CPAS Prayer Diary, Autumn 2014

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Autumn 2014


making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

prayer diary stay in touch @cpasnews prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Yeomans

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version unless otherwise stated Copyright CPAS 2014. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Cover image: Arrow Leadership Programme participants.

Daily prayer points from the CPAS Prayer Diary are now also available through the PrayerMate app on iOS and Android devices. Visit or search in the App Store.

I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. 1 Corinthians 3:6


t has been suggested that the missionary movements of the 19th and 20th centuries owe much to a call to prayer issued in the 1780s by the Northamptonshire Baptist Association. The call they issued all those years ago suggested that our prayers should be focused on five specific goals: 1. The spiritual renewal of ministers in churches. 2. The conversion of sinners. 3. The edification of saints. 4. The revival of religion. 5. The glorifying of God’s name. Whilst issued more than 200 years ago, there is an impressive resonance about these prayer goals for the UK and Republic of Ireland today. We might wish to use words or phrases like discipleship and church planting to put flesh on the bones, but which of us could not say ‘amen’ to these goals? Furthermore, there is a crystal clear acknowledgement implicit in these five aims that the agency of spiritual life is God and his grace alone. People may substitute, question, mimic or supplement God’s agency, but to no avail. It is God’s agency alone that can bring about these desired goals. We are called to do our part – but it is in support of and in dependence on the work of his Spirit. Paul writes: ‘I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow’ (1 Corinthians 3:6).

It’s probably fanciful to suggest that CPAS (and other missionary organisations) were founded in response to this 1780s prayer call. But it’s certainly true to say that the heart and aspiration of CPAS since 1836 has been entirely in keeping with its substance. Indeed – both the clarity of the five-fold call and its thoroughly biblical content should inspire us in our prayers. As such, I’m happy to commend it to you as a ‘template’ for your prayers for CPAS. It might be that each of the pages in this Prayer Diary could be prayed for using one of the five aims as a ‘headline’. Thank you for your prayers. It may encourage you to know that approximately 7,000 receive this Prayer Diary. Were it not for this prayerful support, CPAS would not be able to do what God has called us to. Yours – together in his power,

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches


CPAS in Ireland Growing leaders in the local church

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Ephesians 4:16

For your prayers: Sun 12: Ireland: Those attending on Saturday who come from smaller parishes where there are fewer leaders. Mon 13: Ireland: For a number of different leaders from each church to come along on Saturday, as well as the rector, so they can learn together as a team.


his Saturday, Bishop Ken ‘Fanta’ Clarke, Kate Marshall and John Dunnett are at Christ Church Lisburn leading a training day on ‘Growing leaders in the local church’. The training will enable participants to grow leaders within their local church, as well as help individuals further their own growth as a leader. The event is for everyone involved in leadership in a local church, including ministers, vestry members, elders, Readers and youth leaders. Paul Dundas, rector of Christ Church, asks: ‘Please join us in praying for every leader who comes on Saturday. We pray they will be encouraged and given tools to develop leadership so that local churches can be more effective in mission and ministry.’

Tue 14: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Preparations for the October half term holidays. David White and Helen Pattinson are leading the Bridgwater Venture, and James Aidoo is leading the Autumn Falcon Camp. Wed 15: Ireland: The Arrow Leadership Programme in Ireland, led by John Alderdice. Thu 16: Ireland: John Dunnett is preaching at Christ Church Lisburn on Sunday. Pray the congregation will be inspired by CPAS’ vision to enable churches to share the good news of Jesus Christ. Fri 17: Ireland: Bishop Ken ‘Fanta’ Clarke, Kate Marshall and John Dunnett as they prepare to lead the training day tomorrow, and Paul Dundas who is hosting the event. Sat 18: Ireland: All attending ‘Growing leaders in the local church’ today. Please pray the impact on the local churches represented will be far-reaching and long-lasting.

Christ Church Lisburn is a CPAS training centre. More information about training events can be found at 04

arrow leadership programme Programme 13 participants Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. James 3:13


t’s been a fortnight since the Arrow 13 participants came home from the second residential. Please join us in praying that what they are learning through Arrow will affect every aspect of their lives as they settle back into their home circumstances and busy lives of ministry. Each leader is now working on projects relating to the modules on rhythms of grace, discerning direction, personal evangelism, encountering God and discerning vision. The Arrow strategy group are meeting this Wednesday. Carol Street, Arrow programme manager said: ‘Thank you so much for praying. We’ve got some practical challenges at the moment, with a new venue for residentials 3 and 4, and one less team member. Please pray as we adjust responsibilities in the team and adapt to holding residentials at Scalford Hall Hotel.’

19-25 October

For your prayers: Sun 19: Arrow rhythms of grace project: Participants are reading Beverley Shepherd’s Insight into Stress and arranging four individual retreat days over the next year. Mon 20: Arrow discerning direction project: Each leader is reading Graham Cray’s Discerning Leadership, identifying their next step in the area of vision and then implementing this goal. Tue 21: Arrow personal evangelism project: The participants are writing a letter to an emerging leader about their understanding of evangelism, and the place of personal evangelism in the life of a leader. Wed 22: Arrow: Wisdom for the strategy group meeting today in Coventry, made up of Graham Archer, Ben Cook, Rhiannon Jones, James Lawrence, Carol Street and Emma Sykes. Thu 23: Arrow encountering God project: The leaders are identifying and practising a new spiritual discipline and revising their personal development plan. Fri 24: Arrow discerning vision project: Using Tim Chester’s The Busy Christian’s Guide to Busyness, participants are considering what pressures are likely to drive them beyond the call of God.

Carol Street, Arrow programme manager

Sat 25: Arrow: For the practicalities of using a different venue for residentials 3 and 4, and for the team as they adjust their responsibilities with one less team member.

See the front cover of this Prayer Diary for a photo of the Arrow participants. 05

26 October – 1 November

ventures and falcon camps Autumn holidays

For my eyes have seen your salvation, which you have prepared in the sight of all nations. Luke 2:30-31


his half-term week sees the Bridgwater Venture and Autumn Falcon Camp take place, with dozens more young people having a really fun, safe holiday and learning more about Jesus. Helen Pattinson, main overall leader for the Bridgwater Venture for 14 to 18-year-olds, said: ‘Our spiritual programme will focus on Christmas, starting with John the Baptist and then working through various characters in the Christmas story up to Simeon. We hope to prepare the members to think about Christmas differently when the time comes in their own churches. ‘We are also exploring lifestyle themes linked to the characters, such as Joseph’s obedience, Mary’s humility, and what we can bring to Jesus like the wise men.’ Autumn Falcon is for 11 to 18-year-olds and takes place in Northamptonshire, led by James Aidoo.

For your prayers: Sun 26: Autumn Falcon: Begins today, so pray for the light of Christ to shine through the leaders as they welcome the members. Mon 27: Bridgwater: Wise application for the members as they discuss the themes of obedience, humility and offering. Tue 28: Autumn holidays: That all the members would be excited as they hear and respond to the Bible teaching. Wed 29: Patronage: John Fisher is on the interview panel for the role of incumbent at St John’s Fareham today, and St Mark’s Haydock tomorrow. Pray for good evangelical appointments. Thu 30: Autumn Falcon: Members return home yesterday (Bridgwater) and today (Autumn Falcon), so pray for God’s blessing on the lives of all the young people. Fri 31: Autumn holidays: Increase the boldness in young people at Bridgwater and Autumn Falcon as they talk to friends about their time away. Sat 1: Patronage: John Fisher visits St Silas Glasgow today, to discuss the forthcoming vacancy at this Scottish patronage church.

The vast majority of Ventures and Falcon Camps take place during the summer, but several also happen during other school holidays. 06

CPAS staff

2-8 November

Charles Burgess This is how one should regard us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. 1 Corinthians 4:1 (ESV)


ver the last 18 months CPAS has partnered with Exeter diocese to deliver a year-long leadership course called ‘Servants and Stewards’ for six cohorts of clergy led by leadership specialist Charles Burgess and other CPAS staff. This week, we are praying for Charles as he leads this and other events and programme in partnership with dioceses across the UK, including a similar course in Bristol diocese. Chris Martin, vicar in Whimple, Devon, completed ‘Servants and Stewards’ in February and reflected: ‘The combination of tracks about “outer” ministry and the “inner” spiritual life worked really well, and highlighted the importance of a good leader being a good follower. Charles was exceptional and he also gave space for rich discussions amongst the other participants.’

For your prayers: Sun 2: Charles Burgess: For mission communities across the UK to be strengthened through Charles’ work developing and delivering leadership training for clergy. Mon 3: Church in Wales: The Evangelical Fellowship in the Church in Wales (EFCW) is holding a ministry conference today and tomorrow, on the theme of ‘The better part – going deeper in prayer’. Tue 4: Charles Burgess: The participants Charles is leading through the Exeter and Bristol diocesan leadership courses. Wed 5: Charles Burgess: Charles is seeking to develop partnerships between CPAS and dioceses to establish more long-term leadership courses. Thu 6: Patronage trustees: Meeting in London today to shortlist for vacancies including St John’s Blackheath and St Peter’s Rushden. Fri 7: Charles Burgess: Charles is leading You and Ministry this weekend alongside CPAS leadership principal James Lawrence. Sat 8: You and Ministry: Taking place in Leicester. Please pray for the 20+ participants taking part this weekend as they seek God’s call for their lives.

Charles Burgess, leadership specialist

So far, four cohorts made up of around 55 clergy in total have completed the ‘Servants and Stewards’ course in Exeter, with a further two cohorts 07 taking part at the moment.


patronage church St Stephen’s Bowling (West Yorkshire)

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9


t Stephen’s Bowling is a CPAS patronage church in Bradford serving one of the most deprived parts of the country, led by vicar Jimmy Hinton for the past nine years. He said: ‘The people of the parish face significant challenges such as poverty and there are some underlying community tensions due to the hugely diverse ethnic mix of the area. We’ve seen various types of growth in recent years: the size of the congregation, the church’s response to issues in the parish, and seeing people live out their faith in different ways. ‘There are on-going repairs being made to the building but there’s also plenty of work needed inside to make our facilities available all year round. Despite its issues, the building declares we’re a worshipping and witnessing Christian community in an area where many people know nothing of Jesus.’

For your prayers: Sun 9: Bowling: St Stephen’s are joining with neighbouring St Matthew’s today for a joint Remembrance Sunday service. Mon 10: Leadership: Charles Burgess and Graham Archer begin leading session one of the Exeter diocesan leadership course for the fifth and sixth cohorts of clergy. Tue 11: Bowling: The church helps those in poverty through a CAP Job Club and foodbank. Pray for people to encounter Christ through these ministries. Wed 12: Bowling: For Jimmy as he raises funds for much-needed work on the building so the church can be fully used throughout the year. Thu 13: Ireland: The Diocese of Down and Dromore, as they prepare for their year of mission in 2015. Fri 14: Bowling: Ask God to increase the confidence of volunteers to take on additional leadership responsibilities. Sat 15: Bowling: Outreach activities, including the fortnightly informal service for families, which includes eating together.

This diverse parish includes people from Pakistan, Africa, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. 08



Mentoring Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ. 1 Corinthians 11:1


n 2010, CPAS identified three things we wanted to see happen in the area of mentoring, in response to growing recognition of the profound impact it can have on discipleship and leadership. 1. To develop Mentoring Matters, a resource for churches containing everything needed to start a mentoring network. Since its publication in 2011, over 500 packs have been sold. This Saturday, the 16th Mentoring Matters training day is taking place in Fareham.

2. To help dioceses establish diocesan-wide mentor provision for clergy. So far, we have partnered with five Anglican dioceses and delivered 14 training days for clergy. 3. To set up a national mentoring website to connect Christian leaders with mentors. In partnership with the Evangelical Alliance and Stewardship, we are now piloting Mentor Connect.

For your prayers: Sun 16: Plemstall and Guilden (Chester): James Lawrence is preaching today, and sharing news from CPAS. Praise God for the generous support of this congregation. Mon 17: General Synod: Taking place in London today and tomorrow. CPAS general director John Dunnett is attending as a clergy representative for Chelmsford diocese. Tue 18: Mentoring: For the thousands of Christians in churches where Mentoring Matters is being used, that their discipleship through mentoring will lead to growth and outreach. Wed 19: Mentoring: Christian leaders are finding themselves navigating increasingly difficult waters. Pray Mentor Connect will help them find the support they need. Thu 20: Mentoring: The clergy in Bath and Wells, Carlisle, Chelmsford, London and Truro dioceses who have been trained to mentor other leaders. Fri 21: Mentoring: Mentoring relationships forged through Mentor Connect, that they will be characterised by reflection, growth, learning, support, encouragement, perspective and accountability. Sat 22: Mentoring: All at the Mentoring Matters training in Fareham and also those at the Ventures overall leaders’ conference today, which is on the theme of ‘Preparing your team well.’

To find a leadership mentor through Mentor Connect, please go to 09

23-29 November

ventures and falcon camps Planning for 2015

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Ephesians 6:17

For your prayers: Sun 23: Ventures: Give thanks for Ruth Hassall and Nate Morgan Locke who provided input at yesterday’s leaders’ conference. Mon 24: Falcon Camps: Pray for the leaders’ relationships with parents and guardians, social workers and other professionals who could book children on to Falcon Camps next summer. Tue 25: CPAS trustees: On an annual residential today and tomorrow discussing a range of issues including vision, new projects and the 2015 budget.


ith bookings for Venture holidays opening next week, preparations are well underway for another year of fun, faith and friendship on more than 100 Ventures and Falcon Camps in 2015. Last Saturday saw many Venture overall leaders gather for a one-day conference in the West Midlands, to be inspired by our vision for reaching more young people with the gospel and provided with practical tools to help plan another year of lifechanging Ventures. All the leaders of Ventures and Falcon Camps will now be assembling their teams and working out how to encourage new members to come and enjoy an amazing residential holiday where they can explore the Bible and discover Jesus.

Wed 26: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Tim Friend is meeting today with other heads of Christian residentials and festivals in the CCI network. Thu 27: Ventures: Pray for all the leaders at last weekend’s conference as they develop kingdom-building plans for their own Ventures. Fri 28: Ventures: As bookings open next week, pray more families and youth workers will be inspired to book places for children and young people on Ventures and Falcon Camps. Sat 29: Ireland: For the Ireland steering group as they partner with CPAS and develop links with other agencies, including the Church of Ireland Theological Institute.

During 2014 more than 4,000 children and young people have attended Ventures and Falcon Camps. 10


from Ventures and Falcon Camps


s well as Prayer Diary and Catalyst magazine, which cover the whole spectrum of CPAS’ ministry, we also produce supporter updates specifically focused on Ventures and Falcon Camps. Ventures Update and Falcon Update are both available free of charge. You can sign up at or by calling 0300 123 0780 (option 7).

‘I would just like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who donated money for me to be able to go to on a Venture. It was amazing and, apart from learning loads about the Bible, I learnt loads about myself. The friendships I made were priceless.’ Brandon, 17

‘There was one lad who started coming on Falcon Camps when he was eight, and is now leading on the Easter Falcon. Each year there are so many examples of youngsters growing in faith, hope and love on Falcon Camps, and it’s a privilege to be part of it.’ Ann Clucas, overall leader

30 November – 6 December

leadership Mentor training

Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me – put it into practice. Philippians 4:9


ollowing on from the prayers for mentoring earlier in November, we are specifically praying this week for our work training mentors for clergy in Bath and Wells, Carlisle, Chelmsford, London and Truro dioceses. As well as offering consultancy about how to identify and deploy mentors, we run two-day training sessions for groups of potential mentors. This is then followed by another training event several months later, which includes a review of the initial stages of their mentoring relationships. James Lawrence, CPAS leadership principal, said: ‘Various dioceses have schemes where mentors are offered to clergy, but some have asked if we could help train those mentors. We’re now delivering training in five dioceses but hoping to extend this work into other areas as well. Many clergy really value the input of mentors, especially those who are first-time incumbents, if they’re new to a diocese or if they’ve changed the type of parish they’re working in.’

For your prayers: Sun 31: Mentoring: Ask God to provide all clergy who are seeking a mentor with the support they need. Mon 1: Mentoring: That God will open doors for CPAS to deliver mentor training in more dioceses. Tue 2: Partners in World Mission: Graham Archer is representing CPAS at the Church of England Partners in World Mission meeting at Church House, Westminster. Wed 3: Ventures and Falcon Camps: The management committee are meeting today to discuss plans for holidays in 2015. Thu 4: Mentoring: Give thanks for all those who invest their time and energy in supporting Christian leaders through mentoring. Fri 5: Patronage: Interviews for the vacant incumbent’s role are taking place today at St Peter’s Rushden. Sat 6: CPAS: Ask God to show us new ways to create relevant leadership development initiatives for dioceses across the Church of England.


If you are interested in setting up a church-based mentoring scheme, please visit for details of our Mentoring Matters resource.


7-13 December

Interviews The Lord does whatever pleases him, in the heavens and on the earth. Psalm 135:6


he period between September and Christmas is always the busiest time of year for clergy interviews, so it’s an intense time John Fisher of activity for the CPAS patronage team. John Fisher, CPAS patronage secretary, travels all over the country and is ably supported by his PA Kathy Burch and our patronage trustees. The selection process contains several stages which involve the input of patrons, including advertising, short-listing and interviews, as well as the support we offer to parish reps and feedback given to the candidates. During the past year we have had the patronage of several churches transferred to CPAS, extending our evangelical influence as we play a vital role in the appointment of gospel-focused, mission-minded men and women in every English diocese.

For your prayers: Sun 7: Malvern Priory: James Lawrence is preaching this morning at this supporting church. Pray for the congregation to be encouraged and inspired. Mon 8: Patronage: CPAS is being represented by patronage secretary John Fisher and patronage trustee Andy Perry at interviews for the next incumbents at the Hampreston team ministry (Salisbury) today. Tue 9: Patronage: Ask God to shed his light on the paths of the candidates as they hear the results of yesterday’s interviews in Hampreston. Wed 10: Mentoring: James Lawrence is leading a three-day training event on mentoring for clergy in Carlisle diocese. Thu 11: Patronage: CPAS patronage trustees meet in Coventry today, with much of their time focused on the short-listing of candidates for interviews to take place in the New Year. Fri 12: Patronage: This time last week we had the interviews for St Peter’s Rushden (Peterborough), so pray for that church as they prepare to welcome a new vicar. Sat 13: Patronage: As this busy season for our patronage team draws to a close, pray that John Fisher will be sustained and equipped as he follows God’s call on his life.

John Fisher shares his thoughts on the place of patronage in the Church of England in the latest Catalyst magazine, available from or by calling 0300 123 0780 (option 7).


14-20 December


local churches Your church this advent

PAS’ mission is to enable churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. During this third week of advent, prayers are focused on the mission of your local church to bring the knowledge of salvation to your community. Sunday 14: May God the Father, who loved the world so much that he sent his only Son, give you grace to prepare for life eternal. Lord, I ask that visitors to our church will see your love and grace modelled in us this advent, and will be prompted to consider the big questions of what life is all about.

Monday 15: May God the Son, who comes to us as redeemer and judge, reveal to you the path from darkness to light. Jesus, may our church be a place where people realise their need for salvation, and come to discover Christ, the light of life. Tuesday 16: May God the Holy Spirit, by whose working the Virgin Mary conceived the Christ, help you bear the fruits of holiness. Holy Spirit, work through the mission activities of our church this advent. Guide what we do, and help us bear fruit for the gospel, with many men, women and children coming to know you. Wednesday 17: May God the Father, judge all-merciful, make us worthy of a place in his kingdom. Father, as we rest and spend time with friends and family, please strengthen our relationships and help us to grow in Christ-like character. May we be good witnesses to those who are close to us who don’t yet know you. Thursday 18: May God the Son, coming among us in power, reveal in our midst the promise of his glory. Jesus, may your power and glory be revealed as we tell the Christmas story through carols, readings and sermons. We pray particularly for the children taking part in nativities and other events. Friday 19: May God the Holy Spirit make us steadfast in faith, joyful in hope and constant in love. For those who find Christmas a difficult time, may we show them your joyful hope and unchanging love. Saturday 20: Our Lord says, ‘I am coming soon.’ May the Lord, when he comes, find us watching and waiting. Lord, help us to know the urgency of evangelism as we look ahead to your second coming.

Bold sections taken from Common Worship: Times and Seasons © The Archbishops’ Council 2006 are reproduced by kind permission of Church House Publishing, Official Publisher of the Church of England

patronage churches St John’s Blackheath (Southwark) The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1:14


e’d love you to pray for us during this Christmas week. Earlier in December, we had a live nativity when we journeyed from the church to the local pub and back demonstrating the Christmas story with sheep, a donkey, the congregation in costume and school children as the choirs of angels. This week we have Christmas services and “Village Carols”. Our prayer is that all our Christmas activities will highlight the profound importance of the birth of Christ, and encourage people to reflect on why he came, and the opportunity God gives us to know him personally through faith in Christ.’ (Herbert Aparanga, curate) At the time of writing, St John’s Blackheath is in vacancy, with interviews scheduled to take place on 27 November. Please pray the new incumbent will help the church move forward in its mission to be a church for all ages, all nations, and all of life.

21-27 December

For your prayers: Sun 21: Blackheath: Curate Herbert Aparanga, with increased responsibilities over Christmas without an incumbent. Mon 22: Blackheath: Youth ministry leader Lisa Calvert and Messy Church leader Aike Kennett-Brown. Tue 23: Blackheath: Elderly people at the church and in the wider community and also those who attend ‘Make your mark’, a craft event for adults which meets bi-monthly. Wed 24: Blackheath: Village Carols with Blackheath churches is taking place today at 4.30pm. Thu 25: Christmas: Thank God for the ‘good news that will cause great joy for all the people’ (Luke 2:10). Pray many people will respond to this good news today as they attend Christmas services. Fri 26: Blackheath: God’s blessing on the ministry of the new incumbent when they take up their appointment. Sat 27: Blackheath: The young people who attended the CPAS Growing Leaders – Youth Edition course which finished earlier this month.

CPAS has recently gained patronage of six churches in Lichfield diocese and one in Worcester diocese. 15

28 December – 3 January

CPAS Our work in 2015

Let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:10-11


s well as being thankful for how we’ve seen God at work in 2014, the beginning of the New Year is also an ideal occasion to look ahead and seek God as we embark on new projects, praying that our work will be fruitful for his kingdom. During the next few months two of the new CPAS initiatives include: • Mentor Connect, a new online service to link leaders of churches and Christian organisations with skilled, carefully selected mentors. • We’ll also be launching an online forum featuring reviews of the vast array of discipleship resources available, to help leaders select relevant material for all kinds of groups. Please continue to pray for all that lies ahead at CPAS in 2015, so we might be more effective in equipping local churches across the UK and Republic of Ireland to reach more people of all ages with the good news of Jesus.

For your prayers: Sun 28: CPAS: For excellent Bible teaching and thriving Christian communities to attract more people to discover Jesus in 2015 at the 520 CPAS patronage churches. Mon 29: CPAS: New resources such as Mentor Connect and the online forum for discipleship resources to be effective and kingdom-building. Tue 30: CPAS: That more children and young people will grow in faith on Ventures and Falcon Camps this year. Wed 31: CPAS: Ask for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and power on all CPAS staff and partners who will be delivering events during 2015. Thu 1: CPAS: Ask God to inspire and enable us in developing leaders for mission in local churches. Fri 2: Ireland: For opportunities to develop and deliver more CPAS training events to equip leaders throughout the whole church. Sat 3: CPAS: For the staff at our office in Coventry to be refreshed in their calling to serve God through their work.

In February, we’ll celebrate the 179th birthday of CPAS. 16

Thank you for your support Equipping local churches

Appointing evangelical clergy

Developing leaders for mission

Growing young disciples

By praying and supporting CPAS financially, you are enabling local churches to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the men, women and children in their communities.

4-10 January

multi-parish benefices Learning communities

I pray also for those who will believe in me through their message, that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. John 17:20-21

‘Thank you for all your prayers over the last year for our new multi-parish benefice learning communities. The first two gatherings have gone extremely well in York and Gloucester. My continuing prayer is that the insights gained so far will impact the churches long into the future and we will see many, many more people come to know Jesus personally through the ministry of multi-parish benefices. ‘Looking ahead, we are exploring possibilities to expand these learning communities so that even more leaders, churches and communities can benefit. We hope to achieve this by rolling out learning communities more widely in the dioceses we are already working in, and also partnering with more dioceses to launch learning communities in multi-parish benefices in new areas.’ Pam Macnaughton, CPAS leadership specialist

For your prayers: Sun 4: Learning communities: The clergy and lay people who are taking part in York and Gloucester dioceses as they continue to reach out to their communities, equipped with new insights and skills. Mon 5: Learning communities: For the development of learning communities in York and Gloucester dioceses. Tue 6: Patronage: Three incumbents who celebrate one year in post this week: Chris Green (St James Muswell Hill), Priscilla Slusar (Bernwode) and Kate Woolven (Uplyme with Axmouth). Wed 7: Leadership: James Lawrence is preparing material for a new course he will be running in Peterborough diocese in 2015. Thu 8: John Dunnett: John is attending the Crown Nominations Committee today considering nominations for the next Bishop of Gloucester. Fri 9: Learning communities: For Pam as she develops partnerships with more dioceses in the coming months. Sat 10: Learning communities: Every child, young person and adult living in a multi-parish benefice who doesn’t yet know Jesus. Pray they will hear and discover the good news through the ministry of their local churches.


Multi-parish benefice learning communities are facilitated by CPAS in partnership with Lead Academy and the Arthur Rank Centre.

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

giving to CPAS Ways to give Personal donations

Church giving


You can give one-off or regular gifts to CPAS in a variety of ways. Send a cheque through the post, complete a ‘Supporting CPAS’ form or contact our finance team on the details below to make a donation over the phone or request a Standing Order form.

Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!

Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below.

‘We saw God at work in all of our conversations with the young people, and also during the evening slot when they were invited to respond – each child actively got involved.’ Martin Woodruff, Falcon Camp leader CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


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