CPH:DOX 2010 - AUDIOVISUALS Programme (UK)

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audio:visuals audio:visuals concert concert guide



4-14 nov 2010


Venues The National Gallery, Sølvgade 48, 1307 Copenhagen DOX:CLUB, Nørrebrogade 37, 2200 Copenhagen Vega, Enghavevej 40, 1674 Copenhagen Ticket sales Tickets for all concerts at The National Gallery and DOX:CLUB are sold via cphdox.dk. Tickets for concerts at Vega are sold via billetlugen.dk. The ticket fee is 20kr at Vega and The National Gallery of Denmark , and 15kr at Teater Grob. Tickets on sale from October 01 CPH:DOX 2010 - AUDIO:VISUALS Festival Director: Tine Fischer Concert Programme: Niklas K. Engstrøm (responsible), Boris Schiøler, Frederik Schnoor Production: Susanne Thygaard (responsible), Frederik Sølberg, Frederik Schnoor, Marco Sewohl Catalogue: Mads Bacher Graphic Design: Silke Brandes Press: Lena Bøgild Willard CPH:DOX is a part of the Copenhagen Film Festivals Foundation. AUDIO:VISUALS is supported by Statens Kunstråd, Sonning Fonden, Københavns Kommunes Musikudvalg, & The Branding Denmark Fund Thanks to our partners





AUDIO:VISUALS is CPH:DOX’ new programme of concerts dedicated to combining visual art with live music in new and challenging ways. AUDIO:VISUALS will take place during CPH:DOX 2010, November 4 – 14. The concept is simple. We have invited a number of musicians and film/visual artists to collaborate in creating unique live events. The ambitions behind the concept are reflected by the fact that the majority of the concerts are first performances – a term usually reserved for classical music but with AUDIO:VISUALS, it’s our hope to extend it into the world of non-classical music. The concerts will take place at three different venues: The National Gallery of Denmark (Statens Museum for Kunst) is the setting for three exclusive events of an international scale, created together by visual artists and musicians. In CPH:DOX’s own festival center DOX:CLUB, which this year is located at Teater Grob in the heart of Copenhagen, you can experience more intimate artistic encounters. Lastly the concert venue VEGA will host three renowned bands, each one with its own cinematic show as a part of their tours. The aim of AUDIO:VISUALS is to explore the potential of visual art and live music in combination. CPH:DOX strongly believes in the possibilities of cross-over events, and with AUDIO:VISUALS we wish to underline the visual aspects of a concert while at the same time letting the vibrant, expressive presence of a live performance influence the experience of the visual designs. The concept is to think neither in terms of a concert or an installation, but to set the two artforms up for a date and take off wherever they may. Enjoy! Niklas K. Engstrøm, programmer, CPH:DOX Tine Fischer, festival director, CPH:DOX


At the National Gallery of Denmark you can experience three audiovisual events which could well be this year’s most spectacular must-see shows. Three very different and captivating evenings that will transgress the boundaries between concert, installation, film, and performance. The main auditorium of the museum will be adorned with a special set design that matches the different and unique character of the three performances. The same is also true for the bar, which will of course be open for the entire evening. Please note. For those who do not want to miss out on either one or the other of this holy trinity, we have created a special ticket which is valid for all three evenings. For merely 280 DKK + fee you can experience all three extraordinary events. Both this discount ticket and ordinary tickets for individual shows can be bought online at www.cphdox.dk.

SHIT AND SHINE vs. ANNA MARIA HELGAD0TTIR THE NATIONAL GALLEY OF DENMARK // Friday, 12 Nov, 20:00-24:00 hrs Five drummers, a shaman rabbit and an Icelandic art elf in a four hour long hypnotic show The super-hyped London/Texas band Shit and Shine is finally coming to Denmark with its famous live show. And what’s more, they are bringing an entirely new audiovisual creation made in collaboration with the Danish/Icelandic artist Anna Maria Helgadóttir (formerly of the Ingen Frygt group). Shit & Shine has toured with among others Sunn 0))) and Lightning Bolt, and was named the year’s best act at Sónar in 2006. Since then the rumours about their excessive live performances have spread like wildfire. Their concerts often develop into trance sessions, making the spectator melt into a mass of hypnotic stimuli. The music is purely a brilliant blend of noise and krautrock, dubstep and electro, revolving around tribal drum rhythms, piercing guitar riffs and deep drones. For the concert in Copenhagen they are bringing no less than five drummers, a guitarist and a shaman dressed in a rabbit mask. But it gets better still, as they exclusively for this concert have produced a film together with Anna Maria Helgadóttír, which like one long movement through the freaky universe of the band will double their presence and turn The National Gallery into an all-embracing, unequalled installation.

Tickets: 80 kr + fee (discount ticket for all three concerts: 280 kr + fee) / www.cphdox.dk

KOUDLAM vs. CYPRIEN GAILLARD THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF DENMARK // Saturday, 13 Nov, 20:00 hrs Neo-apocalyptic electro/post punk by France’s hippest young art stars Join us on an unforgettable space trip with two of the most visionary young stars from the French arts and music scene, who will shroud the white marble at Statens Museum for Kunst in dense, totally danceable darkness. Koudlam is a former opera singer, but he is currently on his way up to join the stars of the French electro heavens with his heavy and post-punk inspired, aztecofuturistic compositions. His intense, dark and highly captivating electro has previously led him to enter into fruitful collaborations with artists such as Kenneth Anger – and he fits perfectly with the grandiose, neo-apocalyptic video visions of his fellow countryman Cyprien Gaillard, one of the greatest new names of the international art world. Together, they have enthralled the audiences at Tate Modern, Art Basel Miami, The New Museum, and many other places with their electropic video symphonies transmitted straight from a Russian concrete hell. It is an event far beyond the ordinary when Koudlam and Gaillard land in Copenhagen with a special edition of their extreme performances. The future is not what it used to be, but Koudlam and Gaillard give us their take on what it could look like – as if seen from another planet.

Tickets: 80 kr + fee (discount ticket for all three concerts: 280 kr + fee) / Sales: www.cphdox.dk

ANIMAL COLLECTIVE vs. DANNY PEREZ THE NATIONAL GALLERY OF DENMARK // Sunday, 14 Nov, 19:00-24:00 hrs Danny Perez and Animal Collective present the premiere of a new installation – celebrated by a live performance and a DJ set We are very proud to present ‘Globby Bodies’ - a brand-new sound and video installation by visual artist Danny Perez and genre bending music group Animal Collective, performed here for the first time ever. The renowned, critically acclaimed and totally undefinable experimental avantpop-indie-rock-band and their visual wizard Perez will convert no less than three of the gallery’s exhibition rooms into a universe of images and sound. And on the main stage you can see both a unique live performance featuring the group’s guitar player Deakin together with Gang Gang Dance’s Tim DeWitt, as well as a DJ set by the collective’s Dave Portner aka Avey Tare. ‘Globby Bodies’ is a beautiful extension of both the location-specific installation that the band made at the Guggenheim museum in New York this spring, as well as of their visual album ‘ODDSAC’ (2010), and opens up a new and multi-dimensional experience of a group of artists that are constantly reinventing themselves.

Tickets: 180 kr + fee (discount ticket for all three concerts: 280 kr + fee) / Sales: www.cphdox.dk


For the third year in a row CPH:DOX opens our own cinema/club/venue/hangout/bar DOX:CLUB. In 2008 DOX:CLUB was located in the Meatpacking District and in 2009 it was in a tent in the courtyard of Kunsthal Charlottenborg. This year it will occupy the Teater Grob at Nørrebrogade 37 in the middle of the city. During the ten festival days the theatre will be hosting film screenings, debates and, not least, concerts. For it is here that you will find most of and the most intimate AUDIO:VISUALS events. A number of concerts that will bring the musicians and the visual artists close to both each other and to the audience. All of this is borne by the (audio)vision to unite images with sound – and the artistically ambitious with the up-close and personal. Please Note: Advance sales for all events at DOX:CLUB are handled via www.cphdox.dk. If there are still seats available by the time of the event, tickets can be bought at the door.

THE WILLIAM BLAKES DOX:CLUB AT TEATER GROB // Thursday, 4 Nov, 21:30 hrs The William Blakes on the big screen – and live on stage at DOX:CLUB The massively talented documentary filmmaker Andreas Koefoed has made a film about one of the currently most hyped Danish bands, The William Blakes, and about the experiment they did when they isolated themselves in a Swedish winter hut in order to record their recently released album ‘The Way Of The Warrior’ in just nine days. The band will celebrate the premiere of ‘To the End of the World’ with an exclusive concert for the few people who can manage to secure themselves a place in Teater Grob’s small and atmospheric auditorium. The William Blakes consists of Kristian Leth, Bo Rande and the Nordsø brothers Frederik and Fridolin, each of whom have produced a number of successful albums both in Denmark and abroad. The music of the quartet is a kind of highly nuanced art pop which on their latest album leans towards the 1980s and to names such as Talk Talk, Depeche Mode and Duran Duran, but with a distinctive and enduring William Blakes signature.

Tickets: 140 kr. + fee / Advance sales: www.cphdox.dk

KHAVN DE LA CRUZ vs. VIGO DOX:CLUB AT TEATER GROB // Friday, 5 Nov, 22:00 hrs Live mashup of a crazy Jesus film and philippine freak jazz The Philippine film factory of Khavn de la Cruz shoots out one film after another. His latest work, ‘Son Of God’ was made in collaboration with the Danish filmmaker Michael Noer and can be seen in various versions at CPH:DOX 2010. For this unique concert evening Khavn has remixed the film in a radical way and reworked it into visuals for his own, phenomenal band Vigo. While Khavn’s crazy images of a regal dwarf version of Jesus runs across the screen, the six-man band will tune in with its unique blend of chamber jazz and avant-pop. Being a modern and confident band, Vigo plays with its artistic expression, and Philippine tones are filtered through jazz and pop noir. The music dances irresistibly on the boundaries between love and insanity, and is as untraditional and unruly as Jean Vigo, the French filmmaking genius who gives the band its name. Vigo consists of six conservatory-trained musicians: the bassist Simon Tan, the drummer Paolo Manuel, the guitarist Kakoy Legaspi, the sound magician Caliph8, the female vocalist Tao Aves and Khavn himself, who manages to both sing and to play the piano while pumping images from another planet onto the screen.

Tickets: 60 kr + fee / Advance sales: www.cphdox.dk

PONY TALES PRESENTS BLACK SUMMEr DOX:CLUB AT TEATER GROB // Saturday, 6 Nov, 22:00 hrs Shooting stars of the Danish music scene unite films and a live soundtrack – and serve captivating images of restless teenagers with gloomy surf-inspired music Pony Tales is a collaboration between the musician Kristoffer Sonne and the visual artist Nadia Marquard Otzen, and the result is the visual album ‘Black Summer’ which the couple will perform live accompanied by Sonne’s London-based band. ‘Black Summer’ consists of nine small film scenes staged around a song, and together they tell a story of love, brutality and lechery among a group of isolated teenagers in the middle of the otherworldly and ruthless nature of the Faroe Islands. Sonne and co. will accompany this official premiere of the film with a bleak soundtrack that carries the story forward, and is performed live during the screening. And this is above all how Pony Tales should be experienced: loudly, violently and with both the projector and the sound system turned all the way up. In this way, both the images and the extreme cinematic power of the music will suck the audience deep into a black hole of melancholy and nightmarish darkness. A new Danish super-project is born with Pony Tales. The concert will be followed up with a special DJ set dedicated to Pony Tales hosted by guitarist and film composer Jonas Struck (Bugpowder, formerly Swan Lee). Tickets: 90 kr + fee / Advance sales: www.cphdox.dk

JOMI MASSAGE vs. JAKOB OREDSSON DOX:CLUB AT TEATER GROB // Sunday, 7 Nov, 20:00 hrs Signe Høirup Wille-Jørgensen is going solo (and duo) for her world premiere of a new performance with the light artist Jakob Oredsson She has a past in the noise rock band Murmur, is the lead singer of the almost legendary Speaker Bite Me and performs under the moniker Jomi Massage. He is the latest star on the Swedish arts scene and already has a comprehensive resume - including light sculptures, stage design, animation and architecture - that among other things has led him to a close cooperation with theatre genius Robert Wilson. Together they – Danish Signe Høirup Wille Jørgensen and merely 25-year-old Swedish artist Jakob Oredsson – will stage Jomi Massage’s music in a visual way that will employ projections, minimalism and soft darkness to supplement the bony nature of the songs. In other words a unique show involving the intimate space of Teater Grob in the staging and thereby providing the basis for the opportunities and limitations upon which the concert and the installations are developed. A cross-artistic performance with an unlimited desire to set limits.

Tickets: 100 kr. + fee / Advance sales: www.cphdox.dk

SCENATET vs. MICHAEL MADSEN DOX:CLUB AT TEATER GROB // Tuesday, 9 Nov, 19:00 hrs Composer Bent Sørensen is presented in sound and images by award-winning documentary filmmaker and a brilliant avant-garde ensemble Bent Sørensen (born 1958) is today regarded as one of Denmark’s most important composers. His distinctive music undoubtedly deserves the original reinterpretation of the classical portrait concert, which filmmaker Michael Madsen (‘Into Eternity’, 2009) has created together with curator Anna Berit Asp Christensen and the leading avant-garde ensemble SCENATET. Their innovative concept ‘DocumentaryConcert’ is a silent film depiction of Bent Sørensen’s everyday life, which mainly takes place between the coffee machine, the piano and the computer. The ensemble accompanies these situations with a live performance of Sørensen’s most important works – and together with the floating camera, the music enriches the still-life reality with an almost magical, alien atmosphere. A crackling, contrasting clash between image and sound, reality and abstraction, homely idyl, and modernist science fiction. DocumentaryConcert is supported by Århus municipality, the production fund of the Danish composers’ association DKF, KODA and Sonning Fonden. Tickets: 70 kr + fee / Advance sales: www.cphdox.dk

GRUFF RHYS (SUPER FURRY ANIMALS) vs. SEPARADO DOX:CLUB AT TEATER GROB // Wednesday, 10 Nov, 21:30 hrs The frontman of Super Furry Animals will beam himself directly from a cinematic Patagonia onto Teater Grob’s intimate stage with an acoustic sci-fi show The frontman of Welsh psych-pop-band Super Furry Animals, Gruff Rhys, has spent more than 15 years producing one quirky rock song after another, both in company with the rest of the superb animals, in countless side projects all over the world, and all on his own. It is in the latter state that one can meet the eclectic pop alchemist this night. He is bringing along the crazy, twisted and beautiful road movie ‘Separado’, which depicts Gruff’s trip to Patagonia as he searches for a distant relative in both genetic and in musical terms. The film, which can best be described as a kind of Monty Pythonesque episode of ‘Buena Vista Social Club’ meets ‘Star Trek’, is presented by director Dylan Goch and Gruff himself. And as if this wasn’t enough, he will come down from the screen after the projection to perform a small-scale live show. And if it ends up being only half as entertaining as the ones he performs in the film, we can still look forward to a serving of beautifully warped and totally life-affirming pop music of the most colourful kind.

Tickets: 110 kr. + fee (including film and concert) / Advance sales: www.cphdox.dk

VINCENT MOON vs. GASPAR CLAUS DOX:CLUB AT TEATER GROB // Thursday, 11 Nov, 21:00 hrs The enfant terrible of music videos is coming back to CPH:DOX to create an original live show with a young cello genius Vincent Moon has become world famous for his ‘take away shows’, a kind of documentary music videos, which have captured musicians such as The National, Sufjan Stevens and Arcade Fire live in the reality out there, far from stages and studios. Last year he won the Sound & Vision Award for best music documentary at CPH:DOX, and repaid the honour with a captivating film concert featuring the Czech cellist couple The Havels. Now he is back with another talented cellist, his young countryman Gaspar Claus. Together they will perform an entirely new, deeply original and interactive work, which is created during the actual performance. Hidden behind a transparent screen, Claus and Moon will use their respective instruments, the cello and the camera, to create a kind of direct take away show, with the result being projected onto the screen immediately and blending together with the silhouettes of the two artists. Expect an unparalleled, intense and improvised live show, a battle of the art forms, which according to the combatants themselves will go down in history.

Tickets: 90 kr. + ree (including film and concert) / Advance sales: www.cphdox.dk

HJALTALiN vs. SAGA SIG & HILDUR YEOMAN DOX:CLUB AT TEATER GROB // Sunday, 14 Nov, 20:00 hrs Iceland’s latest stars are ready to sparkle at DOX:CLUB They have deservedly been praised for their playful mash-up of genres, and nobody comes close to the seven members of Hjaltalín when it comes to combining spaghetti westerns, disco and West Side Story without batting an eyelid. During CPH:DOX 2010 you can witness the band in ‘Backyard’, a brilliant DIY documentary about Iceland’s music scene after the financial crisis – and you will naturally also get the chance to witness them live. This will happen on the very last day of the festival, when the band presents the premiere of an entirely new and hitherto top-secret audiovisual show made in collaboration with their two fellow countrymen, the young artists Hildur Yeoman and Saga Sig. No matter what they have to offer on the visual side, one can expect a line up of strongly cinematic songs built around solid pop constructions made for filmic accompaniment. Hjaltalín is a super-eclectic rock ensemble which – much like bands such as Efterklang, Oh No Ono and Arcade Fire – complements the traditional rock setup with orchestral instruments such as the bassoon, the violin and the piano. There is no doubt: Iceland is back – at least in musical terms!

Tickets: 110 kr. + fee (including film and concert) / Advance sales: www.cphdox.dk


The Copenhagen concert venue Vega’s main stage (Store Vega) will be the setting for four evenings with three great names who each in their own way will present a visual side of themselves. One of them, Einstßrzende Neubauten, will even come for two nights - just to be able to pack it all in. Please note: While tickets for all the other concerts can be bought via www.cphdox.dk, the tickets for the concerts at VEGA have to be bought via www.billetlugen.dk.

THREE DECADES OF EINSTÜRZENDE NEUBAUTEN STORE VEGA // Thursday, 4 Nov + Friday, 5 Nov, 20:00 hrs The groundbreaking Berlin-based Einstürzende Neubauten has been around for almost thirty years – and they will celebrate this with a mini tour through a number of selected cities and venues that have been important to them during their long career. The visit to Copenhagen will span over two evenings, and is presented by Live Nation in collaboration with CPH:DOX. On November 4 Einstürzende Neubauten will start off with a ‘side show’ – a different kind of experience focusing on the band in its entirety as well as on the works of the individual band members. A presentation of various films and installations is followed by a short concert where the band will play songs that have rarely or never figured in their live repertoire, as well as entirely new pieces. In the last part of the side show, the individual band members will present their own works: Blixa Bargeld’s ‘Vocal Acrobatics’
// Alexander Hacke’s ‘Hitman’s Heel’ with Danielle Picciotto & Chris Hughes (Fatal Shore) // Andrew Unruh’s ‘Drumtables’
// Jochen Arbeit’s ‘Solo Activities with local greats’
// Rudolf Moser’s ‘Mosermeyer’

 On November 5 Einstürzende Neubauten will hold a regular concert at Store Vega. Advance sales: Both days: 485 kr (4 Nov: 195 kr + fee / 5 Nov: 325 kr + fee) / billetlugen.dk Tickets at the door: Both days: 520 kr (4 Nov: 230 kr + fee / 5 Nov: 360 kr. + fee)

THE RESIDENTS STORE VEGA // Tuesday, 9 Nov, 20:00 hrs There is probably no band more mythicised than The Residents. They have been around for 40 years and released even more albums. And from day one the band members have managed to keep their identities a secret, not least because they have always appeared behind masks – even before Karin Dreijer knew how to spell The Knife! It is impossible to describe The Residents’ eclectic music with a specific term. Their mixture of avant-garde jazz, electronica, art pop, distortion and classical compositions is challenging, but the band manages to unite the complex elements in unified compositions which reveal themselves to knowledgeable concert-goers. Their often surprising shows playfully interweave music with visual projects and narrations. This concert is the legendary band’s first performance in Copenhagen for more than two decades – and you may never get the chance again. The concert is organised by ICO Concerts in collaboration with CPH:DOX. Tickets at the door: 270 kr / Advance sales: 250 kr + fee / billetlugen.dk

BEACH HOUSE STORE VEGA // Friday, 12 Nov, 20:00 hrs The Baltimore duo is made up of French-born Victoria Legrand and the American Alex Scally. Since 2004, they have produced cinematic dream pop that manages to conjure up images like nobody else. Their three albums ‘Beach House’ (2006), ‘Devotion’ (2008) and their latest ‘Teen Dream’ (2010) have all enjoyed rave reviews – and attracted a constantly growing crowd of followers. On this night Beach House will present a different kind of show, which apart from the actual live concert also offers a screening of the visual version of their latest album ‘Teen Dream’. The evening is organised by Live Nation in collaboration with CPH:DOX and Vega. Tickets at the door: 205 kr / Advance sales: 185 kr + fee / billetlugen.dk

CALENDAR 4 - 14 november 2010

THURSDAY 04/11 Vega // 20:00 hrs Einstürzende Neubauten: Side Show

wednesday 10/11 Teater Grob // 21:00 hrs Gruff Rhys (Super Furry Animals) vs. Separado

THURSDAY 04/11 Teater Grob // 21:30 hrs The William Blakes

Thursday 11/11 Teater Grob // 21:00 hrs Vincent Moon vs. Gaspar Claus

FRIDAY 05/11 Vega // 20:00 hrs Einstürzende Neubauten: Koncert FrIDAY 05/11 Teater Grob // 22:00 hrs Khavn De La Cruz vs. Vigo SATURDAY 06/11 Teater Grob // 22:00 hrs Pony Tales - Black Summer SUNDAY 07/11 Teater Grob // kl. 20:00 hrs Jomi Massage vs. Jakob Oredsson TUESDAY 09/11 Teater Grob // 19:00 hrs Scenatet vs. Michael Madsen TUESDAY 09/11 Vega // 20:00 hrs The Residents

Friday 12/11 Statens Museum for Kunst // 20:00 hrs Shit & Shine vs. Anna Maria Helgadottír Friday 12/11 Vega // 20:00 hrs Beach House SATURDAY 13/11 Statens Museum for Kunst // 20:00 hrs Koudlam vs. Cyprien Gaillard SUNDAY 14/11 Statens Museum for Kunst // 19:00 hrs Animal Collective vs. Danny Perez SUNDAY 14/11 Teater Grob // 20:00 hrs Hjaltalín vs. Saga & Hildur Yeoman

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