CPAS Prayer Diary, Autumn/Winter 2010

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Autumn – Winter 2010


Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20

growing leaders, growing churches


Autumn – Winter 2010

‘Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name’ John 17: 11

Pray that they will know the presence of God, his protection in the face of the evil one and his grace in living lives that are set apart for his service.

prayer diary Editor: Rebecca Gash Design: Catherine Jackson All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version Cover image: © Dmitry Nikolaev – Image above: © Copyright CPAS 2010. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us.

Contact CPAS Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG T 01926 458458 E W A company limited by guarantee, registered in England no 2673220 Registered office: CPAS, Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG Registered charity no 1007820 (England & Wales) SC039082 (Scotland)

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elcome to this edition of our Prayer Diary, and thank you for your unfailing interest, support and prayers.

In his book Restoring Your Spiritual Passion Gordon MacDonald refers to threats to spiritual vitality – threats which all too often undermine the ministry of leaders:

In John 17, we are afforded the opportunity to ‘eavesdrop’ on one of the most significant prayers ever prayed. Significant – obviously – because it came from Jesus’ own lips. But significant also because of what it teaches us about praying for leaders.

He writes of some leaders being drained (as Elijah after Carmel).

The heart of Jesus’ prayer for the disciples (whom he is about to leave) is this: ‘protect them from the evil one’ (17:15). But it has several ‘shades’ or ‘veins’ – each of which is instructive for our praying. Firstly, Jesus prays that the Father would ‘protect them by the power of your name’ (17:11). Commentators have suggested that in verse 12 Jesus perceives his presence with the disciples as the I AM (the great name of God) offering a protection to them. And therefore this prayer in verse 11 is imploring the Father to grant them that same presence once Jesus has left them. Secondly, he prays that the Father would save them from the activity of the evil one in the world (verse 15). In chapter 15 Jesus has identified the hostility that the world will have towards his church and its leaders. Now he asks not that they will be removed from this hostility, but that God will protect them in the face of it. Thirdly, Jesus prays that his disciples might be ‘sanctified by the truth’ (verse 17).The word used here has its roots in hagios and relates to the challenge of being consecrated or set apart for God’s usage and glory.

Others, he suggests, become dried out (think of Sunday school teachers who minister faithfully week after week without the opportunity to be ministered to). A third category is those who are devastated by some event or experience and run the risk of losing their call to leadership (Paul refers to the reality of this in 2 Corinthians 1:8 ‘we despaired of life itself’). Still others can become disillusioned by their own inadequacies or the constant criticism of others. A final group become disheartened when faced with the enormity of their calling (e.g. the spies to the Promised Land – with the notable exception of Joshua and Caleb). Can I ask you, in the coming months, to echo Jesus’ prayer as you pray for the leaders indicated in this diary? Pray that they will know the presence of God, his protection in the face of the evil one and his grace in living lives that are set apart for his service. Thank you John Dunnett General Director

prayer diary 3

Week 1

pray for CPAS patronage churches

After they had further proclaimed the word of the Lord and testified about Jesus, Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages. Acts 8:25

Sunday 17 October Please pray for Kevin Fitzgibbon, regional leadership development (East), preaching at Elmswell in St Edmundsbury and Ipswich diocese (a CPAS patronage church).

Monday 18 October John Alderman (CPAS patronage secretary), Kathy Burch (John’s PA) and many patronage trustees from CPAS and other patronage trusts have just attended

a conference about the implications of Common Tenure (the new terms of service for clergy). Please pray for them to gain a good understanding of this complex but important issue and how to adjust their work processes accordingly.

Tuesday 19 October Please pray for all clergy uncertain whether they are in the right post and seeking God’s will for the future.

Wednesday 20 October This week John Alderman will be meeting the PCC at St Jude’s, Wolverhampton to start the process of appointing their new incumbent; and attending interviews (second time around) to find a new vicar for the united benefice of Creech, Ruishton and Thornfalcon (near Taunton).

Thursday 21 October Pray for the CPAS patronage trustees who are meeting in London today with a full agenda, including some short-listing and a review of the current situation in all the vacancies being handled at the moment (approximately 45 of them).

Friday 22 October Please pray for John and Kathy in the office today. The day after a trustees’ meeting is always very busy with plenty to follow up, including letters and emails to write and bishops to contact about short-lists.

Saturday 23 October

St John the Divine, Elmswell 4 prayer diary Photo supplied by

Please pray for a refreshing and relaxing weekend for the patronage team after two particularly busy days.

pray for falcon camps

Week 2

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Psalm 82:3

Sunday 24 October Pray for all CPAS staff who are preaching in churches today, including John Coyne, director of local and regional delivery at CPAS, who is at St Faith’s, Overbury in Gloucestershire.

Monday 25 October Please pray for the young people on the Halls Green 4 Falcon Camp, which began on Saturday. Pray these 14-18 year olds enjoy the different activities while finding out more about God’s grace.

Tuesday 26 October Pray those taking part on the Halls Green 4 camp will discover God’s redeeming love for themselves.

Wednesday 27 October A girls-only Falcon Camp begins today at Halls Green. Please pray for the women leading this holiday, and the girls who are taking part.

Thursday 28 October

Saturday 30 October

Please pray for the children and young people who took part in Falcon Camps this summer. Pray for the churches and youth groups which work with some of these children all year round.

Thank God for the many generous churches and individuals who faithfully support the ministry of Falcon Camps.

Friday 29 October Pray for wisdom for Falcon Camp leaders making preparations for next year’s holidays. prayer diary 5

Week 3

pray for CPAS

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

Tuesday 2 November Please ask God to equip CPAS as we seek to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ, especially through the Making Mission Possible initiative.

Wednesday 3 November Thank God for the CPAS trustees who serve in a voluntary capacity. The trustees begin a two-day residential today in order to review how the work of CPAS is going, and to plan for 2011/12 and beyond.

Thursday 4 November

CPAS office at Tachbrook Park

Sunday 31 October

Monday 1 November

Please pray for Charles Burgess, regional leadership development adviser for the South-west, preaching today at the Culm Valley Team in Exeter. Please pray for the incumbent, Edward Hobbs, who took part in the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme in 2007/8, and Ben Harding, the curate, who is on the current Arrow programme.

Please pray for the reception and conferencing team which ensures that CPAS staff have a safe and clean building in which to work. Ask God to bless those who hold meetings and conferences using our facilities.

6 prayer diary

Ask God to give the trustees wisdom and discernment as they use this residential to step back and look at the bigger picture.

Friday 5 November Thank God for Clive Marshall, IT manager, who ensures that CPAS has an effective and well-maintained IT system.

Saturday 6 November Ask God to provide for all of CPAS’ financial needs.

pray for leadership development advisers

Week 4

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people. Ephesians 6:7

Sunday 7 November

Thursday 11 November

Saturday 13 November

Pray for Andrew Cowley, senior leadership development adviser, preaching at Christ Church, Emmanuel and St Mary, Great Chesham in Buckinghamshire this morning.

Please pray for Ruth Hassall and Andy Castle as they seek to develop and equip the leaders of youth and children’s ministries.

Please pray for the church leaders attending the Growing Leaders and Growing Leaders – Youth Edition Training the Trainers day in Birmingham today. Ask God to equip them to develop Christ-like leaders in their churches.

Monday 8 November Please pray for the ordained and lay leaders attending the Leading Edge Enabling Action event in Dumfries today. Ask God to help the participants as they look at turning vision into action and setting change into motion.

Friday 12 November Pray for Alex Volcansek as she enables Christian leaders to make fresh sense of the challenges they face and to find significant rewarding ways of fulfilling their God-given talent.

Tuesday 9 November Pray for Rosie Ward as she supports and advises women in leadership.

Wednesday 10 November Please pray for Mark Norris, leadership development adviser for vocations, as he encourages men and women to explore their vocations, and equips clergy to do this too.

Ruth Hassall, Leadership Development Adviser (Youth and Children)

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Week 5

pray for making mission possible

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. Matthew 28:19-20

Thursday 18 November Ask God to help CPAS make a big impact on missional leadership development in churches, and for God to be glorified though our work.

Friday 19 November Please pray for the CPAS staff and others involved in running leadership development events in each of the 43 English dioceses.

Sunday 14 November

Tuesday 16 November

Saturday 20 November

Please pray for the many ordained and lay leaders attending Making Mission Possible events over the next few months. Ask God to further equip them for their leadership roles.

Ask God to give wisdom and new insights to those attending the Leading Edge forum in Crich with South Wingfield in Derbyshire today. The participants will be exploring Leadership and Mission in a Multi-Church Benefice.

Pray particularly for the Making Mission Possible events designed for those involved in youth and children’s work. Ask God to enable and encourage those who serve in these ministries.

Monday 15 November Please pray for the Women Leading Larger Churches Consultation which takes place today.

Wednesday 17 November Pray all those attending Making Mission Possible events would be enabled to help men, women and children hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

8 prayer diary Image above and overleaf: © klikk –

pray for ordained leaders

Week 6

And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 2 Timothy 2:24

Sunday 21 November

Thursday 25 November

Saturday 27 November

Please pray for David Wood, the incumbent at St Michael, Pooley Bridge in Cumbria, and also for Chris Kellock, regional leadership development adviser for Scotland and the North of England, who is preaching at St Michael’s today.

Pray for those who have been recently ordained, and their families, who are adjusting to new patterns of work and ministry.

Ask God to bring clarity to those seeking his guidance on the You and Ministry weekend.

Monday 22 November Pray that God will provide church leadership teams with the gifts needed to enable mission in their local communities.

Tuesday 23 November

Friday 26 November A You and Ministry weekend in Warwickshire begins today for those exploring whether God is calling them to ordained leadership.

Jon Scamman, vicar of St Thomas’s, Lancaster

Ask God to help ordained ministers who have responsibility for more than one church, especially in rural areas.

Wednesday 24 November Pray for all the clergy and lay leaders attending the Leading Edge event in Lincoln about Leadership and Mission in a MultiChurch Benefice. prayer diary 9

This autumn, CPAS will be Making Mission Possible through leadership development events in each of the 43 English dioceses. Discerning direction Enabling action Developing a strategy for youth or children’s ministry Leadership and mission in a multi-church benefice Developing lay leadership

For more information on the events in your area please visit 10 prayer diary

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pray for lay leaders

Week 7

Brothers and sisters, choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. We will turn this responsibility over to them. Acts 6:3

Sunday 28 November Please pray for Laurence Gamlen, regional leadership development adviser for the South, preaching at Southgate Team Ministry today. Thank God for all who serve in this church.

Monday 29 November Give thanks for the many men and women who lead children’s groups in churches around the UK and the Republic of Ireland. Pray they would be able to make the gospel accessible to the young people they teach.

Tuesday 30 November

Wednesday 1 December

Friday 3 December

Please pray for Simon Chesters, regional leadership development adviser for the North-west, as he leads a PCC away day at Disley. Pray for the lay leaders who serve on the PCC.

Pray for those who give up their time to prepare and lead small groups. Thank God for their servant hearts and willingness to help lead others into a deeper understanding of the Bible.

Pray people of all ages with leadership potential would be developed as Christ-like leaders.

Thursday 2 December Please pray all those in leadership roles in churches will seek ways to share the gospel with others.

Saturday 4 December Ask God to help more men, women and young people become more aware of their gifts and calling so that they are able to help more people hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

Image: Š

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Week 8

pray for God’s provision

I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. Deuteronomy 11:15

Friday 10 December Thank God for all the individuals who choose to give to CPAS regularly through standing orders and Direct Debits.

Saturday 11 December

Sunday 5 December

Tuesday 7 December

Please pray for John Dunnett, CPAS general director, preaching at St John’s Church, Egham this morning. Thank God for St John’s generous support of CPAS.

Please pray for the CPAS management team as they make decisions about budgets and allocation of resources.

Monday 6 December Thank God for his provision to CPAS over the last 174 years. Praise him for his faithfulness and goodness.

Please ask God to provide for all of the financial needs of CPAS so that we may continue to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

Wednesday 8 December Thank God for the churches and individuals who faithfully intercede for CPAS.

Thursday 9 December Please pray a new generation of men and women would support CPAS so that our ministry developing leaders for mission would grow.

12 prayer diary Image: © Rolf Fassbind –

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Images: ©, © Ralfen Stein –

aking and leaving a will is probably one of the most important steps we can take to make sure our money and possessions are distributed as we would wish. But it is also a time when you need to ask yourself whether your will could be a way of sharing your faith beyond your lifetime. Organisations such as CPAS have sought to support, enable and equip people along their journey of faith for almost 175 years. Leaving a legacy to CPAS will allow us to continue to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

To find out more on how you can leave a legacy to CPAS please call the supporter relations team on

01926 458430 or email

Week 9

pray for regional leadership development advisers

As you go, proclaim this message: ’The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received, freely give. Matthew 10:7-8

Thursday 16 December

Sunday 12 December

Tuesday 14 December

Please pray for John Dunnett, general director, preaching at Ely Cathedral today.

Please pray for Charles Burgess (South-west) preparing for Making Mission Possible events in the dioceses of Bath and Wednesday 15 December Wells, Exeter, Truro, Bristol and Gloucester. Pray for continuing good contacts with the Scottish Friday 17 December Episcopal Church, and for those clergy who have already Pray for Simon Chesters attended Leading Edge events (North-west) as he continues run by Chris Kellock (Scotland). to make contacts in the different dioceses.

Monday 13 December Pray for Kevin Fitzgibbon (East) leading carol services this week as part of his other role as a parish priest. Please pray all who attend would understand more of the wonder of God’s love.

Please pray for Paul Hoey (Ireland) at this time of reflection and preparation.

Saturday 18 December Pray for safety in travel for all the CPAS regional leadership development advisers, especially during these winter months.

Kevin Fitzgibbon, Regional Leadership Development Adviser (East) 14 prayer diary

pray for churches at Christmas

Week 10

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14

Sunday 19 December Please pray for churches in the UK and the Republic of Ireland holding Christmas outreach events this week. Pray many people will come to know Jesus personally through hearing the Gospel accounts of his birth.

Monday 20 December Please pray for any people visiting churches at this time of year. Pray they would know God’s grace and truth.

Tuesday 21 December

Wednesday 22 December

Friday 24 December

Ask God to comfort those who find Christmas a difficult time of year due to loneliness or bereavement.

Pray for the children from disadvantaged backgrounds who attended Falcon Camps this year. Please pray the Holy Spirit would prompt them to remember the gospel truths about Jesus they heard during the summer.

Pray for all children going to church services this afternoon. May they respond to the message of new life in Jesus Christ.

Thursday 23 December Please pray for church leaders at this busy time of year.

Saturday 25 December Give thanks to God for the wonderful gift of his Son, and pray that churches would be effective today at communicating the good news of his coming.

Image: © creAtive –

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Week 11

pray for ventures

So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. Luke 9:6

Sunday 26 December

Tuesday 28 December

Thursday 30 December

Thank God for all the children and young people who recognised Jesus Christ as their saviour on Venture holidays in 2010.

Thank God for the strong friendships which develop on Venture holidays. Please pray for the young people as they support and encourage one another in their faith.

Details of Ventures in 2011 are available on our website, Please pray many children and young people will take part on Ventures next year, and will meet Jesus Christ, get to know him better, and lead others to him.

Monday 27 December Please pray for the two New Year Ventures taking place this week at Haslemere and Casterton, as many young people from the summer Ventures gather together again.

Wednesday 29 December Pray that the children and young people who came to faith on this summer’s Ventures will continue on their walk with God, and will be equipped to tell others their testimonies.

Friday 31 December Ask God to bless the New Year celebrations taking place at the Haslemere and Casterton Ventures this evening.

Saturday 1 January Please pray the New Year will remind all children and young people of the new hope that God has provided for us in Jesus.

Follow us on TM Receive daily prayer points and up-to-date news from CPAS. 16 prayer diary

pray for growing leaders

Week 12

What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Sunday 2 January Thank God for the hundreds of men and women who have grown in Christ-like leadership through the CPAS Growing Leaders courses.

Monday 3 January Please pray for lay leaders currently on the Growing Leaders course. Ask God to help them develop godly character.

Tuesday 4 January Pray for all those on the Growing Leaders course at Clapham Bedford and St Mary’s, Wootton. Pray they would be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus.

Wednesday 5 January Please pray for Chris Kellock, CPAS regional leadership development adviser for Scotland, and Dave Richards, rector of St Paul’s and St George’s, Edinburgh, jointly running the Growing Leaders course at this church.

Thursday 6 January

Friday 7 January

Ask God to encourage and challenge all those with leadership responsibilities through the Growing Leaders book (which accompanies the course) written by James Lawrence, director of leadership development at CPAS.

Please pray for the 24 men and women currently on the Edgbaston deanery Growing Leaders course in Birmingham. Ask God to inspire and guide them on their second residential as they look at developing vision.

Saturday 8 January Pray for those who head up Growing Leaders and Growing Leaders – Youth Edition courses in their churches. prayer diary 17

Week 13

pray for regional leadership development advisers

But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city? Jonah 4:11

Sunday 9 January As dioceses in Scotland prepare continuing ministerial development programmes for 2011, please pray for fruitful partnerships with CPAS, especially with Chris Kellock (Scotland and the North of England).

Monday 10 January Charles Burgess (South-west) is involved with delivering two training events next month; one is for church

leaders in conjunction with Exeter diocese, and the other is for curates in Bristol diocese. Please pray for good working relationships with the diocesan staff on these events, and that the participants will find the training beneficial to their ministries.

Wednesday 12 January Please pray for Laurence Gamlen, regional leadership development adviser for the South as he prepares for his sabbatical later this year.

Thursday 13 January Pray for Simon Chesters (North-west) who has been at CPAS for a year now. Ask God to give him the space to review and reflect on the past year.

Tuesday 11 January

Friday 14 January

Thank God for Carol Kennedy, the administrator for the regional leadership development advisers.

The Arrow Leadership Programme Take Two residential takes place today and tomorrow. This time away is an opportunity for the 24 men and women currently on the Arrow programme to share something of their experience with their spouse or friend.

Saturday 15 January Please pray for the men and women who have attended Leading Edge seminars in the North-east led by John Fisher. Ask God to help them integrate the training into their work, and for God to encourage their ministry. Carol Kennedy, Administrator for Local and Regional Delivery 18 prayer diary

prayer diary overview This overview is designed to be easily detached in order to help those who prefer to pray in a less structured way. Please use the Bible verses to guide you, and ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration. Each section outlines the prayer focus for the week ahead.

Sunday 17 October

Sunday 14 November

Sunday 19 December

Peter and John returned to Jerusalem, preaching the gospel in many Samaritan villages. Acts 8:25

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations. Matthew 19:28

The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. John 1:14

Please pray for the CPAS staff and others involved in running leadership development events in each of the 43 English dioceses.

Pray people will come to know Jesus personally through hearing the Gospel accounts of his birth.

Sunday 21 November

Pray for Ventures

Pray for CPAS patronage churches

Please pray for all clergy uncertain whether they are in the right post and seeking God’s will for the future.

Sunday 24 October Pray for Falcon Camps

Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed. Psalm 82:3 Please pray for Halls Green 5 this week – a girls-only Falcon Camp.

Sunday 31 October

Pray for Making Mission Possible

Pray for ordained leaders

And the Lord’s servant must not be quarrelsome but must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. 2 Timothy 2:24 Ask God to help ordained ministers who have responsibility for more than one church.

Pray for CPAS

Sunday 28 November

Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:12

Choose seven men from among you who are known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. Acts 6:3

Ask God to equip CPAS to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ, especially through Making Mission Possible.

Sunday 7 November

Pray for lay leaders

Sunday 26 December So they set out and went from village to village, proclaiming the good news and healing people everywhere. Luke 9:6 Thank God for the strong friendships which develop on Venture holidays.

Sunday 2 January

Pray for Growing Leaders What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31

Pray people of all ages with leadership potential would be developed as Christ-like leaders.

Please pray for lay leaders currently on the Growing Leaders course.

Sunday 5 December

Pray for regional leadership development advisers

Pray for God’s provision

Pray for leadership development advisers

I will provide grass in the fields for your cattle, and you will eat and be satisfied. Deuteronomy 11:15

Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not people. Ephesians 6:7

Please pray for the management team as they make decisions about budgets.

Please pray for Ruth Hassall and Andy Castle developing the leaders of youth and children’s ministries.

Pray for churches at Christmas

Sunday 9 January

Should I not be concerned about that great city? Jonah 4:11 Thank God for Carol Kennedy, the administrator for the regional leadership development advisers.

Sunday 12 December

Pray for regional leadership development advisers As you go, proclaim this message: ’The kingdom of heaven has come near.’ Matthew 10:7-8 Pray for safety in travel for all the CPAS regional leadership development advisers.

prayer diary 19

Uncover the latest information at: Please support our ministry developing leaders committed to mission. T 01926 458458 E W

Donate online at

CPAS, Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG Registered charity no 1007820 (England and Wales) SC039082 (Scotland)

This autumn, CPAS will be Making Mission Possible through leadership development events in each of the 43 English dioceses.

Event themes include:

Discerning direction – clarity about where you’re going.

Enabling action – turning vision into mission and ministry.

Developing a strategy for youth or children’s ministry.

Leadership and mission in a multi-church benefice.

Developing lay leadership (using the CPAS Growing Leaders resources).

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