Prayer Diary, Winter/Spring 2011

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Winter – Spring 2011


And they cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’ Revelation 7:10

growing leaders since 1836


Winter – Spring 2011

I will send you out to fish for people. Mark 1:17

prayer diary Editor: Rebecca Gash Design: Catherine Jackson All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version Cover image: © Image above: © adl21 Copyright CPAS 2011. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us.

Contact CPAS Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG T 01926 458458 E W A company limited by guarantee, registered in England no 2673220 Registered office: CPAS, Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG Registered charity no 1007820 (England & Wales) SC039082 (Scotland)

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elcome to this edition of our prayer diary – and to the 175th anniversary year of CPAS! We thank God for all those who have prayed over the years, and want to thank you for your ongoing prayers and support at this time. We are currently in the middle of an initiative called ‘Making Mission Possible’ in which we are working in and with all 43 English dioceses (as well as in Scotland, Ireland and Wales) to enable leaders to grow and develop in and for mission.

Will you join us in praying for church leaders throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland... In order to ‘calibrate’ such leadership it is helpful to return to the foundational call that Jesus gave to his disciples. In Mark’s Gospel we are given an account of how Jesus called Simon and Andrew, James and John (Mark 1:16-20). And it is worth us examining this call in order to inform our prayers for CPAS in this anniversary year and during the current initiative. The call he gives them is, firstly, ‘Follow me’. This is not a call to pursue a school of thought, or to practice a set of rituals or spiritual exercises. It is a call to know him, love him, listen to him, wait for him and to serve him. It is about us knowing and being known by him. This must be foundational to all Christian leadership – and we would ask you to pray that we might encourage this amongst the leaders that we work with all over the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

The second facet of his call to discipleship and leadership is in the second half: ‘I will send you out to fish for people’. This leads to an inescapable conclusion regarding the Church: namely that our ‘core business’ is mission. This does not undermine the first part of the call to know him and love him; to worship him and spend time in deepening our relationship with him. Neither does it negate the importance of building community, nor of our commitment to intercession or Bible teaching (especially in this 400th anniversary year of the King James Bible). However, it does underline the responsibility on leadership to ensure that local churches are engaged in the ‘fishing’ business: Jesus modelled this ‘fishing’ ministry in his own leadership. It was to ‘fishing’ that he commissioned the 12 and the 72 (Luke 9 and 10) – and the Church as a whole in Matthew 28. It has been said that churches have a ‘natural tendency to move from being a mission to a movement to a monument to a mausoleum’. Will you join us in praying for church leaders (ordained and lay, young and old, male and female) throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland: that they might, with our help and by the grace of God be able to grow successful ‘fishing’ businesses in every local community. In his service John Dunnett General Director

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Week 1

pray for CPAS patronage churches

Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even though they will die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die.’ John 11:25

Sunday 16 January

Wednesday 19 January

Please pray for CPAS staff preaching at different churches including Ruth Hassall at St Luke’s, Prestonville (a CPAS patronage church).

Advertising continues for the post at Harwell and Chilton in the diocese of Oxford. These are two lively parishes where a further huge housing development is also planned. Please pray for some good applications and wisdom to discern God’s right person.

Monday 17 January Please pray for John Alderman, patronage secretary, and Kathy Burch, John’s PA. Their main task in the office this week is to prepare, and send out, the agendas and background papers for the next patronage trustees’ meeting. Please pray for thoroughness and for all the office machinery (copiers, printers etc.) to be on their best behaviour!

Tuesday 18 January

Thursday 20 January A number of our parishes are starting the new year by getting used to their vicar having just retired, including St Jude’s, Wolverhampton and St Andrew’s, Gorleston. Please pray all parishes in an interregnum at the moment would have direction, enthusiasm and encouragement.

Please pray for the CPAS trustees who are meeting today to discuss the priorities for the next financial year.

St Jude’s, Wolverhampton 4 prayer diary

Friday 21 January Today is the final day of advertising for the next incumbent at All Saints’, Camberwell in Peckham. This is a large church in a diverse area which makes a significant impact and was featured twice on BBC television last year. Please pray for wisdom and discernment for all those involved in the appointment process.

Saturday 22 January There are about 100 names on the register of evangelical clergy looking for a move that is administered by CPAS patronage. Please pray for all those clergy as they think and pray for guidance about the future.

pray for our nations

Week 2

And they cried out in a loud voice: ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’ Revelation 7:10

Sunday 23 January Please pray for James Lawrence, CPAS director of leadership development, speaking at the Tas Valley team of churches in Norfolk today.

Monday 24 January This year is the 400th anniversary of the King James Bible. Please pray for the different Biblefresh initiatives which are taking place throughout the UK. Pray church-goers and non-churchgoers alike would spend more time reading God’s word.

Tuesday 25 January In February 2010 General Synod was told that the average age of the electoral roll in the Church of England is 65. Please pray churches would reach out to all ages with the grace and truth of the gospel.

Wednesday 26 January Please pray for the hundreds of new Fresh Expression congregations. Ask God to help these churches reach out to men, women and children

who are not already members of any church.

Thursday 27 January CPAS was established in a time of spiritual destitution with the aim of equipping churches with the leadership they needed to reach out to the unchurched. Please pray for those in our nations who don’t know God, and for churches seeking to help them hear and respond to the good news of Jesus.

Friday 28 January Please pray for Children Matter! and for the many different organisations, including CPAS, involved with children’s evangelism.

Saturday 29 January Pray for those taking part in the Missional Leadership day in Durham today (part of the CPAS Making Mission Possible initiative), and also for the overall Venture leaders attending training in London. © frenchfx -

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Week 3

pray for youth and children’s leaders

We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives, so that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God. Colossians 1:9-10

Wednesday 2 February Please pray for those who have already attended Making Mission Possible events on the theme of ‘Growing young leaders in a church’.

Sunday 30 January

Monday 31 January

Thursday 3 February

Please pray for regional leadership development advisers Charles Burgess (South-west and South Wales) and Simon Chesters (North-west and North Wales) who are both preaching this morning.

Pray for the past Arrow participants, including youth and children’s leaders, who are at Arrow Reloaded this week. Ask God to continue to help them be led more by Jesus, lead more like Jesus and lead more to Jesus.

Charles is at Ashington, Chilton Cantelo, Mudford, Rimpton and Marston Magna in Somerset and Simon is speaking at St Helen’s Church in St Helens.

Tuesday 1 February

CPAS supports, trains and equips 3,500 volunteer leaders each year to run Ventures and Falcon Camps – Christian holidays for children and young people. Pray for all the leaders attending training days in preparation for the summer.

Today Charles Burgess and John Coyne are delivering training on ‘Self-leadership’ for clergy in the Exeter diocese. Please pray all who take part would become more effective and Christ-like leaders.

Friday 4 February CPAS is one of the supporting organisations of Hand in Hand, the Children and Families’ conference in Eastbourne this weekend. Please pray for the leaders of children’s ministries who will be attending. Ruth Hassall, CPAS leadership development adviser for youth and children, will be leading a seminar on ‘Feeding your soul’.

Saturday 5 February Ruth is one of this evening’s speakers at Hand in Hand. Please pray that her words would equip, encourage and enable the leaders of children’s ministries. 6 prayer diary

pray for making mission possible

Week 4

For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach. Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! 1 Corinthians 9:16

Sunday 6 February Thank God for the leaders of youth and children’s ministries who have already taken part in Making Mission Possible events. Ask God to help them communicate the good news of Jesus Christ to children and young people.

Monday 7 February Please pray for all the ordained and volunteer leaders who have attended Making Mission Possible events. Ask God to help them put into practice what they have learnt so that his kingdom will grow.

Tuesday 8 February There are two Making Mission Possible events taking place today. Please pray for John Fisher running a Leading Edge – Leadership and Mission in a Multi-Church Benefice day in Nottingham, and also for Charles Burgess helping to train curates in Bristol diocese on ‘Working Well with Others’.

Wednesday 9 February

Friday 11 February

Pray for church leaders who have attended Making Mission Possible events on mission-shaped leadership. Ask God to help them lead churches which are focused on mission not maintenance.

Please pray for the men and women attending the You and Ministry conference this weekend (which is running as part of the Making Mission Possible programme) at the Oblate Retreat and Spirituality Centre, Crewe.

Thursday 10 February Ask God to further equip all those who took part in training days for Growing Leaders and Growing Leaders – Youth Edition. Pray they would have wisdom in developing leaders of all ages in their own churches.

Saturday 12 February Ask God to guide and encourage the You and Ministry participants today as they seek God, and reflect on his Word.

For more information on the events in your area please visit

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Week 5

pray for making mission possible

Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. Ephesians 6:19

Thursday 17 February Today Rosie Ward is leading a day in the Hereford diocese entitled ‘Leading well with others’. Please pray for Rosie and the clergy taking part in this day.

Friday 18 February Please pray for young people in the Monmouth diocese attending a ‘Growing young leaders’ day tomorrow. Ask God to encourage and equip them for leadership roles in the Church and society.

Sunday 13 February

Tuesday 15 February

Please pray for Andy Castle preaching at St James, Kidbrooke today and Laurence Gamlen who is speaking at St Mark’s, Horsham.

Please pray for youth ministers in Bradford diocese attending a two-day retreat. Andy Castle, CPAS leadership development adviser, is speaking on ‘Sustaining oneself in leadership’.

Monday 14 February Pray for lay and ordained leaders who have attended Leading Edge – Discerning Direction days as part of Making Mission Possible. Ask God to help them discern his vision and to implement it with wisdom and courage.

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Wednesday 16 February Pray for the Making Mission Possible training events on the theme of ‘Mentoring for missional leadership’. Ask God to raise up more mentors so that this transformational work may be more fully deployed in God’s Church.

Saturday 19 February Thank God for 175 years of CPAS! Since 19 February 1836, CPAS has been equipping churches and leaders for mission. Thank God for the hundreds of thousands of lives impacted and transformed through the ministries of CPAS.

pray for making mission possible

Week 6

On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please people but God, who tests our hearts. 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Sunday 20 February

Wednesday 23 February

Friday 25 February

Please pray for Chris Kellock who is preaching at St Mary and St Cuthbert, Chester le Street this morning, and Andrew Cowley who is speaking at St Margaret, St Patrick and Christ Church, Barking.

Please pray for those attending the ‘Sustaining Oneself in Leadership’ day in Exeter diocese today. John Coyne, CPAS director of local and regional delivery, will be helping clergy stay fresh in Christian leadership.

Pray for the men, women and young people who have attended Making Mission Possible events over the last five months. Ask God to help them retain an outward focus in all they do.

Monday 21 February

Thursday 24 February

Pray Making Mission Possible events would help leaders and churches throughout the country bear much fruit for the kingdom.

Thank God for the good relationships CPAS has with different dioceses, and for the ways in which we have been working together on Making Mission Possible events.

Saturday 26 February Please pray for those attending a day in Birmingham on mentoring teenagers.

Tuesday 22 February Ask God to guide and inspire those who attended Making Mission Possible events on multi-church leadership. Ask God to help grouped churches become truly missional in attitude and action.

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Week 7

pray for ventures and falcon camps

The LORD is my strength and my defence, he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14

Thursday 3 March Pray for all those who work hard promoting Ventures in churches, schools and youth groups.

Friday 4 March

Sunday 27 February

Tuesday 1 March

John Coyne, director of regional and local delivery, is preaching at Priory Church, Great Malvern this morning. Please pray for this church, especially its ministries with children and young people.

Thank God for the generous supporters of Ventures and Falcon Camps. Ask God to prompt more churches and individuals to give to these life-changing holidays.

Monday 28 February We are running a number of training days for the overall leaders of Ventures and Falcon Camps. Pray for the CPAS staff delivering the training, and ask God to further equip each leader for their ministry.

Wednesday 2 March Please pray many 8-18s would book onto Venture holidays, and that children and young people would ask their friends to come along!

Please pray for the children and young people who will be attending a Venture or Falcon Camp holiday this summer. Pray they will get to meet Jesus Christ, get to know him better and in turn lead others to him.

Saturday 5 March Pray for the youth workers attending the South-west youth ministry conference in Exeter today. Please pray for the work of CPAS encouraging, equipping and enabling youth and children’s ministry.

Follow us on TM Receive daily prayer points and up-to-date news from CPAS. 10 prayer diary

sharing your faith


Images: ©, © Ralfen Stein –

aking and leaving a will is probably one of the most important steps we can take to make sure our money and possessions are distributed as we would wish. But it is also a time when you need to ask yourself whether your will could be a way of sharing your faith beyond your lifetime. CPAS has sought to support, enable and equip people along their journey of faith for 175 years. Leaving a legacy to CPAS will allow us to continue to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

To find out more on how you can leave a legacy to CPAS please call the supporter relations team on

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growing leaders since 1836

Week 8

pray for the arrow leadership programme

Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Do this so that their work will be a joy, not a burden, for that would be of no benefit to you. Hebrews 13:17

Sunday 6 March

Monday 7 March

Today John Dunnett is speaking at St James, West Streatham (a CPAS patronage church). Thank God for the many churches which support the ministry of CPAS through prayer and donations.

Please pray for the 24 people taking part on Arrow as they consider leadership and handling change.

Please pray for the Arrow 11 participants travelling to Sheffield today for their third residential week.

Tuesday 8 March Ask God to help the men and women on Arrow explore and develop their own prayer lives.

Wednesday 9 March During the previous two Arrow residential weeks, the participants looked at reconnecting with God’s heart for the lost. Pray for them this week as they now consider how to ensure that evangelism is at the centre of their church’s activity.

Thursday 10 March Pray the leaders on Arrow would learn how to be more effective in communicating and relating to different people.

Friday 11 March Please pray for everyone who has been on the Arrow residential week as they return to work and family situations.

Saturday 12 March Pray for two different events which CPAS is involved in today: Mark Norris, leadership development adviser, is attending a vocations day in the diocese of Leicester, and overall leaders of Venture holidays are gathering together in Sheffield for a day of training led by John Dunnett and Ruth Hassall.

12 prayer diary

pray for reflection, rest and refreshment

Week 9

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Sunday 13 March Please pray for Andrew Cowley, senior leadership development adviser, preaching at a ‘worship for all’ service at St Paul with Southborough Hook in Surrey today.

Monday 14 March Please pray for all those with leadership responsibilities as they take time during Lent to reflect on Jesus’ atoning death on the cross.

Tuesday 15 March Pray for ‘Breathe’ – a retreat for youth ministers in Chelmsford diocese. Andy Castle is speaking as part of Making Mission Possible.

Wednesday 16 March Ask God to help all leaders who may be feeling weary and burdened at the moment.

Thursday 17 March

Saturday 19 March

Pray for the lay and ordained leaders who have attended Making Mission Possible events on the theme of ‘Sustaining yourself in leadership’. Ask God to help them continue to grow as followers of Christ as well as leading others to him.

Ask God to help all the leaders who have attended Making Mission Possible events on the theme of ‘Making space for what matters’. Please pray these men and women would prioritise making space for prayer, Bible study, reflection, refreshment and renewal.

Friday 18 March Please pray for Christian leaders who will be spending time on retreat this Lent. Ask God to refresh and bless those who earnestly seek him.

thank you for your prayers and support Image: © prayer prayerdiary diary 13 13

CPAS is Making Mission Possible through leadership development events in each of the 43 English dioceses. Discerning direction Enabling action Developing a strategy for youth or children’s ministry Leadership and mission in a multi-church benefice Developing lay leadership

For more information on the events in your area please visit 10 prayer diary

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pray for God’s provision

Week 10

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. 2 Corinthians 9:7

Sunday 20 March

Wednesday 23 March

Friday 25 March

Please pray for Andy Castle, leadership development adviser, speaking at St Michael’s, South Malling today.

Ask God to raise up a new generation of men and women to give to the work of CPAS – for the sake of the gospel.

Thank God for the individuals and churches who regularly pray for the ministries of CPAS.

Monday 21 March

Thursday 24 March

In common with many charities and mission agencies, CPAS has seen donation income decrease in recent years. Please pray God would continue to provide for our ministry, and that we would be good stewards of resources.

Please thank God for his goodness and provision to CPAS since its foundation in 1836. Praise him for his faithfulness.

Saturday 26 March Please pray for more people and churches to commit to regular giving to CPAS through standing orders.

Tuesday 22 March Thank God for the many generous individuals and churches who support the work of CPAS financially and in prayer.

Find us on Facebook to discover more about growing leaders, growing churches. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc. Image: ©

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Week 11

pray for CPAS

He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit. Galatians 3:14

Sunday 27 March

Tuesday 29 March

Thursday 31 March

Please pray for John Fisher, regional leadership adviser for the North-east, preaching today at St Thomas with St Maurice, in York.

The CPAS trustees meet today to finalise plans and the budget for 2011/12. Please pray for wisdom and ability to discern God’s direction.

Monday 28 March

Wednesday 30 March

The mission of CPAS is to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Please pray for all the CPAS staff as we work towards this goal.

Please pray for the CPAS management team, including David Hart, director of Ventures and Falcon Camps.

Pray for Rory Keegan, resources manager, who edits Church Leadership magazine and creates the CPAS podcasts. Listen to Rory’s latest interview at

Friday 1 April The CPAS vision includes developing 25,000 men and women to become more effective in leadership. Please ask God to continue to equip and resource CPAS for this vision.

Saturday 2 April

Praise God for all he has done through Ventures and Falcon Camps

David Hart, Director of Ventures and Falcon Camps

16 prayer diary

Please pray for those attending the youth and children’s leaders’ day in Worcester today. Ask God to encourage and challenge all who take part.

pray for women in leadership

Week 12

Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. She held court under the Palm of Deborah between Ramah and Bethel in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went up to her to have their disputes decided. Judges 4:4-5

Sunday 3 April This Mothering Sunday, please pray for women in leadership who are also mothers. Ask God to help them balance competing demands on their time and energy.

Monday 4 April Rosie Ward, CPAS leadership development adviser, has been following up the CPAS/ Awesome consultation last November on women and larger churches. Please pray that the results of this would lead to better practice in church appointments.

Tuesday 5 April Please pray for Rosie as she mentors several women in leadership roles in churches. Pray she would be able to provide a balance of support and challenge.

Wednesday 6 April

Friday 8 April

Rosie facilitates one of the regional groups of Awesome, the network for evangelical female clergy in the Church of England. Please pray these groups will provide good support, especially for those feeling isolated or discouraged.

Pray the web-based resources for women leaders would help to equip and affirm many women so they can lead growing churches with confidence.

Thursday 7 April

The Ventures Broads Cruise starts today. Please pray the children and young people taking part would have a safe and fun time and would understand more of God’s love for them.

The theme of this year’s Awesome conference, to be held in June, is ‘Communicate’. Pray for Rosie and other members of the planning team as they prepare for the conference.

Saturday 9 April

Image ©

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Week 13

pray for regional leadership development advisers

And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. Hebrews 12:1-2

Sunday 10 April

Tuesday 12 April

Thursday 14 April

Today Andrew Cowley, senior leadership development adviser, is preaching at St Thomas’ Church in Stopsley. Please pray for Andrew as he speaks, and for those in the congregation.

The next few weeks are very busy for Paul Hoey (Ireland). Please pray for Paul as he prepares for the next Arrow Ireland residential as well as some Holy Week talks on ‘Leaders around Jesus’.

Monday 11 April

Wednesday 13 April

Please pray for Chris Kellock (Scotland and the North of England). Thank God for the opportunity to break new ground and develop ongoing partnerships that make an impact on the local church.

John Fisher (North-east) has been working with several parishes on developing their vision in the light of leadership changes. Please pray parishes in this situation would remain focused on the potential of the new mission possibilities in front of them.

Please pray for Simon Chesters (North-west) as he continues to lead the team teaching a six-month module on leadership for trainee Readers and ordinands in the dioceses of Chester, Liverpool and Manchester. Pray Simon will encourage and equip this group of new leaders.

Simon Chesters speaking at a Leading Edge event

Friday 15 April Pray that Making Mission Possible events would help local churches become more aware of their regional advisers, including Laurence Gamlen (South) and Charles Burgess (South-west). Please pray that all of the regional leadership development advisers would enable good and effective leadership.

Saturday 16 April Please pray for Kevin Fitzgibbon (East) and the other regional advisers supporting church leaders working in multi-church benefices. Pray CPAS Leading Edge training days would help and encourage them. 18 prayer diary

prayer diary overview This overview is designed to be easily detached in order to help those who prefer to pray in a less structured way. Please use the Bible verses to guide you, and ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration. Each section outlines the prayer focus for the week ahead.

Sunday 16 January

Pray for patronage churches Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. John 11:25 Please pray all parishes in an interregnum at the moment would have direction, enthusiasm and encouragement.

Sunday 23 January Pray for our nations

Ask God to help all leaders who speak, words may be given me so may be feeling weary and burdened that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel. Ephesians 6:19 at the moment. Please pray for youth ministers in Bradford diocese attending a two-day retreat.

Sunday 20 March

Sunday 20 February

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give. 2 Corinthians 9:7

On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. 1 Thessalonians 2:4

Please thank God for his goodness and provision to CPAS since its foundation in 1836. Praise him for his faithfulness.

Pray for Making Mission Possible

And they cried out in a loud voice: Pray for the men, women and young ‘Salvation belongs to our God, who people who have attended Making sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’ Mission Possible events over the last Revelation 7:10 five months. Ask God to help them Please pray for the different retain an outward focus in all they do. Biblefresh initiatives which are Sunday 27 February taking place throughout the UK. Pray for Ventures and Falcon Camps

Sunday 30 January

Pray for youth and children’s leaders We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives. Colossians 1:9-10

The LORD is my strength and my defence, he has become my salvation. Psalm 118:14 Thank God for the generous supporters of Ventures and Falcon Camps. Ask God to prompt more churches and individuals to give to these life-changing holidays.

Pray for leaders of children’s Sunday 6 March ministries attending Hand in Hand, the children and families’ conference Pray for the Arrow Leadership Programme in Eastbourne this weekend.

Sunday 6 February

Pray for Making Mission Possible Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! 1 Corinthians 9:16 Pray for church leaders who have attended Making Mission Possible events on mission-shaped leadership. Ask God to help them lead churches which are focused on mission not maintenance.

Sunday 13 February

Pray for Making Mission Possible Pray also for me, that whenever I

Have confidence in your leaders and submit to their authority, because they keep watch over you as those who must give an account. Hebrews 13:17 Ask God to help the men and women on Arrow explore and develop their own prayer lives.

Sunday 13 March

Pray for reflection, rest and refreshment Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Pray for God’s provision

Sunday 27 March Pray for CPAS

He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:14 Pray for Rory Keegan, resources manager, who edits Church Leadership magazine and creates the CPAS podcasts. (Listen to these at

Sunday 3 April

Pray for women in leadership Now Deborah, a prophet, the wife of Lappidoth, was leading Israel at that time. Judges 4:4 Pray for Rosie Ward as she mentors several women in leadership roles in churches.

Sunday 10 April

Pray for regional leadership development advisers And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus. Hebrews 12:1-2 Please pray for the regional advisers supporting church leaders working in multi-church benefices. Pray CPAS Leading Edge training days would help and encourage them.

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A CPAS event for 16-25 year olds

lifecall What’s God’s plan for you? Is God calling you to lead? These relaxed one-day events will help you explore God’s call on your life and help you work out your ‘next step’. For more information, to book by phone, or for other vocations advice and support, contact Mark Norris at or on 01926 458461.

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