CPAS Prayer Diary, Spring 2015

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Spring 2015


And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

prayer diary stay in touch @cpasnews prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2015. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Daily prayer points from the CPAS Prayer Diary are now also available through the PrayerMate app on iOS and Android devices. Visit or search in the App Store.

Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Matthew 9:38


uring the time that I have been privileged to be general director of CPAS I have often found myself reading our historic papers including the annual sermons of the 19th century (a regular part of the AGM in those days). On 9 May 1842, the Rev Henry Raikes preached on Matthew 9:38 (above) and I referred to Luke’s parallel passage in a recent letter to CPAS supporters which you may have received. Jesus’ words are an important reminder of the starting point for mission – asking ‘the Lord of the harvest’ for his provision and blessing. Thank you for joining with us in this essential task of bringing our ministry to God in prayer. Reading his sermon, it is clear that Raikes’ motivation for prayer was a desire to see a spiritual harvest. He was not interested in the building of a ‘splendid edifice’ (his words to describe the institution of Church). Rather, his passion was to see leaders raised up who could minister ‘that rest to the soul which faith in Him alone is capable of giving’. As you use this diary, please pray that our work today will be used by God to nurture and release leaders who can reap a spiritual harvest. If Raikes’ motivation was for a spiritual harvest, he was at the same time a practical and strategic thinker. In the same sermon he asked early CPAS supporters to pray concerning an ‘inadequate supply of ministerial labourers’.

For him, this meant praying that God would call more and many to ordained ministry. We are told that the supply of clergy in 2015 is below what it needs to be and so we should be praying for the same – and in particular that God would call younger men and women to this form of leadership. Please join us in asking that God will particularly raise up ‘harvesters’ as a result of our young vocations work and You and Ministry weekends. However it is not just the provision of clergy that we should be praying for – it is also the growth, nurture and release of lay leaders amongst our young people and students, our poorer and sometimes forgotten communities and amongst ethnic and minority groups. Please pray that the discipleship and leadership resources mentioned in this diary will be used by God to help many such people grow in kingdom leadership. Thank you for praying with us and for us here at CPAS. Let’s commit together to seeking what Jesus promised – a harvest of souls for the kingdom of heaven.

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

12-18 April

leadership PCCs

For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Proverbs 2:6


CCs are crucial bodies in the leadership of Anglican churches. They can make a significant impact for good on church life. Yet not all PCCs function as well as they might, and many people who serve on PCCs find the experience a tedious one. In response to this, CPAS is developing a resource to help clergy lead PCCs effectively so that churches are better able to fulfil the mission of God in their communities. The resource will tackle 12 common dysfunctions of PCCs, and will include material for clergy as well as six sessions and numerous resources for the PCC as a whole. The sessions will follow a simple structure based on the acronym Pause Clarify Connect.’ James Lawrence

For your prayers: Sun 12: PCCs: Praise God for your church’s PCC, and the time and energy they sacrifice to serve the church in this important way. Mon 13: PCCs: For clergy as they chair PCCs, that they will do so with clarity, wisdom and humour. Tue 14: PCCs: As PCCs across the country discuss a wide range of issues, pray that they may always seek to develop the life of the church to be about Christ’s mission. Wed 15: PCCs: That PCC meetings may be a source of inspiration, enjoyment and exciting kingdom growth, and if they aren’t, that clergy may work towards them being so. Thu 16: Leadership: Charles Burgess is facilitating a day on ‘Leading in mission and evangelism’ at the Bristol diocesan office. Dave Male (who has led sessions on the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme) will be leading the training. Fri 17: PCCs: James Lawrence as he oversees the production of the new resource and finalises the content. Sat 18: PCCs: For CPAS as we promote the new resource over the coming months. Our prayer is that it will be widely used to help PCCs function well.


The purpose of a PCC is defined as ‘promoting in the parish the whole mission of the Church’. (The Parochial Church Councils (Powers) Measure 1956)


19-25 April

Enabling mentoring

Whoever heeds life-giving correction will be at home among the wise. Proverbs 15:31


his week sees a couple of events taking place as part of our work on the topic of mentoring.

The latest induction day for men and women to be offered as mentors to leaders through the Mentor Connect website takes place on Wednesday in London. On Saturday we’ll be hosting an event at Emmanuel Church in Swadlincote, Derbyshire for those interested in using the Mentoring Matters resource to equip mentors within their churches. Another ongoing aspect of our work in this area is training mentors for clergy in partnership with dioceses. We currently have programmes in Chelmsford, London and Carlisle dioceses.

For your prayers: Sun 19: CPAS staff: Graham Archer is preaching at St Helens Parish Church (in St Helens) this morning, and representing CPAS at the licensing of Nick Haigh as incumbent of Haydock this evening. Mon 20: Leadership: The fifth and sixth cohorts of the Exeter diocesan leadership course are meeting over the next four days to learn about managing expectations and the things that drive us. Tue 21: Mentoring: That many more kingdom-building mentoring relationships will be formed as a result of our work in this area. Wed 22: Mentoring: Give thanks for all those attending the Mentor Connect induction day as they offer their time and gifts to support people in Christian leadership roles. Thu 23: Patronage: Interviews are taking place today for the new incumbent at Rushden Whitefriars. Please pray for a good appointment to be made. Fri 24: Mentoring: May our work training mentors for clergy expand into dioceses in new areas. Sat 25: Mentoring: Ask for God to show all those at today’s Mentoring Matters event how they can get mentoring up and running in their churches.

Nearly 600 copies of the Mentoring Matters resource have been purchased for use in local churches. 05

26 April – 2 May

leadership New incumbents

We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: be reconciled to God. 2 Corinthians 5:20


he jump from assistant to senior minister is a significant one, and doing it well can make a huge difference to a person’s leadership not just in their current context, but also long into the future. CPAS’ biannual The Buck Stops Here conferences are designed to help curates and assistant ministers make this transition well, whether they are new in post, or preparing to start their first role of overall responsibility. Graham Archer, director of ministry, is leading the conference taking place this week in Malvern. He said: ‘The Buck Stops Here is an opportunity for new incumbents to be equipped with the insight and wisdom to effectively lead their churches in mission. Please join us in praying that those who attend this week’s conference will learn more about how to lead in God’s strength, so that the men, women and children in their communities can discover his wonderful love.’

For your prayers: Sun 26: New incumbents: Nick Haigh (Haydock St Mark) and Bruce Deans (Fareham St John), who have recently begun their first incumbency role at CPAS patronage churches. Mon 27: New incumbents: Research has shown that most first-time incumbents take three years to adapt to the new role. Pray for those making this transition. Tue 28: New incumbents: The Buck Stops Here begins today. Graham will be leading sessions on discerning vision and enabling action, to equip the participants to move forward in what God is calling them to do. Wed 29: New incumbents: Ask that God will speak profoundly today to everyone at The Buck Stops Here. Thu 30: New incumbents: For fresh insights and renewed enthusiasm as the participants go back to their parishes, or prepare to move to their first incumbency. Fri 1: Ventures and Falcons: Tim Friend is attending the Holiday Forum today, which is a group of mission-minded holiday providers seeking to further God’s kingdom among young people. Sat 2: Patronage: The trustees shortlisted for Reading Greyfriars on Thursday. Pray for those who have been shortlisted, and those who have not.

The next The Buck Stops Here conference will take place in Sheffield in October. 06


3-9 May

Church in Wales If God is for us, who can be against us? Romans 8:31


hank you very much for your prayers. At this time, the Province as a whole is attempting to address the challenges of decline with a bold strategy called “2020 Vision”. This will focus on re-energising and re-invigorating the Church’s life and ministry, with a particular focus on serving community, inspiring people and transforming church. Some of this strategy is at a central Church level, but individual dioceses are also keen to develop a vision for mission among lay people. Please pray that through this initiative, God will transform individuals and churches to live and proclaim the gospel.’ Will Strange, Archdeacon of Cardigan

Leadership specialist Charles Burgess returns to Bangor diocese to lead the fifth in a series of CPAS training days for clergy this Tuesday. Charles said ‘We are greatly encouraged by the positive response to the CPAS training, and are seeking to build further partnerships with dioceses, churches and individuals across the Church in Wales.’

For your prayers: Sun 3: Church in Wales: For joyful, gospel-centred worship in Wales today, especially in many very rural churches of the Province, hundreds of which serve bilingual communities. Mon 4: Church in Wales: For 2020 Vision to turn around the pattern of decline and bring glory to God through many people in Wales coming to Christ. Tue 5: Church in Wales: Today, Charles Burgess is leading training on communicating well for clergy in Bangor diocese. Pray also for CPAS’ wider work in Wales. Wed 6: Patronage: Tomorrow, candidates will interview for the post of vicar at the Quantock Villages Benefice (Bath and Wells), where CPAS are joint patrons. Thu 7: Our nations: For God’s wisdom for voters in today’s general election, and his blessing on those leading the UK over the next few years. Fri 8: Church in Wales: For the Evangelical Fellowship of the Church in Wales, which brings together Christians who are gospelfocused and biblically-minded. Sat 9: Church in Wales: For parishes which currently have no work with children or youth, that with imagination they will be able to see new opportunities to reach young people with the gospel.

There are six dioceses in the Church in Wales: Bangor, Llandaff, Monmouth, St Asaph, St Davids and Swansea and Brecon. 07

10-16 May

falcon holidays Fundraising

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19

For your prayers: Sun 10: Falcon fundraising: Around 40 churches support Falcon holidays financially. Praise God for their generosity, and ask that more churches would be inspired to do the same. Mon 11: Falcon fundraising: Falcons development manager Jane Stephenson, as she oversees plans for this summer’s holidays. Tue 12: Patronage: John Fisher is meeting with other evangelical patrons today. CPAS works in collaboration with other patrons including Simeon’s Trust, the Church Patronage Trust and the Church Society Trust.


alcon holidays are specifically designed to suit young people who face disadvantage or marginalisation in their daily lives and are otherwise unlikely to have a holiday. It is essential that these holidays are heavily subsidised, so that cost is not a barrier to any young person being able to attend. Thanks to our wonderful supporters, we were able to bless 464 children and teenagers with a holiday last year. An appeal went out a few weeks ago to around 1,500 people featuring quotes and stories from last summer to encourage support for this year’s holidays. Please join us in praying for God’s continued provision for this amazing, transformational ministry.

Wed 13: Leadership: Charles Burgess is facilitating a training day in Bristol diocese on leading through change. Rod Street, a leadership development partner, will be leading the training. Thu 14: CPAS trustees: Meeting today in Coventry. Praise God for their faithful service to CPAS, and ask that they will be open to hearing his voice. Fri 15: Falcon fundraising: We want to make sure cost isn’t a barrier to any young person coming on Falcon holidays. Pray we raise enough to make sure everyone can come. Sat 16: Falcon fundraising: Praise God for our volunteer leaders, who give the precious gifts of their time and energy, and often even support the ministry financially too!

See this year’s appeal and give online at 08


17-23 May

Clergy moving roles Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people. Philemon 1:7


ransitioning well is all about listening to God – where he’s calling you to go, what he’s calling you to do, and how he wants you to go about it. Our online resources and Moving On days are designed to help clergy navigate the often difficult process of moving from one church leadership role to another, so that they can be effective in mission in the communities God is calling them to.

‘In the coming months, we are also planning to launch a new conference for clergy moving parishes. Following the success of our The Buck Stops Here conferences for first time incumbents, these events will be open to all clergy moving roles at any level of church leadership. The aim of these conferences will be to navigate the time of transition in such a way as to make a really positive start to the new phase of ministry.’ Graham Archer, director of ministry

For your prayers: Sun 17: Moving roles: God’s guidance for church leaders who are considering moving post. Pray they will be able to discern what God is saying to them. Mon 18: Moving roles: The people who attended the Moving On day in Coventry two weeks ago as they consider their next steps. Tue 19: Moving roles: Patronage secretary John Fisher, as he helps churches through the process of appointing clergy who are a good fit and will further the mission of God in their parish. Wed 20: Leadership: James Lawrence is leading a training day on building teams for clergy in Peterborough diocese. Thu 21: Moving roles: Clergy who are new in post and finding their feet. Pray for good relationships and for God’s protection against spiritual attack at this key time. Fri 22: Patronage: Interviews are taking place today for the role of incumbent at Greyfriars Reading, a very large town centre church with significant ministry to students and across the town as a whole. Sat 23: Moving roles: May the Holy Spirit inspire those creating material for the new conference.

Free resources for clergy moving roles are available from 09

24-30 May

venture and falcon holidays Buzz Ventures

All the prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name. Acts 10:43

For your prayers: Sun 24: Smallwood Manor: Overall leader Abigail asks: ‘Please pray that we would serve the churches of Wirral and Cheshire in growing leaders and children in Christ.’ Mon 25: Buzz Ventures: Overall leaders Mark Tomlinson, Pete Boorne, Doug and Helen Neville (Lancaster), Robin Barfield, David Casson, Abigail Donohoe and Anna Leadbetter (Smallwood Manor) and their teams.


rom Tuesday to Friday of this week, around 70 children aged 8-11 will take part in the two Buzz Ventures at Lancaster Royal Grammar School and Smallwood Manor in Staffordshire. The theme for both holidays is superheroes, based on the book of Judges and how this points to Jesus. Helen Neville, overall leader of The Buzz: Lancaster, said: ‘We want to show the children how wonderful Jesus is, and how amazing his rescue of us is as we uncover truth in the Bible. Please pray they enjoy everything on the Venture: making new friends, doing great activities and games together, trying new things, and sleeping away from home in a dorm. Pray they come back with great memories, and the greatest “buzz” of all – knowing Jesus Christ.’

Tue 26: Buzz Ventures: Both holidays begin today. Pray for excitement, safety and for leaders and children to get to know each other quickly as they meet their dorm groups. Wed 27: Lancaster: Sensitivity and insight for the leaders as they look after 8-11s, many of whom will be away from home for the first time. Thu 28: Buzz Ventures: For children’s hearts to be open to the teaching about the good news of Jesus, the ultimate rescuer, through the superheroes theme. Fri 29: Arrow Ireland: Residential 4 is taking place over this weekend. As this is the last residential, please pray that the participants would finish well, and would absorb the Arrow ethos as they continue in leadership and ministry. Sat 30: Buzz Ventures: For a long-lasting ‘buzz’ as each child remembers the fun they had and what they learnt about Jesus over the coming months.

The Buzz Ventures are two of an amazing 99 Venture and Falcon holidays taking place this year. 10

Holidays worth sharing Find an amazing holiday and look forward to all of this in 2015: Enjoy fun-packed activities. Learn and grow in small groups. Connect with other young people. Explore who Jesus is. Find CPAS Ventures on Facebook @CPASVentures Venture and Falcon holidays are part of the ministry of CPAS Church Pastoral Aid Society, registered charity no 1007820 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England no 2673220 Registered office: Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

Discover more at 11

31 May - 6 June

patronage churches Hemingford Grey (Ely)

Christ is faithful as the Son over God’s house. And we are his house, if indeed we hold firmly to our confidence and the hope in which we glory. Hebrews 3:6


emingford Grey is a CPAS patronage parish in Ely diocese, which has been led by vicar Peter Cunliffe since 2002.

The church is at the centre of village life with a thriving parish centre which includes a Post Office and coffee shop. They are also hoping to develop a new worshipping community where the village has been expanding with a new housing development. Peter said: ‘The parish centre has become a place where the community chooses to meet together, which was our vision for it 10 years ago. As well as welcoming people, it also provides opportunities to more overtly reach out with the gospel such as occasional Sunday evening events with a guest speaker.’

For your prayers: Sun 31: Hemingford Grey: The congregation as they respond to their current sermon series on ‘What it means to be the body of Christ’. Mon 1: Hemingford Grey: There are several couples getting married at the church this year. Pray for them as they reflect on the recent marriage preparation day. Tue 2: Leadership: Praise God for the many church leaders who have attended the Exeter diocesan leadership course so far, led by Charles Burgess and Graham Archer from CPAS. Wed 3: Hemingford Grey: The weekly prayer walk takes place this lunchtime. May prayer continue to be at the core of everything the church does. Thu 4: Ventures and Falcons: Praise God for the 3,000+ volunteer leaders who make these life-changing Christian holidays possible every year. Fri 5: Hemingford Grey: Associate ministers Dave and Claire Parr, whose responsibilities include youth and children’s work, and plans for a new intern programme. Sat 6: Hemingford Grey: That all on the recent Alpha course will continue to be drawn towards their Saviour.

Hemingford Grey is a growing village home to about 3,000 people. Peter is also priest-in-charge of St Margaret’s in the nearby Hemingford Abbots. 12

arrow leadership programme Residential 4

7-13 June

For your prayers: I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7

Sun 7: Arrow: For good reconnecting time as everyone gathers for the start of the residential and for each person to be able to participate fully with all that God has in store. Mon 8: Arrow: John Irvine is bringing the Bible focus each morning this week. Pray for God’s leading and anointing for him and also for James Lawrence who is leading a day on leading well with others. Tue 9: Arrow: Colin Patterson is leading teaching on leadership and handling conflict today. Thank God for Colin’s commitment to Arrow over many years and pray that he will know a new joy for what he brings this time.


he fourth and final residential week of the latest Arrow Leadership Programme takes place this week, as the latest cohort of leaders aged 25 to 40 near the completion of this 18-month programme. The theme of the residential is ‘going the distance’. The participants will be encouraged to reflect on what will help them be able to say with Paul, ‘I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith’ (2 Timothy 4:7). The teaching will be led by James Lawrence (CPAS leadership principal) and others including John Irvine from Coventry Cathedral and Colin Patterson from Bridge Builders.

Wed 10: Arrow: James Lawrence leads our final day on leading evangelism. Please pray this last part of the process will embed the core things we’ve been addressing. Thu 11: Scotland: Today is the third day of the General Synod of the Scottish Episcopal Church. Pray that Jesus is at the centre of all the discussions and decisions. Fri 12: Arrow: The final day of the final residential. Please pray that participants would stay engaged right up to the last minute. Give thanks to God for all he has given through the teaching and community of Arrow. Sat 13: Arrow: The ongoing integration of all God has given to participants during Arrow, and for them to be open to God and all he wants to do in their lives.

Applications for the next Arrow Leadership Programme open this autumn. Christian leaders aged 25 to 40 can register their interest at


14-20 June

discipleship in churches Disciplekit

But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light. 1 Peter 2:9


e would love your prayers for Disciplekit, a new discipleship resources website which CPAS is currently piloting. The hope is that Disciplekit will quickly become the “go to” place for a comprehensive compilation of discipleship resources for churches, small groups and youth and children’s groups from a wide range of Christian organisations. There will be in-depth reviews, ratings and links to the material so that everyone who visits the site will be able to find something for their context quickly and easily. ‘We live in challenging times, and we cannot underestimate the importance of discipleship in helping people to follow Jesus and lead others to him. The resources are out there, and what this new website will do is get them all together in one place: categorised, reviewed and easy to access.’ Di Archer, project manager

For your prayers: Sun 14: Disciplekit: For the promotion of the resource. Pray that this new initiative will quickly become something every church knows about and makes use of. Mon 15: Leadership: John Dunnett is leading sessions at the School of Preaching Week at Wycliffe Hall in Oxford from today until Friday. Tue 16: Disciplekit: Praise God for the large number of good quality discipleship resources available. Pray they will be used by more and more churches to bring people closer to him. Wed 17: Disciplekit: Churches who are seeking a resource for enquirers and those on the edges of church life. Thu 18: Disciplekit: For leaders of churches where there is little discipleship and no signs of growth. Pray they will have all they need, both practically and spiritually, to turn this around. Fri 19: Ventures and Falcons: Ventures and Falcons principal Tim Friend is at the Youthwork summit today and tomorrow spreading the word about our lifechanging holidays among youth workers. Sat 20: Church in Wales: John Nolland, who is speaking on ‘Bringing the Bible to today’s church’ at the Evangelical Fellowship of the Church in Wales annual conference today.

You can find out more about Disciplekit and other CPAS resources for churches at 14


21-27 June


So the Lord said to Moses, ‘Take Joshua son of Nun, a man in whom is the spirit of leadership, and lay your hand on him.’ Numbers 27:18


elping people discern a call to ordained ministry is something CPAS has played a role in for more than 50 years. This weekend is You and Ministry, Malvern, and next Monday there is a young vocations evening at St Mellitus College. In 2012 there were only 96 stipendiary parochial clergy under 30 (just over 1% of the total). Encouragingly, the latest statistics from the Church of England show that under 30s recommended for training at selection conferences now account for 23% of the total number. James Lawrence, CPAS leadership principal, said: ‘The Church of England stills needs a massive injection of younger people to ordained roles over the next ten years. Our hope and prayer is that next week’s event will encourage younger people to explore how God is calling them and ensure that ordination is not discounted purely on the basis of their age.’

For your prayers: Sun 21: Local churches: Graham Archer is preaching at East Marshland, a multiparish benefice in rural Norfolk. Mon 22: Vocations: May all those at next week’s young vocations event be open to hearing how God is calling them. Tue 23: CPAS: CPAS is represented at the World Mission Council in London today, along with other UK and overseas Anglican mission agencies. Wed 24: Vocations: Ask God to inspire more people with a passion for sharing Jesus into church leadership roles. Thu 25: Vocations: All those currently at different stages of the selection process for ordination training. Fri 26: Vocations: Wisdom for leaders nurturing those within their churches who are exploring their vocation. Sat 27: Vocations: All those at You and Ministry, Malvern this weekend as they seek God’s direction.

Details of vocations events and advice for clergy helping people discern God’s call can be found at 15

28 June – 4 July

patronage churches St Paul’s Old Ford (London)

And God is able to bless you abundantly, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work. 2 Corinthians 9:8

For your prayers: Sun 28: Old Ford: God’s resources as the church seeks to engage missionally with the new Olympic Park communities in the parish. Mon 29: Vocations: The young vocations evening taking place at St Mellitus College in London tonight. Tue 30: Old Ford: Praise God for his provision of Allison Moore, a Canadian missionary who is part-funded to serve the church by Christians in Canada.

James Hughesdon, vicar


t the start of this year, James Hughesdon was appointed at St Paul’s Old Ford in east London, having completed his curacy in the parish. St Paul‘s is an active centre of the community in this vibrant, multi-cultural parish, with ministries ranging from a lively youth ministry to a café and meeting rooms used by local businesses and other community groups. A significant part of James’ role is to plant and grow the church’s work among the new residents of the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park which crosses into the parish. Patronage secretary John Fisher said: ‘As the UK’s largest evangelical patron, we are committed to appointing leaders who are passionate about bringing people to Jesus. This exciting parish is full of opportunities for growth and renewal, and our hopes and prayers are with James.’


Wed 1: Leadership: Leadership principal James Lawrence is leading training for Church Army Lead Evangelists in Sheffield today and tomorrow. Thu 2: Old Ford: For the church to continue to provide a safe and hospitable welcome to everyone both on Sundays and in mid-week church life. Fri 3: Ireland: Summer Madness, a Christian festival for young people from all over Ireland, is taking place from today until Tuesday at Glenarm Castle, County Antrim. Sat 4: Old Ford: Praise God for James’ appointment, and ask his blessing on the CPAS patronage team as they seek to appoint gospel-focused leaders in parishes across the UK.

Several young people from St Paul‘s are going on one of our Haslemere Ventures this summer, where the church’s youth worker Sam Baker is a leader.

‘The CPAS “Servants and Stewards” course combined the be st of leadership traini ng with all that Scripture has to tell us about go od leadership.’

‘Every second you are at Falcon, you have the time of your life.’ Emma, 10

Chris, vicar

‘Thanks to Growing Leaders we’ve started new activities including a youth club, which attracts 25 young people every fortnight.’ Jo, vicar

‘Through the Arrow Leadership Programme, I have been challenged, stretched, inspired and above all, loved.’ Andy, vicar

‘I liked the buzz groups, where we talked about how to continue being a Christian outside of the Venture.’ Andrew, 17

multi-parish benefices

5-11 July

York Thrive community

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. John 10:16


he Diocese of York was the first to sign up to the multi-parish benefice learning community pilot project. Three rural benefices have each brought a group of lay and ordained people to the learning communities (now called Thrive communities), which take place over a two-year period. Each Thrive community meets four times for a two-day session on a particular theme, with a final one-day gathering at the end to review and commission. On Friday and Saturday, the York community will meet for the fourth time to focus on effective mission. Please pray for long-lasting impact as the participants continue in their leadership and seek to carry out God’s will in all of their parishes.’ Pam Macnaughton, CPAS leadership specialist A Thrive community gathering

For your prayers: Sun 5: Thrive: Sundays are a busy time for all church leaders, but often even more so for multi-parish leaders. Pray for balance, energy and enthusiasm. Mon 6: Thrive: As multi-parish benefices become increasingly widespread, pray for leaders who find themselves leading multiple churches for the first time. Tue 7: Thrive: Praise God for the level of engagement of the participants in the York community, and for the changes that have taken place so far as a result of this initiative. Wed 8: Thrive: For discussions with several dioceses about running new Thrive communities so that many more leaders of multi-parish benefices can take part. Thu 9: Patronage: Churches without a vicar who are struggling to fill the vacancy. The current number of vacancies is higher than it’s ever been due to a large number of clergy retiring. Fri 10: Thrive: The participants representing three groups of parishes as they meet together in York today and tomorrow. Sat 11: Thrive: The group will be discussing their plans for the future today. Pray for inspiration and God’s wisdom as they consider how to put this into practice.

Thrive learning communities are a partnership between CPAS, Lead Academy and the Arthur Rank Centre. 18

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

giving to CPAS Ways to give Personal donations

Church giving


You can give one-off or regular gifts to CPAS in a variety of ways. Send a cheque through the post, complete a ‘Supporting CPAS’ form or contact our finance team on the details below to make a donation over the phone or request a Standing Order form.

Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!

Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below.

‘It is a massive privilege to bring the good news of Jesus to these boys and see them making steps towards faith in Christ.’ Zim, Falcon leader CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


arrow leadership programme Aged 25-40? Have a position of leadership in the Church? Concerned about evangelism? Willing to be challenged in your personal development?

‘Arrow has enabled me to find a fresh intimacy with God and to learn skills and habits that have transformed my ministry and leaves me looking forward to many decades of it. It has been the most significant thing since I became a Christian.’ Henry Curran, vicar

‘Superb teaching and resources plus an amazing group of people who were utterly committed to what God wanted to do in my life and leadership. Grab the opportunity with both hands if you can!’ Jackie Mann, church leader, training and development

‘Arrow will refresh you in your calling, reconnect you to God’s heart for mission and equip you to go and fulfil your commission.’ Quin Delport, worship leader

Find out more and register your interest at

Applications for the next Arrow Leadership Programme open in September.

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