Winter – Spring 2013
making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches
thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.
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prayer diary
Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson
Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ
All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2012. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.
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So Jacob was left alone, and a man wrestled with him till daybreak. Genesis 32:24
n Genesis 32 we read of an encounter between Jacob and an enigmatic ‘man’ (v24). It is fascinating because of the intrigue surrounding the identity of the ‘man’ and because of its position in the Jacob story. This is a ‘big’ moment for Jacob: he is about to meet his brother after many years (v6) – a brother who he cheated and who may be still be aggrieved enough to kill him. So it is not surprising that he takes steps to secure the safety of his family (v7) and then sends appeasing gifts to his brother (v13-20). And then – alone in the reaches of the night – he wrestles with the ‘man’. Bible commentators suggest this wrestling is a picture of prayer and teaches us something of how we should intercede. As such, there are two facets I want to draw to your attention as you use this Prayer Diary to pray for CPAS. Firstly, it encourages us to persevere in prayer. Jesus told the story of a woman who persevered in her pursuit of justice from a judge and commended for her it. And in the same way, the story of Jacob’s wresting challenges us to persevere in prayer. This means praying for the same needs again and again, in different ways and times, sometimes on our own and sometimes in the company of others. And it is good therefore to pray for CPAS in this way.
Secondly, it affirms the commitment of God to engagement with our prayers. After all, it is the ‘man’ who wrestled with Jacob and not the other way around. It is the ‘man’ who is the initiator of the encounter – a sign that God himself takes the initiative in prompting us and meeting with us in our intercession. This underlines the truly divine nature of the prayer encounter. When you pray for CPAS you are being drawn by God himself into ‘wrestling’ for his purposes. We have tried in the diary to offer suggestions for your prayers day by day and detailed information on a weekly basis to enable more focussed and in depth prayer. Thank you for joining us in prayer – we appreciate your interest, support and partnership in the work that God has called us to. Please persevere – and rejoice as you are called into the divine ‘wrestle’ of intercession on our behalf.
John Dunnett General Director
making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches
13-19 January
patronage churches Christ Church Lowestoft (Norwich)
When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.’ John 8:12
n Britain’s easternmost parish, Christ Church is 300 metres from the sea, and serves the heart of Lowestoft, the former fishing port.
Christ Church is a lively town centre church, teaching the scriptures and proclaiming the gospel of Jesus in the local community. Vicar Matthew Payne asks: ‘Please pray for our work with children and young people. Our parent and toddler groups are called “Shrimps” and meet three mornings a week, bringing lots of contact with non-church households. These include some basic Bible stories and teaching, and we’re praying that these young families will join in our Saturday club and holiday clubs too.’ ‘Our teenagers meet in two youth groups on Friday nights: 11-14s (Pathfinders), and 14-18s (BASE), and we have a fortnightly evening service called ‘Lighthouse’, which is led by the teenagers. Our youthworker Markus is Swedish, and his wife is Australian, so we have an international staff team. We’re also looking to develop our men’s ministry, and we’ll be starting a church pool team in a local pub league soon.’
For your prayers: Sun 13: Christ Church Lowestoft: For the Sunday services today, with preaching on Ephesians this morning and on Jonah at the ‘Lighthouse’ service this evening. Mon 14: Christ Church Lowestoft: Matthew Payne and his wife Roz, and curate Richard Burbidge and his wife Claire, as they lead the church. Tue 15: Elmswell St John (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich): In vacancy. Patronage secretary John Fisher, Archdeacon David Jenkins and the PCC are meeting tonight to go through the parish profile ahead of advertising. Wed 16: CPAS staff: General director John Dunnett, as he attends the Church of England Evangelical Council meeting today in London. Thu 17: Christ Church Lowestoft: The midweek ‘Shrimps’ groups for parents and toddlers. Pray these groups would be fruitful in the kingdom of God. Fri 18: Christ Church Lowestoft: Youth groups Pathfinders and BASE as they meet tonight. For God’s blessing on Markus and Nicole Kankaanpää as they lead the youth work. Sat 19: Christ Church Lowestoft: Ministry among men – to bring them in and build them up in faith.
CPAS is also patron of the most southerly parish in the UK, St Ruan with St Grade and Landewednack (Truro). 04
developing leaders
20-26 January
Arrow Reloaded The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. Psalm 28:7
For your prayers: Sun 20: Arrow Reloaded: Speakers Viv Thomas and Kate Coleman. Pray for wise, godly, biblical input.
rrow Reloaded is a biennial leadership development conference for those who have graduated from the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme. This year, the theme for the event is ‘The Attentive Life’.
Mon 21: Arrow Reloaded: For excellent leadership insights from an interview with a Christian leader working in a different context.
The purpose of this four-day conference, which starts on 20 January, is to help those who have completed Arrow to ‘re-calibrate’ through Bible teaching, input, worship, space for reflection and opportunities to reconnect with people from their programme.
Wed 23: Arrow Reloaded: The conference finishes today. Please pray for all delegates as they return to life and ministry across the UK.
This year’s contributors include Viv Thomas, founder of Formation and teaching pastor at St Paul’s Hammersmith, and Kate Coleman, founder and director of Next Leadership, associate pastor of a church plant in Birmingham and chair of the EA council.
Fri 25: Ventures: For the leaders of Smallwood Manor 1, led by Robin Barfield, David Casson and Abigail Howe, as they make plans to run their Venture at a new site later this year.
Tue 22: CPAS trustees: Meeting today in Coventry to discuss key issues including next year’s budget and business plan.
Thu 24: Carlisle St John (Carlisle): In vacancy. The PCC, Archdeacon Kevin Roberts and patronage secretary John Fisher meet tonight to discuss options for the future.
Sat 26: Southwell Holy Trinity (Southwell and Nottingham): Incumbent Mark Tanner is moving on after 20 years of gospel ministry.
Arrow graduates at the last Arrow Reloaded conference
The Arrow Leadership Programme has been run in the UK by CPAS since 1999. 05
27 January 2 February
developing leaders Effective teams
For we are God’s co-workers; you are God’s field, God’s building. By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. 1 Corinthians 3:9-10
For your prayers: Sun 27: Barton Hill St Luke (Bristol): In the tenth month of vacancy. Pray for a smooth and efficient appointment process. Mon 28: Effective teams: Leadership specialist Charles Burgess led a day on building teams last week for clergy in Truro diocese. Pray for good application. Tue 29: Effective teams: ‘Leading well with others’ is taking place in Liverpool diocese today, led by Charles Burgess as part of the Continuing Ministerial Education (CME) programme.
PAS leadership principal James Lawrence’s answer to the question of why effective teams matter for local church mission is simple: ‘because Together Everyone Achieves More!’. This week, CPAS is running a ‘Leading well with others’ day for clergy in Liverpool diocese, and a Leading Edge forum on teamwork for readers in Lichfield diocese. James explained: ‘The focus of both of these training days will be on helping teams to function well by addressing key aspects of teamwork such as trust, expectations, interpersonal dynamics and communication. We will look at collaborative leadership in the Bible, and consider some helpful models which enable teams to work well.
Wed 30: Falcon Camps: Jon and Jude Munday, and Jon and Becky Mort who will be leading the Easter Falcon Camp at Ingestre Hall in Staffordshire. Thu 31: Patronage trustees: Meeting in London today to shortlist for current vacancies, which are likely to include Branksome Park (Salisbury) and Sissinghurst with Frittenden (Canterbury). Fri 1: National Larger Anglican Churches Consultation: Bookings are open for this event, taking place in November. Pray God would be prompting many leaders of larger churches to book their place. Sat 2: Effective teams: Pray for Readers in Lichfield diocese as they attend the Leading Edge training day on building teams today, led by CPAS director of ministry Graham Archer.
CPAS is involved in the CME (Continuing Ministerial Education) programmes of many dioceses. 06
ventures and falcon camps Ventures promotion Declare his glory among the nations, his marvellous deeds among all peoples. Psalm 96:3
he months leading up to the Ventures and Falcon Camps peak season are crucial. Young people and their parents from across the UK and Republic of Ireland and beyond are hearing about, discussing, considering, planning and booking to go on a life-changing Christian holiday. Bookings opened on 1 December and usually around a third of members have booked their place by this point in the year, so there’s still plenty of opportunity for promotion and bookings! The holidays are promoted in many different ways, including church presentations, exhibitions at national and regional events, distributing brochures, DVDs, posters and leaflets, and via Facebook and the Ventures website. Word of mouth is often most powerful – coming from leaders, parents, or, best of all, the young people themselves.
3-9 February
For your prayers: Sun 3: Ventures promotion: For 4,500+ children and teenagers to book a place on Ventures and Falcon Camps this summer. We want to bless as many young people as possible! Mon 4: Ventures promotion: For those communicating what Ventures is all about at regional and national conferences. Tue 5: Blackpool St Mark Layton (Blackburn): Interviews are taking place today for the role of incumbent. Pray for God’s guidance for all involved. Wed 6: Ventures promotion: For those connected with Ventures in some way to feel inspired to spread the word among their contacts. Thu 7: Evangelical Patrons Consultative Council (EPCC): God’s guidance and provision for clergy on the EPCC register, who are hoping to find a role in an evangelical parish. Fri 8: CPAS staff: Lift up Charles Burgess in prayer as he leads the first day of a curates’ long weekend away for Bristol diocese. Sat 9: Mentoring Matters: Today, James Lawrence is leading a training day in Dawlish, near Exeter, for local churches interested in setting up a mentoring scheme.
Ventures promotional materials are available free of charge from 07
10-16 February
vocations Vocations events and resources
Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. Mark 3:13
PAS has a long history of supporting people in their vocational journeys. You and Ministry weekends have been giving people the space, time and input to explore a calling to ordination for more than 50 years. Later this month, in partnership with Peterborough Diocese, we are running a lifecall event for 16-25s to explore vocation, with input from Bishop Lindsay Urwin and CPAS partner Nicola Moy. We also have a series of online resources, including free vocations resource sheets and an online tool to discover your ‘shape’ for ministry.
For your prayers: Sun 10: South Cave and Ellerker with Broomfleet (York): Vicar Peter Faulkner is retiring this week. Lift up in prayer the future of this East Yorkshire parish. Mon 11: Vocations: Ask for God’s clear guidance to be received by those due to attend next month’s You and Ministry event in Poole, Dorset. Tue 12: Leadership: James Lawrence is leading an event for clergy in Liverpool diocese on ‘Making meetings matter’. Pray all who attend will learn more about using their time well. Wed 13: St Mary’s Watford (St Albans): Pray for Tony Rindl who is licensed as the new vicar this week. Thu 14: Vocations: Pray that all those pursuing a call to ordination will rely on God as their strength, Jesus as their light and the Holy Spirit as their guide. Fri 15: Vocations: Ask God to surround those seeking ordination with people who bring encouragement and prayerful discernment. Sat 16: Vocations: For all at the lifecall event next Saturday to gain a clearer understanding of how to serve God’s purposes, and that some will be drawn to ordained roles in the Church of England.
CPAS also offers support and advice to clergy who are helping people in their congregation consider their vocation. 08
Growing the Church Taking the brakes off 21-23 October 2013 at High Leigh, Hertfordshire National Larger Anglican Churches Consultation (NLACC)
A biennial conference for ordained leaders of larger Anglican churches (USA 350+). Contributors include the Rt Rev Andrew Watson, Bishop of Aston and former vicar of St Stephen’s East Twickenham.
‘Stimulating and encouraging’ ‘Best leadership conference in a decade’
To find out more and book online visit
17-23 February
patronage churches St Paul’s York (York)
For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many. Mark 10:45
For your prayers: Sun 17: St Paul’s York: Sweaty Church is happening at 4pm this afternoon. Pray disciples will be made through this initiative. Mon 18: Ventures: Matt Rose and Peter Hillman, who will be leading ‘Legacy – Men of Iron’, a boys only Venture happening this summer. Tue 19: CPAS: Today is CPAS’ birthday. Praise God for 177 years of gospel ministry in the UK and Republic of Ireland, and pray for his continued blessing over our work.
weaty’ might not be a word you’d normally associate with church, but at St Paul’s York, ‘Sweaty Church’ is a hit! Aimed at children aged 7-11 and their families, Sweaty Church happens once a month on a Sunday afternoon, and involves lots of high-energy games and running around, based around a teaching theme. Parents are offered parenting skills sessions which run alongside this, and at the end, everyone comes back together for toast. There is also a Sweaty Church camp each summer. Encompassing York railway station and the suburb of Holgate, the parish of St Paul’s is also blessed and served by many other ministries, including a Christian arts community for people in their 20s called ‘Burning Fences’, and a number of pastoral groups for those facing particular issues.
Wed 20: St Paul’s York: John Lee (vicar), Mike Rutter (curate), Ian Mayhew (associate lay minister), Hannah Frost (children’s and youth worker) and Ann Wooldridge (pastoral coordinator). Thu 21: St Paul’s York: For the church’s weekly coffee morning today: ‘Coffee & Co: coffee, cake and company’, and also Burning Fences and the pastoral groups. Fri 22: Rufforth with Moor Monkton, Hessay and Long Marston (York): In the same diocese and currently in a period of vacancy. Sat 23: Vocations: The lifecall young vocations days, run in partnership with Peterborough diocese, is taking place in Kettering today.
You can view a map showing all 512 CPAS patronage churches at 10
developing leaders
24 February - 2 March
John Dunnett Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him. John 3:14-15
ohn Dunnett’s role as general director of CPAS encompasses a huge variety of different responsibilities. As well as leading the staff team, John regularly preaches and teaches on leadership, mission and evangelism, is a member of the General Synod, serves on the Crown Nominations Commission and is involved in a myriad of other ministry activities. Facilitating effective leadership for mission, whether directly or indirectly, is the driving force across John’s work, as he engages with leaders in local church and other contexts. John is in Lisburn on Tuesday for a meeting with CPAS’ Ireland Advisory Group, chaired by the Rev Paul Dundas, Rector of Christ Church Lisburn and member of the CPAS council of reference. John is also going to Lisburn next week, to help lead an event on local church leadership and change.
For your prayers: Sun 24: Sinfin St Stephen (Derby): Vicar Paul Sandford is retiring. Pray for the next phase in the ministry of this parish. Mon 25: Ventures: Doug and Helen Neville, Peter Boorne and Mark Tomlinson who are leading the K’Wray (Kepplewray) Venture which takes place in May in Cumbria. Tue 26: John Dunnett: In Northern Ireland for the meeting of CPAS’ Ireland Advisory Group, to discuss events and activities for 2013 and beyond. Wed 27: John Dunnett: This afternoon, John is meeting with the other directors and managers of CPAS to discuss the current challenges and opportunities of CPAS’ ministry. Thu 28: St Paul’s Cambridge (Ely): Praise God for the ministry of the Rev Michael Beckett, who celebrates 20 years as incumbent here this weekend. Fri 1: Falcon Camps: The Falcon Camp overall leaders training weekend starts tonight. Praise God for these wonderful volunteers! Pray for a useful and enjoyable weekend. Sat 2: John Dunnett: Today, John is at Chelmsford Diocesan Synod. Pray for this, and also John’s role as a member of General Synod.
John lives in Essex with his wife Liz and their children William, Mary and Hannah. 11
3-9 March
developing leaders Arrow residential 3
For your prayers: Sun 3: Arrow: The Arrow residential begins today at Whirlow Grange in Sheffield. Pray for safe journeys and ready hearts. Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is true worship. Romans 12:1
he CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme is an 18-month transformational course for those aged 25 to 40 who are involved in Christian leadership. Having focused on aspects of character and call on the two previous residentials, this third residential deals with the practical aspects of leadership: leading evangelism and handling change, as well as interpersonal style and how we relate to others as leaders. It also starts with exercise each morning: anything from swimming, tennis or jogging to a gentle walk, and each participant will have a short interview with a personal trainer to explore health issues.
Mon 4: Arrow: For the Bible teaching each morning from Jackie Mann, that participants will hear from God. Tue 5: Arrow: That those who dislike exercise will end the week motivated to continue to look after their bodies. Wed 6: Arrow: Spending the day on the topic of ‘Prayer and the Leader’, for a gentle prompt from the Spirit. Thu 7: Leadership: General director John Dunnett is helping lead a training day on leadership and change in Lisburn for local church leaders. Fri 8: Highbury New Park St Augustine (London): Ask God to guide all those involved in interviews for the next vicar today. Sat 9: Arrow: For an easy integration at the end of the Arrow residential, after participants returned back to their homes and workplaces yesterday.
Do you know a full-time Christian leader aged 25-40 who would benefit from the Arrow Leadership Programme? Point them towards to find out more.
ventures and falcon camps Falcon Camps in 2013 This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. 1 John 5:14
ach year we host around 500 children and young people on CPAS Falcon Camps which are fun, safe, affordable Christian holidays for those who face some kind of disadvantage in their daily lives. At this time of year, overall leaders are building their teams for the summer, blending new, experienced, young and more mature leaders together. Each Falcon Camp also needs a great mix of fun and teaching, aiming to keep everyone happily occupied from dawn to bedtime. The spiritual programme aims to make the gospel accessible, relevant and fun for young people, many of whom have no previous experience of Christian teaching.
10-16 March
For your prayers: Sun 10: Falcon Camps: Jane Stephenson, the Falcon Camps development manager and also Phil Richardson and Michelle Robinson, who co-ordinate Falcon Camps. Mon 11: Falcon Camps: For the experiences that all the children and young people had on Falcon Camps last year to make an enduring impact on their lives. Tue 12: Leadership: John Dunnett is speaking all day today at Trinity College, Bristol, as part of their leadership development module. Wed 13: Evangelical Patrons Consultative Council (EPCC): Patronage secretary John Fisher will chair the EPCC meeting today. Plans for a conference about clergy vacancies in 2014 will be discussed. Thu 14: CPAS trustees: Meeting to discuss items that govern the future ministry of the organisation. The patronage trustees also meet today, and the two groups will meet together over lunch. Fri 15: Falcon Camps: Please pray that all the administration and CRB checks involved in recruiting volunteer leaders are sorted out quickly and easily during the run up to the summer. Sat 16: Falcon Camps: Pray that the children and young people who will benefit most from the chance of one of these holidays are reached with invitations to Falcon Camps.
Falcon Camps are heavily subsidised by our generous supporters. This makes them affordable to young people and their families, with some only able to contribute ÂŁ10.
17-23 March
mentoring The Mentoring Matters training tour
But you know that Timothy has proved himself, because as a son with his father he has served with me in the work of the gospel. Philippians 2:22
his Saturday sees the fifth of our Mentoring Matters training day tour dates at Bransgore Community Church in Christchurch, Dorset. Recent training days have also taken place in Birmingham, Sevenoaks, Norwich and Dawlish (near Exeter). The events are the joint initiative of CPAS and The Mentoring Network. Saturday’s training day will be led by Sharon Prior, who is part of the Mentoring Network. Participants explore what mentoring is and why Christian mentoring is such a useful tool for discipleship, practise some core mentoring skills and learn how to use the Mentoring Matters resource pack effectively in their own churches to make fruitful disciples for mission. Also this week, two cohorts will begin a yearlong leadership programme run by Exeter diocese for clergy, which leadership principal James Lawrence and leadership specialist Charles Burgess are contributing to.
For your prayers: Sun 17: St Stephen’s Twickenham (London): James Lawrence is preaching this morning and evening, and sharing news from CPAS. Mon 18: Exeter diocesan leadership course: Pray for good engagement as Charles Burgess begins the course with the first cohort of clergy today. Tue 19: Mentoring Matters: Pray the training days would give people a valuable tool for developing their church for mission. Wed 20: Exeter diocesan leadership course: James Lawrence leads the second cohort of clergy today. Pray for openness to discuss issues which affect leadership. Thu 21: Elmswell St John (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich): Shortlisting for the vacant incumbent’s role took place last week. Pray for all those who were shortlisted, and those who were not. Fri 22: Mentoring Matters: Good attendance at the upcoming training days in Sutton in April and Romford in June. Sat 23: Mentoring Matters: Training event in Christchurch, Dorset today, led by Sharon Prior. Pray people come away feeling inspired and informed.
Mentoring schemes are an increasingly popular way for churches to facilitate genuine, kingdom-building discipleship. 14
patronage churches Creech St Michael (Bath and Wells)
24-30 March
‘He himself bore our sins’ in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by his wounds you have been healed.’ 1 Peter 2:24
For your prayers:
his Holy week, we’d love you to join us in praying for the church and wider community of Creech St Michael. We’ve got various Easter activities taking place, including an “Easter Eggstravaganza” with the two local schools with stories, games and craft. We also hold an annual spring fair around this time of year, where local children take part in an Easter hats competition, and draw Easter pictures which we then put up around the church. ‘Please also pray for our more regular outreach events, including our monthly community lunch. This takes place in the village hall on Saturdays, with church members cooking a three course lunch for other local people. We usually get a good turnout of around 70 people, many of whom don’t normally come to church.’ Rebecca Harris, Rector
Sun 24: Creech St Michael: All those attending Palm Sunday services at the church and its neighbouring parishes, Ruishton and Thornfalcon. Mon 25: Mentoring Matters: Reminder emails about the training events in Romford and Sutton are being sent this week. Pray God would be prompting the right people to attend. Tue 26: Creech St Michael: Relationships to be built between members of the church and other local people through the community lunches. Wed 27: Creech St Michael: That the burden of maintaining a grade 1 listed building would not get in the way of the work of St Michael’s, and the many other Anglican churches in this situation. Thu 28: Creech St Michael: For the children at the two schools which take part in the annual ‘Easter Eggstravaganza’: Creech St Michael and Ruishton Church of England primary schools. Fri 29: Patronage churches: Ask that people will hear and respond to the gospel in Good Friday services taking place today all over the UK. Sat 30: Creech St Michael: With Rebecca, that she would see ‘more people coming to the church, and becoming more involved as they grow in faith’.
Creech St Michael is a village about three miles outside of Taunton. The church is one of 17 in Bath and Wells diocese where CPAS are patrons.
31 March 6 April
ventures and falcon camps Easter Ventures
Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. 1 Peter 1:3
For your prayers:
Broads Cruise (30 March-6 April)
Sun 31: CPAS: This Easter Sunday, ask God to divinely direct CPAS’ ministry so churches can be better equipped to share the news of Jesus’ death and resurrection.
Overall leaders: Patrick Gleave, Liz Knight and Stephen Didsbury
Mon 1: Broads Cruise: Wisdom and grace for all the leaders, servant hearts for pathfinders, doing all things in the strength of Christ.
Easter Haslemere (1-6 April) Overall leaders: Christine Penfold and Paul Peterson
Spring Bridgwater (2-6 April) Overall leaders: Helen Pattinson, David White, Paul and Debbie Evans
Ski Switzerland (5-14 April) Overall leaders: Geoff Harley-Mason and Matt Hustwayte
Tue 2: Easter Haslemere: Pray that young people will come to faith and be equipped to serve Christ in their schools and with their friends and families. Wed 3: Easter Falcon: Also taking place this week at Ingestre Hall, Staffordshire. Pray God’s Holy Spirit touches the lives of the 8-11 year olds. Thu 4: Lenton Holy Trinity (Southwell and Nottingham): God’s blessing today on CPAS patronage vicar the Rev Dr Megan Smith, who was appointed a year ago. Fri 5: Bridgwater: Pray that God will meet with every young person, enriching their skills and confidence in creative worship. Sat 6: Ski Switzerland: Safety on the slopes and around the chalet, great conversations, good sleep and strong relationships to be built among members and leaders.
Ventures and Falcon Camps take place in school holidays, including half term breaks, as well as Easter and summer. 16
He is not here; he has risen! We want to help more churches share the good news with every man, woman and child in the UK and Republic of Ireland Find out more at
No access to a computer? You can also call 0300 123 0780 or write to us at the address on the last page of this Prayer Diary.
7-13 April
developing leaders The Grove Leadership Series
Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should. Ephesians 6:20
Missionary discipleship in today’s world is a radical way of life, courageous and counter-cultural. But the framework of a process that leads a church into wholelife mission and discipleship needs to be relatively simple. It has to enable any ‘ordinary’ church to take the journey. ‘Leading a Whole-life Disciplemaking Church’ from the Grove Leadership Series
PAS and Grove Books first teamed up in 2010 to launch the Grove Leadership Series. Since then, nine booklets have been produced, including the above title. The booklets aim to be ‘not the last word … but often the first’ on a range of pertinent leadership topics. James Lawrence, who sits on the editorial board for the series explains: ‘The idea is to give leaders a short, succinct and highly useful exploration of topics relevant to their day to day leadership, to help them be as effective as possible in leading their church in mission.’
For your prayers: Sun 7: Lead On: The latest edition of the Lead On email for church leaders was sent out a few days ago. Pray this would have a positive effect on the ministry of all those who received it. Mon 8: Grove Leadership Series: Adrian Beavis wrote the most recent booklet, aimed at clergy making the transition from curacy to incumbency. Pray for all those taking this step. Tue 9: Ventures and Falcon Camps: The office team are meeting this morning, to discuss plans for this summer’s holidays. Wed 10: St James Muswell Hill (London): This large north London parish recently entered a period of vacancy. Lift up the church wardens and the PCC as they navigate through this often challenging time. Thu 11: Grove Leadership Series: The editorial group meets today. They will be looking at manuscripts on the topics of disappointment in leadership and pioneer leadership. Fri 12: Grove Leadership Series: For Richard Steele (convenor of the editorial group) as he leads the group in considering what issues future booklets should address. Sat 13: Ski Venture: Safe travel for the young people and their leaders as they begin the long journey home from Switzerland today.
More information about Grove Books is available from 18
Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.
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Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!
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Through the Arrow experience I have grasped the need to abide in God throughout my life and ministry. Penny Maginn CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E
lifecall discover your purpose A CPAS event for 16-25s exploring God’s call Saturday 23 February, Kettering What is God’s purpose for you? How do you find out? Is God calling you to lead?
in partnership with
More information and booking details at: