Prayer Diary, Spring/Summer 2013

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Spring – Summer 2013


See! The winter is past; the rains are over and gone. Flowers appear on the earth; the season of singing has come. Song of Songs 2:11-13

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

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prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2013. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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For this reason, ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all his people, I have not stopped giving thanks for you. Ephesians 1:15-16


ohn has asked me to write this editorial for the Prayer Diary, which gives me the opportunity to say thank you for your prayers for me. I notice that recent editions asked for prayers for new appointments and mine was one of those. Knowing that people pray for us in consistent ways gives us great courage to be bold as we seek to equip churches with the tools they need to reach out with the life-changing message of the gospel.

The majestic prayer of Paul for the Ephesians in chapter 1 of his letter tells us of the writer’s motivation, theology and priorities in prayer. His motivation comes from knowing and appreciating the people he prays for – ‘ever since I heard about your faith in the Lord Jesus and love for all his people’ (v15). It may be that you know some of us well and have heard us speak of our love for Christ and longings for his church; it may be that we are relative strangers. As you pray, please feel free to write to us, read about us on the website or give us a call, we love talking to our prayer partners. Paul‘s theology tells us that Christ is ‘head over everything for the church, which is his body’ and he is ‘far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, not only in the present age but also in the one to come’ (v21-23). This is massively important in the way it affects his prayers. He can pray huge prayers because nothing that he prays for overshadows his Lord’s authority and the ‘mighty strength he

exerted when he raised Christ from the dead’ (v19-20). So in the light of his motivation and belief in God, let’s look at what he prays. He prays that his fellow workers would: Know Christ better (v17). Know hope for today and heavenly provision for tomorrow (v18). Know the power that is available to us in Christ (v19). Very eloquently written but not exactly a long and detailed list of current needs. However, you get the impression that Paul’s conviction is that if disciples have grasped that they are loved by God, set aside for his eternal purposes and equipped with every good gift, the rest is really just details.

I pray this is true for you – please pray for us as we endeavour to fulfil Jesus’ great commission to make disciples through our leadership, patronage and Ventures and Falcon Camps ministries. God bless.

Graham Archer Director of Ministry

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

14-20 APRIL

ventures and falcon camps Falcon Camps fundraising

Shout to God with loud songs of joy! Psalm 47:1 (ESV)

‘I love this place. On Monday we did archery and today we are doing rock climbing.’ Callum, North-east Falcon Camp ‘I learnt that it is easier than you think to talk to and have a relationship with God, and that God has a plan for everyone!’ Kelly, Wellingborough Falcon Camp


allum and Kelly* are two of around 500 young people facing disadvantage who went on a Falcon Camp last year. The average cost of a young person’s place on a Falcon Camp is £232, far more than the vast majority of their families can afford, but thanks to our generous supporters, this is heavily subsidised. Please join us in praying that churches and individuals will donate generously to Falcon Camps in 2013 and beyond, so that this transformational ministry can continue to bless many, many children and teenagers.

For your prayers: Sun 14: St Philip’s Dorridge (Birmingham): James Lawrence is visiting to preach as well as thank and encourage the church as they support CPAS. Mon 15: Falcon Camps: For enough money to be raised to ensure that every young person who wants to is able to attend. Tue 16: Multi-parish benefices: Charles Burgess is leading a training day in Liverpool today for those working in multi-parish benefices. Wed 17: Falcon Camps: Pray God’s blessing on the financial gifts offered in response to February’s ‘Postcards from camp’ appeal. Thu 18: Leadership: James Lawrence is meeting with others involved in leading the Arrow Leadership Programme to plan the next residential. Fri 19: Elmswell (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich): Interviews are taking place today for the vacant incumbent’s role. Sat 20: Falcon Camps: Praise God for the many churches who enthusiastically support Falcon Camps.

*Names have been changed to protect the young people’s identities.

You can read postcards from Callum, Kelly and friends at 04

developing leaders

21-27 APRIL

James Lawrence

Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth. Psalm 46:10


wo Sunday services, a diocesan leadership event, training ordinands and leading Growing Leaders and Mentoring Matters training days makes this a busy week even for James Lawrence! James is leadership principal, and has previously worked in several different roles at CPAS in the areas of evangelism and leadership. In his current role, he helps develop leaders with a heart for mission working a variety of contexts. James asks: ‘Please pray God uses me to encourage leaders to be all they can be in service of Christ.’

For your prayers: Sun 21: James Lawrence: Preaching at two morning services at St Margaret’s Uxbridge (London). Mon 22: James Lawrence: Preparing material for upcoming events and writing the regular email update for graduates of the Arrow Leadership Programme. Tue 23: James Lawrence: Leading the Growing Leaders training day in Norwich today. Wed 24: Leadership: For clergy in Gloucester diocese attending a training day on ‘Working effectively and sustaining oneself in ministerial leadership’. Thu 25: Patronage trustees: Meeting in London today to continue their review of patronage processes and discuss current vacancies. James is also in London today, speaking to clergy about developing local ministry and leaders. Fri 26: James Lawrence: Visiting Wycliffe Hall this morning to speak to ordinands on leadership during their spiritual formation week. Sat 27: Vocations: You and Ministry, Poole is taking place this weekend. Please also remember James in prayer as he leads the Mentoring Matters training day in Sutton.

James works with Charles Burgess, Carol Street and Kirstin Macdonald, who make up the CPAS leadership development team. 05

28 April - 4 MAY

patronage churches Christ Church Orpington (Rochester)

‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbour as yourself.’ Luke 10:27


evoted to Christ, dedicated to community’ is Christ Church Orpington’s vision in a nutshell. A large community hall and centre enable the church to serve the community in a number of ways, from ‘Café Mosaic’ which opens two mornings a week, to midweek groups for the elderly and those in need. Children’s and youth work is high on the agenda, with over 200 toddlers, children and young people attending Sunday Bible teaching, midweek activities, creative art workshops, dance ministry and holiday clubs. Additionally, there is a playroom for children with special needs, and an alternative youth group for young people who find large or noisy group activities difficult to cope with. The church is also involved in resourcing a Bishop’s Mission Order to facilitate more effective ministry on the nearby Ramsden Estate, an area of social and economic deprivation.

For your prayers: Sun 28: Christ Church Orpington: Patronage secretary John Fisher is preaching and sharing news from CPAS. Mon 29: Ventures: For the leaders of Ventures taking place at new sites this summer: @Brymore, Ingestre, Ashdown Forest, Smallwood Manor 1 and 2, Brambletye 1, Dallam 2, Maidwell 3, Romsey 2. Tue 30: Christ Church Orpington: For the older people who attend the weekly Community Club, which meets 12-2pm today, and also for Café Mosaic. Wed 1: Leadership: The May edition of Lead On is emailed out today. Pray the 2,000+ leaders who receive it find it useful as they lead churches in mission. Thu 2: CPAS council of reference: Meeting today to give input and advice on a variety of issues, ranging from vision and strategy over the next three years to the nuts and bolts of the memorandum and articles. Fri 3: Christ Church Orpington: Praise God for the youth and children’s activities, and ask for his blessing on the interviews for a new youth worker later this month. Sat 4: Christ Church Orpington: For preparations and planning for the summer holiday club, and for the church’s ministry on the Ramsden Estate.

Vicar Jay Colwill was appointed by the CPAS patronage trustees ten years ago, in May 2003. 06


5-11 MAY

Ministry partnerships For your prayers: I will know that you stand firm in the one Spirit, striving together with one accord for the faith of the gospel. Philippians 1:27


his week please pray for the many ministry partnerships CPAS is establishing, to help expand our capacity to deliver good quality leadership training and produce missionenabling resources for local churches. Graham Archer, CPAS director of ministry, said: ‘I firmly believe that the gospel is relational and is best seen as Christ lives in the working and lifesharing relationships we have with each other. ‘Therefore, please pray for us as we share the delivery of ministry training with many resourceful people, to supplement the work of the CPAS staff team; wrestle with us as we seek to find excellent trustees and patronage trustees; contend with us as we seek to develop strong relationships with our patronage vicars; and intercede for relationships to emerge with a group of churches to be used as regional training bases.’

Sun 5: Partnerships: Linda MacDermott, who recently joined CPAS as partner manager to help increase our strategic working relationships. Mon 6: Partnerships: For churches which are acting as regional training basis for CPAS’ ministry. Tue 7: The Buck Stops Here: The 48-hour conference for new incumbents starts today, led by director of ministry Graham Archer. Wed 8: Patronage trustees: Those who work with us to help ensure that excellent evangelical appointments are made to dozens of parishes each year. Thu 9: Church of Ireland: General Synod meets in Armagh over the next three days. Pray for Archbishops Richard Clarke and Michael Jackson and all the bishops in their leadership in the Church and society. Fri 10: Partnerships: Relationships with other mission agencies and theological colleges with whom we seek to nurture close working relationships. Sat 11: Partnerships: The incredible volunteers who ensure that Ventures and Falcon Camps are led well and the young people have a great time meeting with God.

CPAS is setting up links with churches to act as regional training bases in Northern Ireland, County Durham, Greater Manchester, Hertfordshire, West London and on the South coast.


12-18 MAY

leadership Church of Ireland

With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith. 2 Thessalonians 1:11


uilding on CPAS’ history of equipping local churches in Ireland for mission, a new advisory group has begun its work to shape the witness and ministry of CPAS in Ireland. The group is being chaired by the Rev Paul Dundas, Rector of Christ Church, Lisburn. Paul has been working with John Dunnett and the members of the Ireland advisory group to identify priorities, develop a programme for 2013 and shape future presence in the wider Church in Ireland. Paul says: ’It is early days and we pray for unity of purpose in the advisory group and to encourage one another with prayer, in leadership and renewed vision for the kingdom.’

For your prayers: Sun 12: Church of Ireland: Pray for new beginnings in Ireland and all who serve on the advisory group. Mon 13: HTB (Holy Trinity Brompton) leadership conference: Over 4,000 leaders from all over the UK and around the world are attending this two-day conference at the Royal Albert Hall in London. Tue 14: Church of Ireland: Pray for Theological Institute director, Maurice Elliott and the staff, students and all training for ministry in the Church. Wed 15: Barton Hill (Bristol): Interviews for the role of incumbent are taking place today. Thu 16: Church of Ireland: General director John Dunnett is leading the second ‘Change Makers’ training day in Lisburn for local church leaders. Fri 17: Church of Ireland: Give thanks for the witness of CPAS in Ireland over many years and its impact and influence on clergy, lay people and parishes for the gospel. Sat 18: Ventures: Co-ordinator Phil Richardson and other members of the Ventures staff team are at the Youthwork Summit this weekend. Pray youth leaders will be inspired to take their youth groups on Ventures.

The Ireland advisory group is made up of Jim Carson, Paul Dundas (chair), John Dunnett, Maurice Elliott, Mavis Gibbons, Ferran Glenfield, Isaac Hanna, Paul Hoey, Kate Marshall, David McClay, Chris Pollock and Tom Stevenson.

a lasting gift

Leave a legacy to CPAS in your will No access to a computer? You can also call us on 0300 123 0780, or write to us at the address on 09 page 19 of this Prayer Diary to find out more.

19-25 MAY

multi-parish benefices Haddenham benefice (Oxford)

That will make your load lighter, because they will share it with you. If you do this and God so commands, you will be able to stand the strain, and all these people will go home satisfied. Exodus 18:22-23

For your prayers: Sun 19: Haddenham benefice: The ministry team of clergy and licensed lay people who are involved in leading services across the benefice. Mon 20: Multi-parish benefices: CPAS and our plans to develop new ways of equipping and resourcing leaders in multi-parish benefices.


t Mary’s Haddenham is in a benefice with three other churches in rural Buckinghamshire, which makes it one of more than 10 per cent of benefices and parishes in England containing three or more churches. St Nicholas Cuddington, which is part of the group led by vicar Margot Hodson, has seen significant growth in recent years following a re-ordering of the church building and with more people engaged as part of a leadership team.

Read more about the Haddenham benefice’s story in the current edition of Catalyst, which can also be viewed online at This year, CPAS is responding to the significant leadership issues faced by those in multi-parish benefices by developing a new initiative to equip lay and ordained leaders in this type of situation.

Tue 21: CPAS trustees: Meeting today at the CPAS head office in Coventry. Pray for the chair, Bishop Andrew Watson, and that the Holy Spirit would be guiding conversations and decisions, so that CPAS can do all God is calling it to. Wed 22: Haddenham benefice: Praise God for strong growth at Cuddington in recent years, especially as the church reaches out to more young families. Thu 23: Leadership: James Lawrence is leading a day on time management and self-leadership for clergy in Lichfield diocese. Fri 24: Haddenham benefice: The team at St Mary’s Haddenham who spearhead the church’s prayer life, including events such as 24/7 prayer weekends. Sat 25: Ventures and Falcon Camps: God’s blessing on the thousands of leaders who will be busy preparing for the summer over the next couple of months.

In 15 Church of England dioceses, more than 40 per cent of benefices contain three or more churches. 10

ventures and falcon camps Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes. Romans 1:16


his week, two Ventures are taking place during the school half-term holiday. Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray will host dozens of 8-11 year olds, mostly from the North-west of England. Robin Barfield, who has been leading on Ventures for 13 years, is the main overall leader at Smallwood Manor 1. He said: ‘This year we’re having a pirate theme, and our teaching will cover Romans 1-4. Hopefully the children will begin to understand the ideas of grace and our need for a rescue. ‘We also want to resource local churches in the North-west by training children’s leaders and making the teaching materials that we use available to others.’ Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray are closely linked, having split to form two separate Ventures a couple of years ago. Both holidays are connected with the North-west Gospel Partnership, with most children coming from churches in this region.

26 MAY - 1 JUNE

For your prayers: Sun 26: Lilleshall and Muxton (Lichfield): Graham Archer is preaching. Praise God for this parish’s faithful financial support of CPAS’ ministry over the years. Mon 27: Smallwood Manor 1: This Staffordshire school is a new venue for this year, so pray for the team to adapt well. Tue 28: Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray: Both Ventures start today as the children embark on an amazing few days learning about Jesus. Pray they settle in quickly, as some will be staying away from home for the first time. Wed 29: Christ Church Beckenham (Rochester): In the third month of vacancy. Pray particularly for all those involved in the appointment process for the new vicar. Thu 30: Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray: That the teaching on Romans 1-4 would have a real impact on the children. Fri 31: Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray: Safety as the children travel home today and joyful times back with their families. Sat 1: Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray: That the children would be ‘not ashamed’ in telling their friends about Jesus at school next week.

For a full article about Robin and the journey of Smallwood Manor 1, please see the latest edition of Catalyst. Go to 11 to read it online, or call us on 0300 123 0780 to request a copy.

patronage churches 2-8 JUNE

St John’s Elmswell (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich) For your prayers: Sun 2: St John’s Elmswell: The church wardens, John Richards and Graham Newman, and PCC members who have been leading the church during the vacancy. Mon 3: St John’s Elmswell: Plans which are taking shape for a holiday club in August, organised in fellowship with other local churches.

Sing to the Lord a new song, his praise in the assembly of his faithful people. Psalm 149:1


t John’s Elmswell is a village church in East Anglia which has been in vacancy since the end of last year. The appointment process to find the next incumbent is now well advanced, with a new rector expected to join later this summer. Situated in rural Suffolk, between Bury St Edmunds and Stowmarket, St John’s has a congregation of more than 100. This includes about 30 under-18s who are part of the Bubbles, Explorers, Pathfinders and CYFA groups, as well as a junior choir known as SLAMJAM. There are also four home groups, including one specifically for mothers with young children, and the church organises annual summer and Christmas fairs.

Tue 4: St John’s Elmswell: For the church to reach more young people through its youth and children’s work, as several families have moved out of the parish in recent months. Wed 5: St John’s Elmswell: Preparations for the annual Summer Fair, a popular community event which takes place next month. Thu 6: Leadership: Charles Burgess is leading the fourth session of a leadership course for clergy in Exeter diocese. Fri 7: St John’s Elmswell: John Fisher, CPAS patronage secretary, preaches at St John’s this weekend as part of their annual CPAS Sunday. Sat 8: Mentoring Matters: Sharon Prior from The Mentoring Network is leading the training day in Romford today.

CPAS is sole or joint patron to 24 churches in St Edmundsbury and Ipswich diocese. 12

leadership 9-15 JUNE

Arrow programme 12 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7


his Sunday, Whirlow Grange conference centre in Sheffield opens its doors to the 24 younger leaders taking part in the twelfth Arrow Leadership Programme.

This is their fourth and final Arrow residential, and will cover the topics of leading well with others, handling conflict and leading evangelism. David Bracewell is speaking every morning on 2 Timothy, around the theme of ‘going the distance’. James Lawrence’s closing session also addresses this topic, as the participants go back to their ministry contexts ready to put what they’ve learned into practice. Each leader will then continue meeting with their mentor and peer cell until October. They will also be working on their post-residential projects, which include revising their personal development plans and studying conflict resolution in Matthew 18 and Acts 15. The final day of the programme is on 2 November.

For your prayers: Sun 9: Arrow: For Carol Street, James Lawrence, David and Becky Widdows, Richard Kellett, Cathy Blair, Steve Beak and Tim Chilvers as they prepare for the participants’ arrival this afternoon. Mon 10: Arrow: Today, Julian Dunham is leading sessions on leading well with others. Tue 11: Arrow: Participants are learning about handling conflict today, led by Colin Patterson. Pray this would equip them to deal with difficult situations well. Wed 12: Arrow: James Lawrence is speaking on leading evangelism. Ask God to grow his kingdom in each of the 24 churches and other contexts the participants come from. Thu 13: Patronage trustees: Meeting in London today to shortlist for vacancies, including Muswell Hill St James and St Matthew (London) and Holy Trinity Southwell (Southwell and Nottingham). Fri 14: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Around 30 new overall leaders are taking the reins for the first time this summer. Pray God’s blessing on them as they prepare over the coming weeks. Sat 15: Arrow: As the Arrow participants go back to ‘business as usual’, pray the teaching from the residential would stay with them, and have far-reaching effects.

Applications for the next Arrow programme open in September. Full-time leaders aged 25-40 can register their interest at


16-22 JUNE

vocations Pray for You and Ministry, Cheltenham

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

For your prayers: Sun 16: Vocations: Clergy and other influential leaders in churches, who are often instrumental in encouraging others to consider their vocation. Mon 17: Arrow alliance: The leaders of Arrow programmes around the world are meeting this week. As well as the UK and Republic of Ireland, Arrow takes place in America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Norway, Poland and Denmark! Tue 18: Christ Church Nailsea (Bath and Wells): Rector Tony Roake, who has been in post for one year.


his weekend, leadership specialist Charles Burgess and CPAS partner Tim Stilwell are leading the second of three You and Ministry weekends this year. Tim is vicar of St Dionis, Fulham and a vocations adviser for London diocese, and brings a wealth of expertise and experience in the area of helping people discern God’s call for their lives.

You and Ministry weekends seek to help people work through some of the key barriers to considering ordained or authorised ministry. For some people, this is misunderstanding how God calls people, what the role of a church leader involves or what sort of people are suitable. Others are simply very busy and appreciate the time and space to reflect and listen that these weekends provide. Our prayer is that people will leave the weekend feeling informed, enlightened and close to God.


Wed 19: Falcon Camps: Jane Simpkins, Tony Miles and Toria Moore, as they prepare to lead the Treginnis 1 and 2 Falcon Camps this summer. Thu 20: Church of England Evangelical Council (CEEC): General director John Dunnett, alongside other national evangelical leaders, is attending the CEEC meeting in London today. Fri 21: Vocations: Lift up Charles Burgess and Tim Stilwill as they lead You and Ministry. Pray participants arrive safely and gel together well. Sat 22: Vocations: Today, local ministers are visiting You and Ministry to be interviewed as part of a session called ‘Taking the lid off parish ministry’.

Know someone considering ordained or authorised ministry? Details of all our vocations events and resources are available from

thank you for praying for you and ministry weekends

23-29 JUNE

leadership Growing through vacancy

I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Philippians 4:13

For your prayers: Sun 23: Vocations: You and Ministry participants will consider their next steps today. Pray for open hearts and God’s guidance. Mon 24: Vacancies: Wisdom for those who are developing Growing Through a Vacancy, as they work through feedback from the pilot.

Tue 25: Vacancies: Patronage secretary John Fisher is meeting today with Bob Jackson and the vacancy project team to discuss the progress of the project and work on resources.


acancies are not problems, but opportunities.’ So says Bob Jackson, author of a new resource to help churches grow through a vacancy. In response to the decline in numbers many churches experience during periods of vacancy, CPAS and other partners recently piloted a resource to help churches grow in the time between vicars. Around 40 churches took part in the pilot, ahead of the resource being published this autumn. Growing Through a Vacancy will include a handbook to guide clergy and church wardens through a vacancy, a leaflet for PCC members with a digest of the key insights and videos of churches who have grown through vacancy. There will also be a variety of web-based resources including a PowerPoint, a suggested timetable for a vacancy and a handover form for the outgoing vicar to complete.


Wed 26: Clergy retreat: Starting today, John Dunnett is leading the Canterbury diocese Petertide ordination retreat. Thu 27: Vacancies: For Growing Through a Vacancy to impact a large number of churches, and turn around the decline which so often takes place when there is no incumbent. Fri 28: Church of Ireland: Summer Madness, a Christian festival for young people is taking place at Glenarm Castle near Belfast over the next five days. Sat 29: Vacancies: For God to be at work in the hearts of congregations of churches in vacancy. Also for John Dunnett, who is preaching today at the ordination of deacons service at Canterbury Cathedral.

Growing Through a Vacancy is being developed by a partnership of five organisations: CPAS, Birmingham diocese, St John’s Centre for Church Growth, Lichfield diocese and the Saltley Trust.

ventures and falcon camps This summer’s holidays

And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. John 14:13


entures and Falcon Camps are supported in prayer by countless churches across the UK, especially those sending leaders or members on our summer camps. Even if you don’t know somebody taking part in a Venture or Falcon Camp this summer, please join with them in praying for more children and young people to meet Jesus and discover more about God’s amazing love for them this summer. Andy Kearns, curate at St Mary’s Maidenhead which regularly prays for those involved in Ventures, said: ‘We’ve really seen God change things in response to our prayers. We regularly pray that children and teenagers from St Mary’s will bring their friends who have no contact with church on Ventures, and that they will hear the good news of Jesus, and we’ve seen this happen, praise God!’

30 JUNE - 6 JULY

For your prayers: Sun 30: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Praise God for the amazing volunteer leaders, who spend time during their evenings and weekends preparing for the summer. Mon 1: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Echoing Andy’s prayer for more young people to hear the good news of Jesus, please pray for more parents and carers to make last-minute bookings. Tue 2: Falcon Camps: Many young people on Falcon Camps come from difficult home situations. Ask God to bless these families today. Wed 3: Leading Edge: Charles Burgess is running a training day about building teams in Bristol today. Thu 4: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Ask the Holy Spirit to inspire leaders who are preparing Bible teaching sessions and group discussion materials. Fri 5: Sid Valley Team (Exeter): Pray the right person is found in the interviews for the new team rector today. Sat 6: General Synod: Pray for good, God-guided resolutions to the many difficult issues the Church is facing, and specifically for John Dunnett, in his role as chair of the Evangelical Group at General Synod (EGGS).

Over the next couple of months, more than 4,000 children and young people will attend these life-changing Christian holidays. 17

7-13 JULY

leadership Exeter diocesan leadership course

Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it. Proverbs 4:23


he character of the Christian leader and the shape of Christian leadership are some of the topics to be covered during the leadership course for clergy in Exeter diocese. James Lawrence and Charles Burgess are each leading one cohort of leaders over the 12 months. This training forms part of the diocese’s strategy to develop missional communities. The hope is that by investing in missional leaders, more people who don’t know Jesus can be reached with the message of the gospel. Prayers are very much appreciated, to help make this vision a reality.

For your prayers: Sun 7: Patronage: For safety in travel for patronage secretary John Fisher, as he drives long distances to CPAS patronage churches for meeting, interviews and other engagements. Mon 8: Falcon Camps: For God’s guiding hand to be over practical arrangements, particularly for Falcon Camps with new sites: Great Hucklow, Barnstondale, Firewood and Great Wenham. Tue 9: Exeter diocesan leadership course: For Exeter’s director of ministry, Andrew Godsall, as he oversees the course. Wed 10: Exeter diocesan leadership course: Charles Burgess is leading the first cohort today, with James Lawrence leading the second tomorrow. Thu 11: Leading Edge: Charles Burgess is running a training day about building teams in Bristol today. Fri 12: St Mary Chaddesden (Derby): Coming to the end of a period of vacancy (hopefully!). Pray for the ministry of this parish going forward. Sat 13: Leadership: Pray for strong relationships with other dioceses also, so that more clergy can be resourced to grow their churches in a sustainable way.

CPAS currently delivers leadership training to clergy in 21 dioceses as part of their CME (continuing ministerial education) programmes. 18

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

giving to CPAS Ways to give Personal donations

Church giving


You can give one-off or regular gifts to CPAS in a variety of ways. Send a cheque through the post, complete a ‘Supporting CPAS’ form or contact our finance team on the details below to make a donation over the phone or request a Standing Order form.

Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!

Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below.

I loved the sense of family and the teaching theme on the Brambletye 3 Venture. My friend who came with me also had an amazing time! Becky, 18 CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


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