CPH:DOX 2009 - DOX:FORUM Catalogue

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WELCOME We are very happy to welcome distributors, marketing executives, festival programmers, distribution strategists, representatives from funding bodies, TV editors - and last, but in the epicenter of attention, 14 filmmaking teams with fantastic upcoming films to present. Welcome to three tightly packed days of project presentations, open dialogue sessions and individual meetings between filmmakers and market players. Welcome to a new session at DOX:FORUM - World Premieres interlacing CPH:DOX and the Forum by presenting a selection of the films world premiering at the festival, welcome to panel talks and a focus on hybrid distribution strategies, and welcome to late night hours of informal networking and good old fun.


DOX:FORUM was initiated by CPH:DOX to enhance international distribution of documentary films at a time when traditional distribution models were beginning to crumble and alternative strategies and dynamics were coming more and more into focus. In its third year, the challenges and possibilities are still growing for filmmakers and distributors alike. Distribution, the fall of the old world and the rise of a new, still unknown future is being debated everywhere, and we hope, with DOX:FORUM, to have created a meeting place, that can embrace the ongoing discussions. At The Toronto International Film Festival in September Liesl Copland of WME gave a keynote speech on distribution, suggesting to market films according to their lean forward/lean back market potential. Copland distinguishes

between lean forward content, that commands action and interaction from their audiences, and lean back content, that allows audiences to contemplate, enjoy, think again. She suggests how these categories fit different distribution platforms and how they can coexist in a many faceted marketplace. Although each of the selected projects for DOX:FORUM in many ways qualify for both categories: engaging and involving on the one hand and artistic and contemplative on the other, we have programmed the project presentation sessions with inspiration from Copland’s keynote speech. Not to put the selected projects into boxes, but rather as a starting point for debating the projects’ potential on different platforms and a tool for finding the best possible distribution strategy for each and every project.

With an ever changing filmmaking and distribution landscape as backdrop, and the clear aim to empower filmmakers to navigate the rocky waters of postproduction, obtaining those difficult finishing funds and distributing their films internationally, DOX:FORUM is molded and rethought year by year. This year, we are happy to welcome representatives from funding bodies as well as TV editors as Forum guests. Having funders and commissioning editors with us does not mean DOX:FORUM is becoming a financing forum, but rather that we acknowledge the complex last phase of documentary film making with financing, producing and distributing tightly interlaced. More than anything, we want DOX:FORUM to breathe in energy at a critical time of the projects’ lives and help lift the fantastic films being made off the ground.

In connection with this, we have invited experienced market players such as Matt Dentler, Josh Green, Richard Lorber and filmmaker Jon Reiss to share their hands on film marketing and distribution experience with the film making teams and go in depth with the projects presented at DOX:FORUM this year. We would like to thank them and thank Thom Powers, who will tie our seminar day together, for their time and dedication. We would also like to thank EAVE and EDN for great input in this first year of hopefully long and fruitful collaborations. So in short, a very warm welcome to all - and the best of luck to the filmmaking teams.

Tine Mosegaard, Head of Industry

Riina Spørring Zachariassen, Industry Manager


HOW TO DOX:FORUM DOX:FORUM is an exclusive byinvitation-only event. Only delegates holding a DOX:FORUM Pass have access to Bio Asta at the Danish Film Institute for the project presentations. Forum seminars and talks are open, limited seating events. Tickets must be collected at the box office of Cinemateket. Seminars and talks take place in Bio Asta (lower floor) at the Danish Film Institute.

to an attending audience of market professionals, receiving feed-back, opinions and advice on how to position their film in the international market. DOX:FORUM is also an excellent chance to get updated on new, interesting, hardworking and dedicated distributors of documentary films - and to find out what they are looking for.

Project presentation sessions start ON time. Please arrive at Bio Asta no later than 5 minutes before the start of each session. And please respect that presenting a project to international market representatives can be a stressful experience for filmmakers by being as quiet as possible during presentations.

Project presentations are moderated by Mark Atkin (Crossover Labs/Documentary Campus Masterschool) and Karolina Lidin (Nordisk Film & TV Fond). Each session introduces a small panel of 4 - 5 distributors and festival representatives who will be asked in turn for their opinion on the market potential of the 3 – 4 projects presented in each session.

DOX:FORUM gives 14 filmmaking teams the opportunity to present their upcoming documentary film

Each filmmaking team has a total of 20 minutes to present their project. This includes any time they wish to use


showing trailer or clips as well as the time available for engaging in dialogue with the panelists. The moderators will step in approximately 10 minutes into the presentation to encourage feedback and advice from the panelists. At the end of each session, the presenting teams will be given a form summarizing the comments made by the panel.








9.30 - 11.00/SEMINAR






11.30 - 13.00/KEYNOTE















13.00/LUNCH 14.00 - 15.00/SEMINAR MEET THE FUNDS








Navigating the US Market - New Dynamics Friday November 13 09.30-11.00 hrs in Bio Asta/Cinemateket


These are confusing times. Just as revolutionary production possibilities are opening up, traditional distribution models continue to crumble. More and more filmmakers choose to take control of their films’ distribution, marketing and outreach responsibilities and to plunge themselves into the perils and rewards of DIY and hybrid distribution strategies. Documentary filmmakers in particular are setting an example for the industry, connecting with niche audiences and creating buzz and sales, often on a tiny fraction of a typical studio P&A budget. How are emerging distribution models changing the way films are produced, bought and sold? And how are distributors adapting to the new dynamics

marketplace in focus for this panel talk, Thom Powers will talk to distributors from all walks of the US market - from TV and educational to online, theatrical and DVD. Our panel may not have all the answers, but will provide producers with a compass to navigate the rocky shoals of a challenging and still-evolving marketplace.

of media consumption? With the US

Stranger Than Fiction.

Panelists: Cynthia Kane/ITVS, Cynthia Close/ Documentary Educational Resources, Matt Dentler/Cinetic Film Buff, Emily Russo/Zeitgeist, Josh Green/Emerging Pictures, Richard Lorber/ Lorber Films and Alive Mind, Debra Zimmerman / Women Make Movies Moderator: Thom Powers/Programmer Toronto International Film Festival, Sugar Pictures and

Meet The Funds Friday November 13 14.00-15.00 hrs at Bio Asta/Cinemateket– followed by drinks at Asta Bar.

Securing the financing to complete a documentary film can seem nearly impossible. It can be as time- and energy consuming and require as much creativity as filmmaking. But good things happen to good people – and recently new funders have entered the field – each with a solid commitment to providing money for documentary production. A couple of these are invited to take part in DOX:FORUM this year, joining colleagues here that represent well known and older – but just as dedicated - funds for documentary film. This panel talk offers the chance to meet representatives of important funding organizations. Gain insight into what they look for in a proposal and grant application. Know the common mistakes

to avoid before you submit your application, take away strategies that can make your project stand out during the panel review and be sure to bring business cards and your best pitch for your new project.

Ditte Cohn of the MEDIA Desk will introduce MEDIA as well as European Audiovisual Entrepreneurs, EAVE. Alan Fountain from EAVE will also attend the event.

Panelists: Adella Ladjevardi/Cinereach, Thomas Krag/EURIMAGES, Ryan Harrington/Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund, Cynthia Kane/ITVS, Patricia Finneran/Sundance Documentary Fund and Charlotte Appelgren/Cine-Regio. Moderator: Thom Powers/ Toronto International Film Festival, Sugar Pictures & Stranger Than Fiction. Directly after the panel talk, MEDIA Desk Danmark will host an informal drinks reception, which will round off this year’s DOX:FORUM.


Think Outside the Box Office Friday November 13 11.30-13.00 hrs in Bio Asta/Cinemateket.

Direct access to audiences, overall control of your film and a significantly higher share of the revenues - it might sound too good to be true, but the new hybrid distribution models, which combine direct sales from the filmmaker with distribution via a third party to cinemas, DVD and television, are quickly becoming state of the art within documentary distribution thanks to a number of inspiring success stories. We have invited filmmaker Jon Reiss, named ‘One of the 10 Digital Directors to Watch’ by Variety, to CPH:DOX to give a hands-on keynote presentation about the new models. Jon Reiss is coming to Copenhagen with fresh experience from his latest film Bomb It and his upcoming book publication ‘Think Outside the


Box Office: The Ultimate Guide to Film Distribution and Marketing for the Digital Era’. The book introduces a new hybrid distribution model, which combines the best of traditional and new marketing techniques and which gives us a systematic, step-by-step introduction to how you can make the most of your rights. The book has not been published yet, but can be bought directly from Jon Reiss after his presentation. Speaker: Jon Reiss Moderator: Thom Powers

People have been gathering around

o Filmmakers will experiment with alternative

fires to tell and listen to stories since

structures of storytelling, relying more on

the birth of humankind. The form and

different forms and lengths allowing viewers

delivery of those stories will change,

a multifaceted way to engage with story and

but that need will never change.

characters. o Filmmakers will experiment with new forms


of live events, breathing new life into this ossified form.

o Filmmakers will create long-term relationships with their audiences and engage them as active

o Filmmakers will embrace a long-term

participants in their filmmaking process.

approach to their careers and will judge projects on how each one fits into that career.

o There will be new forms of collaboration between artists in visual media creation that

o Filmmakers will discover new methods

transcend territorial limitations and utilize the

and forms of storytelling that take advantage

technology of the Internet for long-distance

of not only new technology but new forms of


communication between people.





Brain-scientist Professor Richard Davidson conducts an unusual experiment: He will teach American prisoners Mindfulness meditation. Can prisoners become better persons through meditation and thereby change their story of violence? 80 pct. of American prisoners are repeat offenders returning to prison within three years after release. Are we punishing criminals the right way, or should we look at other ways of treating criminals to make them break their criminal habit? By studying buddhist monks he has found that it is possible to re-wire your brain through meditation. Some of the effects are that you become more altruistic, compassionate and happy. Professor Davidson conducts an experiment with American prisoners learning them how to meditate Mindfulness, to see if this might have an effect on their criminal behaviour. Davidson believes that we all have love and compassion in our personalities, and if we can make these feelings dominate


our brain, we might be able to change our personality. Will meditation make you a more compassionate person, and will you then change your crime patterns? In the film Professor Davidson talks with the managing director of the prison, the prison guards and the prisoners, to set up the experiment. Through a couple of prisoners we will follow their emotional journey and their struggle to get to know their brain and chain of thoughts. During the eight weeks of mediation, the prisoners learn how to meditate Mindfulness. Oppressed emotions make their way to the surface when you practice Mindfulness meditation. Our prisoners will during the course deal with their emotions and crimes. We will follow the prisoners while meditating and see if they learn to deal with stressful situations in their everyday lives in prison, we will see when they start dealing with their criminal past and follow them during visiting hours,

talking to their loved ones, seeing how the meditation affects their behaviour.

was in competition at Rotterdam film festival

Is it possible through meditation to free the mind and change your life?


and has won several awards.

Sigrid Dyekjær has produced more than 20 documentary films, among them THE


MONASTERY – Mr. Vig and the Nun in 2006, winner of Joris Ivens Award 2006 , CITIES ON


SPEED – CAIRO / GARBAGE dir. Mikala Krogh

Phie Ambo (director)

2009, MECHANICAL LOVE – Dir. Phie Ambo

Sigrid Dyekjær (producer)

2007 in competition Joris Ivans in Amsterdam, MY GRANDFATHER’S MURDERER – Dir. Mikala Krogh 2005.

Title: A Free Mind


Director: Phie Ambo

Phie Ambo is educated at the National Film

Production: Danish Documentary

School of Denmark and has directed the film

Production/ Sigrid Dyekjær

FAMILY in 2001 which won the Joris Ivans Award

Contact: sigriddyekjaer@gmail.com

at IDFA. The film has won nine other prestigious

+4526162535/ Sales Agent: DR International

awards. It has screened in more than 65 film

Sales, Kim Christiansen

festivals around the world. She has directed the film MECHANICAL LOVE

Running time: 72+52 min.

which was in Joris Ivans competition 2007,

Total Budget (in Euro): 408.750

screened at 15 film festivals and won two

Production Status: Pre-production

first prices.

Expected Release: November 2011

In 2005 she directed the film GAMBLER, which



ARMADILLO is an upfront account of growing cynicism and adrenaline addiction for young soldiers at war. Mads and Daniel are serving their first mission in Helmand, Afghanistan. Their platoon is stationed in Camp Armadillo, right on the Helmand frontline, fighting tough battles against the Taleban on a daily basis. The soldiers are there to help the Afghans, but as fighting gets tougher and operations increasingly hairy, Mads, Daniel and their friends become cynical widening the gap between themselves and Afghan civilians. Mistrust and paranoia set in causing alienation and disillusion. Ideology and politics become more and more abstract to the soldiers as they get fired up on bad-ass attitudes and adrenaline, war becomes a drug that makes them pursue the reality-kicks of getting close to death with increasing recklessness. From the boys’ imagination of war on the training grounds in Denmark to the impact


of hard reality in Afghanistan, ARMADILLO follows Mads, Daniel and their platoon up close in the camp and in battle throughout their stay. The dynamics of the group and the phsycological developments of Mads and Daniel set the narrative of the film. Daniel is the charismatic, informal leader of the pack, a hell-hound whose testosterone levels leave little room for empathy and compassion. Mads is the more sensitive character, in turn repelled by and drawn to Daniels’ ”heart of darkness”. He struggles to keep a humane perspective on the conflict, while his integrity is constantly put to the test by his need to get Daniels’ recognition. ARMADILLO is a journey into the soldiers’ minds and their experiences of modern war. Everyone is potentially an enemy and the camp (Armadillo) becomes not only a physical place but also a mental space – an isolated island – confining the outlook of the young boys.

ARMADILLO is a unique film on the mythological story of man and war, staged in its contemporary version in Afghanistan. It is an under the skin revelation with heartbreaking confessions, epic imagery and controversial battle scenes.

PRODUCER Producer Ronnie Fridthjof has produced a number of acclaimed feature films, documentaries and TV programs, most important being: ”The Christmas Party” (2009),


”Take the Trash” (2008), ”The Police Academy” (2007) and ”Solo” (2007).


Fridthjof Film A/S, founded in 2000, is one of the

Janus Metz (director)

leading production companies in Denmark.

Ronnie Fridthjof (producer)

We are committed to deliver thought provoking and entertaining products, while providing a stimulating work environment for our employees.

DIRECTOR Title: Armadillo

Janus Metz (34) had his breakthrough with last

Director: Janus Metz

years two films ”Love on Delivery” & ”Ticket to

Production: Fridthjof Film/ Ronnie Fridthjof

Paradise”. They were screened by broadcasters

Contact: ronnie@f-film.com +4531412121

and festivals all over the world and Metz

jacob@f-film.com +4531412110/ maria@f-film.com

received numerous recognitions of his work,

+4531412122/ janus@f-film.com +4531412111

the most important being: Silver Wolf Nominee (IDFA) HBO emerging filmmaker (Full Frame),

Running time: 80-90 min. (shorter TV version)

Special mention CPH:DOX, Danish Gold Doc

Total Budget (in Euro): 501.373

2008, Danish TV-Award 2008. Furthermore Metz

Production Status: Editing begun

holds a Master Degree in Communications

Expected Release: May 2010

and Development Studies.




New Folsom Prison, or California State Prison, which is the official name, is one of the strictest prisons in USA. Three thousand of California’s most dangerous criminals serve a sentence here and about half of them serve a life sentence. It’s a secluded and brutal world, with riots, heavily armed guards and murders between rivaling gangs. In the middle of this aggressive world – full of despair and frustration – there is also hope. In the film we meet several prisoners sentenced to life; Spoon, Marty, Rick, Big C, Jack and E-clipse, who, together with a handful of other interns, take part in the programme Arts in Correction. Within the four walls of the programme, they meet over racial borders and gang hierarchies. It has become a place where you create poetry, music, and art, but it has just as much become a vent to discuss the situation you are in. The discussions revolve around racism in the system and the possibilities to escape from the spiral of violence among the gangs which rule at the prison and in the world outside.

At Night I Fly brings us into a mythical, violent, absurd and totally secluded world, Maximum Security. All the ingredients that you recognize from a Hollywood flick are there: aggressiveness, weight lifting, guns, gang signs, tattoos and frustration. But the visual storytelling isn’t speculative and isn’t trying to show us how dangerous and dramatic it is. It is instead a slow and poetic storytelling, which makes the prison routines appear sad, sometimes beautiful and many times a bit surreal. The main characters are the exact opposite of the stereotype image of the life-sentenced convict. The film seeks to gain insight on a deeper level under a certain condition, the Arts in Correction programme, where they all participate. The films perspective is the humane, the prisoner’s perspective. It will not focus on what crimes they once committed, but who they are today: artists, poets and musicians who have through their insights grown spiritually and who have

something to say about us all and what it means to be a human.

Institute’s Documentary Award 2003. Michel Wenzer has made music both for film and concert performances. PRODUCER Tobias Janson, Story. Founded in 1998, Story


Ltd. is a Swedish production company, focusing


and cinema. Four award-winning documentary

Michel Wenzer (director)

filmmakers and a CEO own and run the

Tobias Janson (producer)

company. Story also represents an additional

on creative documentary films for television

number of filmmakers and producers. Story has produced short and feature documentaries as well as animated documentaries and DIRECTOR

commercial work with a documentary

Title: At Night I Fly

Michel Wenzer is a film director and composer,

base, including the pioneering animated

Director: Michel Wenzer

educated at the School of Film Directing,

documentaries Hidden that won Best Short at

Production: Story/ Tobias Janson

GĂśteborg University and at the Academy of

Hot Docs in 2004 and Slaves that won Best Short

Contact: Tobias Janson, Story

Music in Gothenburg. His previous film Three

at IDFA in 2008. Tobias Janson is producer and

www.story.se tobias@story.se

Poems by Spoon Jackson was very well

CEO at Story.


received both in Sweden and internationally. It has won prices and special mentions in

Running time: 56-90 min.

various festivals (IMAGO Film Festival; One

Total Budget (in Euro): 358.916

World Film Festival; 33rd Montreal Festival

Production Status: Post-production

of Nouveau Cinema; Int. Short Film Festival

Expected Release: March 2010

Oberhausen) and it received The Swedish Film


The Brothers - A film about Khieu Samphan & Pol Pot DIRECTOR: David Aronowitsch


Khieu Samphan was the Head of State of the Democratic Kampuchea, the Khmer Rouge-regime from 1975-1979 in Cambodia. He was one of the closest collaborators of Pol Pot and the one the fronted the movement for the world. Khieu Samphan was in the absolute top of the Khmer Rouge hierarchy. He has succeeded in living his life without being held accountable for the crimes of the Khmer Rouge, until now. We have followed him two years before he was arrested in 2007. This is maybe the first time any former top-leader has let himself be filmed in this close way his last time in freedom before he is arrested and charged with Crimes Against Humanity.

for her detention as a small child.

“As a leader for the regime I hold Khieu Samphan responsible for the death of my parents and accountable for the death of 1,7 million others.” Theary was a little girl when the Khmer Rouge came to power in 1975. She was imprisoned in a concentration camp with her mother and brothers. She does not know the reason

A part of the film follows the lawyer Theary Seng who today has joined the Civil Party in the Tribunal to represent herself and other victims.

When the Khmer Rouge took power in 1975 the only leader known to the outside world and to the Cambodians was Khieu Samphan. He had been a politician and even briefly a minister in the government of Prince Sihanouk. He fell out of favour of the Prince and joined to the guerrilla movement in the jungle. When Khieu Samphan met Pol Pot for the first time he was totally captivated by the Buddhalike leader. They formed an unbreakable bond. Pol Pot is the most important person in Khieu Samphan’s life. When Pol Pot died in 1998, after forty years of wars, it was at last peace in Cambodia.

Docs, Toronto, 2003, Best short documentary, the Silver Cub Award, IDFA, 2008. Best Short Animation Film Award, Cinequest, San Jose, California, 2009.The Annecy Cristal for Best Short Animation, The Annecy International Animation Film Festival, June 2009.




Tobias Janson, Story. Founded in 1998, Story

David Aronowitsch (director)

Ltd. is a Swedish production company, focusing

Tobias Janson (producer)

on creative documentary films for television and cinema. Four award-winning documentary filmmakers and a CEO own and run the company. Story also represents an additional


number of filmmakers and producers. Story

David Aronowitsch is a film director, born 1964

has produced short and feature documentaries

Title: The Brothers - a film about Khieu

in Stockholm. He has worked with documentary

as well as animated documentaries and

Samphan and Pol Pot

films for 20 years. David Aronowitsch studied

commercial work with a documentary

Director: David Aronowitsch/ Steffan Lindberg

directing in the directing department at the

base, including the pioneering animated

Production: Tobias Janson, Story

Polish National Film School, 1988-91. He has

documentaries Hidden that won Best Short at

Contact: Tobias Janson, Story/ www.story.se

done shorter and longer documentary films

Hot Docs in 2004 and Slaves that won Best Short

for the Swedish Film Institute and SVT and also

at IDFA in 2008. Tobias Janson is producer and

Running time: 56-90 min.

worked as producer of the television series

CEO at Story.

Total Budget (in Euro): 425.194

Ikon for SVT. He is co-owner of the production

Production Status: In post-production

company Story. His films have been awarded

Expected Release: January 2010

for example: Best Int. Short Documentary, Hot



“You can take me out of the hood, but you can’t take the hood out of me” – Mr Sche Ganstarap is a journey of a young woman into the heart of the ghettos: from Los Angeles (Compton, South Central), New York (Bronx, Queensbridge, Brooklyn), South Miami, Memphis to France (Grigny, Tarteret, Saint-Denis), the film explores the origins of the musical genre Gangsta rap inducing the influence of Jazz, Soul music, the Black Power movement and the cultural heritage of the gang phenomenon. Sandy Lakdar, the director, went alone in risky districts to meet the guys who carry on with the real talk on the streets (Mr Sche from Immortal low life, The Alchemist, Ruc Da Jakel, Alibi Montana, etc). Evoking those who have initiated the genre, including Eazy E, Dre and Ice Cube from NWA, she brings them to talk about their life and environment: poverty, racism, violence, pimping, drugs dealing and prison.


This realistic insight - beyond the stereotypes of rap stars - help us to understand the process which brings some people living in the ghettos to translate their rage, struggles, interrogations and hopes into music.

PRODUCERS Boris Briche & Jennifer Sabbah, Producers. Created in 2006 by Boris Briche, winner of the Film Producer Prize of the Jean-Luc Lagardere Foundation, Boa Films is a Parisbased independent company, which produces


features, short films and documentaries. Jennifer Sabbah joined the company in 2008 and has


been selected at the 2009 EAVE program.

Sandy Lakdar (director)

Boa Films primarily focus on contemporary

Boris Briche/Jennifer Sabbah (producers)

issues dealing with the exchange of culture and devotes space for inventive projects with compelling and author-oriented content.

DIRECTOR Title: Gangstarap

Sandy Lakdar. Writer and director Sandy Lakdar

Director: Sandy Lakdar

is also an actress. She plays in TV shows such

Production: Boris Briche/ Jennifer Sabbah

as Kad & Olivier ‘s sitcom Bertrand.çacom and

Contact: www.boafilms.fr/ +33142386195

Engrenages for Canal +. She has directed short

jennifer@boafilms.fr/ Jennifer Sabbah in Cph

films including Evil, which was selected at the


international short film festival of ClermontFerrand. She collaborates with various artists

Running time: 60 min.

including Jean-Yves Lafesse, the Californian

Total Budget (in Euro): 82.690

Band, Deftones & Team Sleep and Director

Production Status: Offline Editing

Emmanuelle Bercot. Her book Looking for

Expected Release: December 2009

Gangstaz was published in France by Scali.



The Khmer Rouge are regarded as the twentieth century’s second most genocidal rulers. Yet the Killing Fields of Cambodia remain unexplained. Until now.

DIRECTORS: Rob Lemkin/Thet Sambath In ENEMIES OF THE PEOPLE the men and women who perpetrated the massacres – from the foot-soldiers who slit throats to the party’s ideological leader, the notorious Brother Number Two – break a 30-year silence to give testimony never before heard or seen. Unprecedented access from top to bottom of the Khmer Rouge has been achieved through a decade of work by one of Cambodia’s best investigative journalists, Thet Sambath. Sambath is on a personal quest: he lost his own family in the Killing Fields. The film is his journey to discover not how but why they died. In doing so, he hears and understands for the first time the real story of his country’s tragedy. After years of visits and extended hanging out, Sambath finally gets Brother Number Two to admit (again, for the first


time) in detail how he and Pol Pot (the two supreme powers in the Khmer Rouge state) decided to kill party members whom they considered ‘Enemies of the People’. Sambath’s remarkable work goes one stage further: over the years he befriends a network of killers in the provinces who implemented the kill policy. For the first time, we see how orders created on an abstract political level translate into murderous crimes. We have repeatedly used the expression ‘for the first time’. This is because Sambath’s work represents a watershed both in Cambodian historiography and win the country’s quest for closure on one of the world’s darkest episodes. This year the United Nations will finally put the senior surviving Khmer rouge on trial for crimes against humanity. Brother Number Two’s trial is expected to start in 2010. (His arrest is a key part of our film). The trials are expected to deliver justice but few expect the truth to finally come out through this process.

This film goes behind the conventional monolithic presentation of political mass murder; by featuring such extraordinary primary sources we aim to contribute to a greater global understanding of the disparate elements involved in such organised violence.

(BBC2 1997), Malaya: The Undeclared War (BBC2 1998). Thet Sambath (director/producer) is a journalist with the Phnom Penh Post, Cambodia’s premier English-language newspaper. He is


widely regarded as one of Cambodia’s best investigative reporters and his stories have


been syndicated all over the world. Since 1994

Rob Lemkin/Thet Sambath (directors)

he has worked as producer, translator and

Sandra Whipham (executive producer)

camera operator for many world broadcasting organisations including BBC, WGBH Frontline, NHK and NBC. In 2002 he travelled to the US won a Jefferson Scholarship.

Title: Enemies of the People


Director: Rob Lemkin/ Thet Sambath

Rob Lemkin(director/producer) is the founder


Production: Old Street Films/ Sandra Whipham

and director of Old Street Films. He has

Sandra Whiphan (executive producer) Sandra

Contact: swhipham@blueyonder.co.uk

produced and directed over 50 documentaries

Whipham is a producer, executive producer and

+44(0)2075031540/ Mob. +44(0)7889634397

for BBC, Channel 4, ITV, Sky, The History Channel

documentary consultant. Previously she worked

(US) and Arts & Entertainment. He has won

at Channel 4 where she was Editor, More 4,

Running time: 93 min.

numerous awards in Britain and abroad, and

and oversaw the True Stories international

Total Budget (in Euro): 203.465

his work has appeared in major documentary

documentary strand. She co-produced films

Production Status: Final stage of post production

strands for C4, BBC and ITV. He has made

including Burma VJ and commissioned and

Expected Release: Premiering at IDFA in the

several films about the history and politics

executive produced double Sundance award

International Feature Documentary Competition

of Asia including The Real Dr Evil (BBC/History

winner, Afghan Star.

(formerly Joris Ivens)

Channel 2003), Who Really Killed Aung San?



We have the resources to feed everyone, the technology to create clean energy, and the ability to supply everyone with creative, free and comfortable lives - yet we choose not to. At a point when we are threatening to destroy our entire eco system by over-exploiting our natural resources, we need to stop for a moment and ask ourselves why. Are the problems we are facing today part and parcel of our global economic structure and if so, how far could we go if we chose to leave money behind? In Future for Sale filmmaker twentysomething Maja Borg goes on a journey through the USA to consider the options. Empowered by the unusual perspective of 93-year-old futurist Jacque Fresco, one of the minds behind Star Trek, who still believes in the possibility of a fundamental positive shift in our world economy, she takes a step away from party politics and conspiracy theories and


learns all about our present monetary system. On her travels she meets an economist, a biologist, the original Technocrats and ordinary Americans, who all offer different comments or solutions to our current economic crisis. Then she meets a Swedish inventor with a revolutionary sustainable “hydro-atomic” energy proposition, which could change everything. Maja begins to understand the impossible relationship between advanced technology and our monetary system and how it affects our chances to tackle environmental problems. Filmed against a global economy in freefall, Maja realizes that while history is about to repeat itself, we also have a huge opportunity for fundamental change. Do we need to take a radical departure from our global monetary based economy to save the environment and humankind? Style: We will combine archive/ archive animation and Sci-Fi clips with

observational & constructed scenes, using images from present day to express historic events and vice versa. Animated sequences will use a collage technique.

are Dead, 24’ C4 TX 4 Nov 2007, Ottica Zero 13’ 2007, Look at Lucia 52’ 2006, To She in Me 6’ 2005. PRODUCER Scottish Documentary Institute is an


internationally recognised documentary research centre at Edinburgh College of Art


specialised in documentary training, production

Maja Borg (director)

and distribution. Our films have played at major

Scottish Documentary Institute (producer)

documentary film festivals, such as Sundance, Hotdocs, Full Frame, Silverdocs, IDFA, Cinema du Reel, winning many awards and nominations. SDI Productions Ltd is our feature documentary


production arm founded by Noemie

Title: Future for sale

Maja Borg. “The work of Maja Borg exists at

Mendelle & Sonja Henrici. Future for Sale is a

Director: Maja Borg

the intersection of documentary, fiction and

co-production with Lisbet Gabrielsson Films,

Production: Scottish Documentary Institute

experimental film fusing the languages of

Sweden and Millennium Films Oy, Finland

Contact: www.futureblog.net/ s.henrici@eca.

these genres into a compelling, visually rich

ac.uk/ www.scottishdocinstitute.com

and politically astute body of work.” (Lina

Tel. +44 1312216125/ mob. +44 7765415486

Dzuverovic, Electra, London art agency). Her award winning films have shown on TV (Channel

Running time: 90 min.

4, SVT), in festivals (Rotterdam, Oberhausen,

Total Budget (in Euro): 294.386

Edinburgh, Tribeca etc.) & exhibitions (Courtauld

Production Status: Post Production

Institute, Nordic Biennale etc) world wide. Films

Expected Release: February 2010

(selection): Staden 7’ 2008, Happy Birthday you




Governments apply models taken from business corporations in order to improve our health care systems. The goal is to get more health for the money spent, based on the presumption that private corporations are more efficient and less wasteful than public bodies. After the Second World War governments across Europe and around the world – with the sole exception of the USA – were coming to the conclusion that some form of collective, social provision had to be made for health care. The idea was that the free market cannot deliver services that are socially acceptable. People needing most health care services are too poor to be able to afford the market price of that care. Universal health care coverage was first introduced in the UK in 1948. Many countries copied this model, and still retain a system of welfare and equity for all, regardless of ability to pay for services.

pressure around the world. Universal health care systems are being dismantled and privatized, making health care once again a commodity to be bought, rather than a right.The idea is that public health care does not offer incentives to increase efficiency. Costs are growing beyond control because public employees have no self-interest in making an effort. Public management is supposedly an inefficient bureaucracy, and a new ideology under the name “New Public Management” has become dominant - emulating an idealized model of private management.

Now, 60 years later the idea of providing equal rights to all citizens is under

Could it be that we by trying to fix the health service, have created a monster?

Now the public administrations are molded towards the standards of private companies. The health care system of the USA is the source of inspiration for this development. This is peculiar, since US have the most expensive and least effective health care service among comparable nations.

Is the disease and suffering of individuals of such a nature that market mechanisms are the best tools with which to treat them?

PRODUCERS Elin Kristensen has a background from the Faculties of Arts, Social Sciences and Technology Management at NTNU, with a concentration on Drama and Theatre Studies, Sociology and Production Management. Since 2001 she has a


gained a wide range of freelance experience as producer, line producer and production manager.

Håvard Bustnes (director) Elin Kristensen / Dag Hoel (producers)

Dag Hoel has produced documentaries for television and other media since the late 90s. The main focus in his work is international relations and connections between different

DIRECTOR Title: The Health Factory

Håvard Bustnes has worked as a director for 11

Director: Håvard Bustnes

years. His last documentary “Big John” received

Production: Faction Film/ Elin Kristensen

the Norwegian Film Award (Amanda) for best

& Dag Hoel

documentary in 2008 and was awarded Best

Contact: www.factionfilm.no/

Nordic Documentary at the Nordic Panorama

elin@factionfilm.no/ +4790249124

2008. This year it is screened at festivals all over

cultures. He is the head of Faction Film.

the world, like Göteborg International Film Running time: 58/80 min.

Festival, Visions du Réel, Hot Docs International

Total Budget (in Euro): 320.044

Documentary Film Festival, Planet Doc Review

Production Status: In production

and CHP:DOX.

Expected Release: September 2010


KATJA DIRECTOR: Guðmundur Tjörvi Guðmundsson


“We all live in the gutter but some of us are looking up at the stars” – Oscar Wilde One million children live on the streets in the Ukraine. This is the story of one of them, a girl named Katja. The film is a “close up” coming of age story set in a brutal environment, but with a happy ending.

In the years that follow, we return to find Katja and her group fighting off the weather by living under bridges and winter by living in the sewer. We also find Katja taking part in the orange revolution, but although political revolt is in the air, very little changes in the street. The group still battles drugs, rape, murder and police brutality, which all takes its toll and the ‘family’ eventually disintegrates.

In 2003 the director meets 12-year old Katja, who at the tender age of 9, was sent to an orphanage along with her 4-year old brother Andrey. Here she makes a decision that will haunt her for years: She runs away, leaving her younger brother behind.

Katja is back on the streets on her own, and while her mother blames her for not being there for her, Katja’s boyfriend is in court, heavily beaten by the police and facing charges of theft. Out on bail, he is found dead in the river along with their friend.

She soon finds a new ‘family’ in the streets around the central station in Kiev, where a group of 6 boys, 4 dogs and a cat have set up base. Facing risks of kidnapping by sex slavery rings, a group of children is much less likely to be targeted than a single child.

In 2009 Katja is 8 months pregnant. When Katja’s mother passes away, she inherits her apartment and is able to get by with $70 a month from the state and she is finally able to dream of education and work.

Katja has however never gotten over the guilt of abandoning her brother. Recently she discovered that he has been adopted and lives in Italy. The final journey of this film is when Katja goes to Italy with her baby girl to visit her beloved brother Andrey, sequences that have yet to be shot.

PRODUCERS Zik Zak Filmworks was founded in 1995 and has produces more than 20 features, shorts and docs that have won more than 100 international prizes. Producer Hlin Johannesdottir has 9 years of experience in film production, as producer,


administrator, line producer and coordinator.


experience in the same areas.

Producer Grimar Jonsson has 5 years

Guðmundur Tjörvi Guðmundsson (director) Hlin Johannesdottir/Grimar Jonsson (producers)

DIRECTOR The director, Guðmundur Tjörvi Guðmundsson, Title: Katja

is born 1976 and graduated from Fine Arts Saint

Director: Guðmundur Tjörvi Guðmundsson

Thomas University Miami in 2000.

Production: Zik Zak Filmworks

Tjörvi worked on several feature films as

Contact: www.zikzak.is/ +354 5112019/ Grimar

assistant camera man and on smaller projects

Johnsson Mob. +354 6959522/ Fax. +354 5113019

as DOP. Tjorvi shot and directed a TV documentary

Running time: 85 min.

“Galdrastef á Ströndum” for the Icelandic

Total Budget (in Euro): 100.000

Broadcasting Company and has held

Production Status: Production/Post-production

several photo exhibitions. Katja is Tjorvi’s

Expected Release: September 2010

first documentary feature.



After breaking one’s heart a man should buy a plant and take care of it for two months. If the plant survives the man buys a dog and takes care of it. If the dog survives a year the man is ready for a new relationship. Rules of Single Life is a documentary about the period between buying a plant and surviving with a dog for a year. Tonislav Hristov, 29, the director, moved from Bulgaria to Finland nine years ago after a Finnish lady and got married to her. He lived in a new country among new people in a way through his wife until wo years ago when the wife left him. A southern man who had never lived alone found himself learning how to be alone and single after seven years of marriage in a cold Northern culture. In seven years he had adopted the Finnish habits as a married man. The northern behavior among singles was something he had to learn. Now, his best friend Zoran, 27, another


Bulgarian ex-patriot living in Finland and married to a Finnish lady, is also getting – after long and frustrating marital therapy - divorced. Tonislav is trying to help Zoran to survive with a plant and gradually start taking care of the dog. Kiril, 32 – again a Bulgarian emigrant – is an expert of how not to get married. He’s been for 10 years in a relationship with same lady and asked her to marry him five times. The lady is saying no, because apparently still after 10 years she does not believe in marriage. Hari,23, on the other hand, has never had a relationship that lasted more than two weeks. The boys made a decision; they will give themselves 12 months of time to find new Finnish lady friends. If this won’t work they’ll never cope with ladies again. The story’s about these 12 months. Deep down the film is about our selfimage. Do we reflect ourselves too

much through relationships? Are we full as humans only through others? Of course it is also about cultural differences. How to be at the same time liberal and strong? And we also try to touch some other crucial questions of life such as how come Finnish men are physically overwhelmingly superior over Bulgarians? How come Bulgarian men are mentally overwhelmingly superior over Finnish men? Why women are superior in both ways? And does it really help – after one’s divorce – to get laid as much as possible?

Family Fortune, 2007 – a documentary film about Bulgarian family and their relatives abroad; YLE1, Finnish Film Foundation, Church Media Fund PRODUCER Making Movies is a Finnish production company


based in Helsinki. Established in 1996


films. The founding members and shareholders

Tonislav Hristov (director)

of Making Movies are Kai Nordberg and Kaarle

Kaarle Aho (producer)

Aho. Since 1996 Making Movies has produced

the company produces fiction and documentary

more than 50 documentaries, numerous short films and two feature films. The films produced by Making Movies have been broadcasted in DIRECTOR

more than 30 countries.

Tonislav Hristov was born in Vratza, Northern Title: The Rules of Single Life

Bulgaria, in 1978. In 1999 he moved to Finland.

Making Movies’ last feature film “Black

Director: Tonislav Hristov

He started to work as computer operator

Ice”(2007) was selected to the official

Production: Making Movies Oy/ Kaarle Aho

for several Finnish filmmakers and ended up

competition of Berlinale 2008.

Contact: www.mamo.fi/ kaarle.aho@mamo.fi

directing himself. He has MSC in Computer

+358 407253936/ Mob. +358 96829540

Engineering (2002) and Master degree in Filmmaking (2007).

Running time: 80 min.

He has worked for years as a free lancer for YLE

Total Budget (in Euro): 330.000

Basaari and YLE Mundo making TV-programs

Production Status: In editing

on emigrants living in Finland.

Expected Release: First rough cut mid November

His first documentary film was:



Gustav and Oscar are twins. They have the same blonde hair and blue eyes. But no one ever mistakes one for the other: Gustav is the tallest boy in the class and Oscar is diagnosed with Achondroplasia, the most common form of short-limb dwarfism. In the film we follow the brothers through their journey of adolescence and struggle for identity, on their way to become grown-ups. The director, Axel Danielson, have filmed his sister’s twin sons since they were nine years old until they turn nineteen years old. ”My aim is to make a film about time and existence. The film will emerge from the two boys adolescence, their way into the adult world. The film, totally based on scenes, have the time span of ten years of their lives. I want to examine how the different roles and personalities develop during this time span. How the search for an identity changes due to age and experiences. How their different situations and personalities shape them and how


time prepares them for the life ahead of them.” – Axel Danielson

have been sold to several countries. Twin Brothers is Axels first feature length film. PRODUCER Plattform Produktion was founded in 2002 by Erik Hemmendorff and Ruben Östlund. The


first feature film ””The Guitarmongoloid” ” won the FIPRESCI at Moscow International Film


Festival and was nominated for the Nordic

Axel Danielson (director)

Council Prize for Best Nordic Film, 2005. The film

Erik Hemmendorf (producer)

“INVOLUNTARY” (De ofrivilliga) premiered in Cannes Official Selection Un Certain Regard in 2008, and was nominated for five Guldbaggar for Best Film, Script, Director, Cinematography

Title: Twin Brothers


and Main Actress 2009. The feature documentary

Director: Axel Danielson

Axel Danielson, born 1976 in Vittskövle, a small

“An Extraordinary Study In Human Degradation”

Production: Plattform Produktion/ Erik

village in the south of Sweden. Axel was early

was selected for Nordic Competition


introduced to film by his father Jan Danielson,

Göteborg Int. Film Festival 2008 and the feature

Contact: www.plattformproduktion.se

a well known profile of Wild Life films in Swedish


+46 317116660/ Mob. +46 701711923

Television and he also acted in Stefan Jarls

was in Official Selection Locarno Film Festival


first feature film ”Goda Människor”. Axel later

2009. Erik studied at the School of Photography

worked as a fire fighter for three years before

and Film, Gothenburg University.

Running time: 90 min.

studying film directing at Filmhögskolan,

Total Budget (in Euro): 400.000

Göteborgs Universitet. His graduation film

Production Status: In editing

Sommarlek, 2005, recieved numeros prices on

Expected Release: 2010

international filmfestivals over the world and


Untitled branson documentary DIRECTORS: AJ Schnack/David Wilson

Deep in the heart of Missouri’s Ozark Mountain range, lies America’s most unexpected and improbable tourist destination – Branson, Missouri. Tourists come from around the world to this small, Midwestern town, most in search of a brand of entertainment that they sense has been lost – wholesome, patriotic, Christian, family values-based good times. The town’s biggest boom came in the early 1990s when a flood of entertainers, most entering into their sunset years, came to town and opened their own theaters – Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, Andy Williams, Tony Orlando, Glen Campbell, Mel Tillis and others. The influx of World War II-era seniors on tour buses enforced an image of Branson as a kind of retirement home for singers and their fans. These ideas – that Branson is the town where entertainers go to retire and that Branson is a haven of conservative,


red-state American entertainment – have largely come to define the town’s popular image in the United States. As Homer Simpson once remarked, Branson is Las Vegas if Ned Flanders ran it. But beyond the neon, the sequins, the oversized theaters and the nonstop marketing hustle are families doing business together – show business. And the reality of their lives is far different from the surface stereotypes. The UNTITLED BRANSON DOCUMENTARY takes the viewer deep into the lives of four very different families – the Presleys, founders of the Branson music scene; the Lennons, American icons who moved to Branson for one last opportunity to entertain; the Tinocos, who have risked their life savings trying to keep their show alive; and the Holdermans, caught in a child custody battle over a father’s homosexuality. Living and working together, these families find their own future, as well as the future of Branson,

very much in flux. In their lives, we see a collective portrait of one of the most surprising places in America at a decisive moment in its history.

for Nonfiction Filmmaking. David Wilson recently completed his most recent short documentary, BIG BIRDING DAY. He was a photographer on AJ Schnack’s CONVENTION and is also the founder and co-director of the True/False Film Festival.


PRODUCER Nathan Truesdell is a multi-hyphenate filmmaker based in Columbia, Missouri. He is currently directing his first feature documentary about

AJ Schnack/David Wilson (directors)

money artists, counterfeiters and currency

Nathan Truesdell (producer)

designers. His previous credits include CONVENTION, on which he served as producer, photographer and co-editor.

Title: Untitled Branson Documentary Director: AJ Schnack/ David Wilson


Production: My Country Home, LLC

AJ Schnack is a filmmaker and writer based

Contact: AJ Schnack/ +1 323 829 3088

in Los Angeles. His previous films include the


ensemble documentary, CONVENTION (2009), KURT COBAIN ABOUT A SON (2006) and

Running time: Feature Length (approx 90 min.)


Total Budget (in Euro): 237.000

Schnack is the author and editor of the popular

Production Status: Nearing end of pricipal

nonfiction film blog All these wonderful things


(http://edendale.typepad.com), and the

Expected Release: 2011

founder and co-chair of the Cinema Eye Honors


URVILLE DIRECTOR: Angela Cristlieb


Urville is the most modern city in the world. It is situated on an island in the Mediterranean and you can reach it by ferry boat. After sundown – standing by the coast of the Côte d’Azur - you can see Urville’s skyline on the surface of the sea. People say everyone is equal in Urville. Neither prisons, nor ethnic rivalries exist and its divorce rate is below 1 percent. Solidarity is a school subject in Urville. Urville is fictional. Some have seen it or know exactly where it is situated, others think of it as a reflection on the Mediterranean’s surface just off the coast of Corsica. Urville is reality. Three French villages carry its name and all inhabitants are certain that their Urville is the most beautiful place in the world. Champagne comes out of the faucet and heals Diabetes and Alzheimers disease. Elections are held in an improvised polling booth in the mayor’s closet and the political opponent is a selfmade Real Estate-Redskin who carries a lifesize cartboard-figure of Bill Clinton around in the woods. No one is afraid of death in Urville – but Urville

is also situated next to one of France’s biggest nuclear power plants. In case of an emergency iodine tablets will be given out for all inhabitants up to the age of forty. The world champion of chitling-making lives in Urville and people always stick together in case of an upsetting event. Some people live a circus life outside the constraints of everyday life and dream of a bourgoise marriage. Everything is possible in Urville. You won’t find it without GPS navigation, detailed maps may help but sometimes you can not even see it with binoculars. But if you make your way to Urville you will find out eventually that legends are worth believing. Fascinated by all these open minded and lovable human beings the film’s director Angela Christlieb goes on a personal, poetic dream-voyage along the boundaries of fiction.

camera operator for several independent film and art projects. Her new feature, URVILLE will premier in fall 2009. PRODUCER Helge Albers studied Film-Production at the HFF


“Konrad Wolf� in Potsdam, Germany. In 1999 he co-founded the Flying Moon Film-Production


Company which has produced high quality

Angela Christlieb (director)

feature films and documentaries with both an

Helge Albers (producer)

edge and an appeal to a wide audience ever since. Albers and his partner Roshanak Behesht Nedjad focus on international Co-Productions and the development of new talent. Among

Title: Urville


the many films he worked on as Producer or

Director: Angela Christlieb

Angela Christlieb received an MFA in Video Arts


Production: Flying Moon Filmproduction

and Experimental Filmmaking at the UDK Berlin,


/Helge Albers

Germany. In 1997, she moved to New York with

URVILLE is his first collaboration with Angela

Contact: www.fflyingmoon.com

an Emerging Artist grant and began working as



an independent filmmaker, producing several

+49 (0) 3032297180/ Mob. +49 (0) 1773061825

shorts. In 1999 she received an academic grant, DAAD, to study film production at the

Running time: 82 min.

New School where she wrote and co-directed

Total Budget (in Euro): 254.245,51

her first award winning feature documentary

Production Status: Completed

CINEMANIA. In 2001 she moved back to Berlin.

Expected Release: Winter 2010

She currently works as a freelance editor and



Vinylmania is an exploration into the old and new passion for records. It is about the search for an identity, one cry against the ´fast-food` MP3 music for iPods... Walking down the staircases into the dingiest, dustiest and most hidden-away record shops, we travel through the fascination of the qualities that makes vinyl a legendary object. Dancing in the clubs where the groove of vinyl beats out its rhythm with DJs, we discover contemporary artists that make music with vinyl or still release their music on it, and talk with people on a vinyl blog all over the world. With a chorus of DJs, collectors, experts and simple music lovers and teenagers, together with archive film footage that looks at vinyl being discussed as a cultural phenomenon, we discover an object that today represents a huge part of human heritage.


He ís working as a DJ-performer under different nick names. PRODUCER Stefilm is one of the most prominent documentary film producers in Italy, founded


by Stefano Tealdi, Elena Filippini and Edoardo Fracchia.


Stefilmís productions, mostly developed

Paolo Campana (director)

with support from the European Union's

Stefano Tealdi/Edoardo Fracchia (producers)

MEDIA Programme, are largely international coproductions. To date Stefilm has worked with more than 40 television networks across the globe, and with more than 50 partners,

Title: Vinylmania Director: Paolo Campana


which include distributors, independent

Production: Stefilm/ Stefano Tealdi

Paolo Campana was born in 1968 in Turin, Italy.

production companies and institutions.

& Edoardo Fracchia

Film and documentary maker, Paolo Campana

Contact: www.stefilm.it / edoardo@stefilm.it

has already made a number of personal films

Stefano@stefilm.it/ +39 0116680017

selected in Italian and International festivals.

Edoardo +39 3492980310

He made his first short in 35mm in 1996, a tribute

Stefano +39 3496184056

to the Bloody Sunday’s day. In 2007-08 Paolo Campana worked for the Italian

Running time: 75 min.

public channel RAITRE directing short films for

Total Budget (in Euro): 250.380

the childrenís show ´Screensaver`.

Production Status: In pre-production

Paolo Campana has worked extensively as

Expected Release: July 2010

camera-operator and editor.


WORLD PREMIERES - Danish Titles to Watch Thursday November 12 9.30-10.30 hrs in Bio Asta / Cinemateket – (there will be coffee)

As a new feature at DOX:FORUM this year, we are happy to present an early morning World Premiere session, introducing brand new Danish documentaries ready to hit the international market. Over the past six years, several fantastic documentaries have world premiered at CPH:DOX before traveling on to Amsterdam, Sundance and Berlin creating much buzz and international attention. Highly acclaimed and prize winning films as Jørgen Leth & Lars von Trier’s The Five Obstructions, Pernille Rose Grønkjær’s The Monastary, Michael Noer’s Vesterbro and Anders Østergaard's Burma VJ are famous examples.

opportunity to get updated on the Danish documentary scene right now, to meet the creative teams behind some of the coming year’s biggest Danish titles and to pick up the next hit on the international circuit. Festival director Tine Fischer will present the Danish competition at CPH:DOX, initiated two years ago as a consequence of the many fantastic Danish films and talents, and Film commissioner Michael Haslund-Christensen, and Festival Manager Anne Marie Kurstein both from the Danish Film Institute will talk to a handful of filmmakers with new films world premiering during CPH:DOX, showing snippets of the films during the talk.

Interlacing CPH:DOX and DOX:FORUM, this new sessions offers a great

For festival screenings please see the official catalogue or program.


Most titles can also be seen at DOX:MARKET, the festival's digital VoD market, situated on the 4th floor of the DFI. The market is open November 06-13

Complaints Choir Ada Bligaard Søby


The DeVilles Nicole Nielsen Horanyi

Bogotá Change Andreas M. Dalsgaard

Dreams of Copenhagen Max Kestner

Cairo Garbage Mikala Krogh

Hurry Home Laurits Munch-Petersen

Mumbai Disconnected Camilla Nielsson

Insurgentes Lasse Hoile

Shanghai Space Nanna Frank Møller

Into Eternity Michael Madsen The Invention of Dr. Nakamats Kaspar Astrup Schröder Kim Morten Meldgaard Listening Nights Lisbeth Jessen Murder Andreas Johnsen My Father From Haifa Omar Shargawi Olafur Eliasson Seeing Space Jacob Jørgensen, Henrik Lundø Out of Love Birgitte Stærmose Stages Uffe Truust Tankograd Boris Bertram Turf War in No Man’s Land Suvi Andrea Helminen











ANGEL SCANDINAVIA Peter Sølvsten Thomsen, peter@angelfilms.dk FAVORITE DOCS Tarnation, The Devil & Daniel Johnston Bukowski: Born into This

NAME & COMPANY Peter Sølvsten Thomsen, Angel Films A/S PROFILE Feature film acquisition, distribution and production (also short films and Tv) in Scandinavia since 1987. Also involved in international co-productions. Full Studio and post production facilities. Dvd authoring and encoding in all formats. RECENT ACQUISITIONS Dragon Hunters feature + TV series Gigantic GETTING INVOLVED Blomstervænget 52, 2800 Lyngby, Denmark Ph: +45 70702270, Direct: +45 25599916 Cell: +45 22780787, Fax: +45 70702271


THE AUTEURS Tobias Morgan, www.theauteurs.com, t@theauteurs.com

NAME & COMPANY Tobias Morgan, The Auteurs PROFILE An online cinematheque and social network to watch, discover, and discuss the best of foreign, independent, and classic cinema. A global platform. LOOKING FOR The best international independent cinema. SPECIAL CRITERIA Prefer short form media at this stage, but open to everything. We focus on niche works of cinema: foreign, independent, and classic films, in some cases emphasizing works that have struggled to receive distribution.

RECENT ACQUISITIONS 35 Shots of Rum, Irezumi, Bowling for Columbine, Killer of Sheep, Code Unknown NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Somers Town, Lights in the Dusk, The Wrestler, The Class, Bright Future GETTING INVOLVED t@theauteurs.com FAVORITE DOCS Sans Soleil, Chris Marker, Soy Cuba, Mikhail Kalatozov


AUTLOOK FILMSALES Peter Jäger, www.autlookfilms.com, peter@autlookfilms.com

NAME & COMPANY Autlook filmsales, Peter Jäger, Managing Director PROFILE AUTLOOK FILMSALES is a worldwide sales agent for powerful, daring and acclaimed docs. We select around 25 TVdocumentaries a year and up to 6 docs with worldwide theatrical potential. Autlook is a full-service sales agent, 5 people strong, handling festivals, TV-, theatrical-, educational-, DVD- and digital sales worldwide. Autlook attends all important theatrical markets (Cannes, Berlin, Toronto, Pusan, Locarno, Sundance, Hong Kong, Rotterdam, …) and all Doc markets (IDFA,


Hot Docs, Sheffield, Leipzig, Visions du Réel, MIPTV, MIPCOM, etc. LOOKING FOR We look for auteur-driven, cinematic docs with international appeal. SPECIAL CRITERIA None RECENT ACQUISITIONS Some examples of our lineup: Our Daily Bread, Bananas, Long Distance Love, The Sound of Insects - Records of a Mummy, Disco & Atomic War, Eyes Wide Open www.autlookfilms.com GETTING INVOLVED peter@autlookfilms.com

CAT’N’DOCS Catherine Le Clef, cat@catndocs.com

NAME & COMPANY Catherine Le Clef, CAT&Docs PROFILE CAT&Docs’ focus is on promoting and distributing all types of documentaries in all media around the world, and of course in France. LOOKING FOR CAT&Docs is looking for original documentaries, investigative documentaries, collections, portraits of men and women renown and unknown, in fields as history, society, justice, environment, economy, politics, art and culture, but always associated with high standard of content and form. Pertinent and impertinent films on

topical questions and timeless subjects; carefully researched documentaries; documentaries that rigorously explore the subject matter, that are audacious, open to the diversity of the world and that have their place on the international scene; documentaries that question the world and propose new ways of looking at it. SPECIAL CRITERIA To satisfy the technical requirements of theatrical, digital and television channels, the films should be shot in HD whenever possible and preferably be available in one hour format. RECENT ACQUISITIONS Jaffa, The Orange Clockwork by Eyal Sivan, Israel / Last Train Home by Lixin Fan, Canada/ Cat Dancers by Harris Fisham, USA / Dharavi, Slum for Sale by Rob Appleby & Lutz / Konerman, Switzerland My Toxic Baby by Min Sook Lee, Canada Which Way Home by Rebecca Cammisa, USA

NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Dreamland by Þorfinnur Guðnason & Andri Snær Magnason, Iceland GETTING INVOLVED At the project stage, completed or just about to be, if your film is creative and ambitious, we would be delighted to consider it for distribution or assistance with financing. But first, read the enclosed acquisitions criteria and if appropriate send a synopsis to cat@catndocs. com and/or a DVD of the film to 18 rue Quincampoix #133 / F-75004 Paris / France. Mobile: +33 6 33 64 86 02 FAVORITE DOCS The Staircase by Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, France, The Beautiful Horrible Life of Leni Riefenstahl by Ray Müller, Germany


CINEREACH Adella Ladjevardi, www.cinereach.org, adella@cinereach.org

NAME & COMPANY Adella Ladjevardi, Grants Manager Cinereach PROFILE Cinereach was created in 2006 by young filmmakers, philanthropists and entrepreneurs to champion vital stories, artfully told. The young not-for-profit facilitates the creation of films that challenge, excite, innovate, offer new perspectives and inspire action through three initiatives: Grants & Awards, The Reach Film Fellowship and Productions. LOOKING FOR Through cinematic artistry and storytelling, Cinereach supports films: Provide insight and spark dialogue/


Challenge prejudice and advance human rights/ Discover humanity and hope/ Foster global community. Cinereach funds well-crafted nonfiction and fiction films that depict underrepresented perspectives, resonate across international boundaries, and spark dialogue. SPECIAL CRITERIA Grants range from $5,000 – $50,000 and are awarded to films at any stage, including development, production, post-production, audience building and distribution. Cinereach’s ethos favors good storytelling over didacticism and complexity over duality. It supports films that demonstrate creativity, visual artistry and take a character-based approach. RECENT GRANTS For the Summer 2009 grant cycle, Cinereach reviewed 636 letters of inquiry, from 70+ countries, and invited 61 projects

to submit full proposals. 9 non fiction projects were selected (12 in total): NOAH’S ARC (David Redmon & Ashley Sabin, Russia/Japan) PHANTOM COWBOYS (Annie Waldman & Daniel Carbone, USA) UNTITLED GAY RETIREE DOCUMENTARY (PJ Raval, USA) DELTA BOYS (Andrew Berends, Nigeria) THE MOSUO SISTERS (Marlo Poras & Yu Ying Wu Chou, China) THE WORLD IN A ROOM (Tanaz Eshaghian, USA) UNTITLED SMALL ACT DOCUMENTARY (Jennifer Arnold, Kenya/Sweden/Switzerland) UP HEARTBREAK HILL (Erica Scharf, USA) STRONG ISLAND (Yance Ford, USA) GETTING INVOLVED Adella Ladjevardi, Cinereach 126 Fifth Avenue, 5th Floor New York, NY 10011, USA Tel: 212-727-3224 Ext: 115 Email: adella@cinereach.org Web: www.cinereach.org

CINETIC RIGHTS MANAGEMENT Matt Dentler, www.cineticmedia.com, mattd@cineticmedia.com

NAME & COMPANY Matt Dentler, Cinetic Rights Management PROFILE Formed in 2007, Cinetic Rights Management provides comprehensive film sales representation for digital media. Cinetic has become the industry gold standard through aggressive sales and innovative dealmaking. That reputation now extends to digital platforms through CRM. CRM is dedicated to assessing the universe of licensing opportunities in order to maximize revenue on behalf of filmmakers. We maintain up-to-the-minute relationships with and knowledge of all digital retailers, from the large portals serving the broadcast audiences to the

small sites serving deep niche interests. LOOKING FOR Feature-length films, primarily English-language SPECIAL CRITERIA Over 45 minutes, any topic. RECENT ACQUISITIONS Collapse, 3 Points, Macheads NORDIC ACQUISTIONS N/A GETTING INVOLVED Email. FAVORITE DOCS This year: Anvil, Food inc, We Live in Public, The September Issue.


DIVA AG Robert Franke, www.diva.ag, robert.franke@diva.ag

NAME & COMPANY Robert Franke, Diva AG (Head of Content) PROFILE Diva.AG is one of the world’s leading digital distribution solutions for award winning movie and TV show producers. Building on its legacy Diva.AG today has offices in Beijing, Berlin, London, New York and Zurich. Our licensors and distribution partners are in Europe, North America and Asia making us a truly global organization. Globally there are literally hundreds of digital content retailers operating with different business models. Independent content producers and distributors value the assistance in getting their content to Video on Demand, IPTV and mobile TV


platforms to be viewed by new audiences globally. Diva.AG’s technical platform normalizes and manages all acquired content and metadata and makes it available in the various content formats specified by its distribution partners. This makes Diva.AG the interface between two extremely diverse and heterogeneous sectors: content originators & distributors and emergent digital retailers. By pooling the rights of many smaller rights owners and offering them to a large number of digital retailers Diva.AG adds value to both sides that would otherwise have a hard time managing one on one relationships and the corresponding technology. LOOKING FOR Quality feature films and documentaries of all genres SPECIAL CRITERIA None

RECENT ACQUISITIONS Animal Sapiens, Arachnophobia, Are we alone?, Checking the Earth, Global Dump, Korubo- Fight to the end, Living on Water, Lost Worlds: Genesis. Final Point, Lost Worlds: SHABA, the Land of God and the Evil, Made in Angola, Mantis, Natural Genious - Clocks, crygenesis and time machines, Sahel - Wounded Frontier: Djembe dream, Sahel - Wounded Frontier: Men of the sea, The adventure of Cheyenne, The Bull, The Call of Africa: Dying in Africa, The Call of Africa: To Love Oneself, The secret World of Plants. NORDIC ACQUISTIONS n.n. GETTING INVOLVED robert.franke@diva.ag FAVORITE DOCS Supersize Me, Planet B Boy Crips and Bloods: Made in America

DOCUMENTARY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES Cynthia Close, www.der.org, cclose@der.org

NAME & COMPANY Cynthia Close, Executive Director Documentary Educational Resources, INC (D.E.R.) PROFILE Founded in 1968 by filmmakers, we currently distribute over 1000 titles to the international TV broadcast, educational and consumer DVD and streaming markets. We also own the copyright to an important archive of ethnographic film. We collaborate on film restoration and other projects with the Smithsonian Institution and the Harvard Film Archive. We support the production of independent documentary film via our fiscal sponsorship program. We have

approximately 40 projects in this program. LOOKING FOR New filmmakers who are building long term relationships with the subjects that they chose to film. SPECIAL CRITERIA Films that explore issues as opposed to character studies. Any length from 15-90 minutes. Series are OK. (in regards to e.g. duration, contents, etc.) RECENT ACQUISITIONS We have recently focused on acquiring the life’s work of several important filmmakers: Richard Leacock (soon to be released) George Stoney (3 titles – more coming) Jacqueline Veuve (All works in English) The Ballad of Esequiel Hernandez (Emmy Award Winner – PBS TV) NORDIC ACQUISTIONS The Last Yoik in Saami Forests? (Finland) GETTING INVOLVED cclose@der.org/ Phone: +1-617-926-0491

FAVORITE DOCS Iraq in Fragments by James Longly (but we don’t distribute it) A Kalahari Family by John Marshall (we do distribute it)


DOGWOOF Oli Harbottle, www.dogwoof.com, oli@dogwoof.com

NAME & COMPANY Oli Harbottle, Dogwoof PROFILE Dogwoof is a UK film distributor specialising in social issue films, documentaries, independent films and world cinema. Dogwoof releases films nationwide, acquiring all rights for exploitation through theatrical, DVD, TV, Mobile and Online platforms, backing their releases with major marketing campaigns. The aim of this approach is to trigger change, and get people to take action by making films available at cinemas and venues around the country. An example of this includes the record breaking


release of The Age of Stupid which had it’s premiere satellite broadcast to over 60 cinemas. Dogwoof is also constantly trying new technologies, and new business models, which offer endless opportunities for independent distribution. Dogwoof has the freedom and the will to exploit these. The company intends to build on the success of the last six years and its vision is to develop, expand and, above all, innovate. LOOKING FOR Feature documentaries which can reach a new audience through innovative and non-traditional theatrical campaigns; possible partners for releases. SPECIAL CRITERIA We are looking just for feature documentaries at the moment. RECENT ACQUISITIONS The Age of Stupid, The End of The Line, The Vanishing of The Bees, We Live In

Public. NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Burma VJ. GETTING INVOLVED oli@dogwoof.com FAVORITE DOCS All the above!

DR TV Mette Hoffmann, www.dr.dk, meho@dr.dk

GETTING INVOLVED meho@dr.dk FAVORITE DOCS My taste is secret. But if you are a fan of DOKUMANIA, you would know NAME & COMPANY Mette Hoffmann Meyer DR - Danish Broadcast Corporation PROFILE DR is a 5 channel public broadcaster showing a wide range of documentaries and factual programming. LOOKING FOR Good stories SPECIAL CRITERIA All genres, high production value. and again good stories RECENT ACQUISITIONS Too many to mention.. approximately 200 within the last 3 months. NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Too many to mention


DR SALES Kim Christensen, www.dr.dk/salg/drsales, kimc@dr.dk

NAME & COMPANY DR International Sales PROFILE DR international Sales is the sales department of DR, the Danish Broadcasting Corp. It’s Scandinavia’s largest international distributor present at all major television markets and festivals. DR International Sales distribute and sell films, television programmes archive footage produced by DR as well as produced by independent companies. We specialize in Documentaries, Kids Programming and TV-Drama. DR International Sales also handles film projects in production for international co-productions and pre-sales.


LOOKING FOR Documentaries that (also) work for TV SPECIAL CRITERIA Social and human issues, current affairs that gives us an idea or new views on the status of the World We always need a 1hour version RECENT ACQUISITIONS Cities On Speed The Great Contemporary Art Bubble NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Cities On Speed, Red Chapel, The Face of The Enemy, Complaints Choir GETTING INVOLVED Send treatment and pilot to postal address or send e-mail for touching base/present an idea FAVORITE DOCS Red Chapel, Man On Wire (pretty obvious), Errol Morris

EMERGING PICTURES Josh Green, www.emergingpictures.com, josh@emergingpictures.com

NAME & COMPANY Josh Green, Emerging Pictures PROFILE Emerging Pictures is the largest all-digital theater network in the United States. Emerging has a network of arts institutions, media arts centers and independent art house theaters, tied together through digital technology - enabling us to cost effectively exhibit art films, documentaries, foreign language films, independent cinema and cultural programming. The Emerging Cinemas Network currently consists of 65 venues and is rapidly growing.

LOOKING FOR Independent films, documentaries, and international features with US distribution and/or which open theatrically in New York SPECIAL CRITERIA (in regards to e.g. duration, contents, etc.) RECENT ACQUISITIONS See Emerging website for all exhibited films…. NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Exhibited in our network: Flame & Citron, O’Horten, Let the Right One In, Manderlay GETTING INVOLVED Phone (212) 245-6767 Fax (212) 202-4984 FAVORITE DOCS Kassim the Dream, Man on Wire, The Cove The Way We Get By, Supersize Me


GUCCI TRIBECA DOCUMENTARY FUND Ryan Harrington, www.tribecafilminstitute.org, documentary@tribecafilminstitute.org

NAME & COMPANY Ryan Harrington; Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund PROFILE The Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund provides finishing funds to feature-length documentaries which highlight and humanize issues of social importance from around the world. Funded films are driven by thoughtful and indepth storytelling, bolstered by a compelling visual approach. As mainstream media moves away from in-depth coverage of world affairs, domestic issues and social conflicts, the documentary has become an important and much needed tool to draw attention


to the serious issues facing our world today. At the same time, the craft of the documentary is expanding in exciting directions, merging diverse points-of-view with new technologies and responding to the immediacy of the internet. LOOKING FOR Feature documentaries dealing with social issues SPECIAL CRITERIA The Gucci Tribeca Documentary Fund is seeking feature-length documentaries that are in the stages of advanced production or post-production with an intended premiere in late 2010 or early 2011. Eligible films should explore broad social issues or movements through engaging stories that may have potential impact and the ability to inspire dialogue. Films may also challenge the status quo by examining people who are ignored, ostracized or otherwise marginalized; or those fighting for social or political change. We are

looking for films that are suitable in style to be able to sustain a festival and/or theatrical run and that could resonate with a mainstream U.S. audience. RECENT GRANTS Fixer: The Taking of Ajmal Naqshbandi, The Oath, Only When I Dance, f A Tree Falls‌, Delta Boys, Anatomy of Poverty, The Promise of Freedom, Enemies of the People NORDIC ACQUISTIONS None yet GETTING INVOLVED Documentary@tribecafilminstitute.org 212-274-8080 ext 28 www.tribecafilminstitute.org FAVORITE DOCS The Monastery: Mr Vig and The Nun, The English Surgeon, Murderball, Wild Parrots of Telegraph Hill, Living Dolls, Black Sun

ICA FILMS Mark Adams, www.ica.org.uk, mark.adams@ica.org.uk

NAME & COMPANY Mark Adams, ICA Films PROFILE ICA Films is the distribution arm of the ICA (Institute of Contemporary Arts) in London. The company acquires and releases world cinema – both drama and documentary – both theatrically and via DVD. LOOKING FOR World-class documentaries that work both in terms of story but also as a piece of cinema. SPECIAL CRITERIA Feature length only.

RECENT ACQUISITIONS Include: Jesus Camp, Her Name is Sabine, FUCK, Our Daily Bread, Garbage Warrior, Trouble the Water. Documentary features: Echoes of Home; Blind Loves; Chevolution; Examined Life; Died Young, Stayed Pretty NORDIC ACQUISTIONS No recent documentaries. Dramas have included The Bothersome Man, Frozen Land, Man Without a Past. GETTING INVOLVED E-mails and/or screeners. FAVORITE DOCS Hard to pin down… London Nobody Knows, LA Plays Itself, etc. Too broad to pin down.


ITVS Cynthia Kane, www.itvs.org/producers/international, www.itvs.org/international,

NAME & COMPANY Cynthia Kane, ITVS PROFILE International : The next International Call deadline will be February 5, 2010. ITVS International promotes programming that transcends stereotypes and headline news to provide international television audiences with new insight into the cultures and people that comprise our global community. We work with independent producers to create and present documentaries that take creative risks, advance issues and represent points of view not usually seen on public or commercial television. ITVS International commissions and acquires


programs, and we offer an annual open submission process- International Call - for independent producers from countries outside the U.S. to apply for financial support, production and distribution services. ITVS International is funded by the International Media Development Fund made possible by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation LOOKING FOR ITVS International funds 8-15 international documentary projects each year. These documentaries air on strands on PBS- such as Independent Lens or POV, Sundance Channel, HBO, DocChannel, Link TV, IFC, National Geographic Channel, etc. Independent Lens is a weekly series produced by ITVS that airs on PBS in the U.S.

For ITVS International, we look for international stories that are unknown to a U.S. audience, or stories with a unique perspective or twist. SPECIAL CRITERIA Television hour-length and feature-length documentaries. But we are primarily interested in television broadcast and accompanying transmedia content.

LORBER FILMS & ALIVE MIND Richard Lorber, www.lorberhtdigital.com, richard@lorbermedia.com

NAME & COMPANY Richard Lorber, Lorber Films and Alive Mind PROFILE Leading U.S. theatrical and DVD distributor of award winning international films and documentaries LOOKING FOR The best from the world over SPECIAL CRITERIA Feature length or in some cases one hour (docs) RECENT ACQUISITIONS Kimjongilia (sundance film festival hit) Nobody’s Perfect (winner of germany’s 2009 Lola award), American Journey: footsteps of Robert Frank

HOME (with i. Huppert—Swiss 2009 entry for Oscars), The Sun (Alexander Sokurov, dir.), Tony Manery (Chilean Oscar entry, 2008) NORDIC ACQUISTIONS The Five Obstructions, Kingdom 1 and Kingdom 2, The Monastery: Mr. Vig and the Nun, Just Another Love Story, Etc. etc. GETTING INVOLVED Richard@lorbermedia.com FAVORITE DOCS Let’s talk about it in person…


PLANET DOC REVIEW Artur Liebhart, www.docreview.pl, aliebhart@docreview.pl

NAME & COMPANY Artur Liebhart, Planet Doc Review PROFILE Artur Liebhart runs local distribution company Against Gravity and a film festival dedicated to feature length documentary films- PLANETE DOC REVIEW FF. A.G. (againstgravity.pl) releases films theatrically, has it’s own dvd line “Magazine of documentary art,” and services 10 TV channels in Poland with 90’ and 60’ foreign doc films. Festival PLANETE DOC REVIEW (docreview.pl) had over 22,000 admissions this year, being the most popular Eastern European documentary


film festival. For the first time in Poland, the film festival was also available through Internet cinema with screening schedule the same as in the real theatre. 80% of all presented films at this year’s festival were sold after to Polish broadcasters. LOOKING FOR Big Idea, Big Picture, Local Stories - Global Understanding. SPECIAL CRITERIA None. RECENT ACQUISITIONS Videocracy, Inferno NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Videocracy GETTING INVOLVED aliebhart@docreview.pl FAVORITE DOCS Mentioned above plus Gambling Gods and LSD.

SUNDANCE DOCUMENTARY FUND Patricia Finneran, www.sundance.org patricia_finneran@sundance.org

NAME & COMPANY Patricia A. Finneran, Managing Producer, Special Projects, Documentary Film Program, SUNDANCE INSTITUTE PROFILE Sundance Institute, founded by Robert Redford in 1981, is dedicated to the development of artists of independent vision. Sundance Documentary Film Program provides year-round support to contemporary- issue nonfiction filmmakers worldwide in the production and exhibition of cinematic documentaries with human rights themes. The Program includes: the Documentary Fund, the Documentary and Creative Producers Labs, Work in Progress Screenings,

“STORIES OF CHANGE: Social Entrepreneurship in Focus Through Documentary“ in partnership with the Skoll Foundation, and DocSource which connects filmmakers and human rights stakeholders worldwide.

two grant rounds. Application deadlines are in February and July, apply on-line at www.sundance.org/docsource. RECENT GRANTS LAST TRAIN HOME (Lixin Fan) NERAKHOON / THE BETRAYAL (Ellen

LOOKING FOR DFP grants to 40-50 docs annually, often in co-production with broadcasters internationally. As a funder, DFP take no territorial rights and DFP and Sundance Channel funding are completely separate. SPECIAL CRITERIA The Sundance Documentary Fund supports feature length documentary films versions only. The Sundance Documentary Fund supports 40-50 projects in 4 categories: Development, Production/ Postproduction, Engagement and Discretionary; the total grant amount is over 1 million USD per year. Each year, the Fund reviews over 1600 proposals in

Kuras) TROUBLE THE WATER (Carl Deal and Tia Lesson) IRAQ IN FRAGMENTS (James Longley) MADE IN L.A. (Almudena Carracedo, Robert Bahar) NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Recent grants: include: development grant to POSITION OF THE STARS by Leonard Retel Helmrich; discretionary grant to THE GUANTANAMO TRAP by Thomas Wallner. GETTING INVOLVED Tel. 301.360.1981 / Fax: 310.360-1969 mail: patricia_finneran@sundance.org FAVORITE DOCS Please vote for me/ Why we Fight/ Gimme Shelter/ Darwin’s Nightmare/ Iraq in Fragments/ The Corporation


TOUR DE FORCE Tor Fosse, www.tourdeforce.no, tor@bif.no

NAME & COMPANY Tor Fosse, Bergen International Film Festival + Tour de Force AS PROFILE The festival presents about 140 films annually – 50% documentaries Tour de Force releases about 8 films annually and among them several documentaries LOOKING FOR Documentaries – both social as well as artisticly ambitious films SPECIAL CRITERIA More than one hour


RECENT ACQUISITIONS Man on Wire, Burma VJ, The Bridge NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Burma VJ, On a Tightrope, En Mand Kommer Hjem (Vinterberg – fiction) GETTING INVOLVED Mobile: + 47 411 411 40 Mail: tor@biff.no FAVORITE DOCS Man on Wire, Capturing the Friedmans, Manda Bala – Send a Bullet

UPLINK Takashi Asai, Uplink, www.uplink.co.jp, asai@uplink.co.jp GETTING INVOLVED Email: asai@uplink.co.jp Phone: +81 90 9819 0969. FAVORITE DOCS Tony Dowd and the Language of Music, The Corporation, Janis NAME & COMPANY Takashi Asai, Uplink PROFILE Independent film & DVD distributor in Japan. LOOKING FOR Any genre on the earth, but good or market potential film in Japan. SPECIAL CRITERIA Any genre on the earth, but good or market potential film in Japan. RECENT ACQUISITIONS Her Name is Sabine by Sandrine Bonnaire. NORDIC ACQUISTIONS inside/outside. Mr. Catra (Andreas Johnsen).


WIDE Matteo Lovadina, www.widemanagement.com, ml@widemanagement.com

NAME & COMPANY Matteo Lovadina, Senior Sales & Acquisitions Executive, Wide Management PROFILE Founded in 1997, WIDE Management is a leading independent sales company, currently representing more than 15 new features films every year, and a library of more than 400 fiction titles and 300 documentaries. Our catalogue contains an impressive variety of movies from internationally acclaimed directors and actors. LOOKING FOR Distributors and partners in Nordic Europe. New films, first time director’s, festival favourites


SPECIAL CRITERIA No short content RECENT ACQUISITIONS Men on the Bridge (Köprüdekiler), Eamon, Domaine. NORDIC ACQUISTIONS The House of Branching Love (Haarautuvan rakkauden talo), Burrowing (Man tänker sitt), Tears of April (Käsky) GETTING INVOLVED Email : ml@widemanagement.com WIDE Management - International Sales & Production, 40, rue Sainte-Anne T. +33 1 53 95 04 64 F. +33 1 53 95 04 65 M. + 33 6 14 45 62 78 FAVORITE DOCS La Vida Docs, Man on Wire, The English Surgeon, That Should Not Be Me

WOMEN MAKE MOVIES Deborah Zimmerman, www.wmm.com, dz@wmm.com

NAME & COMPANY Debra Zimmerman, Executive Director Women Make Movies PROFILE Women Make Movies is the leading North American distributor of films by and about women. We are seeking challenging and engaging films that creatively or politically inspire and/or create change in gender perspectives. We acquire about 12-16 films a year: 4-6 features and 8-10 short or hour long films. LOOKING FOR Mostly feature and short documentaries, though we do acquire some fiction.

SPECIAL CRITERIA Must be Directed or Co-directed by a woman and the subject must pertain in someway to women’s perspectives. RECENT ACQUISITIONS El General (Winner, Best Director, US Documentaries, Sundance Film Festival 09) and Rough Aunties (Winner, Best Documentary, World Cinema, Sundance Film Festival 09) NORDIC ACQUISTIONS My Daughter, The Terrorist; Four Wives, One Man; The Feminist Initiative GETTING INVOLVED dz@wmm.com FAVORITE DOCS Sans Soleil, Sisters in Law, Man on Wire


YLE Iikka Vehkalahti, www.tv2.yle.fi

NAME & COMPANY Iikka Vehkalahti, Commissioning editor, YLE TV2 Documentaries PROFILE TV2 Documentaries broadcasts weekly the best of Finnish and foreign documentary films. The films deal with a broad variety of topics from very personal and touching stories to the significant issues and events concerning the whole world around us. The documentaries are of great quality, and the viewpoint is always carefully selected. Therefore, the films resemble their makers, and the approach is open and honest.


LOOKING FOR Social, political, author documentary films SPECIAL CRITERIA Open end (75 min) preferred RECENT ACQUISITIONS Defamation,ITO, In The Steam Of Life, The Yes Men Fix The World, Unmistaken Child, August 17, Burma VJ, Freemen, Eyes Wide Open, Dreamland GETTING INVOLVED New proposals should preferably be sent by e-mail to tarja.forsman@yle.fi

ZEITGEIST Emily Russo, www.zeitgeistfilms.com, emily@zeitgeistfilms.com

NAME & COMPANY Emily Russo, Co-Founder and Co-President Zeitgeist Films Ltd. PROFILE Boutique theatrical distributor in U.S. for foreign language features and feature documentaries in all markets. LOOKING FOR Quality feature length documentaries on subjects of interest to diverse and niche audiences for all domestic (US) markets. SPECIAL CRITERIA Feature length, theatrical potential, auteur driven material RECENT ACQUISITIONS Trouble The Water, Into Great Silence, The Corporation, Ballets Russes

The Horse Boy NORDIC ACQUISTIONS Daddy and The Muscle Academy GETTING INVOLVED Emily Russo, Co-President, Zeitgeist Films Ltd. 247 Centre Street 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10013 T (212) 274-1989 F (212) 274-1644 emily@zeitgeistfilms.com www.zeitgeistfilms.com FAVORITE DOCS Other than our own, Capturing The Friedmans, 28 Up













DOX:FORUM is: Tine Mosegaard, Head of Industry Riina Spørring Zachariassen, Industry Manager Jonas Jessen, Industry Assistant Ursula Hessner Marcussen, Industry Assistant DOX:FORUM and CPH:DOX operate under Copenhagen Film Festivals. CEO: Jørgen Ramskov Board: Søren E. Jakobsen (Chairman), Lissy Bellaiche, Nina Crone, Kirsten Dalgaard, Jens Gehl, Claus Hesselberg, Lise Lense-Møller, Jon Stephensen & John Tønnes.


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