Prayer Diary, Summer 2012

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Spring – Summer 2012


The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

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prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Unit 3A/B, Sovereign Court 1, Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2012. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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‘They all joined together constantly in prayer’ Acts 1:14


hank you for praying for the work of CPAS. 2012 is a year of both challenge and opportunity – and one that needs your prayers. We are told in Acts that the early church ‘joined together constantly in prayer’ (Acts 1:14). This phrase is constructed by Luke in such a way as to record particular characteristics of the way the early church prayed – a method that clearly ‘appealed’ to our Father in heaven. It describes a group who prayed with one mind or purpose. They had received the mandate to ‘go and make disciples’ (Matthew 28:19) from the risen Jesus and were now waiting for the promised Holy Spirit. And they did so with a shared anticipation, intent and purpose.

Furthermore, the word which the TNIV translates as ‘constantly’ means to be ‘busily engaged with’ or ‘devoted to’. Whatever the other demands of daily life, their hearts were committed to prayer. There is also in Luke’s description of their praying a sense of continuance. They prayed repeatedly, as if their prayers were somehow incomplete. They knew what Jesus had

taught about the Father being aware of the needs of his children, but nonetheless saw fit to intercede again and again. Similar emphases are made by Luke in Acts 2:42 and Paul in writing to the Colossians (4:2). And we can therefore deduce that this kind of prayer is held up for us as a template or pattern. During the months covered by this Prayer Diary we will be engaged in a large number of ministry opportunities as well as embracing several organisational challenges (recruiting to a couple of significant posts, working in a new way with associate colleagues around the UK and moving to a new office). All of this must be undergirded by prayer that is nurtured by a commitment to mission, and which is both fervent and continuing. Thank you for joining us in this.

John Dunnett General Director

PS You may notice that this edition of Prayer Diary looks a bit different. This is to enable prayer for some specific ministries which we’d love to see God at work in over the next few months. To inform your daily prayers, we have included six bullet points and a closing prayer each week, which can be used over seven days.

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

15-21 APRIL

arrow leadership programme Pray for Arrow in Ireland

The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18


his week, I’ll be speaking at the second residential of Arrow Ireland, which marks the half-way point of the programme. I’m leading a session on ‘the inner life of the leader’ on Thursday, which I hope will be both challenging and encouraging.

‘Like the Arrow Leadership Programme in Great Britain, Arrow Ireland focuses on developing around 24 younger Christian leaders over a two year period, equipping them for mission now and long into the future. ‘This transformation happens through a combination of residentials, monthly meetings with a mentor, work in small groups, projects and personal intercession. It is quite rigorous for those going through the programme, and I know they will appreciate your prayers!’ James Lawrence, CPAS Leadership Principal

Please pray: God speaks through James as he offers guidance and advice to participants. That each participant will be open to God’s work in them through the teaching and worship. For the one-on-one conversations which often prove to be a significant part of the week. For John Alderdice as he oversees Arrow Ireland, and for the team of seven working together this week to run the residential based just outside Dublin. That the ‘graduates’ of Arrow across the UK and Ireland (nearly 300!) will continue to lead well, have a growing concern for those who don’t know Christ, and will look to develop others in leadership. God blesses early plans for an Arrow Reloaded conference to be held in January 2013. This is a gathering of those who have completed the programme in the UK and Ireland over the last 11 years. Heavenly Father, thank you for the opportunity Arrow gives for leaders to grow and develop in their relationship with you and in their leadership. By your grace please transform each of the participants, and through them transform your Church.

Arrow Ireland is part of the worldwide Arrow network, which over 1,500 Christian leaders have taken part in so far. 04

vocations Pray for Vocations Sunday

22-28 APRIL

And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best. Philippians 1:9-10


ver the next few days, church leaders across the UK are preparing services for Vocations Sunday on 29 April. This is a chance for people to consider God’s plans for their lives. For some, this will be a call to ordained or authorised ministry, while others may feel led to lead and serve in less formal ways. As a mission agency, CPAS is concerned with equipping the Church of the future with good leaders who will fulfil God’s mission of reconciling people to him. Our prayer is that our You and Ministry weekends, lifecall young vocations days and online tools and resources will help make this goal a reality.

Please pray: People hear God‘s voice clearly on Vocations Sunday. God prompts people to book onto the three CPAS You and Ministry weekends happening later this year. For local clergy and diocesan vocations staff as they seek to help people discern a calling to ordained or authorised ministry. For national Church staff with responsibility for vocations, including Catherine Williams, national adviser for vocations. Also for Liz Boughton, national adviser for young vocations. God blesses our ongoing work helping younger people explore their vocation, including lifecall days and the ‘Your S.H.A.P.E. for ministry’ web tool.

Jesus, we ask that you will speak into the hearts of those you are calling to Christian leadership. Please guide and bless them as they seek to follow your path for their lives, and use them for your glory.

Vocations Sunday is an opportunity for churches to encourage everyone to reflect, discover and recognise God’s call to them. 05


mentoring Pray for Mentoring Matters training

But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13


entoring Matters was launched in October 2011, and it’s been so popular with churches that we’ve already had to reprint it, and a number of churches are now starting mentoring networks, aided by the material in the pack.

Over this year we are running a series of training days in partnership with The Mentoring Network to help churches think through how to use the resource, and this Saturday is the fourth one in Manchester (still time to book online!). Our prayer is that these days will be thought provoking, practical and will effectively resource those who attend.

Please pray: For the churches that have bought Mentoring Matters, that it may be used to develop leaders and disciples for mission. For Sharon Prior from The Mentoring Network who is running the training day in Manchester this Saturday. Participants will come away from the training day feeling inspired and enthusiastic about Christian mentoring. That those co-ordinating Mentoring Matters in their church will have wisdom to see the best way to do this. People offer themselves as mentors to others. Pray for courage to try something they may not have done before. For those who will be mentored to grow in Christ-likeness and serve God’s purposes in every area of their life. Lord, we pray for each church looking to establish a mentoring network. Give them clarity about the best way to do this, and insights into who to approach as potential mentors. Grow your people that we may be about your work in your world.


Mentoring Matters is a CPAS resource seeking to help churches nurture disciples and develop leaders through establishing church-based mentoring networks.

patronage churches Pray for the Culm Valley team ministry

6-12 MAY

You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14


t Andrew’s, Cullompton, along with a group of churches known as the Culm Valley Mission Community, make up this team ministry in the heart of rural Devon. Edward Hobbs, vicar at St Andrew’s, shares something of what’s going on: ‘Here at St Andrew’s, we’re delighted to have around 25 new young people coming to our evening service, and we’re also hoping to develop our children’s work through appointing a new member of staff. ‘We’d appreciate prayers for our afternoon drop-in and a new ministry called People Matter which provides food and furniture, and also for our community centre. ‘We really want to keep in step with what God is doing in all these ministries, so thank you so much for your prayers.’

Please pray: Praising God for the new young people who come to the evening service. More young people get involved in the church, and come to faith in Jesus. For God’s guiding hand over the appointment of a new children’s worker. Lifting up the church’s ministries to vulnerable people, including the afternoon drop-in, People Matter and the community centre. For God’s provision – more money is needed to finish paying for the community centre. Asking God to bless the ministry of the Culm Valley Mission Community (Blackborough, Kentisbeare, Bradfield, Willand, Uffculme and Ashill). God Almighty, we pray for Jesus-focused churches where children, young people and adults feel welcome, vulnerable people are cared for, and the gospel is shared.

As joint patron, CPAS was involved in appointing Edward Hobbs as vicar of St Andrew’s in 2009. 07

13-19 MAY

arrow leadership programme Pray for Arrow participants

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17


he first residential of the new Arrow Leadership Programme takes place this week. Arrow is specifically designed to equip and sustain leaders for a lifetime of sharing the gospel and leading more men, women and children to Jesus. Each of the four residential weeks includes elements on character, call, leadership and evangelism. The participants will then gather in peer cell groups and have monthly meetings with their Arrow mentors before the next residential in October. Carol Street, Arrow programme manager, said: ‘We are very excited and about working alongside another great bunch of Arrow participants and we are looking forward to all that God has in store! Please join with us in praying for them throughout this week.’

Please pray: For Arrow to influence the personal evangelism of each of the 24 participants. For James Lawrence, as he runs sessions on discerning God’s call and leadership. God speaks through the Old Testament studies on the character, competence and call of leaders. All have fun and are challenged by the activities run by Rob Bianchi. For a developing selfawareness for participants as they engage with several assessments tools. Participants enjoy spending time together, and encourage one another as leaders.

Dear Lord, thank you that you use Arrow to equip leaders to be led more by you, lead more like you, and lead more to you. We pray that all church leaders will find ways of applying this to their own mission and ministry.

The Arrow Leadership Programme is for leaders aged 25-40 in full-time Christian ministry. 08

leaders in mission Developing leaders through the Growing Leaders courses in 700 churches nationwide

Supporting the leaders of 4,000 young people on Ventures and Falcon Camps

Appointing clergy passionate about mission and the relevance of the gospel

Exploring God’s call to licensed Anglican ministry through vocations events

Transforming the leadership of men and women on the Arrow Leadership Programme Equipping mentors for a new generation of leaders through Mentoring Matters

passion for mission The discipleship and mission of St George’s Weald is being impacted by what vicar Serena Willoughby learned on the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme. Arrow put mission back at the top of the list. The passion for mission which underpins every module really inspired me to get out there and encourage my congregation to do the same. Having children at the local school gives me a great opportunity to share Jesus’ love with other families, with a weekly event at church after the school run. We’ve also started doing Messy Church, where more people can explore the Bible in fun and creative ways. Serena Willoughby, vicar, St George’s, Weald

Support mission in the UK and Ireland at

20-26 MAY

new incumbents Pray for The Buck Stops Here


n 21-23 May at Glenfall House in Cheltenham, CPAS is hosting a 48hour conference for approximately 20 clergy who are at the start of their first post of responsibility – whether this is moving from being a curate to a vicar, or returning to parish ministry from elsewhere. John Dunnett, CPAS general director, is leading sessions on the essentials of missionfocused Christian leadership including vision and goal setting, building teams, managing change and developing a healthy spirituality. It’s a busy residential, but with plenty of opportunity for participants to learn from each other and to work through some of the particular responsibilities of incumbency in a prayerful, safe and friendly setting. John said: ‘Good leadership is of crucial importance to the growth of churches, and as a mission agency we’re keen to do all we can to develop new incumbents as they start out.’

Jesus said to Simon Peter, ‘Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?’ ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’ John 21:15

Please pray: That the group will quickly feel at ease with each other. For the various sessions. Ask that they will be helpful and relevant to participants. That CPAS will be able to use this opportunity to build good relationships with clergy. Thanking God for the staff at Glenfall House, for their generous spirit and partnership in our work. Our work together will encourage any who are apprehensive about their new role as incumbents. For the work and witness of the churches each new incumbent leads.

Father God, we ask that you will be preparing and equipping all new incumbents to lead healthy, growing churches where your will is done, and many come to faith in Jesus Christ. Glenfall House, Cheltenham (Photo: ©

The Buck Stops Here is a conference for new incumbents which takes place twice a year. 10

our nations Pray for God’s kingdom to come

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14


his week we pray for the Anglican Church across the UK and Republic of Ireland, in the days leading up to the national celebrations for HRH Queen Elizabeth II’s Diamond Jubilee. The vast majority of people in our villages, towns and cities do not yet know the risen Jesus. CPAS exists to enable local church growth, adding to the 1.1 million people attending a Church of England service each week.


Please pray: Churches find relevant and creative ways of sharing the gospel. Leaders at all levels will discover their own spiritual gifts. Local evangelism initiatives have an impact in winning people for Christ. That more people in churches will seek where God is calling them to serve. For those leading volunteer ministries to reflect the light of Jesus. God blesses Diamond Jubilee celebration events run by local churches over the next few days.

Using these words from the Diamond Jubilee Prayer, pray for the Queen in her role as ‘Defender of the Faith and Supreme Head of the Church of England’: God of time and eternity, whose Son reigns as servant, not master; we give you thanks and praise that you have blessed this Nation, the Realms and Territories with Elizabeth, our beloved and glorious Queen. In this year of Jubilee, grant her your gifts of love and joy and peace as she continues in faithful obedience to you, her Lord and God and in devoted service to her lands and peoples, and those of the Commonwealth, now and all the days of her life; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. 11

3-9 JUNE

ventures Pray for Knock and Quinta

Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:37


wo of our newest Ventures continue to go from strength to strength. Providing fun-filled, Biblebased holidays for 8-11s, Knock and Quinta Ventures, which are taking place this week, are full to bursting. In fact, Knock had to move site because so many children wanted to attend. Robin Barfield, overall leader at Quinta, says there’s almost nothing better than seeing groups of smiling children arrive excited about all that will happen during the week. Robin hopes the children will respond to God through their head, heart and hands. As it’s Jubilee week their theme is Kings and Queens and they’ll be taking a big picture look at the whole Bible.

Please pray: Praising God that these Ventures are so popular with children. Children go home with a deeper knowledge of our sovereign God. For great weather so the children can enjoy the outside space. Leaders return to their home churches more confident to lead local children’s ministry. For Robin Barfield, Mark Tomlinson and the other leaders of Knock and Quinta. For more leaders to catch the vision of running holidays outside of the summer school holiday.

King Jesus, we thank you for the excitement and enthusiasm young children can have for following you. Help us to direct their passion and trust as they grow and develop so their faith is rooted in you throughout their life.

Ventures are life-changing Christian holidays for 8-18s which take place during the school holidays. 12

Summer is on its way! Thank you for changing the lives of thousands of children and teenagers through praying for Ventures and Falcon Camps. Over 100 holidays. More than 3,000 volunteer leaders. Around 4,500 children and teenagers blessed

with a life-changing Christian holiday!

‘I made loads of new friends.’ Luke, 14 ‘I had some of the best times of my life! ’ David, 17 ‘I learnt that God will forgive us and always love and be there for us.’ Bethan, 14 ‘I think Ventures are FAB!!!!’ Emily, 11 ‘I learnt that he suffers for our sins, even though we do not deserve it.’ James, 15 ‘I have seen God at work in so many children’s lives, as they come and see they are valued, loved and respected.’ John, Falcon Camp leader

10-16 JUNE

patronage churches Pray for St Thomas’, Kendal

You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands. Isaiah 55:12


ext Sunday is an exciting day for St Thomas’, a CPAS patronage church in Kendal, Cumbria, as the church holds its annual ‘Party in the Park’ event, blessing the local community with music, bouncy castles, face-painting, treasure hunts, bike stunts, gymnastics, ice creams, candy floss – and stories of God’s extravagant love for everyone. As Kendal sits on the edge of the Lake District, St Thomas’ is looking forward to welcoming many visitors over the next couple of months who drop in to worship during their summer break. Summer also means that many young people at the church have important exams, and some are preparing to move on to college or university. Growing young disciples is a key priority, with the recent launch of ‘Fresh’, a weekly youth club and ‘Revolution’, a monthly worship event for young people across the region.

Please pray: Many young people are impacted by ‘Fresh’ and ‘Revolution’. For God’s blessing on those who are preparing to go to college or university. That ‘Party in the Park’ will be a time when people have great fun and experience God’s love for them. People’s hearts will be stirred by the stories of faith they hear. God uses the church to touch the lives of holiday-makers this summer. That the church will achieve its goal of going deeper in prayer, Christian lifestyle and sharing faith stories.

God of hope, thank you for giving churches the creativity and energy to reach out to those around them effectively. Please help the CPAS patronage team as they seek to appoint wise, mission-minded leaders who will lead churches into growth.

As an evangelical patron, CPAS promotes the appointment of leaders with a heart for the gospel in parishes across the UK. 14


17-23 JUNE

Pray for Foremarke 3

On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Revelation 19:16


t’s Simon Wearn’s hope that the 14-18 year olds will ‘come to Christ and grow in Christ’ at Foremarke 3 this summer. Foremarke 3 is one of around 90 Ventures happening in 2012. This week, overall leader Simon is busy getting ready for the leaders’ preparation weekend on 22-24 June. ‘There’s a lot of grind before the joy of sharing the gospel on a residential holiday. But there’s also a fantastic joy in serving alongside a team who are united in Christ,’ Simon said. This year’s talks are focussing on the king of the kingdom and the week’s activity theme will be based on the Olympics.

Please pray: For Simon as he builds a team that has fun and is faithful in its proclamation of the gospel. Junior leaders will have a heart to serve and discover more about what it might mean to be a leader in the future. For leaders taking on new roles this year. Pray they will quickly grasp all that they need to do and enjoy leading. For some new female leaders. There’s a real need for more – please pray God will prompt people to step forward. Giving thanks for all the team has achieved in previous years in enabling young people to meet Jesus Christ and get to know him better. God’s will is done as the leaders plan and prepare together this weekend.

Heavenly Father, as the leaders of Foremarke 3 prepare for their Venture this summer, may they know your Holy Spirit equipping them for all you call them to do. May you bless the work of their hands, hearts and minds and use all they do to enable young people to join your kingdom.

The Ventures and Falcon Camps head office team develop policies and provide centralised systems enabling overall leaders to run safe, fun, life-changing holidays.


24-30 JUNE

patronage churches Pray for the Tas Valley team


ally Gaze is team rector of the Tas Valley benefice in rural Norfolk, where she has been for nearly ten years. There are six parishes and one cell church, which draws the benefice together by leading prayer initiatives and outreach courses such as Alpha. Sally said: ‘The benefice includes lots of different traditions and ways of expressing faith, all united by our vision of “Growing in God’s love”. I’m about to return from a three-month sabbatical, and there’s a busy summer ahead with the popular annual holiday club which is attended by about 70 children. ‘This summer is also a time of change, with our curate Chris looking to move after his three years of curacy and youth worker Hannah heading off to university in September.’

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ Ephesians 3:17-18

Please pray: Asking God to sustain and inspire Sally as she leads the team. For Chris as he seeks God’s guidance for the next stage of his ministry. Giving thanks for all that Hannah has done leading the youth work. For ‘Special Me’, a new initiative reaching families with young people with special needs. That families with children at the holiday club will be to be touched by God’s love and care. The truth of the message of the gospel will be clear to all who attend the outreach courses and events.

Thank you Lord for the way the Tas Valley team seeks to reach people with your love. We pray that you will inspire churches to make the gospel accessible for all the men, women and children in their parish.

Tas Valley is one of 511 benefices in the UK where CPAS holds sole or joint patronage. 16

falcon camps

1-7 JULY

Pray for Kingsmead 2

And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 1 John 5:11


ingsmead 2 Falcon Camp takes place at Kingsmead School on the Wirral, a five minute walk from Hoylake beach. Last year the 24 young people aged 11-14 were from Coventry, Liverpool and Preston, from all sorts of backgrounds. They had varied experiences of church, some none at all and some of them had never been on holiday. Overall leader Jon McCowen said: ‘We taught the children the Christmas story, ending the week with the gospel message that God gave us a present so that we can have a future. We backed this up by giving everyone a hand wrapped present. Everyone had a great week – the young people and their leaders. One leader said “I don’t know about the kids but I have gained so much from this, and my confidence is so much better.”’ The leaders are currently planning this year’s Kingsmead 2, which will take place in August.

Please pray: Every young person feels loved, special and valued. That they hear and absorb the message of the gospel. Giving thanks for a wonderful team of leaders, and a great venue – close to the beach and with a sports field and swimming pool on site. We have a lovely fun-filled week of activities. We are kept safe and sound. Pray for God’s protection over us. For God to be at work already in the lives of the 11-14 year olds who will come on Kingsmead 2 this year.

Living God, we praise and thank you for all the children and young people who have been on Falcon Camps over very many years and we ask that this year many more will hear and respond to the message of your love for them.

Falcon Camps are fun-packed, affordable, unforgettable holidays for children and teenagers facing disadvantage. 17

growing leaders Pray for Readers in Bristol diocese


his Wednesday evening around 22 Readers drawn from across Bristol diocese will meet at Trinity College, Bristol, for the final session of a Growing Leaders course that has been running each month since October 2011. The course has been jointly led by Charles Burgess, CPAS leadership specialist, and Kunnagh Scott, a Reader in Bristol diocese. The course has enabled participants to deepen their understanding of the theology and practical application of Christian leadership. Throughout, the level of engagement, interaction and challenge has been really encouraging. Looking ahead, our prayer is that all participants will find many ways to work out, and develop further, their leadership gifts within their own areas of calling.

Charles Burgess, CPAS leadership specialist



Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. John 7:38


8-14 JULY


Please pray: For a good ending to this Growing Leaders course. That the spiritual insights people have gained through the course would be deeply-rooted and long-lasting. The participants would find many opportunities to practically apply the skills they have learnt in their ministry today. That Charles and Kunnagh would work well together as they facilitate this last evening. For Bristol diocese as they seek to nurture and equip Readers with effective leadership skills. Giving thanks to God for the level of responsiveness from participants, and the sense of his blessing throughout the course as a whole.

Holy Spirit, thank you for your guidance and blessing throughout this Growing Leaders course. We pray that you would bless the leadership roles of all those who have taken part in the course and bring much fruit through their ministries.

The Growing Leaders and Growing Leaders – Youth Edition courses can be used in a wide variety of contexts to develop leaders for mission. 18

prayer diary overview This overview is designed for those who prefer to pray in a less structured way. Simply cut out this page and keep it in your Bible, journal, or wherever is most helpful. Use the weekly themes and Bible verses as you wish, with the Holy Spirit’s leading for inspiration.

15-21 April

Arrow in Ireland The path of the righteous is like the morning sun, shining ever brighter till the full light of day. Proverbs 4:18 Heavenly Father, by your grace please transform each of the participants, and through them transform your Church.

22-28 April

Vocations Sunday And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight. Philippians 1:9 Jesus, we ask that you will speak into the hearts of those you are calling to Christian leadership. Please guide and bless them.

29 April-5 May

Mentoring Matters training But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,”. Hebrews 3:13 Lord, we pray for each church looking to establish a mentoring network. Give them clarity about the best way to do this.

6-12 May

Culm Valley team ministry You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Matthew 5:14 God Almighty, we pray for welcoming, Jesus-focused churches where vulnerable people are cared for and the gospel is shared.

13-19 May

Arrow participants Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here! 2 Corinthians 5:17

Dear Lord, please help all church leaders to be led more by you, lead more like you, and lead more to you.

20-26 May

The Buck Stops Here ‘Yes, Lord,’ he said, ‘you know that I love you.’ Jesus said, ‘Feed my lambs.’ John 21:15 Father, we ask that you will be preparing and equipping all new incumbents to lead many to faith in Jesus Christ.

27 May-2 June Our nations

For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Habakkuk 2:14 Mighty God, we lift up the Anglican Church across the UK and Republic of Ireland. Please help us to share the good news of your salvation.

3-9 June

Knock and Quinta Ventures Jesus replied: ‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:37 King Jesus, we thank you for the excitement and enthusiasm young children can have for following Jesus Christ. Please continue to work in their lives.

10-16 June

St Thomas’ Church, Kendal You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you. Isaiah 55:12 God of hope, thank you for the ministry of St Thomas’, Kendal. Please help the CPAS patronage team as they seek to appoint wise, mission-minded leaders.

17-23 June

Foremarke 3 Venture On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. Revelation 19:16 Heavenly Father, may the leaders of Foremarke 3 know your Holy Spirit equipping them for all you call them to do.

24-30 June

Tas Valley team ministry How wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ. Ephesians 3:18 Thank you Lord for the Tas Valley team. We pray that you will inspire churches to make the gospel accessible for all.

1-7 July

Kingsmead 2 Falcon Camp And this is the testimony: God has given us eternal life, and this life is in his Son. 1 John 5:11 Living God, we praise you for all the children and young people who have been on Falcon Camps over very many years. We ask that many more will respond to the message of your love.

8-14 July

Growing Leaders in Bristol diocese Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them. John 7:38 Holy Spirit, we pray that you would bless the leadership roles of all those who have taken part in Growing Leaders and bring much fruit through their ministries.

support through the power of prayer

Elijah was a human being, even as we are. He prayed earnestly that it would not rain, and it did not rain on the land for three and a half years. Again he prayed, and the heavens gave rain, and the earth produced its crops. James 5:17-18

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