Prayer Diary, Spring 2014

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Spring 2014


I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! Revelation 1:18

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

prayer diary stay in touch @cpasnews prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2014. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Daily prayer points from the CPAS Prayer Diary are now also available through the PrayerMate app for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch devices. Visit or search in the App Store.

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Joshua 1:8


n my own Bible reading, I am currently travelling with Joshua towards the promised land. The usual refrain that I hear about Joshua is essentially ‘I am with you, therefore be courageous.’ Knowing God is with us is undoubtedly a huge encouragement to approach our prayers with boldness – what would be the point of talking to God if his presence and interest lay elsewhere? However, God’s presence is only one part of the equation that Joshua was invited to live by; there is also another: ‘Be careful to obey all the law my servant Moses gave you; do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go. Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.’ (Joshua 1:7-8) Mixed in with the reassurance that God is faithful to his word, Joshua is invited to play his part in the plan and do the same; to feed on God’s word day and night and obey its commands. This resonates with the season that we are in right now. Jesus faced the cross, trusting that the Father was going to be faithful to his word, but his confidence

in Gethsemane did not come from the presence of God alone, but also from his own knowledge that he had sought to be faithful to his call. In fact there would come a time on the cross that he would sense the absence of God and as the universe hung in the balance, his self-offering was made in the knowledge that he had been obedient and the Father is faithful. As you pause to pray for us, for the Easter camps, our training, our clergy and our new initiatives, would you hold this balance in your own life and ask that it would hold for us too? Could this be a season when as far as we are able, despite our frailties and even our doubts, we try our best to be obedient to God’s word, as God is faithful to his own? Thank you so much for walking and kneeling with us.

Graham Archer Director of Ministry

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

13-19 April

patronage churches Broadwater team (Chichester) For your prayers:

It is done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. To the thirsty I will give water without cost from the spring of the water of life. Revelation 21:6


e are a large parish in north Worthing, made up of four churches: St Mary’s, Hosanna, Queen Street and St Stephen’s. We’re delighted to have seen significant growth over the last few years. As a result of this we would like to build an extension hall at St Mary’s, and we are looking at ways to disciple our newer members more effectively. The ‘Party church’ services at St Stephen’s have proved popular with newcomers, and are quite a break from tradition – the congregation sit around café-style tables and take part in competitions throughout the service! ‘Our new hall project is called “Broadwater branching out”, and also encompasses raising money to build churches for parishes in the Diocese of Marsabit, Kenya, whose bishop is one of our link-missionaries. Broadwater has had a strong tradition of sending out missionaries, and we are keen to continue focusing on blessing the Church worldwide through both our people and resources.’

Sun 13: Ventures: Ski Switzerland and Easter Haslemere are taking place this week. Pray God’s blessing on all the teenagers taking part. Mon 14: Broadwater: Peter Irwin-Clark (rector), Gary Neal, Ed Quibell and Wing Man Tsang (team vicars), Grant Campbell (youth minister) and Garry and Tella Butler, Chinese Christian Fellowship leaders. Tue 15: Broadwater: For planning permission for St Mary’s new hall, and God’s blessing on the churches to be built in Marsabit, Kenya. Wed 16: Broadwater: Anna Wood, a missionary with Servants to Asia’s Urban Poor. Pray also that new missionaries would be raised up and sent out from Broadwater. Thu 17: Broadwater: For all those attending the Taizé Maundy Thursday service today. Fri 18: Broadwater: The Pilgrim Players drama group are leading an open-air witness service in the centre of Broadwater today. Pray people will see Christ’s love powerfully. Sat 19: Broadwater: Discipleship at St Mary’s. Pray for a hunger to grow among the younger Christians, and God’s provision of more mature Christians who are able to disciple them.

Peter Irwin-Clark, rector

There has been a worshipping community at Broadwater for about 1,000 years! 04

Ventures and Falcon Camps Easter Falcon Camp

20-26 April

I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever! Revelation 1:18


he Easter Falcon Camp will be taking place this year once again at Ingestre Hall Arts Centre from 21-25 April. The leaders are very encouraged to know that CPAS supporters will be praying for them while they are away. They are trusting God to bless all the children and leaders who will be involved in this fun and high-energy break. The children are 8-11 years old and their time will be spent on a variety of things to do – some active, some quieter. The aim is for everyone to have a great time in a relaxed holiday atmosphere where the children have an opportunity to learn something new about God and their place in his creation.

For your prayers: Sun 20: Easter Sunday: Praise God for his wonderful gift to us. ‘Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’ (1 Corinthians 15:57) Mon 21: Easter Falcon: For this holiday to be instrumental in bringing the good news of Jesus to children whose day-to-day lives can be difficult. Tue 22: Easter Falcon: Safety is paramount, please pray that all the precautions and preparations ensure everyone is safe. Wed 23: Easter Falcon: For fun and laughter through all the games and activities. Thu 24: Easter Falcon: That the leaders’ love for God will be strengthened through the experience. Fri 25: Easter Falcon: The leaders and children head home today. Pray everyone will continue growing in faith and love. Sat 26: Easter Falcon: As the children prepare to go back to school, pray those around them will see God at work in them.

Falcon Camps are fun, safe, affordable holidays for children and young people facing disadvantage. 05

I am the resurrection

and the life. The one who


in me will



John 11:25

Help us enable churches to reach the men, women and children in their communities with the gospel this Easter.

Ventures and Falcon Camps Spreading the gospel

27 April – 3 May

For your prayers: Blessed is the one … whose delight is in the law of the Lord. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season. Psalm 1:1-3


e continue to praise God that we are working with such able leaders to promote the gospel amongst children and young people in the UK. This season, we will be resourcing young people with durable, eye-catching wristbands to provoke questions as they return home from their Ventures, hoping that life-changing conversations will continue amongst their friends. It is so important that as our young people meet with Jesus, they are filled with the desire, confidence and ability to share something of him with those around them. Our prayer, as always, is that Ventures and Falcon Camps boost the ministry and impact of local churches as thousands return to their communities with deeper roots planted in and nourished by Christ himself. Please also pray as the team makes some changes to its staff and asks big questions about how best to take the gospel to every child’s door in the coming years.

Sun 27: Ventures: That the new wristbands worn by children and young people returning from spring Ventures will help stir-up interest amongst their friends. Mon 28: Ventures: For leaders of Ventures as they seek to create links with new churches through a variety of means, including inviting church leaders to visit a Venture personally. Tue 29: Leadership: Today, Charles Burgess is delivering training on changing culture for clergy in Gloucester diocese, and James Lawrence is leading a session for curates in Birmingham. Wed 30: Ventures: For wisdom as we explore which developmental options will enable the ministry of Ventures and Falcon Camps to have maximum reach and impact. Thu 1: Patronage: The Evangelical Patrons Consultative Council (EPCC) is meeting in London today. Pray for gospel-centred, fruitful conversations. Fri 2: Ventures: Praise God for all David Hart (team manager) contributed to this wonderful ministry before his recent departure. Sat 3: Ventures: For Ventures principal Tim Friend (right) and family, and for the recruitment of new staff members to join the team.

You can request free Ventures brochures and DVDs via our website (, or by calling 0300 123 0780 (option 2).


4-10 May

new incumbents The Buck Stops Here

Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans. Proverbs 16:3


raham Archer, CPAS director of ministry, will be leading The Buck Stops Here, a 48-hour conference for those near the start of their first post of overall responsibility, taking place this week in Worcestershire.

He said: ‘I love leading The Buck Stops Here. There’s nothing like a new challenge to draw out of us a longing to learn from those who have already been there. Clergy about to become new vicars undoubtedly already have many ministry skills. However, it’s a different challenge to be the central leader of a Christian community, responsible for its direction, balancing the various priorities and mobilising its resources. The Buck Stops Here is a fabulous opportunity for them to work out how to rise to it.’

For your prayers: Sun 4: Local churches: Pray for all the mission events being held by churches across our nations during this bank holiday weekend. Mon 5: Leadership: Tomorrow Charles Burgess will be facilitating a training day on developing leaders in Bangor. Pray for him and all those attending. Tue 6: The Buck Stops Here: The conference begins in Malvern today. Pray for a good group dynamic that is conducive to great learning. Wed 7: The Buck Stops Here: Pray for Graham Archer and others involved in delivering teaching today, that their input will be relevant to each participant’s situation. Thu 8: Leadership: Patronage secretary John Fisher is delivering a Leading Edge – Moving On day in Preston, for clergy who are considering a move. Fri 9: Church of Ireland: General Synod is taking place from 8-10 May at Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin. Sat 10: The Buck Stops Here: Ask God to give wisdom to those who are facing specific challenges back in their parishes, and those who are still seeking their first incumbency.

Elim Conference Centre, Worcestershire

CPAS is also holding a training day for curates next month, in partnership with Peterborough diocese. 08


11-17 May

Arrow residential 1

They must keep hold of the deep truths of the faith with a clear conscience. 1 Timothy 3:9


he Arrow Leadership Programme enters its fifteenth year with the start of its thirteenth programme. Designed to equip leaders to be led more by Jesus, to lead more like Jesus, and to lead more to Jesus, Arrow takes 24 participants through a rigorous process of development over eighteen months. The focus isn’t just on developing leadership and evangelism skills for the Church of the 21st century, but also on refining character to be more Christ-like, and enabling participants to discern more clearly God’s call on their lives. In the past seeing the change in people’s lives has been humbling, and we’re excited by the possibilities of what God will do during this first residential week.

Arrow participant Sophie Wellbelove, youth pastor at Christ Church Woking

For your prayers: Sun 11: Arrow: For Tim Chilvers who will be leading the programme team, for the team as they learn to work together, and for the speakers who will be joining them through the week. Mon 12: Arrow: Safety, good weather and fun for the activities today. Participants will be abseiling, walking, climbing and taking the opportunity to get to know each other better. Tue 13: Ventures: Tim Friend is speaking to diocesan youth officers in Blackpool today about Ventures and Falcon Camps. Wed 14: Arrow: Pray for those back at the sending churches who are ‘holding the fort’ whilst their leader is on the residential. Thu 15: Leadership: Pam Macnaughton is delivering a training day for leaders of multi-parish benefices in Norwich diocese. Fri 16: Arrow: The participants, as they settle into the programme, that they will be open to all that God wants to do in their lives and supportive of one another. Sat 17: Ventures: Tim Friend and overall leader Jo Smith are attending the Youth Work Summit in Manchester today. Pray God would be prompting youth workers to bring their groups on Ventures and Falcon Camps.

On Arrow residentials, the days begin with worship and Bible study and end with a time of reflection. 09

18-24 May

leadership Diocesan training partnerships

Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing his will. Hebrews 13:20-21

For your prayers: Sun 18: CPAS staff: Two staff are preaching in local churches with links to CPAS today. John Dunnett is at St Stephen’s Tonbridge, and Tim Friend is at Holy Trinity Spital. Mon 19: Patronage: Pray for discernment as John Fisher is involved in Wednesday’s interviews for the next vicar of Shenstone and Stonnall, in Lichfield Diocese. Tue 20: Diocesan partnerships: James Lawrence is leading a training morning for curates in Birmingham diocese. Pray for good engagement.


ver the last few years we have established good working relationships with a significant number of dioceses. This involves us delivering leadership training at a variety of levels: curates training, CMD (continuing ministerial development) days, diocesan conferences, leadership courses over a year, and multi-parish benefice learning communities over two years. These opportunities to shape leadership within the Church of England are a part of our ongoing vision for leaders who will help the Church be about God’s mission in his world today.

Wed 21: Diocesan partnerships: As part of a series of four CMD days in Gloucester diocese, Charles Burgess is leading a day on sustaining yourself in leadership. Thu 22: Diocesan partnerships: James continues a series of CMD days for Peterborough diocese. Today’s topic is ‘discerning direction’. Fri 23: Trustees: Yesterday saw the meeting of the CPAS trustees. Pray for all that needs to be done following the various discussions and decisions. Sat 24: Diocesan partnerships: Pray for good relationships to develop with more dioceses across the UK and Republic of Ireland.

Dioceses provide both initial training for curates and ongoing training for more experienced clergy. 10

Ventures and Falcon Camps Summer’s coming

25-31 May

With this in mind, since I myself have carefully investigated everything from the beginning, I too decided to write an orderly account for you, most excellent Theophilus, so that you may know the certainty of the things you have been taught. Luke 1:3-4


ith eight weeks to go before the start of the Ventures peak season, thousands of leaders across the UK are busy preparing Bible studies, games, talks, menus, music, dormlists, days out, crafts and all manner of other activities for the young people coming on Ventures and Falcon Camps. For the leadership teams of our half term Ventures, the holidays are already here! Smallwood Manor 1 in Cumbria and K’Wray@Casterton in Staffordshire run from Tuesday-Friday this week. The theme at both Ventures is detectives, and the 8-11s will be looking at evidence for Jesus’ resurrection, along with games, activities and crafts galore. Please pray that the children enjoy investigating the resurrection and ‘may know the certainty’ of what they have been taught.

For your prayers: Sun 25: Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray: Safety in all the activities planned for this week. Mon 26: K’Wray: No homesickness, good sleep and great relationships between children with very different characters and backgrounds. Tue 27: Smallwood Manor 1: For main meetings which are fun, engaging and faithful to God’s word. Wed 28: Smallwood Manor 1: For small groups to be a time where leaders can challenge and encourage the children in their faith, and answer their questions. Thu 29: K’Wray: Energy for leaders, who are busy before the children get up, and after they go to bed. Fri 30: Smallwood Manor 1 and K’Wray: As the children head home today, pray the children respond to what they have learnt about Jesus’ resurrection by trusting in him. Sat 31: Ventures and Falcon Camps: In the run up to our peak season, lift up in prayer the thousands of volunteer leaders who are planning, preparing and praying for the summer.

Like CPAS Ventures on Facebook and follow @CPASVentures on Twitter for updates and news from Ventures and Falcon Camps. 11

1-7 June

leadership Spiritual life

Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. John 15:4

For your prayers: Sun 1: Rushden St Peter (Peterborough): In vacancy at the moment. Pray for the churchwardens and others involved in leading the parish, and for a good appointment in early autumn. Mon 2: Spiritual life: As many clergy take a day off today, pray for the Holy Spirit’s blessing on them as they rest. Tue 3: Spiritual life: All those participating in Growing Leaders courses, as they focus on building firm foundations, developing key skills and keeping faithful in leadership.


he call to serve Christ, whether in church, in the community, or in our families is sourced from the depths of our prayers, our understanding of the scriptures, and our humility before God. In the run up to Pentecost, my article in this month’s Lead On will focus on helping leaders maintain their spiritual life. ‘Through all CPAS’ events, programmes and resources, our desire is to see leaders whose lives are built on a strong walk with Christ and are focused on his mission to bring others into a relationship with him through the work of the Holy Spirit. Please join us in praying that this will be the priority for every Christian leader, above all other goals.’

Wed 4: Spiritual life: Lead On is mailed out today. Please pray John Fisher’s article on maintaining the spiritual life will help draw leaders closer to Christ in a deep and long-term way. Thu 5: Patronage trustees: Meeting in London today to shortlist for vacant incumbent roles. Fri 6: Spiritual life: Those who attended to two recent training days in Ireland on ‘Keeping watch over ourselves in leadership’ and ‘Sustaining oneself in leadership’. Sat 7: Spiritual life: Arrow Leadership Programme participants, past and current. Pray they will ‘remain in the vine’ and bear good fruit.

John Fisher, patronage secretary


John’s article on ‘Maintaining the spiritual life as a leader’ will be available from Wednesday to view online at

Bookings ! still open

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Discover more than 80 life-changing holidays for 8-18s at 15

8-14 June

vocations You and Ministry Fareham

Show me your ways, Lord, teach me your paths. Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my Saviour. Psalm 25:4-5


his Friday, the second You and Ministry weekend of 2014 will begin, giving more than 20 men and women the opportunity to explore a possible vocation to ordained ministry through a helpful mix of Biblical teaching, specialist knowledge, practical advice and fellowship. CPAS partner Tim Stilwell is helping lead the weekend: ‘I think it is vital that, as Christians, we know that we are all called to serve the Lord in all sorts of ways and circumstances. I hope that everyone on the weekend has the chance to draw breath from their everyday life, to encounter God personally through the weekend itself and to leave inspired and encouraged to take the next step – whatever that might be.’

For your prayers: Sun 8: Pentecost: Pray the Holy Spirit will be stirring the hearts of men, women and children in the UK and Republic of Ireland who don’t know Jesus as their saviour. Mon 9: You and Ministry: The number of ordinations has been declining over a number of years. Please pray these weekends and other events and resources can help turn this around. Tue 10: You and Ministry: Leadership principal James Lawrence and CPAS partner Tim Stilwell as they prepare to lead the weekend. Wed 11: You and Ministry: All who attend to discover the next step in their vocational journey, whether this is towards ordination or otherwise. Thu 12: Leadership: James Lawrence is in Peterborough diocese today, leading a training session for curates on leadership and administration. Fri 13: You and Ministry: For the participants as they arrive at Park Place in Fareham this evening. Pray they receive insight, guidance and encouragement over the next two days. Sat 14: Mentoring Matters: All who are attending the training day in Colchester today, led by Paul Wilcox from The Mentoring Network.

Tim Stilwell, CPAS partner


Tim attended a You and Ministry weekend himself 18 years ago. He is now vicar of St Dionis, Parsons Green and a vocations adviser for the Diocese of London.

patronage churches Forest Gate St Saviour (Chelmsford)

‘Go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.’ So the servants went out into the streets and gathered all the people they could find. Matthew 22:9-10


icar Cornelius Henry has been in post at Forest Gate St Saviour in East London for just over a year:

‘Thank you for praying for us. At this time, we would very much appreciate your prayers for our outreach as we seek to proclaim Christ in the community. At the start of this year, we began praying for a street in our parish every Sunday and distributing leaflets in each door on the street inviting people to come to church. This week, we are praying for Dames Road, so please do join us in asking for God’s Spirit to be at work here. Later on in the summer, we are planning a funday for children in the summer, and in the autumn we will be running an Alpha course. Please pray for passion and vision as we focus on those outside of our congregation, and that many will come to know Jesus Christ.

15-21 June

For your prayers: Sun 15: Forest Gate: Dames Road. Pray each person living on this street will come to know the transformational love of our Lord Jesus Christ. Mon 16: Evangelical leaders: Today and tomorrow, CPAS general director John Dunnett will be joining around 70 other evangelical leaders at a gathering in Winchester for fellowship and discussion. Tue 17: Forest Gate: Ask God to provide someone to maintain the church’s website, which is an important tool for reaching those outside of the church congregation. Wed 18: Forest Gate: That God would be prompting people’s hearts in preparation for the upcoming summer funday, and the Alpha course in the autumn. Thu 19: Leadership: The Arrow Leadership Programme strategy group meets today. Fri 20: Forest Gate: Ask God to give everyone at St Saviour’s a deeper passion to help others hear and discover the gospel. Sat 21: Forest Gate: God’s blessing on Cornelius as he leads the church in reaching out to the parish.

CPAS appoints around 50 evangelical incumbents to patronage churches every year. 15

22-28 June

mentoring Mentoring leaders

Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfil the law of Christ. Galations 6:2

For your prayers: Sun 22: CPAS staff: Andy March, vicar at St Christopher’s Allesley Park, Coventry, welcomes James Lawrence to preach at his church this morning. Mon 23: Ventures and Falcon Camps: The summer peak season begins a month today! Pray God would be preparing the hearts of all who will take part, as both members and leaders.

James Lawrence, CPAS leadership principal


PAS is involved in planning a new national mentoring scheme, which will link leaders of churches and Christian organisations with carefully selected and trained Christian mentors. The challenge of leading the Church to effectively fulfil its missional calling demands a wide range of gifts, skills and a depth of spirituality. Those who have found mentors testify to the impact on their life and leadership, but many leaders find themselves isolated and are looking for mentors to journey with them, often not knowing who to ask or where to go. Next week James Lawrence will also be leading two days of training to enable clergy to be mentors of other clergy in London diocese.


Tue 24: Leadership: James is leading a training day for Lichfield diocese on sustaining yourself in ordained ministry. Wed 25: Mentoring: Christian mentoring is about nurturing disciples, as well as developing leaders. Pray that these relationships will help extend God’s kingdom. Thu 26: Leadership: For all involved as Charles Burgess leads a training event for clergy in Gloucester diocese today on the theme of ‘making meetings matter’. Fri 27: Ireland: Summer Madness, a Christian festival for young people, is taking place at Glenarm Castle in County Antrim, Northern Ireland from today until Tuesday. Sat 28: Mentoring: The CPAS Mentoring Matters resource has helped hundreds of churches train mentors. Pray for all those being invested in as future mentors.

If you are a church leader who would like to have a mentor, or be a mentor to others, please email to register your interest in this scheme.


29 June – 5 July

Trustees and governance

Then I saw another angel flying in midair, and he had the eternal gospel to proclaim to those who live on the earth – to every nation, tribe, language and people. Revelation 14:6


lease join us this week in praying for two key groups in CPAS’ governance structures as they lead and shape CPAS’ ministry of helping churches to proclaim ‘the eternal gospel’ to men, women and children in the UK and Republic of Ireland. The CPAS trustee body is made up of 12 lay and ordained people who help guide the future direction of the charity, chaired by the Rt Rev Andrew Watson, Bishop of Aston. They meet at the CPAS office in Coventry next Wednesday (9 July). Meanwhile, the CPAS patronage trustees meet this Thursday, when part of their discussions will be to review the conference organised by CPAS with the EPCC (Evangelical Patronage Consultative Council) for all evangelical patrons which took place earlier this year.

making disciples developing leaders growing churches

For your prayers: Sun 29: CPAS staff: Graham Archer is preaching at Christ Church Lowestoft today, a CPAS patronage church in East Anglia. Mon 30: Mentor training: Pray for James Lawrence as he prepares to lead the two-day mentor training session for clergy in London diocese on Wednesday and Thursday. Tue 1: Leading Edge: A one-day training event for church leaders about changing culture is being led by Charles Burgess in Truro today. Wed 2: Lead On: The monthly leadership email is sent out to more than 3,000 subscribers today. Pray that the article on servant-hearted leadership will speak into the lives of many leaders. Thu 3: Patronage trustees: Meeting today. Praise God for the time and expertise they volunteer, and pray for Esther Prior, who was appointed as a trustee earlier this year. Fri 4: CPAS trustees: Pray for all the CPAS trustees as they prepare and read the relevant paperwork ahead of next week’s meeting. Sat 5: Carlton-in-the-Willows St Paul (Southwell and Nottingham): Praise God for the ministry of rector Brian Hall, who celebrates ten years in post today.

More information about the CPAS trustees is available at 17

6-12 July

multi-parish benefices Learning communities

If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. James 1:5


e’re looking forward to the second gathering of the York diocese multi-parish benefice learning community on Friday 11 and Saturday 12 July, on the theme of leadership. I will be facilitating the two-day session, along with Chris Stoddard from Lead Academy. Our aim is to help teams of lay people and clergy grow in their understanding of the sort of leadership needed in multi-parish benefices, and enable them to grow more and more leaders in their local area. ‘The teams, each made up of around 5-6 leaders from the same benefice, will now have worked on their first agreed tasks following their initial meeting in January. We praise God for their hard work, enthusiasm and willingness to engage with the process of shaping vision and mission in multi-parish benefices.’ Pam Macnaughton, CPAS leadership specialist

For your prayers: Sun 6: Learning communities: For the pilots taking place in York, Liverpool and Gloucester dioceses. Pray for deeper expectations and faith about what God might do. Mon 7: Learning communities: Pam Macnaughton and Chris Stoddard as they prepare to facilitate the second meeting of the York diocese learning community on Friday and Saturday. Tue 8: General Synod: Meeting in York for four days from Friday. Pray God would be preparing the hearts of those who will attend, including CPAS general director John Dunnett. Wed 9: CPAS trustees: Meeting in Coventry. Nick Burt, Tim Crook, Geoffrey Firth, Christine Froude, Sarah Gough, Alan Hawker, Jane Jefferis, Tamsin Merchant, Stephen Pullin, Colin Sheppard, Rod Street and Andrew Watson (chair). Thu 10: Ventures: Tim Friend is speaking at the Haslemere leaders’ weekend. Lift up the leaders as they plan, pray and prepare for the summer. Fri 11: Learning communities: For the teams gathering in York today and tomorrow. Pray for an open, positive atmosphere as the participants move on in their journey. Sat 12: Learning communities: For God’s wisdom today as the teams discuss effective leadership in multi-parish benefices.

Pam Macnaughton


York, Liverpool and Gloucester dioceses are taking part in the pilot multi-parish benefice learning communities.

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

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Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!

Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below.

‘The Arrow Leadership Programme has been a wonderful mix of excellent teaching, inspiring worship and mutual learning under God. I have been challenged, stretched, inspired and above all, loved.’ Andy March CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


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