CPH Post 2021 Xmas Supplement

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“A Danish Christmas is magnificent, quite unforgettably magnificent.” - H C Andersen


“Denmark is like a big family of people” - Susanne Bier

“Imagine that. I haven’t had this much fun since Yoko and I danced around a Danish Christmas tree in 1970.” - John Lennon

“My father is from Copenhagen and he lived there until he was in his late 20s. We always grew up with a lot of Danish culture at home. My mother is Jewish but we always celebrated Christmas because we loved the traditions of Danish Christmas.” - Scarlett Johansson All year round the Danes love hygge, and then in December, something happens. The hygge stops and ‘Julehygge’ begins. Julehygge consists of julemad, julebryg, julepynt, julegaver, julenisser, julesang, juleschnapps and the firm’s Christmas party, which is known as the julefrokost. Yes, julehygge is hygge times ten! - Vivienne McKee

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