Prayer Diary, Autumn/Winter 2012

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Autumn – Winter 2012


‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel’ Mark 16:15

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

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prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2012. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1


here is something about being persistent in prayer that does not at first glance make sense!

In Luke 11 Jesus uses the story of the neighbour who asks at midnight for food to feed a visitor as a ‘springboard’ for his injunction to ask and seek of God (Luke 11:9). Then in Luke 18 we read of how Jesus commends the persistence of a woman pleading for justice from the judge. Exegesis of these stories correctly contrasts the reticence of men with the approachability and goodness of God. And yet neither can lead us to the conclusion that we are promised anything immediate by way of heavenly response to our prayers! So what is wrong here? Well perhaps there’s nothing wrong … let me explain. Persistent prayer first of all shows the depth of our concern or desire. The Canaanite woman who pleaded with Jesus to heal her daughter (Matthew 15) impressed Jesus with her persistence such that he healed the girl and then offered the woman as an example of faith. Persistent prayer also ‘shapes’ us. Augustine said that a person prays, ’that he himself may be constructed, not that God may be instructed’. So as we continue to wrestle with God in prayer we are brought closer to him and changed by his indwelling Spirit.

Persistent prayer punctures the ‘myth’ that a good God would promptly answer all our requests. If I had granted every request of my children at the moment of its utterance I would have spoilt them and possibly put them in danger on occasions. Finally, persistent prayer allows the monologue of ‘shopping list’ prayer to become a genuine dialogue. When Peter went on to a rooftop to pray (Acts 10:9) I doubt if he had any idea God would engage him concerning mission to the Gentiles. And yet God used the opportunity to draw Peter’s understanding and will in line with the sovereign missio dei. As we persist in prayer we find ourselves increasingly praying the prayer that God himself authors. So can I encourage you to be persistent and not to give up in praying for CPAS: to be sure that God has heard and that in his sovereign time he will answer. Thank you once again for praying for our ministry over the coming months – we appreciate enormously your partnership and support in the gospel.

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

14-20 October

ventures and falcon camps Praise God for Blandford 3

Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:9-10


uring the summer holidays, 4,000 children and young people had fun, made friends, and discovered more about Jesus on Ventures and Falcon Camps. Phil and Becky Howden, overall leaders of Blandford 3 said: ‘This summer, we spent a week with an amazing group of 8-11s at our Venture in Dorset. The teaching programme, which was based on the Lord’s prayer, went down very well. Having people of so many different ages on our leadership team helped create a family atmosphere, which we felt was really significant, particularly for those children facing difficult situations back at home. There was so much to be thankful for during the week, and lots to pray for now normal life has resumed.’

Please pray: Thanking God for an amazing combination of people on the team – the group dynamics really made a positive difference to the overall atmosphere. Praising God that the two children who might not have been able to come due to financial difficulties were able to come in the end. For the children who have a parent who is struggling with cancer. Pray for health, healing, peace and love around them. The lessons learned in the Bible studies would stay with children and impact their lives. Praising God for the many answers to prayer the leaders and children witnessed. For the local churches these children attend, and for the links they maintain with the Venture leaders.

Lord Jesus, we thank you for families, and for the sense of belonging and love young people experience on Venture holidays. We pray especially for those whose day-to-day family situation is challenging. © Pete Thorne Photography

Venture leaders come from all walks of life – from students to pensioners! 04

n a d a h e v ’ e W . r e m m u s g n i amaz Thank you for praying!

Bookings for 2013 open in December

21-27 October

patronage churches Pray for St Luke’s Prestonville

Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. Psalm 145:13


t Luke’s Prestonville, a CPAS patronage church in Brighton led by vicar Martin Poole, is currently in the process of selling the nearby church hall and planning a reordering of the main church building. Martin said: ‘The church hall is a couple of streets away from the church and in quite a poor state of repair. We’d like to use the money to reorder the church so that we have separate rooms for our children’s and young people’s groups. ‘When we started this a year ago the local community feared they would be losing their community hall (which isn’t our intention), so we are hoping to resolve this well. One option is that those who value the use of the building will raise money to buy it themselves. A decision needs to be reached by the end of October, so prayers are very much appreciated! A lively Anglican church, St Luke’s is passionate about putting God’s word into action and has various outreach activities in addition to Sunday services.


Please pray: That the church hall sale goes well. For God’s love to be clearly displayed in the church’s relationship with the community. Asking God to guide St Luke’s with their plans for the church building. For the successful and growing parent and toddler group to develop spiritually. God will continue to resource the Friday night open youth club for 11-15 year olds. That God gives St Luke’s a clear vision of his plan for them over the next three years. Father God, we praise you for the freedom enjoyed across our nations as people meet to pray, teach and worship together. Please guide each one of us to be good stewards of the facilities and resources you provide us with, as we play our part in growing your kingdom.

Martin Poole was one of around 40 evangelical clergy to be appointed to a CPAS patronage church in 2010. So far over 50 posts have been filled this year.

ventures and falcon camps Pray for the North-east Falcon Camp

28 October3 November

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ Matthew 19:14


uring this half term week, Tara Goodall and Grace Cauldwell are leading the new North-east Falcon Camp at Fylinghall School near Robin Hood’s Bay. It’s always exciting when a new Falcon Camp begins, because it means more children who are living with disadvantages in their day-to-day lives can enjoy a fantastic Christian holiday. The theme is the universe, and the children will be thinking about ‘shining like stars in the sky’. The 8-11 year olds are from various places across the north-east of England, and for many this will be the first time they have been in a Christian environment.

Robin Hood’s Bay

Fun on a Falcon Camp

Please pray: For the leaders’ evening at the beginning, and team meetings through the week. With Tara and Grace, for ‘safety, excitement and fun, and seeing God in the everyday life of the camp’. For God’s peace to be with any children who come on the camp feeling troubled by situations in their lives back at home. God blesses the team-building sessions for leaders and children, where important relationships will be formed. For the development of ongoing links with organisations in the north-east working with children who are facing difficulties. All will experience God’s love, and will continue to know this beyond the camp. Living God, thank you for giving leaders like Tara and Grace the vision to start new Falcon Camps. Please prompt more people to think about being involved in this life-changing ministry so it can continue to grow.

CPAS Falcon Camps have been running for around 100 years. 07

Week 5 4-10 November 6-12 SEPTEMBER

lead academy Pray for church growth

‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ Matthew 4:19


tudies on church growth have shown that many churches struggle to break through the ‘barrier’ of growing beyond a usual Sunday attendance of 200. Over the next 18 months, the leadership teams of churches whose congregation has become static at 125-175 will join together to form a Lead Academy learning community. This will involve a two-day residential every six months where participants will explore this issue in depth, guided by facilitators, as well as two 24-hour retreats for main team leaders. Teams will leave the residentials with an action plan to move their churches forward in the process of breaking through into growth.

Please pray: The church teams would successfully identify the issues which are blocking growth, and know how to address them. For the first residential, which is taking place next week. For Lead Academy faculty members as they complement, challenge and provoke ideas as the group seeks to release God’s vision over the next 18 months. Overall church leaders will hear God clearly during the 24 hour retreats. For those taking part in the ‘Mission in a multi-church benefice’ learning community, which is also taking place at the moment. Many other churches will also benefit from the wisdom gained through these learning communities.

Almighty God, please use this joint ministry of Lead Academy and CPAS to help churches overcome barriers to growth. Please give participants your wisdom and inspiration, and bring many people to you through this initiative.

08 6

The learning community approach recognises the value of the experiences, knowledge and passion of the participants themselves, who are on the front line of local church mission.

mentoring matters Pray for training in Birmingham

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11


entoring Matters was produced by CPAS just over a year ago. Since then, more than 400 churches have already purchased the resource which helps them identify, equip and resource mentors. This week see the latest training event for people interested in using the Mentoring Matters material, which takes place on Saturday at St John’s Harborne, a large Anglican church in Birmingham. Antony Spencer, associate vicar at St John’s, said: ‘We have found one-to-one mentoring involving conversation and questioning from a more mature Christian to be a dynamic and fruitful component of discipleship at St John’s.’

11-17 November

Please pray: All those attending Saturday’s training event will be inspired to identify and equip mentors in their churches. As churches such as St John’s plan to develop church-based mentoring networks. For all those being mentored in churches as they are nurtured in their discipleship. For church leaders looking for mentors, that God would provide one. Reading the Bible and praying together would be the foundation of mentoring relationships. For the role mentors play in people discovering their call to leadership in local churches.

Christ Jesus, help us use relationships with other Christians to ‘build each other up’ as we deepen our discipleship and become the people you have created us to be. May your Holy Spirit be with those who have mentoring responsibilities as they support their brothers and sisters in you.

CPAS holds regular training days to help people run Growing Leaders and Mentoring Matters in their church. 09

As well as our Prayer Diary, we also post prayer points, Bible verses and updates online on the CPAS Facebook and Twitter pages. We’ve been really encouraged by hearing what people say about our ministry.

social media

shout outs Top tweets

Facebook fans

@StPaulsStAlbans Growing Leaders is a powerful, effective course. We’re halfway through our first one.

Paula Wardlaw I gave my life to the Lord at a CPAS camp in 1967 in Pooley Bridge, Ullswater, Cumbria and continued to attend as a camper and then leader until 1978. I am still going on in my walk with him!

@vicardave Arrow convinced me God has purpose for me in ministry. I might have bailed had I not done Arrow. @funkydoofamily Growing Leaders – Youth Edition Reunion BBQ tonight... looking forward to catching up with all God has been doing in the young people since last year @chelmsdio @denmentor Inspiring, early morning, visionary Skype chat with James Lawrence @CPASnews & Sharon Prior re Mentoring Matters, has set me up for the day! @mrsbeccipalmer Just got my copy of Growing Leaders off the shelf. Time for a re-read! #growingleaders

Tim Pullen CPAS is a fantastic organisation offering great resources to develop leadership and grow churches. Teresa Hood My daughter Alice has just come back from her first camp at Edgehill and has had such a fabulous time. She is already planning next year! Nige Burr Thanks ever so much for all you are doing. Lydia Heidi Hayler Had an amazing time at Fylingthorpe Venture this week, so much fun, loads of chill out time and great worship and talks! :) Thank you … It was really life changing! :)



/cpasnews and /cpasventures

leading edge forums Pray for Leading Edge – Moving On

Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. John 12:26


his Thursday, CPAS is piloting a new Leading Edge forum for church leaders on the topic of ‘Moving On’. CPAS patronage secretary, the Rev John Fisher will offer insights to clergy on the tricky subject of moving jobs. Within a biblical and spiritual framework, participants will reflect on vocation, the role of patronage, researching jobs, knowing their gifts and skills, making applications and handling interviews. John said: ‘Appointing the right person to a clergy post can make all the difference to a church’s effectiveness in reaching out with the transforming message of the gospel. Helping people discern God’s will is what patronage is all about, and my prayer is that this day will provide leaders with the skills and wisdom they need to move on well.’

18-24 November

Please pray: For inspiration for John as he prepares material for Thursday. Clergy would be equipped with the skills they need to make good, spiritled decisions about what God is calling them to. God’s guiding hand would be on each participant, many of whom are embarking on a move imminently. Participants benefit from the resources and national perspective CPAS has to offer them. For curates nearing the end of their curacy who are considering which incumbency posts to apply for. God’s blessing on the wider work of the CPAS patronage team as they seek to put the right people in the right posts.

Holy Spirit, we ask you to guide church leaders nearing the end of their time in a post. We pray Leading Edge – Moving On would have a profound impact on the participants and the gospel ministry of the churches they go on to lead.

Leading Edge forums are one-day events which bring together church leaders to explore a ‘hot topic’ they face in their day-to-day ministry. View the other themes available at


25 November1 December

leadership development Pray for Charles Burgess

He replied, ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.’ Luke 11:28


ovember is a busy month for leadership specialist Charles Burgess! He spent last weekend leading You and Ministry in Warwickshire, and earlier in the month ran a day for Gloucester diocese on enabling action, and contributed to the Evangelical Fellowship of the Church in Wales Conference (EFCW). Back at his desk, Charles has been writing material for Lead On, our monthly leadership email and setting up leadership development training events for 2013. This Wednesday, Charles is speaking at an RAF chaplains’ professional development course at Amport House in Hampshire on a range of leadership development issues, including developing vision and sustaining oneself in leadership. The chaplains he will be speaking to are currently based in the UK, but have regular deployments elsewhere. Their role is to offer pastoral and spiritual support to men and women in the RAF.

Please pray: The You and Ministry participants will have time and space to reflect on the weekend and continue seeking God’s call. For all who went to the EFCW conference. Pray God’s blessing over the Church in Wales. God’s strength and wisdom for chaplains in the armed forces, particularly those working in very difficult situations. Charles’ contribution to Lead On will impact the ministry of thousands of leaders. For Charles’ preaching engagement at St James’ Church, Chipping Campden on Sunday, which forms part of his regular preaching programme at churches connected to CPAS. Also for CPAS director of ministry, Graham Archer, and leadership principal, James Lawrence.

King Jesus, may the leadership development work of CPAS in different contexts build up your church so many more people in the UK and Ireland can hear the gospel message.

Charles in action at You and Ministry

All CPAS’ leadership development activities aim to make churches and individuals more effective in mission in a long-term, sustainable way. 12

mentoring Pray for Chelmsford diocese

2-8 December

But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. 2 Timothy 4:17


s well as enabling churches to set up mentoring networks through Mentoring Matters, CPAS has a vision to help dioceses set up clergy mentoring schemes. This week, James Lawrence will be leading a training day for the first pilot clergy mentoring scheme with Chelmsford diocese. James will be training 16 experienced clergy to mentor new incumbents. James said: ‘The transition from curate to incumbent is something many clergy struggle with. It’s a huge change, and one way to deal with that well is to have a mentor who is more experienced, and can offer encouragement and perspective. We want to help dioceses identify, equip and deploy mentors, and we hope that this work with Chelmsford will be a good step forward in assisting many more dioceses to do this in future.’

Please pray: Thanking God for the way he uses the relationship between CPAS and Church of England dioceses to grow churches through mentoring and other activities. James is able to effectively communicate the principles and practice of good mentoring. God’s concern and guidance would be obvious to new incumbents who are struggling. Wisdom will be gained through this pilot scheme. For CPAS’ biannual The Buck Stops Here conferences for new incumbents. For the development of a national mentoring network for leaders.

Father, we pray for empowering relationships in churches and dioceses which facilitate personal growth and fruitful evangelism.

CPAS works in partnership with churches, deaneries, dioceses, theological colleges and other organisations, equipping leaders who are working in a huge variety of different situations.


9-15 December

patronage churches Pray for All Saints Liverpool

May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works. Psalm 104:31


he All Saints strapline is ‘Together, working with God in our community’, and there’s certainly a lot to pray for as we seek to live this out! We are involved in several fresh expressions, including two for children run as after-school clubs, and one for families where parents and children come together for activities, crafts and Bible teaching. We also run ‘Chillout’, which is a fresh expression for those on the fringes of society, including prostitutes and people struggling with substance abuse. ‘On 12 December we’ll be holding a Christmas outreach Christingle. Last year’s was a great success, people very much enjoyed the puppet ‘Bethlehemian Rhapsody’! Pray for good interaction, and for people to encounter God at this year’s event.’

Please pray: Those who are part of ‘Chillout’ are healed and restored by God’s love. The Christmas outreach event is significant in the ongoing mission efforts of the church. For continued growth in the congregation focusing on mission to the unchurched, including older people. Thanking God for the children’s fresh expressions, and praying he will use them to grow his kingdom now and in the future. For Andrew and also Mike Coates, who jointly lead the church. Arrangements can be made for the recruitment of a stipendiary curate in 2013 with a vision for pioneering ministry.

Andrew Porter, vicar Heavenly Father, thank you that you use us in your work in the world. May church leaders keep listening to you and following your path in their mission and ministry.


Like All Saints Liverpool, many other CPAS patronage churches form new congregations through setting up fresh expressions of church in the wider community.

CPAS staff Pray for the CPAS office team We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. Romans 12:6


ollowing our office move earlier this year, CPAS is now based on the edge of Coventry near to the University of Warwick. The team of CPAS office-based staff covers all three ministry areas: leadership, patronage and Ventures and Falcon Camps. There are also support staff covering areas such as finance, fundraising and administration. One of the key activities at this time of year follows the recent opening of Ventures bookings for 2013 holidays, with brochures and promotional material being sent out to churches and those connected with Ventures. The fundraising team are busy processing the responses to this year’s Christmas appeal – pray God would prompt many people to give generously.


Please pray: For the Ventures and Falcon Camps team as they deal with enquiries from parents and leaders about next year’s holidays. That the staff team would live out the Christian values of the organisation in all they do. For Graham Archer, who joined the CPAS staff team as director of ministry in October. For staff to support one another in the office and find encouragement in their local churches. Asking God to direct the CPAS trustees and management as they seek his guidance for the future. For all CPAS staff to be refreshed by the Holy Spirit during Christmas celebrations at their churches next week.

Lord, we praise you for all those who have served you through the work of CPAS ever since our foundation in 1836. By your Spirit, equip all those on the staff team at this time with prayerful wisdom and biblical guidance in their work to enable local church growth.

CPAS also works with partners, associates and volunteers to deliver ministry across the UK and Ireland. 15

23-29 December

patronage churches Pray for Uplyme and Axmouth

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14


plyme and Axmouth church is a mission community in Devon. Part of its mission is to develop a different model of ministry with multiple congregations to connect with different groups in the community. These congregations, which are led by homegrown leaders, focus on specific areas of mission around the world. There are currently three more traditional congregations and five fresh expressions, with three leaders in training and two exploring a call to selfsupporting pioneer ministry. Alongside this, the vicar Gavin Tyte (who is currently part-time) has been writing and producing a rap version of Luke’s Gospel. This was the basis for the successful Beatbox Nativity video which was a YouTube sensation last Christmas and received widespread media coverage. Visit to see Gavin (aka TyTe!) in action.

Please pray: That the Beatbox Nativity will have a positive impact again this Christmas. For Gavin as he discerns whether to write and create more videos. As churches across our nations explore creative ways of engaging with people of all ages this Christmas. God’s blessing and encouragement for the Uplyme and Axmouth fresh expressions and leaders. For their new youth ministry trainee, Sam Buck. For the Holy Spirit to equip and guide those exploring vocations to self-supporting and pioneer ministry.

Living God, we pray that this Christmas many more people will discover the truth about Jesus and turn to you as their loving, merciful heavenly father.

Churches in CPAS patronage benefices are holding an estimated 14,000 Christmas services altogether this month! 16

ventures and falcon camps Pray for Foremarke 1

30 December5 January

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8


ames Pinto is the overall leader of Foremarke 1, a CYFA Venture (ages 14-18) which takes place in rural Derbyshire each year during the school summer holidays. ‘There’s a lot going on throughout the year in preparation for Foremarke 1. One key thing to pray for at the moment is the recruitment of leaders, as we’d like to get a team together as soon as we can! We’d also love it if you could join us in praying for the young people. At Foremarke 1 last summer we looked at the first eight chapters of Romans, and the teenagers thought about Christ’s great demonstration of love on the cross. My prayer is that this would be something they increasingly feel in their hearts, as well as their heads. I’d particularly like to bring before God the new Christians who came to our ‘first steps’ stream.’

Please pray: With James, for the teenagers who came on Foremarke 1 last summer, especially those who are new Christians. God prompts the right leaders to book on in the next few weeks. For the informal reunions the young people organise amongst themselves throughout the year. Praise God for these friendships! God’s blessing on the youth work of the local churches the Venture members come from. For a full team of cooks this year. Thanking God for a good relationship with Foremarke Hall School, where the Venture is held, and asking that this continues.

Jesus, we ask that you will be paving the way for the summer’s Ventures and Falcon Camps over the next few months, both practically and spiritually.

Ventures bookings for 2013 opened in early December. Visit to browse the 90+ holidays on offer. 17

6-12 January

arrow leadership programme Pray for Take Two

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour: If they fall down, they can help each other up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10


he Arrow Leadership Programme is about transformation, not information, and this Saturday’s ‘Arrow Take Two’ event is all about integrating learning into life and leadership. Unlike the Arrow residentials, participants bring their spouse or a supporting friend with them, and the two engage with the process together. ‘The day will open with a time of Bible teaching and worship, and then the group will split into their pairs. This time together is hugely important, particularly as the busyness of leadership can mean there is little time in normal life for participants to reflect with someone who is heavily invested in their development as a leader. Change often comes as the result of working in a number of different ways simultaneously, and by intentionally involving those closest to the participants, we hope to help them address issues and embrace opportunities fully in the reality of their day-to-day lives.’ James Lawrence, CPAS leadership principal

Please pray: God will support, encourage and challenge the participants through their spouses and friends. For Richard Kellett (leader of the Arrow programme team), who will be leading the Bible teaching and worship session. Good, Spirit-guided conversations will take place when the group split into their twos. Nothing gets in the way of everyone coming to Take Two, particularly those with young families who will need to arrange childcare. For the other relational elements of the Arrow Leadership Programme: mentoring, peer cells and prayer intercessors. Thanking God for what he is doing in and through the participants. Pray for far-reaching effects.

Father God, we thank you that you provide us with people to support us in our walk with you. Please be with the Arrow participants and their spouses and friends as they journey together.


The Arrow Leadership Programme has now been running for 13 years and has equipped hundreds of influential younger leaders for long-term missional leadership.

prayer diary overview This overview is designed for those who prefer to pray in a less structured way. Simply cut out this page and keep it in your Bible, journal, or wherever is most helpful.

14-20 October

Blandford 3 Venture Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done. Matthew 6:9-10 Lord Jesus, we thank you for the sense of belonging and love the young people on Blandford 3 experienced on their Venture.

21-27 October

St Luke’s Prestonville Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures through all generations. Psalm 145:13 Father God, we ask that your love will be clearly displayed in St Luke’s relationship with the community.

28 October-3 November North-east Falcon Camp

Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’ Matthew 19:14 Living God, please bless the Northeast Falcon Camp. Thank you for giving leaders Tara and Grace the vision to start a new camp.

4-10 November

Lead Academy learning communities ‘Come, follow me,’ Jesus said, ‘and I will send you out to fish for people.’ Matthew 4:19 Almighty God, please use Lead Academy and CPAS to help churches overcome barriers to growth, particularly those struggling to break the ‘200 barrier’.

11-17 November

Mentoring Matters training in Birmingham Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11 Christ Jesus, please inspire all those attending Saturday’s training event to equip more mentors in their churches.

18-24 November

Leading Edge – Moving On Whoever serves me must follow me; and where I am, my servant also will be. John 12:26 Holy Spirit, we pray Leading Edge – Moving On would have a profound impact on the participants and the gospel ministry of the churches they go on to lead.

25 November-1 December Leadership specialist Charles Burgess

He replied, ‘Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.’ Luke 11:28

9-15 December All Saints Liverpool

May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works. Psalm 104:31 Heavenly Father, we pray those at All Saints will continue to see change in their community through fresh expressions and other activities.

16-22 December

CPAS head office team We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. Romans 12:6 Lord, by your Spirit, equip all those on the staff team with prayerful wisdom and biblical guidance in their work to enable local church growth.

23-29 December

Uplyme and Axmouth churches The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. Isaiah 7:14 Living God, we pray for inspiration, creativity and encouragement as vicar Gavin Tyte leads the church in reaching out to people this Christmas.

King Jesus, please be with Charles in this busy time. Use him to make churches and individuals more effective in mission in a long-term, sustainable way.

30 December-5 January

2-8 December

Jesus, we lift up in prayer the teenagers who came on Foremarke 1 last summer, especially those who are new Christians.

Chelmsford diocese clergy mentoring But the Lord stood at my side and gave me strength, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed. 2 Timothy 4:17 Father, we pray for new incumbents in Chelmsford diocese. Please use this mentoring scheme to give them strength.

Foremarke 1 Venture

While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8

6-12 January Arrow Take Two

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labour. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 Father God, please be with the Arrow participants and their spouses and friends as they journey together. 19

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making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

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