OOKING FOR a way to make Danes laugh? I think I’ve found just the trick: say ‘smørrebrød’. Maybe my Danish is just awful. Okay – it’s definitely awful. I constantly confuse the Danes when I dare to speak their language. A smile is almost immediately upon their lips, and, after butchering ‘Hvad laver du i weekended?’ I retreat, white flag waving, back into English.
But that shouldn’t hinder me from ordering this region’s delicious open-faced sandwich. It’s about embracing the culture even when that culture laughs, right? I braved the mockery, and I’m glad I did. Smørrebrød is fantastic any which way it’s created (see G13 for the ‘twist’). So go ahead and mispronounce it. Keep trying. I think if you laugh with the Danes at your horrendous attempt at one of
the most difficult languages in the world, you’ll enjoy it as much as they do. Well ... almost as much. Don’t fret, though. There’s much more food around the city, and those won’t put your tongue in a full nelson. Dining Week ended this past Sunday, but the month-long winter editon of Copenhagen Cooking is finishing February with a flourish. Learn a thing or two about champagne, Ital-
ian cuisine or cake grilling. Get some tickets to the Copenhagen Food Fair down at the Bella Center for a wide array of culture and cuisine. And there’s still a chance to get some mussels at Madeleines Madteater. If you’re done with food, we’ve got you covered. Exhibitions, concerts and architecture talks abound. But hurry –Wondercool ends Thursday! AMY STRADA
A TWIST THAT WILL TURN HEADS SMØRREBRØD WITH A TWIST Restaurant Kronborg, Brolæggerstæde 12, Cph K; ends Thu, closed Sun, 11:00-17:00; tickets: lunch platter 215kr, beer menu 150kr; reservations: reservations@restaurantkronborg.dk; www.restaurantkronborg.dk
MØRREBRØD IS about as Danish as you can get. If you enjoy it, you’re in the club. If you can pronounce it, you’re the leader of the club. Denmark has been going through a bit of a culinary renaissance with many restaurants parting ways with classic Italian or French menus and returning to their roots. More than that, some have even begun to play with the idea of traditional Danish foods. And that is exactly what Restaurant Kronborg’s owner Claes Petersen had in mind when he – along with his head chef – created the menu for their lunch special, ‘Smørrebrød with a Twist’. Running all month for Wondercool, the three-course menu is said to be
a play on the quintessential open-faced sandwich. According to Petersen – and simply by perusing their regular lunch menu – Restaurant Kronborg plays to a very Danish audience. Plates like Plaice fillet and drinks like schnapps and bitters infiltrate the menu. Not to mention, the ambience truly speaks to the idea of ‘hygge’. Folded into the corner of Brolæggerstræde and Knabrostræde in central Copenhagen, Restaurant Kronborg is one of those places that hasn’t been changed by tourism. The room feels warm; exposed brick is decorated with a variety of paintings and old art that bring to mind a tavern minus the intimidation. The three-course menu is preempted with four different beers from the local Nørrebro Bryghus, the first of which is a light lager in the style of a Czech pilsner. It’s fresh, and it readies your palate for what Petersen calls a truly Danish meal: Herring with an apple and celery garnish, and freshly boiled cod roe, on top of which is may-
onnaise, lemon and tiny shrimp. It’s heavy but delectable, and it isn’t overpowering in the slightest. Herring isn’t everybody’s cup of tea, and, as Petersen takes away our plates, he notes that he once had guests from the Midwest trying herring for the first time, who looked at it and asked incredulously: “Raw fish?!” After our fill of seafood, we transitioned to a spicier New York lager to prepare us for the next dish: a Rimmed and honey-glazed pork with pan-fried apples and currants, and a Lightly-grilled beef fillet with Dijon and perhaps the most delicious and fresh horseradish I’ve ever tasted. The transition from the lager to the King’s County Brown, a much darker beer, was paced perfectly from the pork to the beef. Our last dish was Vesterhavsost, a hard cheese that farmers from northwestern Jutland had just started to make, and it was complemented by a Spiced quince compote. The final ale
was an IPA that had surprising sparkle and spice, and it was perfect preparation for the rich, sweet taste of the pièce de résistance: the Chocolate macaron. Served with a vintage dessert cherry wine that comes from the Frederiksdal estate on the island of Lolland, the combination of the decadent chocolate and the semi-sweetness of the wine was about as perfect as it gets. Luckily, this menu is running for a few more days – until Thursday 28 February. “We see a lot more people during this month that we wouldn’t normally see,” explains Petersen. “Especially foreigners coming to Copenhagen to dine out.” And it’s no surprise when menus like ‘Smørrebrød with a Twist’ offer such a wide range of both classical elements and unorthodox combinations. By utilising local brews and cheeses and wines, you can really get a sense of what Danish culinary excellence is all about – with a twist. AMY STRADA
[DETAILS] EXHIBIT Statens Museum for Kunst, Sølvgade 48-50, Cph K; ends Thu, closed Mon; Tue-Sun 10:0017:00, Wed 10:00-22:00; tickets: adults 55kr, under-18s free adm; www.smk.dk Consisting of about 80 drawings, paintings and graphic illustrations from both the museum’s own and other Danish art collections, Detaljer (Details) is composed of works from 1700 to the 1930s and shows how artists over time have worked with details in art. The exhibition highlights the meaning and importance of details in art and also deals with how we experience and take in art. KLH CARL-HENNING PEDERSEN TURNS 100 Arken Museum for Modern Kunst, Skovvej 100, Ishøj; ends Thu, closed Mon; Tue-Sun 10:00-17:00, Wed 10:00-21:00; tickets: adults 95kr, students 75kr, under-17s free adm; www.arken.dk Danish artist Carl-Henning Pedersen would have turned 100 years old this year. ARKEN Museum for Modern Kunst celebrates the birthday of this treasured artist, a leading figure in the European art group COBRA, with an exhibition showcasing the artist’s sprawling, poetic paintings dating from the end of the 1930s to his death in 2007. VE EXHIBITION: TARA DONOVAN Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, GL Strandvej 13, Humelbæk; ends Thu, closed Mon; starting at 11:00; tickets: adults 110kr, students 95kr, under-18s free adm, available at venue; www.louisiana.dk
See this artist’s first exhibition in Europe in the modern setting of Louisiana. Donovan’s pieces each centre around everyday objects – drinking straws, nails, buttons – and then are transformed into something completely unexpected. Her unimaginable sculptures and installations feel very organic and natural. Don’t miss this one. AS EXHIBITION: POP ART DESIGN Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, GL Strandvej 13, Humelbæk; starts Fri, ends Thu, closed Mon; starting at 11:00; tickets: adults 110kr, students 95kr, under-18s free adm, available at venue; www.louisiana.dk Showing approximately 150 works of art by some of the foremost artists in the genre, this exhibition will emphasise the relationship between art and design in the tumultuous years of 1955 to 1972. This period was the most influential for the Pop Art movement, and it also worked to blend the sides of artist and subject. Don’t miss this phenomenal show; it’s sure to offer something for everyone. AS LEATHER AND WORDS Busk Design Store, Ahlefeldtsgade 23, Cph K; Sat, starting at 16:00; reservations: info@piabusk.com; www.piabusk.com The collaboration between designer Pia Busk and poet Janus Kodal is certainly an intriguing one. At this event, the two have created various pieces under the name of ‘Suspension of Disbelief ’, and each piece reflects the combination of Busk’s leatherwork and Kodal’s poetic words. Kodal will be performing her poetry as well. AS
ARCHITECTURE SUNDAY MORNING WALK THROUGH ØRESTAD CITY Ørestad Metro Station, Ørestads Boulevard 89, Cph S; Sun 11:00-12:30; tickets: 75kr; www. dac.dk Wander around one of Copenhagen’s new urban areas, full of famous Danish modern design and architecture. This Sunday morning walking tour takes you around souther nCopenhagen, along the Metro line, past the Ørestad Gymnasium and the brilliant VM Houses famed for their bizarre and ultra-cool balconies of protruding glass. You will be able to get one of the best views ofØrestad as well as Copenhagen on top of the VM Mountain, and the tour – all in English – will end by the characteristic Bella Sky hotel. AS ARCHITECT POWER TALK Dansk Arkitektur Center, Strandgade 27B, Cph K; Tue 16:00-18:00; free adm; reservations: ngj@dac.dk; www.dac.dk To complement the Dansk Arkitektur Center’s ‘In Dialogue with the World’, this special event features the three architecture firms from the exhibition – Henning Larsen Architects, Schmidt Hammer Lassen Architects and ADEPT – to give a talk on the “uncensored story” of what the field of architecture is like in the 21st century. This talk will give you the real behind-the-scenes look at immensely influential companies, so enter a world that few are actually able to experience. AS
IN DIALOGUE WITH THE WORLD Dansk Arkitektur Center, Strandgade 27B, Cph K; ends Mar 10, 10:00-17:00, Wed 10:00-21:00; tickets: adults 40kr, students 25kr, under-15s free adm, available at DAC& Books; www.dac.dk Have you ever wondered why there is such a strong stereotype defining Scandinavian architecture? How did it get that way? And, perhaps most importantly, where is it going? Come and see an exhibition that hosts three significant Danish architectural studios as they discuss the futures of their styles. You will also get the chance to talk to the young and innovative minds behind these firms and get a glimpse of what the future may hold. Admission is free between 17:00 and 21:00. Tickets for a walking tour held on Sunday from 14:00-15:00 may also be purchased for 40kr at DAC. AS LOUISIANA SATURDAY TOUR Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, GL Strandvej 13, Humlebæk; Sat, starting at 13:15; free adm; www.louisiana.dk Get a free guided tour around Louisiana and learn about the history behind the museum and its status as a cultural centre. This tour focuses on the architecture of the building, but you will also get a chance to see some of the famed collections, such as Asger Jorn and the Giacometti rooms. Don’t fear – the tour is in English! AS
COOKING ORGANIC CURRYWURST Café Rodbold, Købmagergade by Hellingåndskirken and Rundetårn, Cph K; ends Thu, closed Sun, 11:00-18:00; tickets: 39kr, available at venue You can warm yourself up with a currywurst at Cafe Fodbold. The sausage is served with warm root vegetables, sauerkraut and lots of curry ketchup of course. Enjoy this meal at Den Økologiske Pølsemand (the Organic Hot Stand), also known as Cafe Fodkold, which is located on Købmagergade by Helligåndskirken and Rundetårn (the Round Tower). BSM
FRENCH DINING AT FRU HEIBERG Fru Heiberg, Rosenvængts Alle 3, Cph Ø; ends Thu, closed Mon; 3 courses: 17:00-22:00, 2 courses: 11:30-16:00; tickets: 3 courses for 295kr, 2 courses for 185kr; www.fruheiberg.dk Fru Heiberg’s French chef has put together a three-course French-inspired meal. The meal consists of an a French onion soup with croutons and Gruyère cheese as an appetiser, while the main offers a classic
Coq au vin that consists of cockerel braised in red wine accompanied by pearl onions, mushrooms, smoked bacon, herbs and mashed potatoes. The evening’s dessert is Tarte tatin with vanilla ice cream and caramel. BSM PANCAKES IN THE CRYPT AT CITY HALL City Hall, Rådhuspladsen 1, Cph K; Fri & Thu, starting at 16:30; tickets: 80kr; reservations: krsahl@kff.kk.dk or call 3366 2584 Wander through the crypts of City Hall and have pancakes while you’re at it. There you can hear good sto-
r i e s about Copenhagen’s sixth City Hall, while drinking sparkling wine and enjoying the famous Rådhuspandekage. BSM BOCK BISTRO & VINOTEK: FOOD AND WINE Bock Bistro, Dag Hammarkjölds Alle 7, Cph Ø; ends Thu, 17:00-23:00; tickets: 590kr; reservations: call 3313 9194; www.bockbistro.dk Bock Bistro & Vinotek in Østerbro is offering you the chance to enjoy a true gourmet experience.
A special three-course meal is available that will be served with a large variety of wines. BSM HAMLET NORDIC DINING: SIMPLE YET GOOD Hilton Copenhagen Airport, Ellehammersvej 20, Kastrup; ends Thu, closed Sat & Sun, 18:00-22:30; tickets: 375kr; reservations: fs.copenhagenairport@hilton.com or call 3244 5353 Hilton Copenhagen Airport invites you to yet another culinary capital to experience ‘Simple Yet Good’ at Hamlet Nordic Dining. There, you will be offered a three-course meal that is based on the three principles of health, ecological produce and sustainability. BSM
AN OFFER YOU CAN’T REFUSE Antiristorante L’Altro, Tovegade 62, Cph K; ends Thu, starting at 18:00; tickets: 450kr; www.laltro.dk Restaurant L’Altro is hosting a month of real mafia dining, where horse sausages, Peter Clemenza’s pasta, and Sicilian wine from the island’s best wineries are served to the guests. There will be music fit for any gangster that walks through the door, and if you’re feeling lucky, you can also participate in a ‘Mafia Quiz’ and win a prize. BSM COPENHAGEN TASTE ODYSSEY Den Økologiske Pølsemand near Rundetårn, Købmagergade 52A, Cph K; Fri, starting at 16:30; tickets: 500kr; reservations: www.cphfoodtours.dk/ booknow.asp Join Copenhag e n’s
Food Tour for a three-and-a-half hour walk featuring numerous tastings from the New Nordic food scene. There will be samples from Aamann’s open sandwiches, Den Økologiske Pølsemand (organic hot dogs), award-winning apple dessert wine, three organic cheeses, Sømods boiled sweets, Summerbird chocolates and the Bornholm Shop. The tour ends with three foaming beers at Nørrebro Brewery. BSM BRUNCH AT DAC& CAFE DAC& Café, Strandgade 27, Cph K; Sat & Sun, 10:00-15:30; tickets: 175kr; www.dac.dk Spoil your taste buds while treating your eyes to a view of the old harbour in Christianshavn at the Danish Architecture Centre’s cafe. Take your pick from their brunch selection, which offers everything from scrambled eggs with bacon to waffles, pancakes,
cheese, yoghurts and more – all the while gazing at Copenhagen Harbour, Børsen and the opera house. JH A MUSICAL TAKE ON JAPANESE CUISINE Hero Kitchen & Hotel Bar, Jarmers Plads 3, Cph V; Sat 17:00-23:00; tickets: 350kr; www.herokitchen.dk Hero Kitchen marries music and food in this underground supper club. This month, the restaurant will focus on Japanese cuisine in a fourweek series taking place every Saturday in February. Each event tackles a different theme, including ‘fashion week’, ‘water’, ‘winter’, and ‘rising sun’. Purchase of a ticket is valid for all four weekly events and is required to obtain further details. JH GASTRO CRUISE departs from Restaurant Søren K, Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, Cph K; Sat, starting at 13:00; tickets: 375kr; www. blaatguld.dk Enjoy a covered canal boat cruise around Copenhagen Harbour every Saturday in February. The tour stops at six different restaurants, where you’ll be able to sample their signature dishes featuring mussels. JH CLIMATE FRIENDLY BRUNCH Cap Horn, Nyhavn 21, Cph K; Sun 10:30-13:00; tickets: 129kr; reservations: reservations@caphorn.dk or call 3312 8504; www.caphorn.dk Enjoy Cap Horn’s weekly brunch buffet offering a wide variety of climate-friendly and ecologically-farmed dishes. Fill your plate with organic Danish yoghurt and granola, organic pancakes, salads and fish, and wash it all down with a glass of organic juice. Jazz overhead and a fire
on the hearth make this weekend brunch a cosy, eco-friendly treat. JH
Madlaboratorium and Copenhagen Cooking. JH
PIEMONTE MEETS VESTERBRO VINSTUE Vesterbro Vinstue, Istegade 128, Cph V; Thu, starting at 18:00; tickets: 350kr; reservations: call 3325 1080; www.vesterbrovinstue.dk Italy is great at making wine, so why not experience the delectable wines made in the northwestern region of Piedmonte? This new wine bar is spotlighting the velvety reds that are famed from this area. Feast on a four-course meal paired with four Piemontes at this Italian and Danish establishment. AS
COFFEE & CHOCOLATE TASTING Estate Kaffebar, Gammel Kongevej 1, Cph V; Sun 19:00-20:45; tickets: 225kr; www.meyersmadhus.dk You’re invited to an exclusive coffee and chocolate tasting at Chokolade Compagniet’s coffee bar, featuring organic Brasilian chocolate Amma, made purely from cacao beans, sugar and single-estate coffee. The event will also teach you how chocolate and coffee are produced and how to gauge flavour and quality. Participants will also be sent home with a goodie bag of Amma chocolates and freshlyroasted coffee. JH
GOURMET IN THE CHOCOLATE STORE A XOXO, GL Kongevej 115, Frederiksberg; Thu, starting at 18:00; tickets: 1,250kr, available at venue; www. axoxo.dk Having a bad day? Chocolate is always the answer. For three nights, chocolatier Jesper Rahbek will be treating you to as much chocolate as your heart can take. You will enjoy a five-course chocolate menu with paired drinks, and you might even learn a bit about the world of chocolate – like the odd-sounding but surprisingly-wonderful combination of chocolate and salt. Only 14 can dine each night, so book early! AS PEOPLE BEHIND THE PLATE Bella Center, Hal C, Center Boulevard 5, Cph S; Sun-Tue 10:00-18:00, Wed 10:00-16:00; tickets: 200kr; www.copenhagenfoodfair.dk Over 60,000 meals are served each day in the city’s public institutions, and three quarters of them are organic. This is all thanks to the 1,750-strong staff throughout various kitchens in Copenhagen. Those efforts are celebrated through the display of 1,000 photographs, to be shown at Copenhagen Food Fair in a show presented by Copenhagen’s Madhus and photographer Brian Berg. JH CHEF & WAITER OF THE YEAR 2013 Bella Center, Hal H, Center Boulevard 5, Cph S; Sun 10:00-18:00; tickets: 200kr; www.copenhagenfoodfair.dk Come and watch the final of the Danish championships for chefs and waiters taking place this Sunday. Various gastronomy experts from around Denmark will act as judges, and the winners will receive a 30,000kr prize. JH FOOD WALK Bella Center, Center Boulevard 5, Cph S; Sun-Tue 10:00-18:00, Wed 10:0016:00; tickets: 200kr; www.copenhagenfoodfair.dk Copenhagen Food Fair Walks gives visitors the opportunity to take a themed tour at the food fair. JH FOOD FAIR: STAGE Bella Center, Hal E, Center Boulevard 5, Cph S; Sun-Tue 10:00-18:00, Wed 10:00-16:00; tickets: 200kr; www.copenhagenfoodfair.dk Stage, the cultural centre at the Copenhagen Food Fair, offers visitors the opportunity to experience national and international food performances as well as various shows and entertainment. The programme is curated by Nikolaj Danielsen of Madeleines
DANISH CHAMPIONSHIP IN SOMMELIER Bella Center, Hal C5, Center Boulevard 5, Cph S; Mon, starting at 15:00; www.copenhagenfoodfair.dk Watch Copenhagen’s wine aficionados fight it out for the title of Denmark’s best sommelier when they compete in various categories on stage at the Copenhagen Food Fair. JH MAD MONDAYS Nordatlantens Brygge, Strandgade 91, Cph K; Mon, starting at 16:30; free adm; reservations: www.madfood.co; www.bryggen.dk MAD Mondays is a monthly informal gathering for those interested in food culture. The first event – held this week – will discuss the meaning of ‘creativity’. Chef Erwin Lauterbach and artist Tal R will speak openly about creativity and lead the audience in discussion. Mikkeller beer and homemade soup will also be provided at the event, but be sure to sign up in advance! JH CAKES ON THE GRILL Grilleriet København, Dampfærgevej 10, Warehouse 12, Cph Ø; Mon, starting at 16:30; tickets: 798kr; reservations: www.grilleriet.nemtilmeld.dk; www.grilleriet.dk Want to expand your grilling repertoire? Join Grilleriet to discover that your grill can be used for more than just meat and vegetables, and learn how to use your grill as an oven. Participants will make three dishes on the grill across the salty, sweet and sour categories, including how to make pies, breads and sophisticated desserts. JH ITALIAN FOR EXPERTS: FROM SOUTH TO NORTH Halsnæs Bryghus, Nordre Beddingsvej 35, Hundested; Tue 12:30-15:30 & 19:00-22:00; tickets: 499kr; reservations: 045069@superbest.dk, call 4793 7979, or at Superbest, Nørrebrogade 11, Hundested; www.halsnaesbryghus.dk Chefs from acclaimed restaurant Osteria La Lumaca in Cherasco, Italy will take over the Halsnæs Brewery for one day to bring authentic Piedmontese cuisine and wine to Denmark. They will present a seven to eight-course menu from the home of Barolo wine. JH I’M A KOMBO: THE SOCIAL ACT Klint Designmuseets Café, Bredgade 68, Cph K; Fri & Sat, starting at 19:30; tickets: 515kr; reservations: www.madbillet.dk; www.designmuseum.dk/information/cafe
COOKING Enjoy a fun-filled dinner in which humour, innovation, surprise and interaction are intertwined into the evening in what can be described as an unorthodox approach to the conventions of the modern meal. Expect a cutting edge gastronomic experience while enjoying your dishes with the ambient sounds from the evening’s DJ. BSM FINE FOOD FESTIVAL: TOMORROW’S FINEST Axelborg, Vesterbrogade 4A, Cph V; Sat 10:00-18:00, Sun 10:00-16:00; tickets: 175kr; reservations: www.billetnet.dk Experience exquisite dining while meeting an exclusive selection of high-end suppliers whose produce and goods show signs of a fruitful future. While you are there, you can also get news on sweet and savoury cuisine, as well as great delicatessens and interesting wines. This is a culinary dream come true. BSM ROASTED WILD BOAR AND JAZZ Bistro Huks Fluks, Gråbrødrestorv 8, Cph K; Sat, starting at 12:00; tickets 85kr, available at venue; www.huksfluks.dk Do you like jazz? Enjoy succulent roast wild boar? Well, why not pig out at Bistro Huks Fluks this Saturday, where wild boar will be roasted over charcoal and beech firewood, and listen to the jazzy tunes of Nova Blue during your meal. You’ll know dinner’s ready when the horn blowers trumpet the food’s arrival at noon. BSM
TOUR DE CHAMPAGNE 2002 XOTC, Snaregade 6, Cph K; Sat, starting at 17:00; tickets: 750kr; reservations: www.xotc.dk You’ll love this if you’re a fan of the bubbly – and who isn’t? This is an event that will take a closer look at six vintage champagnes from 2002. You will be taken on a journey around the Champagne district and learn everything you need to know about the crowd-pleasing fizz. Oysters will be served. BSM MYTILUS EDULIS Madeleines Madteater, Refshalevej 163A, Cph K; Sat, starting at 19:00; tickets: 450kr; reservations: www. madbillet.dk; www.madeleines.dk The mussel-themed events of Copenhagen Cooking are coming to an end. If you’ve been missing out, this is your last chance try the clam cuisine while enjoying a guest performance of Thai meal designer Prang Lerttaweewit. The food installation will feauture a 99sqm mussel bank where guests can taste mussels with over 3,000 ingredients. However, there is one
rule: three tastes to a mouthful – and never the same combination twice! BSM FOOD JAM WITH JØRGEN KRÜFF Casa Magnifica / Buonos Madatalier, Købmagergade 23, Cph K; Sat, starting at 19:00; tickets: 2,300kr; www. casamagnifica.dk Some call him ‘Mr Champagne’, but even if you don’t, you should know that Jørgen Krüff supplies wine to the majority of Copenhagen’s top restaurants. This evening, he will be joining chef Boris Buono to present a delectable menu of snacks, champagne and appetisers. A six-course meal will be paired with complementary wines. Don’t miss this evening of rich tastes. AS
on show at the Copenhagen Food Fair Tradition
FOOD FAIR: CAMPUS Bella Center, Hal C, Center Boulevard 5, Cph S; Sun-Tue 10:00-18:00, Wed 10:00-16:00s; tickets: 200kr; www. copenhagenfoodfair.dk Campus is the intellectual centre of the Copenhagen Food Fair. There, you can enjoy great food while listening to professional dialogues from both the business world and the public sector. It will also be possible to participate in innovation workshops and network with large and small producers alike. BSM TOUR DE CHAMPAGNE XOTC, Snaregade 6, Cph K; Thu, starting at 19:00; tickets: 495kr; reservations: www.xotc.dk The eXtraOrdinary Tasting Club is once again giving you the chance to learn all you’ve ever wanted to know about champagne. This tasting will give you a great variety, allowing you to differentiate your taste palate. Oysters are the icing on the cake. BSM
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COPENHAGEN PORRIDGE CHAMPIONSHIP Københavns Madhus, Ingerslevsgade 44, Cph V; Sat, starting at 12:00; free adm; www.kbhmadhus.dk
Step right up if you’re up to the porridge challenge! Jægersborggade and Københavns Madhus have teamed up to host the city’s first ever porridge championship in a bid to promote heavy eating at a low price. Kitchen staff from the capital’s public institutions will compete against each other to see who can make the best porridge depending on taste, creativity, consistency in quality and appearance. You can watch the fierce competition while enjoying a bowl of porridge made over an open fire. Kids can also be part of the event by making their very own porridge as well. This should be a great day out for the family! BSM
MUSIC DUCKTAILS Stengade, Stengade 18, Cph N; Fri, starting at 21:00; tickets: 127kr; reservations: www.billetnet.dk; www.stengade.dk Matt Mondanile’s solo side-project is Ducktails, an offshoot of his ‘sunshinepop’ group Real Estate. With the project’s fourth album, The Flower Lane, released last month, this show will be playing a mix of old favourites and new tracks that have a more produced sound. While the sound may be a bit different, Mondanile’s songwriting is still a feat of poetic sophistication. AS EGYPTIAN HIP HOP Bremen Teater, Nyropsgade 39-41, Cph V; Sat, starting at 23:00; free adm; www.brementeater.dk “Bizarre” is the first thought that may pop into your head, but be warned: this show has nothing to do with Egypt and nothing to do with hip-hop. This English quartet are as unpredictable as their misleading monicker, leaning towards an eclectic pop sound that takes in influences from indie rock, funk and electro, and anything in-between. A free night with crazy music – what’s not to love? AS
NILS FRAHM WITH MIKAEL SIMPSON Louisiana Museum of Modern Art, GL Strandvej 13, Humlebæk; Wed, starting at 20:00; tickets: 192kr; reservations: www.billetnet.dk; www.louisiana.dk Playing the grand concert hall at Louisiana, Berliner Nils Frahm will be treating the audience to his folky ambient music – with new songs off his album Screws – at this exclusive venue. Copenhagen-based Mikael Simpson will be a special guest at the performance, throwing his songwriting indietronica sounds into the mix. The duo’s friendship is sure to be tangible throughout the performance. AS MARIAM THE BELIEVER & CANCER Koncertkirken, Blågårds Plads 6A, Cph N; Thu, starting at 20:00; tickets: 147kr; reservations: www.billetnet.dk; www.koncertkirken.dk Taking a massive departure from her raw experimental sounds with Wildbirds & Peacedrums, Mariam Wallentin comes to Copenhagen with a more natural sound under her project ‘Mariam the Believer’. Her debut solo album, Blood Donation, was released in January to warm praise for its melancholic yet playful sound. The evening will also include the duo Cancer, made up of Nikolaj Vonsild and Kristian Finne Kristensen. Their tune is
more folky, and they have described their music as “future ballads from a parallel universe”. The evening should be a great mix of styles. AS DAN DEACON & THULEBASEN JazzHouse, Niels Hemmingsensgade 10, Cph K; Thu, starting at 22:00; tickets: 147kr; reservations: www.billetnet.dk; www.jazzhouse.dk Dan Deacon offers an electronic, video-gameesque sound and sampling. He recreates his music on the spot, creating an ambience of chaos and mystery, and his stage presence is certainly entertainingly intriguing. Also joining him is Denmark’s Thulebasen, a contemporary rock band with an alternative blend of grunge, psychedelia and free jazz. The group are currently recording a new album, so you’ll surely be treated to new sounds and songs. AS COLIN STETSON & SYND OG SKAM JazzHouse, Niels Hemmingsensgade 10, Cph K; Fri Mar 1, starting at 21:00; tickets: 147kr; reservations: www.billetnet.dk; www.jazzhouse.dk Colin Stetson has an impressive touring and collaboration résumé, having worked with Arcade Fire, Bon Iver, Tom Waits, David Byrne, The National, Feist and TV on the Radio. Now, Stetson is bringing his experimental sax sounds to Jazzhouse, using contact
microphones on his throat to create his musical arrangements. Synd og Skam will also be performing. This Danish underground rock group have an innovative blend of improv mixed with post-punk and new wave music. This is bound to be a very creative musical night. AS SPEAKER BITE ME & BROKEN TWIN Koncertkirken, Blågårds Plads 6A, Cph N; Fri Mar 1 22:00-24:00; tickets: 147kr; reservations: www.billetnet.dk; www.koncertkirken.dk They formed in the ‘90s and have been marked as one of the strangest rock bands in all of Denmark. With their self-proclaimed “uncompromising” sound, Speaker Bite Me will revive some of their old anthems, like ‘If Love Is Missing It Must Be Imposed’. Female soloist Majke Voss Romme is behind Broken Twin, and she has been compared to the likes of Feist and Cat Power. Her sentimental melancholy should be an interesting juxtaposition. AS CTM & THE LATE GREAT FITZCARRALDOS Koncertkirken, Blågårds Plads 6A, Cph N; Sat Mar 2, starting at 20:00; tickets: 147kr; reservations: www.billetnet.dk; www.koncertkirken.dk
Come and see one of Denmark’s rising stars as Cæcilie Trier – under the name CTM – plays her experimental sounds at Koncertkirken. Her solo debut Variations was recently released and is full of new, fun ‘80s pop sounds. It’s a true departure from her previous indie-rock aesthetic. Joining her on stage are the trio The Late Great Fitzcarraldos. Their newest album dropped this past November, and their music is a more chilled take on ‘80s pop with the sporadic sugariness of ‘60s girl groups. It’ll be a blast from the past, so don’t miss out! AS BON HOMME Bremen Teater, Nyropsgade 39-41, Cph V; Sat Mar 2, starting at 23:00; free adm; www.brementeater.dk Tomas Høffding is the bassist and vocalist from the group WhoMadeWho, a collaborative effort that played Wondercool two weeks ago. But tonight he is on his own with Bon Homme, an electro pop project that is sure to create an atmosphere of whimsy and cool sounds. His signature bowler hat is sure to make an appearance. AS