Cowsmopolitan Late Winter 2022

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nterest and enthusiasm for high-type Jerseys continues to build, and in 2021, the show rings were full of the beautiful little brown cows! That interest continued into our 2021 All-American Jersey contest, which saw a record number of entries, and happily, numerous entries from firsttime participants in the competition. With the International Jersey Show and the AllAmerican Jersey Show, the breed enjoys two powerhouse events that bring the very best animals into competition. With the heavy-hitting reputation of both shows, this year’s entries carried impressive depth in many classes. Our nominating committee met in December and carried out thoughtful, professional deliberation for each class in examining the photos and the placings from the year’s best shows. Five judges comprised the 2021 All-American Nominating committee: Louie Cozzitorto, Ted DeMent, Michael Heath, Ryan Krohlow, and Chad Ryan. This group had judged and observed cattle from coast-to-coast during the 2021 show season. As advised by Cowsmopolitan in keeping with the contest criteria, the committee based their decisions on three factors: the show

placings, the quality of the photo, and their own personal knowledge of the animals. In the sire race for 2021, Guimo Joel completed his steady climb up the ladder the past few years, and finally sits atop the list with 12 nominees (7 cows, 5 heifers), followed closely by the 2020 king, Rapid Bay Indiana Gentry with 11 nominated individuals (5 cows, 6 heifers). Tower-Vue Prime Tequila flexed his muscles again with 10 nominees (7 cows, 3 heifers). Next are Hawarden Impuls Premier with 7; and Chilli Action Colton and Sunset Canyon Andreas, both with six daughters nominated. ‘Owned by Vierra Dairy’ was announced many times over show ring loudspeakers in 2021, as they had a memorable year on the tanbark. Not surprisingly, the Hilmar, CA-based operation is the leading exhibitor of All-American nominees with nine solely-owned and one in partnership. Pacific Edge of Tillamook, OR entered the contest in a big way in 2021, and were rewarded with six nominees owned outright and three in partnership. Milksource of Kaukauna, WI, the Budjon & Peter Vail partnership of Lomira, WI, and

Misty Meadow of Tillamook, OR followed those leaders - all with six nominations. Pacific Edge, South Mountain Jersey of Boonsboro, MD, Four-Hill Farm of Bristol, VT, and the SV/Heath family operation in Westminster, MD all bred five AllAmerican nominees. They were followed by Ratliff Jerseys of Garnett, KS, and Arethusa Farm of Litchfield, CT, both of whom bred four. A panel of 19 judges are selecting the final award winners by ballot. Judges are asked not to vote in classes where they have bred or own an animal. The votes will be tabulated with scores of seven points for 1st place votes, three for 2nd, and one for 3rd. The voting record of the judges will be posted on our website and the final numeric totals will determine the All-American, Reserve All-American and Honorable Mention designations. Winners of the contest will be published in the Spring 2022 issue to be published in early March. Again this year, a huge thank you to everyone who makes this contest possible! From the breeders, exhibitors, judges, show volunteers, show coverage sponsors - you made 2021 a year to remember in the Jersey breed! By Kathleen O’Keefe

Make sure and check out the previous years’ Nominations & Winners on! And check back later this year for a full historical reference of the All-American contest! The 2021 Jersey Nomination panel LtoR: Ted Dement, Ryan Krohlow, Louie Cozzitorto and Chad Ryan. Not pictured Michael Heath. 60 « COWSMOPOLITAN Late Winter 2022

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