CPAS Prayer Diary, Winter-Spring 2017

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prayer diary

Let the morning bring me word of your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in you. Psalm 143:8

Supporting the ministries of CPAS through the power of prayer.

You do not have because you do not ask God.

We value your prayers and support greatly. This diary is designed to guide your prayers across the breadth of our work, offering a weekly theme, prayer points and a Bible verse to aid daily or weekly prayer.

James 4:2

CPAS Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ A company limited by guarantee Registered in England no 2673220 Registered charity no 1007820 Registered office at address above @cpasnews /cpasnews

Editor: Hazel Lancefield Design: Catherine Jackson All Bible quotations taken from the New International Version. Copyright CPAS 2017. All rights reserved. Permission is granted for the reproduction of text from this publication for CPAS promotional use only. For all other uses, please contact us. This publication is printed on paper from farmed forests: for each tree felled, another is planted. The paper is chlorinefree and environmentally friendly.

Daily prayer points from CPAS are also available through the PrayerMate app on iOS and Android devices. Visit or search in the App Store.

Your prayers matter


f you are anything like me, it is sometimes hard to believe that my prayers actually make a difference.

I am only one person in billions on this planet and, although I am saved by grace and reborn by the Spirit, I still identify with the man who prayed ‘I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!’ (Mark 9:24). Why should my prayers matter – and will God actually answer them? It would be presumptuous to think that God does answer the prayers of individuals – except that the Bible clearly teaches this is so. For example, in Exodus 17 God grants the Israelites victory over the Amalekites for so long as Moses prays (pictured by his hands held high). And in Exodus 32, we read of how God relents of his intention to punish his people for their idolatry as a direct result of Moses’ prayerful pleading. In case you’re thinking: ‘That’s Moses – I am not Moses!’, James indicates that this applies to all followers of Jesus when he writes: ‘You do not have because you do not ask God’ (James 4:2).

It’s not that God doesn’t know what we are going to pray (see Matthew 6:8). It’s not that he can’t act without our prayers. Rather, it’s that he chooses to order things in such a way that we have a part to play in seeing his sovereign purposes unfold. Author C. Peter Wagner put it this way: ‘No one can change God, but our prayers can have a direct influence on what God does or does not do.’ (Churches That Pray, 1993). Here at CPAS we are therefore enormously grateful for your prayers because we believe they make a difference. God answers them. In this edition of our Prayer Diary, we ask for your prayers for leaders, churches and ministries across the British Isles in the knowledge that we simply cannot move forward without them. Thank you for using this diary to pray for CPAS. We believe your prayers matter.

John Dunnett General Director

0300 123 0780

22-28 January


Pam Macnaughton Be strong and take heart, all you who hope in the Lord. Psalm 31:24


am’s work with multi-parish benefices (MPBs) at this time includes a one-day event for the Diocese of Lichfield exploring MPB management and organisational issues and two Thrive learning community gatherings in Stafford and Wolverhampton. Pam is also speaking at a Growing Messy Leaders day in Cardiff next month in partnership with Lucy Moore, BRF’s Messy Church team leader. Back home, as a self-supporting ordained pioneer minister, she’s starting a new piece of work with others, following up recent research into Fresh Expressions of church across the Diocese of York. Locally, she oversees a local café church and Messy Church and is hoping to run Growing Leaders this year.


For your prayers: Sun 22: Pam Macnaughton: For all the churches involved in Thrive learning communities to have new vision and prayerful willingness to embrace change. Mon 23: Pam Macnaughton: For her work encouraging Fresh Expressions of church in the Diocese of York. Tue 24: Pam Macnaughton: For Pam’s safety as, like other CPAS staff, she travels around the country delivering training. Wed 25: PCCs: Everybody attending this evening’s PCC Tonight event in Reading to be inspired about how they can enhance mission in their churches. Thu 26: Leadership: Ian Parkinson is leading a session on ‘Turning vision into action’ for students at Trinity College Bristol today. Fri 27: Pam Macnaughton: For lots of interest in the Growing Messy Leaders days taking place this year. Sat 28: Growing Leaders: Every church planning to run a Growing Leaders course this year. Ask that God will continue to use this resource to grow leaders who can bring people to him.

Falcon Holidays

29 January – 4 February

Falcon Leaders’ Conference


his weekend (3-4 February), Falcon leaders will gather in Coventry for the annual leaders’ conference. The leaders will be focusing on their teaching programmes. In particular, they will look at how they can make sure that the teaching connects with the urban context of many young people. They will also consider how their teaching can be both creative and faithful to the word of God. This weekend is an ideal opportunity for overall leaders to meet together, sharing experiences and helping one another with ideas. Following last year’s conference, the new Wydale team heeded advice from other leaders to take some spare clothes. Some of the young people who came had brought barely anything beyond what they were wearing and so the leaders were able to meet this need.

For your prayers: Sun 29: CPAS staff: Graham Archer is preaching at St Joseph, Merry Hill in Wolverhampton today. Ask God to speak to the congregation through Graham’s words. Mon 30: Leadership: Arrow Reloaded runs from today until Thursday. Pray for all the previous Arrow participants as they have the opportunity to take stock, recalibrate and be inspired for future leadership. Tue 31: Trustees: The CPAS trustees meet today and patronage trustees meet on Thursday. Pray for wise conversations and praise God for the new trustees. Wed 1: Falcons conference: Main speaker Duncan Forbes from Urban Ministries as he prepares for the conference this weekend. Thu 2: Falcons conference: For overall leaders to identify senior leaders on their team who could one day become overall leaders themselves. Fri 3: Falcons conference: Those who are the only overall leader on their Falcon holiday. Pray for the support of other leaders to inspire, support and encourage them in their leadership. Sat 4: Falcons conference: For ideas and prayers shared at the Falcons conference to positively impact the young people and ultimately lead them to faith in Jesus.

I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. 1 Corinthians 9:23


5-11 February


You and Ministry


or many exploring whether God is calling them to authorised ministry, a safe and impartial space to ask questions is a very helpful part of the discernment process. Our You and Ministry weekends provide this space, along with access to vicars doing the job and to others navigating their own vocational journey. The next event takes place over the course of this weekend (10-12 February). Join us in praying that it will be a fantastic opportunity for the participants to discern more clearly God’s next step for them. A previous participant shared: ‘Really, really helpful to come as a couple; surprised by the realisation that whatever the answer at the BAP (Bishops’ Advisory Panel), there’s no going “back to normal”.’

I rejoice in following your statutes as one rejoices in great riches. Psalm 119:14


For your prayers: Sun 5: You and Ministry: Those leading the forthcoming weekend. Pray they would follow God’s prompting and encourage those reflecting on God’s call on their lives. Mon 6: You and Ministry: Those who are exploring ordination to have wisdom in discerning whether and when to proceed. Tue 7: You and Ministry: The partners of those who are married. Through the process, they have significant decisions to make alongside their spouse. Ask God to bless them as they support their loved ones. Wed 8: Leadership: All those at ‘Building Stronger Teams’ in Aldridge today. Pray everyone will learn more about how to build fruitful and effective teams and strong relationships in ministry. Thu 9: Growing Bridgebuilders: At the training day in Coventry today, ask God to give the participants insights into how best to use this resource to help people handle conflict better. Fri 10: You and Ministry: Today, You and Ministry begins. Pray for the participants to have a real openness to hearing God’s voice in the discussions and input. Sat 11: You and Ministry: Today includes a session where clergy speak honestly about their role. Ask that the participants will gain a helpful sense of what it involves.

The Life-changing Gift of the Gospel

By leaving a gift to CPAS in your will, you will be helping many men, women and children come to faith in Jesus through the ministry of local churches.

To find out more, please visit legacy or contact us using the details on page 2.

Thank you

12-18 february


Clergy Appointments

For your prayers: Sun 12: Clergy Appointments: For barriers to ordination to be removed, from deep-rooted attitudes and flawed assumptions to unhelpful processes and financial restrictions.

For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does.


n my work as patronage secretary, the growing number of vacancies in the Church of England is something that is all too apparent. The number of clergy due to retire in the next ten years is significant, and although progress has been made in encouraging more people to consider ordination, the number of working clergy is still in decline. ‘The reasons for this are manifold and complex and there are no easy answers, so I would love you to join me in praying this week specifically for good, long-term resolutions to this problem both in our 526 parishes and the Church of England as a whole.’ John Fisher, CPAS Patronage Secretary


Tue 14: Clergy Appointments: Churches in vacancy who have already been through one or more rounds of interviews and failed to appoint. Wed 15: Clergy Appointments: Vacant parishes in rural areas and the North of England are significantly harder to fill than those in the South-East. Pray that clergy would be open to going anywhere God calls them.

Psalm 33:4

Mon 13: General Synod: Meets this week. John Dunnett is representing Chelmsford diocese and chairing EGGS (the Evangelical Group of the General Synod).

Thu 16: Clergy Appointments: God’s provision of leaders for his Church, both ordained and lay. Praise him for all the gifts he has given every Christian to use for his glory. Fri 17: Clergy Appointments: The CPAS patronage team as they seek to appoint mission-minded clergy to vacant parishes so we can see God’s kingdom grow. Sat 18: Ireland: As more churches become involved in Messy Church, pray many more families would get involved and find faith.


19-25 February

Saxmundham (St Edmundsbury and Ipswich)

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19


t John the Baptist is the parish church for Saxmundham, a Suffolk town with about 5,000 residents. Two years ago we also formed Connections Church, a lay-led Fresh Expression which meets in a school hall. New housing has seen the town double in size in the past 15 years which brings new opportunities. ‘We are now looking to establish a vision for St John’s which will both steer the congregation of the traditional church to growth and lead Connections Church to maturity. This week sees a key event in that process as Mike Harrison, Bishop of Dunwich, leads a vision morning with the PCC on Saturday.

For your prayers: Sun 19: CPAS: Praise God for all that he’s done through CPAS over 181 years as we celebrate our birthday today! Mon 20: Saxmundham: For all at St John’s to grow in their faith and help bring others to Christ. Tue 21: Leadership: Ian Parkinson is speaking at the second in a series of three leaders’ days with New Wine Ireland today. Wed 22: Saxmundham: Plans to recruit a youth and community worker. Pray this will lead to spiritual and numerical growth among young people. Thu 23: Saxmundham: For Tom and others on the Fresh Expression leadership to lead and develop Connections Church with wisdom. Fri 24: Ventures: Legacy – Playing with Fire is an activity Venture for boys aged 14-17 that kicks off today in Essex. Sat 25: Saxmundham: Bishop Mike and the PCC as they gather to explore the church’s vision this morning.

‘Alongside this we have been working over four years to re-order the historic church building. However, with a Heritage Lottery Fund grant secured for re-roofing to start this year, we may soon be able to focus more on building the church rather than the church building.’ Andy Wolton, Rector of St John the Baptist Saxmundham

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26 february - 4 March


School Ventures

Jesus himself stood among them and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’ Luke 24:36


his week, we are running the first School Venture of 2017 with five new schools, joining the four who sent students last year. The Year 5 pupils (aged 9-10) will all be new to the experience and in the capable hands of some of their teachers and our experienced Venture leaders, looking at the case of the empty tomb. The growth in the number of schools involved, building on last year’s success, has been an encouraging start to the new initiative. Ventures principal Tim Friend is looking forward to expanding beyond the North-West to work with other dioceses in offering this valuable time away for church school students. 10

For your prayers: Sun 26: School Ventures: Praise God for the growth we’ve seen so far (from 40 to 90 pupils) and ask him to guide us as we seek to develop and expand School Ventures much further. Mon 27: School Ventures: For local volunteers on School Ventures to have the opportunity to introduce the children to their local church children’s programmes. Tue 28: School Ventures: For School Ventures to be a bridge into more Ventures experiences. Ask that the young people will be inspired to book a place on a Venture this summer. Wed 1: School Ventures: As we consider how to develop the ministry further, pray for wise discernment in deciding which regions and dioceses to progress in conversation with. Thu 2: School Ventures: The Year 5s this week as they get ready to stay away from home potentially for the first time. Fri 3: School Ventures: The Wirral School Venture begins today. Pray the teachers and volunteers from different schools and churches gel quickly into an effective team. Sat 4: School Ventures: Children on the Wirral School Venture to engage well with the teaching. Ask God to do a great work in their lives.


5-11 March

Growing Bridgebuilders


rowing Bridgebuilders is a new resource created by CPAS and Bridge Builders to help churches and Christian organisations handle conflict better. The material provides a toolkit for leaders to use with others, including how to embrace and transform differences, tensions and conflicts as a way to grow a healthy Christian community. This Thursday, Bridge Builders is running a ‘training the trainers’ event in Manchester for those interested in using the material.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. Matthew 5:9

For your prayers: Sun 5: Arrow: The third residential week for the current Arrow Leadership Programme starts this afternoon, so please pray for the participants to settle in well. Mon 6: Growing Bridgebuilders: Ask God to provide encouragement, support and wisdom to leaders who are facing difficult situations in their churches. Tue 7: Arrow: Today’s teaching is focused on the spiritual life of the leader. Pray that all participants will find healthy patterns to continue growing in their faith. Wed 8: Leadership: Ian Parkinson as he prepares to run a School of Leadership session on ‘partnership with God’ at Trinity College Bristol tomorrow. Thu 9: Growing Bridgebuilders: For today’s event in Manchester to equip leaders with what they need to transform areas of conflict in their churches. Fri 10: Arrow: James Lawrence leads the final session of the residential on discerning vision this morning. Sat 11: Growing Bridgebuilders: Ask God to bring healing to any hurt caused by conflicts and disagreements in church communities.


12-18 march


Training Ordinands And in him you too are being built together to become a dwelling in which God lives by his Spirit. Ephesians 2:22

For your prayers: Sun 12: Training ordinands: God’s blessing on those preparing for ordination and their formation in Christian leadership.

his week, Ian Parkinson is leading the first of eight sessions on ‘Leadership and Theology for Mission and Ministry’ at St Hild College (Sheffield), our newest theological college formed through the recent merger of Yorkshire Ministry Course and St Barnabas, Sheffield. This is an accredited module for Anglican and Baptist ministers in the second and third year of their training for ordination.


Ian explains: ‘This module is designed to help people gain insights into the vital importance of effective leadership, of the missional context in which such leadership is exercised, and of some of the core tasks of leadership e.g. leading change, growing others in discipleship, leading mission, leading ourselves well. Our hope is that people will become more focused and impassioned about, and more equipped to engage in, their calling to be leaders in mission.’ 06 12

Mon 13: Training ordinands: Ian is leading the first session of ‘Leadership and Theology for Mission and Ministry’ with around 25 ordinands. Tue 14: Training ordinands: For God to use this module to deepen an awareness of his calling, clarity of purpose and confidence in his ability to equip us for all that he asks us to do. Wed 15: Wales: Clergy who are isolated, particularly those working in remote rural areas. Thu 16: Training ordinands: St Hild College, and their commitment to the revitalisation of the Church and the re-evangelisation of the North of England. Fri 17: Ireland: In recent months, many churches in Ireland have had a change in leadership. Pray for clergy who have moved as they encounter new challenges and opportunities. Sat 18: Scotland: Evangelical clergy Alastair MacDonald (St Drostan’s, Insch and All Saints’, Woodhead of Fyvie), Gerry Bowyer (Bridge of Don Mission Community, Aberdeen) and Jane Ross (St Ninian’s, Prestwick).


19-25 march

Leadership School in Ware


his Thursday sees the second of three events in a ‘mini leadership school’ which CPAS is offering to church leaders. Each of the three days takes place at Christ Church Ware in St Albans diocese, with leaders from surrounding dioceses also attending. There is a dual focus on both the internal and external landscapes of leadership, looking at how leaders can enhance and develop their skills, and also sustain themselves for the long haul. John Dunnett will lead Thursday’s session, which covers building effective teams, troubleshooting common problems, managing expectations of others and ourselves and dealing with the inevitable conflicts of leadership.

For your prayers: Sun 19: Ventures and Falcons: As youth leaders and others work hard to promote the holidays in their churches, pray their efforts would be rewarded by many young people booking places for the summer. Mon 20: Leadership School: John Dunnett as he finishes preparations for Thursday’s training in Ware, and his PA Caroline Davenport who is doing the administration for the day. Tue 21: Patronage: The trustees meet on Thursday at Wrekin College. The meeting will include the AGMs of the five Allied schools where CPAS has some foundational duties. Wed 22: PCCs: Tomorrow evening’s PCC Tonight training event in West Ealing. Pray for everyone to have a fantastic time learning together how they can best serve God as a PCC body. Thu 23: Leadership School: Takes place today. Ask God to speak through John into the real life situations these leaders are tackling dayto-day. Fri 24: Leadership School: Following yesterday’s training, pray that each participant will be able to ‘step up’ both in their own role and in the leadership they nurture in others. Sat 25: Leadership School: Praise God for Christ Church Ware and the significant role it has as a centre for CPAS leadership training in the region. Pray also for God’s blessing on vicar John Hookway.

Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance. Proverbs 1:5

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26 March – 1 april


Church Planting


his Thursday, Ian Parkinson is leading a session on church planting at Trinity College Bristol. Please join us in praying this week for church plants of all kinds across the UK and Republic of Ireland as they seek to share the gospel with new groups of people. These initiatives take many forms, from Messy Church, cafĂŠ churches and other fresh expressions to house churches and replants into closed church buildings. Once a church has been planted, the idea is for it to grow within the new setting, with new leaders being raised up who are then able to bring more people in from their own culture and context. Ultimately, the goal is for the church plant to itself plant new churches and so spread the gospel exponentially.

For your prayers: Sun 26: Church planting: That God would raise up more leaders with a missional heart and an entrepreneurial vision to engage in planting new churches. Mon 27: Church planting: City centre resource churches, which are being set up by many dioceses with the specific aim of planting further congregations. Tue 28: Church planting: New churches. Pray they will be able to meet people where they are at and engage in the new culture without compromising the message of the gospel. Wed 29: CPAS trustees: Meeting today in Coventry. The agenda items include the final approval of the 2017/18 budget. Thu 30: Church planting: The ordinands Ian is speaking to at Trinity Bristol today. Pray they will be inspired to play their own part in the future planting of new churches. Fri 31: Church planting: Those embarking on leading a church plant. Ask God to give them wisdom, flexibility, resources and a strong team around them. Sat 1: Church planting: For God to raise up new leaders within church plants and equip them to lead well. Praise him that the CPAS Growing Leaders course is helping to do this.

They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 14

Acts 2:42

ventures and falcons


Easter Holidays

Broads Cruise (1-8 April) Age group: 12-16s Overall leaders: Paddy Gleave and Stephen Didsbury

XLP Falcon (3-6 April) Age group: 11-18s Overall leader: Ian Hiley

Ski Switzerland (7-16 April) Age group: 13-19s Overall leaders: Geoff Harley-Mason and Matt Hustwayte

Easter Haslemere (8-13 April) Age group: 13-18s Overall leaders: Paul Peterson and Christine Penfold

Free Ventures brochures and other promotional resources are available from

Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. 1 Peter 1:21

For your prayers: Sun 2: Easter holidays: Praise God that so many young people (around 165) are taking part in holidays over this week and next and will have the chance to learn about Jesus. Mon 3: Easter holidays: XLP Falcon begins today. Pray for a great start to this new partnership with XLP. Ask that the young people have a fantastic time having fun and exploring life with Jesus. Tue 4: Easter holidays: Paddy Gleave, Stephen Didsbury and the rest of the team as they lead the activities, teaching and discipleship this week, all on boats! Wed 5: Easter holidays: Young people who don’t yet know Jesus. Ask that they would be ready to hear the gospel, and that the leaders and other young people would proclaim it boldly. Thu 6: Easter holidays: The children and teenagers who have drifted from faith. Ask that they would be reminded of what Jesus has done for them this Easter and come back to him. Fri 7: Easter holidays: Safe travel as the coach leaves today for Ski Switzerland. Pray for excitement and blossoming friendships among the young people. Sat 8: Easter holidays: For all the teenagers arriving at Easter Haslemere today. Praise God for the willingness of all the leaders to serve not only on this holiday but also in the summer. 15

9-15 April

Patronage churches

Sneinton (Southwell and Nottingham)


t Christopher’s is a friendly local church, with a faithful congregation wanting to see how they can join in with what God is doing in Sneinton and beyond. The multi-cultural congregation regularly welcomes those in need. They are in their fifth year of running an English language drop-in for asylum seekers which has led to quite a few people sticking around and several becoming Christians. Priest-incharge Naomi Hill reflects: ‘There are so many opportunities, but we’re the only established church in our parish, an urban priority area which is largely multi-cultural and multi-faith.’

The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Luke 10:2


For your prayers: Sun 9: Sneinton: Those attending Easter services who wouldn’t normally go to church, especially the family outreach on Good Friday and the evangelistic Easter service. Mon 10: Sneinton: For the church to articulate a clearer vision which captures God’s heart for their mission and supports the wider diocesan vision to grow disciples wider, younger, deeper. Tue 11: Sneinton: The church’s involvement in the ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ prayer movement. Pray that God will move among friends, colleagues, neighbours and family as a result of their prayers. Wed 12: Sneinton: Energy for priest-in-charge Naomi Hill in the busy run up to Easter. Thu 13: Sneinton: With so many opportunities in the parish, pray for God to send ‘workers into his harvest field’ (Luke 10:2). Fri 14: Good Friday: As we remember Jesus’ death on the cross, pray for a friend or family member who does not yet know Christ as their Lord. Sat 15: Sneinton: Preparations for the local summer festival, which provides an opportunity for local Christians to work together to serve the community through offering prayer and giving gifts to those who attend.

He has risen, just as he said. Matthew 28:6

Thank you for praying so that more people can know our wonderful Saviour.

16-22 april


Mission and Ministry


nce known as ‘the Land of the Book,’ Scotland has become increasingly secularised over the years. As elsewhere, the effects of post-modernism are to be seen in every part of national life. Many evangelical Christians feel disheartened by increasing moral relativism and changes in attitudes and ethics in both the wider culture and the Church. In this changing landscape, there is a need for evangelical churches to find more effective ways of fulfilling their calling to share the gospel in word and action. This week, please join us in praying for the Church in Scotland and the reevangelisation of the nation.

Give praise to the Lord, proclaim his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Psalm 105:1


For your prayers: Sun 16: Easter Sunday: He is risen! Thank the Lord for the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mon 17: Scotland: The Scottish Episcopal Church and its Primus the Most Rev David Chillingworth, Bishop of St Andrews, Dunkeld and Dunblane. Tue 18: Scotland: The Diocese of Aberdeen and Orkney which is engaging in the process of electing a new bishop. Wed 19: Scotland: For evangelical clergy in the Scottish Episcopal Church to be united in the gospel. Pray for growth in their churches through diocesan strategic mission plans and other initiatives. Thu 20: Scotland: Evangelical clergy Dave Richards (St Paul’s & St George’s, Edinburgh), Malcolm Round (St Mungo’s, Balerno) and Ian Ferguson (Westhill Community Church, near Aberdeen). Fri 21: Scotland: Evangelical clergy Martin Ayers (St Silas’, Glasgow), Paul Watson (St Devenick’s, Aberdeen), Trevor Hart (Saint Andrew’s, St Andrew’s) and Dave McCarthy (St Thomas’, Edinburgh). Sat 22: Scotland: The General Synod. The next meeting is in June when the Synod will vote on changing the canon on marriage to allow for same-sex marriage.

giving to CPAS Our ministry helping local churches share the gospel with the communities around them is only possible because of the generous gifts of churches and individuals like you. Thank you for your support.

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Whether your local church serves a village, town or city, by supporting our ministry as a church you are contributing towards mission-enabling work across the UK and Republic of Ireland. Please visit our website or call us to find out more.


Leaving a legacy to CPAS is a fantastic way to help us continue enabling churches to help every person hear and discover the good news of Jesus Christ. Find out more online or contact us on the details below. /donate

‘Growing Bridgebuilders transformed the way I handle conflict in my work – and at home.’ Course participant

CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ 0300 123 0780


Ventures and Falcons are inspiring holidays where children and young people aged 8-18 can:

• Enjoy fun-packed activities. • Learn and grow in small groups. • Connect with other young people. • Explore life with Jesus.

Bookings now open for summer 2017.

Book online now at Venture and Falcon holidays are part of the ministry of CPAS Registered charity no 1007820

0300 123 0780



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Ages 8- 18

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