Prayer Diary, Summer/Autumn 2012

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Summer – Autumn 2012


making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

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prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version unless otherwise stated. Copyright CPAS 2012. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name given under heaven by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12


elcome to this edition of our Prayer Diary. Thank you for your faithful prayers for our ministry, as we seek to help men, women and children come to know the life-changing love of Jesus Christ. In this edition, we think particularly of young people as our Ventures and Falcon Camps summer season begins. As we pray for those who partner with us to advance the gospel through effective local church mission, let’s be guided by Peter’s defence of the miraculous healing of the man born lame in Acts 4. In his statement to the Jewish rulers, Peter presents a robust, clear and focused account of the good news which the Church has been called to present afresh in every generation. It is this message that we long to see made known through the work of all those mentioned in this diary. Firstly, Peter tells us that the miraculous healing was done by the risen Jesus (v10). His resurrection was a defining, death-defeating, power-releasing event: something that marks him apart from all other ‘religious’ figures that have ever walked the earth. Secondly, Jesus is described as the ‘cornerstone’ (v11) of history. Others use words such as ‘keystone’ or ‘centrepiece’ but the message remains clear: that Jesus is the ‘hinge’ of history, the epicentre of God’s salvation plan for the cosmos. As such, any

philosophy, world view or metanarrative that ignores or sidelines him cannot receive Christian endorsement. Finally, Peter tells us that ‘salvation is found in no other’ (v12). The exclusivity in this claim sits uncomfortably with postmodern relativism and puts the Church in an unpopular place in the public square. Furthermore the assertion that men, women and children need to be ‘saved’ is unacceptable to those who are unable to affirm the nature of sin and its consequences. However, it is a claim that is made by Jesus himself (e.g. John 14:6, Luke 19:10) and is the basis of much of Paul’s subsequent teaching. In using this diary to pray for the work of CPAS, can I invite you to let your prayers be shaped and informed by Peter’s words. Please pray that local church and Venture and Falcon Camp leaders are able to speak of the resurrection of Jesus, his epicentral role in history and meaning, and of the salvation that he alone brings. Thank you for your praying partnership in the gospel.

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

15-21 JULY

developing leaders Pray for summer conferences

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. Colossians 3:16


he summer season of Christian festivals will soon be underway, with thousands of people of all ages gathering in different locations across the UK and Republic of Ireland for worship, prayer and Bible teaching. CPAS is an active participant in several national events because of the excellent opportunities to develop the various leaders in attendance, as well as inspiring people about the impact of our work extending God’s kingdom in our nations. This summer, CPAS leadership principal James Lawrence will be leading sessions at all three New Wine conferences in Somerset and Nottinghamshire. James will be speaking on key leadership themes, including working well with others and engaging with Generation Y leaders.

Please pray: For those you know attending Christian events or conferences taking place in the coming months. Many young people attending these festivals will be called by God into leadership roles. God uses the Bible teaching sessions to draw people closer to him through the power of his word. More people will be inspired to support CPAS through prayer and donations as they discover more about our work at events this summer. For CLAN Gathering, a Scottish festival which begins on 28 July with the theme of: ‘Today is the day of Salvation’. For James Lawrence and CPAS general director John Dunnett as they prepare to lead seminars at New Wine conferences.

Living God, as your Church gathers together at events this summer, may the way in which you interact with your people have a long-lasting impact in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ.


CPAS has a presence at a variety of conferences throughout the year, with staff leading sessions and engaging with delegates on our exhibition stand.

ventures and falcon camps Pray for Bredon 1

22-28 JULY

I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10


his week marks the start of the Ventures and Falcon Camps peak season! Thousands of excited children and young people are looking forward to a fantastic week of fun and faith, including the 50 teenagers who are heading to Bredon 1 this Wednesday. Overall leaders Matt Lloyd and Jason Roach share their team’s plans for the week: ‘The theme this year is “life in all its fullness”. We’ll be focusing on John’s gospel in the morning and evening teaching sessions and dorm Bible study groups. Our prayer is that the young people who don’t know Jesus will give their lives to him, and those who do will go back fired up to talk to their friends about the Lord.’

Also this week: VENTURES: Woolhampton 1, Leiston, Foremarke 1, Edgehill, Danehill 1, Casterton 1, @Oswestry, Brymore 1, Kepplewray, Fylingthorpe, Colwyn Bay 3, Brambletye 1 FALCON CAMPS: Carroty Wood 1, Treginnis 1, Perrott Hill 1

Please pray: For safety and fun during all the adrenaline-fuelled activities – high ropes, canoeing and rafting at the Cotswold Water Park! For this Sunday’s main meeting, where the young people will be invited to pray a prayer of repentance and faith. No one comes away from the holiday without knowing the life-changing love of Jesus for themselves. The teenagers will go home fired up to share the good news. Pray that next year the camp would be full because they have all invited friends, and pray for links with sending youth groups. Praising God for the many young people who return year after year, and for a fantastic team of leaders. For the ongoing ministry of Bredon 1. Pray this year will be instrumental in encouraging more boys to come in subsequent years, as this has been an issue for a while.

See page 9 for a map showing where this summer’s Ventures and Falcon Camps are taking place. 05

ventures and falcon camps


Pray for Woolhampton 2


he Woolympics: You’ve probably heard of the Olympic Games running in London this summer, marketed around the globe as the ultimate international competition. But for those who are privileged enough to know, there is one competition greater than the Olympic games – the exclusive Woolympic games! This week, the 11-14 year olds will compete to be the best in a range of activities, like ‘It’s a Washout!’, ‘Swimathon’, ‘The Woolie Wide Game’, crafts and music. ‘As always, we want to give the young people the best holiday ever but we also want to share the good news of the gospel. We want to encourage the young people to fix their eyes not on winning glory for themselves (whether it’s winning gold in the 100 metres, coming first on X Factor or landing the dream job) but on our great and awesome God.’ Matt Williams, overall leader on Woolhampton 2

Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness. Psalm 115:1

Please pray: God is glorified in everything that happens on Woolhampton 2 this week. For Matt and also Paul Crowther, as they lead the team. Everyone will be in awe of our great God and be moved by the gospel. That each young person will see more clearly the good news that Jesus is both Lord and Saviour. The leaders delight in the privilege of serving God, even as they tire towards the end of the week. For friendships to be built and strengthened between the 11-14s.

Also this week: VENTURES: Barnstaple 1, Stanbridge Earls 2, Sparkford 1, Sizewell, Sandiley, Rydal, Ripon 1, Quantock 1, Pinewood, Maidwell 1, Hope Valley, Casterton 2, Blandford 3, Wensleydale 1, Stage Fright 1, Romsey 1, Lindfield, Legacy Action Sports, Haslemere 1, Foremarke 2, Brymore 2, Beechwood, Wensleydale 2 FALCON CAMPS: Saffron Walden, Perrott Hill 2, Hoylake, Falcon Afloat, Dovedale, Wellingborough


Many of the Ventures taking place this summer have an Olympic theme. Some have even arranged a TV room for young people to watch live events throughout the week!

ventures and falcon camps Pray for Carroty Wood 1 and 2


The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3


t’s all change at the second Carroty Wood Falcon Camp in Kent this week (the first happened in late July). Both camps have changed venue after many years at Halls Green, which means big excitement, but also big changes for the leaders and the 8-11 year olds. The camps give children facing economic, educational or social disadvantages the chance to enjoy activities like canoeing, archery, BMXing, t-shirt printing, swimming, bowling and trips out to a boating lake, a farm and shopping. Joy and Kevin Johnson, overall leaders of this week’s camp, said: ‘Our prayer is that we’d hear children giggling all week, because they’re having such a good time. We’re also praying God’s hand will be over the practical side of things as we get used to the new venue.’

Also this week: VENTURES: Bredon 2, Stanbridge Earls 3, Colwyn Bay 4, Brambletye 2, Barnstaple 2, Whitby, Sibford, Romsey 3, Maidwell 2, Foremarke 3, Due South, Woolhampton 4, Sparkford 2, Lighthouse: Bourton Taster, Stage Fright 2, Ripon 2, Quantock 3, Haslemere 2, Criccieth 2 FALCON CAMPS: Kingsmead

Please pray: With Joy and Kevin, that they’d hear children giggle all week. The children will learn new things about Jesus, particularly those who have never encountered him. For safety, as many excited children take part in high-energy activities. Praising God for the links between these Falcon Camps and ongoing local projects. Pray for the adventure playground project in Fulham which some of the children are involved in. The new site would be a blessing, not a challenge, and God would guide the practical arrangements so everything runs smoothly. For the cooks. Praise God for Malcolm Smith and Jean Best, who led the cooking team at Carroty Wood 1, and pray for this week’s cooks – Norma Piper, Alison Manester and June Jones.

Falcon Camps are specially designed to meet the needs of children facing difficulties in their day to day lives. 07

12-18 AUGUST

ventures and falcon camps Pray for Casterton 3

All the people will see what great things I, the Lord, can do, because I am going to do an AWESOME thing for you. Exodus 34:10 (GNB)


his week, around 50 14-18 year olds will enjoy a week of relevant teaching, worship, activities and fun in the heart of Cumbria. Activity days will offer many options including paintballing, mountain boarding, Go Ape and climbing. This year’s teaching programme is ‘What’s in a word?’, looking at how God speaks, Jesus as THE Word, and how he calls us to be people of the Word, whose word can be trusted. Carol Stewart, overall leader, explains how she was visited daily in her ‘Any Questions’ sessions last year by an atheist who was interested in understanding what Christianity was all about: ‘The comment at the end of the week, “If that’s what Christians believe, then they must be very happy”, was challenging to say the least!’

Please pray: Praising God for the continuing ministry of this Venture and thanking him for the history of seeing him at work. The leaders will be built into a strong team and seek to honour God. Pray they will be faithful to God and promote his gospel with vision, integrity and flair. For everyone to feel welcomed and valued, and for safety in all the activities and driving. Everyone will benefit spiritually by thinking through questions such as ‘Who is God?’, ‘What do I think of him?’ and ‘What does he think of me?’ For the caterer and activities coordinator particularly as they have both recently had major surgery. That all will look back on Casterton 3 as a time they met with God and moved on with him. Also this week: VENTURES: Stanbridge Earls 4, Morfa Bay, Lighthouse: Bourton, Canal Cruise, Bredon 3, Brambletye 3, Blandford 2, Blaithwaite 2, Blaithwaite 1, Bakewell, Kingsmead 1, Barnstaple 3, Sparkford 3, Haslemere 3


Catering teams are key to Ventures and Falcon Camps. This summer, these dedicated volunteers will cook over 150,000(!) meals for young people and their leaders.

where do the holidays happen?

Scottish Falcon

Rydal Kepplewray

Blaithwaite Knock Sedbergh

Casterton Hoylake/Kingsmead Criccieth

Wensleydale Ripon

Hope Valley

Colwyn Bay

Bakewell Dovedale Foremarke

Oswestry Treginnis

Bredon Morfa Bay

Canal Cruise Sibford

Dean Forest Chepstow Lee Abbey

Pinewood/Bourton Quantock/Edgehill Brymore Sparkford /Due South

Woodhall Spa

Maidwell Ringsfield Wellingborough Sizewell/Leiston Saffron Walden



Perrott Hill Blandford

Whitby Fylingthorpe Sandiley

New Forest

Falcon Afloat Haslemere Legacy Action Brambletye Stanbridge Earls Carroty Wood Romsey Danehill Lindfield

Our 90+ Ventures and Falcon Camps take place at residential centres, campsites and boarding schools across the UK.

19-25 AUGUST

ventures and falcon camps Pray for Dean Forest

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1


irstly, I want to praise God for a top notch team of leaders on our Falcon Camp this year! We’ve got around 30 8-11s with us for a week of fun in the Forest of Dean. Some of the children are from a church plant in the local area, which some team members have links with throughout the year. Others come from places around the UK as diverse as London, Somerset, Cornwall, Liverpool (Wirral) and the Midlands. ‘Our theme this year is outer space. The children will be thinking about their place in God’s creation, and specifically how he loves each of us individually. We want to present Jesus in a way which makes sense to them personally. Some of the children we work with are from very challenging backgrounds – we’re praying they will understand how much God loves them.’ Richard Prescott, overall leader of Dean Forest


Please pray: For the leadership team as they plan, pray and prepare at the start of the week. Asking God’s blessing on the team-building activities the children are doing, such as crafts and cooking, where important relationships will be formed. For excitement and fun during the trip out to Alton Towers on Tuesday 21 August. The new leaders fit in well with the established team, and everyone has a great week serving together. For the children to stay safe and well and that they will truly know God’s love for them during the week. Pray that this might continue in the year-round activities of the local church in their area. The children will go back to a place of safety, and will remember what they’ve learned and experienced.

Also this week: VENTURES: New Forest, Blaithwaite 3, Woolhampton 3, Sedburgh, Criccieth 3 FALCON CAMPS: Treginnis 2, Ringsfield, Pinewood Falcon, Chepstow, Kingsmead 2, Lee Abbey

Many children come on Falcon Camps as part of a group, often accompanied by a schools’ worker or youth minister from their local area.

mentoring matters Pray for St Polycarp’s Malin Bridge One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4


church for newborns to nineties’ is how vicar Patrick Coghlan describes St Polycarp’s Malin Bridge in Sheffield. The intergenerational nature of the church, and the relatively large number of teenagers, is what prompted a group of eight people (themselves ranging from late teens to mid seventies) to begin the Mentoring Matters training process. Eight young people are being mentored by those taking part in the training process, which covers building rapport, asking questions, active listening, prayer, using the Bible, sense-making and goal-setting.

Patrick said: ‘It is my hope that this will be another step forward in building cross-generational relationships. I would love our young people to emerge as stronger Christians who remain firm in their faith as adults.’


Please pray: For the eight young people being mentored to grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ, and be used by God. God’s blessing on Patrick, as he leads the Mentoring Matters training process. That using Mentoring Matters is a good step forward in building cross-generational relationships within the church. Those being mentored will continue to develop and mature in their Christian faith as they move forward into adulthood. God will be at work in the young person from St Polycarp’s who is moving away to university in the next few weeks. For the ministry of Becky Chapman, the youth worker at St Polycarp’s.

Lord God, we lift up all churches who are seeking to establish a mentoring network. We pray for empowering relationships which bring people closer to you and equip them to share your gospel.

Mentoring Matters can be used to identify, equip and resource mentors for adults or young people. 11


patronage churches Pray for Rainham with Wennington

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18


he parish of Rainham with Wennington, a CPAS patronage benefice in Essex led by the Rev Henry Pradella, is working to live out its vision statement of ‘Putting the community in touch with Jesus’. In the last few weeks, this has included Olympics-related community events and a summer mission. Henry said: ‘We are excited by the regular testimonies of what God is doing here and are blessed that the church is involved in so much that goes on in this community, having built some strong and meaningful relationships as part of our witness. Our prayer is that they will discover the fullness of life that is found in Christ.’ Next Sunday, CPAS general director John Dunnett will be preaching at Rainham parish church.

Please pray: For people’s ongoing discipleship with the release and development of spiritual gifts, and give thanks for the growing number of young people. For the work and ministry of the Ship Centre (the church’s café) and its outreach and interaction with the community. That relationships and partnerships will continue to develop with schools, police, shop keepers and other organisations. Giving thanks for the missional work of Wennington church, and its impact in the local area. For relationships with other churches in Rainham and the strategy for mission through partnership initiatives and praying together. Asking the Holy Spirit to guide and inspire John Dunnett as he prepares to preach at Rainham next Sunday.

Lord Jesus, we pray for fruit to come from the mission and ministry of Rainham with Wennington. We give thanks for the continuing stream of new people coming to these churches.

Rainham with Wennington is one of 30 CPAS patronage churches in Chelmsford diocese. 12

vocations Pray for You and Ministry, Crewe


The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. Luke 4:18


his Friday evening, around 25 men and women will arrive at Wistaston Hall in Crewe for a weekend of discovering more about ordained and authorised ministry, and the plans God has for their lives. CPAS staff James Lawrence and Charles Burgess will be delivering the sessions, providing information, guidance and inspiration. Participants will explore the topic of vocation, learn about ministry and leadership in the Bible and the Church of England today, find out more about discernment and selection for authorised ministry and consider their next steps. Prayer and worship times run alongside the teaching programme, and participants will have the chance to have one-on-one conversations with James and Charles. The vicar of a nearby parish is also coming along to offer first-hand insights into parish life.

Please pray: For God to speak through Charles and James. God uses all 25 participants to bring ‘good news to the poor’, regardless of whether or not they are called to authorised ministry. People with concerns have them addressed in the question and answer sessions. For fellowship and encouragement over meal times and breaks. For safe travel, and smooth practical arrangements. Thanking God for 50 years of You and Ministry weekends. Ask him to bless all those who have been on previous weekends and are now doing his work.

Father God, thank you that you have a plan for every person. Please prompt those you are calling to church leadership to take the next steps in their vocational journey.

As well as our vocations events, we offer online resources to help people explore their call. Resource sheets, advice for clergy and our vocations web tool are available at



growing leaders Pray for St Peter’s Harrogate

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:18


t Peter’s Harrogate is a town centre church which is starting its third CPAS Growing Leaders course later this month. Lay Reader Angie Gardner is a psychology lecturer who leads the Growing Leaders teaching at St Peter’s. ‘We’ve seen great things happening through Growing Leaders,’ said Angie. ‘There has been personal and spiritual growth, people discovering God’s vision for their lives and growing in their awareness of what he is calling them to do. ‘Both our new churchwardens have been through Growing Leaders so have a great opportunity to put what they’ve learned into practice, and our last course included several people involved in the youth work at St Peter’s.’


Please pray: For many people beginning Growing Leaders courses this autumn at St Peter’s and elsewhere, to grow in their faith and leadership skills. For Christ-centred relationships with mentors, to help men and women progress as they go through the course. Growing Leaders will continue to help people develop in their sense of service and willingness to be led by Jesus. For God’s encouragement for course leaders like Angie as they discover how he is working in people’s lives. People are richly blessed as they encounter Jesus together on the 24-hour residentials which often begin Growing Leaders courses. Asking God to guide church leaders across the country as they listen to his voice about who to invite on Growing Leaders courses.

Living God, we praise you for all you have done in people’s lives through Growing Leaders courses. May your Spirit continue to teach and guide leaders.

Growing Leaders is a suite of resources used by about 700 churches to equip people for biblicallyfocused, Spirit-led, Christian leadership.

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arrow leadership programme Pray for participants

This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. 1 Corinthians 4:1

Monitoring their time over a two-week period, to focus on time management and priorities.

Please pray: Stephen and the other 23 leaders have another ‘special time’ of blessing and learning on the next residential. God would be showing the participants the vital importance of evangelism as they reflect on the listening exercise. For courage to face any difficult barriers to godly living and leadership. For Arrow mentors as they meet up with participants for the fourth time. Remembering the busy office team, as they prepare materials for the residential. God’s blessing on the families and churches of each participant as they spend a week away from home on the residential.

After the last residential, church leader Stephen Moir said: ‘This week really was a special time for me and confirmation that God still has amazing things to do in me, and through me. It was great to enjoy such a well thought out time for worship, teaching, training, fellowship and personal time.’

Jesus, thank you for every single Christian leader who takes part in the Arrow Leadership Programme. We pray you would use this investment for your glory, and the growth of your kingdom.


ur 24 Arrow Leadership Programme participants are now six months into the programme, and in the middle of their projects in preparation for the second residential, which is happening in two weeks’ time. This includes: Reflecting on a listening exercise as part of the ‘Evangelism today’ module, where participants interviewed members of the general public about church, Christianity and life. Completing an inventory to assess barriers to godly living and leadership.


Arrow takes place over 18 months, and includes four residentials interspersed with ongoing mentoring, projects and peer cell support.

lead academy


Pray for multi-church benefices

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9


s the number of stipendiary posts is reduced and parishes are grouped or combined, simultaneously leading five or more churches is a reality for many clergy in the Church of England. Multi-church benefices are often in rural areas, but are becoming increasingly common in urban settings too. This autumn, CPAS and Lead Academy are launching an 18-month ‘learning community’ specifically for leadership teams of multichurch benefices, with the aim of helping them to serve God in the midst of the unique challenges and opportunities their situation presents. Facilitated by CPAS associate Nick Cuthbert and others, church teams will think theologically and practically about how to become truly missional in attitude and action in this context.

Please pray: For the church leadership teams starting the programme. Pray for an affirming, productive, inspirational first session. For Nick and others, as they facilitate learning and offer advice and support. God will be at work in the many CPAS patronage churches which are made up of grouped parishes. Particularly for new incumbents whose first role of overall responsibility involves leading multiple churches. Dioceses will have God-given wisdom and insight when making decisions about pastoral reorganisation of groups of parishes. For those who are part of ‘Breaking the 200 barrier’, another Lead Academy learning community beginning this autumn for church teams whose congregation size has become static beneath this threshold.

Holy Spirit, please be with all those who are leading multiple churches. Help them to manage their time well, and see clearly what you are calling them to focus on in their leadership.

Nick Cuthbert, CPAS associate

CPAS is working in partnership with Lead Academy, which is a relationally based organisation which aims to equip leadership teams to fulfil their church’s vision.



patronage churches Pray for St Matthew’s Bristol

As for me, I will always have hope; I will praise you more and more. My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long. Psalm 71:14-15


he parish of St Matthew’s with St Nathaniel’s in Bristol is a CPAS patronage church which has been led by the Rev Mat Ineson for the past six years. This growing church with about 150 adult worshippers is situated between affluent and deprived areas on the edge of Bristol city centre, so serves people with a variety of background and experiences. St Matthew’s is currently training a group of mentors using the CPAS Mentoring Matters material.

Please pray: St Matthew’s reflects its vision of ‘living for Jesus’. For the mentors who are being trained to nurture others in their discipleship and leadership. For ways to make strong connections for the gospel through drop-ins run by the church in three local tower blocks. More young adults and families discover Jesus through the ministry of St Matthew’s. For St Matthew’s support of those who have key roles with local and national charities. The children and families who attend Messy Church will come to a living faith in Christ.

Lord Jesus, may St Matthew’s be filled with people who are living for you. Help them encourage one another in their everyday discipleship as they learn to reflect your light in the world around them.

CPAS has patronage churches in every English diocese, and is the UK’s largest evangelical patron. 18

prayer diary overview This overview is designed for those who prefer to pray in a less structured way. Simply cut out this page and keep it in your Bible, journal, or wherever is most helpful.

15-21 July

19-25 August

16-22 September

Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly. Colossians 3:16

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Psalm 19:1

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen. 2 Peter 3:18

Summer conferences

Living God, may this summer’s conferences and festivals have a long-lasting impact in spreading the good news of Jesus across our nations.

22-28 July

Bredon 1 Venture I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. John 10:10 Father, we pray for the teenagers on Bredon 1 as they learn about ‘life in all its fullness’.

29 July-4 August

Woolhampton 2 Venture Not to us, Lord, not to us but to your name be the glory. Psalm 115:1 Jesus, we pray that each young person on Woolhampton 2 will see more clearly the good news that you are both Lord and Saviour.

5-11 August

Carroty Wood Falcon Camps The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy. Psalm 126:3 Lord, we pray that the leaders of Carroty Wood 2 would hear children giggle all week, because they are having such a good time.

12-18 August

Casterton 3 Venture All the people will see what great things I, the Lord, can do, because I am going to do an AWESOME thing for you. Exodus 34:10 (GNB) Holy Spirit, we ask that the Casterton 3 leaders will be built into a strong team and seek to honour you.

Dean Forest Falcon Camp

King Jesus, we ask that the children at Dean Forest will truly know your love for them during the week, and will remember this when they go back home.

26 August-1 September St Polycarp’s Malin Bridge

One generation commends your works to another; they tell of your mighty acts. Psalm 145:4 Lord God, we lift up all churches who are seeking to establish a mentoring network. We pray for empowering relationships which bring people closer to you and equip them to share the gospel.

2-8 September

Rainham with Wennington All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18 Lord Jesus, we pray for fruit to come from the mission and ministry of this parish. We give thanks for the continuing stream of new people coming to these churches.

9-15 September

You and Ministry, Crewe The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. Luke 4:18 Father God, thank you that you have a plan for every person. Please prompt those you are calling to church leadership to take the next steps in their vocational journey.

St Peter’s Harrogate

Living God, pour out your Sprit to continue equipping and guiding leaders at St Peter’s Harrogate so they may influence people for the gospel.

23-29 September Arrow participants

This, then, is how you ought to regard us: as servants of Christ and as those entrusted with the mysteries God has revealed. 1 Corinthians 4:1 Jesus, thank you for every single Christian leader who takes part in the Arrow Leadership Programme. We pray you would use this investment for your glory, and the growth of your kingdom.

30 September-6 October Multi-church benefices

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Galatians 6:9 Holy Spirit, please be with all those who are leading multiple churches. Help them to manage their time well, and see clearly what you are calling them to focus on.

7-13 October

St Matthew’s Bristol My mouth will tell of your righteous deeds, of your saving acts all day long. Psalm 71:15 Lord Jesus, may St Matthew’s be filled with people who are living for you. Help them in their everyday discipleship as they learn to reflect your light in the world around them.

Starts Autumn 2012

CPAS in partnership with

Lead Academy – equipping leadership teams to fulfil their church’s vision

Imagine what your church could become… Helping local churches overcome barriers to growth is what CPAS is all about. We’ve teamed up with Lead Academy to deliver two 18-month learning communities to address two of the biggest issues affecting Church of England parishes today. Mission in a multi-church benefice How can leadership teams effectively lead the mission and ministry of multiple churches? Breaking the 200 barrier How can churches break through the ‘barrier’ of growing beyond a usual Sunday attendance of 200?

Find out how your leadership team can get involved at

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