Prayerdiary sum14 web

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Summer 2014


making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

thank you for your prayers We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

prayer diary stay in touch @cpasnews prayer diary


Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson

Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ

All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2014. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

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Daily prayer points from the CPAS Prayer Diary are now also available through the PrayerMate app for iPad, iPhone or iPod touch devices. Visit or search in the App Store.

God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah. Acts 2:36


n Peter’s Pentecost sermon (Acts 2:14-36) he models what I believe is a Holy Spirit inspired ‘pattern’ for communicating the gospel in the 21st century. And if the leaders, churches and Ventures and Falcon Camps we are praying for over these months are to be effective in seeing men, women and children come to faith in Christ, then there is much in this passage to lead and guide our prayers. Peter’s presentation of the gospel starts with listening. Luke tells us that his sermon was a response to the question: ‘what does this mean?’ (v12). Passers-by were surprised, amazed and confused by the outpouring of God’s Spirit and wanted an explanation. And people today have questions: about purpose, suffering, relationships and a myriad of other issues. Will you join us in praying that the people and churches we mention in this Prayer Diary will be Holy Spirit enabled to hear the questions that people are asking? Having heard the question, and in order to provide an explanation to his listeners of the Pentecost events, Peter turns to Scripture. In quoting Joel and David, he allows Scripture to provide the measure of what is going on – and to bring perspective to the situation. For Peter, Scripture provides the only explanation needed (other than his obvious statement that it is too early in the morning for the disciples to be drunk!).

We now live in a culture that questions the relevance and authority of the Bible. It is seen by many as simply one book amongst a range of religious texts. Will you join us in praying that the leaders and churches in this diary will know the Holy Spirit’s conviction regarding the never changing, never failing, never irrelevant status of God’s word? In particular, will you pray that the 4,000 children and young people on our Ventures and Falcon Camps this summer will hear God speak through the Bible teaching, and that their confidence in and understanding of Scripture will grow? Peter’s sermon always points in one direction – to Jesus: ‘God has made this Jesus, whom you crucified, both Lord and Messiah’ (v36). The gospel is Jesus. Just Jesus. Not Jesus ‘plus’, but simply Jesus as Scripture describes him: ‘both Lord and Messiah’. Will you join us in praying for each and every leader mentioned in this diary, that he or she would be enabled by the Holy Spirit to point to Jesus? Thank you for your prayerful support,

John Dunnett General Director

making disciples, developing leaders, growing churches

13-19 July

patronage churches Holy Trinity Guernsey

Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Matthew 6:10

For your prayers: Sun 13: General Synod: Taking place in York at the moment. CPAS general director John Dunnett is attending, representing Chelmsford diocese. Mon 14: Holy Trinity Guernsey: God’s guidance as we make clear priorities and plans for the next chapter in the life of the church.


oly Trinity is a vibrant evangelical Anglican church in the town of St Peter Port on the beautiful island of Guernsey. Our vision is to be an authentic community of faith committed to making and growing disciples of Jesus Christ. We are an eclectic church community with four congregations, made up of around 500 adults and children from across the island. We are involved in a wide range of ministries from Messy Church, toddler group and children’s clubs, to caring for ex-offenders, foodbank, youthwork and a money management group. We regularly run Alpha and Christianity Explored and have links with mission partners overseas. ‘At the moment, we’d really appreciate prayer as we consider plans and priorities of our church community for the next chapter. Also, we’d love you to pray for the New Wine Guernsey training events and conferences which take place regularly on the island.’

Tue 15: Holy Trinity Guernsey: Praise God that we have been able to increase our capacity for people working at Trinity, to bless the local community and build bridges for the gospel. Wed 16: Alde River Benefice (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich): Interviews are taking place today for the next incumbent, with patronage secretary John Fisher on the interview panel. Thu 17: Holy Trinity Guernsey: Our work with ex-offenders is increasing. Please pray for extra resources to meet this need. Fri 18: Holy Trinity Guernsey: For creative ways to work with other churches through New Wine Guernsey, Lead Academy, Growing Leaders and other initiatives. Sat 19: Holy Trinity Guernsey: The Messy Church holiday club, which is being planned for October. Pray that many families will get involved, and come to know Jesus through this ministry.

Jon Honour, vicar

Jon was appointed as vicar of Holy Trinity, a CPAS patronage church, in 2008. 04

ventures and falcon camps

20-26 July

A prayer for the summer Over the next six weeks, 93 Ventures and Falcon Camps will take place, giving around 4,000 young people a life-changing holiday full of fun, friendship and faith. Please use the following as a basis for your prayers, either using the whole prayer every day, or taking one section for each day of the week.



We ask that good Christia n friendships develop, whi ch last far beyond th e summer.

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Father God, w e ask for your ha nd to be over th e safety and smooth ru nning of every Vent ure and Falcon Camp.

We pray for the partnerships between al these holidays and loc r ula rtic pa in d an es, church h wit for the relationships ding churches who are sen rs de lea or le op young pe e. tim t firs the for

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For details of all this summer’s Ventures and Falcon Camps, please refer to the summer prayer poster. Please call 0300 123 0780 (option 2) if you have not received this.

05 06


27 July – 2 August

Leiston And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with everincreasing glory. 2 Corinthians 3:18


round 50 excited 11-14 year olds arrived yesterday (26 July) at Sizewell Hall on the Suffolk coast for this summer’s Leiston Venture. Overall leader Hilary Musker said: ‘The theme this year is time travel and we’ve got an exciting week of activities planned, from geocaching and orienteering to a trip to a theme park and a ‘posh nosh’ dinner party! In the teaching sessions, we’ll be looking at the lives of Moses, Jesus and Paul and thinking about how knowing Jesus makes us different. My prayer is that we will see young people encountering God and growing in their relationship with him. We’d particularly love you to join us in praying that the Pathfinders who are coming for the first time will settle in and make friends, and be open to discovering more about God and his love for them.’

For your prayers: Sun 27: Leiston: For the young people to make friends during ‘It’s a Knock Out’, the main activity running onsite today. Mon 28: Leiston: The young people are visiting a theme park today. Pray for fantastic fun! Tue 29: Leiston: For our young leadership team to encourage and support each other and for everyone to feel valued and part of the team. Wed 30: Leiston: For hearts open to the Bible teaching in the evening meeting tonight. Thu 31: Leiston: Fun and safety on the leadership hunt today. Please also praise God for the cooks team, some of whom have been faithfully cooking at Leiston for many years. Fri 1: Leiston: Posh nosh dinner party tonight! As the week draws to a close, pray the young people will see glimpses of God’s kingdom through the Bible teaching and Christian community. Sat 2: Leiston: As the Pathfinders head home today, pray they will continue to grow as Christians and that others will see the difference Jesus has made in them.

This is the ‘peak week’ of the Ventures and Falcon Camps summer season, with 35 holidays taking place. 07

3-9 August

falcon camps Cleobury Mortimer

This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10

For your prayers: Sun 3: Cleobury Mortimer: For the young people to get involved from day one, particularly the older ones who can sometimes be reluctant at first! Mon 4: Cleobury Mortimer: God’s presence both on the Falcon Camp, and with the families of the young people back at home. Tue 5: Cleobury Mortimer: Today is an offsite day. Please pray for fun and safety. Wed 6: Cleobury Mortimer: For good weather, as many of the activities are outdoors.

Overall leader Martin Woodruff


he brand new Cleobury Mortimer Falcon Camp for 11-14s starts tomorrow (Monday), at the Pioneer Centre in Shropshire. Overall leader Martin Woodruff also leads the Dovedale Falcon Camp for 8-11s. Martin said: ‘The young people come from a variety of backgrounds. Most are facing some sort of disadvantage in their day-to-day lives, and a few are from single-parent families. We will be spending lots of quality time with the young people, doing lots of (probably quite messy!) activities, and getting toasty by the campfire. We’ll be teaching the gospel in a simple and relevant way, and we hope to see young people experiencing the presence of God.’

Thu 7: Leadership: James Lawrence is at New Wine in Shepton Mallet today, delivering a seminar on the topic of building resilience as a leader. Fri 8: Cleobury Mortimer: As the 11-14s hear the gospel message, pray they will understand God’s amazing love and respond to the call to follow Jesus. Sat 9: Cleobury Mortimer: God’s blessing on the young people and their leaders as they return home.

Cleobury Mortimer is one of 18 Falcon Camps taking place in July and August. 08


10-16 August

Romsey 3 The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. Isaiah 9:2


hank you for praying for us! We have around 45 9-13 year olds with us this week in Hampshire for the Romsey 3 Venture. We are looking forward to seeing God work powerfully among us by his Spirit, through his Word as we study Isaiah. Please pray for deep friendships, lives transformed by the gospel, and for a heartfelt response to God’s love and grace in our Lord Jesus. ‘We have a large leadership team, which provides a great opportunity to disciple the young people and really get to know them. We are planning to have informal one-to-ones on Thursday, which will be an opportunity for the members to ask any questions they have in response to the gospel teaching. ‘Another thing we’d love to see is leaders being trained and equipped for a lifetime of gospel ministry in the contexts they return to after camp.’ Mark Birri, overall leader

For your prayers: Sun 10: Romsey 3: Safe arrival for all the members and leaders, a warm welcome and settling in well. Mon 11: Romsey 3: A good start to the teaching programme as we begin looking at Isaiah. Tue 12: Romsey 3: We’re off to the beach in Bournemouth today. Pray for lots of fun, and that members would begin to open up about the gospel so that we can really minister to them. Wed 13: Romsey 3: Safety during our visit to an activity centre. Please also pray that the Bible teaching would be having an impact on the members’ lives as we look at the cross. Thu 14: Romsey 3: God-guided answers to members’ questions as we seek to chat to them in informal one-to-ones. Fri 15: Romsey 3: Deepening relationships, and also energy and continued servant-heartedness for leaders as the week draws to a close. Sat 16: Romsey 3: A great welcome back to the parents and a safe journey home. For the leaders, please pray for a good team spirit during the clear up of the site and that they will go home having grown in their leadership.

Four Romsey Ventures are taking place this summer, with around 200 9-14 year olds taking part altogether. 09

17-23 August

ventures Sedbergh

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

For your prayers: Sun 17: Sedbergh: The Venture begins today, so pray for God to build anticipation and calm any nerves as the members travel to Cumbria. Mon 18: Sedbergh: Pray that this week will see the teenagers engage with Jesus through the Bible. Tue 19: Sedbergh: The main meeting is the highlight of each day at Sedbergh. Pray for God to be at work by his Spirit at today’s gathering.


he Sedbergh Venture describes itself as being full of Jesus and full of adventure. It’s led by Jonny Lee, an assistant minister in South-west London, and Tom Popplewell who works for a church plant in the North-east of England. This week the 50-60 teenagers at Sedbergh will be transported back in time to a 1st century Roman colony (Sedberpolis!) and the Bible teaching will focus on Paul’s letter to the Romans. Activities in the beautiful Cumbrian countryside include paintballing, Go-Ape, watersports, caving, golf, mountain biking, rock climbing and karting.


Wed 20: Sedbergh: Pray for godly wisdom and sensitivity as leaders get to know the young people, as well as for fun and safety in all the activities. Thu 21: Sedbergh: Today sees the main appeal for members to follow Jesus, so ask God to bring more young people to put their faith in his risen Son. Fri 22: Ventures: Pray that the Bible teaching all teenagers receive on Ventures this summer will develop deep roots in their lives. Sat 23: Sedbergh: Pray that all the young people with a faith in Jesus will be spurred on to live and speak for him.

‘I loved the feeling of community, and being with loads of other Christian teenagers.’ – A member from last year’s Sedbergh Venture

falcon camps

24-30 August

Great Wenham Let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full assurance that faith brings. Hebrews 10:22


his year’s Great Wenham Falcon Camp is all about journeys. The 12-17s will go on a journey of discovery to find out more about God and his love for them, as well as enjoying activities including a treasure hunt, field games, quiz nights, swimming and a trip to a theme park. The young people taking part are from a range of different backgrounds, some from a council estates ministry and some who have been referred by Christian Care (an organisation that works with refugee families) and other social welfare organisations. Overall leader Lydia said: ‘We are trusting that every teen that comes to camp will go on a journey in their relationship with God, whether they’re a non-Christian moving into an awareness of a loving Father, a seeker giving their life to God, a new Christian leaving camp with a confidence in Christ or a mature Christian teen falling more in love with Jesus.’

For your prayers: Sun 24: Great Wenham: Unity among the leaders. Pray that we will work well together and love and serve each other. Mon 25: Great Wenham: For fun during all the outdoor activities, and bucketloads of sunshine! Tue 26: Great Wenham: Safety throughout the week. Pray for protection against accidents, illness and behavioural issues. Wed 27: Great Wenham: All the members who come from backgrounds where they face disadvantage, and also for their families back at home this week. Thu 28: Great Wenham: For every young person to take a step forward in their journey with God this week. Fri 29: Great Wenham: As the teens head home, pray they will be able to carry on their journey with God, and be a light to their families and wider community. Sat 30: Ventures and Falcon Camps: Every child and teenager who has taken part in a holiday this summer as they prepare to go back to school this week.

Falcon Camps are Christian holidays for young people facing disadvantage, and are heavily subsidised. To donate to next year’s camps, please visit 11

31 August – 6 September

patronage churches Winklebury and Worting (Winchester)

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you. Ephesians 1:18


e are a friendly, Bible-based parish to the west of Basingstoke. Firstly, please join us in praising God for the growth we’ve seen recently. We’ve gone from having two homegroups to six and have a lot of new people coming along to services. Our prayer now is that they will be discipled and nurtured in their faith. ‘Matt Ingle, our youth and children’s minister, has been building links with the local primary schools through after school clubs, R.E. lessons and assemblies. From September, we are hoping to be more involved in the local secondary school also. Looking ahead to the future, there are plans to build new houses on fields comprising half the parish, which will more than double its population. Please pray God would be preparing us for this opportunity (and challenge!)’ John Wigmore, rector

For your prayers: Sun 31: Winklebury and Worting: For growing spiritual maturity as we look to nurture a new generation of leaders. Mon 1: Winklebury and Worting: John Wigmore, rector and Matt Ingle, youth and children’s minister. Tue 2: CPAS staff: The strategy group meet today: Graham Archer, John Dunnett, Tim Friend and James Lawrence. Wed 3: Winklebury and Worting: That we can begin to have a positive influence in the local secondary school as the new term begins. Thu 4: Winklebury and Worting: The proposed housing development. We ask that God would use this to bring many new people into the church. Fri 5: Winklebury and Worting: Praise God that many Baptism families are now part of the church, and pray we will see more growth in this area. Sat 6: Winklebury and Worting: Those who are being prepared for confirmation, and participants on the Discipleship Explored course.

Winklebury and Worting is one of over 500 CPAS patronage churches, covering every English diocese. 12

grove leadership series

Biblical, l and thoughtfu ooks practical b dership on key lea topics

View the entire series at 08 13

7-13 September

leadership Multi-parish benefices

Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:23-24

For your prayers: Sun 7: Multi-parish benefices: Please pray for all those leading services in multiparish benefices today. Mon 8: Mentoring: This afternoon James Lawrence is meeting with the Evangelical Alliance and Stewardship to finalise details of Mentor Connect, a new website service connecting church leaders with mentors. Tue 9: Multi-parish benefices: Pray for the learning communities in Liverpool and Norwich which are planned to start this autumn.


ur work equipping those with leadership responsibilities in multiparish benefices continues this autumn, with learning communities already set up in York and Gloucester dioceses. Each group looks at the four themes of journey, leadership, discipleship and mission over the course of two years. There are also plans in Liverpool diocese, where a taster session for 40 people from five benefices was held in June, as well as in Norwich. Pam Macnaughton, CPAS leadership specialist, said: ‘The first learning community sessions have been really encouraging, with delegates demonstrating creativity and positive attitudes. We’re really looking forward to the second gathering in York next month to see the difference it’s making.’

Wed 10: Multi-parish benefices: Our hope is that those in learning communities learn from each other’s experience, knowledge and passion. Ask God to make this a reality. Thu 11: Multi-parish benefices: Pray for Pam and others involved in developing material around each of the four themes. Fri 12: Multi-parish benefices: Each benefice is visited by a supporter between learning community meetings, so pray these visits will provide relevant advice and encouragement. Sat 13: Multi-parish benefices: Pray for those taking part in York as they prepare to gather together next month.

To read more about our work with multi-parish benefices, see the latest edition of Catalyst magazine ( 14

CPAS staff

14-20 September

James Lawrence Just as a body, though one, has many parts, but all its many parts form one body, so it is with Christ. For we were all baptised by one Spirit so as to form one body. 1 Corinthians 12:12-13


his week’s prayers focus on the work of James Lawrence, CPAS leadership principal, who heads up our work developing training events and resources to equip leaders in local churches for effective mission. James’ role is hugely varied, but this week is as close to typical as you might get, including the delivery of a couple of leadership development events, serving on a wider Church of England group, and a meeting with his team at CPAS. Wednesday’s training in Peterborough is the fourth event in a series which forms part of the diocese’s clergy development programme.

For your prayers: Sun 14: Leadership: James often preaches in churches but has this weekend off. Pray as he prepares for visiting Liverpool Cathedral later this month. Mon 15: Leadership: Ask for Spirit-led inspiration over the development of CPAS resources and events to develop leaders at all levels in local churches. Tue 16: Leadership: James is meeting with the CPAS leadership team, including Pam Macnaughton and Charles Burgess, as they discuss the planning and delivery of up-coming events. Wed 17: Leadership: As James trains ordained leaders in Peterborough today, pray for all those curates and associate leaders discussing ‘leading from the second chair’. Thu 18: Leadership: James meets with the editorial panel for the Grove Leadership Series, a partnership between CPAS and Grove books. Fri 19: Leadership: Following this week’s training in Peterborough, pray for fruitful working relationships between incumbents and their leadership teams. Sat 20: Leadership: Pray for all those partners who deliver training in conjunction with CPAS, as they use their gifts to equip other leaders.

CPAS is now involved in leadership development initiatives in more than half the English dioceses. 15

21-27 September

arrow leadership programme Arrow mentor day

Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Psalm 100:3

For your prayers: Sun 21: CPAS: Pray for Graham Archer as he preaches at St Christopher’s Allesley, a church led by Andy March who completed Arrow last year. Mon 22: Leadership: Pray for God to move through a new year-long leadership course with clergy in Bristol diocese that begins this week, led by Charles Burgess. Tue 23: Arrow: Ask for God’s blessing on today’s Arrow mentor training to be fruitful and kingdom-building.

The current Arrow participants


entoring is a key part of the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme, as all 24 participants are paired up with an experienced leader to meet regularly with them throughout the 18-month programme. This Tuesday, there is a training event for mentors on the current programme at the CPAS office in Coventry. The event is placed five months into the programme as the mentors have had some experience of mentoring to reflect on, but haven’t had time to become stuck in any unhealthy patterns.

Wed 24: CPAS: The CPAS trustees are meeting this afternoon. Pray for godly discernment to be guiding any decisions. Thu 25: Patronage: The patronage trustees meet in London today, including shortlisting for vacant parishes and discussions about issues affecting clergy appointments. Fri 26: Arrow: Pray for the role of mentors in helping Arrow participants be equipped to lead more people of all ages to Jesus. Sat 27: Arrow: The build-up to an Arrow residential week is always a busy time for participants and the programme team, so pray for all involved as they prepare for the October gathering.

Most of the mentors are new to Arrow, although a few have been involved on programmes in previous years.

Nearly 300 leaders have completed the CPAS Arrow Leadership Programme in the UK since it began in 1999. 16


28 September – 4 October

Clergy moving roles But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Matthew 6:33-34


ext week brings two CPAS events for clergy who are moving roles. Please join us in praying that God would be preparing the participants’ hearts to be open to his leading, and guiding those who will be leading the events as they finalise the material in the next few days. The Buck Stops Here, Sheffield, 7-9 October: A 48-hour conference for clergy who have recently started (or are about to start) their first post of responsibility – whether this is moving from being a curate to a vicar, or returning to parish ministry after another appointment. Graham Archer is leading, with help from a CPAS partner. Moving On, Ware, 9 October: John Fisher is leading this forum for clergy who are considering moving role. The day will provide some biblical framework to the discernment process and consider how to make good choices. The participants will also look at the practicalities of making good applications and handling interviews well.

For your prayers: Sun 28: Clergy moving roles: For Graham and John as they prepare both practically and spiritually for The Buck Stops Here and Moving On. Mon 29: Leadership: James Lawrence is teaching at St Mellitus college this afternoon, on the topic of leadership, churches and teams. Tue 30: Clergy moving roles: Each curate or new incumbent who is attending The Buck Stops Here next week. Pray God’s blessing on their ministry as they adjust to a new role. Wed 1: Clergy moving roles: Ask that clergy at Moving On will hear God clearly as they discern when and where to move. Pray for servant-hearted, spirit-guided motivations for moving. Thu 2: Leadership: John Dunnett is at the Bradwell Area study day at Chelmsford Cathedral today. Fri 3: Clergy moving roles: God’s provision for churches whose vicar has moved on recently, and are in a period of vacancy. Sat 4: Ventures and Falcon Camps: The Bridgwater Venture and the Autumn Falcon Camp are taking place later this month. Pray for the overall leaders as they prepare: David White and Helen Pattinson (Bridgwater) and James Aidoo (Autumn Falcon).

For details of all upcoming CPAS training events, please visit 17

5-11 October

arrow leadership programme Residential two

Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect, keeping a clear conscience. 1 Peter 3:15-16

The second residential week of the latest Arrow Leadership Programme begins today. All 24 participants gather together for the first time since their last residential in May, with two further weeks to follow during the next 12 months. Each day begins with a time of worship and Bible study, focusing on the week’s main theme of dealing with barriers to godly living/leadership. This includes teaching about discouragement, ambition, anger and sexual pressures. After 15 years of hosting residentials at Whirlow Grange in Sheffield, this week’s gathering is at The Hayes in Swanwick, Derbyshire, and a change of venue will inevitably raise new challenges for the residential team. Team-building on the first residential week

For your prayers: Sun 5: Arrow: The residential begins in Swanwick today. Pray for the team as they adapt to hosting the week in a new venue. Mon 6: Arrow: Pray that the Holy Spirit will inspire Beverley Shepherd as she leads today’s teaching about ‘rhythms of grace’. Tue 7: The Buck Stops Here: This 48hour conference for first-time incumbents begins today in Sheffield. Pray for delegates to be equipped for the roles they’re called to. Wed 8: Arrow: Today’s teaching focuses on personal evangelism, led by James Lawrence. Ask God to give the participants more ‘boldness’ (Acts 4:29) as well as ‘gentleness and respect’ (1 Peter 3:15) as they proclaim the gospel. Thu 9: Moving On: Pray for CPAS patronage secretary John Fisher leading this event for clergy considering a move, including biblical teaching about discernment and advice about applications. Fri 10: Arrow: As the participants return home his afternoon, pray God will continue to nourish them spiritually as they integrate all that they’ve been learning. Sat 11: Arrow: Pray for all those on Arrow to be led more by Jesus, to lead more like Jesus and to lead more to Jesus.


The 18-month Arrow programme also includes regular meetings with peer cells and mentors, as well as projects linked to the input from residential weeks.

Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you.

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Church giving


You can give one-off or regular gifts to CPAS in a variety of ways. Send a cheque through the post, complete a ‘Supporting CPAS’ form or contact our finance team on the details below to make a donation over the phone or request a Standing Order form.

Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, supporting our ministry as a church is a very rewarding experience. Please visit our website or call us to find out more. Cheques through the post are always welcome too!

Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below.

‘It was wonderful to see young people respond to the gospel as it was clearly explained to them evening by evening at the Barnstaple 2 Venture.‘ Bishop Nick McKinnel CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ T 0300 123 0780 E


a lasting gift

Leave a legacy to CPAS in your will No access to a computer? You can also call us on 0300 123 0780, or write to us at the address on the previous page to find out more. 09

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