CPAS Prayer Diary, Spring/Summer 2010

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Spring – Summer 2010


For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. Psalm 71:5

growing leaders, growing churches

‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Mark 10:47

prayer diary Spring – Summer 2010

prayer diary Editor: Rebecca Gash Design: Catherine Jackson All Bible quotations taken from Today’s New International Version Cover image © Image above © Copyright CPAS 2010. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us.

Contact CPAS Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG T 01926 458458 E W A company limited by guarantee, registered in England no 2673220 Registered office: CPAS, Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG Registered charity no 1007820 (England & Wales) SC039082 (Scotland)

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elcome to this CPAS Prayer Diary – we are enormously grateful for your continued and prayerful support. We often talk of praying in faith, but we don’t so often stop to consider what that means and how it should influence the nature and shape of our prayers. Bartimaeus was one man who, perhaps without realising it, prayed in faith. In Mark chapter 10 we read how Jesus was apprehended by Bartimaeus as he was leaving Jericho. ‘Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!’ Bartimaeus cried – only to be silenced by the crowd. But his shouts were eventually heard by Jesus who then asked him ‘What do you want me to do for you?’. Surely, Jesus must have already known what the answer would be. Bartimaeus wanted to see. But the way Mark records the incident suggest that his initial prayer: ‘Have mercy on me!’ had not been enough. Jesus wanted to encourage the specific and definite request: ‘Rabbi, I want to see’ (Mark 10:51). Some years ago, a Christian writer suggested that a river that is left to flow without boundaries spreads out and creates only a marsh. But when it is channelled and constrained within banks, it can power a mill. In the same way, prayer that is specific enables the power of heaven to be apprehended. This is not always a popular or palatable teaching. But it underlines

for us the need to be specific in our intercession – hence the needs and requests identified in this Prayer Diary. The prayer of faith could also be described as ‘daring’. Bartimeaus may not have been present when Jesus said ‘with God all things are possible’ (Matthew 19:26), but his petition was an audacious acknowledgement of this – and it was clearly a prayer of which God approved. John Newton may have been reflecting on this when he wrote in 1779: Thou art coming to a king Large petitions with thee bring For His grace and power are such None can ever ask too much. If we are being brutally honest with ourselves, the poverty of much prayer lies in exactly this: it is too earth-bound, constrained and routine. In contrast, Bartimeaus received his sight because he dared to ask for that which only heaven could grant! As you use this diary to pray for the work of CPAS, can I ask you to be both definite and daring. Definite in asking for specifics. Daring in the exercise of faith. This is the kind of prayer that opened the windows of heaven upon Bartimaeus. And it is the same kind of prayer that will enable us to know God’s sovereign blessing in our work with local churches and leaders. Thank you John Dunnett General Director prayer diary 3

Week 1

pray for CPAS

So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. And to this day it is said, ‘On the mountain of the Lord it will be provided.’ Genesis 22:14

Sunday 18 April

Tuesday 20 April

Thursday 22 April

Thank God for his faithful provision to CPAS over many years. Please ask God to continue to provide for all of the financial needs of CPAS.

The CPAS staff gather together today for a twoday conference. Ask God to help us continue to grow together as a team.

Monday 19 April

Wednesday 21 April

Pray for John Dunnett, general director of CPAS, and the other four team directors who comprise the CPAS management team. Ask God to continue to guide them.

Thank God for the wisdom and experience of the trustees who give up their time voluntarily to serve CPAS.

Please pray for all the CPAS staff. Ask God to give each person a renewed sense of his calling.

Friday 23 April Please ask God to equip CPAS further for its mission of enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ.

Saturday 24 April The CPAS vision includes developing 25,000 men and women to be more effective in leadership. Ask God to help CPAS fulfil this vision.

Hazel Lancefield, Development Team Administrator 4 prayer diary

pray for the CPAS and ventures merger

Week 2

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, so that with one mind and one voice you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 15:5-6

Sunday 25 April CPAS and CPV Limited, which runs Ventures and Falcon Camps, will be merging on 1 May. Please pray for the CPV trustees who will join the CPAS trustee body. Thank God for the gospel opportunities this legal merger will bring for the newly-formed organisation.

Monday 26 April Pray for the new Ventures and Falcon Camps management committee which will have oversight of the day-to-day running of Ventures and Falcon Camps.

Tuesday 27 April Please pray that the last few remaining spaces on this summer’s Ventures will be booked up soon.

Wednesday 28 April Pray for the Ventures and Falcon Camps staff team who facilitate this vital ministry of residential holidays.

Thursday 29 April

Saturday 1 May

Please pray for the volunteer leaders of Ventures and Falcon Camps. Pray they would be developed in their leadership roles through the new training materials created by CPAS leadership development advisers.

Please pray for effective working relationships between the trustees, management committee, staff and volunteers, so that many children and young people meet Jesus Christ, get to know him better and lead others to him.

Friday 30 April CPAS leadership development advisers, Ruth Hassall and Andy Castle, are running a Leadership Challenge Venture this summer. Pray God would use this holiday to develop and equip young Christian leaders.

For more information on the CPAS and CPV merger, please read page 14 of Catalyst.

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Week 3

pray for CPAS patronage churches

All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18

Thursday 6 May Interviews for a new incumbent at St John’s Walmley, Sutton Coldfield are scheduled for this week. Please pray for all involved.

Friday 7 May Please pray for clergy wondering about the future: whether, when and where to move on, and for clarity and peace before God.

Saturday 8 May CPAS patronage church: St Andrew’s, Histon

Sunday 2 May

Tuesday 4 May

Pray for incumbents in patronage parishes leading and preaching at Sunday services today. Pray they would be fresh, inspired and inspiring in their ministry.

Please pray for the followup work from last week’s patronage trustees meeting, which includes sending letters to applicants, bishops and archdeacons.

Monday 3 May

Wednesday 5 May

Ask God to encourage and equip John Alderman, CPAS patronage secretary, as he seeks to fill vacant parishes with incumbents who have a heart for the gospel.

Please pray for Rosie Ward, CPAS leadership development adviser, speaking at a diocesan advisers for women’s ministry conference.

6 prayer diary

Please pray for Kathy Burch, the PA to the patronage secretary, who holds everything together in the office.

pray for the arrow leadership programme

Week 4

Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to faith and obedience for his name’s sake. Romans 1:5

Sunday 9 May

Thursday 13 May

Saturday 15 May

Those taking part on Arrow 11 travel to Sheffield today for their first residential. Please pray that each participant would know God’s grace throughout this challenging week.

Each leader on Arrow will carry out a spiritual gift inventory. Please pray that they will be able to discern more of God’s call on their lives.

Thank God for the Arrow intercessors who pray faithfully for each Arrow participant throughout their time on the programme.

Friday 14 May

Please pray for the relationships the Arrow Pray for the 24 men and participants have with their women on Arrow as they take mentors. Pray that these part in a range of activities, relationships would bear including rock-climbing and good fruit. abseiling.

Monday 10 May

Tuesday 11 May Please pray for Carol Street, the Arrow programme manager. Ask God to help her encourage each Arrow participant.

Wednesday 12 May Please pray for the Arrow participants as they explore issues concerning personal evangelism. Ask God to give each leader a fresh passion for reaching the lost.

Carol Street, Arrow Programme Manager

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Week 5

pray for leadership development advisers

I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of God’s power. Ephesians 3:7

Sunday 16 May

Tuesday 18 May

Thursday 20 May

Pray for Rosie Ward who has a particular focus on developing women in leadership. Please pray for Rosie as she develops resources to equip and support women with leadership roles and responsibilities.

Pray for Mark Norris, CPAS leadership development adviser (vocations). One of the projects Mark is currently working on is a new web tool designed to encourage younger people to explore the possibility of ordination.

Please pray for Andy Castle. Andy is involved in some preparatory work looking at how to develop 18-25 year olds as Christian leaders, and is co-leading the Leadership Challenge Venture with Ruth Hassall.

Wednesday 19 May

Friday 21 May

The CPAS trustees meet this afternoon: Please pray for four recently-appointed trustees, Nick Burt, a churchwarden and member of the leadership team at St James, West Streatham; Alan Hawker, Archdeacon of Malmesbury; Richard Moy, a pioneer minister in Wolverhampton; and Anthony Wells, who is currently working in rural ministry leading an interregnum.

Pray for Andrew Cowley, who leads the team of leadership development advisers. Andrew is currently involved in a project looking at creating transformational leadership development materials for more experienced clergy. Please pray for Andrew and the project team involved in this exciting innovation.

Monday 17 May Please pray for Alex Volcansek currently working on materials developing our thinking on Christian leadership development.

Saturday 22 May Please pray for Ruth Hassall running a combined Growing Leaders and Growing Leaders – Youth Edition training day in Manchester. Ask God to inspire those taking part to develop lay leaders of all ages in their churches.

Andy Castle, Leadership Development Adviser 8 prayer diary

pray for CPAS patronage churches

Week 6

The Lord is my strength and my defence, he has become my salvation. He is my God and I will praise him, my father’s God and I will exalt him. Exodus 15:2

Sunday 23 May Many clergy appointments are more complicated these days because of proposed schemes to bring parishes together in groups, clusters or teams. The patronage team are involved in many such discussions, and often have a positive intermediary role. Please pray for wisdom for all.

Monday 24 May Please pray for John Alderman and Kathy Burch preparing and sending out all the papers, including applications for short-listing, for the next patronage trustees meeting on 10 June.

Tuesday 25 May Each month there is a new circulation of the list of evangelical clergy looking for a move which CPAS administers. Please pray for the clergy on the list and for those who receive the list, which includes bishops, archdeacons and other patronage trusts looking to fill posts with God’s right person.

The congregation at St Luke’s, Watford (a CPAS patronage church).

Wednesday 26 May

Friday 28 May

Please pray for the interviews scheduled today for a new incumbent at Creech with Ruishton and Thornfalcon in Somerset.

Please pray for John Alderman, patronage secretary, as he prepares today for preaching at a united benefice service in Little Sodbury, Gloucester.

Thursday 27 May Pray for all clergy looking ahead to retiring or moving on as they prepare themselves and their parishes for a new future.

Saturday 29 May Pray for the patronage trustees as they receive their agenda and short-listing papers today in preparation for the trustees’ meeting on 10 June. prayer diary 9

Take your youth group on a Venture Taking your group on a residential is a great way to develop and strengthen it. And taking your group on a Venture is a great way to run a residential! Few groups have the resources to organise the sort of holiday offered by a Venture, and few groups leave a Venture without benefits which last long after the holiday has finished. Contact us to find out how Ventures can help your youth group.

For more information phone 01926 458456 or visit 10 prayer diary

prayer diary 15

pray for regional leadership development advisers

Week 7

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! Luke 11:13

Sunday 30 May Pray for John Fisher as he takes over this month as regional leadership development adviser for the North-east covering York, Sheffield, Wakefield, Ripon and Leeds, in addition to the dioceses of Southwell and Nottingham, Derby and Lincoln in which he already works.

Monday 31 May Please pray for Michael Nokes who retires today as the regional adviser for the North-east after working for CPAS for 13 years. Thank God for the work Michael has done in developing leaders for mission.

Tuesday 1 June Pray for Simon Chesters, the newly-appointed regional leadership development adviser for the North-West. Please ask God to help Simon develop leaders for mission in this region.

Simon Chesters, Leadership Development Adviser for the North-west.

Wednesday 2 June

Friday 4 June

Please pray for Kevin Fitzgibbon (East) as he leads the March deanery Growing Leaders course this evening in Chatteris, Cambridgeshire and for Rev Wendy Thomson, who is co-leading. Pray those attending may grow in their understanding of their leadership calling.

Pray Chris Kellock (Scotland and the north of England) would continue to forge good links and strong partnerships with both the Scottish Episcopal Church and the Church of Scotland.

Thursday 3 June Please pray for Laurence Gamlen (South) as he mentors a number of church leaders in this region.

Saturday 5 June Please pray for Charles Burgess as he develops Leading Edge days across the South-west region. Pray the days would continue to be helpful for those involved in church leadership. prayer diary 11

Week 8

pray for young leaders

For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. Psalm 71:5

Thursday 10 June Pray young people would develop strong foundations for a life-time of Christ-like leadership and service.

Friday 11 June Please pray for Ruth Hassall, leadership development adviser with a responsibility for youth and children’s ministries. Ask God to encourage her in her work developing young people and youth leaders.

Saturday 12 June Sunday 6 June

Tuesday 8 June

Ask God to help young leaders stay close to him, and grow as followers of Jesus.

Pray for young people currently taking part in the Growing Leaders – Youth Edition course. Ask God to develop and use their leadership gifts in a biblical, God-honouring way that will enable others to come to know Christ.

Monday 7 June Please pray for the young people attending the new Leadership Challenge Venture this summer led by leadership development advisers, Ruth Hassall and Andy Castle.

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Wednesday 9 June Ask God to help children and young people share their faith with their friends and families.

Pray for everyone attending the Growing Leaders – Youth Edition Training the Trainers day in Whitehaven. Pray that youth leaders would be equipped to develop and mentor young people in their churches.

Everything has changed. Nothing has changed. CPAS has always understood that reaching young people is all about supporting and resourcing great leaders. Nothing’s changed there. And that’s why CPAS has developed: Growing Leaders – Youth Edition equipping a new generation. Ventures and Falcon Camps life-changing holidays. Youth leadership advisers expert advice and support. Online resources CPAS quality at the click of a mouse.

More information at or prayer diary 13

Week 9

pray for those exploring call

Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’ Isaiah 6:8

Thursday 17 June Pray for our work with Ministry Division, dioceses, colleges, and other agencies and networks to encourage those under 30 to consider ordained and authorised ministry in the Anglican Church.

Friday 18 June Pray for Pauline Walden, the vocations administrator, as she is often the first contact for those enquiring about vocations.

Sunday 13 June

Tuesday 15 June

Saturday 19 June

CPAS are developing a webbased tool to encourage people to begin to explore their calling. Pray this will inspire more young people to consider their call.

Pray for the development of a new CPAS resource for parish clergy which will enable them to be more effective in helping people explore their calling.

CPAS Ministers in Training grants support ordinands who are struggling financially. Pray for those who are facing difficult financial pressures during their training.

Monday 14 June

Wednesday 16 June

Pray for those who have attended a CPAS You and Ministry weekend in the last year. Pray they will continue to explore their calling and have the courage to go where God leads.

Pray for Mark Norris and Rosie Ward as they review and re-develop You and Ministry weekends to be more effective in helping people, especially those under 30, explore Christ’s call on their lives.

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pray for lay leaders

Week 10

Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Throw away the gods your ancestors worshipped beyond the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve the Lord. Joshua 24:14 Sunday 20 June

Wednesday 23 June

Friday 25 June

Please pray for churches equipping men and women with leadership responsibilities through the CPAS Growing Leaders course.

Pray leaders would seek to model themselves on Jesus, and would aim to honour and glorify God in all they do.

Please pray for all those responsible for leading teams in churches. Ask God to help them lead teams which further God’s kingdom.

Monday 21 June Pray all leaders would know they are chosen children of God, and would have the security of knowing who they are in Christ. Tuesday 22 June Ask God to help lay leaders discern God’s purposes for their lives.

Thursday 24 June Ask God to help Christian leaders live outwardfocused lives, and to be intentional about communicating the gospel message.

Saturday 26 June Pray for men, women and young people with leadership roles and responsibilities in churches. Ask God to help them continue to grow in Christ-likeness, and to develop others with the gift of leadership.

Find us on Facebook to discover more about growing leaders, growing churches. Facebook is a registered trademark of Facebook, Inc.


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Week 11

pray for God’s provision

He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call. Psalm 147:9

Thursday 1 July Please pray for the finance team who process and respond to donations. Thank God for their hard work and attention to detail.

Friday 2 July Thank God for all the individuals and churches who faithfully support CPAS in prayer.

Sunday 27 June

Tuesday 29 June

Saturday 3 July

CPAS was set up in 1836 in order to give grants to churches for lay and ordained leaders to take ‘the gospel to every person’s door’. Thank God for his faithfulness and provision to CPAS over 174 years of serving him.

Thank God for the many individuals who faithfully and sacrificially give to CPAS. Pray God would raise up a new generation of supporters so that our work developing leaders for mission may continue and grow.

Please ask God to continue to provide for all our needs so that we may continue to serve him.

Monday 28 June Please thank God for all the churches that generously support the ministries of CPAS.

Wednesday 30 June Ask God to give the CPAS trustees wisdom as they make key decisions, particularly regarding budgets and finance.

16 prayer diary Image: ©

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pray for regional leadership development advisers Look, there on the mountains, the feet of one who brings good news who proclaims peace! Nahum 1:15

Sunday 4 July

Wednesday 7 July

Please pray for John Coyne, director of local and regional delivery, who oversees the patronage and regional teams, and for Carol Kennedy, the regional team administrator. Ask God to help John and Carol enable the regional team to develop good contacts throughout the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

Please pray for Kevin Fitzgibbon (East) to have energy and flair to hold together CPAS leadership development work across the East of England, and the running of three rural fenland parishes in Ely diocese (both half-time posts). Give thanks for this challenging and creative mix of activity.

Monday 5 July Pray for Charles Burgess (South-west) as he responds to churches wanting to find out more about the Growing Leaders course. Ask God to help Charles develop longerterm ties with these churches.

Week 12 Friday 9 July Pray for leaders in Ireland who have attended Leading Edge forums led by Paul Hoey, the regional leadership development adviser there.

Saturday 10 July Pray for John Fisher (Northeast) as he establishes relationships across a new region and seeks to build on the good links already developed.

Thursday 8 July Please pray for the CPAS trustees who meet this afternoon. Ask God to guide their conversations.

Tuesday 6 July Chris Kellock (Scotland and the north of England) has been taking part in Arrow Leadership Programme 10. Please pray Chris and the other participants would continue to grow in Christ-like leadership. John Coyne, Director of Local and Regional Delivery

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Week 13

pray for ventures and falcon camps

But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father – Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:1

Sunday 11 July

Tuesday 13 July

Thursday 15 July

This summer over 100 Venture holidays and Falcon Camps are taking place. Please pray for the thousands of children and young people taking part. Pray each child would meet Jesus Christ, get to know him better and lead others to him.

Thank God for the many individuals and churches who support Ventures and Falcon Camps financially and in prayer.

Please pray for the children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds who will attend a Falcon Camp this summer. Ask God to bless each child with a holiday full of fun and joy. Pray that many would hear and respond to the Bible’s transforming message of grace.

Monday 12 July Please pray for the volunteer leaders of Ventures and Falcon Camps, particularly overall leaders and any who are leading for the very first time. Ask God to help them lead with diligence.

Wednesday 14 July Pray for the Ventures and Falcon Camps co-ordinators who support the overall leaders to ensure that the children and young people remain safe while having a great holiday.

Friday 16 July Pray for those involved in delivering talks, leading dorm groups, and running off-site activities. Ask God to help any final preparations go smoothly.

Saturday 17 July Please pray all children and leaders would travel safely to their destinations, and would enjoy fantastic life-changing holidays this summer!

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prayer diary overview This overview is designed to be easily detached in order to help those who prefer to pray in a less structured way. Please use the Bible verses to guide you, and ask the Holy Spirit for inspiration. Each section outlines the prayer focus for the week ahead.

Sunday 18 April Pray for CPAS

So Abraham called that place The Lord Will Provide. Genesis 22:14 Please pray for all the CPAS staff. Ask God to give each person a renewed sense of his calling.

Sunday 25 April

Pray for the CPAS and Ventures merger May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had. Romans 15:5 Thank God for the gospel opportunities this legal merger will bring for the newly-formed organisation.

Sunday 2 May

Sunday 16 May

Pray for the development of a webbased tool to encourage young people to explore their calling.

I became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working of God’s power. Ephesians 3:7

Sunday 20 June

Pray for leadership development advisers

Ask God to inspire all those taking part in training days to develop lay leaders of all ages.

Pray for lay leaders Now fear the Lord and serve him with all faithfulness. Joshua 24:14 Ask God to help Christian leaders communicate the gospel message

Sunday 23 May

Sunday 27 June

Pray for CPAS patronage churches

Pray for God’s provision

The Lord is my strength and my defence, he has become my salvation. Exodus 15:2

He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call. Psalm 147:9

Pray for clergy retiring or moving on as they prepare for a new future.

Please pray for the finance team who process and respond to donations.

Sunday 30 May

Sunday 4 July

development advisers

Pray for regional leadership development advisers

How much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him! Luke 11:13

Look, there on the mountains, the feet of one who brings good news who proclaims peace! Nahum 1:15

Pray for CPAS patronage seeking to fill vacant parishes with incumbents who have a heart for the gospel.

Pray for John Fisher as he becomes regional adviser for the North-east.

Sunday 9 May

Pray for the regional team as they develop long-term relationships with churches around the UK and the Republic of Ireland.

Pray for young leaders

Pray for CPAS patronage churches All this is from God, who reconciled us to himself through Christ and gave us the ministry of reconciliation. 2 Corinthians 5:18

Pray for the Arrow Leadership Programme Through him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles to faith and obedience for his name’s sake. Romans 1:5 Please pray for the Arrow participants as they explore issues concerning personal evangelism.

Pray for regional leadership

Sunday 6 June For you have been my hope, Sovereign Lord, my confidence since my youth. Psalm 71:5 Ask God to help children and young people share their faith with their friends and families.

Sunday 13 June Pray for those exploring call Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?’ And I said, ‘Here am I. Send me!’ Isaiah 6:8

Sunday 11 July

Pray for Ventures and Falcon Camps But if anybody does sin, we have an advocate with the Father – Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours, but also for the sins of the whole world. 1 John 2:1 Pray for those involved in delivering talks, leading dorm groups, and running off-site activities. Ask God to help any final preparations go smoothly.

prayer diary 19

2010 – CPAS develops lay and ordained leaders in churches: men, women and young people who point others to Jesus.

1836 – CPAS gave grants to churches for lay and ordained leaders enabling ‘the gospel to every person’s door’.

A long history, a bright future.

Please support our ministry developing leaders committed to mission.

Donate online at

CPAS, Athena Drive, Tachbrook Park, WARWICK CV34 6NG Registered charity no 1007820 (England and Wales) SC039082 (Scotland)

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