CPAS Prayer Diary, Winter-Spring 2015

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Winter – Spring 2015


The gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world. Colossians 1:6

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

prayer diary stay in touch @cpasnews prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2013. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Daily prayer points from the CPAS Prayer Diary are now also available through the PrayerMate app on iOS and Android devices. Visit or search in the App Store.

When Paul had finished speaking, he knelt down with all of them and prayed. Acts 20:36


ne of the privileges of my role with CPAS is that I have the opportunity to visit local churches all around the UK. This enables me to witness the variety of life within the evangelical constituency, to join in a variety of worship styles and to see all sorts of inspiring mission initiatives. However, in the midst of the privilege and stimulation of these visits I have a growing concern. It is – to put it simply – that the corporate prayer meeting appears to have dropped off the map. I listen to clergy and others giving notices and drawing people’s attention to many good things, but I can’t remember the last time I heard a call to the ‘monthly prayer meeting’ (or its equivalent). This of course is not to say that evangelicals don’t intercede. I have no reason to doubt that people pray: on their own, in triplets or in house groups. And of course most churches still have some form of intercession as part of their Sunday worship. But I am concerned that there appears to be no forum in most evangelical churches where the whole body meets to intercede for its evangelism and for the sake of the world.

of the last 400 years of evangelical history have noted the correlation between prayer and church growth. Whether we are talking about the 18th century Moravian revival, the 1859 Ulster ‘year of grace’ or the 1904 Welsh and 1949-52 Hebridean revivals, the story is the same. Significant church growth follows the corporate intercessions of God’s people. More recent global church history would support the same conclusion: in China and South Korea it has been the prayers of God’s gathered people that have led to the growth of the Church. So – and I apologise for writing such a different ‘kind’ of introduction to this Prayer Diary – I would like to invite you to get together with like-minded people in your church and intercede for a greater evangelistic witness at this time. Please do include the CPAS prayer requests in this diary, but don’t be limited by them. And never forget the words God spoke to Solomon: ‘if my people … will humble themselves and pray and seek my face … I will hear from heaven … and will heal their land’ (2 Chronicles 7:14). Thank you for your prayers

In the New Testament, we read how the early church repeatedly gave herself to intercession and prayer (Acts 2:42, 4:24, 12:5, 13:3, 16:16, 20:36). Over the centuries the effective witness of the church has been built on a similar commitment and understanding. Historians

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

11-17 January

mentoring Mentor Connect

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. 1 Peter 4:10


ver the past few months, CPAS has been working in partnership with the Evangelical Alliance and Stewardship to create a new website to help leaders in churches or Christian organisations find mentors. Mentor Connect (www.mentorconnect. now lists the first group of men and women with a wide range of backgrounds and skills to offer.

This week there is a training session for another group of mentors, introducing them to how Mentor Connect works and inviting them to apply to join this initiative.

For your prayers: Sun 11: Mentor Connect: Praise God for those who give their time and experience for the benefit of others through mentoring. Mon 12: Mentor Connect: Ask God to provide the right mentors for those leaders looking for this type of support. Tue 13: Arrow: The final preparations are being made for Saturday’s ‘Take Two’ event, which marks the mid-point of the latest CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme. Wed 14: Mentor Connect: For the gift of discernment as enquiries are made for mentors through Mentor Connect. Thu 15: Mentor Connect: The training day for mentors takes place at the CPAS office today. Pray for a focus on how each mentor can use their gifts to extend God’s kingdom. Fri 16: Mentor Connect: The first meeting in a potential mentoring relationship is an important time, so ask God to guide wise decisions about whether or not to proceed. Sat 17: Arrow: Today’s ‘Take Two’ event includes the spouse or friend of each participant, to help their development through Arrow become more integrated in their wider lives.

Are you a church leader looking for a mentor? Visit 04

growing leaders Developing leaders in local churches By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. 1 Corinthians 3:10


he latest training day about using the Growing Leaders suite of resources in local churches takes place in Dartford, Kent this Saturday, led by James Lawrence. Leaders from local churches will explore the importance of developing others as leaders, as well as learn about how to get the best out of the Growing Leaders resources.

As a result of Saturday’s training day, the hope is that each church will invite a group to participate in the course. Many churches who run Growing Leaders then choose to repeat it with subsequent groups or team up to run courses with other churches in their local area.

18-24 January

For your prayers: Sun 18: Growing Leaders: All those volunteers who are putting their gifts into practice as part of services and youth and children’s groups today. Mon 19: Growing Leaders: Church leaders who are struggling to find ways of investing in those around them. Tue 20: Mentor Connect: Following last week’s event in Coventry, another training event for mentors takes place at the Stewardship office in London today. Wed 21: Training: James Lawrence is leading an event for clergy in Peterborough diocese about ‘Leading with Gen Y’. Thu 22: CPAS: The trustees meet today, so pray for good discussions and decisions as they review draft plans for CPAS activities up until April 2016. Fri 23: Growing Leaders: Ask God to surround those on Growing Leaders courses with prayerful support as they explore how to best serve the Church. Sat 24: Growing Leaders: Pray that Growing Leaders will help build churches which are better equipped for sharing the gospel in their local communities.

More than 900 churches have used the Growing Leaders courses. 05

25-31 January

leadership Arrow Reloaded

He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths for his name’s sake. Psalm 23:2-3


rom 26-29 January, around 50 previous participants of the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme will be gathering at The Hayes conference centre in Derbyshire for Arrow Reloaded. We’ll be praying for them as they are refreshed, inspired and resourced as leaders with Bible teaching, input, worship, space for reflection, and opportunities to reconnect with people from their Arrow programme. Carol Street, Arrow programme manager, said: ‘We long for this to be an opportunity for people to encounter God and “recalibrate” their leadership. Our prayer is that this will be a time where God reenvisions, refreshes, re-energises and encourages leaders for the long haul.’

For your prayers: Sun 25: Arrow Reloaded: Bishop Andrew Watson, as he prepares to give the Bible teaching each morning. Mon 26: Arrow Reloaded: For the Arrow team who are setting up the venue this morning, and welcoming people this afternoon. Tue 27: Arrow Reloaded: Good engagement from the participants as they hear reflections from Graham Cray on the relationship between mission, discipleship and leadership. Wed 28: Arrow Reloaded: Fun together at ‘Ignite’ this evening, an event where participants share their ideas and passions to inspire others in their leadership. Thu 29: Arrow Reloaded: Altogether, Arrow graduates are leading approximately 220 churches at the moment. Praise God for the far-reaching impact of Arrow, and ask his blessing on the ministry of these churches. Fri 30: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Bookings have been open since 1 December. Pray God would be prompting parents and youngsters to book places so that even more young people can benefit from these life-changing holidays. Sat 31: St James Blendon (Rochester): John Dunnett is preaching tomorrow at this church in Kent led by Andrea Ward.

Arrow Reloaded in 2013

Arrow Reloaded takes place every two years, and all those who have completed the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme are invited. 06

patronage churches St John’s Walmley (Birmingham)

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7


t John’s is a church family made up of around 300 adults and 120 children and young people in Walmley, a suburb of Sutton Coldfield. Alongside Sunday services, children’s groups, Alpha, uniformed organisations, a toddler group and a weekly seniors’ lunch, the church has several ministries which reach out specifically to people who are facing problems in their lives. There are grief recovery and divorce recovery support groups for adults, as well as Acacia, a weekly befriending service for mothers and their families affected by pre or post-natal depression. For children, there is ‘Pot of Gold’. This is for 6-11s who have lost someone close to them through death or their parent’s break-up.

1-7 February

For your prayers: Sun 1: Walmley: Vicar Steve Doel, curate Ade Evans, and youth minister Sam Sieber. Mon 2: Walmley: Tiddlywinks toddler group meets today. Praise God that this group is growing, and ask that people will be drawn closer into the life of the church and encounter Jesus. Tue 3: Walmley: Ask God to bless and heal all the children, young people and adults who attend the support groups at St John’s. Wed 4: Mentor Connect: Training for mentors is taking place today at CPAS in Coventry led by Graham Archer and Paul Wilcox. Thu 5: Walmley: Acacia is taking place this morning. Pray for the leaders and families who are part of this ministry. Fri 6: Walmley: The Boys’ Brigade and the church’s football group are meeting this evening. Sat 7: Multi-parish benefices: The York learning community gathering is taking place.

On Sunday 8 February, the Bishop of Birmingham will visit St John’s for a Baptism and Confirmation service. 07

8-14 February

leadership Events in Ireland

For your prayers: Sun 8: CPAS staff: Today, three CPAS staff are preaching at local churches. Graham Archer is at Holy Trinity Woking, James Lawrence is at St James Chesham and John Fisher is at Madeley, Telford. Mon 9: Ireland: For developing relationships between Christ Church Lisburn, CPAS and Arrow Ireland as John Alderdice and Paul Dundas work together on the training programme. I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. Matthew 10:16


his Thursday (12 February) sees the seventh training event to take place at Christ Church Lisburn, a CPAS training centre, on the theme of ‘Serpents and doves – wisdom for leadership and mission today’. John Alderdice (director of ministry for the Methodist Church in Ireland), will be leading the training, with Paul Dundas (rector of Christ Church) hosting the event. Paul said: ‘Thursday’s event is an opportunity to think about the questions leaders have around organisation and orientation towards mission. Participants will be enriched and inspired to be missional in their context. Please pray for John as he leads the day, and ask that God will bless the ministry of the leaders and the churches represented.’

Tue 10: Leadership: Charles Burgess is leading the sixth session of the Bristol diocesan leadership course today and tomorrow. Wed 11: Mentoring: All attending the follow-up day for mentors of clergy in London diocese today, led by James Lawrence. Thu 12: Ireland: For John Alderdice as he leads ‘Serpents and doves – wisdom for leadership and mission today’. Fri 13: Ireland: Ask that yesterday’s training will result in many more people having the opportunity to hear about Jesus. Sat 14: Ireland: For a good number of bookings for the multi-parish benefice training days planned for 29 and 30 April in County Antrim and County Tyrone.

John Alderdice was a participant in the first Arrow Leadership Programme in Ireland, and is now the director of Arrow Ireland. 08


15-21 February

CPAS’ birthday For your prayers: The gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world – just as it has been doing among you since the day you heard it and truly understood God’s grace. Colossians 1:6


ur ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals. During this ‘birthday week’ (CPAS was founded on 19 February 1836), please join us in praising God for his provision over so many years. Please also pray that the Holy Spirit will be prompting more people and churches to support our ministry, so that more men, women and young people can come to know Christ through the ministry of their local church in the coming years. Please pray particularly for a good response to the upcoming Lent appeal. Around 7,600 individuals will be asked to continue their support or consider giving a financial gift for the first time. Pray that many will be inspired by our vision for seeing the good news of Jesus proclaimed in the UK and Republic of Ireland, and will want to invest in this gospel work.

Sun 15: Fundraising: Praise God for the hundreds of churches and thousands of individuals who support CPAS. Mon 16: Fundraising: For a good response to the Lent fundraising appeal, which is currently being prepared and will be sent out in early March. Tue 17: Fundraising: The CPAS communications and fundraising team: Olly Du Croz, Catherine Jackson, Roxanna Knight, Hazel Lancefield and Jon Smith. Wed 18: Leadership: For the Arrow team as they prepare for the third residential of programme 13. Thu 19: CPAS: Happy 179th birthday to CPAS! Praise God for every man, woman and child who has come to know Jesus through the work of CPAS over many generations. Fri 20: CPAS staff: Jane Stephenson (Falcon Camps development manager) as she prepares for the leaders’ conference next week. Sat 21: Fundraising: God’s blessing as we explore new ways of engaging potential supporters and raising funds for our ministry.

Find out more about ways to support our ministry at 09

22-28 February

falcon camps Leaders’ conference

I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I live. Psalm 104:33

For your prayers: Sun 22: Falcon Camps: Bookings are now being taken – please pray the right children are able to hear about Falcon Camps and book their place. Mon 23: Falcon Camps: For most camps this is the time of year for recruiting leaders. Ask that each camp will be able to find new leaders to replace the inevitable retirees whilst retaining a good core of experienced people. Tue 24: Falcon Camps: Praise God for all our wonderful Falcon Camps supporters, and ask for his continued provision for this ministry.


his Friday and Saturday, Falcon Camp overall and senior leaders will gather together at the International Mission Centre in Birmingham for the annual leaders’ conference. Over 24 hours they will receive training, pray together and be inspired for a new year of camps. Jane Stephenson, Falcon Camps development manager said: ‘Our main Bible talks will be given by Alice Smith, an overall leader on Falcon Afloat!, a youth adviser in Chelmsford diocese and an all-round champion of youth, faith and Falcon Camps. As well as the more formal sessions, the leaders’ conference is a great chance to connect with other leaders from the Falcon Camps community and swap ideas.’

Wed 25: Falcon Camps: The first Falcon Camp of 2015 is taking place at Easter. Pray for overall leaders Jon and Jude Munday and Jon Mort and Nic Mort as they prepare. Thu 26: CPAS staff: John Dunnett is at Lambeth Palace today for the first meeting of the Crown Nominations Commission for the See of Gloucester. Fri 27: Falcon Camps: The leaders’ conference begins today. Pray for Alice Smith as she leads the Bible talks, and the Falcon Camps staff team. Sat 28: Falcon Camps: For the leaders to leave the conference feeling prepared for the summer and excited to see all that God will do through their ministry.

During 2014, more than 400 children and young people attended a Falcon Camp. 10

We’re looking forward to another

amazing summer! For bookings and information, visit or call 0300 123 0780 (option 2).

1-7 March

arrow leadership programme Residential 3 Throughout this week, we are praying for the 24 participants on the Arrow programme 13 residential, which is all about ‘stepping up to the plate’ as leaders. Please use the schedule to pray for them as they take part in teaching sessions and activities which will help them grow as disciples of Jesus and leaders of his Church. (Session leaders are in brackets.)


Sunday 1

Monday 2


Exercise and breakfast


Worship and Bible teaching on Revelation 1 (Jackie Mann)

Team meeting and set up

Leadership and handling change (Rod Street)



Lunch and one-toone meetings with Arrow team


Participants arrive

Leadership and handling change (Rod Street)


Welcome drinks and dinner




Social evening


Free time

Reflections on the day and time to pray

Tuesday 3

Wednesday 4

Thursday 5

Friday 6

Saturday 7

Exercise and breakfast

Exercise and breakfast

Exercise and breakfast

Exercise and breakfast

Worship and Bible teaching on Revelation 2-3 (Jackie Mann)

Worship and Bible teaching on Revelation 4-5 (Jackie Mann)

Worship and Bible teaching on Revelation 21-22 (Jackie Mann)

Discerning vision (Jeremy Allcock)

The spiritual life of the leader (Jeremy Allcock)

Leading evangelism (James Lawrence)

Understanding interpersonal style (Susan Schaeffer and Norm Beers)

Giving thanks and looking ahead (Arrow team)

‘As everyone settles back into their home circumstances and busy lives of ministry, please pray the effects of Arrow will be worked out in every aspect of their lives, especially as we are now over half way through the programme.’

Lunch and one-to- Lunch and one-to- Lunch and one-toone meetings with one meetings with one meetings with Arrow team Arrow team Arrow team

Lunch and depart

The spiritual life of the leader (Jeremy Allcock)

Leading evangelism (James Lawrence)

Understanding interpersonal style (Susan Schaeffer and Norm Beers)

Team meeting and set down


Dinner in peer cells


Free time

Peer cells and next steps

Last night social

Reflections on the day and time to pray

Reflections on the day and time to pray

Carol Street, Arrow programme manager

Do you know a leader aged 25-40 who could benefit from the Arrow Leadership Programme? Visit to find out more. 13

8-14 March

vocations You and Ministry, Fareham

Then Eli realized that the Lord was calling the boy. So Eli told Samuel, ‘Go and lie down, and if he calls you, say, “Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening.”’ 1 Samuel 3:8-9


his weekend sees the first You and Ministry weekend of 2015. 24 men and women who are exploring a call to authorised ministry will arrive at Park Place in Fareham on Friday night for a weekend of Bible teaching, fellowship, information, relaxation, listening and worship. Participants from previous You and Ministry weekends said:

‘It was helpful meeting other people at different stages of their journey.’ ‘A great balance of informative sessions and space to discern God’s voice.’ ‘Time away from everyday life to think through the process.’ ‘It taught me how to trust in the Lord and be a little more patient.’

For your prayers: Sun 8: CPAS staff: John Fisher is preaching at St Cuthbert’s Doveridge today, and Tim Friend is visiting St Mary’s Rothley to share news from Ventures and Falcon Camps. Mon 9: You and Ministry: Good support for all those exploring their call from church leaders, friends and family. Tue 10: You and Ministry: For Charles Burgess and Tim Stilwell who will be leading the upcoming weekend. Wed 11: Vocations: Ask that God would be prompting more younger people to consider ordained ministry. Thu 12: Leadership: Charles Burgess is leading a training day for curates in Exeter diocese on the topic of selfmanagement. Fri 13: CPAS staff: James Lawrence is travelling to Australia today for the Arrow alliance gathering, teaching on the Australian Arrow Leadership Programme and speaking at a conference for Salvation Army leaders. Sat 14: You and Ministry: For each participant, as they seek God’s will for the direction of their life and ministry.


Our You and Ministry weekends help people explore a variety of vocations in the Church of England: ordained leadership, Church Army, Reader or pioneer ministry (lay or ordained).


15-21 March

New resources For your prayers: See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland. Isaiah 43:19


lease join us in praying for two new projects which will be added to CPAS’ resources suite this year. Our current resources such as Growing Leaders, Mentoring Matters and Growing Through a Vacancy have proved very popular with churches, and our prayer is that these new resources will also meet the needs of churches and ultimately enable more men, women and young people to hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ through the ministry of their local church. Enabling discipleship through a resources website: Our hope is that this will become the ‘go to’ place for a comprehensive compilation of discipleship material, with information about resources, links to access the material and ‘ratings’ to help church leaders to decide what to use.

Sun 15: Resources: For the discipleship resources website to help many churches find the best resource for their particular context. Mon 16: Resources: For the new resource to enable clergy to lead PCCs in a way which accelerates mission and ministry in their church. Tue 17: Leadership: Sandra Cobbin is leading a training day in Bangor diocese on the topic of dealing with conflict. Wed 18: Resources: Please pray that Mentoring Matters, Growing Leaders and Growing Through a Vacancy will resource many more churches. Thu 19: Trustees: The CPAS trustees and the patronage trustees are meeting for a joint working lunch to discuss various issues and then doing their separate business. Fri 20: Resources: For new resources to contain the right material to help churches and people fulfil their ministry. Sat 21: Resources: As we seek to meet the needs of local churches, pray for God’s guidance and wisdom as we consider ideas for new resources.

Help for clergy as they lead PCCs: We are also developing a resource designed to enable clergy to lead PCCs well, so that churches will be better able to fulfil the mission and ministry of Christ in their communities.

Since its launch in autumn 2013, over 1,000 Growing Through a Vacancy handbooks have been sold.


22-28 March

local churches Parishes in vacancy

Fellow children of Abraham and you Godfearing Gentiles, it is to us that this message of salvation has been sent. Acts 13:26


ith several CPAS patronage churches currently in vacancy, the patronage team have a busy few weeks of advertising, meetings with churchwardens and diocesan staff, shortlisting and interviews. The patronage trustees met last week to shortlist candidates for the incumbent’s role at Holy Trinity Frogmore and other vacant parishes. Interviews are due to take place at Glasgow St Silas, Reading Greyfriars and Frogmore St Albans during March and April. Patronage secretary John Fisher asks: ‘Please do pray for the many churches in vacancy at this time, and especially for those who have recently appointed and are about to enter a new stage under a new incumbent. Our prayer is that these churches will continue to move forward in their ministry and be communities of believers who are reaching out to those around them with the message of the gospel.’

For your prayers: Sun 22: Parishes in vacancy: Collier Row (Chelmsford) and Bath St Michael (Bath and Wells) are currently advertising. Mon 23: Parishes in vacancy: Candidates have been shortlisted for Chislehurst and Reading. Pray the right person is appointed. Tue 24: Leadership: John Dunnett is teaching part of a leadership module for final year students at Trinity College Bristol today. Wed 25: Leadership: The fifth session of the Exeter diocesan leadership course is taking place today and tomorrow. Thu 26: Patronage: John Fisher (patronage secretary) and Kathy Burch (PA to the patronage secretary) as they work to fill vacancies at CPAS patronage churches. Fri 27: Patronage: The Rev Canon Steve Allen and the Rev Canon Gary Jenkins as they chair the meetings of the patronage trustees. Sat 28: Parishes in vacancy: For the new incumbents who are selected during March and April as they prepare to move.

John Fisher and Kathy Burch

See a map of all CPAS patronage churches at 16

patronage churches

29 March – 4 April

St Paul‘s Braintree (Chelmsford)

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. Philippians 2:3-4


t Paul’s Braintree is a CPAS patronage church in Essex, where Sarah Hayward was appointed as vicar around 18 months ago. Sarah said: ‘Last summer we hosted a mission event, and took care to ask those in the community what would work for them. Our plans were blown to bits by a staggering 238 children attending a Messy Fun Day with their grown-ups. Only God can produce a miracle like that; we cast our nets in deeper water and enjoyed the great catch. ‘On Saturday we will host our first Messy Easter. We know from last summer that people come to these things, and we have discovered strength as we work as a team for people we don’t even know … yet!’

For your prayers: Sun 29: St Paul’s: Ask Jesus to do his transformative work in this church, as they prepare to celebrate his death and resurrection next weekend. Mon 30: Ventures: For the final preparations for the Ski Venture (begins Friday) and Broads Cruise (begins Saturday). Tue 31: St Paul’s: For Sarah and the team at St Paul’s to continue in God’s strength and the joy that comes from serving him. Wed 1: St Paul’s: Continued financial generosity to release fruitful kingdom work at St Paul’s. Thu 2: St Paul’s: God’s blessing on Sarah as she leads the church. Fri 3: St Paul’s: For an amazing number of families to come along to Messy Easter tomorrow. Sat 4: St Paul’s: For many young people and families to encounter Jesus in meaningful ways at today’s Messy Easter event.

Support CPAS’ ministry this Eastertime at 17

5-11 April

ventures and falcon camps Easter holidays

I will praise God’s name in song and glorify him with thanksgiving. Psalm 69:30

Ski Venture (3-12 April) Age group: 13-19s Overall leaders: Geoff Harley-Mason and Matt Hustwayte Broads Cruise (4-11 April) Age group: 12-16s Overall leaders: Paddy Gleave, Stephen Didsbury and Greg Bridges Easter Falcon (6-10 April) Age group: 8-11s Overall leaders: Jon and Jude Munday, Jon Mort and Nic Mort Easter Haslemere (6-11 April) Age group: 13-19s Overall leaders: Paul Peterson and Sami Watts

For your prayers: Sun 5: Easter Sunday: As thousands of local churches hold Easter services today, pray the gospel will be proclaimed and many men, women and children will respond. Mon 6: Easter Haslemere: Begins today. Pray that the leaders gel quickly as a team and ask God to be with them as they attend to the needs of all the young people. Tue 7: Falcon Camps: Easter Falcon for 8-11s is at Smallwood Manor this year. This is a new venue after two years at Ingestre Hall – please pray the adjustment goes smoothly. Wed 8: Ski Venture: The 40 young people taking part. Pray for a fantastic time skiing, finding out more about God and what being a Christian means, and for safety on the slopes. Thu 9: Broads Cruise: For the young people as they learn how to sail and work as a team throughout the week. There is worship, preaching and small group time in the evenings. Fri 10: Easter Haslemere: For the teenagers to discover Christ and be built up as his disciples. Sat 11: Easter Ventures and Falcon Camps: As the holidays draw to a close this weekend, pray that every young person will keep following Jesus in their daily lives.

Free Ventures brochures and other promotional resources are available from 18

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

giving to CPAS Ways to give Personal donations

Church giving


You can give one-off or regular gifts to CPAS in a variety of ways. Send a cheque through the post, complete a ‘Supporting CPAS’ form or contact our finance team on the details below to make a donation over the phone or request a Standing Order form.

Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!

Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below.

‘It’s been an amazing couple of years. Thanks to Growing Leaders we’ve started new activities including a youth club, which attracts 25 young people every fortnight.’ Jo Stephens, vicar of St Peter’s and St Paul’s, West Hucknall CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


A new national mentoring initiative enabling leaders of churches and Christian organisations to connect with carefully selected leadership mentors.

Focused around development, mentoring provides space for reflection, growth, learning, support, encouragement, perspective and accountability. Mentor Connect is a partnership between CPAS, The Evangelical Alliance and Stewardship.

To find a mentor, go to

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