Copenhagen Cleantech Journal

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Issue #2


The most promising smart city project in Europe? industrial symbiosis with intelligent energy solutions Page


The crucial question: What’s stopping cities from getting smarter? Page


Smart cities:

The only intelligent answer for an urbanised world


Building tomorrow’s city: Strong visions and smart alliances Page 4



Towards a green future together!


t is becoming more and more evident

that smart cities are the key to combining a sustainable future with continued economic growth and job creation. This is the conclusion that many leading experts, companies, researchers and city managers express in this edition of the Copenhagen Cleantech Journal. But what exactly is a smart city? What does

it take to create a smart city? And what expectations can we have to the city as a key to solving climate issues and creating jobs? The Copenhagen Cleantech Journal is an

transformation if all of its stakeholders across organisational and industrial boundaries focus on cooperation. We need new solutions, new ways of combining existing solutions and new types of partnerships to get there, and ultimately we need to involve every citizen in co-creation processes in order to reach the full potential of a liveable and smart city of the future.

The obstacle race towards smart cities

The world’s cities are growing and the potential to make them smarter is enormous. But even the smartest cities in the world don’t exploit the possibilities to the fullest, according to leading experts. Page 4

The world’s smartest metropolises? Five global snapshots Page 10 Marianna Lubanski Executive director, Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster

The path to a smart city

The Danish Municipality of Kalundborg is highlighted as one of the most promising smart city projects in Europe. The main ingredients are intelligent energy solutions and industrial symbiosis. Page 14

In Copenhagen we have embarked on this

journey with the set target of becoming CO2 neutral by 2025. We invite you to join us for cross-city inspiration and innovation.

Bridging world-leading cleantech clusters The International Cleantech Network Page 18

A system of systems

In the meantime we hope that this edition

How smart is the smart city? Page 20

of the Copenhagen Cleantech Journal will give you inspiration and food for thought.

Make climate adaptation smart and social An open invitation to smart urban development Page 22


Green consensus strengthens long-term investments A perfect framework for smarter cities Page 25 Heine Pedersen

initiative of key players in the Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster and, as such, is an example of how companies, knowledge institutions and public-sector organisations can join forces to address a specific issue. The same type of cooperation which is the foundation for a smart city.

The city can only play its role in the green

An ambitious cleantech region Five Copenhagen-based innovators Page 28

New business model for complex cleantech solutions Danish foundation supports pioneering project Page 32

Copenhagen Cleantech Journal

Address Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster Nørregade 7 B DK – 1165 Copenhagen K Denmark +45 3322 0222 Executive Director Marianna Lubanski

Translation CLS Communication

Contributors Sune Aagaard Signe Tonsberg Christian Mohr Boisen Jesper Andersen Nina Vinther Andersen

Printing house Clausen Grafisk Clausen Grafisk holds the Nordic Ecolabel

Print 5000 copies

Special thanks to Simon Giles, Accenture

Paper CCJ is printed on 100% recycled 170g Cyclus Offset paper. The cover is printed on Chromolux 700.

Graphic design Mattias Wohlert

ISSN 2245-120X

The fledgling years of the smart city Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster (CCC) is at the core of the cleantech eco system in Denmark with a mission to foster cooperation between cleantech companies, research institutions and public organizations worldwide. Join us for a green future – together!

We need a sharper focus on vision and value creation as well as better business, finance and management models. But first and foremost, we need to engage politicians and citizens at a human level. Accenture’s Simon Giles on the potentials and obstacles on the path to smarter cities. Page 34

Additional reading Smart city websites and publications Page 38

Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster RD


Concept and editing Kontrabande and Klartekst

editorial team Ola Jørgensen Søren Schultz Jørgensen Rune Rasmussen Hans Peder Wagner


Publisher Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster

Mission, methods and partners Page 40

Issue #2 · 2012 |



big cities growing Number of cities with more than 1 mio citizens

The obstacle race towards smart cities In order for the cities of the future to handle the monumental social, environmental and economic pressures they are facing, it is imperative to make them smart. The potential for smart cities is enormous, but without a strong political vision and close cooperation among the business community, researchers and decision-makers, it will be nothing but empty words, according to a number of leading experts and players in the field. Illustration by Stuart Campbell

The compounding effects of climate change,

Smart investment during a crisis

Mark Watts is Director of Climate Change and Energy at Arup, a UK consultancy firm. He is in charge of Arup’s partnership with the C40, a group of 40 of the world’s largest cities. He has also served as advisor to former-Mayor of London Ken Livingstone on climate change and sustainable transport. So he knows what he is talking about when he emphasises the logic of the political system as perhaps the biggest obstacle to accelerating the development of smart cities. “Superficially, it seems logical during a recession for politicians to resist the investments that can make smart cities a reality. They feel pressured to prioritise welfare in a traditional sense. But by investing in smart cities, they would be able to achieve much greater savings and even boost efficiency. In fact, it’s in times of crisis, like what we’re experiencing today, that smart cities make most sense,” explains Mark Watts. The quicksand of pilot projects

Simon Giles heads the consultancy firm Accenture’s global Intelligent Cities Strategy team, which specialises in the development of smart cities. He is one of the experts who points to the lack of political commitment as one of the main reasons why smart city thinking has still not “Smart city has become a buzz­word evolved from pilot prothat’s thrown about freely. THERE’S jects to the large scale. He compares it to investAN AWFUL LOT OF PAPER-PUSHING AS ments in cleaner technolCITIES ARE STILL TRYING TO FIGURE ogy and fears that projects OUT WHAT THE TERM SMART CITY may stall at pilot stage and MEANS FOR THEM AND WHAT SPECIFIC never progress to full scale implementation – despite ACTIONS TO TAKE.” all the good intentions. Kurt Othendal Nielsen, Siemens “If the words are not




Copenhagen Cleantech Journal

being taken seriously enough – even though it is the only option that consistently addresses the problems we are facing,” says Mark Watts.


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to take action if we want to do something about many of the key global challenges. Economic, living conditions, health, resource, environmental and climate issues – they are all inextricably linked to the ever-increasing urbanisation process. But this should not only be viewed as something negative. The high population density in cities is actually an important prerequisite for the ability to develop many of the intelligent sustainable solutions that sort under the concept of smart cities. For example, the dense populations in cities make mass transit possible, and multi-storey housing consumes less energy per occupant than a single-family dwelling does. But even the world’s smartest cities are far from smart enough. There are still a number of obstacles to tapping into the enormous potential in developing really smart cities. One reason for this is that the players who could and should be driving the transformation to smart cities are in practice inclined to prioritise more traditional initiatives. “On the surface, there is keen interest among the world’s leading cities in smart cities, and when asked directly, most would probably claim that they have a strategy for this kind of development. But when I look at the seniority of the people working in the area and at the funding levels, I have to conclude that this agenda is not


lack of sustainability, inefficient and obsolete infrastructure and continued population growth represent the complex of challenges cities all over the world are facing, and to which many see only one effective response: smart cities. The cities are the indisputable epicentres of globalisation: more than 5 billion people will live in cities by 2020. In 1900, only 13 per cent of the global population lived in cities, by 2050 that figure will be 70 per cent. And as expressed in the report Information Marketplaces – The New Economics of Cities: “Cities now represent the core hubs of the global economy, acting as hives of innovation in technical, financial and other services.” Cities are therefore also the essential place


Source: UN: World Urbanization Prospects, the 2009 revision.

Issue #2 · 2012 |


The obstacle race towards smart cities

third world urbanization

Smart cities in brief The basic premise for the development of smart cities is understanding the city as “a system of systems”: data, energy supply, waste management, infrastructure, transport etc. The individual systems can be more or less smart or intelligent – and more or less intelligently integrated. Smart city thinking is currently topping agendas for several reasons: • Our cities are growing, and all these people are straining the existing infrastructure. • Larger cities result in larger problems, for instance, with waste management, consequently increasing the need for sustainable solutions on a larger scale. • The high population density of our cities also opens up for new opportunities for more efficient solutions and synergies within, among other areas, transport and energy. • The combination of climate change and economic crisis has called the world’s attention to how we create more growth and prosperity while reducing our impact on the climate and environment.

backed up by investments, both the people and the political stakeholders will be disappointed: Were smart cities just a fad? It’s imperative that they articulate a strong and coherent vision and demonstrate the value proposition in terms the average citizen can understand,” says Simon Giles. See also Simon Giles’ contribution “The fledgling years of the smart city transformation” on page 34. Data is the new oil…

Despite the obstacles to the spread of smart city solutions, the players and experts whom Copenhagen Cleantech Journal has spoken to are unanimously optimistic about the future of smart cities – at least in the somewhat longer term. One of the biggest sources of optimism is the rapid technological development that opens up a continuous flow of new possibilities for intelligent solutions. And there can be no questioning the fact that the smart city of the future is technologically founded on data as the new, essential raw material. As Mark Watts puts it: “Either the city of the future will run on information or it won’t run at all.” It is first and foremost the spread of technology that will play the most crucial role. In a few years, even the poorest people in the world will have mobile phones, and today more than 2 billion phones are already “smart”, that is, linked to the Internet. At the same time we are seeing enormous growth in the number of sensors that can send data to other systems via what is known as the Internet of Things (IoT). Digital real-time data on how the city’s inhabitants act is a vital prerequisite for many of the solutions people refer to when they talk about smart cities.

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Copenhagen Cleantech Journal

5.2 bio.

Evolution like that of the Internet

“Smart City has become a buzzword that’s thrown about freely. There’s an awful lot of paper-pushing, but not very many genuine changes Climate targets and economic incentives along the way,” says Kurt Othendal Nielsen. A number of cities have set ambitious climate While the 40 largest cities in the organisation targets for the next few decades. Consequently, do represent 18 per cent of the world’s GNP, they they will have a strong incentive to drive the are only responsible for 10 per cent of global cartransformation process. Kurt Othendal Nielsen bon emissions. Still, as the 2011 report Information Marketplaces – The New Economics of Cities concludes: “The connected, technologyenabled ‘smart city’ is today more vision than reality”. “We can’t get out of “Superficially, it seems logical adressing the challenges. I reduring a recession for politialise that at the moment, it’s cians to resist the investments extremely difficult to progress beyond the project level, but that can make smart cities a I predict an evolution similar reality. but In fact, it’s in times to that of the Internet. Twenty of crisis, like what we’re experiyears ago, it hardly existed, but encing today, that smart cities one advance led to the next and now it’s infinite. If we take make most sense.” all the small steps we can, I beMark Watts, Arup lieve that in 20 years we will

2.5 bio.


Data can’t do it alone, however. Kurt Othendal Nielsen who is City Account Manager at Siemens, is involved in smart city thinking on

expect that pressure on the cities to become so heavy, that change will be inevitable: Every week 1.3 million people move to cities, and while there were only 83 cities with over a million inhabitants in 1950, today there are more than 500. The economic motives will also be decisive, according to Kurt Othendal Nielsen. The need for smart solutions within areas such as energy, tranportation, waste and healthcare will become so overwhelming, that they cannot be ignored. In the old economies in the West, the pressure on welfare will also be a driving force for change. In the healthcare sector, for instance, the possibility of cutting costs by working smarter is a very strong incentive. But as things now stand, he shares Mark Watt’s view: too many words, and limited action.


... but where is the business model?

several fronts. He uses parking as an example to illustrate the essential role data plays in the development of smart cities, pointing out the environmental strain and inefficiency of drivers circling around the city in search of an empty parking space. If parking spaces could be distributed efficiently among the drivers, there would be less traffic and pollution. “Basically, parking is just another form of inventory control. We know from cities like San Francisco that by placing sensors in parking spaces and inserting certain logarithms in the parking ticket machines, it’s possible to distribute the spaces more efficiently and reap more benefits. But who should pay for the establishment of this kind of infrastructure? Should the city own, collect and manage the data or should they flow freely? Some car parks are privately owned, so what is their motivation to share data? What is the business model?” asks Kurt Othendal Nielsen.

Urban population in developing countries 2009-2050

Source: WHO: Urban population growth.

Issue #2 · 2012 |


The obstacle race towards smart cities

have leapt to a smart city,” concludes Kurt Othendal Nielsen. The vanguard of new urbanism

There are, of course, frontrunners among the world’s big cities. Some cities have taken huge steps towards realising the concept of the smart city, either out of bitter necessity or driven by visionary leaders, or both. Cities like San Francisco, Singapore, Barcelona and Copenhagen are spotlighted by experts. See selected examples in Global Snapshots on page 10. The cities that are leading the way do so be-

the end of the rural era

Waiting for the first to move

Percentage of world population: Urban vs. rural

80% 70% 60%




40% 30% 20% 10% 0% 2050



Copenhagen Cleantech Journal









Source: UN: World Urbanization Prospects, the 2007 revision.

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cause they have come to realise that the economic benefits of succeeding as a smart city are enormous. Perhaps the complex of problems the cities are facing represents a threat so serious that smart city thinking is in fact the only possible path to future economic growth. “Certain cities already are, or soon will be, the vanguard of new urbanism. They will develop the methods that inspire others to develop differently. The message of fiscal austerity has limited political longevity, at some point the discourse has to change to sustainable growth. There is a need to tell a compelling story about growth, but in many cities the demands placed on the local ecosystem is so onerous that the only growth possible is resource efficient, green growth. The smart city will enable the 21st century’s new sustainable urban growth paradigm,” concludes Simon Giles from Accenture. In many ways, however, the cities are pushing and vying at the starting line as they wait for someone to make the first move. This is a wellknown mechanism – as seen in the efforts to reduce traffic in city centres. Mark Watts from Arup has closely observed this development. “Ten years ago, doing something about traffic in major cities topped the agenda at every conference, but no one did anything. Then London took the first step, and it turned out that was all that was needed. Then came Stockholm and after that the other cities followed suit in a kind of knock-on effect,” he explains. For Mark Watts there is, however, one factor that is decisive for whether a city will be a frontrunner or will throw on the brakes. “It might sound a bit boring, but what really matters is whether they are tackling it at a strategic level. Those cities that have formulated binding strategies and appointed someone to be strategically responsible are streets ahead of the others. But unfortunately, it’s also easy to stand out. At the moment there is typically a confer-

ence a month on smart cities – often organised by a major technology supplier. But of the 40 cities in the C40, only four have installed smart meters in their own buildings,” says Mark Watts. The eye of the world on Copenhagen

The cities that are farthest along generally have an efficient cooperation among the many players who are able to see beyond their own vested interests. In the energy sector, Greater Copenhagen including more than 20 local authorities is a pioneering metropol thanks to a unique cooperation among authorities at all levels, sectors and across the political spectrum in parliament. The integration of power, gas, district heating and waste management is unique. This is why Copenhagen regularly receives visits from all over the world, explains Anders Dyrelund, chief advisor at the engineering and consultancy firm Ramboll. “Since 1985 Copenhagen has been the place to go if you wanted to learn how to heat cities. Back then, they came from Beijing, and now they have developed a heat supply based on the Copenhagen model. Most recently, Milan, Seoul and London have come to visit, and last week we started new activities in Moscow where they also need help,” says Anders Dyrelund. David Overton Chabre Holm, business developer at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), confirms that silo thinking is poison to smart city ambitions. Smart thinking is about thinking across slios – a prime example, in his view, is the public tender system. In his view tenders are generally written so restrictively that they preclude any possibility of thinking smart. “If the tender requirements defined the functions to be performed, however, it would be possible to overcome the problem that each building or each project is planned separately. If the tender is for a super hospital and a childcare centre is to be located next door, a number of smart gains could be realised by planning the two projects together, but this is very often not the case,” he says.

A century of cities

Like many others, David Overton Chabre Holm emphasises that the urbanisation which triggers the pressing need for smart, sustainable cities is actually a good thing, partly because the cities can lift a lot of people out of poverty. And there is every indication that cities will play an even bigger role in addressing many global challenges. Or as the former mayor of Denver, Wellington Webb, puts it: “The 19th century was a century of empires, the 20th century was a century of nation states and the 21st century will be a century of cities.” A great deal depends on whether it is also a century of smart cities.

Five obstacles The experts whom Copenhagen Cleantech Journal has spoken to all paint the same picture of the obstacles to accelerating the development of smarter cities: • Political short-sightedness: Politicians are much too focused on

the immediate future.

• Silo thinking: Each sector, administration and industry knows

too little about what the others are doing, making it difficult to realise the necessary cross-sectoral cooperation. • Lack of management: The development process is primarily driven by commercial players – without a coherent and guiding political vision. • High complexity: Especially in established cities, the number of stakeholders is overwhelming, and the existing infrastructure often represents an effective defence against change. • Organisational inertia: Complex, interdisciplinary solutions require organisational versatility – including more flexible partnership models between the public and private sectors. Issue #2 · 2012 |


global snapshots

Bilbao has undergone a dramatic

change in recent decades. The worndown Basque metropolis has been reborn as a city with the Guggenheim museum at its heart and innovation as a driving force and brand. By virtue of comprehensive urban renewal and brand new buildings, the area has become the hub of the Spanish cleantech industry and green growth movement. Bilbao’s positive image as a place where new and comprehensive urban thinking has reinforced the trend, and the area has done a good job attracting international top names within architecture and design, further contributing to the positive development.

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The stations along the city’s metro system, Metro de Bilbao, are famed for being designed by the architect Sir Norman Foster. Like the rest of the city centre, the entire approach has been holistic in nature: the architecture, engineering and even construction are all integrated in a holistic vision. What the locals call Fosteritos – the dramatically shaped, futuristic street-level entrances to the metro – are made from glass and have become just as much an icon for Bilbao as the famous art nouveau metro entrances are for Paris. The holistic approach embodies more than architecture and aesthetics, however. As an example of Bilbao’s comprehensive cleantech-thinking, the Metro de Bilbao only uses sustainable energy supplied by a local company. This saves the atmosphere from 46,000 cubic tonnes of CO2 emissions every year. The Metro de Bilbao is also equipped with efficient braking systems that use one-third less energy.

Singapore has made a virtue of necessity. With no traditional energy resources to draw on, the country has always had to import all of the energy it consumes from other countries. Add to this Singapore’s limited size and constantly rising urbanisation, and you have a country that is forced to look for alternative solutions and new directions. Consequently, it is no coincidence that Singapore is one of the top global leaders in the cleantech area.

The buildings make use of passive strategies. For instance, the housing blocks are strategically placed so the glass facades face the prevailing wind direction: northwest. This ensures the flats maximum benefit from natural light and ventilation. To cool down the surrounding air temperature in the humid heat, each housing block has a green roof and vertical greening three stories up along the facade. This reduces the need for power-guzzling air conditioning systems. The buildings also have low-energy lighting fixtures in common areas, solar panels over the car park, improved heat insulation, outdoor clothes lines and energy-optimised lifts.

Amsterdam – A spot in the sun Amsterdam’s position as a global leader within cleantech and smart city thinking is well established. The city’s brand is often associated with the green future. But the value of the city’s sustainable projects is not necessarily apparent to all residents of the city because many of the projects are not yet visible in street life.

Amsterdam’s Zonspots, however, are a big exception. The word means sunspot, and these very striking, flowerlike sculptures are popping up all over the Dutch capital. Zonspots is a public-sector project that focuses on sustainable solutions and green thinking. A Zonspot in itself is a giant advertis-

ing pillar for sustainability. It consists of a table surrounded by little benches, and above them rises a five-metrehigh metal pole mounted with solar panels on large plates. These “roof plates” also provide shelter from the elements to the people sitting on the benches. In this way, residents are invited and encouraged to move out into the daylight and fresh air to relax – or work, as it is also possible to link up to the Zonspot’s wireless Internet connection for free. The aim is for this bright idea to spread to other cities in the Netherlands, and over time to the rest of Europe. And even though the Zonspot project seeks to provide residents of the city with good opportunities to log onto the Internet out of doors, its primary objective is to call attention to sustainability and green solutions in general. The


Holistic changes in Bilbao

other awards. This new “eco-precinct” comprises seven blocks of flats with 712 units and is designed to promote energy conservation, reduce maintenance costs and ensure efficient resource consumption.

A perfect example of Singapore’s focus on cleantech is Treelodge@Punggol – the first public housing complex in the world to earn the Green Mark Platinum Award – as well as a number of


All over the world, the concept of the smart city is gaining ground. And it is not only big, newly established cities that are thinking in terms of largescale intelligent solutions. Journey with us to five classic metropolises that are now using innovative cleantech solutions on their path to a sustainable future.

Richard Davies

The world’s smartest metropolises?

The greenest housing blocks in Singapore

aim is to increase people’s awareness of energy consumption and alternative energy sources. Zonspot is one of many green initiatives that have been realised with the support of the Amsmarterdam City Project. Issue #2 · 2012 |


Photos courtesy of Ryan Burke, City of Fort Collins

global snapshots

Downtown Fort Collins, Colorado,

USA, will be the largest area in the world to run solely on the energy it is able to produce itself – known as a zero energy zone. FortZED, as the vision has been dubbed, is the result of a collaboration between researchers, Colorado State University, local businesses and authorities, as well as the local government. To achieve its goal, FortZED is counting on smart grid, renewable energy technology, as well as on the active involvement of the residents of the city. The development of smart grid technology is a vital part of the FortZED project. With traditional power grids, electricity always moves in the same direction, for example from a coalfired power plant to businesses and homes. Smart grids, on the other hand, allow power to flow in more than one direction, making it possible to draw

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on energy sources like wind or sun. FortZED uses a variety of renewable energy technologies, including solar photovoltaics, rechargeable hybrid vehicles and micro-wind turbines. Active participation by everyone involved is key to the success of the project. This especially applies to the residents who will be consuming and co-producing the energy. The FortZED team has therefore joined forces with local media to call attention to the relatively radical changes in energy consumption habits which the new initiatives will entail. For example, a TV campaign was carried out to encourage the 6,200 residents within the zone to reduce their energy consumption and increase the number of renewable energy installations. The project is financed by local private and public-sector grants in the order of USD 5 million in addition to a grant of USD 6.3 million from the US Department of Energy. In exchange, the Department of Energy’s nationwide programme, Renewable and Distributed Systems Integration, benefits from FortZED’s experience and research findings.

José Fuste Raga

Colorado’s zero energy zone

Vancouver’s sustainable super-community

Over the years, Vancouver has been

an extremely active and growing base for the cleantech industry – thanks to a great extent to the region’s targeted investment in sustainability and green growth. Vancouver is currently home to a quarter of all cleantech companies in Canada, and the cleantech sector is a vital economic driver for the entire province of British Columbia.

One of Vancouver’s most notable green projects is Southeast False Creek, a new community under development on the waterfront close to the city centre. Southeast False Creek, once the site of the Olympic Village during the 2010 Winter Olympics, is now being transformed into a residential area to house up to 16,000 people. The flats are affordable and the neighbourhood will feature child care centres, a park, a public plaza and much more. Southeast False Creek has become a role model for sustainable urban planning for all of North America. The district is designed with a visionary infrastructure, strategic energy savings,

buildings of the highest quality and easy access to public transport. Along the waterfront there are wide cycling and pedestrian paths, and the “village” also has its own island and urban sanctuary with a rich native marine habitat. By collecting and recycling rainwater, Southeast False Creek has halved water consumption compared to traditional neighbourhoods. And an environmentally friendly energy system running through every flat provides heating and hot water to the entire area. The neighbourhood even features an area devoted to urban agriculture and, of course, the housing blocks have grassy rooftop gardens. Issue #2 · 2012 |



The Danish Municipality of Kalundborg is highlighted as one of the most promising smart city projects in Europe. The main ingredient in smart city Kalundborg is the three-way commitment to intelligent energy solutions from the local authority, residents and the private sector.

Meet Kalundborg – a large Danish provincial municipality situated 100 kilometres from Copenhagen. Its population of around 50,000 lives in close proximity to the blue sea, green woods and Denmark’s second-largest industrial estate with a sustainable environmental and energy profile. To all these excellent qualities, they are now adding the ambitious vision of becoming Denmark’s – and perhaps Europe’s – smartest city. In a few years, what seems at the moment like a wild idea from a futuristic urban vision should be a reality in Kalundborg. The ingredients include:

1. Intelligent buildings that care for their occupants. 2. Intelligent, remote-controlled energy solutions, e.g. heatpumps adjusting room temperatures to grid peak loads or electric cars acting as energy storage and peak load buffers. 3. Intelligent planning of energy systems that help the end users to be “intelligent consumers”. “Smart city Kalundborg is not a project. It’s a long-term concept designed to ensure that our cities and society

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are planned efficiently with renewable, fossil-free energy solutions and the end user in focus. For the same funding, we could choose to invest in the future rather than renovate the past,” explains Martin Andersen, the driving force behind the smart city Kalundborg concept and head of the Municipality of Kalundborg’s EU office in Brussels. Kalundborg has developed its unique interpretation of the European Commission’s overall aspiration to concentrate on cities and focus on the intelligent end consumer. “Living in a smart city should be fun and enriching. Partly because you’re part of a green solution and partly because you find that your good energy behaviour is rewarded with a bonus check at the end of the year,” says Martin K. Andersen. The intelligent consumer

The Municipality of Kalundborg has formed an ambitious alliance with three players for development of the smart city Kalundborg concept. The partners are the commercial and professional organisation Dansk Energi, the energy company SEAS-NVE and Spirae, which supplies solutions for

Heine Pedersen

The path to a smart city goes via intelligent energy

creating intelligent electricity grids. The idea is to create a sustainable district where the residents are flexible “prosumers”. This means they act both as consumers who can “adjust their electricity consumption” and as suppliers of electricity back to the grid. For example, it is possible to intelligently control the charging of electrical appliances such as heat pumps and electric cars with surplus electricity from wind farms, usually at night when pressure on the grid is lowest – and electricity is therefore cheaper. Another scenario will allow the utility companies to pay the end-users in order to apply intelligent management and turn down the ventilation or heating system, e.g. in a sports centre or a house. This eases pressure on the

Industrial symbiosis over 40 years Kalundborg Symbiosis is a unique cooperation between public and private-sector enterprises in Kalundborg. The stakeholders buy and sell each others’ waste products from industrial production – including steam, dust, gases, heat and slurry. One company’s waste products represent a (cheaper) raw material for production for another. For instance, a plasterboard manufacturer uses a residual plaster product from the desulphurisation system at the local power plant. Another example is agriculture, which can replace costly fertiliser with a waste product from the sewage treatment plant at Novozymes, a biotech company. A total of 30 different residual product flows are exchanged in this way between the companies in the symbiosis and the results speak for themselves. The environment is spared hundreds of thousands of tonnes of carbon emissions and the companies’ industrial water and a wide range of other materials are reused, thus reducing total consumption significantly. The symbiosis has existed as a business model since 1972 and can thus celebrate its 40th anniversary this year. Source:

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power grid without being a problem for the end users because the suppliers guarantee that the temperature will remain within a specified range. This can reduce the need to invest in increased grid capacity, which the end users would ultimately have to pay for out of their own pockets. “The municipality is a catalyst for creating a market directed at the intelligent and sensible user. At the same time, as a municipality we want

power from wind, sun and biomass, possible in practice. Spirae has developed a technology that can easily be hooked up to the different services on the electricity grid. For instance, a service provider can help consumers control their electricity consumption. An electric car company can use electricity prices to advise consumers on when it is least expensive to charge their vehicles. And solar energy companies can make sure that the consumers are compensated by the electrical company when their solar energy systems produce more electricity than they Did you know use. These are just a few of the concept’s many potential … that Denmark is the European leader in applications. intelligent electricity grids? A survey conRenewable energy, energyducted by the European Commission shows efficient buildings and heat that 22 per cent of all development projects pumps already exist, as we within smart grids are located in Denmark. know, and electric cars are In second place is Germany with 11 per cent, followed by the Netherlands with 8.8 per just around the corner. Uncent of projects. fortunately, they are all used independently of each other and without coordination our industries and private citizens to with power grid operation. Consesave money with this concept. In the quently, the individual elements are long term, it ought to be cheaper for not yet exploited optimally. In smart the intelligent consumer or business city Kalundborg, Spirae’s technical to live or establish operations in smart solutions create the necessary concities like Kalundborg rather than in ditions that allow a wide range of the next town over,” explains Martin sustainable energy services to work Andersen. together and react to the electricity grid’s needs and limitations – benefitCommon IT platform ting both end users and suppliers. The specific solutions and ideas are “We have the technical platform diverse. In order to implement them, that makes these ideas possible,” exKalundborg has joined forces with plains Spirae’s Director of Business Spirae, a company that supplies the Development in Denmark Peter Kelsoftware and hardware that makes ler-Larsen, who has high expectations a smart electricity grid, comprising of the cooperation with Kalundborg.

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“We want to show that smart grid is not just about energy and electricity, but about creating entire ecosystems and sustainable business models around sustainable energy – also for the consumer. We want to inspire people to do this on a variety of fronts. For smart city Kalundborg, it’s not just about meeting an energy need but about creating growth and new jobs,” he says. Energy can do a lot – but not everything

In smart city Kalundborg the initial focus is on the energy solutions of the future. But the results are about so much more than just electricity consumption and electricity bills, emphasises Martin K. Andersen from the Municipality of Kalundborg – time and again. “By creating intelligent buildings, it’s possible to imagine, for instance, that the municipality’s home care professionals receive a message if there is an ‘irregularity’ in a client’s electricity consumption. For example, if Mrs Smith doesn’t turn on her coffee maker one morning as usual, this could mean she has fallen and the home care professional can give her a call or send someone right away to check up on her,” explains Martin K. Andersen. One of the watchwords when implementing the smart city concept is cooperation. It requires cooperation across professional boundaries at city hall, but also between the public and private sectors and with the power companies. The synergies will be readily visible in the form of financial incentives for everyone, according to Martin K. Andersen.

It doesn’t have to cost the earth

Everyone should have the incentive to invest in these solutions, and in Kalundborg smart city, “commercial” is not a bad word. “If we think as a municipality in new and unconventional ways, we don’t have to go cap in hand asking for money,” explains Martin K. Andersen, who goes on to emphasise that publicsector operation, procurement and facilities have a value for many stakeholders which could be worked to far better advantage. He gives the following example: If a grid operator finds that the power grid in one area of the city is so overloaded that new cables need to be laid to increase capacity, then the company has a huge financial interest in reducing electricity consumption and avoiding the costly process of digging trenches and laying cables. If, at the same time, the municipality has plans to, say, make the town’s schools more energy efficient, then the grid operator clearly has an interest in making sure this process begins with the reduction of electricity consumption at the school located in the overloaded area. “The service that we as a municipality provide by making strategic energy changes in relation to grid capacity has an exact value for the grid operator in money terms, because they can avoid having to spend huge sums digging trenches for new cables. In a smart city context, this kind of grid-friendly behaviour is rewarded in cash,” he says. Inspiration isn’t far away

in order to find the smartest and most sustainable solutions. For many years, the city has been renowned for having the world’s first industrial symbiosis where the municipality and a number of industrial companies have joined forces on reusing industrial waste products. Basically one industry’s waste becomes another industry’s resource. See box. The collaboration is financed and driven by the stakeholders themselves without public-sector subsidies. From this day on, residents Spirae – experts in smart grids and companies in Kalundborg Spirae is a research-based company that supplies will gradually infrastructure for the energy solutions of the future. feel the change The company was founded in Colorado, USA and towards the has been in Denmark for five years. Spirae has been smart city viinvolved in, among other things, the leading Danish smart grid project in Holsted, near Billund, in associasion. Among tion with, which owns the transmission other things, networks in Denmark. Kalundborg will in coming years be participating in a large number of commercial projects involving sustainable and intelligent energy solutions. Much of the focus will be on ensuring that energy and grid-friendly behaviour results in lower prices for the “intelligent consumer”. “But this is about much more than just energy. In other areas as well, it’s important to have a significant driving force for the business community, the municipality and citizens to find smarter ways to solve the municipal operations tasks,” points out Martin K. Andersen.

Kalundborg doesn’t have to look far for inspiration on alternative approaches Issue #2 · 2012 |



Bridging world-leading cleantech clusters Being the first network of its kind, the International Cleantech Network (ICN) is connecting selected cleantech clusters around the world and creating a whole new way for companies and knowledge institutions to go international.

when hundreds of Danish and international companies, researchers and policymakers meet in mid-March to discuss smart city solutions at the Open Smart City Conference in Copenhagen, it will be the result of ten cleantech clusters’ ongoing commitment to sharing business opportunities among the 2000+ ICN stakeholders. ICN was founded in Copenhagen in 2009 as a collaboration between CCC and the Colorado Clean Energy Cluster with the mission to connect the world’s leading cleantech clusters and exchange competencies so as to add value and knowledge to the companies and research institutions in the partner clusters. However, as obvious as this idea might seem, it has never been attempted before: “ICN is the

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first initiative to link cleantech cluster organisations around the world and is, as such, quite unique,” says Stephan Skare Nielsen, head of the International Cleantech Network. He explains that ICN is challenging the assumption that cleantech commercialisation and internationalisation is a tedious and time-consuming task: the network works according to the philosophy that success in the global business environment is “all about who can grant you access to the right people, projects or local expert knowledge. We call it face-to-face internationalisation.” A doorway to international collaboration

Marianna Lubanski, Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, explains why be-

ing part of ICN is a valuable asset to the Danish cluster: “The strength of ICN is that all ten partner clusters are so deeply committed to utilising this exclusive partnership. To CCC this means that we can provide our members with contact to over 2,000 cleantech stakeholders within all sectors in ten of the world’s leading cleantech clusters. Let’s say, for example, that a Danish company is looking to expand to North America. Then we can instantly put them in touch with the right people in two of the economically strongest regions in the US – and the same goes for companies from the USA, Spain, Singapore or Austria who want to set up in Denmark. In fact, there have already been cases of companies internationalising between ICN regions. Using ICN as a doorway simply makes international collaboration, investments and export easier and expands our companies’ reach.” Rethinking global partnerships

The idea for ICN first came about in 2009, when the recently founded Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster – born to strengthen the local cleantech industry – saw great potential in creating an international platform. “We figured that by being a young triple helix organisation linking over 500 cleantech players in Denmark, we had an opportunity to rethink the traditional bilateral export/import campaigns. We wanted to find a way to help our stakeholders get entry points to a whole array of the strongest cleantech regions in the world, and simultaneously attract cleantech talent and competen-

cies from abroad,” Marianna Lubanski explains. CCC got in touch with Colorado Clean Energy Cluster based in Fort Collins, USA, and the North American cluster was immediately keen on the idea of a global network of cleantech clusters. As founding partners, Colorado Clean Energy Cluster and CCC started mapping cleantech clusters around the world and welcoming selected new clusters. The first official ICN meeting was held in Copenhagen in 2010, and as of March 2012 the network now comprises ten clusters from North America, Europe and Asia. The aim for ICN is to reach 15 clusters, especially leading clusters from emerging markets – i.e. Brazil, China and Russia – where it can be difficult for foreign companies to gain a foothold, explains Stephan Skare Nielsen explains. And ICN provides the perfect foundation for this. The network’s services for its member companies and knowledge institutions span from initial market insights and opportunity spotting in each cluster through education, research, exchange programs and entrepreneurship and incubation collaboration to tailor-made partnership building. A branding tool for clusters

A recent example of how these services have been used by stakeholders is the Colorado-based smart grid company Spirae Inc., which was looking to establish activities in Northern Europe. Through ICN, the Colorado Clean Energy Cluster was able to work with the Copenhagen Cleantech

Cluster to connect the company with key players in the Danish smart grid industry. This valuable information about potential partners and the Danish market resulted in the company deciding on choosing Denmark as their European hub. Apart from the concrete activities conducted by the network, ICN is also becoming a great branding tool for the partner clusters. Lee Anne Nance, Senior Vice President, Strategic Initiatives at Research Triangle, explains: “The advantages in terms of marketing resulting from being part of ICN were shown recently when we heard North Carolina’s Senator Hagan mention the Research Triangle Region Cleantech Cluster by name at the ICN conference in North Carolina. This means that people are realising that the cluster is very important to the region and that we are beginning to attract the attention of governments and companies.” To ICN, the next big challenge is to help even more of the local cluster stakeholders see what a useful tool the network can be for them. To Rune Rasmussen, the advantages are clear: “Even though CCC is one of Europe’s largest cleantech clusters, it is essential that we internationalise, and we believe that ICN really helps us do this. When our partner clusters are strengthened, so are we.” The next ICN conference takes place in November 2012 and will be hosted by Singapore Sustainability Alliance.

The International Cleantech Network (ICN) … was founded in 2009 by Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster and Colorado Clean Energy Cluster. As of March 2012, the network’s partners are: • Renewable Energy Hamburg (Germany) • Lombardy Energy Cluster (Italy) • Tenerrdis (France) • ACLIMA (Spain) • Eco World Styria (Austria) • OREEC (Norway) • Singapore Sustainability Alliance (Singapore) • Research Triangle Region Cleantech Cluster (North Carolina, US) • Colorado Clean Energy Cluster (Colorado, US) and • Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster (Denmark). More information is available at

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renewable energy

Waste management and district heating

Wind turbines, solar collectors etc. – are integrated in the city’s spaces and on the city’s buildings.

Collection, sorting, incineration and recycling of waste reduces the amount of waste that ends up in the landfill, producing in the process water and heat as well as by-products that can be reused in new products.

Green roofs d Green roofs on the city’s buildings help divert water locally.

A system of systems – how smart is the smart city? The smart city concept is based on a number of guiding principles that pervade all of its systems and circuits: All the solutions are integrated, they have several functions at once – and they are based on collaboration between companies, authorities, knowledge institutions and citizens.

The data-linked city Sensors – transmitters and receivers – wherever you find people or traffic. Transmit, receive and exchange information.

Intelligent charging stations Electric cars report available capacity to electric car owners via apps.

Heating Heating of domestic water in houses during the day from surplus production of electricity ensures flexible utilisation of electricity production around the clock.

outdoor areas Intelligent parking ticket machines

Smart city grafik

Smart city grafik

Outdoor areas such as football pitches are multifunctional and can serve as important reservoirs during times of flooding.

Sensors – transmitters and receivers – wherever you find people or traffic. Transmit, receive and exchange information.

Smart grid permeates the entire city The basic supply and distribution systems for electricity, water, heat, waste, data etc. are interconnected in intelligent ways, can serve as buffers to each other and, in many cases, make it possible to send the flows in both directions. Centralised supply stations linked to the grid connect every building and infrastructure hub, which supply power to trains, cars, trams, buses etc. Districts serve as decentralised clusters of consumers and production units – called combined prosumers – which in the districts can even out peaks, thereby minimising the total input of heat, cooling, electricity etc.

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Electric cars

Linked recycling systems In which all waste in the city is recycled or upcycled and used over and over again within the city’s closed circuit – from businesses to households and back again.

Mobile sensors Register and measure important elements of the city’s infrastructure, such as pollution and traffic congestion. They may by mounted on bicycles, trams etc.

Serve as buffers that can add and absorb electricity in relation to over and under-consumption, recharging at night, consuming and emitting electricity during the day.

Illustration Jens-Andreas Dolberg Elkjær

Issue #2 · 2012 |



Make climate adaptation smart and social 2.5 billion litres of rain water in one hour – that is how heavy the torrential downpours in two Copenhagen suburbs were in August 2010. Local and national stakeholders are now joining forces in the search for innovative new ways to protect people from flooding and improve their quality of life. The solution is to be found through an international competition.

On 14 August 2010, when the town of Kokkedal, situated north of Copenhagen, was hit by torrential downpours, it soon became clear that the low-lying suburb had a serious problem. Hundreds of the town’s inhabitants could do nothing but watch as the river that flows through the town burst its banks and quickly flooded their homes. The damage was so extensive that it can still be seen and felt today. The situation prompted Mayor Thomas Lykke Pedersen to promise to protect the town from similar situations in future. The initial response was to widen the river and build a new dyke. But the ambitions stretch much farther than that. The rainwater is not just to be controlled but actually exploited to make the town a better place to live, for instance by having excess rainwater flow into canals or ponds and thereby improving the recreational opportunities in the town.

suburbs face the same challenge

Søren Svendsen

Many suburban areas in Europe face the same situation as this Copenhagen suburb: an ageing building stock in need of comprehensive renovation. And many of these urban spaces need developing so that they better meet modern demands – including showing more consideration for the diversity of needs of the many ethnic groups that often reside in suburban districts. This has inspired a group of local and national stakeholders to join forces on

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an innovative project with the aim of uniting smart climate adaptation with green and social urban development in the same process. The project will not only have local advantages, but also point the way forward for “Integrated climate adaptation” as a Danish cutting-edge competence. “Instead of viewing rainwater as a threat to be removed as quickly as possible, we have chosen to embrace water as a valuable resource. In our town, the river flows through an area that has a genuine need for more functional urban spaces and recreational opportunities. So it makes perfect sense to link climate adaptation with quality of life for the community” says Christian Peter Ibsen, head of planning and climate in the Municipality of Fredensborg. Technologically, there are many similar projects to look to for inspiration. However, coupling the technology with all the social and recreational aspects of developing an entire surburban district is a trailblazing project, according to Christian Peter Ibsen. technical solutions already exist

No two towns are alike, and the same holds true for climate adaptation efforts. Even though the solutions are developed using the same sub-components, each town requires its own unique combination, according to Director Jacob Høst-Madsen from Issue #2 · 2012 |



Decision making

Brian Berg

RESOURCE OR THREAT? Flooding in the outskirts of Copenhagen August 2010.

the international consultancy and research institution, DHI, which provides global consulting services on water in urban areas. “There are all kinds of reasons for preparing our cities for more torrential downpours in future. The good news is that it doesn’t have to be particularly expensive or complicated. There is already a large catalogue of viable solutions, so it’s mainly a question of finding the right combination,” explains Jacob Høst-Madsen. With regard to Kokkedal, he highlights, among other things, the following options: • Delay the water – e.g. farther up the river. More green roofs and local diversion of rainwater can also have a delaying effect. • Intelligent real-time management and monitoring of the water’s movement in rivers, sewers and overflow systems. • Diverting rainwater to natural depressions in the landscape or overflow systems. • Utilising different elements in the urban space, e.g. roads, football pitches, wide river sections, greenways etc. to divert and store water during torrential downpours. Jacob Høst-Madsen sees no real problem with using the surplus water from

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Green consensus strengthens long-term investments

the river for recreational purposes. It is already of good quality, and the right solution would have to ensure that the river does not become polluted with sewage water anyway. The task requires an interdisciplinary solution

In order to bring brand new thoughts and ideas to the table, the municipality north of Copenhagen decided to hold a competition for the project. Within the given framework, the project team behind the competition is prepared to give free creative reign across professional groups and competencies. “Because our ambition is to establish brand new synergies, we need alternative perspectives on the issue besides our own. It’s one thing to manage pumps and water movements. It’s something else entirely to create functional urban spaces and improve quality of life,” says Christian Peter Ibsen. Against this background, the parties behind the project believe that the best model is to be found at the convergence of a variety of knowledge areas: urban planning, technology and architecture, culture and daily life. “We want to gather this breadth of competencies around the table, so our brief for the competition is very focused on interdisciplinarity,” concludes Christian Peter Ibsen.

Involving all relevant stakeholders in the political decision-making process and achieving broad support for long-term solutions – this is the essence of a long political tradition in Denmark that has also spread to Danish climate policy. The benefits are clear for cleantech companies and investors who rely on stable framework conditions far into the future. The Kokkedal Project The Kokkedal climate adaptation project targets the urban area situated closest to the low-lying river. The affected district includes a school, shopping centre and 1,300 public housing units. Today, the different areas stand as isolated and disconnected elements. The orange colour marks the area covered by the competition.

Over more than 100 years, an extremely strong tradition has developed in Denmark for continuously involving NGOs, politicians and trade organisations in the democratic decision-making process, thereby establishing a foundation for stable framework conditions and coherent, longterm solutions. In the labour market, this “Danish model” is recognised throughout the world. Now it is also becoming known in the climate and cleantech sector as well. Denmark’s goal is to be independent of fossil fuels by 2050. Last year, the Danish government published its strategy for achieving this goal, and since then the negotiations have picked up speed. All major organisations, from NGOs like SustainableEnergy through Local Government Denmark to the Danish Wind Industry Association, were consulted and involved prior to the negotiations. In spring 2012, major political agreements are on the way in a variety of areas, including energy,

and like the major agreements in 2004 and 2008, there are strong indications that this agreement will have the backing of a relatively broad political majority. Time and again, broad political agreements have been achieved after many stakeholders with opposing interests have been consulted during the decision-making processes. “Our climate policy is distinguished by a high degree of consensus,” says Professor Ove K. Pedersen from Copenhagen Business in order to survive as a small School, who is one of country, we need to adapt. we the leading observdo so by constantly involving ers of the political as many parties as possible in our political decisions. culture in Denmark. Ove K. Pedersen, He is supported Professor, Copenhagen Business School in this assessment by Professor Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard, Department of Political Science and Public Management at the University of Southern Denmark. Issue #2 · 2012 |


Decision making

“It’s difficult to imagine a Danish politician saying that he or she doesn’t want a sustainable society or doesn’t support green growth. Even the politicians who don’t believe in the greenhouse effect think that energy conservation is a good idea, if for no other reason than to save money. So overall, it’s a political area characterised by stability,” he explains. Continuity: attracts investments

The high degree of consensus is an advantage for businesses, according to Anders Eldrup, former CEO of DONG Energy. “Energy policy is characterised by even countries like norway broad political agreeand sweden, which resemble us in so many ways, have major ments. This ensures conflicts in the green area. continuity and staThomas Færgeman, Director, Concito bility. For a company like us, with significant investments in Denmark, it’s important that we know the framework conditions pretty far into the future. That we know that a new constellation in parliament won’t upset processes that have already been decided upon. I see, both politically and outside parliament, a higher degree of consensus here than in other countries, and I consider that one of the strengths of investing in Denmark”, says Anders Eldrup. Danish consensus is an international inspiration

At the green think tank Concito, Director Thomas Færgeman sees the think tank as a manifestation of the fact that the special Danish decisionmaking model also applies to cleantech. Its board comprises representatives from the business community, consumer organisations and poli-

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ticians, while its members range from private individuals to trade unions, cyclist associations, researchers and businesses. “Obviously they can’t agree on how much and how fast carbon emissions should be reduced. And that’s where their cooperation could end. But when we ask them: “Since we have to reduce carbon emissions, how can we go about it?” – then the discussion can continue from a more constructive point of departure,” explains Thomas Færgeman. Concito’s international advisory board consists of high-ranking representatives from international think tanks and foundations. “One of the reasons they even bother spending time on such a little think tank in such a little country is because we have a reputation for establishing broad consensus across many stakeholders. And they can clearly see it working in practice. Even countries like Norway and Sweden, which resemble us in so many ways, have major conflicts in the green area,” says Thomas Færgeman. “Until recently, we have concentrated on the story of how we have, in Denmark, seen 30 years of economic growth with no increase in energy consumption. Now we are telling the story about how Denmark, as the first nation in the world, will be independent of fossil fuels by 2050. A lot of people from abroad are curious to hear more about that,” says Finn Mortensen, who heads the dansih State of Green Secretariat. Politically in Region Zealand, Regional Chairman Steen Bach Nielsen (Social Democrat) enjoys strong support from all players to take action on climate solutions. “The Danish political culture is generally characterised by consensus. And this is also evi-

dent when it comes to the climate, where there is broad acceptance that we have to do something about the problems,” he says. Adaptation is essential

One of the advantages of this kind of neo-corporatist society is the certainty of stable framework conditions far into the future. Over the years, the players grow to feel certain that all the key stakeholders, such as the industrial organisations that are involved, are capable of disciplining their members, which ensures that they actually can deliver on the pledges they make during the political negotiations. The process of involving many parties in the decision-making process is also seen in other countries. But what makes the Danish approach unique is the number of parties who are involved in the democratic decisions, and that it takes place so continuously, explains Professor Ove K. Pedersen. And in his opinion, there is a good explanation for this: “Denmark is a small, open economy. In order to survive as a small country, we need to adapt. Geopolitically, we are flanked by powerful countries like Germany and Russia, and historically, this has forced us to learn to adapt. We do so by constantly involving as many parties as possible in our political decisions,” says Ove K. Pedersen. In his view, the historical tradition for adaptation is also evident in our approach to technological developments. “We are very experimental in the climate area in Denmark, but it takes place against a background of prior knowledge. In Denmark, we don’t build our solutions based on fundamental research and we won’t see huge leaps in technological advances. We adapt the solutions that

already exist to suit a new reality,” says Ove K. Pedersen. Denmark has made cleantech attractive

His colleague Professor Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard also has an idea about why it would be especially rewarding for a cleantech company to establish operations in Denmark. “Danish politicians have directly and indirectly invested a lot of money in the green sector over the years. For instance, we have given wind energy and Vestas a great deal of support. If people know that a country has supported a sector for a long time and with relatively energy policy is characterised large investments, by broad political agreements. they will also view this ensures continuity and stability. Denmark as a good Anders Eldrup, former CEO, DONG Energy place to set up shop. Or at least less risky than, say, the USA where the oil lobby has a very powerful voice. So the willingness of many green companies to establish operations in Denmark is, to a great extent, due to the fact that we are a rich country with good framework conditions and a tradition for supporting green growth,” says Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard. But even though the cleantech, energy and climate sectors are generally characterised by stability, you don’t have to dig too deep to find areas where not everyone agrees on everything, says the Professor. “Vestas would like Denmark to invest more in wind energy. Danfoss does a lot to bring wave energy into play, and other companies support solar energy as the right way to go. There is, of course, a lot of vying for political and financial attention,” concludes Asbjørn Sonne Nørgaard. Issue #2 · 2012 |


Copenhagen Cleantech

A smart building block city?

PowerLabDK – world-class experimental platform for power and energy is now open PowerLabDK is an internationally unique collection of facilities that will play a crucial role in the development of technologies for the energy sector and an energy system with a large amount of renewable energy, says Professor Jacob Østergaard, chairman of the partners’ coordination group.

On 15 March 2012 PowerLabDK was inaugurated and declared officially open and accessible to researchers from universities, research institutions and private companies. With a long invite list and a great turnout, the inauguration was a big day for the PowerLabDK consortium partners, Østkraft, Copenhagen University College of Engineering, Intelligent Energy system – DTU, Risø Campus and the Centre for Electric Technology – DTU, Lyngby Campus. PowerLabDK has been established based on an EUR 18-million upgrade and extension of existing facilities. PowerLabDK is one of Europe’s most advanced research sites for experiments with distributed control architectures for

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large-scale power systems, as well as one of Europe’s most powerful real-time power system simulators coupled with a stateof-the-art fully-equipped research power system control room. It includes the world’s only full-scale, sustainable electric power system laboratory with more than 25,000 consumers and more than 33 per cent wind power penetration. PowerLabDK’s strength lies in the fact that tests and experiments can be performed on different scales, ranging from flexible fundamental research laboratories to the unique feature of full-scale tests at the power distribution system at Bornholm. This makes PowerLabDK ideal for testing

and demonstration of new electric components and apparatus performance, smart grids based on information and communication technology (ICT), electric vehicle (EV) integration, demand response technologies and power system monitoring and control solutions. For more information, please visit To learn more about the possibilities available at PowerLabDK, please contact Professor Jacob Østergaard or Innovation Coordinator Lea Lohse.

For the ambitious Vinge development, northwest of Copenhagen, the vision has been to activate the collective brain trust of the Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster, pooling advisory board resources and members from local authorities, national agencies, specialist cleantech professionals, industry leaders and research institutions. This combination of competences has proven to be efficient in driving and stimulating new business partnerships and promoting viable cleantech solutions. The Vinge area is being developed as a full-scale case of symbiotic co-existence between urban and business estate developments. The adjacent business estate areas, including the Copenhagen Cleantech Park, are well underway. Here the global cleantech player, Topsil Semiconductor Materials Plc., will be inaugurating their new silicon wafer production plant in CCP in mid2012. The vision has been to plan and implement a future-proof structure based on Danish building block principles. The implementation plans encompass flexible solutions based on modular processes, components and implementation regarding: energy supply and end-use, water – preservation & recycling, traffic patterns and footprint considerations. Vinge is one of Denmark’s largest urban & business developments, designed to accommodate 12,000 new inhabitants and hold 6,000 jobs. Major infrastructural investments made by the local municipal authorities have catalysed the development of this area, located a 30-minute Metro ride from the Capital and close to the Scandinavia’s largest international airport, only 40 minutes away. The combination of close proximity to the many attractive offerings of an

international metropolis, the natural assets of the fjord landscape and the business and employment opportunities in the adjacent Copenhagen Cleantech Park area, is building the expectations of inhabitants and business communities. The Vinge/CCPark development is expected to have a posi-

tive impact on job creation and retention, as well as attracting new investors and skilled green-collar workers to the greater Copenhagen region. For more information:

Vinge/CCP illustration

Torben Nielsen

How can sustainability ambitions be balanced with commercially viable solutions? This is a challenge that most policy makers, planners and developers face when planning cities and business estates.

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Copenhagen Cleantech

Copenhagen as a carbon-neutral smart city By 2025, Copenhagen aims to be the world’s first carbonneutral capital. Political approval for the 2015-25 action plan is expected this autumn, paving the way for cooperation on implementation.

Darrell Lecorre

Ambitious Danes Take Further Steps to Combine Growth and Sustainability The Danish Government has launched an energy plan to make Denmark independent of fossil fuels by 2050. An important part of the plan is to create economic growth and green jobs in the private sector, which foresees huge opportunities in the transformation to a green economy.

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Since the 1973 oil crisis, Denmark has almost doubled its GDP while energy consumption has remained at the same level. This is an impressive achievement, built on a visionary energy policy, an inventive private sector and the commitment of the Danish public. Nevertheless – in Denmark we think we can do even better. Denmark has decided to lead the transition to a green growth economy and, as the first country in the world, to develop an energy system that is entirely independent of fossil fuels by 2050. This transformation means significant investments in renewable energy, with strong involvement by energy companies and the private sector – through both innovation and production but also private investors. Danish companies are in the global elite in many areas within climate adaption, energy efficiency, water and environment and are therefore also well-equipped to deliver state-of-the-art solutions to the processes ahead. An important aspect of the Danish vision is to inspire the world and show that it is possible to create a low-energy society a country’s energy consumption is based on renewable energy and that it is possible – with relative limited means – to increase energy efficiency in buildings considerably. State of Green, founded by Climate Consortium Denmark, gathers all leading players in the fields of energy, climate, water and environment in Denmark. It is a public-private partnership that supports the vision and encourages political and commercial decision-makers worldwide to ‘Join the Future. Think Denmark’. There should be every reason to do that.

Copenhagen aims to become the world’s first carbon-neutral capital by 2025 while at the same time increasing employment and spurring growth. In the action plan for 20052015, 50 projects were initiated and the city is well on the way to reaching the sub-goal of a 20 per cent reduction in CO2 from 2005 to 2015. Taking transport as an example, the aim towards 2025 is for the majority of growth in total traffic (at least two thirds) to be in the form of green modes of transport, i.e. walking, cycling and public transport, in order to gradually develop more sustainable traffic patterns. Compared to 2011, the number of passengers on public transport in Copenhagen should increase by 2 percent in 2015 and by 20 per cent in 2023. For cycling, the target is for half of all trips to and from work or educational institutions to be by bike in 2015. Finally, the aim for pedestrians is an increase of 20 per cent by 2015. In autumn 2012, the new 2015-2025 action plan will likely be approved by policy makers at Copenhagen City Hall. While the details are being discussed, the current plan comprises 15 projects within the following four themes: 1. Green energy consumption 2. Green energy production 3. Green mobility 4. Adaptation For more information, please see or


Scion DTU establishes Denmark’s newest hotspot for cleantech development A new science park exclusively for cleantech companies and research is now a reality in Denmark, located outside Roskilde on the DTU Risø Campus. Residents from Denmark and abroad will be neighbours to the Technical University of Denmark and be able to draw upon their world-class know-how. Scion DTU has very high ambitions for their newest science park, which is going to be situated on the DTU Risø Campus. This location will provide a unique environment for the companies that join the science park to test and develop their cleantech technology and draw upon the highly skilled research expertise at the DTU departments already located on campus. In addition, DTU’s reputation continues to improve internationally, which means that more and more international companies will get wise to the competences DTU possesses. Scion DTU wants to exploit this by attracting research and development departments from major international companies. The objective is to establish a science park that focuses on cleantech, especially wind, energy conversion and other areas in which DTU has world-class competences. Development of the park will be carried out proportionally to the demand; however, in a longterm perspective, our ambition is to reach a capacity of no less than 50,000 square metres. The project is being developed in association with DTU, the Municipality of Roskilde and Region Zealand and Roskilde University. We expect to cut the first turf in spring 2013. Issue #2 · 2012 |



Complex challenges Complex Cleantech Solutions seeks to promote new solutions to complex challenges facing entire cities, countries or segments, such as waste handling.

Industry foundation seeks to create new business model for complex cleantech solutions Danish companies usually develop and supply products that meet existing demand. With a large-scale investment in the Complex Cleantech Solutions initiative, the Danish Industry Foundation is seeking to develop a brand new model for how Danish players can work together to solve the world’s complex challenges.

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companies in other clusters, such as medico and IT, ” explains Mads Lebech. “The Danish Industry Foundation does not need to turn a profit, but we do need to see GNP strengthened. That’s the criterion. So when the first companies – via the CCS – sit down with clients, that’s where the foundation’s involvement ends,” says Mads Lebech. Business opportunities in complex challenges

CCS is a project under the Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster and Copenhagen Capacity, the Danish Capital Region’s official inward investment agency. The initial objective of the investment in CCS is to explore the opportunities for establishing a new model for how Danish companies, public-sector authorities and educational institutions can work together and engage in dialogue with stakeholders and clients from all over the world. The aim of this dialogue is to join forces and couple challenges with existing products and, in so doing, innovate and develop user-oriented solutions and products that are not yet available on the market. Mads Lebech explains: “The client or user might, in this context, be an entire city, a country or

a specific segment. What they have in common is that they face a challenge that can’t be solved by, say, buying a couple of wind turbines or a thousand litter bins. However, the investment does not seek to motivate Danish players to team up and each supply their own contribution to a solution that already exists. Complex Cleantech Solutions is about exploring the business opportunities inherent in more complex challenges which require the development of brand new products and services in brand new contexts.” Global market research

CCS has existed since 1 October 2011. The preliminary knowledge gathering has been carried out and the initial contacts have been established. In autumn 2012, the findings of the market research on potential collaborative partners from cities, institutions and projects, both national and global, will be available. The first formalised and established contacts will also have been formed by them. CCS has deliberately taken a step back in order better to see who might be promising to partner with on a global scale. The project is already in contact with a number of cities and projects in Brazil, China, East Africa, India, Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates.

“So far, we have visited a number of areas, cities, companies and universities – all potential partners facing a variety of challenges, such as increasing waste-management problems as a consequence of the huge migration of people to the cities. The response has been extremely positive, and many have expressed an interest in using what Denmark has learnt over the years when it comes to complex societal solutions,” says Neelabh Singh, head of CCS and responsible for establishing the right international contacts.

novating solutions,” says Neelabh Singh. At the same time, it is perfectly clear that these cities and potential partners from other countries are not interested in simply buying or copying an existing solution. “The people we have spoken to all say the same thing; they don’t want to copy a Danish model, a Danish solution or a Danish product. Because it simply can’t be done. Their problems

and challenges often manifest themselves in very different ways, are on a different scale and exist in a different political climate. It is our experience, even at this early stage, that international cities and potential partners are interested in using experiences from Denmark to find their own solutions or develop their own system, for example in cooperation with Complex Cleantech Solutions,” concludes Neelabh Singh.

Putting Denmark’s substantial experience to good use

Neelabh Singh refers specifically to Danish experience with what is known as the Triple Helix model, in which universities, industry and the public sector cooperate on innovation. [See also the article on page xx.] “Denmark is a small, homogeneous geographical area with a strong tradition for Triple Helix cooperation. We have many valuable experiences, and with Complex Cleantech Solutions, we are currently in the process of determining whether there is an interest in and the potential for players from all over the world to work together with Danish companies, universities and public-sector institutions on in-

The Danish Industry Foundation

Sofie Amalie Klougart

Danish companies generally develop and sell their own products to their own clients in competition with other players in the market. This is a standard and thoroughly tried and tested approach. With a large-scale investment, the Danish Industry Foundation, a private-sector, non-profit organisation, is seeking to find new ways to promote development and growth for Danish companies. “We have invested EUR 1.5 million to identify the potential and create a model for generating business for Danish companies. This is the goal of our investment in Complex Cleantech Solutions,” says Mads Lebech, CEO of the Danish Industry Foundation. The foundation has chosen to make such a significant investment in Complex Cleantech Solutions (CCS) because it makes good sense to home in on international challenges which Danish players in a cluster can then work to solve. “We need to establish a platform, which is why we are financing a basic element which would normally be financed by the companies themselves. Doing so enables us to document that there is the potential to develop complex solutions to complex challenges – and to create a model that can also be used by and generate growth for

Mads Nissen

The Danish Industry Foundation is a private-sector, non-profit foundation. Its purpose is to develop and support innovative, inspirational and economically sustainable projects and initiatives that strengthen the competitiveness of Danish business and industry. The foundation develops its own strategic initiatives while simultaneously supporting applicant-driven initiatives and projects within three main areas: • Knowledge and competence • Entrepreneurship and innovation • Internationalisation and openness The Danish Industry Foundation is headed by Mads Lebech, CEO and former Mayor of the metropolitan local authority, City of Frederiksberg. Issue #2 · 2012 |



Simon Giles Accenture

hen historians look back on the first half of the 21st Century they will either tell the tale of how we innovated to maintain sustainable urban communities or how we failed to do so and in the process created a social and environmental maelstrom. The challenge is clear: we face the unprecedented challenge of maintaining or raising living standards for a growing population with only one-tenth the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions we emit today. As one million rural people resettle in cities every week, cities will become home to almost 5 billion people by 2020, with more than 3 billion people moving into the burgeoning middle class. Such explosive growth will require massive investments in infrastructure and a paradigm shift in the way services are delivered to citizens and businesses. Furthermore, this will somehow need to be achieved within a risk-averse funding environment. In recent years we have seen the emergence of the smart city as a response to this challenge. Technology and infrastructure companies have been active in developing and marketing ‘Smart’ responses to the sustainable urbanisation paradox. We have seen the development of Smart Transport, Smart Grid, Smart Water and Smart Buildings to name but a few. In some cases they are new technologies; however, often they are existing products that are simply repackaged in a new ‘smart city’ marketing wrapper – a new channel to market. Much time and money has been invested in developing a market for these products and services, and yet we are still a long way from the utopian vision of the smart city. Why are city administrations reticent to invest in this new wave of Smart Technologies? In my view we are approaching the problem from the wrong angle. We have missed a number of critical steps in the formulation of the solution by jumping straight to the technology. Most importantly, as an industry, we have not placed enough emphasis on articulating the:


The fledgling years of the smart city transformation Much time and money has been invested in developing a market for smart city products and services, and yet we are still a long way from the utopian vision of the smart city. Are industries as well as city administrations approaching the problem from the wrong angle? Simon Giles asks just that. He recommends a clearer focus on vision and value creation as well as better business, finance and management models. There is a risk of over-hyping the potential and failing to engage politicians and citizens at a human level, he states.


What problems are we addressing and how will life be different in the future? Value proposition

What are the measurable outcomes that will be delivered as a consequence?

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Business model innovation

How will we deliver the service? Finance model

How will we finance the delivery of the service given constrained public-sector balance sheets? Governance model

Who will be responsible for delivering the ne­ cessary outcomes? While the technology integration challenges are significant, much of the technology already exists. The technology challenges relate to engineering challenges such as scalability, interoperability, security and resilience. The primary barrier to more rapid adoption of smart techno­ logies is political and can be overcome by focusing on addressing the challenges outlined above. My team’s work with cities around the world seeks to deal with these challenges head on and to answer the key questions on the lips of every city leader: What is a smart city? Why is it valuable? How do we fund it? When we have answered these questions we will have earned the right to design and deliver the technological solution.



The reality is that there is no “one size fits all” definition. Different cities have different legacies driven by their historic economic and political development, geographical form, energy mix, demographic structure etc. A city’s legacy will drive the type of frustrations that average citizens and businesses experience, and which a smart city project should attempt to mitigate. Even cities with similar legacies will differ as their political administrations have differing political priorities. For example, Copenhagen has the ambition to become carbon neutral by 2025 and to create a world-class hub for clean technology. This is something that will be prioritised to a greater or lesser extent and will therefore define the nature of the smart city strategy. In a city like Madrid, on the other hand, the emphasis may be on water conservation and therefore the smart solutions will see a bias towards water conservation. Cities are constantly trading off priorities and addressing legacy challenges; as such, they will define their smart city agenda in necessarily differing terms. Given the inherent diversity in the definition of the smart city, we have tried to define relative maturity by looking at a number of ‘hard’

and ‘soft’ factors that suggest greater or lesser maturity. While it is easiest to describe the common elements in levels or stages as shown in the framework set out in Figure 1, in practice, implementation may not necessarily be a linear process. For instance, infrastructure development may progress before the management is in place. Alternatively, the management and leadership capabilities may be more advanced than the technological infrastructure.



Many cities are keen to articulate their Smartness to the world, and yet few cities have moved beyond the pilot scale to widespread adoption, and those that have are struggling to integrate solutions at platform level. Singapore is leading the way in relation to city-wide sensing and control platforms with LIVE Singapore, but it is still in the early stages of maturity. In our experience working with cities around the world, we see a number of recurring issues: 1 · Clarity of vision

It is not always clear to administrators how smart technologies will resolve the issues faced by the population on a day-to-day basis. The technology descriptions can be quite abstract (cloud computing, data analytics etc.) and can often obscure the true impact of the technology. The challenge is to explain to stakeholders in the city how an average day in their lives will change with the adoption of smart solutions. 2 · Inability to articulate value

Many cities adopt a myopic view of value in economic terms. While this may simplify investment decision-making, it lacks the richness and diversity of life in the city. Economic value is only one of the many ways public investments create value. The challenge is to establish a framework for measuring and expressing value that resonates with citizens and enables politicians to articulate how they are enriching everyday life in many ways. 3 · Developing economies of scope and scale

Cities tend to focus their technology investments on optimising a single infrastructure layer like energy management, transport or water supply, for instance by implementing a smart traffic management system to reduce congestion or a smart energy grid to reduce loss Issue #2 · 2012 |


from the network. However, tackling infrastructure in isolated silos keeps cities from achieving the resource efficiency potential that ICT can offer. A truly smart city would use technology to integrate across infrastructure silos, enabling the city to operate as a single system. 4 · Business model and finance innovation

In an era of austerity, especially in European and US cities, investment funds are scarce. In order to invest in the new technologies that will make the urban information economy possible, cities will need to take an innovative approach to how they deliver services (operating model), how they charge for them (business model) and how they finance it all. 5 · Governance & coordination of multiple stakeholders

Cities are complex organisations and decisions that involve multiple departments tend to take time and are often at odds with the sales cycles of companies. Procurement cycles for cities can take up to three years from initiation to sale, which can prevent innovative, under-resourced companies from participating in smart city development opportunities. Coordination within the city’s operational silos can be challenging; introducing the private sector to that equation compounds the complexity.



In order to address the challenges outlined above we see a number of responses emerging which, when coordinated in a broader strategy, can significantly change a city’s ability to implement a smart city strategy. A clear vision supported by metrics

One of the first steps in a successful smart city programme is the development and communication of a “smart city vision”. This vision will concisely articulate the ambition, intention and imperatives of the programme. It will depict the type of value which the city is aiming to create through its smart city investments, whether it be human, environmental, intellectual or financial capital. The vision will depict how the smart city will look and feel – what a day in the life of the average citizen will be like. In the most advanced cases, it will segment the citizen base and articulate how different behavioural segments will experience change (pensioners, family units, chil-

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dren etc.). This common vision will help unite multiple government departments, the public and private sectors and civil society around a common view of the art of the possible. The vision will also be grounded in a detailed suite of metrics that will form a performance framework to aid capital allocation decisions, maintain integrity to the core vision over time and demonstrate the added value of investments. Most importantly, this multifaceted view of value should resonate directly with citizens, enabling politicians to articulate the value of public sector investments in terms that matter. A strategic and entrepreneurial approach to ICT

The first step is for city leaders to recognise the potential of ICT to drive value for their citizens and businesses. It is important that city leaders take a more integrated approach to city planning that shifts focus away from the physical real estate and re-balances the strategic planning process to focus on the economic, social and digital aspects of city development. The most progressive cities cultivate business model innovation in their cities – helping the public and private sectors generate value from their data sets and putting in place the foundational infrastructure (both hard assets, such as physical data stores, and softer aspects, such as legislation on data privacy issues) to enable the digital economy to flourish.

A culture of citizen engagement

As the citizens are the primary reason for the existence of city policy, engagement can support cities to define and achieve their goals. This is particularly relevant in a world where citizens have become ‘prosumers’ (producers and consumers) rather than passive consumers of services. The idea that the city vision should be co-designed by government and citizens is particularly pertinent to the smart city ideology, which holds transparency and inclusivity as central tenets. We are still in the fledgling years of the smart city transformation, but we run the risk of overhyping the potential and failing to engage politicians and citizens at a human level. In order to

simon giles

Accenture’s global lead for Intelligent Cities Strategy. His expertise spans sustainable economic development strategies, governance, finance strategy, citizen engagement and digital master planning. Simon Giles works with city governments and developers in Asia, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas, as well as advising the World Economic Forum on smart grids and green growth strategies. He has recently completed a study of Copenhagen as a smart city.

smart city Project Implementation

Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Level 4

Value assessment

Individual project business cases

Some non-financial value added

Holistic value assessment (social/environmental/ financial)

Holistic value assessment supporting diversification of funding sources


Departmental governance structures

Some cross-departmental collaboration

Cross-departmental ’smart city’ management positions in place

City-wide governance structures and shared performance targets combined with international collaboration

Strategic ICT focus

Limited ICT capability

Some strategic focus on ICT

ICT vision for the city

ICT vision and strategy overseen by dedicated City CIO

Citizen engagement with service design

Limited citizen engagement

Project-level, basic needs analysis, pilots

Citizen feedback loops established

Citizen participation in integrated service design

IT project focus

Little or no ICT projects

Targeted ICT project (e.g. Smart Grid)

Integrated ICT investments (including embedded sensing, control and actuation)

Real-time city operations optimisation

Integration of data streams

No data integration

Small-scale data integration

Creative data mash-ups pulling data to a common platform

Open data and crowdsourcing initiatives

Digital service provision

Little or no digital service provision

Handful of digital services

Integrated digital services around the city environment

Variety of cloud-based citizen services

Soft Infrastructure

Innovation in business and governance models

Perhaps the most important ingredient to a smart city is an innovative approach to governance. Smart city projects have enormous potential, but it can only be realised if the programme is set up to succeed with the right capabilities in place and sufficient authority to be able to manage a complex ecosystem. We expect to see significant innovation in operating models, business models and governance structures. One particularly exciting development is in the use of non-traditional enterprise structures (cooperatives, mutuals and social enterprises) to bridge the gap between public and private. These entities could be supported by the city but kept free from the institutional bureaucracy of government and nurtured as entrepreneurial startups. Such an entity could attract funding from multiple sources, and operate as a not-for-profit enterprise, reinvesting any revenue generated through its provision of data services back into its core mission of creating socio-economic and environmental benefits for the city region.

redress the balance, the discourse needs to shift from being technology-driven to outcome-driven. We believe that the steps presented here would form a solid foundation for this transition.

Hard Infrastructure

Issue #2 · 2012 |


Additional reading Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster’s recommendations for further reading on smart cities To find this page with active, deep links visit our website:

Citizens Technology is an important element of smart cities. The main goal however is to create better and more liveable cities for people. Politicians, city planners, architects and researchers are joining forces to create better cities for the people who live in them: • MIT SENSEable City Lab • Sustainable Cities Collective

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Waste Today, many nations face a looming waste management crisis as their landfills reach capacity and continue to degrade the environment. But smart and innovative waste-collection and construction techniques can help to reduce waste volumes and minimise environmental and health impacts: • Talking Trash: The World’s Waste Management Problem • Sustainable Cities: Waste

Data Data forms the core of the smart city. However, col-

lecting and using data often presents a challenge due to the numerous physical, political and legal barriers. For a more in-depth exploration of these challenges and examples of solutions, please see: • Information Marketplaces: The new economics of cities • The Battle for Control of smart cities

Transport A very tangible challenge associated with urbanisation is congestion due to increased transport. Smart cities utilise a number of different solutions to this problem, including modern mass rapid transit systems, congestion control, electronic road pricing, parking guidance and increased Smart public transport. • Sustainable Cities: Transport • IBM: Transportation

Energy Cities are responsible for 80 per cent of global energy

consumption and over half of the world’s greenhouse gas emissions. With the emergence of technologies that make Smart Grids possible, Smart cities have many different ways to vastly reduce energy consumption: • Case: Amsterdam • Smart cities have Smart Backyards • Case: Smart Grid Market Report Denmark

Water Water demand already exceeds supply in many parts of the world and as the global population continues to grow, so too does the demand for water. Water management in smart cities is about planning, developing, distributing and managing the optimum use of water resources: • Sustainable Cities: Water • Smarter Water Management

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Buildings By thinking outside the box and using architectural &

technological innovation as well as integrated solutions, it is possible to ensure that new and existing buildings in smart cities keep their energy consumption to a minimum. See these sites to learn more about green construction: • Smart Buildings • Sustainable Cities: Buildings

Cleantech is all about collaboration So let’s mind each other’s business

Denmark has a long tradition for producing and

developing clean energy and environmental technologies, solutions and businesses. Alongside this tradition a robust ecosystem around sustainability has emerged. Danish universities have a strong focus on environmental, climate and energy research, our businesses produce many strong global brands within cleantech and the regulatory framework in Denmark is supportive of green and sustainable ways of thinking and doing. As a result the Danish cleantech industry generates just over EUR 40 billion in revenue a year and employs 120,000 people. No other country in the world exports more cleantech relative to GDP than Denmark. The Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster (CCC) is at the heart of the cleantech ecosystem in Denmark with a mission to foster cooperation between cleantech companies, research institutions and public-sector organisations. We facilitate partnerships, build test & demo facilities, boost innovation and entrepreneurship, host events, conduct anal-

yses, support internationalisation activities and much more to underpin our goal of becoming the most innovative cleantech cluster in the world. From the outset, CCC has sought a strong international outreach. As the initiator of the International Cleantech Network, we work closely with like-minded clusters in Germany, Austria, Singapore, the USA, Italy, Norway, France, Spain and many other international partners. Through our international network, we can introduce Danish cleantech stakeholders to companies and universities outside the region. We can also bring you closer to the cleantech players in the greater Copenhagen region and beyond. Copenhagen Cleantech Cluster is looking forward to introducing you to our unique cleantech community! For more information, please visit

copenhagen cleantech cluster nørregade 7b dk-1165 copenhagen v denmark t: +45 33220222

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