Ventures Update, Autumn 2012

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Ventures Update Autumn 2012

Summer of fun

Go from your country, your people and your father’s household to the land I will show you. I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing. Genesis 12:1-2

I don’t suppose I fully appreciated what commitment, passion and energy it took for our Olympic and Paralympic athletes to compete this summer. But time after time I learnt how – just to take part in their event – athletes had made life-changing sacrifices. The endeavours of some were rewarded with a medal, while others were content just to have the opportunity of competing in front of their home crowd. It was refreshing to see people so committed to achievement not motivated by greed or the desire for fame. And in the same way I’m sure many of us were inspired by the energy, enthusiasm and servant-heartedness of the purple-shirted ‘games maker’ volunteers. I’m sure there is much the Church can learn from all that has happened across both the Olympics and Paralympics.

What I did know was that across the country our 3,500 Venture volunteers would demonstrate continued, exceptional levels of commitment and sacrifice. Whether it was a week of excruciatingly early mornings to cook in the kitchen, facing the freezing cold mud of an obstacle course with their dorm group, patient care for a homesick member, or persistent devotion to paperwork – all of it was done so young people could hear and experience the good news of Jesus Christ.

people this summer. We’re so thankful to God for lives that have been transformed and the part you’ve played in this. We’re grateful for each person who has responded to God’s call and faithfully proclaimed the good news of Jesus Christ on Ventures. God shapes our lives in different ways for each person, but his promise is the same for all of us. Let’s continue to be inspired by his call for us to be part of his mission.

Unseen by most, our volunteers have had invaluable support through prayer from a wonderful supporting crowd. In this issue you’ll discover just a little of what God has done in the lives of children and young

David Hart Director, Ventures and Falcon Camps

This summer’s Venture members share their holiday highlights:

‘Immense!’ ‘Brymore is an unforgettable place, and truly a big part of my life. I hope I will go back as a leader in a few years. Thank you Ventures!’ – Alison, 16

‘I’ve been for four years now, I wait 51 weeks in anticipation of returning to Barnstaple and doing it all over again!’ – Josh, 17

‘I liked having my questions answered and strengthening my relationship with Jesus and also the other teenagers who went’ – Kelly, 16

‘It was so amazing and the teaching was really good too. I would recommend it to everyone at youth group!’ – Lauren, 13

‘Going on a Venture is the best week of my year, and I always return feeling encouraged in my faith and eager to tell others about God’ – Naomi, 14

‘What has happened this week has caused me to try and change my future for the better’ – Oliver, 17

‘I loved it so much I have to go again’ – Jessica, 8

‘Sizewell 2012 = immense! I think as many people as possible should come!!!’ – Barney, 19

‘It was the best camp I have ever been on’ – Daniel, 11

ple to be part ‘It’s a great place for peo and learn y nit mu of a Christian com – Claire, 17 d’ Go l about our wonderfu

Making disciples at Lighthouse CPAS communications and fundraising officer Hazel Lancefield spends quite a lot of time talking to leaders and writing about Ventures. This summer, she visited the Lighthouse: Bourton Venture and experienced discipleship in action first-hand. ‘I knew Ventures were full of activities and sessions, but I hadn’t previously got a sense of the time the leaders and children spend together, and the amazing ways God uses this to bring young people closer to him. ‘The children are grouped together in “families”, usually made up of a girls’ dorm and a boys’ dorm, which means they get to know a smaller group of other children and leaders really well. Many return year after year, and I spoke to some junior leaders who had been on the Venture as children and had then come back to lead.

Seeing the penny drop

Whole-life discipleship

‘Sitting in on an “Any questions?” session was fascinating. This was a chance for children to submit their “Questions to God”, which were then answered from the Bible. One girl asked “How can we get into heaven?”, which gave a leader the chance to explain that Jesus died for our sins, so we can spend eternity in heaven with him.

‘As well as helping children grow in faith during the week, Lighthouse equips children to be disciples in their everyday lives. There were reviews of age-appropriate Christian books which children could buy at the book shop to take home, and the discussion sessions were geared at issues relevant to 9-12 year olds, such as “How to be a Christian at school”.

‘The children also received more structured Bible teaching during the morning and evening meetings. I was talking to a group of girls and was reassuringly informed that “every night there’s a talk, but don’t worry, it’s not boring!”. ‘At one of the evening meetings, three giant crosses were used to help illustrate the gospel message, and one child later said to a dorm leader “I didn’t understand it before, but now it makes sense”.

‘The children looked at 1 Peter 1 and thought about “all kinds of trials” they faced at school, and how they would be “filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy” because of their faith in Jesus. Inspiring stuff!’

Time together Attending a Venture as part of a church youth group has a hugely positive impact on young people and their leaders. Jenny Bollans, youth worker at the Good Shepherd Mission in London, explains why she took groups on two Ventures this summer.

‘From a youth leader’s point of view, Ventures are great because we can do a year’s worth of work in a week,’ she said. ‘Going as a group makes a big difference for the young people, as they have friends from back home to share their Ventures experience with. As leaders we get to spend valuable time with them too, which helps build real trust in our relationships, and the kids often find it easier to open up and talk to us because we know them already.’ This summer, Jenny took a group of 11 young people and three other leaders to Danehill 1, as well as going with five girls to Haslemere 2.

‘We took some children from non-church backgrounds to Danehill, including one boy who has been coming to our youth club for a couple of years and had a real encounter with God during the Venture. The teaching helped many others firm up their beliefs and some will be getting baptised later this year. ‘Having so much fun on a Venture can help break some pre-conceived ideas of what church is like, and it’s really useful to refer back to the teaching and their experiences during the rest of the year.’

But encourage one another daily … so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. Hebrews 3:13

Each year, over 600 children and young people benefit from the Ventures bursary fund. We talked to Phil Line, overall leader of Barnstaple 1, to find out more about the importance of this fund for his Venture.

Bursary fund blessings ‘For a lot of the teenagers on Barnstaple 1, the bursary fund is quite simply the difference between being able to come on the Venture or not. This year, thanks to the bursary fund and other generous grants and donations, praise God that we were able to offer around half of our places at a significantly reduced price to young people who wouldn’t otherwise have been able to come. ‘The majority of those who receive bursaries are from backgrounds where money is scarce and family situations can sometimes be quite difficult. For some, it’s the only holiday they

go on and a much needed chance for fun and relaxation. Highlights this year included a trip to Butlins (with pool games, surfing and go-karting) and a “stay awake” until 2am where we played video games and lit Chinese lanterns when it got dark. ‘A high proportion of those receiving bursaries are not from a church background, so we have a great opportunity to share the gospel. The teaching programme this year was based around a series of simple statements about God (such as “God is awesome”, “God is man”, “God

is perfect”, “God is present”) which were unpacked in a way which everyone could relate to. ‘It’s been a joy to see the difference coming on a Venture can make. We encourage members to take part in leading the morning meetings, and often they’ve taught us things! ‘It was fantastic to have a first-time leader on our team this year who started coming to Barnstaple 1 as a member (helped by the bursary fund), came to faith and is now helping others hear about Jesus.’

To donate towards places for next year’s Ventures, please visit

Happy birthday Haslemere! Christine Penfold, overall leader 2000-present

In 1962, London curate the Rev Kenneth Habershon took a group of 54 young people and leaders to Limpsfield for the first of what are now known as the Haslemere Ventures. Half a century later, hundreds of young people are still enjoying the holidays year after year, growing in their faith and becoming part of the Haslemere family. Kenneth and current overall leader Christine Penfold look back on 50 amazing years, and forward to many more!

Kenneth Habershon, overall leader 1962-2000 ‘Praise God for the thousands of young people who have benefitted from these Ventures over so many years. I still visit the Haslemere Ventures each year, and it’s a joy to continue my involvement by supporting and praying for those who are leading them now.

‘As a teenager in 1974, I remember getting the train with friends to make the long journey from Southport to Limpsfield in Surrey. I’ve been every year since then, except the year I had my daughter, who is now a leader on Haslemere herself!

‘I think the key strength of Haslemere is the strong relationships which are fostered both among the teenagers, and with their leaders. It was a delight to read a recent article by the Rev Stephen Kuhrt, who became a Christian at Limpsfield in the 1980s, in which he ‘The teenage years are so important, described the value of “the Christian love I as people discover themselves, and the experienced from both leaders and members holidays are a wonderful opportunity of the camp” and “the integration of Christian for people to hear Christian truth, put teaching with fun and fellowship”*. Obviously their trust in Jesus as their own Saviour, things have changed over the last 50 years, go deeper in their faith and develop as but the fundamental elements of Haslemere leaders. I’m still in touch with many people remain the same: sharing the gospel, and who came as teenagers when I was leading investing relationally in young people. who are now active in all kinds of Christian ‘When I’m running the camp, I feel like this is leadership, from youth work to ordained why God put me on earth. It’s hard work, but ministry to overseas mission work. One that’s ok because it’s such an honour to be really sees the faithfulness of God in this, involved in seeing God transform young lives.’ and it’s a privilege to be part of it.’ * Stephen Kuhrt is Chair of Fulcrum. Visit for the full article.

Pre-order copies of the 2013 brochure, DVDs and promotional packs online. Like our Facebook page for updates, stories and photos. Tell others about Ventures – don’t wait until it’s too late! Pray for all the planning needed to make Ventures possible.

Ventures in 2013 We have a faithful, life-changing God, and next year we look forward to seeing more young people come to faith and strengthened in their walk with him. Make sure that you, your churches, friends and families are part of it. Bookings for next year open on 1 December 2012

Ventures is part of the ministry of CPAS CPAS, Sovereign Court One (Unit 3), Sir William Lyons Road, University of Warwick Science Park, COVENTRY CV4 7EZ Church Pastoral Aid Society Registered charity no 1007820 A company limited by guarantee Registered in England no 2673220 Registered office at above address

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