Catalyst, Spring/Summer 2010

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April – September 2010


leadership development for all ages Training for life-long leadership The journey to ordination Developing synergy growing leaders, growing churches

Mission: CPAS enables churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

Vision: We long to see a Christ-centred, Bible-based, mission-focused Church where leaders are clear about their call to discipleship, growing in Christ-like character, and competent to lead in a time of rapid change; where leaders discern God’s direction, enable action, build teams, develop leaders, facilitate communication, and nurture people; where leaders work in teams, reflecting the diversity of ministries, and model themselves on the servant character of Jesus; where leaders help transform inherited churches, pioneer emerging churches and deliver creative residential ministry, effectively helping children, young people and adults hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

Our vision for the next five years is to be at the forefront of leadership development in churches: eveloping 25,000 men and women D to become more effective in leadership. quipping churches to train a E generation of children and young people for leadership. elping 600 18-25 year olds aspire to H and prepare for leadership. I nspiring 150 leaders under the age of 30 to offer themselves for ordination, including pioneer ministry. quipping 8,500 leaders to be effective E in reaching and discipling children and young people through Ventures and Falcon Camps. orking with our 500 patronage W churches to develop effective leadership. P romoting research and sharing expertise on issues of church leadership. To realise this, we will develop mutually supportive relationships with churches and individuals and develop the staff team to fulfil our God-given priorities. All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version

catalyst Editor: Rebecca Gash Design: Catherine Jackson Copyright CPAS 2010. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. Photo above: © This magazine is printed on paper from farmed forest: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorine-free and environmentally friendly.

Contact CPAS Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG T 01926 458458 E W Church Pastoral Aid Society Registered charity no 1007820 (England & Wales) SC039082 (Scotland) A company limited by guarantee Registered in England no 2673220 Registered office as above address



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Changing times

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Mentoring for church leadership

Training for life-long leadership The journey to ordination Growing churches through Growing Leaders Developing synergy Moving on Introducing Simon Chesters CPAS online Supporting CPAS

hunger for mission


t is exactly 100 years since the Edinburgh Missionary Conference of 1910 gathered 1,300 leaders with the aspiration to ‘evangelise the world in a generation’. This conference was regarded by many as a major contributor to global mission in the 20th century. This hunger for mission echoes what has been at the heart of CPAS since 1836 – that all people should have the opportunity to hear of the saving love of God in Christ. In this edition of Catalyst you will find examples of how this same aspiration is prompting our work with leaders today. Cris’s story underlines the role that Ventures have played in the growing of evangelistically minded leaders over many decades. The article on mentoring (pages 12-13) illustrates a further way in which CPAS is supporting leaders at the coal face of parish life, and Bishop Mike’s article poses the leadership questions that the Church needs to consider. Much has been written about the quality of leadership that will help the 21st century Church be more effective in its evangelism. Let me add to the ‘list’ three particular concerns of mine. Firstly, we must grow leaders who share Jesus’ compassion towards people (Matthew 9:36). Bible commentators have repeatedly observed that this was not a superficial feeling but a deep

seated ache that people would know God and his best in their lives. Secondly, we must grow leaders who are convinced of the urgent and universal need of men and women to receive the forgiveness bought at Calvary, and the grace that God longs to pour into forgiven human hearts. Finally, we must nurture a leadership throughout the Church which has courage. It is interesting to note that the prayer of the Early Church in Acts 4:29 was for ‘boldness’. 2010 is a difficult time to be a church leader: the winds of revisionism within the Church, and secularism outside it, blow strong. We must pray and work to grow leaders who have the same courage which enabled the first church leaders to face all kinds of opposition, even to the point of death. I hope you enjoy reading Catalyst – and not just enjoy but are inspired to pray for our work. We need your support (both prayerful and financial) if we are to help local churches fulfil the Great Commission. Thanking you John Dunnett General Director

changing times Much has been written in recent times about leadership and mission. This article is intended to be a brief critique of where we are, and where I believe we need to be. In that sense, it is provocative and intended to promote further reflection on these significant twin themes.


irstly, despite the best efforts of Willow Creek, the Leadership Trust, the Foundation for Church Leadership and, of course, CPAS, leadership is not a ‘done deal’ in the wider Church of England. Many clergy wonder whether the call to priesthood is distinct from a call to spiritual leadership, and laity are left wondering whether the leadership they have to offer is ever going to be properly valued in the Church of England. My own observation is that leadership is a critical input into any organisation – however voluntary or dispersed that organisation is – but leadership is vital in any organisation where there is an overall conviction that change is required. Whatever change is, it requires us to be less defensive about protecting organisational culture – with which many churches seem to be pre-occupied. That’s partly the reason I am proud to be president of CPAS. Their vision to encourage and resource spiritual leaders with biblical integrity is what’s needed. I am more than happy to support this strategic direction.

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The economic challenges facing most dioceses, together with escalating employment costs, mean there will be increased pressure upon the numbers of paid people dioceses will be able to afford. A key question therefore is ‘How will we reevangelise our nation with less paid people?’ I am aware that simply asking such a question will immediately energise some people, while at the same time, it will make others feel distinctly uncomfortable.

of being church are simply old ways served up in a new venue!

evangelisation of our culture and pray earnestly for a new generation of missionary leaders to lead the charge, still have more thinking to do.

Assumptions about people’s need to believe, their grasp of the Christian story, together with the increasing confidence in secular ...leadership is vital in any humanist thinking organisation where there is makes our task an overall conviction that difficult, but not impossible. It was change is required. Lesslie Newbigin who noted that, unlike the The new ‘gospel’ of universal early Church which evangelised inclusion is a worry to me a pre-Christian culture, the Church today has the challenge because it implies that the Will the future be more gospel is no longer relevant. of evangelising a post-Christian tent-makers and volunteers St John reminds us that though pioneering new forms of ecclesial culture. Jesus was full of grace, he was community? According to the We need to face the issue of also full of truth. Any agenda early 20th century missiologist, how we preach the gospel in that ‘baptises’ every form of Roland Allen – now viewed by a culture which has largely lost human disorder is not likely to some of us as a prophet – a any sense of the content of the be much light in the darkness. genuinely missionary church Christian story. Interestingly, In the end, the gospel is not a would necessarily be served by the only sermon we have call to be rich or successful or what he called ‘voluntary clergy’. recorded in the New Testament even fulfilled. It is a remedy for These would be people who had preached to a Gentile audience our sin and the implications of a foot in both the Church and was in Athens (Acts 17). In our sin. the wider world. this sermon, Paul’s preaching How terrible, if in an attempt style changed completely from Secondly, what worries me is to be populist and inclusive, we how much of today’s ‘new ways that which he deployed in the effectively became ashamed of synagogue, where at least a of being church’ begin with the knowledge of the Old Testament that gospel. assumptions of Christendom scriptures could be assumed. in what is increasingly a postBishop Mike Christendom world. This can Bishop of Bristol It is my conviction that those mean that alleged new ways of us whose focus is the rePhoto: © catalyst 05

training for life-long leadership Cris Rogers’ leadership journey began when he became a Christian as a teenager on a CPAS Venture in Whitby. Sixteen years on Cris is now the pastor of Soul Survivor Harrow and an ordained pioneer minister.

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‘I wouldn’t be able to do what I am doing in leadership now if it wasn’t for the training ground that both Pathfinders and Ventures provided.’


ris explains how the journey began: ‘I was really intrigued by some lads a year older than me at church who had something that I didn’t have. I realised that they came back each year from a CPAS Venture with such a passion for Jesus. ‘I started attending the same Venture, and when I was 15 or 16 I became a Christian. I sat down in my tent with one of the leaders and we prayed together, and almost overnight there was a change in my attitudes and behaviour. ‘My first ever experiences of preaching, leading worship and leading a small group were all on a Venture, and I was then able to develop as a leader by serving in these ways regularly as part of the Pathfinders group at church. ‘I wouldn’t be able to do what I am doing in leadership now if it wasn’t for the training ground that both Pathfinders and Ventures provided. The experience helped me to recognise my gifts as a leader, a teacher and a preacher.‘

Cris then went on to study theology at Trinity College, Bristol and was involved in pioneering youth work at St Michael’s, Boldmere in Sutton Coldfield. Cris said: ‘I was motivated by the culture of CPAS holidays to set up evening meetings for young people in Boldmere. We created a skate park and The Gathering, a youth congregation, grew up out of this.’ Soul Survivor Harrow is part of the Roxeth team ministry, and consists of approximately 80 teenagers, and sees about 25 young people (many from nonchurch backgrounds) become Christians each year. Cris said: ‘Our major focus is worship – but that’s not just about singing songs. Worship is about social action, evangelism and discipleship; Soul Survivor Harrow is a community of young people desperate to get out there and see people changed through the power of the gospel. ‘We encourage the young people to take on leadership roles and responsibilities, for instance the older teenagers are involved in discipling the younger

In 2010, we give thanks for the thousands of young people, such as Cris, who have come to faith and have grown as followers of Jesus since the Pathfinder movement was founded 75 years ago.

teenagers. Our ethos is for the young people to have a go and to get involved. I have taken the model, which CPAS pioneered, of allowing young people to hear and respond to the gospel, and then as followers of Jesus to lead others to him.‘ Three years ago Cris participated in the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme. Cris comments: ‘Arrow was brilliant – I loved it. Yet, the process of being refined as a Christian leader was painful and challenging. Arrow forced me to examine myself, my motivations, my calling and my priorities – and often that was a very difficult process. ‘Arrow encourages leaders to move away from “maintenance mode” to living as an invigorated, passionate leader with the physical and mental energy to model personal evangelism as well as leading a mission-focused church. ‘I believe that Arrow has equipped me for a life-time of serving God in missional leadership, enabling many teenagers to come to faith and be equipped to lead others to him.‘

Please turn to the back cover to find out more about how CPAS is involved today in equipping churches to reach children and young people. And visit to find out more about CPAS Venture holidays. catalyst 07

Vanessa Parr has travelled a long way since attending a CPAS You and Ministry weekend seven years ago. Now a curate in Hoddesdon, Hertfordshire, she still has fond memories of the role those 48 hours played in exploring her vocation.

the journey to ordination


he said: ‘I came to the You and Ministry weekend quite confused, fragile and uncertain, having had conflicting advice about vocations before then. What I found most useful at the weekend was finding a place of compassion and understanding where I felt cared for, because the leaders created a welcoming and loving environment. ‘The talks were informative and gave me clarity, which led me out of a place of confusion. The other delegates were also encouraging because we talked together and heard each other’s perspectives on how God may be calling us. However, the thing that stands out most was a deeply compassionate one-to-one conversation with one of the leaders which proved to be a very healing experience.’

Vanessa went away from the weekend with plenty of food for thought, and four months later went to see a diocesan director of ordinands. ‘Having reflected on what had gone before I had renewed courage to keep going,’ she added. ‘I realised that I was called by God into this journey of exploration, so the eventual outcome became less important. My sense of acceptance for who I was had grown, and seeing God’s calling for all these different people gave me the confidence to carry on.’

Having worked as a volunteer church worker for a year – gaining a broad range of experiences including youth work, pastoral care, and preaching – Vanessa attended a selection conference in April 2005 and was then recommended for training at Trinity College, Bristol, where the course further encouraged her to ‘It is an incredible job pursue a missionfocused ministry. because I get to be alongside

people in their most difficult times and their most enjoyable moments.’ 08 catalyst

Three more years down the road and Vanessa was ordained at St Albans Cathedral before beginning her curacy at Hoddesdon nearly two years ago. So, does she have any regrets for continuing to explore God’s call on her life? ‘Being ordained is a real privilege,’ she stated. ‘It is an incredible job because I get to be alongside people in their most difficult times and their most enjoyable moments. I find real joy in this relational and incarnational role, meeting people and being in a position to support them. There are of course challenges as well, finding a rhythm and balance in life to determine where the role begins and ends. ‘In the future, I hope to be open to following whatever God calls me to. I have learned to find beauty in the unexpected and hope to be willing to go to do unlikely things in unlikely places.’

CPAS is commited to inspiring 150 leaders under the age of 30 to offer themselves for ordination, including pioneer ministry. For more details of our events and programmes please go to: catalyst 09

Amy Lee is a youth leader at Myton Church in Warwick. She took part in the Growing Leaders course last year.

growing churches through

growing leaders


Amy Lee

‘I realised that there are all sorts of different types of leader, not just the up-front roles I was used to, and it is just as valid to be a quieter leader behind the scenes, or to lead as part of a committee.’

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‘ used to see leadership as “steering the ship” – something that was done by people at the front,’ Amy said. ‘I already helped out with the youth group and holiday club, but I didn’t see myself as a leader. I felt I was more involved with the day-to-day running of things and the leading was done by someone else. ‘I was invited onto the Growing Leaders course and decided to take part as I thought it would be helpful as I progressed in the future. However, as the course went on, I started to discover I already had leadership skills I hadn’t seen before. I realised that there are all sorts of different types of leader, not just the up-front roles I was used to, and it is just as valid to be a quieter leader behind the scenes, or to lead as part of a committee.

‘The course really helped me to grow in confidence, and I have since undertaken other roles. I helped to lead one of the summer Bible study groups at my church and have started to lead in some services. I now see leadership as a privilege and I have realised the need to take responsibility for my role as a leader. ‘Sincerity in leadership and recognising the responsibility that goes with it is very important. One thing that really stood out for me in Growing Leaders was the importance of character. Leadership needs to be built on good character, and there is a difference between that and simply having a good reputation. ‘I now see my roles as a ministry, not just something I do, and have really started to take ownership of them and

imagine... Effective leadership at every level of your church.

For more information go to

of “being the church” – part of the body that can lead others to Christ.’ Amy’s mentor on Growing Leaders was Jackie Mann. Jackie is the training facilitator at Myton and leads the Growing Leaders course at the church. She said: ‘It can be very easy for leaders to get caught up with roles and responsibilities and to neglect discipleship. One of the real strengths of Growing Leaders is the emphasis on building character, not just developing skills. The course has a good balance between these and recognises that both are required for sustainable leadership within the church. ‘Mentoring plays a key role in this, and it has proven to be a significant aspect of the course, not just for the participants, but for the mentors themselves. At Myton, the Photo: ©

mentors on Growing Leaders are from within the church, and they have benefited from the course material themselves as they go through it with the participants. Some have commented that they wish there had been something similar for them earlier in their ministry! ‘Mentoring is helping to deepen relationships within the church, and because of this, Growing Leaders is having the knock-on effect of raising the bar with regard to training in general within the church – strengthening discipleship and leadership, and therefore church life. I am really looking forward to seeing the long-term impact of the course, and I am excited about seeing more leaders developed in all areas of church life to enable the church to continue to grow.’

Jackie Mann

‘One of the real strengths of Growing Leaders is the emphasis on building character, not just developing skills.’

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CPAS appreciates the value of good quality mentoring, enabling church leaders to grow in their leadership and mission by sharing the God-given resources of skills, wisdom, knowledge and experience. Here, two vicars in different parish situations explain the value of having mentors to support their ministries and encourage growth.

mentoring for church leadership ‘The pressures of parish work have increased. With fewer ordained ministers the requirements of the role have changed,’ he said.

Neil Redeyoff has been a vicar in Finningley, Doncaster, since February 2009, having spent the previous five years as incumbent at Darfield, near Barnsley. He has been mentored throughout that time by Michael Nokes, CPAS regional leadership development adviser.

‘Support and expertise from outside is more valuable than ever, especially as it brings a fresh pair of eyes to help in all kinds of situations. God calls people like Michael – and CPAS as a whole – to be a fantastic resource to the Church.’ Neil explained the way in which Michael helped him take a fresh look at all aspects of leadership in his new parish. He added: ‘Michael took us through the CPAS Leadership

‘As a mentor Michael has been very important to my ministry. He has helped sustain me through difficult and lonely times, as well as supporting me through the adjustment from an urban parish to a semi-rural area with responsibility for two churches.’ 12 catalyst

Matters audit which helped us to assess the health of leadership in the church. This revealed our strengths and weaknesses, which was both challenging and encouraging. Having a different perspective from outside enabled Michael to help us through this in an honest and up-front way.

‘As a mentor Michael has been very important to my ministry. He has helped sustain me through difficult and lonely times, as well as supporting me through the adjustment from an urban parish to a semi-rural area with responsibility for two churches. He asked the searching questions to help me understand the particular needs of my new parishes. ‘Michael has also made me more effective in mission activities. I like to have lots of ideas and try to do everything at once, but Michael has reminded me that it’s better for me to do a few things and do them well. I have to remember that God has a plan and not just to plough on in my own strength.’

advice & support To get in contact with your regional leadership development adviser, find their contact details at regions.

The book Growing Young Leaders, by CPAS leadership development adviser Ruth Hassall, is written to assist those mentoring young people.

A wide range of advice and reviews for women in leadership can be found at www.cpas., including two articles about mentoring.

For more information go to

Rosie gives me the space and time to talk about difficult situations or problems, as well as sharing good experiences and successes.’ Hennie also highlighted how Rosie helps in a different way to her spiritual director. Hennie Johnston found particular value from her mentor during a time of transition into a new parish. Having met Rosie Ward, CPAS leadership development adviser and author of Growing Women Leaders, during her curacy in the diocese of Coventry, Hennie approached Rosie about becoming her mentor in 2007. ‘Mentoring is most useful because of having somebody to talk and share with who is outside the parish and the diocese,’ said Hennie, who is now associate vicar at St Philip’s with St James’, Dorridge and Bentley Heath. ‘When I moved here I didn’t really know anybody in the diocese. In that situation, mentoring can be a real lifeline. Photo: ©

She added: ‘Mentoring for me is more matter of fact and focuses on the nature of parish life, while my spiritual director focuses on my personal discipleship and prayer life.

and your situation are suited I would definitely suggest giving it a go. I have found it very useful and challenging, especially with Rosie’s experience of parish life and her expertise of ordained women in leadership, culminating in her book Growing Women Leaders.’

‘Mentoring is such a personal thing, but if a mentor’s background

‘Mentoring is most useful because of having somebody to talk and share with who is outside the parish and the diocese....’ catalyst 13

developing synergy: merger of CPAS and CPV


PAS and CPV will merge in April 2010 and start the new financial year as one charity and company. The ministry of Ventures and Falcon Camps, while considered to be part of the work of CPAS, has until now operated as a separate charity and company (CYFA Pathfinder Venture Ltd). For many years efforts have been made to merge the two organisations, and during the last year, the two trustee bodies have worked closely to make this finally become a reality. This significant change will help develop synergy between Ventures and CPAS; will enhance what CPAS can offer to Ventures and Falcon Camp leaders; and will create more effective ways of functioning which will ultimately strengthen both areas of ministry.

Training pack for Venture leaders This new way of working has already begun. CPAS leadership development advisers, in conjunction with the Ventures team, have created a comprehensive training pack for Venture leaders to be piloted later this year. It covers areas such as ‘Being a disciple’, ‘Understanding the Bible’ and ‘Giving a talk’. In addition, overall Venture leaders will be offered further and specific training in topics such as ‘Building teams’, ‘Vision-setting’, ‘Developing leaders’ and ‘Nurturing people’. Thank you to all who donated to this project as part of the CPAS Christmas fundraising appeal. We are thrilled to be able to equip thousands of fantastic volunteer leaders to be more effective in reaching and discipling children and young people on Venture holidays.

leadership challenge


his year a new Venture is being launched – the Leadership Challenge Venture. Two CPAS leadership development advisers, Ruth Hassall and Andy Castle, will run the holiday for young people aged 14-18 at Pinewood School in Wiltshire from 24-31 July.

Andy said: ‘This new Venture is all about exploring how to grow in the God-given gift of leadership while having fun together. Having a week together allows room for focused discussion and teaching, and more exploratory activities as well as time for games or sports. ‘The teaching will be about Christ-centred leadership, asking how we can be an effective leader, grow as a leader, live the spiritual life of a leader and explore what God wants us to do.’

To find out more or to make a booking, please visit 14 catalyst Image: ©

Michael Nokes and Pauline Walden retire this year. Catalyst caught up with them to find out about their time at CPAS, and their hopes for the future.


ichael joined CPAS 13 years ago as the regional consultant for Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire, and Pauline has been the vocations administrator since September 1990.

moving on

Please can you share some highlights from your time at CPAS? Michael: Mentoring clergy and seeing radical change in both their lives and the churches they lead. Helping church leaders in their helping of leading others to Christ. Pauline: You and Ministry weekends have played a strategic part in my life – it’s been a privilege to be there as part of the staff team. Technology has been a challenging highlight – from Wordstar 6 when I arrived to Windows 7 when I leave! What memories will you take with you? Michael: The joy of seeing many people have that ‘lightbulb’ moment when they realise they have the potential to do something in a different way. Preaching in so many different churches, and encouraging others in mission and evangelism. Pauline: The privilege of meeting and talking with those exploring their calling, listening to their stories, and hearing where the Lord has taken them in their journeys to full-time ministry. Working in a Christian environment and realising that my work is valued and has a purpose for God’s kingdom.

What are you looking forward to in retirement? Michael: I’m looking forward to a busy retirement as I’m setting up my own business as a counsellor. Please visit for more information. Pauline: Having more time for friends and family (particularly my four grandchildren), enjoying my garden, days out and seeing new places (making the most of my bus pass of course!), being more involved in my local church and giving our little Sheltie quality walking time in the morning. What can we pray for you? Michael: I’d be grateful for your prayers as I start up my counselling practice. Please also pray for John Fisher who will be taking over as the regional leadership development adviser for Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Nottinghamshire. We have been working together for the last six months so it should be a fluid transition. Pauline: That I will manage my time well, keep motivated and be ready for whatever the Lord has waiting for me.

Please thank God for all he has done in and through Michael and Pauline during their time at CPAS. catalyst 15

introducing… simon chesters

Simon Chesters has recently been appointed as regional leadership development adviser for the North-west region. Simon is passionate about helping churches to recognise and take hold of the vision God has for them.


have been involved with leadership development for several years in my previous role as ministry development officer for Chester diocese. Prior to this, I was a curate in a UPA parish in Birkenhead, and then priest-in-charge at a church in Runcorn. Throughout my experiences, I learned that leadership development is a key area for a sustainable ministry.

‘During my first incumbency, my wife and I both had serious illnesses, which caused me to re-think my priorities. I began asking myself what the really important things were – what was God calling me to do, rather than simply chasing after anything and everything

that came my way. I realised I had been working in quite an unhealthy way and in order to remain effective in my ministry, I needed to be more focused in channelling my energies. ‘Because of these difficult experiences early in my ministry, I am delighted to be able to help other leaders develop healthy patterns of leadership, and to enable churches to discover their strengths and be encouraged in sharing the gospel. ‘It was through other people that I myself developed as a leader, and I see building relationships as an important element of my role. For example, my training incumbent really helped me – we were quite different as

During my first incumbency, my wife and I both had serious illnesses, which caused me to re-think my priorities. 16 catalyst

people, but he showed me that it’s ok to do things differently and bring different ideas together to achieve a common aim. Working in relationship with other people and sharing resources and abilities is one way that can help to avoid potentially damaging ways of working. ‘In my role at CPAS, I will initially be visiting churches, making contacts and finding out what I can do to help. I am looking forward to drawing people together and pooling experiences to enable each other to grow. I see the Leading Edge forums as a good way of achieving this as leaders come together to discuss issues relevant to them – issues such as ‘Discerning direction’ and ‘Developing teams’. ‘The Church today faces some interesting challenges, but within that there is also huge potential. I want to help churches to tackle the challenges and think about what it means to ”be church”, and how we can reach out to a society poised between secularism and openness to general spirituality. I’m excited about discovering fresh ways of being church and want to see more churches become enthusiastic about this vision.’ If you would like Simon to help you or your church with Christian leadership development, please contact him on or telephone 01244 679311 during normal office hours.

The new CPAS website (, which launched at the end of last year, contains a wealth of resources, advice and information about all aspects of our work. Our prayer is for this to be a practical and helpful resource to develop leaders for mission and release growth in local churches across the country.


e’re continuing to update and add more material to the site, so do keep returning on a regular basis to check for new downloadable resources, as well as news, articles, book reviews and blog posts. One of the more notable recent additions has seen the launch of the first CPAS podcasts. There will be monthly Leadership Insights interviews, which have already featured an introductory session with James Lawrence and a fascinating conversation with Bishop Graham Cray, team leader of Fresh Expressions. We are also producing other podcasts with discussions about different key themes of leadership, as well as specific material for youth leaders and supplementary material for Church Leadership subscribers.

CPAS online

There’s a simplified navigation to help guide you through the different sections of the website, including the suite of Growing Leaders books and courses (which can all be purchased through the online shop), the Arrow Leadership Programme, information and advice for youth leaders, regional leadership development advisers, patronage vacancies, vocations events and advice, as well as all the CPAS courses and events which can be booked online. The new Ventures and Falcon Camps website (www. contains information about all of our life-changing residential holidays for children and young people, with access to a new online reservations system. The new search facility

and map also provides a more bespoke way of searching for the most suitable holidays. The Ventures site contains resources to help volunteer Venture leaders plan and prepare, as well as links to leadership development resources and training on the CPAS website. If you aren’t already registered, please do sign up using the quick My CPAS login page, where you can also subscribe to the other CPAS updates, including the quarterly CPAS Prayer Diary, monthly e-bulletin, Friends of Ventures and the Falcon Update. You can download current editions in the Supporting CPAS section, which also includes details about praying and making donations.

Background image: Flickr/Ben Fredericson (xjrlokix) catalyst 17

supporting CPAS Help a child have an unforgettable Christian holiday with CPAS Falcon Camps Twenty-three Falcon Camps are taking place this year all over the UK – from Perthshire to Devon, from West Wales to Essex.

Thank you for your donations We are immensely grateful for the generous donations from all the churches and individuals who support our work. Thank you for your generosity and sacrificial giving sustaining our ministry to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Here is a summary of how your gifts are used.

Funding and expenditure in 2008/9

In the last financial year CPAS received £1.7m. The graph below shows the income categories. parish donations

Children and young people who attend Falcon Camps come from disadvantaged backgrounds and can only take part in these life-changing holidays because their place is paid for by a church or individual.

individual donations

Please will you, or your church, consider giving £230 this year (or £20 per month) so that a child, in desperate need of a break, can enjoy an unforgettable holiday – and discover more about the good news of Jesus Christ!

sale of property

To find out more about the amazing ministry of Falcon Camps, and discover how to get involved, please visit To make a one-off donation to Falcon Camps, please go to

investments sales and events legacies grants

During the year CPAS spent £2.0m. The overspend was planned in order to reduce our reserves. The graph below summarises how the expenditure was apportioned:

parish support leadership cost of generating funds governance

If you would like more information or would like to read the full report and accounts please contact Martyn Sargeant, director of operations, on 01926 458465, email or visit

18 catalyst

Donate online at

A long history, a bright future.

1836 – CPAS gave grants to churches for lay and ordained leaders enabling ‘the gospel to every person’s door’. 2010 – CPAS develops lay and ordained leaders in churches: men, women and young people who point others to Jesus.

Please support our ministry developing leaders committed to mission.

Donate online at

CPAS A long history, a bright future CPAS has a long history of enabling churches to reach out to people with the good news of Jesus Christ. In 1836, the year CPAS was founded, we gave grants to churches for lay and ordained leaders with the aim of ‘taking the gospel to every person’s door’. In 2010, CPAS remains committed to mission, and we do this by developing leaders at every level in churches. Please will you consider becoming a History Maker by regularly giving to CPAS, and enabling us to develop new ministries, including:

Find us on Facebook to discover more about growing leaders, growing churches. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.

practical online resource designed to help young A people discern God’s call. P odcasts about issues of church leadership.

transformational leadership development project A for church leaders over the age of 40. For more details on giving regularly, please visit, telephone 01926 458430 or email

Follow us on Twitter! Log onto Twitter to receive daily prayer points and upto-date news from CPAS. cpasnews

catalyst 19

Everything has changed. Nothing has changed. CPAS has always understood that reaching young people is all about supporting and resourcing great leaders. Nothing’s changed there. And that’s why CPAS has developed: Growing Leaders – Youth Edition equipping a new generation. Ventures and Falcon Camps life-changing holidays. Youth leadership advisers expert advice and support. Online resources CPAS quality at the click of a mouse.

More information at or

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