAN 15*
4-04 2x 352 33084 3.5 1157 3.3 1089
Comestar Laurie Sheik-ET VG-88 EX-MS CAN 23* 6-09 2x 365d 29,864 4.5 1329 3.4 1016 Lifetime: 106,564 4.5 4780 3.6 3885 HM All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 1989 HM All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 1989 Grand Champion Victoriaville 1991
Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN EX-MS 15*
6-02 2x 365d 35,770 3.9 1398 2.9 1049 Lifetime: 109,580 4.0 4334 3.1 3439 3rd Mature Cow Victoriaville 1988
Born: December 2015
2nd Dam:
Cobequid Linjet Hard Rain EX-90-3E-CAN 6-00 2x 365 30587 4.2 1281 3.2 992 Life 115,972 3.9 4552 3.3 3825
Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET CAN 8956379 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 EE+V (4-06) GTPI +1952G 12/2015 PTA -34M +29F +3P 99%R 12/15 PTA +3.78T +2.64UDC +2.97FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
HOCANF 9752013
3.6 743 3.6 807 3.7 650 3.8 657
Cobequid Tropical Rain EX-94 2E 2* 1-11 2x 340 24868 3.3 831 All-Atlantic 2011
3.1 774
4th Dam:
Cobequid Counselor Gizmo EX-2E-CAN 4* 7-04 2x 332 24625 4.0 974 3.5 864 Life 154,330 3.8 5865 3.4 5255
Cobequid Dundee Revlon VG-86-2YR-CAN 2-00 2x 360 20670 3-06 2x 297 22502 4-06 2x 234 17703 5-06 2x 228 17366
3rd Dam:
3.2 670 3.3 732 3.1 551 3.0 525
5th Dam:
Cobequid Threat Nancy-ET GP-81-3YR-CAN
6th Dam:
Cobequid Ben Nancy-Alt VG-86-6YR-CAN 2* 6-11 2x 341 24147 3.3 791 Life 188,867 3.3 6203
7th Dam:
Green Glen Cobequid Nancy VG-CAN
Dave Dyment
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Bainridge Durham Elegance EX-94 EX-MS 2E Granddam of Lot 5
Hobby-Acres Arlift Equal-ET 840003131238797 100%-NA
Born: October 5, 2015
2nd Dam:
Bainridge Durham Elegance EX-94 EX-MS 2E 2-05 2x 365 26430 3.4 900 2.9 761 Lifetime 1406 100,680 3.5 3499 3.2 3209
Canyon-Breeze At Airlift-ET
USA 62897620 100%-NA *TV *TL *TY *TD
VG-87 VVVV (3-08) GTPI +1991G 12/2015 PTA +801M +21F +2P 97%R 12/15 PTA +3.53T +1.74UDC +3.98FLC 95%R 12/15 Sired by Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood
Hobby-Acres James Elusion USA 138475451 100%-NA *TL*TD
EX-92 EEEEV 2E (8-06) 2-08 2x 305 18010 3.4 605 3-09 2x 237 15810 2.9 460 4-07 2x 287 17850 3.4 599 5-06 2x 305 25070 3.5 889 7-01 2x 305 25140 3.6 893 Sired by Shoremar James
3.3 594 3.2 499 3.2 565 3.0 757 3.1 777
Kyle C. Reid 29 Kinney Rd. Argyle, NY 12809 518-638-8642
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
3rd Dam:
Bainridge Progress Elsa EX-92 EX-MS 3E 5-05 2x 300 20550 3.7 757
3.1 647
4th Dam:
Bainridge Skychief Ethel EX-91 EX-MS 4-09 2x 305 20250 4.3 867
3.3 676
Quality-Ridge Stormi Hazel EX-96 EX-MS 2E Granddam of Lot 6
Hazels Sid Harmony-ET VG-88 Dam of Lot 6
STJ-PV Doorman Harp-ET 840 3133370948 99%-I
Born: September 24, 2015 2nd Dam:
Quality-Ridge Stormi Hazel EX-96 EX-MS 2E 5-01 2x 365 40360 4.6 1844 3.0 1204 Lifetime 184,130 4.3 7858 3.3 6044
3rd Dam: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET Hazel’s show winnings!
*Res. All-Am 125,000 lb cow 2011 *2nd 125,000 lb cow WDE 2011 *1st 125,000 lb cow, N-E Fall Nat’l 2011 *1st 125,000 lb cow, NY Spring Show 2011 *HHM All-Am 125,000 lb cow 2010 *1st Aged Cow, 2009 East Fall Nat’l * Res. Grand Champ, 2009 East Fall Nat’l *All-American 5-Year-Old 2008 *1st place 5-Year-Old WDE 2008 *1st 5-Year-Old East Fall Nat’l 2008 *Grand Champ East Fall Nat’l 2008 *HM All-American 4-Year-Old 2007 *Un. All-American Junior 3-Year-Old 2006 *1st Junior 3-Year-Old WDE & Int. Champ ‘06 *HM All-American Junior 2-Year-Old 2005
CAN 8956379 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 EE+V (4-06) GTPI +1952G 12/2015 PTA -34M +29F +3P 99%R 12/15 PTA +3.78T +2.64UDC +2.97FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Hazels Sid Harmony-ET USA 70890761 100%-NA
Quality-Ridge SS Heidi EX-90 2E
5-06 2x 305 24290 3.7 908 3.2 780 6-06 2x 305 23570 3.6 843 3.2 755 Lifetime 156,500 3.8 6021 3.3 5171
4th Dam:
Quality-Ridge Astre Hazel VG-88 2-11 2x 305 25900 3.6 925 4-08 2x 305 26210 3.1 818
5th Dam:
Quality-Ridge Searle Hazel
VG-88 VV+VE (2-10) Sired by Pine-Tree Sid-ET
6th Dam:
Maternal Sister to Harmony:
7th Dam:
5-11 2x 353 41321 4.0 1673 3.0 1259 1st West Spring National Aged Cow, 2011
6-01 2x 246 16420 3.9 634
Quality-Ridge Champ Hope EX-95-CAN
3.3 867 3.2 848
Quality-Ridge Enhancer Maple GP-83 5-05 2x 305 20990 3.8 803
3.3 688
Quality-Ridge Enchantment May VG-87
3.2 528
8th Dam:
Quality-Ridge Milestone Mar-OC VG-86
7-02 2x 305 18060 4.0 717 2.9 524
9th Dam:
St. Jacobs ABC & Mark St. Pierre 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
Jen-Aar Glendell Molly VG-88
5-05 2x 280 19490 3.9 752 Life: 3018d 167,640 3.8 6358
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
10th Dam:
Par-View Bootmaker Martha VG-86
Midas-Touch Alabama-ET 840 3132475254 99%-I
3rd Dam:
Born: September 21, 2015
KHW Goldwyn Aiko-ET EX-91 2E DOM 4* 5-07 2x 365 29149 5.1 1499 4.0 1160
4th Dam:
Kamps-Hollow Altitude-ET EX-95 EX-MS 2E DOM
Mr Apples McGucci-ET
USA 72353438 99%-I *RC *TL *TY *TD *GT
GTPI +2292G 12/2015 PTA -745M +40F +14P 80%R 12/15 PTA +3.35T +2.60UDC +3.44FLC 79%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET
Clover-Mist Alisha-ET 3E-93 EX-MS GMD DOM 5-03 3x 365 34670 4.8 1654 3.3 1154 LIFE 2999 226470 4.7 10659 3.6 8149
6th Dam:
Clover-Mist Augy Star-ET *RC 4E-94 EX-MS DOM 7-10 3x 365 43140 5.0 2136 3.3 1421 LIFE 2486 206,250 4.7 9793 3.5 7187
EX-91 3rd Junior 2-Year-Old, 2014 Quebec Spring Show 5th Junior 3-Year-Old, 2015 Royal Winter Fair Sired by Flevo Genetics Snowman-ET
7th Dam:
2nd Dam:
8th Dam: D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader 2E-90 EX-MS
KHW-I Aika Baxter-ET *RC VG-89-5YR-CAN 5* 5-06 2x 365 40596 5.9 2379 3.3 1358 Superior Lactation
5th Dam:
Gen-I-Beq Snowman Akiliane-ET *RC CAN 106474170 100%-NA
Jennifer King
7-00 2x 365 39690 4.7 1849 3.5 1385 LIFE 1844 144460 4.4 6295 3.7 5288
D-R-A August 4E-96 EX-MS DOM
8-05 3x 365 27460 4.3 1187 3.2 871 LIFE 3443 190200 4.4 8281 3.3 4457 Nom. All-American Aged Cow ‘86 All-Wisconsin Aged Cow ‘87
LIFE 2456 133,250 4.0 5308
9th Dam:
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader 3E-90 9-05 2x 305 19160 4.2 809
St-Jacob Oklf Effortless-ET *RC 840 3127934936 100%-NA
Born: September 15, 2015
GS Alliance O Kalif-Red-ET
CHE 120100409625 100%-NA *TV *TL *TY
GTPI +1767G PTA -293M -5F -2P 76%R 12/15 PTA +1.26T +.86UDC -.29FLC 75%R 12/15 Sired by Scientific Destry-ET
Buroco Juror Edith CAN 8426013 100%-NA
Chelsea Abbott 472 Swamp Rd. Fairfield, VT 05455 802-527-9683
EX-94 EEEEE 3E (9-00) 2-02 2x 345 21460 4.3 921 3.2 681 3-03 2x 359 28410 4.1 1172 3.1 869 4-05 2x 305 29050 4.1 1184 3.0 859 6-05 2x 365 37340 4.1 1541 3.0 1131 8-02 2x 365 36570 4.7 1708 3.1 1136 Life 2322 189,460 4.4 8272 3.1 5923 1st Winter Calf & Res. Jr. Champion Northeast Fall National 2002 1st Winter Yearling Northeast Fall National 2003 1st Winter Yearling Mid-East Fall National 2003 2nd Aged Cow Northeast Fall National 2008 Sired by Ked Juror-ET
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
2nd Dam:
Larisac Stardust Eddie EX-90-2E-CAN 4* 6-04 2x 365 28880 4.3 1248 3.0 862 Life 201,843 4.2 8448 3.2 6380
Kingsway Terrason Allie EX-95-2E-CAN 2* 3rd Dam of Lot 9
Kingsway Dundee Abra Codabra EX-90 10*
Granddam of Lot 9
Ms St-Jacob Dempsey Again 840 3127934905 100%-NA
Born: September 15, 2015 2nd Dam:
Kingsway Dundee Abra Codabra EX-90 10*
2-02 2x 365 22306 3.9 875 3.4 754 All-Canadian 2007 Reserve Grand 2007 Ontario Summer Grand 2007 Hastings & Grand 2007 Northumberland
3rd Dam:
Kingsway Terrason Allie EX-95-2E-CAN 2*
Lirr Drew Dempsey
USA 61083609 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
VG-88 EE++ (9-09) GTPI +1938G 12/2015 PTA -483M +13F +4P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.41T +1.95UDC +1.93FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
6-02 2x 365 37291 4.6 1731 3.4 1265 Life 138,901 4.4 6089 Reserve All-Canadian 2006 Nominated All-Canadian 2007 HM Intermdiate Champ 2006 Royal
4th Dam:
Kingsway Progress Ashley EX-CAN 6*
7-02 2x 365 34881 3.3 1160 3.0 1052 Life 155,282 3..4 5273 3.0 4668
Kingsway Sid Ava-ET HOCANF11432107 100-NA
VG-85-2YR-CAN 2-04 2x 271 18693 3.6 668 Sired by Pine-Tree Sid-ET
3.1 580
5th Dam:
Nelcam Tab Astra EX-3E-CAN 6*
7-08 2x 365 29592 3.7 1105 3.2 946 Life 173,159 3.5 6146 3.2 5606 Reserve Grand 1996 Northlumberland
6th Dam:
Nelcam Prestar Astra VG-88-4YR-CAN 3* 4-00 2x 305 19251 3.3 639
3.2 622
7th Dam:
Nelcam Count Alice EX-CAN
Chelsea & Caitlyn Abbott 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
6-07 2x 365 25695 3.4 875 Life 118,559 3.6 4301 3.4 1450
8th Dam:
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Nelcam Leader Astra EX-CAN 2*
Lylehaven Gold Leyanah-ETS EX-90 Dam of Lot 10
Muranda Octane Levi-ET 840 003128656578 99%-I *TR *TL *TD
Born: September 11, 2015
Stantons High Octane-ET
CAN 11696704 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2456G 12/2015 PTA +1520M +46F +37P 79%R 12/15 PTA +3.33T +3.23UDC +1.85FLC 77%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET
Lylehaven Gold Leyanah-ETS USA 64890762 100%-NA
EX-90 VEVEE (3-09) 2-03 2x 365 24210 3.9 950 3.4 818 3-06 2x 365 31270 3.9 1214 3.3 1032 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Lylehaven Form Laura-ET EX-94 3E GMD DOM 8-08 2x 365 39320 3.9 1529 2.9 1144 Life 1619 144,140 3.9 5645 2.8 4092 1st 4-Yr & Grand Champ, ‘03 N-East Fall Nat’l HHM All-American 4-Year-Old 2003
Maternal Sisters to Form Laura:
Lylehaven Damion Lynx-ET EX-94-5YR-USA 3-02 3x 358 28501 4.5 1283 3.3 937 4-04 3x 365 37749 5.1 1920 3.0 1138
Lylehaven Lilypad-ET EX-90 EX-MS 3E
6-10 2x 365 31800 3.5 1113 2.8 899 Life 1981 135,190 3.7 4951 3.0 4011
Lylehaven Leah EX-91
Maternal sisters:
2-09 2x 365 32163 4.0 1290 3.2 1031
4-05 2x 365 49101 4.0 1960 3.5 1695 Lifetime 152512 3.9 5959 3.4 5207 All-Can Jr 2yr-old ‘04 & All-Can Jr Ylrng ‘03 N. All-Can Jr Calf ‘02 & N. All-Can 5yr-old ‘07 HM All-Canadian 4yr-old 2006
2-09 2x 365 24690 4.1 1024 3.1 767
HHM Jr All-Am Winter Ylng 2010 Res. Jr All-Am * N. All-Am Winter Calf 2009
Thiersant Lili Starbuck-ET EX-94 EX-MS 5E
Lylehaven Lila Z EX-94-CAN 8*
Lylehaven Fortune Latte EX-91 EX-93-MS
Thomas & Nancy Murray 3075 State Route 96 Waterloo, NY 13165 315-539-1103
2nd Dam:
Lylehaven Damion Lullaby VG-88-CAN Lylehaven Damion Lulu-ET EX-93 2-04 365 39280 3.2 1259 3.4 1347
Lylehaven Lexus-ET EX-92 2E
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Lylehaven Durham Lizzy EX-92 Lylehaven Lassie-ET 2E-94
5-09 2x 342 37340 4.2 1577 3.2 1193 Res Grand, All-American Dairy Show 2007
3rd Dam:
9-11 2x 365 30910 4.5 1385 3.1 965 Life 2925 207,386 4.7 9747 3.2 6660
4th Dam:
Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-6YR-CAN 1*
Jacobs Goldwyn Britany-ET EX-96 2E Dam of Lot 11
Jacobs Sid Beauty-ET EX-92 Maternal Sister to Lot 11
Jacobs Doorman Britt-ET HOCANF 109406310 • #6310
Born: September 10, 2015 Maternal Sister:
Jacobs Sid Beauty-ET EX-92
1-11 2x 299 23739 3.1 745 2.8 664 Intermediate Champion, 2015 International Holstein Show
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
2nd Dam:
Jacobs Jasper Best-ET VG-88-4YR-CAN 12* 4-07 2x 336 41089 4.0 1634 3.3 1358
3rd Dam:
Jacobs Storm Bette-ET EX-91-2E-CAN 6* 5-10 2x 365 36409 4.2 1517 3.3 1213 Life 131,408 4.4 5740 3.5 4560
4th Dam:
Cotopierre Lindy Bertha EX-2E-CAN 25*
9-05 2x 337 36832 4.4 1607 3.5 1290 Life 120,153 4.5 5306 3.7 4469
Jacobs Goldwyn Britany-ET
5th Dam:
EX-96-2E-CAN 2* 2-01 2x 308 24233 3.9 952 3.3 791 3-00 2x 302 21512 4.7 1003 3.7 798 4-01 2x 365 37359 3.9 1455 3.3 1228 6-01 2x 352 41446 4.0 1675 3.1 1299 Life 134,616 4.2 5515 3.4 4482 Reserve All-Canadian 2011 1st 4-Year-Old, 2011 Royal Winter Fair Reserve All-Quebec 2011 Grand Champion, 2011 Supreme Dairy Show Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
9-09 2x 305 25825 4.0 1023 3.2 827 Life 192,406 4.1 7994 3.3 6400
Ferme Jacobs 71, rang St-François Est, Cap-Santé Cté Portneuf, Québec, Canada G0A 1L0
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Cotopierre Starbuck Bine EX-CAN 4*
6th Dam:
Cotopierre Tempo Binette EX-CAN
7-11 2x 305 24246 3.7 891 3.2 785 Life 123,053 3.8 4652 3.4 4138
7th Dam:
Cotopierre Tino Bisquette VG-86-3YR-CAN 2*
Lake-Effect Allen Wallaroo Granddam of Lot 12
Ranway Meridian Wiggle 980 USA 74451221 100%-NA
Born: September 9, 2015
Sully Hart Meridian-ET
USA 69951907 100%-NA *TR *TY *TD
GTPI +2411G 12/2015 GM PTA +1989M +31F +49P 98%R 12/15 PTA +2.93T +2.74UDC +.77FLC 98%R 12/15 Sired by Ronelee Toystory Domain-ET
Blu-Wing Talent Welcome-ET USA 69868445 100%RHA-NA
VG-87 VVV+E (4-04) 3-06 2x 305 28030 3.2 906 2.8 794 Sired by Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET
2nd Dam:
Lake-Effect Allen Wallaroo EX-91 EX-MS 2E 3-09 2x 365 32650 3.3 1070 3.1 1024 5-01 2x 356 37240 4.2 1576 3.2 1205 Life 1286 114,360 3.6 4143 3.1 3593
3rd Dam:
Nu-Wing Wade Wilnyla VG-88
3-04 3x 311 30740 2.9 889 2.9 902 4-03 2x 365 31310 2.9 918 3.0 953 Life 1418 116,420 3.1 3558 3.0 3546
4th Dam:
Nu-Wing Chesapeak Wilnora VG-85 LIFE 125,480 3.7 4594 3.2 3988
5th Dam:
Nu-Wing Mars Wiletta EX-91 EX-MS 2E DOM LIFE 275,210 4.3 11,774 3.1 8508
6th Dam:
Nu-Wing Commander Wimpy EX-93 EX-MS 3E GMD DOM Life 267,177 4.2 1309 3.0 6752
Ranway Farms Shane Schultz 5377 Owls Nest Rd. Marion, NY 14505 315-483-9980
7th Dam:
Nu-Wing Hattie Maple Wanda VG-86
8th Dam:
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Doris Veeman Ivanhoe VG-86
Sco-Lo-Kruse After Luck USA 74579203 • #2173
3rd Dam:
Born: September 9, 2015
Jessanda Allen Lulu EX-95-2E-CAN 3*
6-03 2x 365 35291 3.8 1327 3.5 1239 Life 139,109 4.0 5532 3.6 4960 All-British Columbia 2009 Reserve Grand Chapmion, 2011 BC Spring Show
4th Dam:
Signature Gibson Lynn-ET VG-85-4YR-CAN 2*
Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET
4-00 3x 350 27778 4.9 1354 3.7 1014
USA 65249839 100%-NA *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-92 EEVE (7-05) GTPI +1732G 12/15 PTA +10M +4F -13P 99% 12/15 PTA +2.29T +1.86UDC +1.39FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Picston Shottle-ET
5th Dam:
Lystel Laura Lindy-ET VG-85-2YR-CAN 3* 2-02 2x 365 34251 3.6 1246 3.3 1113 Superior Lactation
6th Dam:
Carlar Windbrook Louise-ET
Comestar L or Black VG-87-5YR-CAN 16* 3-11 2x 365 35745 3.7 1325 3.1 1124
HOCANF 11603775 100%-NA *TL *TD
7th Dam:
Comestar Laurie Sheik-ET VG-88 EX-MS CAN 23* 6-09 2x 365d 29,864 4.5 1329 3.4 1016 Lifetime: 106,564 4.5 4780 3.6 3885 HM All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 1989 HM All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 1989 Grand Champion Victoriaville 1991
2nd Dam:
Wedgwood Louise Goldwyn-ET EX-93-6YR-CAN
John Cannon Dyersville, IA
6-01 2x 365 33307 4.2 1407 3.2 1058 Life 106,385 4.1 4398 3.4 3649
8th Dam:
Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN EX-MS 15*
6-02 2x 365d 35,770 3.9 1398 2.9 1049 Lifetime: 109,580 4.0 4334 3.1 3439
Liddleholme Lotus Pending USA Pending
Born: September 2015 Maternal Sister to Lot Selling:
Liddleholme Ribbon-RED EX-90
2-00 2x 292 19720 3.3 657 3.2 637 *Nom. All-American R&W Spring Yearling 2013 *1st Jr 2yr-old, Res. Int. and Reserve Grand Champion R&W Show Eastern States Expo 2014
3rd thru 9th Dams:
R-E-W Rosa-ET EX-90 EX-MS 2E 2-04 2x 365 23200 4.2 975
3.3 757
Buckhorn-Acres Srose-RED-ET EX-92 EX-MS 2E 2-01 2x 365 32150 4.7 1506 3.4 1096
Sellcrest T Roseanne-RED-ET EX-93 2E GMD DOM
Blondin Lotus-ET
CAN 107308984 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY
GTPI +1559G 12/2015 PTA -658M -15F -6P 78%R 12/15 PTA +2.23T +1.72UDC +1.01FLC 77%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Spring-Fed LB Renet-Red-ET USA139907591 100%-NA
Liddleholme 58 Tripp Rd. Argyle, NY 12809 518-361-9946
EX-91 EEEVE 2-04 2x 359 20430 3.4 697 3.3 679 3-08 2x 269 17340 3.1 539 3.3 567 4-11 2x 287 26280 3.8 1002 3.3 860 Sired by Aggravation Lawn Boy-P-Red
4-01 2x 365 28920 4.9 1427 3.8 1112 6-02 2x 339 38920 4.6 1769 3.2 1224 Lifetime 115,040 4.7 5401 3.8 4350 1st 5&over Dry Cow Grand Int’l 2003 Member 1st produce Grand Int’l 2002
Clover-Mist Regina-RED-ET EX-92 EX-MS 2E DOM 6-01 2x 365 32320 4.2 1359 3.6 1157 Lifetime 128,340 4.6 5946 3.6 4599
Augys Rose Regal-RED-ET EX-90 EX-MS 2E 4-07 2x 351 23550 4.9 1157 3.4 791 Lifetime 102,830 4.9 5022 3.3 3432
D-R-A August EX-96 EX-MS 4E DOM
8-05 2x 365 27460 4.3 1187 3.2 871 Lifetime 190,200 4.4 8281 3.3 4457 Nom. All-American Aged Cow 1986 All-Wisconsin Aged Cow 1987
D-R-A Ideal Precious Leader EX-90 2E 7-06 2x 358 20090 3.9 787
3.4 765
D-R-A Princess Lad Leader EX-90 3E 9-05 2x 305 19160 4.2 809
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET EX 92 EX-94-MS Dam of Lot 15
Gold-Barbara Sid Beauty-ET 840 3127934934 100%-NA *TR *TL *TD
Born: September 8, 2015
2nd Dam:
Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX-92
Pine-Tree Sid-ET
USA 62175895 100%-NA *TY
GTPI +1621G 12/2015 PTA -464M +5F -8P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.15T +1.97UDC +.08FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Regancrest-Mr Dhram Sam-ET
Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET USA 66625057 100%-NA
EX 92 EEVEE EX-94-MS 3-07 2x 365 41726 3.9 1610 2.8 1185 2-06 2x 339 28060 4.4 1228 3.5 972 All-American THREE consecutive years! Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
2-03 2x 365 33180 3.6 1186 3.0 989 5-03 2x 305 29510 3.9 1154 2.7 810
3rd Dam:
Regancrest-PR Barbie-ET EX-92 EX-MS GMD DOM 2-06 2x 365 31690 3.9 1237 3.3 1050 HM All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old 2004
4th Dam:
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EX-MS GMD 4-04 2x 365 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217 Grand Champion & BU IA Dist 1 Sh 2000 Res. Grand Champion 2000 IA State Fair
5th Dam:
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5-02 2x 365 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215 Life 1305 109,350 3.7 4031 3.3 3558
6h Dam:
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea 2E-91 GMD DOM 7-09 2x 365 33630 3.8 1276 3.1 1052 Life 2036 140,130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
7th Dam:
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS 5-09 2x 365 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
M Iager, E Kueffner, River Valley & St. Jacobs 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
8th Dam:
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS Life 2432 131,940 3.6 4744
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Ms Exels Dundee Beauty Dam of Lot 16
Ms Beautys Black Velvet-ET 8400003127699376 100%-NA
Born: September 8, 2015
Braedale Goldwyn
CAN10705608 100%RHA-NA *TV*TL*TY
GP-84-8YR-CAN EXTRA’05 GM’12 GTPI +1882G 12/2015 PTA -371M +13F +1P 99%R 12/15 PTA +1.81T +1.51UDC +1.53FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Shoremar James
Ms Exels Dundee Beauty USA 62043862 100%-NA
3-02 2x 305 21550 4.1 873 3.1 663 4-11 2x 365 30190 4.3 1314 3.2 974 Unanimous All-American Aged Cow 2012 1st Place Aged Cow Royal Winter Fair 2011 1st Place Aged Cow World Dairy Expo 2011 HHM All-American 5 Year Old 2010 1st 5 Yr-Old & Grand Champ 2010 Mid-East Spring Nat’l 1st & Reserve Grand 2010 New York Spring Show 2nd 4 Year Old 2009 WDE Sired by Regancrest Dundee-ET Triple-T Holsteins & Pat Conroy 6948 Brush Lake Rd. North Lewisburg, OH 43060 937-747-2110
2nd Dam:
Woodfield Integrity Belinda EX-93 EX-MS 2E 5-09 3x 272 30210 3.9 1187 2.9 867
3rd Dam:
Woodfield Jed Belinda-ET GP-81-2YR-CAN 3-03 2x 361 20055 4.5 908
3.5 692
4th Dam:
Woodfield Raider Beulah VG-88-5YR-CAN 4-00 2x 365 24595 4.4 1089 3.4 829
5th Dam:
Woodfield Warden Betty VG-87-3YR-CAN 2* 4-03 2x 310 21475 4.0 849
3.5 747
6th Dam:
Dutchglen Haven Bonnie VG-85-3YR-CAN
7th Dam:
Dutchglen Johanna VG-85-3YR-CAN 1*
8th Dam:
Dutchglen Lady VG-85-4YR-CAN
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Sco-Lo-Kruse Door Louise-ET USA 74579202 • #2172
Born: September 7, 2015
3rd Dam:
Jessanda Allen Lulu EX-95-2E-CAN 3*
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
6-03 2x 365 35291 3.8 1327 3.5 1239 Life 139,109 4.0 5532 3.6 4960 All-British Columbia 2009 Reserve Grand Chapmion, 2011 BC Spring Show
4th Dam:
Signature Gibson Lynn-ET VG-85-4YR-CAN 2* 4-00 3x 350 27778 4.9 1354 3.7 1014
5th Dam:
Lystel Laura Lindy-ET VG-85-2YR-CAN 3*
Carlar Windbrook Louise-ET
2-02 2x 365 34251 3.6 1246 3.3 1113 Superior Lactation
6th Dam:
HOCANF 11603775 100%-NA *TL *TD
Comestar L or Black VG-87-5YR-CAN 16* 3-11 2x 365 35745 3.7 1325 3.1 1124
7th Dam:
Comestar Laurie Sheik-ET VG-88 EX-MS CAN 23*
2nd Dam:
Wedgwood Louise Goldwyn-ET EX-93-6YR-CAN 6-01 2x 365 33307 4.2 1407 3.2 1058 Life 106,385 4.1 4398 3.4 3649
John Cannon Dyersville, IA
6-09 2x 365d 29,864 4.5 1329 3.4 1016 Lifetime: 106,564 4.5 4780 3.6 3885 HM All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 1989 HM All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 1989 Grand Champion Victoriaville 1991
8th Dam:
Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN EX-MS 15*
6-02 2x 365d 35,770 3.9 1398 2.9 1049 Lifetime: 109,580 4.0 4334 3.1 3439
Jacobs Doorman Izo-ET HOCANF 109406302 • #6302
Born: September 6, 2015
2nd Dam:
Jacobs Outside Izzy EX-92-2E-CAN
7-10 2x 311 28885 4.0 1151 3.6 1043 Life 118,101 4.4 5187 3.6 4279 1st 5-Year-Old 20011 St. Pascal
3rd Dam:
Jacobs Gibson Izian EX-93-3E-CAN 4*
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
9-06 2x 343 27478 4.3 1168 3.2 888 Life 150,841 4.7 6929 3.6 5238 2nd Mature Cow, 2006 Portneuf
4th Dam:
Jacobs Prelude Vivian-ET VG-87-5YR-CAN 2* 4-04 2x 338 24535 4.3 1065 3.5 3194
5th Dam:
Jacobs Enhancer Cindy-Red VG-86-3YR-CAN 2*
Jacobs Damion Izzy
6-09 2x 306 26466 3.6 955 3.1 825 Life 111,848 3.6 4006 3.4 3753
EX-91-4YR-CAN 1-11 2x 317 18841 3.8 708 3.4 642 3-00 2x 365 28208 4.0 1118 3.4 970 4-04 2x 336 30349 3.5 1058 3.3 985
6th Dam:
HOCANF 105794509
Jacobs Valiant Crystal-ET GP-81-2YR-CAN 2* 6-11 2x 305 28239 3.8 1071 3.2 891 Life 121,595 3.8 4651 3.2 3912
7th Dam:
Jacobs Threat Cindy VG-85-4YR-CAN 4* 5-04 2x 365 28254 3.9 1105 3.2 915
8th Dam:
Jacobs Falcon Lassie EX-CAN 6*
7-07 2x 365 36626 3.9 1279 3.1 996 Life 178,048 4.1 7294 3.3 2185
Ferme Jacobs 71, rang St-François Est, Cap-Santé Cté Portneuf, Québec, Canada G0A 1L0
9th Dam:
Jacobs Klondike Lady VG-85-4YR-CAN 7*
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
4-08 2x 365 27646 3.8 1063 Life 114,341 3.9 4414
Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal-ETS EX-95 2E Dam of Lot 19
Budjon-Vail ATW Stylish-ET 840 3130641679 100%-NA
Born: September 6, 2015
3rd Dam:
Blondin James Supra-ET EX-90-CAN 9*
Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET CAN 8956379 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 EE+V (4-06) GTPI +1952G 12/2015 PTA -34M +29F +3P 99%R 12/15 PTA +3.78T +2.64UDC +2.97FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Blondin Goldwyn Subliminal-ETS CAN 105900692 100%-NA *TL *TD
EX-95 EEEEE 2E (6-03) 2-02 2x 339 23086 4.2 963 3.3 765 3-03 2x 261 22170 3.3 738 3.1 691 4-10 2x 324 31040 4.3 1340 3.1 967 5-11 2x 305 32760 3.7 1201 3.0 983 Life 1229 109.056 3.9 4242 3.1 3406 HM All-American Junior 3-Year-Old Cow 2012 3rd Aged Cow, World Dairy Expo 2015 3rd Aged Cow, Mid-West Spring National 2015 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Peter & Lyn Vail & Budjon Farms Lomira, WI Tom: 920-960-0350 Peter: 518-755-0307
4-08 2x 365 33690 4.8 1631 3.4 1141 Life 115,741 4.6 5386 3.6 4215 Reserve All-Canadian 2004 Nominated All-Canadian 2002 3rd 4-Year-Old, 2004 Royal
4th Dam:
Blondin Skychief Supra-ET EX-93-3E-CAN 32* 9-04 2x 365 42758 4.1 1733 3.1 1305 Life 263,795 3.8 10207 3.4 8955 Holstein Canada Cow of the Year 2009
5th Dam:
Blondin Starbuck Superlass VG-87-9YR-CAN 17* 11-9 2x 365 36180 4.1 1479 3.1 1131 Superior Lactation Life 250,195 3.8 9487 3.2 7941
6th Dam:
Diamond Hill Warden Lass VG-87-3YR-CAN Life 108,883 3.9 4282 3.2 3515
7th Dam:
Diamond Hill Tempo Misty VG-85-3YR-CAN 2* Life 104,556 3.9 4113
2nd Dam:
Blondin R Marker Sublime EX-93-5YR-CAN 13* 10-8 2x 365 35789 4.7 1693 3.1 111
8th Dam:
Diamond Hill Poplar B VG-85-4YR-CAN
9th Dam:
Broughton Lea Poplar EX-CAN 2*
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Life 187,430 4.3 8128 Grand Champion, 1973 & 1975 NS Championship Show
Luck-E Goldwyn Aaliyah EX-94 Full Sister to Dam of Lot 20
Luck-E Outside Anxious EX-94 Granddam of Lot 20
Luck-E Okaliber Ashlo USA 73278418 100%-NA *TR *TL *TD
Born: September 4, 2015
2nd Dam:
Luck-E Outside Anxious EX-94 EX-MS 3E
GS Alliance O Kaliber CHE 120100409489 100%-NA
GTPI +1817G 12/2015 PTA -355M +30F +5P 76%R 12/15 PTA +1.96T +1.95UDC ++.48FLC 75%R 12/15 Sired by KHW Elm-Park Acme-ET
Luck-E Goldwyn Azara-ET USA 69873817 100%-NA
Fresh at 1-11 years Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Full Sister to Azara
Luck-E Goldwyn Aaliyah EX-94
Reserve Grand Premier Nat’l Jr Show ‘15 HM Grand PA Fall Championship Show ‘15 Res Grand Southeast PA Championship ‘15
5-04 2x 365 35950 4.1 1486 3.2 1146 7-08 2x 365 36660 4.8 1746 3.3 1211 Life 2505 202,480 4.5 9061 3.3 6612
3rd Dam:
Luck-E Blackice Artic EX-90 EX-MS 2E
3-09 2x 365 34670 4.4 1512 3.3 1140 Life 122,670 4.3 5299 3.4 4148
4th Dam:
Luck-E Charles Angel EX-93 EX-MS 3E GMD DOM 7-09 2x 365 43860 4.2 1827 3.5 1524 Life 2376 208,510 4.4 9222 3.6 7562
5th Dam:
Hart-Lyn Starbuck Ashley EX-94 EX-MS 2E GMD DOM 6-06 2x 365 35720 4.2 1504 3.2 1132 Life 1753 124,040 4.0 4994 3.2 4002
6th Dam:
Kachina Valiant Act-ET VG-86
Life 2103 110,050 4.6 5037 3.2 3533
7th Dam:
Dodeb Matt Actress EX-93 EX-MS 3E Luck-E Holsteins Matt Engel 15N638 Walker Rd Hampshire, IL 60140 47-917-1382
Life 2348 141,870 4.3 6058
8th Dam:
Lamkinland B Matt Actress VG-85
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Woodlawn Goldwyn Dixie-ET EX-91 EX-MS Granddam of Lot 21
Woodlawn Goldwyn Dusty-ET EX-92 EX-MS Full Sister to Granddam of Lot 21
Fairmont Doorman Dulce 840 3128656567 99%-I
Born: September 4, 2015
2nd Dam:
Woodlawn Goldwyn Dixie-ET EX-91 EX-MS 2-04 3x 365 28960 4.2 1229 3.3 944
Full Sister:
Woodlawn Goldwyn Dusty-ET EX-92 EX-MS
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
4-00 2x 365 39840 4.1 1652 3.1 1183
Maternal Sisters:
Woodlawn Durham Dancer-ET EX-92 EX-MS 3-00 2x 365 25680 4.2 1083 3.3 850 Nom. All-Am Fall Milking Yrlng 2006
Woodlawn Durham Delta-ET EX-92
4-03 2x 365 34805 4.3 1535 3.3 1196
Fairmont-DTP Decade-ET
Woodlawn Durham Dolly EX-92
USA 69016978 100%-NA
VG-87 VV+VV (3-10) 2-02 3x 365 24360 4.1 991 3-07 3x 305 1780 4.1 727 Sired by Erbacres Damion
5-04 2x 365 33676 4.1 1364 3.3 1111 3.2 991 3.3 581
Woodlawn Allen Dakota-ET EX-92 EX-MS 2E 4-11 3x 305 26634 4.5 1201 3.2 831
3rd Dam:
Woodlawn Juror Daisy EX-93 3E DOM
6-06 2x 365 42698 4.0 1660 3.2 1352 Life 2434 233,663 4.0 9477 3.2 7454
4th Dam:
Gorecroft W Victor Doll EX-90 EX-MS
2-03 2x 365 30660 3.4 1045 2.9 897 Lifetime 133,400 3.5 4636 3.0 3962
Aaron Eaton
5th Dam:
C Gorecroft Dolly EX-90 EX-MS GMD
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
8-11 2x 365 42500 4.3 1813 2.7 1131 Lifetime 184,380 3.8 6994 2.8 5152
Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95 EX-MS 3rd Dam of Lot 22
MM-T Colt Barbara-ET VG-86 Dam of Lot 22
Merrillea Lauth Ballerina 840003012564440 100%-NA
Born: September 3, 2015 2nd Dam:
Rainyridge Destiny Bianca-ET *RC EX-90 EX-MS 2-01 2x 365 23590 4.2 908
3.5 766
3rd Dam:
Rainyridge Talent Barbara *RC EX-95 EX-MS
Comestar Lauthority-ET
CAN 103455217 100%-NA *TL *TY
GTPI +1963G 12/2015 PTA +240M +18F +8P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.55T +1.78UDC +1.23FLC 98%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
MM-T Colt Barbara-ET
USA 70280386 100%-NA *RC *PC *TL *TD
EX-90 EEVVE (3-05) 1-10 2x 357 20630 3.7 767 3.2 654 Sired by Sandy-Valley Colt P-Red-TW
3-04 2x 365 34465 3.6 1257 3.1 1068 Life 1266 104,815 3.9 4064 3.1 3259 1st Place 5-Year-Old, World Dairy Expo 2010 HM All-American Aged Cow 2011 All-American 5-Year-Old 2010
4th Dam:
RF Outside Breeze-ET EX-95 EX-MS 2E
8-00 2x 365 37970 3.9 1484 3.2 1226 Life 1896 165,379 4.6 7560 3.4 5659 Grand Champion, Southern Spring National 2011
5th Dam:
Rayverley Briana Milan-ET EX-2E-CAN 6-03 2x 365 27075 3.4 928
3.2 862
5th Dam:
Rainyridge Tony Beauty EX-5E-CAN 9*
10-5 2x 365 29081 3.5 1005 3.1 913 Lifetime 199,869 3.3 6592 3.2 6455 2X Supreme Champion WDE 4X All-Canadian Mature Cow 3X All-American Aged Cow A-A People’s Choice Winner 1999 Holstein Int’l Cow of the Year 1999 Nom. for QII-Queen of the Breed 2004
Allan & Johana Merril PO Box 111 Fayette, NY 13065 315-549-7034
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Cowtown Durham Luella-ET EX-94 2E Dam of Lot 23
Elleeta Skybuck Lucy EX-95 3E Granddam of Lot 23
Oakfield Archriv Larsen-ET 840003127422490 100%-NA
Born: September 2, 2015 2nd Dam:
Elleeta Skybuck Lucy EX-95 3E
Eclipse Atwoods Archrival-ET AUS H01786521 100%-NA
GTPI +1980G 12/2015 PTA -2M +23F -1P 77%R 12/15 PTA +3.84T +2.79UDC +2.80FLC 77%R 12/15 Sired by Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET
6-11 2x 365 30379 4.6 1398 3.3 996 9-09 281 27930 5.3 1485 3.0 833 Life 146,090 4.8 7056 3.4 5029 All-American Aged Cow 2007 Sr. & Grand Champion Int’l Holstein Show ‘07 HM All-American 5-Year-Old 2005 3rd Jr. 3-Year-Old North East Fall National ‘03
3rd Dam:
Elleeta Supersire Leah VG-88-7YR-CAN 4* 9-02 2x 365 25496 4.8 1230 3.2 809 Life 187,854 4.3 8147 3.2 6100
Cowtown Durham Luella-ET
4th Dam:
6-08 EX-94,2E EEEEE 2-06 365 26850 3.7 981 3.5 931 4-00 305 19660 3.5 685 3.5 687 5-06 305 25140 3.9 968 3.3 841 Sired by Regancrest Elton Durham-ET
2-02 2 326 13003 4.6 604 3.5 461
USA 63651103 100%-NA
Elleeta Starbuck Lynda GP-83-2Y CAN
5th Dam:
Elleeta Threat Lisbee VG-88 CAN
7-00 2 318 18510 4.0 741 3.3 608 LIFE 8 Lact. 121769 4.2 5071 3.3 4008
6th Dam:
Blossom-Acres Sexation Lola VG-87 CAN 10-02 2 365 22421 3.9 875 3.3 736 LIFE 9 Lact. 167894 3.6 6127 3.3 5514
7th Dam:
Lolas Allhill Fury VG-85
Jonathan & Alicia Lamb Oakfield Corners Dairy 6880 Albion Rd., Oakfield, NY 14125 Cell: 585-704-2501
7-09 2 305 28391 3.4 970 3.2 915 LIFE 6 Lact. 121822 3.8 4623 3.3 3459
8th Dam:
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Allhill Lola Sire Winston EX-90
Budjon Rubens Annette *RC EX-94 2E Granddam of Lot 24
Miss Uno Pending Pending
Born: September 2015
2nd Dam:
Budjon Rubens Annette *RC EX-94 2E
Amighetti Numero Uno-ET
HOITAM17990915143 *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90-3YR-HUN GM GTPI +2397G 12/2015 PTA -329M +61F +3P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.30T +2.24UDC +1.57FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Long-Langs Oman Oman-ET
Lake-Prairie Gold Adelle-ET 840 3012666000 100%-NA
Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Maternal sister:
Lake-Prairie Kite Anika-ET EX-90
2-01 2x 365d 25,111lbM 3.6% 908F 3.2% 800P Nominated Junior All-American Senior 3-Year-Old, 2012 Int. Champ, Midwest Fall National 2012 Nominated Junior All-American Senior 2-Year-Old, 2011
3-09 2x 365 36500 3.5 1287 3.2 1153 6-06 2x 365 40510 3.2 1303 3.1 1259 2nd 125,000 Lb Cow, Midwest Fall Nat’l 2012 Grand Champion, MN State Junior Show 2012 Reserve All-Minnesota Aged Cow 2011 All-Minnesota 4-Year-Old 2009
3rd Dam:
Budjon Encore Asia-ET VG-87
2-01 2x 365 19681 4.0 788
3.1 616
4th Dam:
Budjon Stardust Anisa-ET EX-96 EX-MS 3E
9-06 2x 365 47650 5.3 2520 3.2 1517 Life 2332 206,490 4.7 9756 3.3 6809 HM all-American 125,000 Lb. Cow 2006 Res Senior Champ, Midwest Spring Nat’l 2006 Reserve All-American 125,00-0 Lb. Cow 2005 Grand Champion, Mideast Fall Nat’l 2005 HM All-American 125,000 Lb. Cow 2004 Nominated All-American Aged Cow 2003 1st Aged Cow, World Dairy Expo 2003
5th Dam:
Budjon Eagle Amara EX-91 EX-MS 2E
5-03 2x 365 26160 3.9 1012 2.9 758 Life 2139 134,610 4.0 5383 2.9 3948
Conroy & Black 260-402-4494
6th Dam:
Budjon Sexation Mooie Ann EX-90 2E
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
6-09 2x 365 26500 3.9 1012 3.1 808 Life 3477 229,980 3.6 8392 2.9 6776
Scientific Gold Dana Rae-ET EX-95 2E Granddam of Lot 25
Scientific Debutante Rae-ET EX-92 GMD DOM 3rd Dam of Lot 25
Budjon-JKC Goldchip Delilah 840 3125434775 100%-NA
3rd Dam:
Born: September 2, 2015
Scientific Debutante Rae-ET EX-92 EX-MS GMD DOM 2-02 2x 365 32930 4.4 1440 3.2 1070 All-American 4-Year-Old 2005 HM All-American Junior 3-Year-Old 2004 1st 4-Yr-Old & Res Grand Champ, 2005 World Dairy Expo 1st Junior 3-Year-Old & Reserve Grand Champion, 2004 Mid-West Spring National
4th Dam: Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET
USA 140145553 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-94 EEVE (6-00) GTPI +1904G 12/2015 PTA -237M +2F +22P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.46T +2.48UDC +2.24FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Budjon-JK Dndee Diore-ETS 840 3012559921 100%-NA
Sired by Regancrest Dundee-ET
5-11 3x 365 38880 4.1 1608 3.6 1403 Lifetime 117590 4.0 4707 3.6 4242
5th Dam:
C Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96 3E GMD DOM 6-11 365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 Lifetime 166397 4.1 6903 3.4 5611 HM All-American Jr 2yr-old 1988 Nom. All-American 5yr-old 1991
6th Dam:
Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET *RC EX-94,2E GMD-DOM 10-0 2x 365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129
7th Dam:
2nd Dam:
Scientific Gold Dana Rae-ET EX-95 EX-MS 2E
4-04 2x 365 39270 4.1 1606 2.9 1154 Life 1302 136,420 3.6 4975 3.0 4082 Reserve All-American 5-Year-Old 2012 2nd 5-Year-Old, World Dairy Expo 2012 1st 5-Yr-Old & Grand Champion, 2012 Mid-West Fall Nat’l Budjon Farms, Joel Kietzman & Clark Woodmansee Tom: 920-960-0350 Joel: 608-289-0960 Clark: 860-887-8079
Scientific Jubilant Rae-ET EX-90 DOM
Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD-DOM Lifetime 121417 4.7 5725
8th Dam:
C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97 4E GMD
Lifetime 209784 4.5 9471 2X Queen of the Breed, over 100 EX descendants! Mem. All-Time All-Am Produce of Dam
9th Dam:
C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90 *6 STAR
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Life: 4183 218,629 3.9 8581 All-American Produce of Dam 1977 - 1979
10th Dam:
Norton Court Reflection Val VG-85 *5 STAR Life: 249,583 3.7 9295
Valcroft Shottbolt Nadia HOCANF12322955 • #526
Born: September 2, 2015
Gepaquette DG Shottbolt
HOCANM105900415 *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +1979G 12/2015 PTA +805M +44F +17P 96%R 12/15 PTA +1.71M +.65UDC +1.71FLC 92%R 12/15 Sired by Picston Shottle-ET
2nd Dam:
Valcroft Denzel Nora
Valcroft Dolman Nana VG-87-3YR-CAN
VG-85-3YR-CAN 2-01 2x 365 23834 3.8 917 3.6 869 3-05 2x 365 32278 3.2 1030 3.4 1111 Sired by La Presentation Denzel Mike Phoenix
4-05 2x 350 31766 3.8 1215 3.3 1054
3rd Dam:
Valcroft Gibson Nina VG-88-6YR-CAN
5-10 2x 339 26188 4.4 1153 3.5 910
4th Dam:
Valcroft Leader Lola VG-85-3YR-CAN 3-05 2x 365 22837 3.2 739
3.0 683
Lindale Goldendreams Korina 840 003130016500 100%-NA
Born: September 1, 2015
Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET GBR 642262 100%-NA *TV *TL
GTPI +1969G 12/2015 PTA -711M +9F -14P 91%R 12/15 PTA +2.71T +3.18UDC +2.38FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Lindale Rudy Kianna GP-80
2-07 2x 365 23980 4.1 993
Lindale Roy Kortney
3.4 812
3rd Dam:
USA 69270359 100%-NA
GP-84 VV++V (3-07) 2-02 2x 365 22270 3.6 808 3-04 2x 346 26990 3.5 948 4-06 2x 298 27870 3.2 878 Sired by Roylane Jordan-ET
2nd Dam:
3.3 732 3.2 858 3.2 858
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Gardner Emory Kierra VG-86
6-03 2x 365 30250 3.5 1045 2.9 872 Life 2532 165,290 3.6 5954 3.0 4902
Cowtown Durham Luella-ET EX-94 2E Dam of Lot 28
Elleeta Skybuck Lucy EX-95 3E Granddam of Lot 28
Oakfield Lotus Lilac-ET 840003127422463
Born: September 1, 2015 2nd Dam:
Elleeta Skybuck Lucy EX-95 3E
Blondin Lotus-ET
CAN 107308984 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY
GTPI +1559G 12/2015 PTA -658M -15F -6P 78%R 12/15 PTA +2.23T +1.72UDC +1.01FLC 77%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Cowtown Durham Luella-ET USA 63651103 100%-NA
6-08 EX-94,2E EEEEE 2-06 365 26850 3.7 981 3.5 931 4-00 305 19660 3.5 685 3.5 687 5-06 305 25140 3.9 968 3.3 841 Sired by Regancrest Elton Durham-ET
6-11 2x 365 30379 4.6 1398 3.3 996 9-09 281 27930 5.3 1485 3.0 833 Life 146,090 4.8 7056 3.4 5029 All-American Aged Cow 2007 Sr. & Grand Champion Int’l Holstein Show ‘07 HM All-American 5-Year-Old 2005 3rd Jr. 3-Year-Old North East Fall National ‘03
3rd Dam:
Elleeta Supersire Leah VG-88-7YR-CAN 4* 9-02 2x 365 25496 4.8 1230 3.2 809 Life 187,854 4.3 8147 3.2 6100
4th Dam:
Elleeta Starbuck Lynda GP-83-2Y CAN 2-02 2 326 13003 4.6 604 3.5 461
5th Dam:
Elleeta Threat Lisbee VG-88 CAN
7-00 2 318 18510 4.0 741 3.3 608 LIFE 8 Lact. 121769 4.2 5071 3.3 4008
6th Dam:
Blossom-Acres Sexation Lola VG-87 CAN 10-02 2 365 22421 3.9 875 3.3 736 LIFE 9 Lact. 167894 3.6 6127 3.3 5514
7th Dam:
Lolas Allhill Fury VG-85
7-09 2 305 28391 3.4 970 3.2 915 LIFE 6 Lact. 121822 3.8 4623 3.3 3459
Jonathan & Alicia Lamb Oakfield Corners Dairy 6880 Albion Rd., Oakfield, NY 14125 Cell: 585-704-2501
8th Dam:
Allhill Lola Sire Winston EX-90
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Quality-Ridge Stormi Hazel EX-96 EX-MS 2E Granddam of Lot 29
Hazels Sid Harmony-ET VG-88 Dam of Lot 29
Atwood Pending USA Pending
Born: September 1, 2015 2nd Dam:
Quality-Ridge Stormi Hazel EX-96 EX-MS 2E 5-01 2x 365 40360 4.6 1844 3.0 1204 Lifetime 184,130 4.3 7858 3.3 6044
3rd Dam: Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET CAN 8956379 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
Hazel’s show winnings!
*Res. All-Am 125,000 lb cow 2011 *2nd 125,000 lb cow WDE 2011 *1st 125,000 lb cow, N-E Fall Nat’l 2011 *1st 125,000 lb cow, NY Spring Show 2011 *HHM All-Am 125,000 lb cow 2010 *1st Aged Cow, 2009 East Fall Nat’l * Res. Grand Champ, 2009 East Fall Nat’l *All-American 5-Year-Old 2008 *1st place 5-Year-Old WDE 2008 *1st 5-Year-Old East Fall Nat’l 2008 *Grand Champ East Fall Nat’l 2008 *HM All-American 4-Year-Old 2007 *Un. All-American Junior 3-Year-Old 2006 *1st Junior 3-Year-Old WDE & Int. Champ ‘06 *HM All-American Junior 2-Year-Old 2005
EX-90 EE+V (4-06) GTPI +1952G 12/2015 PTA -34M +29F +3P 99%R 12/15 PTA +3.78T +2.64UDC +2.97FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Quality-Ridge SS Heidi EX-90 2E
5-06 2x 305 24290 3.7 908 3.2 780 6-06 2x 305 23570 3.6 843 3.2 755 Lifetime 156,500 3.8 6021 3.3 5171
4th Dam:
Quality-Ridge Astre Hazel VG-88 2-11 2x 305 25900 3.6 925 4-08 2x 305 26210 3.1 818
Hazels Sid Harmony-ET
5th Dam:
VG-88 VV+VE (2-10) Sired by Pine-Tree Sid-ET
6th Dam:
USA 70890761 100%-NA
Maternal Sister to Harmony:
Quality-Ridge Champ Hope EX-95-CAN
5-11 2x 353 41321 4.0 1673 3.0 1259 1st West Spring National Aged Cow, 2011
3.3 867 3.2 848
Quality-Ridge Searle Hazel Quality-Ridge Enhancer Maple GP-83 5-05 2x 305 20990 3.8 803
3.3 688
7th Dam:
Quality-Ridge Enchantment May VG-87 6-01 2x 246 16420 3.9 634
3.2 528
8th Dam:
Quality-Ridge Milestone Mar-OC VG-86
7-02 2x 305 18060 4.0 717 2.9 524
9th Dam:
Liddleholme 58 Tripp Rd. Argyle, NY 12809 518-361-9946
Jen-Aar Glendell Molly VG-88
5-05 2x 280 19490 3.9 752 Life: 3018d 167,640 3.8 6358
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
10th Dam:
Par-View Bootmaker Martha VG-86
Milksource Dstr Allspice-ET EX-90 Dam of Lot 30
Amlaird Lee Alice-ET EX-94 2E Granddam of Lot 30
St-Jacob GChain All In-ET 840 3127934930 99%-NA *GT
Born: September 1, 2015
2nd Dam:
Amlaird Lee Alice-ET EX-94 2E
Gen-Com Gold Chain
840 3009999534 99%-NA *TV *TL *TY *TD
VG-86 VVV+ (1-11) GTPI +1812G 12/15 PTA -133M +10F -7P 78%R 12/15 PTA +2.03T +1.68UDC +2.01FLC 76%R 12/15 Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET
Milksource Dstr Allspice-ET
3rd Dam:
MS Kingstead Chief Adeen-ET 2E-94 EX-MS DOM 8* 3-05 2x 310 30180 4.0 1209 3.6 1077 LIFE 1382 100,760 4.0 4010 3.6 3649
Full Sister to Adeen:
USA 69954179 100%-nA *TR *TL *TD
EX-90 2-02 2x 359 22660 3.0 673 3-03 2x 305 19390 3.0 574 Sired by Scientific Destry-ET *RC
7-05 2x 365 36980 5.0 1836 3.4 1257 Life 129,610 4.8 6178 3.5 4579 All-American 2003 1st Junior 2-Year-Old, 2003 World Dairy Expo
Shoremar S Alicia-ET EX-97 EX-MS 3E (9-04) 3.7 829 3.4 663
8-10 2x 365 38250 4.3 1650 3.3 1270 6-10 2x 365 35760 4.3 1544 3.4 1214 LIFE 2102 185,002 4.2 7731 3.4 6288 All-American Aged Cow 2003 All-American 5-Year-Old 2000 All-Canadian 5-Year-Old 2000 All-Canadian 4-Year-Old 1999 All-Canadian Junior 2-Year-Old 1997
4th Dam:
C Aitkenbrae Starbuck Ada 2E-94 EEEEE DOM St. Jacobs ABC & Tim Abbott 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
2-05 2x 362 25000 3.6 908 3.4 845 LIFE 137,740 3.4 4747 3.2 4389 All-American Produce of Dam 2000 & 2001 All-American Sr. 3-Year-Old 1990 Res. All-Time All-American 3-Year-Old 2003 1st 3-Yr-Old & Grand Champ Eastern Nat’l ‘90
Rummage SKB Strawberry-ET EX-94 EX-MS 3rd Dam of Lot 31
Ronbeth Linjet Shannon EX-94 2E 3-02 365 25392 4.4 1112 3.4 863 Maternal sister to granddam of Lot 31
Ms Doorman Sammy Pending
Born: July 18, 2015 2nd Dam:
VT-Pond-View Dur Suki-ET EX-90 EX-MS 3-11 2x 266 22420 3.5 794
3.2 709
3rd Dam: Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
VT-Pond-View Atwood Salem USA 142734500 100%-NA
VG-86 VVVVV (2-02) 1st Milking Fall Yearling, Northeast Fall National 2015 2nd Fall Calf, Northeast Fall National 2014 Sired by Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET
Rummage SKB Strawberry-ET EX-94 EX-MS 5-05 2x 365 29950 4.3 1284 3.2 951 4th Dam:
Ronbeth Linjet Shannon EX-94 EX-MS 2E 3-02 2x 365 25392 4.4 1112 3.4 863
5th Dam:
Ronbeth A Star Sandra VG-85-CAN
3-01 2x 365 26354 3.8 1014 3.3 869 Lifetime 156,681 4.0 6272 3.3 5161
6th Dam:
Ronbeth Missile Sadie VG-85-CAN
6-06 2x 333 22756 4.5 1030 3.5 807 Lifetime 160,466 4.7 7471 3.5 5582
7th Dam:
Ronbeth Stylist Yolanda VG-87-CAN 10-1 2x 365 24121 4.5 1074 Lifetime 185,363 4.3 8060
8th Dam:
Ronbeth Yuletide Bertha VG-86-CAN 10-10 2x 365 31720 3.6 1129
9th Dam:
Allyndale, Eaton & Murphy
Ronbeth Telstar Bertha EX-CAN 10-2 2x 365 27432 3.6 1001 Lifetime 195,224 3.7 7253
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Luncrest Weddng Drm-1713-ET 840 003130324666 100%-NA
Born: July 11, 2015
Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET GBR 642262 100%-NA *TV *TL
GTPI +1969G 12/2015 PTA -711M +9F -14P 91%R 12/15 PTA +2.71T +3.18UDC +2.38FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Luncrest Shottle Whit-1149
2nd Dam:
Luncrest Drham Wendy-1030 EX-92
2-04 2x 361 26720 4.0 1076 3.2 848 3-06 2x 297 26590 3.4 904 3.0 810
USA 63211339 100%-NA
EX-92 EX-92-MS 2-05 2x 365 26809 3.8 1022 3.0 807 3-09 2x 365 36201 3.2 1156 3.0 1073 4-11 2x 345 27993 4.1 1134 3.0 838 2011 Reserve Junior All-New York 4 Year Old and Best Bred and Owned Sired by Picston Shottle-ET
Hott Mess Armani Hussy 840 3131810118 100%-NA
Born: July 2, 2015
2nd Dam:
Craggan Denison Hilary VG-85
Mr Apples Armani-ET
3rd Dam:
EX-90 EEEV (4-10) GTPI +2103G 12/2015 PTA -1261M +35F -2P 94%R 12/15 PTA +2.11T +1.96UDC +2.50FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
3-00 2x 325 21424 4.0 853
USA 68571374 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY *TD
Hott Mess S Happy Ending USA 72420431 100%-NA
VG-86 VVV+V (2-06) Sired by Bru-Dale Snowden-ET
Craggan R Havana GP-80-2YR-CAN
3.3 708
4th Dam:
Eastriver M M Holly VG-86-3YR-CAN
4-11 2x 313 25514 4.0 1025 3.3 836
5th Dam:
Algonquin Holli VG-85-3YR-CAN 1*
3-06 2x 365 29855 4.0 1186 3.5 1041 Life 137,153 4.0 5534 3.4 4824
6th Dam:
Algonquin Leader Holly VG-87-3YR-CAN 2* 5-02 2x 349 30977 3.0 935 3.2 979 Life 152,656 3.3 5071 3.1 4791
7th Dam:
Algonquin C C Lisa Marie GP-82-2YR-CAN 1*
8th Dam:
Algonquin Lincoln Pricilla P VG-85-6YR-CAN 4* 8-01 2x 365 28076 3.9 1093 3.2 895 Life 141,366 3.9 5467 3.1 4511
Alicia Sharp & Zachary Welker 6501 N Bergen Rd. Byron, NY 14422 585-548-2486
9th Dam:
Algonquin Honky Tonk Girl VG-85-5YR-CAN
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
6-07 2x 322 24936 3.2 802 3.0 739 Life 120,164 3.2 3864 3.2 3748
Mac-Mara Golden Dream USA 143503026100%-NA
Born: June 21, 2015
Heavenly Golden Dreams-ET GBR 642262 100%-NA *TV *TL
GTPI +1969G 12/2015 PTA -711M +9F -14P 91%R 12/15 PTA +2.71T +3.18UDC +2.38FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Mac-Mara To Tiny Dancer EX-91 USA 141242842 100%-NA
Sired by Rietben Tee Off-ET
2nd Dam:
Mac-Mara BD Dylana EX-92
3rd Dam:
Mac-Mara Encore Daylight EX-94
4th Dam:
Gay-Home Beautician Diana EX-90
5th Dam:
Gay-Home Darcy VG-87 Ken & Lydia McEvoy 1436 US Highway 11 Marathon, NY 13803 607-849-32000
Edie’s Gold Evening Pending
Born: June 18, 2015
2nd Dam:
Hobby-Acres Pronto Edge-ET EX-93 2E
Braedale Goldwyn
CAN10705608 100%RHA-NA *TV*TL*TY
GP-84-8YR-CAN EXTRA’05 GM’12 GTPI +1882G 12/2015 PTA -371M +13F +1P 99%R 12/15 PTA +1.81T +1.51UDC +1.53FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Shoremar James
Hobby-Acres Wndbrk Edie-ET USA 72292931 100%RHA-NA
VG-88 VEV+V (2-04) Sired by Gillette Windbrook-ETS
4-06 2x 365 32940 3.9 1287 2.8 909 2nd 4-Year-Old Northeast Fall National 2013
3rd Dam:
Bainridge Durham Elegance EX-94 EX-MS 2E 2-05 2x 365 26430 3.4 900 2.9 761 Lifetime 1406 100,680 3.5 3499 3.2 3209
4th Dam:
Bainridge Progress Elsa EX-92 EX-MS 3E 5-05 2x 300 20550 3.7 757
3.1 647
5th Dam:
Bainridge Skychief Ethel EX-91 EX-MS 4-09 2x 305 20250 4.3 867
3.3 676
6th Dam:
Bainridge Tim Ellie GP-80
7th Dam:
Bainridge Home Run Echo VG-85
Eaton, Liddle & Lundy Syracuse, NY
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX-92 Granddam of Lot 36
STJ-PV Addiction Bluette-ET *RC 840 3127934925 100%-NA *TP *TL *TD
Born: June 10, 2015
2nd Dam: Mr Ansly Addiction-P-Red-ET
USA 72128091 100%-NA *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 VEVE (2-06) GTPI +2084G 12/15 PTA -1253M +4F -6P 78%R 12/15 PTA +2.15T +2.59UDC +.82FLC 77%R 12/15 Sired by Tiger-Lily Ladd P-Red-ET
Regancrest Brasilia-ET EX-92
2-03 2x 365 33180 3.6 1186 3.0 989 5-03 2x 305 29510 3.9 1154 2.7 810
3rd Dam:
Regancrest-PR Barbie-ET EX-92 EX-MS GMD DOM 2-06 2x 365 31690 3.9 1237 3.3 1050 HM All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old 2004
Butz-Butler Gld Brittney-ET
4th Dam:
Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
4-04 2x 365 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217 Grand Champion & BU IA Dist 1 Sh 2000 Res. Grand Champion 2000 IA State Fair
USA 66625051 100%-NA
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EX-MS GMD
5th Dam:
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
Full Sister to Brittney: Butz-Butler Gold Barbara-ET EX 92 EX-94-MS 3-07 2x 365 41726 3.9 1610 2.8 1185 All-American THREE consecutive years!
5-02 2x 365 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215 Life 1305 109,350 3.7 4031 3.3 3558
6h Dam:
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea 2E-91 GMD DOM 7-09 2x 365 33630 3.8 1276 3.1 1052 Life 2036 140,130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
7th Dam:
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS
St. Jacobs ABC & Mark St. Pierre 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
5-09 2x 365 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
8th Dam:
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Life 2432 131,940 3.6 4744
Windy-Knoll-View Pandego-ET EX-93 Dam of Lot 37
Windy-Knoll-View Pandee EX-93 2E Granddam of Lot 37
Windy-Knoll-View Panwind-ET 840003126132695 100%RHA-NA
Born: June 9, 2015
2nd Dam:
Windy-Knoll-View Pandee EX-93 2E
Gillette Windbrook-ETS
CAN 7816429 100%-NA *TV*TL*TY*TD
GTPI +2019G 12/2015 PTA +184M +34F +16P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.29T +1.38UDC +2.13FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Gillette Brilea FBI
Windy-Knoll-View Pandego-ET USA 68565111 100%RHA-NA
EX-93 2-09 2x 364d 27,361 4.3 1173 3.1 846 3-10 2x 365 24910 4.3 1062 3.0 753 9th place International Holstein Show 5-Yr-Old Cow Expo 2015 1st place Pennsylvania Fall Championship Show 2015 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
4-02 2x 365d 40520 3.8 1556 3.0 1212 5-04 2x 365d 38330 3.8 1469 2.9 1120 Life: 1632d 146810 3.9 5728 3.0 4456
3rd Dam:
Windy-Knoll-View JJB Pan-ET EX-92 3E 9-10 2x 365d 37700 4.4 1658 3.2 1202 5-04 2x 365d 32310 4.6 1475 3.2 1043 Life: 2721d 218650 4.7 10277 3.3 7286
4th Dam:
Windy-Knoll-View CC Pear-ET EX-94 2E 5-00 2x 365d 34660 3.4 1187 3.0 1029 3-07 2x 365d 26450 3.6 964 3.1 818 2nd 5-Yr-Old Cow Eastern Fall/Nat 1997
5th Dam
Windy-Knoll-View Ultimate Pala EX-94 3E DOM 5-08 2x 365d 27970 4.5 1267 3.3 932 Life: 2298d 123650 4.7 5777 3.3 4077 1st Dry Aged Cow Eastern National 1992 Five-Time All-Pennsylvania Winner
6th Dam
Windy-Knoll-View Creek Pauline VG-88 VEVE 4-09 2x 305d 18960 3.6 690 2.8 537
Windy Knoll View 8926 Corner Road Mercersburg, PA 17236
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Croaky-Pond Juror-bond Roxy EX-90 2E DOM
Croaky-Pond Durham Roxy EX-92 2E DOM
3rd Dam of Lot 38
4th Dam of Lot 38
Sco-Lo Contrast Ricochet-ET USA 74579190 100%-NA
4th Dam:
Born: June 8, 2015
Croaky-Pond Durham Roxy EX-92 EX-MS 2E DOM 5-03 2x 365 35940 3.1 1114 2.9 1037 Life: 1358d 100,530 3.3 3341 3.0 2971
5th Dam:
Croaky-Pond Encore Randi-ET EX-90 VEVEE 5-05 2x 365 22430 3.2 723
3.0 670
6th Dam:
Lylehaven-G Elev Randi VG-85 VVVVV
Larcrest Contrast-ET USA 56264541 100%-NA *TY
GTPI +1987 12/2015 PTA -238M +79F +1P 98%R PTA +1.35T +.96UDC +1.25FLC 96%R Sired by Golden-Oaks ST Alexander-ET
7th Dam:
C Hanoverhill Tempo Roxy-ET VG-88 VVEV 4-01 2x 321 22480 3.8 857
3.1 683
8th Dam:
Hanover-Hill Astro Roxie EX-91 VEEE GMD DOM
Sco-Lo Aftershock Roxy-ET USA 141177924 100%-NA
VG-87 VVVVV (3-09) 2-02 2x 305 22390 3.5 774 3.3 736 3-02 2x 337 31060 3.3 1013 3.1 971 Sired by Ms Atlees SHT Aftershock-ET
8-06 2x 365 35922 3.7 1340 3.0 1069 Life: 2826 216,932 3.8 8234 3.2 4291
9th Dam:
Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 EEEV GMD DOM 7-01 2x 365 24530 4.7 1153 Life: 2150 121,417 4.7 5725
10th Dam:
2nd Dam:
Peach-State Blton Roxete-ET VG-86
5-07 3x 353 31850 3.6 1148 3.1 1003 6-08 2x 320 33620 3.8 1292 3.1 1036 Life 1381 127,350 3.7 4663 3.1 3964 Sco-Lo and Wolf
5-05 2x 365 29470 3.6 1051 3.0 895 Life: 2071 142,759 3.5 4967 3.1 4404
3rd Dam:
Croaky-Pond Juror-bond Roxy EX-90 EX-MS 2E DOM 6-00 2x 305 25030 3.9 969
3.1 787
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97 4E GMD 10-1 2x 365 25280 4.2 1061 Life: 3620 209,784 4.5 9471 ‘Queen of the Breed I & II’
11th Dam:
C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90 *6 STAR Life: 4183 218,629 3.9 8581 All-American Produce of Dam 1977 - 1979
12th Dam:
Norton Court Reflection Val VG-85 *5 STAR Life: 249,583 3.7 9295
Luck-E Damion Tassel EX-94 2E Dam of Lot 39
Oakfield Ashley Tisdale-ET 840003127422440 100%-NA
Born: June 3, 2015
2nd Dam:
Luck-E Approval Tammy EX-93 2E
Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET CAN 8956379 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 EE+V (4-06) GTPI +1952G 12/2015 PTA -34M +29F +3P 99%R 12/15 PTA +3.78T +2.64UDC +2.97FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Luck-E Damion Tassel USA 62637135 100%-NA
EX-94 EEEVE 2E (7-06) 2-05 2x 365 27000 4.2 1135 3.7 987 3-10 2x 365 31980 4.7 1492 3.4 1097 6-08 2x 309 27220 4.3 1182 3.4 939 7-08 2x 365 29610 3.9 1148 3.2 933 Life 1615 124,970 4.3 5372 3.4 4191 Sired by Erbacres Damion
Jonathan & Alicia Lamb Oakfield Corners Dairy 6880 Albion Rd., Oakfield, NY 14125 Cell: 585-704-2501
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
3-05 2x 365 30660 4.5 1385 3.4 1036 5-00 2x 365 39330 3.2 1257 3.1 1209 Life 1517 122,920 4.2 5120 3.4 4149 HM Champion, IL Championship Show 2008
3rd Dam:
Leepaul Rudolph Tassel EX-91 2E
4-09 2x 354 34860 4.8 1656 3.5 1218 5-10 2x 365 32420 4.8 1547 3.5 1119 Life 2090 172,830 4.7 8133 3.4 5848
4th Dam:
Leepaul Astre Tassel *RC EX-93 3E
5-06 2x 365 31390 4.5 1427 3.1 978
5th Dam:
Leepaul A J Tickle EX-3E-CAN 6*
6-02 2x 365 27463 4.4 1199 3.3 899 Life 157,662 4.4 5292 3.4 5292
Kulp-Dale Real Maria-Red-ET EX-90 Dam of Lot 40
KY-Blue Ruben Marla-Red-ET EX-94 2E Granddam of Lot 40
Miss Marias Mysterious 840003127699368
Born: June 3, 2015 3rd Dam:
KY-Blue Ruben Marla-Red-ET EX-94 EX-MS 2E
Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET USA 65249839 100%-NA *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-92 EEVE (7-05) GTPI +1732G 12/15 PTA +10M +4F -13P 99% 12/15 PTA +2.29T +1.86UDC +1.39FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Picston Shottle-ET
3-11 2x 365 32170 4.0 1276 3.2 1038 5-08 2x 365 39430 3.7 1447 3.1 1206 Life 1339 117,460 3.7 4342 3.2 3800 Grand Champion, Grand Int’l R&W 2009 Unanimous AA R&W 5-Yr Old 2009 HHM All-American R&W 4-Year-Old 2007 Nom All-American Sr 3-Year-Old 2007 Intermediate Champion, Grand Int’l R&W 2007 All-American R&W Sr 3-Yr Old 2007
4th Dam:
Bar-Lee Storm Maggie *RC EX-93
Kulp-Dale Real Maria-Red-ET
4-08 2x 365 29471 3.3 981
USA 70805569 100%-NA *TL *TD
EX-90 VEVVE (4-00) 2nd Sr 3 Yr Old, Le Supreme Laitier Red & White Show (Quebec) 2nd Sr 3 Yr Old, Canadian National Red & White Show (at The Royal Winter Fair) Sired by Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red
3.3 983
5th Dam:
Bar-Lee Marker Mandy-Red-ET EX-94 EX-MS 3E 6-08 2x 365 25810 3.8 974 3.1 791 Life 2148 128,689 4.0 5183 3.2 4136
6th Dam:
Bar-Lee Ms Marcy-Red-ET EX-92
4.10 305d 25,547lbM 4.6% 1,175F 3.3% 842P All-American Sr. 2-Yr 1997 & Res. All-American 5-Yr 2000
2nd Dam:
Greenlea Deb Milly-Red-ET EX-90 EX-MS 3-07 2x 365 26200 3.3 855 Triple-T Holsteins, Pat Conroy & Cybil Fisher 6948 Brush Lake Rd. North Lewisburg, OH 43060 937-747-2110
3.1 809
7th Dam:
C Filiale Jubilant Mali-Red EX-91
2.02 365d 30,276lbM 3.6% 1,089F 2.9% 877P Res. All-American R&W Sr. 2-Yr Old Cow 1993
8th Dam:
Beaulain Miki Volcan VG-86-CAN 4*
5.01 305d 29,857lbM 3.5% 1,045F 2.9% 866P Life: 129,667lbM 3.6%F 3.1%P
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
9th Dam:
Beaulain Millie Merit VG-85-CAN 5*
9.11 305d 16,718lbM 3.6% 602F 3.2% 536P
T C Sanchez Kristina EX-95 Dam of Lot 41
Phoenix Shottbolt Kandid-TW Pending
Born: June 3, 2015
Gepaquette DG Shottbolt
HOCANM105900415 *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +1979G 12/2015 PTA +805M +44F +17P 96%R 12/15 PTA +1.71M +.65UDC +1.71FLC 92%R 12/15 Sired by Picston Shottle-ET
TC Sanchez Kristina HOCANF 9972095
EX-95 2-06 2x 313 24174 3.2 780 3.3 805 3-06 2x 357 26872 3.2 866 3.1 836 Nominated All-American 5-Year-Old 2015 Nominated All-Canadian 5-Year-Old 2015 3rd Five-Year-Old, International Holstein 2015 HM Grand Champ, International Jr Holstein 2015 Grand Champion, NY State Fair 2015 Sired by Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
2nd Dam:
TC Terrason Krista EX-92-4E-CAN
7-05 2x 33552 4.0 1347 3.3 1109 10-9 2x 365 37487 3.7 1398 3.1 1354 Life 200,892 3.7 7506 3.2 6407 Reserve Grand Champion, 2009 Frontenac
3rd Dam:
TC Rudolph Kristy VG-85-3YR-CAN 2* 3-03 2x 305 24833 3.5 873
3.1 761
4th Dam:
TC Astre Dawn GP-84-2YR-CAN 3-03 2cq324 28003 3.3 913
2.9 818
5th Dam:
TC Counselor Dena VG-85-3YR-CAN 3-04 2x 305 21687 3.9 838
3.5 767
6th Dam:
Trent Canal Warden Melanie VG-85-5YR-CAN
Eaton & Phoenix
6-11 2x 365 33340 4.0 1340 3.3 1113 Life 159,436 4.0 6406 3.4 5405 Nominated All-Canadian Fall Yearling 1988 Nominated All-American Fall Yearling 1988
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Comestar Lautamie Titanic VG-89 Granddam of Lot 42
Comestar Lautamicha Sanchez VG-86 Dam of Lot 42
Comestar Lautelma Igniter VG-89 3rd Dam of Lot 42
Comestar Lauchate Dempsey HOCANF109480671 • #0671
Born: June 2, 2015
2nd Dam:
Comestar Lautamie Titanic VG-89-2YR-CAN 31*
Lirr Drew Dempsey
USA 61083609 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
VG-88 EE++ (9-09) GTPI +1938G 12/2015 PTA -483M +13F +4P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.41T +1.95UDC +1.93FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Comestar Lautamicha Sanchez HOCANF106303224
VG-86-4YR-CAN 2-00 2x 365 33289 4.2 1389 3.2 1078 3-10 2x 365 27659 3.8 1054 2.9 807 Sired by Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
1-11 2x 365 41982 4.1 1742 3.5 1490 4-05 2x 365 46572 4.5 2110 3.4 1594 Reserve All-Canadian Junior 2-Year-Old, 2006
3rd dam:
Comestar Lautelma Igniter VG-89-4YR-CAN 21* 4-02 2x 365 49804 4.7 2343 3.5 1728 Life 113,927 4.5 5115 3.6 4083
4th dam:
Comestar Lautelle Emerson VG-85-2YR-CAN 2* 2-02 2x 365 30298 4.0 1197 3.6 1093
5th Dam:
Comestar Lausan Black-ET VG-87 CAN 23* 5-04 2x 365d 37,039 4.3 1587 3.6 1318 Lifetime: 108,246 4.4 4735 3.8 4151
6th Dam:
Comestar Laurie Sheik-ET VG-88 EX-MS CAN 23* 6-09 2x 365d 29,864 4.5 1329 3.4 1016 Lifetime: 106,564 4.5 4780 3.6 3885 HM All-Canadian Sr. 2 Year Old 1989 HM All-American Sr. 2 Year Old 1989 Grand Champion Victoriaville 1991
7th Dam:
Comestar Holstein 108, Boul. Arthabaska Est Victoriaville, Quebec, Canada G6T 0S9 (819) 758-8688
Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN EX-MS 15*
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
6-02 2x 365d 35,770 3.9 1398 2.9 1049 Lifetime: 109,580 4.0 4334 3.1 3439 3rd Mature Cow Victoriaville 1988
Busholm Eclip Ken Milkshake EX-95 4th Dam of Lot 43
Mac-Mara Defiant Showstopper USA 143502641 100%-NA
Born: June 2, 2015 3rd Dam:
Ms Talent Shimmer-ET EX-94 EX-MS 3E
5-02 2x 365 24160 3.7 904 3.2 773 Life 1959 122,200 4.0 4898 3.2 3954
4th Dam: Scientific B Defiant-ET
USA 141123484 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY *TD *GT
VG-87 EVV+ (4-08) GTPI +1712G 12/2015 PTA +379M -17F +2P 92%R 12/15 PTA +3.46T +2.41UDC +2.31FLC 88%R 12/15 Sired by Regancrest S Braxton-ET
Ms Show Gold
USA 142460461 100%-NA
GP-82 GV+GV (2-08) Sired by Toc-Farm Goldsun-ET
Busholm Eclip Ken Milkshake EX-95 EX-MS 3E
5-04 2x 365 30350 4.4 1343 3.2 967 Lifetime 155,250 4.5 7034 3.3 5111 *All-NY 5-Year-Old 2007 * 1st 5yr-old & HM Grand Champion NY State Fair 2007 *Res. Grand Champ Cortland Classic ‘05
5th Dam:
Busholm Jub Mandis Kendall EX-90 EX-MS 4-05 2x 365 26960 4.2 1122 3.3 902 Lifetime 118,600 4.3 5117 3.6 4235
6th Dam:
Busholm Buck-Lissa Mandi-ET GP-84
6-00 2x 305 25130 3.6 912 3.1 778 Lifetime 104,700 3.8 4013 3.2 3390
7th Dam:
Busholm Enchan Serena Melissa EX-90 EX-MS
2nd Dam:
5-06 2x 305 26070 3.9 1025 3.0 776
2-03 2x 365 27180 3.8 1030 3.1 838 3-10 2x 365 31920 4.4 1413 2.9 934
Busholm Wonders T T R Serena EX-91 EX-MS 2E DOM
Ms Shimmer Showdown-ET EX-90 EX-MS
Ken & Lydia McEvoy 1436 US Highway 11 Marathon, NY 13803 607-849-32000
8th Dam:
7-04 2x 305 22770 3.9 891 3.0 676 Lifetime 133,410 4.0 5348 3.1 4078
9th Dam:
Busholm Rorae J Wonder-TW VG-86 Lifetime 102,370 3.5 3620 3.1 3192
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Budjon-JK Storm Emily-ET EX-92 DOM Granddam of Lot 44
Budjon-JK Emilys Edair-ET EX-95 Dam of Lot 44
Budjon-JK Linjet Eileen-ET EX-96 GMD DOM 3rd Dam of Lot 44
Oakfield Gold Chip Evita-ET 840003127422391 100%RHA-NA
Born: June 1, 2015
2nd Dam:
Budjon-JK Storm Emily-ET EX-92 2E DOM
2-04 2x 365 32730 3.7 1197 3.3 1071 4-08 2x 365 41090 3.7 1515 3.2 1329 Reserve All-American Sr 2-Yr-Old 2005 Int Champ, Midwest Spring Nat’l 2005
Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET
USA 140145553 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-94 EEVE (6-00) GTPI +1904G 12/2015 PTA -237M +2F +22P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.46T +2.48UDC +2.24FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Budjon-JK Emilys Edair-ET USA 138418546 100%RHA-NA
EX-95 EEEEE 2E (6-09) 2-02 2x 332 24910 3.5 880 3.3 821 3-03 2x 330 27000 3.5 957 3.3 904 4-03 2x 365 38420 3.2 1241 3.3 1264 5-11 2X 365 37850 3.5 1307 3.2 1204 Life 132,440 3.4 4529 3.3 4342 Res. All-American Jr. 3-Yr. Old ‘10 2nd International Jr. 3-Yr. Old ‘10 4th International 4-Yr. Old ‘11 Sired by Regancrest Dundee-ET
3rd Dam:
Budjon-JK Linjet Eileen-ET EX-96 GMD DOM 5-06 2x 365 44703 3.7 1647 3.3 1467 Life: 1481d 139720 3.6 5063 3.5 4821 Reserve All-American Aged Cow 2005 Grand Champion, Mid-W Sprg Show 2005 All-American 5 Year Old Cow 2004 Res Sr Champion International Show 2004 HM All-Canadian Sr 3 Year Old Cow 2002 Nom All-American Sr 2 Year Old Cow 2001
4th Dam
Krull Broker Elegance EX-96 3E GMD DOM
5-07 2x 365 40950 3.7 1522 3.1 1272 Life: 2356 183,710 3.7 6878 3.2 5919 HM All-American Aged Cow 1999 & 2000 HM All-Canadian Mature Cow 1999
5th Dam
Krull Starbuck Excellency EX-90 GMD DOM 3-03 2x 365 27140 3.5 937 3.4 930
6th Dam
Krull TT Excellency EX-90 EX-MS DOM Life: 1733d 109780 3.7 4077 3.3 3605
Murphy & Eaton
7th Dam
Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92 2E GMD
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Life: 3026d 201440 3.5 7105 3.0 4634
8th Dam
Krull Kingstead Excellency EX-92 4E GMD Life: 3364d 179790 3.6 6436
Bonaccueil Maya Goldwyn EX-95 3E Dam of Lot 45
Ty-D Doorman Malaysia-ET HOCANF109512715 • #2715
Born: June 1, 2015
2nd Dam:
Bonaccueil Maya Thunder VG-89-3YR-CAN 2-11 2x 356 28869 3.5 1010 3.4 992
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
Bonaccueil Maya Goldwyn HOCANF103862777
EX-95-3E-CAN 2* 2-05 2x 313 22050 4.6 1014 3.7 805 3-07 2x 365 30216 4.5 1369 3.6 1078 5-04 2x 320 29570 4.3 1265 3.5 1027 6-05 2x 305 36283 4.4 1607 3.5 1261 8-03 2x 293 32752 4.3 1418 3.4 1102 Grand Champion, 2013 World Dairy Expo 1st Aged Cow, 2013 World Dairy Expo All-American 2013 Reserve All-Canadian 2012 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn Ty-D Holsteins Cap Sante, Quebec Canada
3rd Dam:
Bonaccueil Maby Windstar GP-83-2YR-CAN 3-05 2x 365 28715 4.0 1144 3.3 952
4th Dam:
Murlone Raider Mabel VG-87-4YR-CAN
4-03 2x 365 26014 4.3 1107 3.4 891 Reserve Grand, 1999 Belle Chasse
5th Dam:
Murlone Sterling Mabel VG-87-3YR-CAN 5-05 2x 365 20245 4.1 825
3.4 686
6th Dam:
Bond Haven Matt May B VG-87-5YR-CAN 1* Life 127,539 4.0 5158 3.2 4052
7th Dam:
Bond Haven Telstar May B VG-86-5YR-CAN 3* Life 112,136 4.3 4961
8th Dam:
Bond Haven Marquis T May EX-CAN 5* Life 148,084 4.0 5981 2.8 507
9th Dam:
Bond Haven Telstar May EX-CAN Life 102,939 4.2 4327
10th Dam:
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Bond Haven Maple May VG-CAN 3*
STJ-Fitz Attorney Cabellas 840 3127934893 100%-NA
Born: June 1, 2015
2nd Dam:
Thorncrest LJ Cypress-ET EX-91 EX-MS 2E
Ms Aubrey GC Attorney-ET USA 70476912 100%-NA TV TL TY TD
VG-88 EV+V (3-05) GTPI +1932G 12/15 PTA +499M -8F -P 79% 12/15 PTA +2.45T +2.53UDC +2.687FLC 78%R 12/15 Sired by Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET
Thorncrest D Chardonay USA 142524626 100%-NA
VG-86 Junior Champion, 2014 Vermont State Show Sired by Regancrest Dundee-ET St. Jacobs ABC & Robert Fitzsimmons 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
5-05 2x 365 27660 5.2 1447 3.2 880 6-09 2x 337 27010 3.5 935 3.2 866 Life 1518 104,760 4.3 4484 3.2 3383
3rd Dam:
Thorncrest Honorable Casper EX-92 3E
5-08 2x 365 32740 3.3 1085 3.0 971 14-1 2x 365 35020 3.1 1102 2.8 976 Life 3813 253,300 3.2 8092 3.0 7553
4th Dam:
Thorncrest Magic Cow VG-88
5-09 2x 365 30620 3.7 1128 3.0 929
5th Dam:
Mahrud Columbus Chrissy GP-83
6-06 2x 305 28080 3.1 884 2.8 789 Life 2129 151,790 3.0 4537 2.8 4322
6th Dam:
Mahrud Carlo Nichole VG-88 VG-MS
4-03 3x 291 21100 3.4 723 Life 1984 107,580 3.2 3452 3.0 2130
Edie’s GC Everlasting Pending
Born: April 4, 2015
Mr Chassity Gold Chip-ET
USA 140145553 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-94 EEVE (6-00) GTPI +1904G 12/2015 PTA -237M +2F +22P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.46T +2.48UDC +2.24FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Hobby-Acres Wndbrk Edie-ET USA 72292931 100%RHA-NA
VG-88 VEV+V (2-04) Sired by Gillette Windbrook-ETS
2nd Dam:
Hobby-Acres Pronto Edge-ET EX-93 2E
4-06 2x 365 32940 3.9 1287 2.8 909 2nd 4-Year-Old Northeast Fall National 2013
3rd Dam:
Bainridge Durham Elegance EX-94 EX-MS 2E 2-05 2x 365 26430 3.4 900 2.9 761 Lifetime 1406 100,680 3.5 3499 3.2 3209
4th Dam:
Bainridge Progress Elsa EX-92 EX-MS 3E 5-05 2x 300 20550 3.7 757
3.1 647
5th Dam:
Bainridge Skychief Ethel EX-91 EX-MS 4-09 2x 305 20250 4.3 867
3.3 676
6th Dam:
Bainridge Tim Ellie GP-80
7th Dam:
Rodney Hetts & Lindvent 3039 Brewer Rd. Marietta, NY 13110 315-857-8303
Bainridge Home Run Echo VG-85
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Larochelle Lotus Laurelle-ET *RC CAN109262146 • #524
Born: March 28, 2015 4th thru 12th Dams:
Sunnylodge James Lucille VG-87-3YR-CAN 1* 2-03 3x 365 35375 3.6 1259 3.3 1179
Sunnylodge Leader Leona VG-89-4YR-CAN 3*
Blondin Lotus-ET
CAN 107308984 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY
GTPI +1559G 12/2015 PTA -658M -15F -6P 78%R 12/15 PTA +2.23T +1.72UDC +1.01FLC 77%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Sunnylodge Broker Shana VG-85-3YR-CAN 17* 4-06 2x 311 27399 4.5 1226 3.5 955 Life 128,372 4.4 5800 3.5 4503
Sunnylodge Prelude Spottie VG-87-3YR-CAN 18* 3-04 2x 365 30091 4.1 1224 3.5 1058 Holstein Canada Cow of the Year - 1998
Vioris Laurelee-RED-ET HOCANF11446703
2nd Spring Calf, 2013 Quebec International R&W 3rd Spring Yearling, 2014 Quebec Spring R&W Sired by Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red
Sunnylodge He Man Judy VG-86 4-07 2x 360 22509 4.2 950
3.3 741
Sunnylodge Lolie VG-85
8-06 2x 358 29899 3.4 1005 3.0 895 Life 187,027 3.4 6435 3.0 3362
Sunnylodge Edith EX-CAN
Conroy & Eaton 260-402-4494
2nd Dam:
Sunnylodge M B Leona-RED-ETS VG-86 2-00 2x 365 22001 3.9 848
3.3 731
3rd Dam:
6-09 2x 365 34471 3.7 1276 3.2 1116 Life 146,340 4.1 5932 3.5 5155
Misty Springs SS Leona-ET VG-87-CAN 2* 4-06 2x 365 35551 4.3 1525 3.2 1140
6-09 2x 365 24123 3.8 924 Life 141,081 3.8 5329 3.0 1067
Sunnylodge Carol Maple VG-86 Life 108,442 3.9 4266
Merkdale Tena President VG-CAN 6-10 2x 335 20095 4.2 847
Milibro Absolute Resty-RED-ET HOCANF108673318 • #3318
Born: March 24, 2015
Apples Absolute-Red-ET
USA 139358472 100%-NA *CV *TL *TY *TD
EX-94 EEVE (5-08) GTPI +1546G 12/2015 PTA -1634M +4F -14P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.85T +2.85UDC +2.25FLC 98%R 12/15 Sired by Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET
2nd dam:
Proulade Citronette Rubens-RED-ET VG-87-6YR-CAN 5* 4-10 2x 358 31385 4.0 1246 3.5 1087 5-11 2x 365 33525 3.9 1310 3.5 1166 Life 158,224 4.0 6268 3.5 5586
Proulade Rose Toby-RED-ET
3rd dam:
VG-85-4YR-CAN 3-04 2x 365 29363 4.4 1281 3.4 999 5-00 3x 365 29919 3.9 1173 3.3 992 3rd Winter Calf, 2009 Royal Red & White HM Junior Champ, 2010 Quebec International R&W Sired by Browndale Toby
4-07 2x 355 25873 3.9 1005 3.6 930
Proulade Beautie Charles *RC VG-85-2YR-CAN 10*
4th dam:
Proulade Marie Startrek-RED VG-86-3YR-CAN 5-11 2x 294 26131 3.7 957 3.0 783 Life 146,726 3.5 5239 3.2 4619
5th dam:
Proulade Mary Rex *RC VG-85-4YR-CAN Life 141,907 3.7 5230 3.2 4585 Ferme Milibro 1610, rang 3 Tingwick, QC J0A 1L0 Tél./Fax : 819 359-3120
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Derrwyn Miss Special-Red-ET EX-94 2E DOM Granddam of Lot 50
Liddleholme Spark-RED 840 3129745787 100%-NA
Born: March 24, 2015
2nd Dam:
Derrwyn Miss Special-Red-ET EX-94 2E DOM 5-02 2x 365 43260 4.2 1834 3.4 1278 All-American 125,000 Lb Cow 2008
Apples Absolute-Red-ET
3rd Dam:
EX-94 EEVE (5-08) GTPI +1546G 12/2015 PTA -1634M +4F -14P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.85T +2.85UDC +2.25FLC 98%R 12/15 Sired by Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET
6-11 2x 365 36900 4.2 1560 2.8 1049 Life: 1959 152,150 4.2 6417 3.1 4703 HM All-American R&W Aged Cow 2003
USA 139358472 100%-NA *CV *TL *TY *TD
Derrwyn Factor Miata-Red EX-94 2E
4th Dam:
Derrwyn TT Mistic VG-86
Oakfield Atwd Sassafras-ET
6-02 2x 365 27200 3.9 1068 2.8 749 Life: 2119 140,260 4.0 5669 2.8 3905
Derwyn Gold Mistress EX-91 EX-MS 2E
840 3006989093 100%-NA
5th Dam:
5-02 2x 365 23540 3.4 793 2.9 683
6th Dam:
Derrwyn Magic Missy VG-88
4-06 2x 305 19680 3.3 644 2.8 558
7th Dam:
Derrwyn Bootmaker Misty VG-85 Life: 2599 134,650 3.4 4609
8th Dam:
Derrwyn Hagen Dawn VG-88
Liddleholm 58 Tripp Rd. Argyle, NY 12809 518-361-9946
Life: 3397 193,260 3.6 6874
9th Dam:
Win-Day-Wood Hillside Ben EX-91 2E
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Life: 3025 158,770 3.6 5728
Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah EX-92 Dam of Lot 51
Hez Ashkn Hotstreak-ET 840 3127934918 100%-NA
Born: March 18, 2015
Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET USA 65249839 100%-NA *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-92 EEVE (7-05) GTPI +1732G 12/15 PTA +10M +4F -13P 99% 12/15 PTA +2.29T +1.86UDC +1.39FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Picston Shottle-ET
Dubeau Dundee Hezbollah CAN 104117050 100%RHA-NA
EX-92 EEEEE (4-05) 2-03 2x 365 27190 3.4 933 3.2 878 4-03 2x 365 42050 4.4 1859 3.1 1299 Reserve All-American 4-Year-Old Cow, 2011 1st Senior 2-Year-Old & Intermediate Champion, International Holstein Show 2009 2nd 4-Year-Old, International Holstein Show 2011 1st 4-Year-Old & Grand Champion, Mid-West Spring National Show 2011
2nd Dam:
Dubeau Lyne La Trent Huit B EX-90-CAN
1-11 2x 327 17559 4.7 817 3.4 597 2-11 2x 365 22193 4.6 1016 3.5 775 4-02 2x 365 24980 4.4 1095 3.2 806 5-05 2x 365 28582 4.3 1230 3.3 929 6-10 2x 365 27773 4.3 1205 3.3 919 Life 1787 121,087 4.4 5363 3.3 4026
3rd Dam:
Dubeau JY Antoinette VG-87-CAN
St. Jacobs ABC 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
7-05 2x 358 27043 4.2 1148 3.2 855 Life 1945 146,111 4.0 5810 3.3 4750
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
MD-Valleyvue Gold Candy-ET *RC EX-92 Granddam of Lot 52
MD-Valleyvue Storm Clar-Red EX-92 EX-MS 2E 3rd Dam of Lot 52
Oakfield ABS Candy-Red
4th Dam:
Born: March 9, 2015
5-09 2x 365 40700 3.0 1236 2.9 1179 Lifetime 203210 3.4 6947 3.3 6560 Res. All-AM R&W Winter Yrlng 2005
840003127422096 100%-NA
OConnors Monet Clara-Red-ET EX-92 EX-MS 2E
5th Dam:
Scientific Cherry Rae-Red VG-86-4YR-CAN 5* 6-05 2x 365 36303 4.8 1739 3.9 1404
6th Dam:
Scientific Jubilant Rae-ET EX-90 DOM
Apples Absolute-Red-ET
USA 139358472 100%-NA *CV *TL *TY *TD
EX-94 EEVE (5-08) GTPI +1546G 12/2015 PTA -1634M +4F -14P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.85T +2.85UDC +2..25FLC 98%R 12/15 Sired by Ladino Park Talent-Imp-ET
CS-Redvue RRed Carma-ET EX-90 USA 140565692 100%-NA *RC
Sired by Hurtgen-Vue Reality-Red
5-11 3x 365 38880 4.1 1608 3.6 1403 Lifetime 117590 4.0 4707 3.6 4242
7th Dam:
C Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96 3E GMD DOM 6-11 365 40221 4.1 1660 3.5 1408 Lifetime 166397 4.1 6903 3.4 5611 HM All-American Jr 2yr-old 1988 Nom. All-American 5yr-old 1991
8th Dam:
Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET *RC EX-94,2E GMD-DOM 10-00
365 35040 4.3 1519 3.2 1129
9th Dam:
Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD-DOM Lifetime 121417 4.7 5725
2nd Dam:
10th Dam:
2-02 2x 365 27270 3.8 1026 3.1 839
3rd Dam:
Lifetime 209784 4.5 9471 2X Queen of the Breed, over 100 EX descendants! Mem. All-Time All-Am Produce of Dam
4-04 2x 305 30970 4.6 1431 3.1 964
11th Dam:
MD-Valleyvue Gold Candy-ET *RC EX-92 MD-Valleyvue Storm Clar-Red EX-92 EX-MS 2E Jonathan & Alicia Lamb Oakfield Corners Dairy 6880 Albion Rd., Oakfield, NY 14125 Cell: 585-704-2501
C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97 4E GMD
C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90 *6 STAR Life: 4183 218,629 3.9 8581 All-American Produce of Dam 1977 - 1979
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
12th Dam:
Norton Court Reflection Val VG-85 *5 STAR Life: 249,583 3.7 9295
La Presentation Marilie EX-90 10* 3rd Dam of Lot 53
Damibel Airlift Marisa HOCANF108942593 • #2593
Born: March 3, 2015 2nd Dam:
Parile J Stormatic Marila VG-88-6YR-CAN 4-09 2x 351 33680 3.5 1193 3.1 1056 6-10 2x 305 32597 3.7 1190 3.1 1012 Life 178,279 3.7 6571 3.2 5611
Canyon-Breeze At Airlift-ET
3rd dam:
VG-87 VVVV (3-08) GTPI +1991G 12/2015 PTA +801M +21F +2P 97%R 12/15 PTA +3.53T +1.74UDC +3.98FLC 95%R 12/15 Sired by Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood
4-05 2x 365 29958 3.9 1179 3.2 372 Life 128,391 4.1 5205 3.3 4299
USA 62897620 100%-NA *TV *TL *TY *TD
Damibel Bolton Magalie
4th dam:
La Presentation Chilli-ET EX-2E-CAN 8*
5-04 2x 343 32249 4.1 1321 3.7 1177 Life 116,877 4.0 4676 3.5 4028
5th dam:
GP-82-2YR-CAN 2-01 2x 342 21266 3.7 796 3-02 2x 309 23413 3.8 886 Sired by Sandy-Valley Bolton-ET
La Presentation Marilie EX-90-8YR-CAN 10*
Nakina Blackstar Jenny EX-CAN 12* 3.2 670 3.2 761
9-06 2x 365 34198 4.4 1512 3.4 1168 Life 150,671 4.4 6727 3.6 5472 9 Superior Lactations
6th dam:
De La Presentation Mona-ET VG-88-6YR-CAN 11* 10-1 2x 305 30443 3.4 1025 2.8 864 Life 221,628 3.6 7968 3.2 7012
7th dam:
De La Presentation Onelle VG-86-4YR-CAN 13*
8th dam:
Conroy, Eaton & Hill 260-402-4494
De La Presentation Lyne VG-85-6YR-CAN 2* Life 158,218 3.7 5817 3.2 2974
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
9th dam:
De La Presentation Valentine VG-CAN
Bonaccuiel Annick Doorman HOCANF109143248 • #3248
Born: March 6, 2015 3rd thru 9th dams:
Fortale Amanda Allen-ET EX-92-3E-CAN 6* 7-10 2x 365 33089 3.6 1193 3.3 1105 Life 137,494 3.6 4950 3.4 4632
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
Fortale Patricia Astre-ET EX-92-4E-CAN 9*
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
Fortale Stella Lindy-ET EX-2E-CAN 11*
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
VG-86-4YR-CAN 4-02 2x 321 22941 4.6 1052 3.3 763 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
7-03 2x 365 36654 4.4 1612 3.4 1237 Life 164,262 4.1 6694 3.6 5815 7 Superior Lactations Nominated All-Canadian 1997, 1996 Nominated All-American 1997 Holstein Canada Cow of the Year 2004
2nd Dam:
Life 148,508 4.2 6160 3.4 5076 3 Superior Lactations
Bonaccueil Anna Goldwyn HOCANF106713234
Pat Conroy 260-402-4494
6-07 2x 365 34178 3.7 1281 3.1 1054 Life 206,685 3.4 6987 3.2 6554 Reserve All-Quebec 2002 2nd Mature Cow 2002 Supreme Dairy Show
Fortale Amande Champion EX-92-2E-CAN 2* 3-09 2x 365 34215 3.5 1199 3.3 1131 5-05 2x 365 31605 3.1 974 3.3 1043 Life 149,608 3.5 5218 3.3 4995 Reserve Grand Champion, 2008 Bell Chasse Reserve Grand Champion, 2008 Montmagny
Mapel Wood S C Belle-ET VG-85-2YR-CAN 3* Tannery Hill Unique Belle VG-85-3YR-CAN 2* Life 101,683 4.3 4369
Anchor & Hope SG Bonita VG-85-6YR-CAN Life 118,119 3.3 3871
Gerar Brenda VG-86
Phoenixholm Doorman Sheryl CAN11910996 • #86
Born: March 2, 2015
2nd Spring Calf, 2015 On County 7th Spring Calf, 2015 Royal Winter Fair
2nd Dam:
Dappledale Jasper Stephany EX-92-2E-CAN 4-03 2x 292 22670 4.0 913
3.1 705
3rd Dam:
Dappledale Skyluc Stephany EX-92-4E-CAN 8-09 2x 365 33554 4.4 1470 3.2 1078 Life 129,603 4.5 5817 3.4 4375 Nominated All-Ontario 2006
4th dam:
Dappledale Jolt Stephany VG-88-4YR-CAN 4* 4-01 2x 324 22793 3.4 776
Phoenixholm Doorman Sheryl
Dappledale Leader Cheryl EX-2E-CAN 1*
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
Phoenixholm Attic Sheryl HOCANF11310572
Lundy, Eaton & Phoenix
VG-86-3YR-CAN 2-04 2x 309 16656 4.1 677 3-04 2x 311 22324 4.3 968 Sired by Allyndale-I Attic
3.2 719
5th dam:
4-11 2x 365 28065 4.1 1155 3.1 882 Life 150,786 3.8 5815 3.0 4613
6th dam:
Dappledale Attract Cheryl-ET VG-85-4YR-CAN 2* 7-07 2x 316 21413 3.9 840 3.0 637 Life 128,133 4.0 5047 2.9 3776
7th dam: 3.3 553 3.3 1285
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Dappledale Magic Cheryl VG-86-3YR-CAN 2* 6-11 2x 355 25622 4.2 1067 3.3 851 Life 150,130 4.0 6086 3.3 3739
Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95 2E 17* 3rd Dam of Lot 56
Dymentholm DH Armani Coral HOCANF12133748 • #187
Born: March 2, 2015
2nd Dam:
Morsan Miss Conception-ET VG-87-4YR-CAN 3-00 3x 365 28638 3.9 1109 3.2 904
Mr Apples Armani-ET
USA 68571374 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 EEEV (4-10) GTPI +2103G 12/2015 PTA -1261M +35F -2P 94%R 12/15 PTA +2.11T +1.96UDC +2.50FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Morsan Hero Conception-ET HOCANF11556248
VG-85-2YR-CAN 2-03 2x 319 19542 4.4 864 3.2 628 1st Fall Yearling, 2014 Brant-Wentworth Sired by Siemers Toys Hero 9701-ET
3rd Dam:
Eastside Lewisdale Gold Missy EX-95-2E-CAN 17*
5-00 2x 365 40483 4.2 1711 3.2 1314 7-01 2x 365 36449 4.9 1770 3.4 1230 Life 148,065 4.6 6783 3.4 4955 Cow of the year Holstein Canada 2012 Grand and Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2011 & Royal Agriculture Fair 1st Junior 3 Yr-Old & Res. Intermediate Champion World Dairy Expo 2009 1st Junior 2 Yr-Old World Dairy Expo 2008 1st Junior 2 Yr-Old Royal 2008
4th Dam:
Stadacona Outside Abel VG-88 35*
3-03 2x 365 36599 4.6 1695 3.0 1093 Life 107,118 4.0 4447 3.0 3263 3 Superior Lactations H.M. All-Atlantic Intermediate Yearling 2001 Finalist Cow of the Year 2011
5th Dam:
Stadacona Progress Anibel VG-85-3YR-CAN 2* 4-03 2x 365 38186 3.4 1312 3.2 1208 Life 266,137 3.4 9035 3.1 8310 5 Superior Lactations
Eaton & Borba
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Pamtom Twinkie EX-93 EX-MS 2E 3rd Dam of Lot 57
Tyrbach Elevation Twinkie EX-97 3E GMD DOM
4th Dam of Lot 57
Liddleholme Thunder 840003129745782
Born: March 1, 2015
2nd Dam:
Liddleholme Advent Twink-ET *RC EX-92 EX-MS 2E 6-02 2x 305 23650 4.8 1141 3.4 795 Life 1972 114,040 4.7 5387 3.5 3952
Mr Apples McGucci-ET
3rd Dam:
GTPI +2292G 12/2015 PTA -745M +40F +14P 80%R 12/15 PTA +3.35T +2.60UDC +3.44FLC 79%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET
4-08 2x 365 30040 4.4 1319 3.1 945 7-01 2x 365 26320 4.0 1057 3.1 803 Lifetime 123980 4.3 5332 3.2 3935
USA 72353438 99%-I *RC *TL *TY *TD *GT
4th Dam:
Tyrbach Elevation Twinkie EX-97 EX-MS 3E GMD DOM
Hobby-Acres Twinkie-ET USA 139355095 100%-NA *RC
Sired by Fradon Redliner-Red-ET EX-90 EEV+E (7-01) 2-02 2x 284 13500 4.1 553 3-02 2x 295 15630 3.9 617 4-03 2x 365 18300 4.3 779 5-07 2x 320 25680 4.0 1017
Pamtom Twinkie EX-93 EX-MS 2E
3.7 497 3.5 550 3.7 676 3.4 862
7-04 2x 365 31370 3.8 1182 3.1 979 9-03 2x 365 35400 3.3 1174 2.8 991 10-6 2x 365 30940 2.7 848 2.9 908 Lifetime 178305 3.4 6046 3.0 4561 All-American 5-Year-Old 1987 All-American 4-Year-Old 1986 All-American 3-Year-Old 1985
5th Dam:
Briggskill Hostess Twinkie VG-87
4-05 2x 323 18980 3.6 683 3.3 516 Lifetime 106260 3.7 3910 3.3 3011
6th Dam:
Briggskill Ivanhoe Hostess VG-87
Liddleholm 58 Tripp Rd. Argyle, NY 12809 518-361-9946
6-04 2x 340 18290 3.8 692
7th Dam:
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Briggskill Admiral Holly VG-85 5-01 2x 287 16070 4.0 646
Sunspark Armani Disco-Red-ET Lot 58
Sunspark Armani Disco-Red-ET HOCANF 11907775 • #605
Born: December 31, 2014 HM Junior Champ RAWF 2015 2nd thru 11th Dams:
Sunspark S S Dream *RC VG-85-4YR-CAN 6-02 2x 365 30163 4.3 1290 3.0 913 Life 135,188 3.9 5297 3.1 4194
Mr Apples Armani-ET
Sunspark Champion Dacey VG-85-2YR-CAN
EX-90 EEEV (4-10) GTPI +2103G 12/2015 PTA -1261M +35F -2P 94%R 12/15 PTA +2.11T +1.96UDC +2.50FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Sunspark Mtoto Denim GP-80-2YR-CAN
USA 68571374 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY *TD
Sunspark Contender Deejay-Red HOCANF 9636387
EX-92-2E-CAN 2-11 2x 297 20741 4.6 950 3.3 686 3-09 2x 276 17882 4.3 772 3.3 597 4-10 2x 365 31519 4.2 1334 3.2 1005 6-06 2x 227 23397 3.8 895 3.0 708 Inc. 1st Aged Cow, 2015 Bruce-Grey Junior Champion, 2009 Ontario R&W Sired by Patience Showline Contender
3-07 2x 365 22198 3.9 860 2-03 2x 365 22760 3.4 763
3.3 739
3.3 754
Sunspark Rudolph Dionne-ET GP-83-2YR-CAN 4-08 2x 308 23296 3.4 800
3.3 774
Sunspark Mascot Dahlia VG-87-7YR-CAN 5* 8-05 2x 365 29081 3.8 1116 3.5 1012 Life 189,009 4.0 7548 3.5 6534
Hilltop-Hanover-B Cleit Doobie VG-85-3YR-CAN 4* 3-08 2x 365 28049 3.7 1027 3.2 884
Ocean-View Valiant Dixie VG-85-8YR-USA DOM 3-09 2x 365 27260 3.2 880 3.3 908 Life 117,011 3.7 4388 3.3 3900
Fleetridge Bootmaker Dixie EX-90 2E GMD DOM
6-07 2x 365 43431 3.1 1349 • Life 255,845 3.3 8481
Fleetridge Mona Dixie EX-92 2E
10-1 2x 365 40009 3.5 1413 • Life 238,506 3.6 8627
Fleetridge Grand Dixie VG-87
5-11 2x 305 24440 3.4 833 • Life 140,860 3.5 4923
Heffernan, Phoenix & Black
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Gen-I-Beq Talent Spectra-RED-ET VG-85 3rd Dam of Lot 59
Glen Drummond Splendor-ET VG-86 4th Dam
Charpentier McCutchen Sariette HOCANF108969344• #9344
Born: December 22, 2014 2nd Dam:
Charpentier FBI Sierra VG-89-5YR-CAN 3* 5-00 2x 365 53263 3.6 1931 3.2 1711 Life 187,177 3.7 6918 3.4 6358 6 Superior Lactations
De-Su BKM McCutchen 1174-ET USA 69990138 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-93 EEEE (4-10) GM GTPI +2486G 12/2015 PTA +920M +52F +34P 99%R 12/15 PTA +3.14T +2.85UDC +2.47FLC 98%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
Charpentier Destry Serious HOCANF106357416
VG-85-4YR-CAN 2-00 2x 333 22987 3.7 862 3.5 802 3-00 2x 315 23005 3.8 877 3.4 791 4-00 2x 356 28614 3.8 1093 3.4 983 Sired by Scientific Destry-ET
3rd Dam:
Gen-I-Beq Talent Spectra-RED-ET VG-85-2YR-CAN 17* 4-08 2x 365 41204 3.9 1612 3.5 1448 Life 128,377 4.1 4925 3.4 4478 3 Superior Lactations
4th Dam:
Glen Drummond Splendor-ET VG-86-2YR-CAN 39* 4-10 2x 314 26510 4.2 1124 3.2 1607
5th Dam:
Glen Drummond Aero Flower VG-88-3YR-CAN 18* 2-03 2x 326 25622 4.0 1032 3.4 882
6th Dam:
Glen Drummond Shower-ET EX-CAN 14*
4-10 2x 365 28583 4.8 1380 3.6 1310
7th Dam:
Glen Drummond SC Jo Beth EX-2E-CAN 7* 5-09 3x 305 31358 4.0 1263 3.1 974 Life 141,637 4.3 5994 3.3 3593
8th Dam:
Glen Drummond Matt Beth VG-85-3YR-CAN 4*
11-10 2x 365 25038 3.7 935 Life 105,953 4.1 4294
9th Dam:
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
2.8 756
Glen Drummond Marquis Beth VG-CAN
Sco-Lo-Coons Recharge Ya-ET USA 72916669 100%-NA
Born: December 8, 2014
3rd Dam:
Standean Merchant Pamela VG-88-4YR-CAN 3-02 2x 354 26199 3.8 992
3.1 822
4th Dam:
Altagen-I Dante Patience-ET VG-87-5YR-CAN 2* 4-11 2x 351 29081 3.9 1149 3.1 915
Craigcrest Recharge-ET
5th Dam:
CAN 11484608 100%-NA *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 EEVV (3-04) GTPI +1832G PTA -881M +19F -6P 78%R 12/15 PTA +2.01T +1.15UDC +1.91FLC 77%R 12/15 Sired by Gillette Windbrook-ETS
Altagen Jed Pansie-ET VG-89-4YR-CAN
3-09 2x 365 30677 4.8 1459 3.4 1056 Superior Lactation HM All-Canadian 1999 HM All-American 1999
6th Dam:
Goldenflo Goldwyn Foxie
Roylane Southwind Pansy VG-89-4YR-USA 3*
CAN 9826458 100%-NA
3-01 2x 365 27251 4.7 1270 3.6 977
EX-94 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
7th Dam:
Carnation Trad Valiant Prin-ET VG-86-3YR-USA 3-04 2x 365 26711 3.7 994
2nd Dam:
Standean Dundee Peggy VG-85-2YR-CAN 3-10 2x 328 25970 4.2 1085 3.3 849 Borba/Sco-Lo Franchise
3.4 895
8th Dam:
Bossir Tradition Princess VG-88-USA GMD DOM 6-04 2x 365 38999 2.9 1116 3.2 1248 Life 132,609 3.3 4271
9th Dam:
Bossir Burkgov Princess VG-87-USA
6-10 2x 365 25540 4.0 1034 Life 134,122 3.5 4782
Dappleholm Armani Maverick HOCANF 12137386 • #36
Born: December 3, 2014 1st Place Winter Calf, 2015 4-H Autumn Opportunity 2nd Winter Calf, 2015 Autumn Opportunity 2nd Winter Calf, 2015 On County
Mr Apples Armani-ET
USA 68571374 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 EEEV (4-10) GTPI +2103G 12/2015 PTA -1261M +35F -2P 94%R 12/15 PTA +2.11T +1.96UDC +2.50FLC 89%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Loa-De-Mede Legend Megan G78
3rd Dam:
Loa-De-Mede Champion Mikayla-ET GP-83-3YR-CAN
Dappledale Gibraltar Melanie
3-04 2x 306 22864 3.6 829
VG-88-5YR-CAN 2-08 2x 317 19262 3.3 626 4-09 2x 298 21841 3.3 714 Sired by Nipponia Edr Gibraltar
2nd Dam:
3.0 686
4th Dam: 3.0 575 3.0 657
Mike and Jessica Phoenix Greenbank, Ontario
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Loa-De-Mede Optimum Myranda EX-94-5E-CAN 3* 7-02 2x 365 25937 4.8 1252 3.1 813 Life 163,966 4.7 7629 3.2 5317 Nominated All-Canadian 2005, 2004, 2002 HM All-Ontario 2007 3rd Place Aged Cow, 20014 Ontario Spring Discovery 3rd Place Aged Cow, 20014 Ontario Summer Show
Comestar Larion Goldwyn-ET VG-89-2YR-USA
Unanimous All-American Fall Yearling & Peoples Chocie Winner 2014 Full Sister to Lot 62
Lylehaven Roy Lari VG-88 Dam of Lot 62
Comestar Lari Hann Goldwyn HOCANF109106803 • #6803
Born: December 3, 2014
2nd Dam:
Lylehaven Damion Lynx-ET EX-94-5YR-USA
Braedale Goldwyn
CAN10705608 100%RHA-NA *TV*TL*TY
3-02 3x 358 28501 4.5 1283 3.3 937 4-04 3x 365 37749 5.1 1920 3.0 1138
GP-84-8YR-CAN EXTRA’05 GM’12 GTPI +1882G 12/2015 PTA -371M +13F +1P 99%R 12/15 PTA +1.81T +1.51UDC +1.53FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Shoremar James
Maternal Sisters to Damion Lynx:
Lylehaven Roy Lari
Lylehaven Lilypad-ET EX-90 EX-MS 3E
HOUSA F64890721 VG-88-3YR-CAN 1-11 2x 357 26929 3.7 985 3.0 818 3-01 2x 365 36995 3.4 1261 3.0 1096 4-06 2x 365 45748 4.0 1847 3.0 1376 Life 129,807 3.8 4969 3.1 3992 Sired by Roylane Jordan-ET
Lylehaven Form Laura-ET EX-94 3E
8-08 2x 365 39320 3.9 1529 2.9 1144 Life 1619 144,140 3.9 5645 2.8 4092 1st 4-Yr & Grand Champ, ‘03 N-East Fall Nat’l HHM All-American 4-Year-Old 2003 6-10 2x 365 31800 3.5 1113 2.8 899 Life 1981 135,190 3.7 4951 3.0 4011
Lylehaven Leah EX-91
2-09 2x 365 32163 4.0 1290 3.2 1031
Lylehaven Durham Lizzy EX-92
2-09 2x 365 24690 4.1 1024 3.1 767
Lylehaven Lassie-ET 2E-94
5-09 2x 342 37340 4.2 1577 3.2 1193 Res Grand, All-American Dairy Show 2007
3rd Dam:
Thiersant Lili Starbuck-ET EX-94 EX-MS 5E
Comestar Holstein 108, Boul. Arthabaska Est Victoriaville, Quebec G6T 0S9 (819) 758-8688
9-11 2x 365 30910 4.5 1385 3.1 965 Life 2925 207,386 4.7 9747 3.2 6660
4th Dam:
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Ivyhall Astro Jet Ronie VG-86-6YR-CAN 1*
Cowtown After Lyn-ET VG-87 Dam of Lot 63
Idee Goldwyn Lynley-ET EX-93-2E-CAN 6* Granddam of Lot 63
Idee Jolt Liza VG-89 2* 4th Dam of Lot 63
Comestar Lynda Sid HOCANF109106802 • #6802
4th dam:
Idee Jolt Liza VG-89-CAN 2*
Born: December 2, 2014
4-02 2x 365 31826 4.1 1299 3.3 1041 Reserve All-Canadian Junior 2-Year-Old, 2003
5th dam:
Idee Integrity Lauren VG-88
3-01 2x 365 30886 4.0 1230 3.2 994 4-09 2x 365 31261 3.8 1184 3.0 933
6th dam:
C Ravenswell Lydia EX-92 EEEE DOM 18*
Pine-Tree Sid-ET
USA 62175895 100%-NA *TY
GTPI +1621G 12/2015 PTA -464M +5F -8P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.15T +1.97UDC +.08FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Regancrest-Mr Dhram Sam-ET
Cowtown After Lyn-ET USAF69698568
VG-87-3YR-CAN 2-02 2x 365 26709 4.6 1237 3.4 913 3-07 2x 365 34758 4.4 1530 3.2 1107 Sired by Ms Atlees Sht Aftershock-ET
5-01 2x 365 24578 4.6 1125 3.4 826
7th Dam:
Spring Farm Miss Lynn-ET VG CAN 2-11 2x 329 22335 4.0 888
3.6 811
8th Dam:
Spring Farm Miss Connie VG-88 CAN 2* 8-00 2x 305 21420 3.9 840
9th Dam:
Spring Farm Miss Citation VG-87 CAN 3* 6-04 2x 365 27725 3.8 1054 Life 11 Lacs 215519 3.7 7952
10th Dam:
Spring Farm Miss Pathfinder EX CAN 8* Life 12 Lacs 242021 3.6 8814
2nd Dam:
Idee Goldwyn Lynley-ET EX-93-2E-CAN 6*
Comestar Holstein 108, Boul. Arthabaska Est Victoriaville, Quebec G6T 0S9 (819) 758-8688
2-00 2x 3258 18261 4.5 822 3.5 644 8-03 2x 365 32456 5.0 1631 3.5 1127 Intermediate Champion, 2010 World Dairy Expo All-American Senior 3-Year-Old 2010 Reserve All-Canadian Senior 3-Year-Old 2010
3rd dam:
Idee Champion Lyzz
1st Senior Yearling, 2005 Atlantic Championship Show
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
11th Dam:
Spring Farm Fond Pathfinder VG CAN 5* Life 11 Lacs 202334 3.7 7582
12th Dam:
Eveermot Pathfinder Ormsby VG CAN 3* Life10 Lacs 190482 3.6 6927 HM All-Canadian 3-Year-Old 1948
13th Dam:
Eveermot Pabst Ormsby VG CAN 3*
Desperle Bina Goldwyn EX-90 8* Granddam of Lot 64
Howes B C Sassy EX-2E-CAN 7* 5th Dam of Lot 64
Desperle Breeze Atwood HOCANF108767728
Born: December 1, 2014 2nd Dam:
Desperle Bina Goldwyn EX-90-6YR-CAN 8* 4-11 2x 365 33503 3.4 1127 3.4 1135 Life 1322,499 4.1 5285 3.5 4669 Nominated All-Quebec 2011 Grand Champion, 2009 & 2011 Coaticook
Maple-Downs-I G W Atwood-ET CAN 8956379 100%-NA *TR *TV *TL *TY *TD
EX-90 EE+V (4-06) GTPI +1952G 12/2015 PTA -34M +29F +3P 99%R 12/15 PTA +3.78T +2.64UDC +2.97FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Desperle Britney Duplex-ET
Pierstein Ralston Lyster Bina-ET GP-80-2YR-CAN 2*
4th Dam:
Pierstein Mason Sabrina EX-CAN 2*
3-08 2x 365 32544 3.9 1265 3.5 1138 Superior Lactation Life 116,310 3.5 4227 3.5 4125 Reserve Grand, 1999 Montmagny
5th Dam:
VG-87-3YR-CAN 2-03 2x 365 25448 3.7 946 3-05 2x 334 26120 3.3 860 Sired by Mesland Duplex-ET
3rd Dam:
3.2 820 3.3 866
Howes BC Sassy EX-2E-CAN 7*
4-07 2x 365 26098 4.5 1171 3.7 957 All-Canadian 1996, 1995, 1994 All-American 1996, 1995, 1994 HM Grand, 1995 Royal
6th Dam:
Howes Starbuck Sombra VG-85-3YR-CAN 6-01 2x 311 22368 3.7 818
3.1 703
7th Dam:
Howes Sexation Serina-ET EX-CAN 1st 5-Year-Old, 1988 Elgin
8th Dam:
Lookout Holsteins Canton De Hatley, Quebec Canada
Werrcroft Model Doris EX-CAN 16* Life 158,297 4.1 6569
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
9th Dam:
Werrcroft Texal Holly VG-CAN 3* Life 151,200 4.0 6027
Signature Clarikas Wind HOCANF 12165084 • #348
Born: December 1, 2014
Gillette Windbrook-ETS
CAN 7816429 100%-NA *TV*TL*TY*TD
GTPI +2019G 12/2015 PTA +184M +34F +16P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.29T +1.38UDC +2.13FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Gillette Brilea FBI
Cherry Crest J Classy HOCANF 11492438
VG-87-3YR-CAN 2-05 2x 294 22893 4.4 1005 3.6 829 3-06 2x 305 27072 4.4 1190 3.5 950 Proj. Sired by Wilcoxview Jasper-ET
Beaucoise Goldwyn Clarika VG-88-2YR-CAN 5*
Beaucoise Inquirer Citation-ET VG-87-CAN 11* 4-09 2x 365 39894 4.0 1612 3.2 1281 Superior Lactation
Beaucoise Dombi Cally VG-88-CAN 8*
3-11 2x 315 31532 4.1 1303 3.5 1100 Superior Lactation Life 123,048 3.8 4906 3.2 4043
Beaucoise Prelude Celina VG-85-CAN 3* 5-05 2x 365 36530 4.5 1653 3.3 1206 Superior Lactation Life 106,400 4.1 4500 3.3 3554
Beaucoise Leadman Colibri VG-86-CAN 8* 3-07 2x 305 27992 3.3 935
3.4 963
Beaucoise Mark Cigogne VG-87-CAN 11*
2nd Dam: Kevin Doebreiner & Lindsay Bowen West Salem, Ohio
3rd thru 9th Dams:
6-02 2x 365 42518 3.5 1475 3.3 1413 Life 104,068 4.3 4380 3.6 3688 HM All-Canadian 2008 All-Ontario 2008 3rd Junior 2-Year-Old, 2008 Royal Winter Fair
9-07 2x 349 32183 4.2 1360 3.4 1080 Superior Lactation Life 145,033 4.4 6393 3.5 5053
Beaucoise Star Caroline VG-86-CAN 6*
6-03 2x 305 29852 4.3 1276 3.4 1003 Life 198,676 4.3 8592 3.4 6794
Beaucoise Tempo Caro VG-85-CAN 4*
7-01 2x 365 26204 4.2 1107 3.3 875 Life 159,775 4.3 6840 3.3 3536
Elegance Seaver Chester HOCANF109005389 • #5389
Born: October 4, 2014 Due for Milking Yearling August 18 to Silveridge Endure
R-E-W Seaver-ET
USA 137012381 100%-NA *TY
GTPI +1731G 12/2015 PTA -500M -26F -3P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.07T +1.76UDC +1.66FLC 98%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Elegance Duhibou Carla-ET HOCANF106396047
VG-86-4YR-CAN 2-03 2x 326 16429 5.0 827 3.7 615 4-02 2x 359 24165 4.7 1142 3.6 882 Sired by Picston Shottle-ET
2nd Dam:
Vibros Leduc Candy-ET EX-94-3E-CAN
8-07 2x 359 34767 4.4 1532 3.2 1107 Life 169,023 4.6 7767 3.5 5871 7 Superior Lactations 2nd Junior 3-Year-Old, 2006 Belle Chasse
3rd dam:
Crackholm Cyndy VG-88-6YR-CAN 3*
6-01 2x 365 28243 4.1 1162 3.5 983 Life 118,502 4.0 4784 3.4 4047
4th dam:
Crackholm Enhancer Cyndy EX-CAN 7*
8-00 2x 305 29310 3.8 1113 3.3 974 Life 155,719 4.3 6439 3.5 5400 Conroy & Hill 260-402-4494
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
HappyDanny Jayz Sunday-ET EX-94 Dam of Lot 67
Ms Goldwyn Shazam-ET 840003126637106 100%-NA
Born: November 15, 2014 2nd Dam:
Blue-Gene Mr Sam Sandra EX-90 EX-MS 4-00 2x 305 30760 3.3 1008 3.2 973
3rd Dam: Braedale Goldwyn
CAN10705608 100%RHA-NA *TV*TL*TY
GP-84-8YR-CAN EXTRA’05 GM’12 GTPI +1882G 12/2015 PTA -371M +13F +1P 99%R 12/15 PTA +1.81T +1.51UDC +1.53FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Shoremar James
HappyDanny Jayz Sunday-ET USA 66724299 100%-NA
Black & Meier
EX-94 EEEEE 2E (7-00) 2-07 2x 344 32310 3.5 1120 3.1 997 3-08 2x 365 40540 3.5 1401 3.2 1298 1st 5-Year-Old, Reserve Senior & Reserve Grand Champion at 2014 Premier National Junior Holstein Show 1st 5-Year-Old, 2014 New York Junior State Fair 2nd 5-Year-Old, Eastern Fall National 2014 7th 5-Year-Old, 2014 International Junior Holstein Show HHM Junior All-American 5-Year-Old 2014 HM All-NY 4-Year-Old 2013 1st 4-Year-Old & Reserve Senior Champion at Northern NY Championship Show 2013 1st Sr 3-Yr-Old & Grand Champion, Maxville Spring Show 2012 Sired by Hornland Jayz-ET
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Blue-Gene Storm Suzane EX-90 EX-MS
3-05 2x 305 31040 3.3 1030 3.3 1009 Lifetime 106,860 3.7 3947 3.3 3568
4th Dam:
Blue-Gene Black Jack Bulah VG-86 4-03 2x 305 25470 3.4 877
3.1 779
5th Dam:
C Brydale Rosemae EX-91 EX-MS
6-09 2x 305 27961 5.1 1431 3.4 959
Fleury Talent Lorraine *RC EX-90-2E-CAN 4* Granddam of Lot 68
Fleury Sid Lilia HOCANF108641280 • #1280
Born: September 12, 2014
Due for Milking Yearling September 6 to Cycle Doorman Jacoby
2nd Dam:
Fleury Talent Lorraine *RC EX-90-2E-CAN 4* 4-00 2x 365 34656 3.8 1323 3.3 1131 5-09 2x 365 33303 3.9 1314 3.3 1105 Life 110,030 4.0 4359 3.5 3746
3rd dam:
Fleury Lee Loria-ET VG-85-3YR-CAN
Pine-Tree Sid-ET
USA 62175895 100%-NA *TY
4-03 2x 365 29837 4.4 1307 3.6 1076 Life 112,766 4.3 4897 3942 3.5
GTPI +1621G 12/2015 PTA -464M +5F -8P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.15T +1.97UDC +.08FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Regancrest-Mr Dhram Sam-ET
4th dam:
Fleury Fever Lacey-ET
Fleury Aerostar Lausa VG-87-4YR-CAN 22*
GP-83-3YR-CAN 2-00 2x 299 25474 3.7 944 3.1 794 3-00 2x 365 35223 3.8 1334 3.2 1135 Sired by Crackholm Fever
Fleury Jed Lausan-ET VG-86-5YR-CAN
4-07 2x 365 29363 3.5 1038 3.3 966 Life 145,437 3.6 5203 3.4 4886
5th Dam:
3-05 2x 365 32284 3.8 1224 3.3 1078
6th Dam:
Blake-T Rotate Laura LCI-ET VG-87-5YR-CAN 3* 6-03 2x 305 33054 3.7 1221 3.0 999 Life 141,264 3.5 4937 3.2 4534
7th dam:
Bly-Century Valiant Laurette EX-90 Life 151,850 4.1 6113 3.5 5229
8th dam:
Bly-Century Matt Laurinda VG-88 Life 109,490 3.8 4183
9th dam:
Ferme Fleury Holstein 1350, boul. Jutras Est. Victoriaville, PQ G6S 0M5
Bly-Century D Elevation Lilac EX-90 5-00 2x 305 20040 4.1 820
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
10th dam:
Bly-Hill Bruce Lady VG-87 Life 137,459 3.5 4852
Budjon-JK Encore Electra-ET EX-95-2E GMD DOM 4* 3rd Dam of Lot 69
Harvestacre Alert The Media Lot 69
Harvestacre Alert The Media HOCANF109000387 • #55
Born: September 6, 2014
1st Fall Calf, 2015 Lachute 1st Fall Calf, 2015 On County 2nd Fall Calf, 2015 Eastern Ontario Champion 3rd Fall Calf, 2015 Royal Winter Fair Nominated All-Canadian 2015
2nd Dam:
Budjon-JK Exhilarate-ET VG-88-2YR-CAN 5* 4-10 2x 365 36116 3.5 1257 3.1 1105 Life 111,021 3.6 3995 3.4 3829
3rd Dam:
Budjon-JK Encore Electra-ET EX-95-2E GMD DOM 4*
Braedale Goldwyn
CAN10705608 100%RHA-NA *TV*TL*TY
GP-84-8YR-CAN EXTRA’05 GM’12 GTPI +1882G 12/2015 PTA -371M +13F +1P 99%R 12/15 PTA +1.81T +1.51UDC +1.53FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Shoremar James
Harvestacre Sanchez Exotic-ET HOCANF106024396
VG-89-3YR-CAN 2-03 2x 365 28347 3.6 1021 3.2 913 3-09 2x 365 35831 4.2 1501 3.2 1160 5-04 2x 323 20576 3.5 730 3.3 683 Sired by Gen-Mark Stmatic Sanchez
6-04 2x 365 46830 4.0 1865 3.0 1382 Life 192,281 3.6 3856 3.2 6096 All-Canadian & All-American, 1999 HM Junior Champion, 1999 Royal 2nd Place Senior 3-Year-Old, 2001 World Dairy Expo
4th Dam
Krull Broker Elegance EX-96 3E GMD DOM
5-07 2x 365 40950 3.7 1522 3.1 1272 Life: 2356 183,710 3.7 6878 3.2 5919 HM All-American Aged Cow 1999 & 2000 HM All-Canadian Mature Cow 1999
5th Dam
Krull Starbuck Excellency EX-90 GMD DOM 3-03 2x 365 27140 3.5 937 3.4 930
6th Dam
Krull TT Excellency EX-90 EX-MS DOM Life: 1733d 109780 3.7 4077 3.3 3605
7th Dam
Harvestacres, Heffernan, Phoenix St. Andre D’Argenteuil, Quebec Canada
Krull Boot Mark Excellency EX-92 2E GMD Life: 3026d 201440 3.5 7105 3.0 4634
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
8th Dam
Krull Kingstead Excellency EX-92 4E GMD Life: 3364d 179790 3.6 6436
Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET EX-96 EX-MS 2E GMD DOM Granddam of Lot 70
Miss AHA Destry at Last-ET 840 3013295077 100%-NA *TR
Born: September 4, 2014
Due for Milking Yearling August 9 to Louisville *RC (Uno x Talent Licorice)
Scientific Destry-ET
USA 138122625 100%-NA *RC *TV *TL *TY
EX-92 EEVE (8-05) GTPI +1958G 12/15 PTA -675M -21F +0P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.04T +2.18UDC +.51FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Kingsmill Ashlyns After-ET USA 69175381 100%-NA
VG-87-3YR-CAN 2-03 2x 365 28402 3.8 1076 3.2 922 3-06 2x 365 39193 3.6 1398 3.2 1263 Superior Lactation
2nd Dam:
Tri-Day Ashlyn-ET EX-96 EX-MS 2E GMD DOM 2-05 2x 357 29140 4.5 1322 3.6 1040 3-08 2x 348 38570 4.3 1675 3.3 1256 4-09 2x 365 43090 4.8 2079 3.5 1503 6-09 2x 294 33330 4.7 1563 3.4 1120 Life 1374 144,770 4.6 6665 3.4 4861 • All-American 4-Yr-Old Cow, 2001 • All-American SR 3-Yr-Old Cow, 2000 • International Supreme Champion, 2001
3rd Dam:
Bendy-Brook Odyssey Favorite EX-92 EX-MS 2E DOM
Chelsea & Caitlyn Abbott & Justine Allyn 2593 East Sheldon Rd. Enosburg, VT 05450 802-527-9683
6-01 2x 337 22670 3.4 770
2.9 663
4th Dam:
Bendy-Brook Star Fonda VG-86
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
3-11 2x 290 23391 3.5 827
3.1 723
Sandy-Valley Atwd Brandy-ET EX-92 Dam of Lot 71
Duckett Doorman Brook-ET Lot 71
Duckett Doorman Brook-ET 840003124015756
Born: September 3, 2014
3rd Place Fall Calf, World Dairy Expo 2015 Nominated All-American Fall Calf 2015 Due July, bred to sexed Pine-Tree Sid-ET and a jersey bull - she is carrying an ultrasounded heifer. She will sell with 2-#1 and 6-#2 direct thaw reverse sort IVF Sid embryos. Huge embryo interest!
Val-Bisson Doorman-ET
CAN 107281711 99%-I *TV *TL *TY *TD
GTPI +2262G 12/2015 PTA -49M +27F +21P 93%R 12/15 PTA +3.26T +2.23UDC +1.96FLC 90%R 12/15 Sired by De-Su 521 Bookem-ET
Sandy-Valley Atwd Brandy-ET USA 69250653 100%-NA
EX-92-5YR-CAN 2-02 2x 304 20800 4.1 859 3.1 646 5-03 2x 194 19669 4.0 776 2.8 556 Inc. Sired by Maple-Downs-I GW Atwood-ET
3rd Dam:
Regancrest-PR Barbie-ET EX-92 GMD DOM 6* 2-06 2x 365 31690 3.9 1237 3.3 1050 HM All-American Jr. 3-Year-Old 2004
4th Dam:
Regancrest Juror Brina-ET EX-92 EX-MS GMD 4-04 2x 365 40640 3.6 1478 3.0 1217 Grand Champion & BU IA Dist 1 Sh 2000 Res. Grand Champion 2000 IA State Fair
5th Dam:
Regancrest Aerostar Bert-ET EX-90 GMD DOM 5-02 2x 365 37790 3.6 1357 3.2 1215 Life 1305 109,350 3.7 4031 3.3 3558
6th Dam:
Regancrest Mark Chairman Bea 2E-91 GMD DOM
2nd Dam:
Regancrest Brynna-ET EX-91 GMD 3*
2-04 2x 365 32060 3.6 1166 3.2 1021 Sired by Picston Shottle-ET
7-09 2x 365 33630 3.8 1276 3.1 1052 Life 2036 140,130 4.1 5711 3.3 4616
7th Dam:
Regancrest Board Chairman Bea EX-90 EX-MS 5-09 2x 365 26010 4.1 1059 3.4 884
Conroy, Eaton & Dyment 260-402-4494
8th Dam:
Regancrest Apache Standout Bea VG-86 EX-MS
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Life 2432 131,940 3.6 4744
Comestar Horizon Jasper EX-90 2E Dam of Lot 72
Comestar Hope Goldwyn-ET HOCANF 109106680
Born: September 1, 2014 Embryos exported.
Braedale Goldwyn
CAN10705608 100%RHA-NA *TV*TL*TY
GP-84-8YR-CAN EXTRA’05 GM’12 GTPI +1882G 12/2015 PTA -371M +13F +1P 99%R 12/15 PTA +1.81T +1.51UDC +1.53FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Shoremar James
Comestar Horizon Jasper HOCANF105331823
EX-90-2E-CAN 2-02 2x 359 23587 4.1 963 3.4 791 3-04 2x 301 23666 4.2 985 3.3 769 4-11 2x 365 31030 4.1 1283 3.3 1012 6-07 2x 365 32699 4.2 1384 3.0 972 Life 116,391 4.2 4884 3.3 3752 Reserve All-Canadian 2010 HM All-Canadian 2011 2nd Place Junior 2-Year-Old, 2010 Royal 3nd Place Junior 3-Year-Old, 2011 Royal Sired by Wilcoxview Jasper-ET Cameron Penick 6710 N 800 W Orland, IN 46776
2nd Dam:
Petitlac Horelie LHeros-ET EX-91-2E-CAN 1* 4-01 2x 365 31032 4.1 1243 3.4 1063 Life 117,806 3.9 4681 3.4 4056
3rd Dam:
Leader Linky Leader-ET VG-85-3YR-CAN 3* 3-09 2x 365 25805 3.5 913
3.3 853
4th Dam:
Comestar Links Milan-ET VG-85-3YR-CAN 3-03 2x 348 24732 3.8 930
3.4 840
5th Dam:
Comestar Lise Jet-ET EX-2E-CAN 2*
5-00 2x 325 23078 4.4 1023 3.4 791 Grand Champion, 1994 Victoriaville
6th Dam:
Elysa Anthony Lea EX-CAN 15*
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
6-02 2x 365 35770 3.9 1398 2.9 1049 Life 109,579 3.9 4335 3.2 3439
Maternal sisters Lot 73
Whitaker Stormy Rae-ET EX-94
Whitaker Stormatic Rae-ET EX-94 EX-94
Erinwood Goldwyn Rae 1-ET EX-92
Whitaker Storm U Rae-ET EX-93
Res. Int. Champion WDE 2010 Res. Int. Champion Eastern Fall National 2010 Nom All-American & All-Canadian 5-Yr-Old ‘12 Supreme Champion All-American 2013 Grand Champ Mid-East Fall National 2013
Ma-Tom-Ba Aspen Rae 526 Dam of Lot 73
Erinwood TM Gold Robin-ET USA 72278306 100%-NA
Born: January 10, 2013 Senior 3-Year-Old VG-85 VVV+V (2-10)
1-10 2x 187 12000 4.2 509 Due March 3, 2016
3.2 384 Inc.
Toc-Farm Goldsun-ET
4th Dam:
HD GTPI +1512G PTA -1129M -48F 24P 99%R 12/15 PTA +1.85T +2.24UDC +.46FLC 98%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
6-11 2x 365 40220 4.1 1661 3.3 1331 Life 166,396 4.1 6904 3.4 5612 Nominated All-American, 1988 & 1991
ITA 53990032335 100%/RHA-NA
Ma-Tom-Ba Aspen Rae 526 USA 62316450 100%-NA *TR
EX-91 EEEVE (4-08) 2-06 2x 365 30750 4.1 1259 3.2 986 4-03 2x 365 39550 3.8 1514 3.1 1227 Sired by EK-Oseeana Aspen-ET
C Hanoverhill Tony Rae EX-96 3E GMD DOM
5th Dam:
C Hanoverhill TT Roxette-ET EX-94 EX-MS GMD DOM 10-0 3x 365 35040 4.3 1585 3.0 1063
6th Dam:
Mil-R-Mor Roxette EX-90 GMD DOM 7-01 2x 365 24530 4.7 1153 Life 121,417 4.7 5725
7th Dam:
C Glenridge Citation Roxy EX-97 EX-MS 4E GMD DOM
2nd Dam:
Scientific Durh Rae 400-ET VG-87
3-09 2x 365 41390 4.2 1744 3.3 1356
3rd Dam:
Scientific Charity Rae-ET EX-91
5-00 2x 365 44,121 3.8 1693 2.8 1248 Conroy & Eaton 260-402-4494
Intermediate and Reserve Grand Champion, Georgia State Fair
Maternal sister:
Scientific Jubilant Rae-ET EX-90 DOM 5-11 3x 365 38880 4.1 1608 3.6 1403 Life 117,590 4.0 4707 3.6 4242
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
10-1 2x 365 25280 4.2 1061 Life 3620 209,784 4.5 9471 • 2x Queen of the Breed!!! 16 EX dtrs. • All-Time All-American Aged Cow • Over 100 EX descendants in this family!
8th Dam:
C Norton Court Model Vee EX-90 GMD 6* Life 218,636 3.9 8581
9th Dam:
C Norton Court Reflection Vale VG 5* Life 249,580 3.7 9295
Ruann Lassit Dorinda 40775 VG-88-2YR-CAN Granddam of Lot 74
Idee Windbrook Delicate-ET HOCANF11241387 • #477
Born: September 25, 2012 Fresh December 1, 2015
2nd Dam:
Ruann Lassit Dorinda 40775 VG-88-2YR-CAN
Gillette Windbrook-ETS
CAN 7816429 100%-NA *TV*TL*TY*TD
GTPI +2019G 12/2015 PTA +184M +34F +16P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.29T +1.38UDC +2.13FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Gillette Brilea FBI
Stanhope Destiny Goldwyn-ET HOCANF8919539
VG-88-3YR-CAN 1-11 2x 339 22804 3.8 877 3.2 736 3-01 2x 351 27837 4.1 1144 3.3 919 4-03 2x 365 32225 4.0 1299 3.1 994
2-00 2x 365 27220 2.8 765 3.2 858 3-11 2x 365 33616 3.3 1098 2.9 990 All-Canadian Milking Yearling 2006 All-American Milking Yearling 2006 1st Milking Yearling, 2006 World Dairy Expo 1st Milking Yearling, 2006 Royal Winter Fair
3rd Dam:
Ruann R-I Dorinda-12519-ET EX-90
5-06 2x 365 31561 3.4 1080 3.4 1078 Life 121,310 3.5 4221 3.2 3904
4th Dam:
Ruann TVL Dorinda-71049-ET VG-87-3YR-USA 4-08 2x 365 31731 3.7 1186 3.4 1087 Life 107,548 3.8 4032 3.5 3722
5th Dam:
Ruann Laban Dobedo-04244-ET EX-90 GMD 6-01 2x 365 38159 3.4 1285 3.4 1312 Life 178,440 3.4 6062 3.4 6050
6th Dam:
Hanover-Hill-W SWD Deb 1991-ET EX-90 GMD DOM
7th Dam:
Valligrove Dorinda Star EX-94 GMD DOM
8th Dam:
Valligrove Atlas Doreen VG-87
Dave Dyment
9th Dam:
Adaray Royal Dora EX-90-2E GMD DOM
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
4-06 2x 305 27831 3.4 950 Life 199,580 3.6 7125
Blondin Alexander Armana-ET EX-92 Dam of Lot 75
Koolait Sid Argentine
2nd thru 8th Dams:
Born: January 3, 2012 VG-87-3YR-CAN
4-08 2x 365 39467 4.3 1693 3.4 1327 Life 133,544 4.4 5870 3.5 4663
HOCANF107330752 • #0752
2-02 2x 365 24240 4.4 1058 3.7 895 International embryo interest
Pine-Tree Sid-ET
USA 62175895 100%-NA *TY
GTPI +1621G 12/2015 PTA -464M +5F -8P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.15T +1.97UDC +.08FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Regancrest-Mr Dhram Sam-ET
Blondin Alexander Armana-ET HOCANF106274671
Conroy, Eaton & Galton 260-402-4494
EX-92-5YR-CAN 2-03 2x 365 28062 3.6 1001 3.6 1001 4-06 2x 276 26662 4.2 1129 3.1 833 5-06 2x 264 24129 3.6 860 3.1 739 HM Intermediate Champion, 2012 Ontario Summer Show 1st Senior 2-Year-Old, 2012 Maxville Spring Show 1st Senior 2-Year-Old, 2012 Montmagny Show Sired by Golden-Oaks ST Alexander-ET
Smithden Goldwyn Alexandra EX-94-7YR-CAN 15* Smithden Allen Alison VG-88-5YR-CAN 30*
7-11 2x 365 44226 3.8 1698 3.2 1426 Life 186,705 4.0 7641 3.6 6781 Nominated Global Impact Cow of the Year 2012 Nominated Holstein Canada’s Cow of the Year 2012 2 Superior Lactations
Smithden Rudolph Lana VG-89-4YR-CAN 4* 3-11 2x 365 44403 3.2 1409 3.1 1378 Life 179,227 3.5 6216 3.4 6003 3 Superior Lactations
Smithden Lindy Lucille VG-87-3YR-CAN 3* 4-09 2x 365 36960 4.5 1656 3.3 1221 Life 219,551 4.5 9877 3.4 7410 4 Superior Lactations
Smithden SC Tara EX-CAN 8*
Life 238,261 4.2 9969 3.3 7938 13 Superior Lactations
Smithden Sheik Wanda GP-80-2YR-CAN 2* 11-5 2x 365 26149 4.0 1047 3.3 853 Life 166,700 4.3 7006 3.4 3451
Smithden RM Bridgette VG-85-6YR-CAN 2* Life 104,150 3.7 3843
Floydholm Admiral Gold HOCANF11623641 • #61
Smithden Admiral-ET
Born: July 1, 2012 VG-85-2YR-CAN Fresh January 1, 2016
CAN 7925701 100%-NA *TY *TD
GTPI +1811G 12/2015 PTA +146M +30F +7P 98%R 12/15 PTA +1.06T +.79UDC +.80FLC 97%R 12/15 Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
Floydholm Lheros Gold HOCANF10928781
Conroy & Eaton 260-402-4494
2nd Dam:
Floydholm Inquirer Goldie VG-85-7YR-CAN
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Ernest-Anthony Tabitha-ET EX-95-2E GMD Dam of Lot 77
Ernest-Anthony Tara-ET EX-92 EX-MS 3E Granddam of Lot 77
Ernest-Anthony Sid Treva-ET USA 71696539 100%-NA
Born: September 16, 2011 EX-90 EEEEV (4-02)
1-11 2x 305 16870 4.1 686 3-02 2x 307 21450 3.7 790 Fresh November 22, 2015
3.0 512 3.0 643
2nd Dam:
Ernest-Anthony Tara-ET EX-92 EX-MS 3E
5-05 2x 365 33230 4.2 1394 3.2 1069 Life 2390 184,240 4.4 8061 3.2 5975
3rd Dam:
Ernest-Anthony Tyra-ET EX-94 EX-MS 2E GMD DOM
Pine-Tree Sid-ET
USA 62175895 100%-NA *TY
GTPI +1621G 12/2015 PTA -464M +5F -8P 99%R 12/15 PTA +2.15T +1.97UDC +.08FLC 99%R 12/15 Sired by Regancrest-Mr Dhram Sam-ET
Ernest-Anthony Tabitha-ET USA 138522694 100%RHA-NA
Ranway Farms & R Michael Putnam Shane Schultz 5377 Owls Nest Rd. Marion, NY 14505 315-483-9980
EX-95 EEEEE 2E (8-08) GMD 2-03 2x 319 27090 4.7 1284 3.2 869 3-02 2x 359 38870 4.0 1555 3.1 1205 4-03 2x 365 41610 4.6 1900 3.3 1373 6-00 2x 365 38360 4.2 1629 2.8 1062 8-00 2x 365 39600 4.4 1758 3.1 1222 Life 2001 201,040 4.3 8743 3.1 6224 4th Junior 2-Year-Old, 2008 International Holstein Show 1st Junior 3-Year-Old, 2009 Northeast Fall National Intermediate Champion, 2009 Northeast Fall National 1st Junior 2-Year-Old, 2008 Eastern Fall National 2nd 150,000 Pound Cow, 2014 Eastern Fall National Sired by Braedale Goldwyn
5-08 2x 365 42180 4.6 1931 3.6 1512 Life 119,220 4.4 5258 3.6 4310 Reserve All-Canadian Senior 3-Year-Old, 2002
Maternal Sister to Tyra:
Ernest-Anthony SD Tobi-ET EX-96 EX-MS 3E DOM 6-00 2x 365 44090 5.0 2191 3.4 1506 Life 151,933 5.5 8372 3.6 5438 Reserve All-World 2001 Res Grand Champ, Royal Winter Fair 2001 All-Canadian 4 Yr Old 2001 Nom. All-American Sr. 3 Yr Old 1999 HHM Jr. All-American Sr. 2 Yr Old 1998 HM All-American 125,0000 lb. cow 2004
Member All-American Produce 19984th Dam:
C Alanvale Inspiration Tina EX-95 2E GMD DOM 6-00 2x 365 36010 5.1 1829 3.3 1184 Life 136,010 4.5 6122 3.3 4555 Reserve All-American Aged Cow 1995 & 1996 All-Canadian Junior 3-Year-Old, 1992 HM All-American Junior 2-Year-Old, 1991
5th Dam:
Alanvale Puget Anetia VG-85-CAN
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
12-00 2x 365 23812 4.1 970 3.5 827 Life 203,901 4.2 8503 3.5 5600
Underground Hazel Havre De Grace-ET JE840003133250740 • #211 • Jersey
Born: September 5, 2015
SV Jade Hired Gun-ET USA 115093063
PTA -1464M -15F -28P 99%R 12/2015 PTAT +1 PTI -33 98%R 12/15 Sired by Giprat Belles Jade-ET
3-02 2x 305 11610 5.1 591
4.1 476
3rd Dam:
5-03 2x 305 17260 4.6 787
USA 115871322
Anthony & Deb Crothers 113 County Road 12A Pitcher, NY 13136
Spring Valley Sierra 76%
Spring Valley Perfect Sierra VG-87%
Underground Sierras Hazel EX-93% (5-02) 1-10 2x 305 15130 4.7 711 2-11 2x 300 17410 5.3 918 3-10 2x 281 13580 5.3 719 4-10 2x 305 17190 5.5 953 6-00 2x 185 13130 5.2 679 Sired by Jewels Citation-ET
2nd Dam:
3.4 593
4th Dam: 3.6 552 3.8 665 3.9 523 3.9 677 3.7 487
SV Imperial Sonoma EX-91%
5-09 2x 305 16910 4.8 816
3.7 619
5th Dam:
SV Romeo Snowball GP-83%
6th Dam:
S.V. Milestone Pride Sunshine VG-85% 10-3 2x 305 13310 5.2 694
3.8 511
7th Dam:
S.V. Kojak Sherry VG-87%
8th Dam:
S.V. Merry Maid Sherry VG-85%
Undergroumd Ninas Nora JE840003131924618 • #200 • Jersey
Born: September 4, 2015
Bridon Remake Comerica-ET JECAN0000008422994
PA TYPE 0.6 JPI 36%R -191 PA -1699M -36F -45P 12/2015 Sired by Rock Ella Remake-ET
Underground Nina Mamie USA 11753440
VG-88% (5-00) 2-08 2x 219 7670 6.7 516 4.1 318 3-08 2x 269 11500 5.7 656 4.0 461 Sired by Shamrock Giller
2nd Dam:
Mid-Del Nate Mamie EX-94%
7-09 2x 305 16910 5.5 926
3.7 633
3rd Dam:
Mid-Del Sambo Mamie EX-90%
4th Dam:
Ennskillen Ren Mamie EX-93% 4E 3-04 2x 267 16020 4.4 704
3.9 630
5th Dam:
Enniskillen Mct Mamie EX
6th Dam:
Enniskillen Surville Mamie SUP-EX-2E
7th Dam:
Starbelle B D M Mamie EX-91%
8th Dam:
Starbelle Modest Merit EX-92%
Anthony & Deb Crothers 113 County Road 12A Pitcher, NY 13136
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Drentex Paige’s Petra JECANF12154931
Born: September 1, 2015 Rapid Bay Getaway-ET JECANM 105499916
CAN-EBV: -756M -5F -24P 85%R 12/15 CAN-ETA +5FC +830 LPI -383 PRO$ 12/15 Sired by Rapid Bay Reagan-ET
Drentex Krissis Paige JECANF 7532964
VG-87 (9-09) 1-11 2x 288 8406 5.14 432 4.38 368 2-10 2x 305 11684 4.85 566 4.32 504 4-02 2x 305 15192 4.99 758 4.25 645 5-04 2x 305 14473 4.48 648 4.17 604 6-05 2x 305 14693 4.88 716 4.17 612 8-06 2x 305 14554 4.88 709 4.06 590 9-07 2x 301 16774 5.22 875 4.06 590 11-1 2x 158 13207 4.79 632 4.02 531 Life 111,525 4.94 5507 4.22 4704 2nd Junior 3-Year-Old, East Ontario West Quebec Show 2007 Sired by Avonlea Kajun’s D Krisis-ET
2nd Dam:
Drentex Power Play Penelope GP-84
4-02 2x 305 17487 4.77 833 4.24 740
3rd Dam:
Rapid Bay Juno Pastel Paige-ET VG-85 2* 2-00 2x 300 11823 4.89 577 4.12 487 3rd Fall Calf, All-American Open Show 1994
4th Dam:
Springdale Persis Dracula Past EX 4*
3 LACT: 10375M, 465F,4.48% 400P,3.86%
5th Dam:
Springdale Pudding Scotchpersis VG-83 305 14601 4.38 639 3.84 559
Jamie Black
Harmonycorner-CCC Premier Gibson USA 1192779977 • Tattoo C7 • Jersey
Born: March 1, 2015
Hawarden Impuls Premier USA 67107510
PA -605M +14F +5P PA TYPE +1.0 JPI 35%R 48 Sired by ISDK O Impuls
Harmony Corners Gibson USA 67398126
VG-87% (2-03) Sired by SHF Centurion Sultan
2nd Dam:
Harmony Corners Ginger VG-88% 4-03 2x 305 16180 5.1 826
4.1 663
3rd Dam:
Harmony Corners Gretchen EX-94% 7-05 2x 305 20130 4.6 933
3.8 755
4th Dam:
Gil-Bar Gadget Patrice VG-87% 6-00 2x 305 16660 4.4 735
5th Dam:
Gil-bar Top Prize Patience
6th Dam:
Lake Breeze Junos Primrose EX-90
6-06 2x 305 16210 5.0 803 4.3 698
7th Dam:
Lake -Breeze Sparkler Penny VG-85%
8th Dam:
Gil-Bar Keynote Pearl GP-80
9th Dam:
Daise Hill Golden Peggy VG-86%
Lookout Jerseys, Frank & Carol Borba 2888 Swallen Ave Louisville, OH 44641
5-11 2x 305 13690 4.7 646
4.0 545
10th Dam:
Toreador Peg of Daise Hill VG-85%
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
8-11 2x 305 12850 4.3 549
4.0 513
Rapid Bay Fatal Rose-ET EX-94 Granddam of Lot 82
Campbell TB Hired Gun Roseline-ET CAN109617392 • Jersey • #7392
Born: June 1, 2015
SV Jade Hired Gun-ET USA 115093063
PTA -1464M -15F -28P 99%R 12/2015 PTAT +1 PTI -33 98%R 12/15 Sired by Giprat Belles Jade-ET
Rapid Bay Connection Rosie-ET CAN105499947
VG-89 (4-01) Reserve All-Quebec Junior 2-Year-Old 2010 Sired by Giprat Belle’s Connection-ET
2nd Dam:
Rapid Bay Fatal Rose-ET EX-94
7-4 305 7190 5.02 361 3.77 271 KG 2nd Place Mature cow, Royal Winter Fair 2010 HM All-Canadian Mature cow 2010 Reserve All-Canadian Junior 3-Year-Old 2006 Reserve All-Canadian Junior 2-Year-Old 2005
3rd Dam:
Rapid Bay Whistler’s Rumour-ET SUP-EX-95 6E 16* All-Canadian Mature Cow 2005, 2003 Reserve All-Canadian Mature Cow 2008 HM All-Canadian 5-Year-Old 2002 Full Sister to Rapid Bay Request
4th Dam:
Franken G Gemini Roberta VG-89
5th Dam:
Franken Gemni Roberta 10R EX-2E
6th Dam:
Franken Title Martina 11M VG-86
7th Dam:
Franken Sleeping Karena 10K VG-86
8th Dam:
2016 Spring Loaded Tag Sale 3
Franken Beauty Sandee VG-87
Holstein AssociAtion terms And conditions for Public sAles EFFECTIVE MARCH 2, 1996 - Amended October 1, 1997, June 28, 2000, June 23, 2002, and March 26, 2010
TERMS: The terms of the sale are cash unless arrangements are made prior to the sale or are printed in the sale catalog. Only when the above conditions are met will the buyer be entitled to the warranties listed below. In no case will animals be released unless settlement is made with the clerk of the sale.
by a licensed veterinarian. The seller has the option to refund the purchase price or make other settlement that is satisfactory to the buyer. In either case the rights of ownership of the animal return to the seller. The seller makes no guarantees with respect to the ability to freeze semen.
RESPONSIBILITY: The seller, buyer, and manager of this sale are obligated to comply with the provisions of these terms and conditions.
b. Females - All females are guaranteed to be breeders with the exception of: 1. 2.
EXPORT SALES: Buyer assumes all responsibility for health tests required by the importing country. BIDS: The highest bidder is the buyer. Bidding parties or their agents are responsible for all bids placed. Every animal or lot presented for bidding is pledged to absolute sale. In case of dispute, the animal or lot will again be put up for advance bids, and if there is no advance bid, the animal or lot will be sold to the person the auctioneer accepted the last bid from. In case two or more claim the bid, the auctioneer will indicate the party whose bid he recognized. Other claimants will be given an opportunity to increase the bid and bidding will be restricted to the two or more claimants.
Report of a non-breeder must occur in writing within 3 months of the date of sale or before the animal reaches 21 months of age and must be submitted to the seller. The report must include the animal’s examination record, a written statement of treatment, and a statement of the animals’ inability to breed, by a licensed veterinarian. The seller has the option to refund the purchase price or make other settlement that is satisfactory to the buyer. In either case the rights of ownership of the animal return to the seller.
BY-BIDDING: Bidding directly or indirectly by the sole owner of any animal or lot is prohibited unless the intention to bid is disclosed specific to each animal in the catalog and announced when the animal enters the ring. Bidding by any member of a partnership, syndicate, or other entity having an ownership interest in an animal or lot is permitted. TRANSFER OF OWNERSHIP: For all Registered HolsteinsSM, the transfer of ownership to the buyer will be recorded on the records of Holstein Association USA and a certificate of registration showing that transfer of ownership will be provided to the buyer free of charge. For embryos, the transfer of ownership to the buyer will be recorded on the records of Holstein Association USA free of charge to the buyer. RISK: All animals located at sale site are at the purchaser’s risk as soon as struck off, but will be cared for free of charge for a maximum of 24 hours following the end of the sale. WARRANTIES: 1) Each consignor warrants clear title to the animal or lot, and the right to sell same. 2) To the best of the seller’s knowledge, each animal is sound and healthy in every respect and embryos have been recovered, processed, frozen, transferred and graded in keeping with IETS recommendations unless otherwise noted in the catalog or announced from the auction stand. Every precaution will be taken to represent the physical condition of each lot exactly as is known. Examination of all purchases should be made immediately after the purchase and before the close of the sale, and if found not to be as represented, complaint must be reported to the sale management before the close of the sale. In the event no complaint is filed, it is understood that the buyer assumes full ownership in the case of animals at sale site together with all risks, after which no representations of the seller can be challenged through the sale management. Heifers that never calved are in no way guaranteed as to the condition of their udders following calving. 3) Breeding Warranty The seller guarantees all animals to be breeders, but not beyond the purchase price, with the following understanding: a.
Males - Should any bull after reaching the age of fourteen months fail to prove a breeder after being used for two months on cows or heifers known to be breeders, the matter shall be reported in writing to the seller within three months of the sale date. The report must include the animal’s examination record, a written statement of treatment, and a statement of the animals’ inability to breed,
Cows over 7 years of age when sold; Cows and/or heifers carrying a pregnancy that is the result of an embryo transfer.
Females bred when sold and pronounced in calf are presumed to be pregnant but pregnancy is not guaranteed unless so announced. The seller makes no warranty that pregnant cows will deliver calves or that they will carry calves full term. c.
If, after the sale, embryos or oocytes are recovered from a female or an attempt is made to superovulate her, this negates the breeding warranty unless there is a separate written agreement between buyer and seller.
SHIPPING: Assistance will be given in arranging shipping of the animals after the sale. All costs, risks and responsibility will be borne by the purchaser. PEDIGREE INFORMATION: All production, classification, type and production summaries are current. Only information recorded on Holstein Association USA pedigrees is used. Any production or classification records supplied by the seller or consignor will be properly identified as provided by owner. Records in progress are identified as such. GENOMIC INFORMATION: If genomic information on the animal or embryo is available, it must be dated and disclosed at or before the time of sale. EMBRYO TRANSFER: All registered animals that have resulted from embryo transfer are identified with one of the following suffixes in the name: ET, ETS (from split embryo), or ETN (from nuclear transfer). If unregistered, the appropriate technology will be identified. Donor dams are identified. HEALTH WARRANTY: The seller will provide an official health certificate to the buyer for each animal showing the results of all health tests made in preparation for this sale as required by the state where the cattle reside. Other health tests completed for this sale will be disclosed. ERRORS: The material in this catalog has been carefully edited. If any errors or omissions are discovered, they will be announced. Such announcements take precedence over that printed in this catalog. ACCIDENT: The sale management, the consignors, and the owner of the grounds will not be responsible in any case for the condition of the grounds or the behavior of the animals and disclaim any liability in the event of personal accident or property loss. LIMITATIONS OF WARRANTIES: Warranties contained herein, unless terminated earlier, will cease upon the resale of an animal.
Holstein Association USA, Inc. • 1 Holstein Place • Brattleboro, VT 05302-0808 • toll-free: 800.952.5200 •
Sale location: 4227 West Seneca TPKE, Syracuse NY 13215
Sale Co-Managed by: