Annual Report 2010-11

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C h r i s t P r e s b y t e r i a n Ac a d e m y

Annual Report 2010-11

CPA 201 0- 1 1 A nnua l R e p o r t


Board of Trustees


Messages from Leadership








Campus Improvements


Faculty Focus


Academic Year In Review




Fine Arts Forum


Athletics Focus


Parent Support Fellowship


News and Notes

2010-11 Board of Tru stees Voting Members Dr. Woodrow Wilson Benton, Jr. James O’Sullivan Clarke, III (Chair) William Joseph Atkins William Hedge Burt, Jr. Angela Wilkes Gage Llew Ann Murray King Charles William Mooney Dr. William Anderson Spickard, III Lemuel Birthright Stevens, Jr. John Philip Thompson Non-Voting Members Richard Burton Anderson Anne Kristofferson Purdy Rhonda Williams Smith Nathaniel Howard Morrow Timothy Lee Lankes

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Parent Support F ello w sh ip 2010-11 Board of Directors John & Angela Thompson, President Lori & Jeff Orr, Prayer Ministry Courtney & David Connor, Faculty/Staff Appreciation Jen & Steve Seger, Welcome Team Susan & Paul Lipson, Parent Education Mary Lisa & Mike Gingras, Elementary Jean & Charles Atkinson, Middle School Laurie & Scott Smith, High School Kim & Charles Crews, Secretary-Treasurer


Adminis trative L eadersh ip

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Richard B. Anderson, Headmaster Nathaniel H. Morrow, Assistant Headmaster/ High School Principal Michael D. Ellson, Athletic Director Rhonda Smith, Middle School Principal Anne K. Purdy, Elementary School Principal Katherine Koonce, Academic Dean Drew Maddux, Director of Enrollment Cal Cook, Director of Development and Alumni Relations Paula Y. Flautt, Artistic Director Editorial and Design: CPC/CPA Communications; CPA Development and Alumni Relations Photography: Ray Sandusky & CPA Yearbook Staff Printing: RJ Young

Messages f rom L eadersh ip

From the Pastor

From the Headmaster

Dear Christ Presbyterian Church & Academy Community,

Dear Christ Presbyterian Church & Academy Community,

It is my privilege to present to you this very special annual report, which serves both as a look back at CPA’s 2010-2011 school year, and as a look forward to the momentous days that we believe God has in store for the Academy.

Twenty-six school years down…number twenty-seven on the horizon.

As a ministry of Christ Presbyterian Church, CPA has played a vital role in the teaching and equipping of young lives throughout the past 26 years. True to the school’s mission, the Academy’s leaders— administration, faculty, staff and volunteers—have assisted covenant families in the indispensable task of raising up their children “in the way that they should go.” CPA and all who have worked within it have indelibly impacted thousands of lives, serving as one side of the triangle of home, church and school that plays such a critical role in the maturation of a child toward adulthood.

 Academics: Our standardized test scores hit the highest mark in the history of the Academy. This is a credit to the hard work both of our faculty and of our students.

In this volume, we pause to celebrate the ways in which we have seen the Lord’s mighty hand move within CPA over the past year—from student achievements, to faculty and staff accolades, to alumni accomplishments, to the completion of new facilities that will provide an even more effective context for carrying out the work of ministry through the Academy.

 Fine Arts: CPA won a “state championship” in theatre, being asked to present The Outsiders at the State thespian conference in Memphis. From there, they qualified for the Regional conference in Atlanta. They topped off the year with Fiddler on the Roof and the dance/ vocal/instrumental celebration of Spring Jubilation.

I hope that you and your family will enjoy this “snapshot” of life at CPA, and that you will share these stories with many others. It is my prayer that all who peruse these pages will sense our heart of gratitude toward our Heavenly Father for showering His goodness and grace upon this ministry that was established by Him, in Him, and for His glory. Trusting that the Triune God will continue to work His good, pleasing and perfect will through the Academy and through all of our lives, I am, His—Yours,

Dr. Wilson Benton Jr. Pastor

The Lord blessed CPA with many successes during the 2010-11 school year. We are pleased to be able to share these with you via this annual report. Among them were:

 Accreditation: CPA was granted full accreditation renewal (Preschool through Twelfth Grade) by the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) and the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS). A joint team of educators from ACSI and SACS affirmed our programs in their visit on campus April 1819, 2011.

 Athletics: A great year was capped off by CPA’s performance at Spring Fling (TSSAA state championships) in Murfreesboro. In addition to the Girls Tennis Team winning its second consecutive State Championship (a CPA first!), we had individual winners as well: Sydney Campbell (A/AA singles tennis Champion), Morgan Atkinson and Katherine Schofield (A/AA doubles tennis Champions), Megan Roach (A/AA girls Pole Vault Champion), and Christopher Charles (A/AA boys Pole Vault Champion).  Outreach: CPA continued its outreach with the Gospel in 2010-11 to those in need…locally, regionally, globally. This is perhaps the most important aspect of the education offered here. When surveyed, our graduates report that they have left CPA academically prepared…spiritually grounded. This was true in 2010-11; may it be true in the future as well. Soli Deo Gloria. To God Alone Be the Glory. Blessings,

Richard B. Anderson Headmaster An E xpanded Role: In the spring of 2011, Nathaniel H. Morrow (left) was named Assistant Headmaster for the Academy. While continuing to serve as high school principal, Nate also will provide leadership in the areas of K-12 Curriculum, Enrollment, Development/Alumni and Communications. He will be mentored by Richard Anderson as part of a succession plan that calls for Nate to become headmaster within the next several years. Annual Report | August 2011 | 3

De ve l o p m e nt

Why give? It has been an exciting first

... to advance God’s Kingdom throughout the earth.

year for me as a member of the CPA family! Thank you for being so welcoming to my family and me. While the Academy has experienced tremendous growth and development over the years, much potential still lies ahead. However, in order to fully meet that potential, it is going to take increased financial support from all of us. The Lord has been gracious to CPA in providing many people who have given sacrificially, and we trust that He will continue to provide. We can all play a part in this culture of giving that will bring glory to God by furthering His Kingdom work both here and throughout the earth. I would love to have the opportunity to sit down with you to discuss your role in this effort. My office is in the administrative hallway at CPA. Please stop by for a visit, call me at (615) 301-3576, or email me at

... to allow students in need of financial aid to attend CPA. ... to enhance the excellent educational experience at CPA. ... to bridge the gap between the yearly, tuition-funded budget and actual Academy operating costs.

To g i v e o n l i n e , g o t o

... to improve the educational facilities on campus.

CPA Endowment

... to support Christian education.

$1,200,000 $989,888






$600,000 $400,000

The Academy operates on a fiscal year basis. For example, FY ’10 was July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011. At the time of print, FY ’10 numbers were unaudited.


$200,000 0

FY ’06

FY ’07

FY ’08

FY ’09

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FY ’10

D ev elopmen t

















Where can I give?

How does my gift help?

When should I give?

Believe Capital Campaign

Your gift provides for construction of the new high school building and renovations to existing buildings.

The time is now!

CPA Annual Fund

Your gift provides for academic enrichment, scholarship aid, technology integration, and professional development.

Make a CPA Annual Fund gift every year. (The best time is in the fall.)

CPA Endowment

Your gift is invested over time, and the principle remains intact. The interest is used to provide financial aid.

Make an Endowment gift at any time.

Planned Giving

Gifts made through estate planning help to ensure the legacy of CPA for generations to come.

Make a planned gift at any time.

# of Annual Fund Donors

CPA Annual Fund Giving

250 200

$200,000 199 179






$110,777 113





50 0



FY ’06

FY ’07

FY ’08

FY ’09

FY ’10

Believe Capital Campaign $5,000,000


FY ’06

FY ’07

FY ’08

FY ’09

FY ’10

Believe Capital Campaign Cash Received

Gifts & Documented Pledges

(One-time gifts and pledge payments)







$1,500,000 $3,000,000

$1,083,615 $1,981,376





$1,000,000 $363,143


FY ’06

FY ’07

FY ’08

FY ’09

FY ’10


FY ’06

FY ’07

FY ’08

FY ’09

FY ’10

Annual Report | August 2011 | 5

De ve l o p m e nt

Christ Presbyterian Academy would like to express our thanks to everyone who made a financial contribution to the Academy* during the 2010 fiscal year (July 1, 2010June 30, 2011). *This list includes gifts designated to the Believe Capital Campaign, CPA Annual Fund, CPA Endowment, Fine Arts Foundation, and Athletic Foundation. Mr. and Mrs. Bo Adams Mr. Fred Adams Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adkisson Mr. and Mrs. David Alford Ms. Heidi Allsmiller Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ames Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Amonette Ms. Kathy Amstutz Amtrust North America, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Anderson Mr. and Mrs. Tony Anderson Mr. William Anderson Mr. and Mrs. John Arndt Mr. and Mrs. Brett Arsta Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Atkins Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bailey Ms. Diane Baker Ms. Janet Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jim Baker Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barrett Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Barton Mr. and Mrs. Dick Baxter Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beall Mr. and Mrs. Paul Benny Mr. and Mrs. Frank Benton Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Benton Dr. and Mrs. Robert Berkompas Mr. and Mrs. John Black Mr. and Mrs. Brad Blevins Mr. and Mrs. Don Bouldin Box Tops for Education Mr. and Mrs. George Brantly Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Brittain Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brolund Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Brown Mr. and Mrs. David Buntin Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Burbank Mr. and Mrs. Bill Burt Mr. and Mrs. Hedge Burt Mr. and Mrs. George Butler

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Calhoun Mr. and Mrs. Woody Camp Ms. Rebekah Capps Mr. and Mrs. Lee Carlisle Mr. and Mrs. Bill Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Dan Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Harold Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Buzz Carter Mr. and Mrs. Chip Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Steven Chapman Mr. and Mrs. D’Wayne Christians Mr. and Mrs. Jay Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Donald Claytor Mr. and Mrs. William Cleland Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Coker Mr. and Mrs. Kerry Collins Mr. and Mrs. Mitch Cone Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Conley Mr. and Mrs. Cal Cook Dr. and Mrs. Greg Cook Dr. and Mrs. Jeff Cook Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Corder Mr. James Corder Dr. and Mrs. Jack Cothren, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cothren Mr. and Mrs. Alan Coverstone Mr. and Mrs. Barry Cox Mr. and Mrs. Tim Cranford Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Creasy Mr. and Mrs. David Crenshaw Mr. and Mrs. Dan Daniel Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. Michael Daugherty Ms. Nancy Daugherty Mr. and Mrs. George Davis Mr. and Mrs. Collier Dawson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Deaton Mr. and Mrs. Will Denton Mr. and Mrs. Henry DePhillips Mr. and Mrs. David Dickerson Ms. Cynthia Doney Mr. and Mrs. Jim Douglas Mr. and Mrs. Brent Dreher Mr. and Mrs. David Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Don Drummond Mr. Will Drummond Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Duck Ms. Kathy Duke Mr. and Mrs. Steven Duncan Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dykstra

Mrs. Jean Easley Mr. and Mrs. Tom Eberle Mr. and Mrs. Robert Echols Mr. and Mrs. Joe Edgens Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Edgil Mr. and Mrs. David Edwards Mr. and Mrs. John Elefante Mr. and Mrs. Ken Emigh Mr. and Mrs. Matt Emigh Mr. and Mrs. Brian Eytchison Mr. and Mrs. Tim Farley Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. Todd Fleenor Dr. and Mrs. Bill Fleet Mr. and Mrs. Richard Flohr Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Francis Mr. and Mrs. Dick Franz Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Franz Mr. and Mrs. Ed Freeman Freeman-Smith, LLC Mr. Robert Frost Mr. and Mrs. Bob Frutchey Mr. and Mrs. Max Fulwider Mr. and Mrs. Dale Funk Mr. and Mrs. Greg Funk Mr. and Mrs. Rob Gage Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Garber Dr. and Mrs. David Gibson Mrs. Sandra Gilbert Mr. Steve Gilbert Mr. and Mrs. Mike Gingras Mr. Bill Godwin Mrs. Holly Godwin Mrs. Ruth Godwin Mr. and Mrs. Tim Grable Mr. and Mrs. Buz Graham Ms. Leigh Graham Mr. and Mrs. Langley Granbery Mr. and Mrs. Per Granered Dr. and Mrs. Dante Graves Ms. Suzette Greer Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Griffith Mr. and Mrs. David Guthrie Mr. and Mrs. Bobby Guy Mr. and Mrs. David Haase Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Hagan Mr. and Mrs. Chandler Hardman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. George Harris Harris Teeter Mr. and Mrs. Howard Harvey Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hawkins Dr. and Mrs. Paul Heil Mr. and Mrs. Craig Hentrich

Elementary School built


CPC Established


Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Herman Mr. and Mrs. Danny Herron Mr. and Mrs. Scott Heuerman Mr. and Mrs. Rick Heydel Ms. Julie Hight Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hill Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Hodges Mr. and Mrs. Hal Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hogue Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hogue Ms. Tonya Hollin Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper Mr. and Mrs. Mark Horton Mr. and Mrs. Ben Howard Mrs. Marion Howard Mrs. Vickie Howell Dr. and Mrs. Jason Hubbard Mr. and Mrs. Craig Huber Mr. and Mrs. Greg Huddleston Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Hulse Humana Mr. and Mrs. Doug Huseman Mr. Steve Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Alan Isaacs Mr. and Mrs. Steve Jackson Mr. and Mrs. Art Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Mickey Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Dan Jernigan Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johns Mr. and Mrs. Dan Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Rip Johnson Mr. Richard Jonardi Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jung Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Keegan Ms. Courtney Keen Mr. and Mrs. Ken Kelley Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Kelton, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Phillip Kemp Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kimbrough Mrs. Connie King Mr. and Mrs. Gary King Mr. and Mrs. Matt King Mr. and Mrs. Brad Kirkpatrick Mr. and Mrs. Keith Knell Mr. and Mrs. Mike Knotts Mr. and Mrs. Dick Koonce Mrs. Betsy Koonce Sottek Kroger Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kruse Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Lackey Mrs. Sherri Lakoff Mr. and Mrs. David Landers Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langley Ms. Ann Lauterbach Mr. and Mrs. Ben Lawson

First CPA graduation 1985

First day of K-6

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Sanctuary built 1994

High School built


D ev elopmen t Mr. and Mrs. Bill Lee Dr. and Mrs. John Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Mark Leuellen Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Corey Lile Dr. and Mrs. Paul Lipson Mr. and Mrs. Steve Lorenz Ms. Dina Lyell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lynch Dr. and Mrs. Jim Mallory Mr. and Mrs. Al Manuel Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marlo Mr. and Mrs. Ingle Martin Ms. Mary Lou Martin Mr. and Mrs. Tim Martin Mr. and Mrs. Art Mayernick Mr. and Mrs. Mike Mayernick Ms. Jocelynne McCall Mr. and Mrs. Robert McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. George McClellan Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCormick Mr. and Mrs. Bill McCowan Mr. and Mrs. Scott McCullough Mrs. Laura McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Pat McFadden Mr. and Mrs. Sam McGee Rev. and Mrs. Charles McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Durand McIntosh Mr. and Mrs. Michael McKerley Mr. and Mrs. Bob Meador Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Merritt Mr. and Mrs. Jim Meystedt Mid-State Vending Mr. and Mrs. Clif Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mitchell Mr. and Mrs. Gary Moczygemba Dr. Thomas Monroe Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mooney Mr. and Mrs. Steve Moor Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Moore Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Moore Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moré Mr. and Mrs. Steve Morris Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Mote Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Chetan Mukundan Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy Mrs. Jean Myrick Mr. and Mrs. James Myrick Nashville Machine Company Mr. and Mrs. Bill Neal Mr. and Mrs. Craig Nelson Mr. Eric Nelson Mr. and Mrs. Phil Newman Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Nischan

Mr. and Mrs. Mike Norton Mr. and Mrs. Syd Oliver Mr. and Mrs. Donald Orr Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Orr Mr. and Mrs. Johnny Orr Mr. and Mrs. Louis Owen Mr. and Mrs. Scott Parker Mr. and Mrs. Wally Parker Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie Parris Ms. Anne Parsons Mr. and Mrs. Khris Pascarella Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pate Mr. and Mrs. James Patton Ms. Beverly Payne Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Payne Dr. and Mrs. Ed Perdue Mr. and Mrs. Mark Petty Mr. and Mrs. Russ Petty Mr. and Mrs. Phil Pfeffer Mr. and Mrs. Dan Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Tony Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Wade Phillips Pinnacle Machine Tools Mr. and Mrs. Scott Piskie Mr. Dumas Ponder Mr. and Mrs. Clay Posey Mr. and Mrs. Greg Poston Mr. and Mrs. Todd Potter Mr. and Mrs. Mike Pressley Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Price Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Price Mr. and Mrs. Tom Price Mr. and Mrs. Rick Proctor Mr. John Pruitt Publix Super Markets Mr. and Mrs. Rob Purdy Mr. and Mrs. Willard Reagan Red Brick Entertainment, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Reinfeldt Mr. and Mrs. David Reynolds Ms. Anna Rider Mr. and Mrs. Tim Riley Mr. and Mrs. Jon Ritchie RJ Young Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Vince Roman Dr. and Mrs. Kerry Ross Mr. and Mrs. Steven Ross, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ruff Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Russell Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan Mr. Bob Sadler Mr. and Mrs. Andy Sallee Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sandusky Drs. Carl and Wendy Schofield

Mr. and Mrs. Bill Scott Mr. and Mrs. Dan Scott Mr. and Mrs. Gary Scudder Mr. and Mrs. Steve Seger Mr. and Mrs. Lew Sharp Ms. Kristen Shelton Mr. and Mrs. Seth Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shields Mr. and Mrs. Jason Shiflet Mr. and Mrs. Jason Shipman Mr. and Mrs. George Shirley Dr. and Mrs. Stewart Shofner Mr. and Mrs. Steve Shores Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Shrode Mr. and Mrs. Howard Shuman Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sidberry Ms. Patricia Silverman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Slinkard Mr. and Mrs. Chris Slover Ms. Linda Smith Mr. and Mrs. Randy Smith Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith Mr. and Mrs. Ron Smith Mr. and Mrs. Don Smothers Solerant, LLC Southwest Nashville Football Association Mr. and Mrs. Bob Speck Ms. Beverly Spellings Mr. and Mrs. Bill Spencer Dr. and Mrs. Anderson Spickard Mr. and Mrs. James Stadler Mr. and Mrs. Craig Starling Mr. and Mrs. Bob Starnes Mr. and Mrs. Jim Stein Mr. and Mrs. Lem Stevens Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Stevenson Dr. and Mrs. William Stone Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stout Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Sturdivant Mr. and Mrs. Tim Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. Bill Taaffe Mr. and Mrs. Will Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Bob Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Adam Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Daren Thomas Mr. and Mrs. David Thomas Dr. and Mrs. Dewey Thomas Mr. and Mrs. John Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Les Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Tim Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Gif Thornton Mr. and Mrs. Bob Threadgill Mrs. Julia Trice

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Trice Mr. David Turner Mr. and Mrs. Justin Van Orman Mr. and Mrs. Mike Wall Mr. and Mrs. Paul Wallace Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wampler Mr. and Mrs. Murph Wanca Mr. and Mrs. Michael Waters Mr. and Mrs. David Watson Mr. and Mrs. Jim Weatherly Ms. Sally Weatherly Mr. and Mrs. Ruston Webster Mr. and Mrs. Dick Wells Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wells Mr. and Mrs. Jason West Mr. and Mrs. Whit Whitaker Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Williams Mr. and Mrs. Phil Williams Mr. and Mrs. Steven Williams Dr. Winston Williams Mr. and Mrs. John Woods Mr. and Mrs. Mike Woods Mr. and Mrs. Brian Woodward Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Wooten Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Wright Mr. and Mrs. John Yarborough Mr. and Mrs. Nate Yoder Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Zapp Mr. and Mrs. Gary Zegiestowsky Mr. and Mrs. Jack Zieman Special thanks to the following companies for matching gifts made by donors to the Academy: HCP, Inc. Northwestern Mutual D o e s yo u r e m p l oyer match c h a ri t a b l e gifts ?

Be sure to notify the Office of Development & Alumni Relations when making your gift!

Did we miss your name? The Office of Development & Alumni Relations has made every effort to ensure that the information contained on these pages is accurate and complete for gifts made during FY ’10. Please contact us at (615) 301-3681 to notify us of any errors.

Students move into New Academic Building


Start of Capital Campaign for New Academic Building

2011 W hat’s Next?

Annual Report | August 2011 | 7

Alum n i — St a y C o nne c t e d . G e t I nv olv ed. Giv e B ack.

Alumni updates 1 Daniel Moore ’93 and wife Kara adopted daughter Mia Adaire in April 2011. Mia joins big brother Isaiah (age 3). Daniel is employed at CPA as the High School Guidance Counselor.

Kristen Emigh Augustine ’94 and husband Gregg welcomed daughter Mary “Libby” Elizabeth on January 13, 2011. She joins big sister Carolanne (age 2). The Augustine family resides in Richmond, VA. Jeremy Kelton ’95 is a boxing manager in the Brazilian favela of Mauretinho, just outside of Rio de Janeiro. This past year, a boxer under his management won the Brazilian welterweight title.

and husband John welcomed daughter Millie Claire on October 26, 2010. She joins big sister Lucy Grace (age 3). Shannon works as a part-time nurse and the Niemann family resides in Dallas, TX.

Shannon Newbill Niemann ’95

Sarah Dorris Norberg ’96 and husband Jason welcomed first child Olivia Grace on February 3, 2011.

David Kiern

David Kiern ’00 has a passion for filmmaking that dates all the way back to his years at CPA. Even though there was not a video department at the Academy while he was a student, David shares that “the high school teachers encouraged me in my pursuits.” David filmed football games and created highlight reels, showed his films at Fine Arts events, and created short films for extra credit in academic classes.

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Emma Alley Staples ’96 and husband Jeff welcomed first child James Tolliver on March 1, 2011. Alison Cooke ’97 joined the staff of Hope Clinic for Women,

Nashville, TN as the Events and Marketing Coordinator in April 2011. She also owns an outdoor movie company, Bayberry Moon Productions. is employed as Associate Vice President, Treasury Implementations, at J.P. Morgan Chase in New York City.

Will Gibson ’97

and wife Ruth welcomed first child Henry Jacob on November 11, 2010.

Max Butler ’98

and husband Matt welcomed second daughter Elliott Marie on October 25, 2010.

Lori Hamilton Fine ’98

2 Nate Jennings ’98 and wife Allison welcomed triplets on March 6, 2011: Caroline Elizabeth, Townes Wesley, and Natalie Brooke.

Ross Stowers ’98 and wife Lindsay welcomed daughter Tessa Marie on May 17, 2011. She joins big brother Colton (age 2 ½). The Stowers are on staff with Campus Crusade for Christ in Florence, Italy. Annaliese Gilman Townsley ’98 moved to Huntsville, AL in June 2010 after husband Chad graduated from Covenant Seminary and accepted a position at Southwood Presbyterian Church. The couple is expecting first child Lyla in August 2011.

and husband Rob welcomed son Stephen Clark on May 13, 2011. He joins big brother Samuel. Amy completed her residency program at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in dermatology in June 2011 and is practicing as a staff physician at Vanderbilt Student Health Center.

Amy Black Valet ’98

David describes himself as “a filmmaker whose passion is to produce exciting stories that also share the Gospel,” and he is actively pursuing opportunities to do just that. Journey to Everest is a film directed by David that has raised over $100,000 for Christian missions. World Vision, a missions organization, is using Journey to Jamaa, a film edited by Kiern, to share the Gospel and raise funds to help African children. Honoring a Father’s Dream: Sons of Lwala, a Kiern-produced film on cable, recently won Documentary of the Year at the Attic Film Festival in Austin, TX. The Shunning, a Hallmark original movie, was edited by Kiern and premiered in April ’11, earning the highest rated movie on the night of the premiere. Reflecting on his education at CPA, David cites the focus on teaching “the Gospel through every subject” as instrumental in his educational experience. David is quick to encourage CPA students to “seek to discover what (their) passions are, and learn how to make them a part of (their) career.” It is advice that David has lived out himself, taking steps to pursue his passion in filmmaking while spreading the Gospel through his Godgiven talents.

Alu m n i

Justine DeYoung For Justine DeYoung ’98, the path to joining the faculty of the Harvard College Writing Program has included rigorous academic and career challenges. Those challenges started as early as her years at CPA. Justine remembers Advanced Placement Latin as a class where “you always had to be prepared and willing to push yourself.” The solid grounding she received from her CPA education prepared her well to attend Williams, a liberal arts college. Justine who earned degrees in English and art history at Williams, gives partial credit to Mrs. Deanne Carroll and the CPA English department for inspiring her love of literature, writing, and editing. Jay White ’98 and wife Annie welcomed first child Elizabeth “Camper” Van Campen on November 19, 2010.

and husband Nathaniel are excitedly awaiting the completion of the adoption process of son Isaac from China. Isaac will join siblings Anna Walton (5), Olivia (3), and Caleb (1). The Wright family resides in Spring Hill, TN. Rebekah Anderson Wright ’98

and husband Marlon welcomed Amaris Jennifer Louise on December 27, 2010. She joins sister Laureana (age 10), and brothers Silas (age 3) and McKeehan (age 2). Elizabeth is earning a doctorate in Communication Studies at Regent University and working as an Instructor of Communication at Southeastern Louisiana University. 3 Elizabeth Robertson Hornsby ’99

married Jonathan Holt on September 11, 2010. Caroline is employed by Kayce Hughes/Pears & Bears clothing, and the couple resides in Nashville. Caroline Anderson ’00

Alis Wilson Henderson ’00 and husband Matt are in the

process of starting a college ministry at the University of Rhode Island.



From studying abroad in Paris as part of her time at Williams to attending Northwestern in Chicago to earn her master’s and doctorate in art history, Justine sought out numerous opportunities to broaden her expertise and achieve higher education. She served in a yearlong fellowship at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York before taking a position at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, where she taught and lectured with her Ph.D. in hand, Justine found out about the Harvard College Writing Program position and applied. At the time, her husband, Alex, was finishing his Ph.D. at Harvard, making it an ideal position for Justine. Reflecting on her academic path, Justine encourages students to challenge themselves. “I had a terror of public speaking in high school,” she relates. “And I never imagined I would be getting in front of a classroom of students every day or giving lectures at conferences and museums.” Overcoming her fear is an accomplishment she credits to challenging herself. “If I hadn’t pushed myself, then I certainly wouldn’t have ended up teaching at Harvard!” 4 Johannah Gilman

and husband Luke welcomed first child John “Jack” Thomas on January 10, 2011. Paiva ’00

Stephanie Smith Weathers ’00 and husband Paul welcomed daughter Lauren Justice on October 15, 2010. She joins big brother Harrison Reed (age 2).

We Would Love to Hear From You

CPA Alumni – Be sure to keep us updated on any newsworthy events in your life. Email with your updates so we can include them in our communications.

Rob Ames ’01 and wife Becky welcomed son Zadok “Zade” Barbour on June 14, 2011.

is a Certified Public Accountant and was recently promoted to Manager at PricewaterhouseCoopers. He lives in Chicago with wife Mandii and son Asher.

Will Atkins ’01


Annual Report | August 2011 | 9

Alum n i — St a y C o nne c t e d . G e t I nv olv ed. Giv e B ack.

Amy Burton ’01

August 13, 2010.

married Chris Klinefelter on

Alumni Children at CPA

graduated from The University of Tennessee in May 2011 with a Master’s of Architecture. Robert was selected to present his thesis, “Inhabiting the Periphery,” at the Critical Mass conference for graduate students in Charlotte, NC.

Robert Kown ’01

and husband Linden welcomed first child Joseph Thor on May 16, 2011. Jennifer is employed as the Middle School Choral Director at CPA. 5 Jennifer Clanton Lantz ’01

Catherine Brumfield Nelson ’01 and husband Pete welcomed first child Hannah Sue on October 30, 2010. The family resides in an intentional Christian community in a low-income neighborhood in Memphis, TN.

Did you know?

19 children of CPA Alumni were enrolled at the Academy (including the CPA Preschool) during the 2010-11 school year

6 Curry Flautt Winters ’01 and husband Michael welcomed first child John Stirling on August 8, 2010.

is serving as a Captain in the U.S.A.F. JAG Corp at Offut AFB in Omaha, NE.

J. Peter Ferrell ’02

recently earned her Master of Educational Ministry from Covenant Theological Seminary and accepted the position of Director of Women’s Ministry at South City Church (PCA) in June 2011. She is employed as an RN and resides in St. Louis, MO.

Becky Kiern ’02

and wife Michelle welcomed first child Ava Grace on May 26, 2011.

Jim Ed Stephens ’02

Maggie Atkins ’03 graduated with highest honors from The University of Tennessee in May 2011 with a Doctor of Medicine degree. She is currently completing her residency in pediatrics at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital.

and husband Taylor reside in Nashville, where both are educators. Katy teaches 4th grade at St. Paul Christian Academy.

Katy Anderson Clement ’03

is employed as a registered nurse in the Medical ICU at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. She travels extensively for missions work in India and southeast Asia and has established a nonprofit organization called Ashraya Mission. Katie Beth is also serving as a short-term mission trip leader for Lipscomb University students.

Katie Beth Gill ’03

Beth Graham ’03

is a 3rd grade teacher at CPA.


10 | Christ Presbyterian Academy |

7 Scott Greenwood ’03 and wife Melissa welcomed first child John Malcolm on September 29, 2010.

Kimberly Price ’03


is a 2nd grade teacher at

Jacqueline Barlow ’04

Edwards on May 22, 2011.

married Luke

Lauren Bowen ’04 announced her engagement to Jonathan Davis on September 14, 2010. The couple will be married next year. Layla Scott Krog ’04 and husband Paul welcomed first child Rita Mae on November 8, 2010.

was commissioned as an Ensign from the Officer Candidate School at Naval Station Newport, RI in April, 2011.

Christopher Schrauger ’04

David Crenshaw ’05 married Rachel Edwards on July 17, 2010. David is employed by Ernst & Young, and the couple resides in Nashville.

was hired by the Detroit Lions as an assistant on the defensive coaching staff in May 2011.

Brandon Fisher ’05

John Price ’05 married Sarah Jaworski on June 19, 2010. The couple resides in Eagle, CO where John runs his online business, My Outdoor Calendar.

accepted a position as Quality Systems Manager at Golden Brands, a vegetable-shortening manufacturer, in Louisville, KY in September 2010. Eric and wife Leslie welcomed first child Eric “Wes” Reed, Jr. on October 8, 2010.

Eric Reed ’05

Brock Starnes ’05 married Hannah Brack on September 5, 2010. The couple currently resides in New Zealand, where Brock is pursuing a master’s in Commerce at Victoria University with a concentration in exploring connections between small business and communitydevelopment initiatives. Brock is a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar. Grace Stowers ’05 married Charles “Chachi” Avirett on June 17, 2011. Grace is a kindergarten teacher in Cleveland, TN. 8 Mary-Walker Watson ’05 married Justin Hall on January 8, 2011. Mary-Walker is employed as a Nutritionist at Williamson Medical Center, and the couple resides in Franklin.

Sally Ward Brewer ’06 recently finished a four-month stint living in Trujillo, Peru, where she taught English to children and adults.


Alu m n i

James Gilman

During his senior year at CPA, James Gilman (’05) knew that his love for both Spanish and interpersonal relationships would play a significant role in his decision about what to study at the University of Tennessee. His four years of high school Spanish classes taught by Mrs. Stephanie Garrett equipped him with a strong understanding of the language and a desire to better grasp it. Bible, Apologetics, and Worldview Analysis classes with Mr. Bill Delvaux and time on the soccer field with mentor and coach, Brett Armstrong, instilled in James a strong Biblical worldview and a Kingdom mindset that shaped his educational and career choices. James earned a double major in Spanish and Child & Family Studies at UT-Knoxville. He took advantage of many opportunities before and after college to spread the Gospel through ministries in Spanish-speaking countries. Currently, James works as a Spanish interpreter and translator at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital. His days consist of facilitating verbal and written communication between hospital staff and Spanish-speaking patients and their family members. James sees his work at the hospital as ministry, and shares that he “intentionally chooses to engage in conversation with co-workers and patients” because he recognizes the opportunity to share the Gospel through daily interactions.

James is also preparing to return to the mission field full-time. In addition to working at the hospital, he is raising financial support and completing training in theology and ministry. In January 2012, James will join Campus Crusade for Christ at the University Graham Keen ’06 is currently playing the lead role of “Billy Lawlor” in a production of 42nd Street at a Connecticut theatre. In September 2011, he will join the cast of Young Frankenstein and will be on tour across America until June 2012.

graduated from Belmont University in May 2011 with a B.M. in Music Education. Matt Rhea ’06

won a Gold ADDY award in the American Advertising Federation’s District 7 Competition. Alex’s Flashanimated banner ad promoting a coffee shop music venue was the

Alex Stoner ’06



of Costa Rica in San Jose, the nation’s capital. The year-long commitment will allow James to utilize his Spanish skills to build relationships with the university students he meets. “Our goal will be relational ministry,” James says. “We will come alongside college students to build friendships through which we will share the hope of salvation.” subject of his senior thesis. He graduated from Samford in December 2010 with a B.F.A. in Graphic Design. Emily Clanton ’07 graduated from Vanderbilt University in May

2011 with a B.S. in Human & Organizational Development. Emily is employed as a Physician Practice Management System Implementation Analyst with Hospital Corporation of America (HCA). graduated from Wake Forest University in May 2011 with a B.A. in English and Spanish. He will soon leave for Argentina where he will teach English for six months.

Joshua Connor ’07


Annual Report | August 2011 | 11

Alum n i — St a y C o nne c t e d . G e t I nv olv ed. Giv e B ack.

Career Day On March 4, 2011, CPA High School students enjoyed time away from their usual classes to listen to and visit with professional guests during Career Day. More than 70 panelists—alumni, parents, and community members—shared about their careers with the students. Are you interested in participating in the next Career Day? This is a great way for CPA alumni to get involved with their alma mater, and current students love getting to spend time with alumni! Email to volunteer.

Margaret Shores ’08 and Wes Pedicini engaged and will be married in May 2012.


won the BCS National Championship as a member of the Auburn University football team.

Trent Fisher ’10

11 Caitlin Ruff ’10 has been living in Leu Yang, China, serving as the preschool director for Maria’s Big House of Hope and working with medically fragile orphans since August 2010, with plans to return from China in August 2011. Five of CPA’s newest alumni had the joy of serving alongside Caitlin when they joined current CPA students and faculty on a mission trp to Maria’s in July 2011. Those alumni are Chappell Edgil ’11, Callie Huseman ’11, Caroline King ’11, Kelley Light ’11, and Allie Moczygemba ’11.

Christ Presbyterian Academy Alumni

L to R: CPA Headmaster Richard B. Anderson, David Kiern ’00, Chris Burton ’97, Ann-Haley White Poag ’01, Jake Speck ’00, Amy Burton Klinefelter ’01, Jennifer Davis Anderson ’01, Mary-Walker Watson Hall ’05, Kirsten Williams ’05, Max Butler ’98, Amy Clayton Baggett ’05, Kati McCarver Wooten ’07, Betsey Long ’07, Zach Dorris ’00 and sister Emily Sullivan won the 2011 Collegiate Wakeboard National Championships in May as members of the University of Tennessee wakeboard team. 9 Richard “Sully” Sullivan ’07


10 Caitlin Conley ’08 and Robert Wise ’07 were married on July 3, 2011 in Nashville. The couple resides in Knoxville, TN.

Kirsten Reed ’08 was accepted into Tau Sigma Delta, a prestigious architectural honor society, in March 2011. She just completed her third year at UT-Knoxville in the College of Architecture & Design and was one of 17 students recently chosen to study at the Polytechnic Institute of Krakow, Poland, next spring.



Amber Beckham Photography

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were recently


Alu m n i

CPA Alumni Working at CPA Did you know?

Almost Alumni Cookout

The Academy’s faculty/staff in 2010 and 2011 included twelve CPA Alumni: ’ 0 3 C h arlene Beall

5th Grade Teacher ’ 9 5 S ar a S um m ers C am p

Admissions Assistant ’ 0 7 M i c hael Ells on

Assistant Technical Director ’ 0 3 Beth Graham

3rd Grade Teacher ’ 0 6 L ei g h Graham

Preschool Teacher ’ 0 4 A n n a William s King

High School Wellness Instructor and Athletic Trainer

In May, the Office of Development & Alumni Relations hosted the first-ever Almost Alumni Cookout. The Class of 2011 enjoyed a picnic lunch, volleyball, and creating a new CPA tradition. Future graduating classes will experience this event each May as part of the senior-class graduation events.

’ 0 1 J e n n i f e r Clanton L antz

Middle School Choral Director ’ 9 3 D a niel M oore

High School Counselor ’ 0 3 K i m berly Price

2nd Grade Teacher ’ 0 2 S ar a h Beth Sm ith

Preschool Teacher ’ 0 7 Vi c t oria Sm ith

Preschool Teacher’s Assistant ’ 0 1 J a m i e Menzie Sum ner

Instructor of High School English

The inaugural CPA Alumni Board members were selected in the summer of 2011 based on nominations submitted by CPA faculty and staff members. The purpose of the CPA Alumni Board is to increase alumni participation by facilitating feedback from the alumni community and providing opportunities for involvement.

CPA Alumni Board Sam Logan ’93 
 Ty Jennings ’94 
Johannah Gilman Paiva ’00 
 Ann-Haley White Pogue ’01 
 David Crenshaw ’05
 Anna Mitchell ’10

Annual Report | August 2011 | 13

Hom ecom i n g

Homecoming 2010 Recap The CPA Homecoming Alumni Tailgate on Friday, October 8th, 2010 was a huge success! Alumni and their families gathered at the elementary playground before the CPA Lions took on the Whites Creek Cobras in the Den. Live music was provided by CPA students Chase Akers, Colton Hammond, and Chipper Hammond. CPA cheerleaders shared their Lion spirit by giving out temporary CPA tattoos to alumni children. Alumni enjoyed spending time with current and former faculty members, as well as showing their families around campus. The exciting night was capped off with a big victory by the Lions!

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Homecomin g

The Class of 2000 celebrated its 10-year reunion during Homecoming weekend. On Saturday night, the alumni gathered at La Paz in downtown Nashville to catch up with former classmates. Sunday was marked by an afternoon picnic at Edwin Warner Park.

Class of 2000 10-Year Reunion

Upcoming Homecoming 2011: Alumni Community Events

The Office of Development and Alumni Relations invites all CPA alumni (including spouses and children) and CPA alumni parents to return to campus to celebrate CPA Homecoming this fall!

Special thanks to (from L-R): Betsie White Carlson, Johannah Gilman Paiva, Justin Carlson, and Jared Monger for planning the Class of 2000’s 10-Year Reunion events!

F r i day, O ct o b e r 1 4  CPA Alumni Community Tailgate, 5:30 p.m.  Homecoming Football Game, kickoff at 7 p.m. S at u r d a y, O c t o b e r 1 5  Alumni Flag Football Game, 9:30 a.m.  Lunch & preview of the CPA Fine Arts presentation of You Can’t Take it With You, 11:30 a.m. RSVP at for lunch at no cost  New Building Tour immediately following lunch/preview  Class of 2001 10-Year Reunion Email for more information

Annual Report | August 2011 | 15

Ca m p u s Im p r o v e m e nt s

All Things New It is an exciting time on campus as we are experiencing all that God is accomplishing through the Believe Capital Campaign. After many years of prayer, God has literally raised before our eyes a new building here on campus. Our high school students now have a beautiful new building in which to learn and grow, and our elementary and middle school students will benefit from the incredible renovations made to the existing academic buildings.

1 The new high school’s 35 classrooms feature innovative, multifunction desk/chairs and (in most cases) large windows for natural light.


2 Wide hallways characterize all three floors of the new building, such as this lower-level hall, which includes the entrance to the Dining Hall on the right. 3 In the renovated Chapel, located in the elementary school building, pews have been replaced with open space for tables and chairs. Natural light and classic-style chandeliers add to the charm of this refurbished space. 4 Stairwells in the new building were built for safe, efficient two-way traffic as students navigate their way between classes and activities. 5 The CPA shield, etched into the floor, will greet all who enter the new building’s front doors.


6 The updated reception area in the elementary school is ready to welcome parents and students.


Renovations of Fellowship Hall and the Chapel Lobby for gathering on each floor

85,000 square feet of new educational space for CPA High School

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Wide hallways with lockers on one side only and sizeable stairwells

30 standard classrooms including specialty classrooms for computer, broadcasting and learning services

C ampus Improvemen ts

S eptember 2 0 10


D ecember 2 0 10


March 2 0 11


J une 2 0 11

Full refurbishment of church building and current academic buildings

New parking with improved lighting and updated entrance and directional signage

Annual Report | August 2011 | 17

Ca m p u s Im p r o v e m e nt s Even as we celebrate the completion of these vital campus improvements, there is still a great need for prayerful and financial support of the Believe campaign. Please prayerfully consider the role the Lord is leading you to take as a member of this community. All of us will benefit from this campaign, and we are called to join together in unity and finish strong by being faithful with what God has given to each of us. His Kingdom work is evident daily on this campus, and He calls all of us to be active participants. Thank you so much for considering this vital need as we continue to progress toward the goal of the Believe Capital Campaign! 1 A glance upward from the center of the new building’s main floor reveals its soaring chandelier and skylights. 2 Welcome to the new high school’s library, with its abundant space for books, computers and study/meeting areas.


3 Classrooms for multiple disciplines in the new high school include this fully equipped science lab. 4 The new Dining Hall will serve healthy hot- and cold-lunch items for students in grades 7-12.




Dining Hall with capacity of 250 including a kitchen and serving area

Library/Media Center including a computer room, office, workroom, and storage areas

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Fine Arts educational space for visual art, theatre, vocal music

Five science labs with three offices

Deuteronomy Project

By the Numbers Goal: $13 Million

The Deuteronomy 6 Project was an inspiring event. Coordinated by Parent Support Fellowship’s thanks to Prayer Ministry and PSF volunteers in the Spring of 2011. Students and their families were asked to pray and choose a Scripture that they believed God was giving them for the Academy. On May 5, 2011, students had the opportunity to record that verse (along with their name, grade and graduation year) on a card that will appear in a specially produced book.

$9.07 million

In addition, all high school students wrote their verses on the subfloors of the English classrooms, while middle and elementary school teachers and class representatives wrote each class’s verse on the floors as well. CPA dad Steven Curtis Chapman wrote the words to our alma mater, “Soli Deo Gloria” (a song he penned and first performed with Vision at the groundbreaking in February 2010) on the floor of the administration area (photo below).

Number of desks that will be in the new building

Pledged to date

660 75

Average number of construction workers on site daily


Standard-sized bricks in the new building


Doors in the new building


Tons of steel used to construct the new building

A band great room with three instrument practice rooms plus workroom, reception area, offices & storage areas

Administrative suite including offices, conference rooms, reception area, and secure records room

Fundraising Progress Bar As of 6/30/11

Annual Report | August 2011 | 19

Fa c u l t y Fo c us

Anne K. Purdy started at the Academy as a First Grade Teacher and now serves at the Elementary School Principal.

Richard B. Anderson started at the Academy as Headmaster and continues to serve in that role.

Andrea Arndt started at the Academy as a Fourth Grade Teacher and now serves as Instructor of Eighth Grade History.

The 26-Year Club

They have been a part of the Academy from day one. Now, the three members of the 26-Year Club reflect on their time at CPA and share their hopes for the future.

What is the funniest thing that a student has ever said to you? Richard B. Anderson: Matt Emigh (Class of ’97) transferred into CPA in Fourth Grade. I have known Matt since the day he was born. One day, I was coming down the hall. Matt was the “line leader” that day, heading the opposite direction. When he saw me, Matt threw up his hand and said, “Hi, Richard!” Mrs. Arndt was stunned. She said, “What did you call him?” Matt replied, “I called him ‘Richard’...he’s a very good friend of mine.” Mrs. Arndt said, “He’s a very good friend of mine, too…but I call him ‘MR. ANDERSON.’” Andrea Arndt: I was in the middle of a lecture one day, and one of my students kept looking at me, and it looked as if she was very engaged with my lecture. When she raised her hand, she said, “Mrs. Arndt, I love your boots!” Anne Purdy: One morning a student came in late for school and his excuse for his tardiness was, “My mom made pancakes for breakfast this morning, and she knows that we can’t have pancakes on a school morning but she did it anyway.”

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What is one thing you want our alumni to know about CPA today?

RBA: …that spiritually it is the same school that they attended... only (hopefully) deeper and richer in the Lord and in the Kingdom of God. Andrea: …that truth is still taught through Scripture. Our mission is still the same, and we hope to bring students to a life with Christ. Anne: …that our core values are the same. We are teaching and practicing the same principles and values.

What would you most like to see happen at CPA in the next 10-20 years? RBA: We are just old enough now as a school where our alumni are sending THEIR children to CPA. That is as good as it gets in our profession. I would like to see CPA continue to pursue excellence (academics, arts, athletics, outreach), continue to send out young men and women to minister in the Kingdom of God, and continue to bring glory to God. SOLI DEO GLORIA! Andrea: I would love to see a huge endowment. It would be great to be able to see any child who wants to attend here be able to come here. Anne: I would like to see families be able to articulate what is unique about the Academy. We want families to want to send their children to CPA to receive an education grounded in who our God is.

F aculty Focu s

Teachers Team with MDI CPA Faculty: Bringing Christ to the Classrooms of Ukraine

Carey Dincauze, Ben Ellis, Kendra Posey

Many thanks to these faculty who committed their spring break to sharing the Gospel, and thank you for your prayers for our Academy teachers during their trip.

During Spring Break 2011, Kendra Posey, Ben Ellis and Carey Dincauze traveled to Ukraine on a teacher-training assignment with Missions Development International (MDI). They spoke with public-school teachers about incorporating Christian ethics and morals into their classrooms. In addition, the trio of CPA teachers presented a two-day set of seminars to train teachers in implementing a new Christian Morals and Ethics curriculum, which will bring much-needed character education to Ukrainian classrooms. “We were invited into a story of heroic vision in which teachers of all grades, even university and medical school, came together with a unifying desire: to bring Christian ethics and morals to transform corrupt and broken systems. The teachers we met wanted to know the fight is winnable. The teachers we prayed with wanted Christian colleagues uniting with them. All in all, it has only just begun. -Carey Dincauze, Eighth Grade English instructor

Annual Report | August 2011 | 21

Academ i c Ye a r I n R e v i e w

Best of Academic Achievement National Merit Finalist Emma Catlett National Merit Commended Anna Cantwell, Virginia Pacetti, Will Pacetti, Christina Scioscia, Emma Catlett Main Departmental Excellence Awards English — Bea Troxell Journalism — Anna Cantwell, Lizzy Orr, Caroline Spencer Computer — Jay Baker Science — Virginia Pacetti History — Anna Cantwell Foreign Language — Emma Catlett Math — Michael Jean Bible — Zach Wise Catch the Vision Award Gabe Lipson, Jonathan Roach Vermell A. Stroud Award Chappell Edgil Principal’s Leadership Award Zach Wise

Further Academic Highlights  During 2010-11, CPA offered 127 high school courses in nine disciplines, including honors and 15 AP options.  The average ACT score was 26, and 18 members of the Class of ‘11 scored 30 or higher (the equivalent of 1320 on the SAT).  84% of CPA students who took an AP exam passed it, an increase from 72% the previous year.  100% of AP test-takers passed the English Language & Composition, English Literature & Composition, Calculus AB, Calculus BC, U.S. History and Spanish Language AP exams; 88% passed the Chemistry AP exam; and 86% passed the European History AP exam.  CPA graduates have been accepted to numerous highly rated private and public colleges and universities, including Stanford, Dartmouth, Vanderbilt, West Point, The Citadel, Texas A&M, The University of Tennessee and The University of North Carolina.

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Duke Tip Awards Jacob Armstrong Josh Betts — State Wallace Barrett Olivia DePhillips — State Carter Dunn — State Issac Estes-Adoff — State and Grand Spencer Hagan Allan Heuerman — State Mikaela Howell — State Julia Jones Thomas Key Sam Knell — State Sam Krodel Sam Lile Jacqueline Meystedt — State and Grand Ben Milligan — State Sterling Moore — State John Orr — State Amber Parris — State Julia Payne — State Price Perdue — State Spencer Petty Caroline Reagan — State and Grand Jay Russell Cole Smith Johnathan Sottek — State William Stout Tatum Wade — State Zack Weatherly Harrison Whiteside — State William Wright Note: The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is dedicated to serving academically gifted and talented youth. As a world leader in gifted and talented education, Duke TIP works with students, their families, and educators to identify, recognize, challenge, engage, and help students reach their highest potential.

Academic Year In R eview

CPA Elementary School Dear CPA Community,

During the 2010-11 academic year, our elementary school faculty and staff once again experienced the joy of providing foundational skills and training for the future lives of our students. In all that we undertake within the Academy, solid academic growth is guided by teachers who are not only qualified in their specific subject areas, but are also called by God to instruct His covenant children with diligence. Our mission truly is our passion. Just as parents begin sharing the love of God with their infant children and continue guiding them to see His truth in His Word and in the world He created, we encourage students to grow in that knowledge through the academic rigor of a well-planned curriculum that is guided by Biblical truth. Research indicates that a child’s early language experiences impact his later reading progress, and that his belief system—his view of the world—is foundationally formed by age eleven. This information significantly informs CPA’s commitment to provide an academic rigor that will enhance our students’ future school and life choices as well as foster a foundational understanding of what it means to live in the light of the truth that God made man for His glory. What a privilege it is for parents and teachers to partner in teaching God’s Truth to His children so that they will desire to glorify our God and enjoy Him forever. I hope you will review and enjoy the list of highlights from the 2010-11 school year below and rejoice with us at the many ways in which our God made Himself known throughout the year. As always, Soli Deo Gloria! In His service,

 Students and their families raised more than $15,000 to help rebuild Restoration Educational Center in Africa, which had burned to the ground during Spring Break  Students purchased Show Hope T-shirts and wore them throughout December to show support for Orphan Awareness Month

ES Highlights

 The Destination ImagiNation program (an enrichment program for elementary and middle school students) became part of Academy life—culminating in our sending two DI teams to the state competition!

 The Kindergarten’s presentation of its yearlong memorization of a verse for each letter of the alphabet was again a highlight of Grandparent’s Day  First graders celebrated Easter with the telling of the Resurrection story and flowering the cross, which carried each individual’s name  Second grade’s Easter celebration included the Passover and Seder Dinner  Third grade successfully presented another Living History Museum!  Fourth grade as selected to serve as docents at the Hermitage and spent a day hosting guests at the home and grounds of Andrew Jackson  Fifth graders concluded their year sharing memorizations from each of their six elementary years (from ABC verses to Luke 2, to asking if they could PLEASE also share Psalm 139 before the final Chapel ended!)  Each class selected a verse for their teacher to write on the floor of the new high school as part of the Deuteronomy 6 project

Anne K. Purdy Elementary Principal

At the beginning of the 2010-11 school year, the Academy officially welcomed CPA Preschool (formerly known as Kid Connection) under our umbrella, serving families and their children through Pre-K.

Annual Report | August 2011 | 23

Middl e Sc h o o l

CPA Middle School Dear CPA Community, The 2010-2011 school year was a shining one for CPA Middle School! Even in the midst of an uncertain economy, enrollment in grades 6-8 rose by 41 students. In addition, a number of new academic courses were offered, including two fine-arts classes, two Math labs, and two English labs. These new opportunities, coupled with our traditional activities and events such as the Cake Bake, Battle Ball, parent coffees, the English tea, Middle School College Week, and educational enrichment excursions to Chattanooga, Tremont and Washington D.C., made for an exceptional year of growth, fun and excitement! The greatest reward during the past year for me has been having front-row seats into the hearts and lives of our students. We have had the blessing of watching them grow in the likeness of Christ in wisdom, knowledge and stature. An added bonus has been to witness them experience great success in areas of fine arts, academics and athletics. In the midst of all the activity, the middle school teachers began the transition of moving into the newly renovated building. We are excited about the changes. As we have reflected on the past year and looked to the year ahead, we have prayerfully planned and worked with confidence, trusting that no eye has seen, no ear has heard what God has in store for those who love Him. We are constantly reminded that He is ever present: building His Kingdom, bringing glory to Himself, and restoring, blessing and redeeming His people. Soli Deo Gloria!

Rhonda Smith Middle School Principal

 Students diligently applied themselves to their schoolwork in 2010-11, with many receiving a place either on the Headmaster’s List or on the A/B Honor Roll.

MS Highlights

 31 middle school students qualified to take the ACT exam through the Duke Talent Identification Program (Duke Tip).  Based on outstanding ACT scores, 18 CPA middle school students were recognized at the State level and three students were recognized at the Grand level, the highest acknowledgment, which places them among the top five percent in the nation.  Several students from each grade had the opportunity to participate in a statewide math competition. Out of 200 participants, three students placed in the top sixteen.  Eighth grade students enrolled in Latin I took the National Latin Exam, and Carris Campbell received Magna Cum Laude honors.  The middle school fine arts department presented a variety of outstanding performances, including Tom Sawyer, Beauty and the Beast and The Secret Garden.  Drama Club and Art Club were developed to enhance artistic skills such as writing, drawing and acting.  Our Concert Choir participated in a Middle Tennessee competition and received a “Superior” in sight-reading.  Our band program has doubled in size and grown in talent under the skillful direction of Max Fulwider.  The concert band placed second at a regional competition, Music in the Parks in Atlanta, and placed second in the jazz band competition. Chipper Hammond was named Outstanding Jazz Soloist for all jazz bands.  The middle school athletic program was booming all year! Our baseball team won the HVAC Championship. Girls’ softball, boys’ soccer and girls’ soccer each finished as HVAC Runner-Up. Many individual awards given in tennis, track and golf.  During a summer camp, the middle school cheerleaders received an overall rating of “Superior.”  The most encouraging part of middle school is that students learn how to serve the community. Our students participated in more than 30 service opportunities and raised more than $5,500, serving at the men’s rescue mission, New Hope Academy, Warner Parks, Grace Works, several nursing homes, and more.  Students participated in weekly Chapel services where they worshipped and prayed together. Speakers including professional athletes, military heroes, well-known singers, and our own coaches, teachers and peers delivered powerful messages.

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CPA High School Dear CPA Community,

“Then Jesus came to them and said, ‘All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.’ ” (Matthew 28:19-20) This is a commission, not a proposition—and it remained the commission at the heart of CPA throughout the 2010-11 school year. Each spring, our great hope and desire is that when students graduate from CPA and go out into the world, they will view all of life through the lens of the Gospel, process it through the filter of the Gospel, and engage it through the power of the Gospel. Thus, they will play a key part in bringing the kingdom of God to every corner of the earth and living out His great commission. This past May, 80 more students completed their education at the Academy and embarked on that vital next chapter of their lives. The list of highlights below provides a glimpse into all that God accomplished in and through our students, faculty/staff and families during the year. But they only scratch the surface of all that transpired within our community. This was a year in which our students experienced tremendous highs and devastating lows. We walked together through triumphs—in the classroom, on the athletic fields, on the stage and beyond—but also through painful tragedy. We thought we would only be saying goodbye to a building as we prepared to move into a beautiful new one. Instead, we found ourselves facing the wrenching reality of saying goodbye to a fellow student, teammate and friend, Michael Daniel. In all that we experienced, our commission did not change, and the gracious Savior who first issued it to His followers did not cease to make His presence known to us. For that—and for the love and support extended by so many within our community throughout this eventful year—we are deeply grateful. Soli Deo Gloria,

Nathaniel H. Morrow Assistant Headmaster and High School Principal

HS Highlights

 Our 20th Commencement celebration and 80 seniors walking across the stage to hear their specific scripture and blessing read over them as they completed their time at CPA  Continued success in the classroom marked by national honors and by the Academy’s highest-ever average ACT score, 26.1  A number of outstanding performances by our athletic teams—not only through district, region and state championships, but also through displays of integrity, dedication and sportsmanship

 Multiple award-winning Fine Arts productions and displays presented by our theatre, choral, visual art, band and dance students  The start of a new academic approach to English, engaging students in a variety of innovative, semester-long seminars on topics ranging from Shakespeare to Byron  Two full service days when students worked together at more than 30 community organizations throughout Nashville  A different twist on the traditional Senior Trip, with students trading the beach for the chance to help Barefoot Republic Camp prepare for its summer of ministry to inner-city children  The opportunity to surround senior classmate Natalie Seale with love, prayer and encouragement as she walked through leukemia during the second half of the school year  Yet another national honor for our tremendous yearbook and its staff (finished fouth in the nation)  The joy of watching our new high school building rise before our eyes throughout the year  The privilege of watching students catch the vision for orphan care by praying and getting involved, including a group that visited Maria’s Big House of Hope in China this summer (pictured above) …and many, many more, thanks to the incredible faithfulness of our God and the commitment of our faculty, staff, parents and students to glorify Him

Annual Report | August 2011 | 25

Gradu a t i o n C l a s s o f 2 0 1 1

Valedictorian & Salutatorian

At Commencement, the Valedictorian and Salutatorian of the class each address their fellow graduating seniors, families and guests. This year, Anna Cantwell and Emma Catlett, having achieved these two highest academic honors, provided wonderful speeches that reflected on their time at CPA and offered words of wisdom for their classmates and the greater CPA community. In the coming year, Anna and Emma will continue their studies at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill and Vanderbilt University, respectively.

Senior Awards Each year, three awards are presented at Commencement: the Psalm 143 Servant Leadership Award, the Distinguished Senior Award and the Soli Deo Gloria Award. The recipients of these awards are determined by a vote of the high school faculty. The Psalm 143 Servant Leadership Award goes to the student who has demonstrated a heart for leading and serving others in a Christ-like manner during his or her time at CPA. For her service to the CPA community, Beatrice Clare Troxel, who will attend Sewanee: The University of the South in the fall, was named this year’s recipient.

Anna Cantwell

The Distinguished Senior Award goes to the student who has distinguished himself or herself in some manner at the Academy. Noted for his outstanding theatrical abilities and accomplishments, Wesley David Toledo was chosen as this year’s recipient. He will attend DePaul University in the fall. The Soli Deo Gloria Award is the highest honor bestowed on a CPA student and it is presented to the senior who best exemplifies the Academy’s motto: To God Alone be the Glory. For his devotion to CPA and for living out the school’s mission at school, on the baseball fields, and in his daily interactions with others, Michael Brent Jean was named this year’s recipient. He will attend Mississippi State University in the fall. Each of these students received an engraved cup and a scholarship award to the college of their choice.

Matriculation The Class of 2011members were accepted into 84 schools and will ultimately attend 28 schools in 10 states. Auburn University, Baylor University, Belmont University, Berry College, CarsonNewman College, Colorado School of Mines, Columbia State Community College, Covenant College, DePaul University, Eastern Kentucky University, Grove City College, Middle Tennessee State University, Mississippi State University, University of Mississippi, University of North Alabama, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, Samford University, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Sewanee: The University of the South, Tennessee Technological University, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, University of Tennessee-Martin, Texas Christian University, Vanderbilt University, Wake Forest University, Western Kentucky University and Wheaton College

Emma Catlett

26 | Christ Presbyterian Academy |

Annual Report | August 2011 | 27

Fin e Ar t s

CPA Fine Arts

What a rich year in the arts it has been—for singers, musicians, actors, dancers and visual artists—growing in their gifts while providing us with opportunities to discover and witness a reflection of God’s divine nature: creativity! This season’s high school mainstages—Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and the Broadway classic Fiddler on the Roof—beautifully reflected that truth. Combined with the student-created Coffeehouse Theatre, the TTA competition winner The Outsiders, the visual art and microcinema of VA Café, the comedy of Actfest and the musical energy of Spring Jubilation…there were seven wonderful nights of CPA Fine Arts to be remembered for years to come. Most important, this year was one of growth and exploration for the students themselves. From the State Thespian Conference in Memphis and vocal music tour in St. Louis to the art travel study in Chicago, students excelled in their gifts while remembering and celebrating what God has done in and among us. Many thanks to fellow faculty and students, parents and friends who have supported us this year. We hope to see you soon in the 2011-12 fine arts season. Your seats await you! Soli Deo Gloria!

Paula Y. Flautt Artistic Director

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F in e Arts

The purpose of Fine Arts at CPA...

Equipping students to be salt and light in today’s culture through the arts “Whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Fine Arts Performance Season 2011-12 High School Coffeehouse Theatre Thursday, September 29 & Saturday, October 1, at 7 p.m. Fellowship Hall, $5 You Can’t Take It With You Thursday, November 3, at 7 p.m. and Saturday, November 5, at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Event Center (Formerly E/MS Gym), $10 ARTworks Limited Seating – One Performance Only (Advanced Ticket Option for Combined Season Pass Subscribers) Saturday, January 7, at 7 p.m. Table Seating $100 / Riser Seating $40 V.A. Café Friday, February 3, at 8 p.m. Location TBA, $5 ActFest Friday, March 2 at 7 p.m. Location TBA, $5 Carousel Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 19, 20, 21 at 7:00 p.m. Event Center (Formerly E/MS Gym), $10 Spring Jubilation! Saturday, May 5, at 7 p.m. Event Center (Formerly E/MS Gym), $5

Middle School Christmas Showcase Saturday, December 3, at 7 p.m. Event Center (Formerly E/MS Gym), $10 Middle School Musical — HONK! JR. Saturday, February 4, at 2 p.m. & 7 p.m. Event Center (Formerly E/MS Gym), $10

Annual Report | August 2011 | 29

Athl et i cs

24 Years of Athletics at CPA Mike Ellson Director of Athletics

In 2010-11, we completed our 24th year of athletics at CPA and are heading into our silver-anniversary year. As we celebrate God’s goodness over a quarter-century, it is also exciting to think about what He has in store for the next 25 years. Looking back over this past year, several highlights come to mind. First, our high school girls soccer team was the number-one seed in the state tournament. My fondest memory of that day is the devotion, led by senior Lizzy Orr, on the team bus before the quarterfinal game. The heart of the girls came through; they understood why sports at CPA exist: for us to represent the Lord and to love one another. The team lost that game in sudden-death overtime. Afterward, it struck me that their tears were flowing not so much because of the heartbreaking loss, but because the journey of camaraderie as teammates had come to an end for their senior leaders. Second, one of the most special nights on campus was when our girls and boys basketball teams won district championships. It was inspiring to watch Coach Becky LeGate in her first year at the Academy lead our girls to a district title. Next, the boys played perhaps their best game of their season. The energy in the gym was tremendous. Third, our girls tennis team exuded a spirit of humility throughout their incredible season. In the state final, they were down but fought back to win a second consecutive A/AA championship. Together, they walked through the adversity of having their team captain, Natalie Seale, diagnosed with leukemia during the season. To watch the girls burst into tears with joy and a release of emotion as they celebrated and honored their captain was an honor. In sports, the championship victories are memorable, and CPA has won more in the past five years than in the previous 20. However, the takeaways are so much bigger than wins and losses. I am inspired by the care that our kids have for each other, the enthusiasm of our parents, and the love that our coaches show as they lead our studentathletes. Those things are what make athletics at CPA so special.

2011 Team Championships High School. . . . . . . . Girls Basketball District Boys Basketball District Girls Tennis District, Regional, Sectional & State Middle School. . . . . . Baseball

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CPA Students Sign to Play in College In front of their parents, coaches and fellow classmates in a packed gym on Wednesday, Feb.2, seniors Alyssa Curtis and Amy Maksimowicz signed to play soccer for the UT-Martin Skyhawks, and football standout Britton Woodall signed to play for the Carson-Newman Eagles. Curtis and Maksimowicz helped lead the Lions to four consecutive girls’ soccer state tournaments, a state-final appearance, two state semifinal berths, three Region championships and two District championships. Woodall was a standout and award-winning performer for the Lions, known especially for his sure-handed receiving, ferocious defense, and stellar leadership as the team’s captain. In addition, senior baseball player Clayton Nichols signed with Columbia State Community College on Thursday, Feb. 17. A 2009 and 2010 All-District player, Clayton holds career records at CPA after only three seasons. He is third place in hits with 102 and third place in doubles with 23. He was joined by his family, friends and coaches during the signing. We are very proud of these outstanding student athletes.

Athletic Facilities  Athletic Stadium (Football & Soccer)  Two gymnasiums (Varsity Gym and Event Center)  Soccer/Track field  Half-inch rubberized asphalt latex track  Baseball field  Softball field  Football practice field  Girls weight room  Boys weight room  Athletic field house  Four locker rooms  Two locker rooms in field house

Leagues of Participation The middle school competes in the Harpeth Valley Athletic Conference (HVAC) and has done so since 1989. The high school competes in the Tennessee Secondary School Athletic Association (TSSAA) and has done so since 1992.

Fall Sports

Athletic Teams

Football. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team MS team 6th grade team 5th grade team Cross Country. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity girls & boys team MS girls & boys team Volleyball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team JR Varsity team 7th & 8th grade team 6th grade team Girls Soccer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team Girls & Boys Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team MS golf team Cheerleading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team MS team

Late Fall Sports Girls & Boys Soccer. . . . . . . . . . . MS team Hockey. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team

Winter Sports Girls & Boys Basketball. . . . . . . . Varsity team JR Varsity team 8th grade team 7th grade team 6th grade team Swimming. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-12 grade Cheerleading. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team MS team

Spring Sports

Baseball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team JR Varsity team MS team Softball. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team MS team Girls & Boys Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team MS team Boys Soccer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Varsity team MS team Elementary team (4th-6th)

Annual Report | August 2011 | 31

PSF O ver vi e w & Hi g hl i g ht s

Parent Support Fellowship (PSF) serves and equips the families and faculty/staff of the Academy through prayer, encouragement and active involvement in school activities and concerns.

Every parent of a CPA student is a member of PSF. During the 2010-11 school year:

 PSF served as a clearinghouse of about 1,500 parent volunteers, coordinating, leading and serving in more than 600 parent volunteer opportunities.  PSF helped integrate new families into the CPA community through a series of New Parent Desserts during the summer months, providing opportunities for new-to-CPA parents to meet with faculty and administration, as well as each other. In addition, PSF hosted a Spring Tea for new-to-CPA mothers in March. This provided a great time to check in with new families, and see how their year was progressing.  PSF kicked off the year with a school-wide “Welcome New Families” tailgate picnic prior to the first home football game.  PSF hosted “An Evening with David Thomas” for parents and grandparents of K-12 students in November. This informative evening with the DayStar counselor covered parenting advice for all stages of a student’s development. In the spring, PSF hosted more age-specific evenings for parents of students in Elementary (Healthy Relationships for Your Child), Middle School (Boundaries with Technology) and High School (Don’t Stop Parenting!)  In addition to honoring teachers’ birthdays, services PSF hosted for CPA faculty and staff included a “Welcome Back to School” espresso bar (provided by The Good Cup) during back-to-school in-service, a “Souper Bowl for Super Teachers” lunch in early February, and another espresso bar from The Good Cup during the spring in-service.  Through the Prayer Ministry committee, PSF launched the Deuteronomy 6 Project, where each high school student wrote a verse on the sub-floors in the new high school building, putting into motion the Deut. 6 passage of writing God’s word on the doorposts and frames of our homes. Faculty and student representatives from the middle school wrote class verses, and elementary teachers wrote verses their students had selected. All students, K-12, will have their personal verse included in a special commemorative book from this project.  PSF assisted the Accreditation Team during the week of their visit to CPA by hosting a luncheon and maintaining a Hospitality Suite for them.

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 Through the Academy’s weekly newsletter, This Week @ CPA, PSF informed the CPA community with reviews of parenting resources, promotions of upcoming events, and other timely information.  PSF once again hosted the annual Uniform Consignment Sale, with proceeds from any clothing donated to the sale going to the Uniform Fund, to assist families with uniform needs.  The Elementary, Middle and High School Committees all sponsored and coordinated special events for their grades, ranging from Elementary’s Father-Daughter Sock Hop to Eighth Grade ’40s Day to High School Career Day.

2011-12 P S F Board of D irectors President: Lorianne & Chuck Merritt President-Elect: Mary Lisa & Mike Gingras Secretary-Treasurer: Kim & Charles Crews Prayer Ministry: Lori & Jeff Orr Welcome Team: Steve & Jen Seger Faculty/Staff Appreciation: Courtney & David Connor Parent Education: Susan & Paul Lipson Elementary: Mary Lisa & Mike Gingras Middle School: Christie & Greg Watson High School: Debbie & Rob Stout

News and N otes

Limited Seating – One Performance Only For sponsorship opportunities and benefits, contact Event Chairs: Laurie Smith, Debbie Beam or Kathy Perdue.

Peter Cetera @ The Factory

Fabulous food. Exciting auction. Legendary music.

Saturday, Jan. 7 @ 7 p.m. Table Seating $100 / Riser Seating $40

Thursday, September 22nd

CPA’s renowned biennial alumni event brings together the musical talents of current students with the experience and expertise of alumni who have gone on to pursue performance arts, and includes feature numbers for elementary and middle school performers! Act I, From Story-to-Song, focuses on excerpts from such musical theatre delights as The Lion King, Little Mermaid, Willy Wonka, Hercules and Mary Poppins. Act II, From Nashville to Memphis, features the rocka-billy flavor of such commercial artists as Patsy Cline and Johnny Cash, and then melds into such contemporary soulful sounds as Mumford & Sons, Nickel Creek, and Alison Krauss.

Presented by the CPA Office of Development & Alumni Relations

Tickets go on sale Wednesday, October 19.

Live & silent auctions, hors d’oeuvres, and special concert featuring legendary artist Peter Cetera Doors open at 7 p.m. General Admission Seating

Purchase tickets online now CPA Apparel, Merchandise & Gifts


New location starting in August ’11! On the lower level of the Middle School building, near the concession stand.

16th Annual

The 2323 Society

Golf Classic

Gifts made through estate planning help to ensure the legacy of CPA for generations to come. A number of gift-planning vehicles exist to meet your charitable and estate-planning needs while also supporting the Academy’s mission, vision, and values. • • • • •

Bequests Gifts of Retirement Plan Assets Gifts of Life Insurance Gifts of Real Estate & Tangible Personal Property Percentage of Trust

Monday, October 10, 2011 location: Westhaven Golf Club lunch: 11:30 a.m. shotgun start: 1:00 p.m.


If you would like to make a gift through estate planning, please call Cal Cook, Director of Development and Alumni Relations, directly at (615) 301-3576. Do you already have the Academy in your will? Please let us know.

Annual Report | August 2011 | 33

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O u r M i ssi on Christ Presbyterian Academy, an educational ministry of Christ Presbyterian Church, assists Christian families in helping students come to know God, evaluate all knowledge and all life by His truth, and live transformed by His truth for His glory.

O ur M otto Soli Deo Gloria

To God Alone Be the Glory

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