TPDW 2017-18 - 12 Educational project

Page 1






index 01


03 - project ideas




- Use of existing buildings




- educational project concept


- Share knowledge


- masterplan


- sections and timeline


02 analisis


- How to reach Parco Forlanini


- Educational project time line


- cascine around forlanini park


- Axonometry 1: new entrance


- green analisis


- Agrilab


- types of trees in forlanini park


- The new Gasomether


- types of animals in forlanini park


- Program of activities


- schools around milan


- references


- schools around milan with metro station


- collage


- Schools around Lombardy


- Axonometry 2: heart of the park


- numbers of schools andstudents in milan


- program of activities


- references


- collage


- axonometry 3: new activities for the ro-


and lombardy

mantic park - Program of activities


- references


- collage




federico cavanna

Esma Ceren Ozersan

Shahriar Ariaee Shad

group 12


text Parco Forlanini

Our Project

Parco Forlanini is a metropolitan park with over 500 hectares, extends from the East of Milan to Idroscalo, and affecting, beyond Milan, the municipalities of Segrate, Peschiera Borromeo and areas of the Province, which formed the Metropolitan City. The park was opened to public for the first time in 1950’s, as a large area dedicated to sport and greenery, with the aim of creating a great lunge for the city and enhancing the Idroscalo as a large basin for water sports. In the past, there was not yet the Ring Road, the Saini Sports Centre, the Exhibition Centre nor many of the buildings which have had built up and expanded since then added up without an organic design, taking away the initial idea of a large public park on the of the city center, with the Lambro river on its center. In 1970, the current Parco Forlanini was an inaugurated area, with a greenfield open to public which was located between the Idroscalo to the boarder of Milanese. There were some developments happened during that time; for instance, establishing some equipment in the remaining parts of the great territorial system of the sport center, to attract public’s interest and attention towards the activity agricultural area preserves residual areas. The mentioned residual areas today form one of the most historically important parts of the Eastern Milan and the Parco Agricolo Sud Milano. At the beginning of 2000, an international competition awarded a project to extend the park for the area of the Municipality of Milan. The project was not carried out due to the costs of expenses. After we learned about these facts, in our opinion the community would benefit from the completed project of the Grande Forlanini, although a few parts of that project were built up and to this day it does exists. On the economical point of view for covering the costs, the council could involve the communities and encourage every citizen to be involve in a contribution to the construction of the Grande Forlanini Park. Walking in the park respecting the activities that take place there, keeping it clean and knowing it, are the best way to preserve it and promote its development, helping to remembrance the historical aspects of the construction site. We learned from our findings of studying the existed cartography of the park that there are 11 cascine exist in the park. Each of these exist, are individual bygone buildings which used to be private farm houses or belongs to Municipality of Milan. We also learned that some of these cascine are renovated and working very well in the area, such as Cascina St.Ambrogio, Cavriano, Salesina. Moreover, there are other cascine such as Pessina, Taverna and Cavriana are abandoned buildings; which we are attending to create planning to employ them into public services to bring the community closer to purpose of remembrance their historical aspects of the park and the cascina. We also learned that the Cascina St. Ambrogio belongs to Municipality and rented to an association called CasciNet and it’s working very well. CasciNet is an active non-profit organization, made up of people who shared the same dream: to bring the Cascina Sant’Ambrogio back to an important place of affordable farming and economy. A place considered, in the era of liquid finance, poor and obsolete due to the transformation of society. Such poverty is just a perspective mistake. The Cascina Sant’Ambrogio is a place rich in culture, memory and practices that need to be reconsidered by integrating them with the needs of our contemporaneity. It is our challenge to prove it. In addition to being moved by its vision, we are also motivated by a need to return to the decision about our city Milan, to not just be consumers and voters, but active producers and citizens who can actually transform a reality. This path does not arise from nothing, but from a gradual emergence of collective demand that, with increasing insistence, asks for sustainable and alternative life models, as well as adequate spaces for realizing them.

We are a group of master degree students of architecture at Politecnico di Milano working together for the module of ‘Town Planning Studio’, which is a project of a diverse group of three students. The requirements of this assignment for us is to come up with ideas of making the ‘Grande Parco Forlanini’ better and usable place for everyone. As mentioned above, although this is a diverse group of students, naturally, each individual reflex on their cultural and geographical experiences based on their nature and nurture. It’s our understanding that we need to grasp and comprehend the necessity of answering the purpose of the new cultural as well as the geographical and cultural factors area of Lombardy, so we can meet their criteria for creating a realistically ideal and successful plan to rebuild the above project. Our idea is to connect Parco Forlanini through some educational activities based on water, agricolture and animal. This project is directed not only to students and schools but the users will be also adults and families. To carry out this project we used some of the farms in the Park as Cascina Taverna, Cascina S. Ambrogio, Cascina Canavese, Cascina Pessina, Cascina Casanova and a structure of the gasometer to give life to our activities. This was not enough we needed people who could help us in the realization of our idea, for this reason we asked the collaboration of some people such as immigrants living in the immigrants center of Via Corelli and some organizations already present in the Park such as Cascinet or other associations with a great experience regarding the management and organization of large green areas for example Parco Agricolo Milano Sud and Parco Nord. In this order we have not only exploited the knowledge that came to us from others, we have also created new activities always in relation with the previously mentioned activities (water agriculture and animals) for example the construction of a Farfallario using the old structure of the gasometer or the bird cages located near the small artificial lake.

Educational Project

Use of existing buildings


Cascina Taverna

Cascina Canavese

Share knowledge

Not Abandoned

Cascina Salesina

Cascina S.Ambrogio


Parco Sud

Immigrants’ knowledge Parco Nord

New activities

Bird cage Farfallario

AgriLab AnimaLab

Cascina Cascina Casanova Pessina Gasomether


Our target is to give awareness to the society about the benefits of the eco system and its ideas behind this project regarding the farm houses as well as involving them more as a community to bring children along to educate them regarding the above matters and the rich cultural inheritance of the park. We shall introduce variety of activities for them to have hands on experiences and explorations of the nature, for instance animal husbandry, their products and the line of their process, gardening, the importance of a clean nature and how it can protect and clean it. The purpose behind this idea is to giving chances to people whose wellbeing depends on the park’s situation such as the immigrants who are living there. Therefore, we want to employ immigrants talents for example to explain people how to cook a bread. As the park’s condition and its environmental factors depends on the people who use area as their living places and their impact on it. We choose this educational project because of the importance aim of it in long term which give us motivation to step strong and relive farming cultures and show to students, to adults what they cannot see anymore in this modern machine lifestyle, farm lands, animals, handmade products, and more. To achieve this aim, time is playing a very important role that, using wisely, great things can happen and the educational program become a huge network through the park and Milan, to make this all the actors who are part of it. of this great project must work together and work together to achieve the goal, otherwise it will remain like many projects closed in a drawer.

Educational Project










At the beginning we talked about the possible users of this project and among these we included the schools, to give an idea of ​​what could become Parco Forlanini over the years we have made estimates about the possible number of students who could visit this area and we have drawn graphs. These graphs tell us that if all the students of Milan will visit the park every year at least once we would have 459500 visitors and if we imagine that all the students of Lombardy and not only in Milan will visit the park will reach about 1171004 visitors each year.

We also studied some examples as case study through the process of designing the project which some of them were useful to our purpose and some not as much, but they all are interesting to talk about, some worth learning about such as: course agricultural activities by using organic methods. We chose a broad range of educational project across the globe to learn about the positive impact of it in long term. Education children and giving the awareness of the importance facts of the existence of water in a land and its reconciliation with nature by giving them the opportunity of having their hands-on experience in agricultural lands and using lakes to show them the beauty of the life cycle of animals and make them feel free to be in touch with nature. The case studies we looked into are: 1. Jardin Botanique De Bordeaux, 2. Living Library, 3. Parckfarm Alive Architecture Taktyk, 4.Nano Technology water pollution base, 5 .Emilio Faroldi Farfallario, 6.Bird Cage .





How to reach the park Segrate

Public transport Railway station Forlanini Tram stop line 27 Bus stop line 923 Bus stop line 73 Bus stop line 38 Bus stop line 54 Bus stop line 73X Bus stop line 54 Entrance

City center


cascine aroud forlanini park

Cascina Cavriano


Cascina Molino Codovero

A. Cascina Cavriano N.A. A. Cascina Cavriana N.A. Cascina Sant’Ambrogio N.A. Mulino della Composta A. Cascina Canavese A. Cascina Casanova N.A.



N.A. Not Abandoned

Cascina Molino Codovero N.A.

Cascina Sant’Ambrogio

Cascina Taverna


Cascina Salesina


Cascina Pessina


Cascina Bruciata


Cascina Salesina 10

green analisis

Green analysis

Artificial lake in Parco Forlanini

Sport activites in Parco Forlanini



Agricoltural area Green area Water

Agricoltural area

Agricoltural area


Types of trees in forlanini park Poplar, (genus Populus), genus of some 35 species of trees in the willow family (Salicaceae), native to the Northern Hemisphere. The poplar species native to North America are divided into three loose groups: the cottonwoods, the aspens, and the balsam poplars.

Cedrus deodara is a species of cedar native to the western Himalayas in Eastern Afghanistan, Northern Pakistan. It is a large evergreen coniferous tree reaching 40–50 m tall, exceptionally 60 m with a trunk up to 3 m in diameter. It has a conic crown with level branches and drooping branchlets.

Acer palmatum, commonly known as palmate maple,is a species of woody plant native to Japan, China, Korea, eastern Mongolia, and southeast Russia. Many different cultivars of this maple have been selected and they are grown worldwide for their large variety of attractive forms, leaf shapes, and spectacular colors.

The Leyland cypress, often referred to simply as leylandii, is a fast-growing coniferous evergreen tree much used in horticulture, primarily for hedges and screens. Even on sites of relatively poor culture, plants have been known to grow to heights of 15 metres in 16 years.Their rapid, thick growth means they are sometimes used to achieve privacy, but such use can result in disputes with neighbours whose own property becomes overshadowed.

Carpinus betulus, commonly known as the European or common hornbeam, is a hornbeam native to Western Asia and central, eastern, and southern Europe, including southern England. It requires a warm climate for good growth, and occurs only at elevations up to 6 metres. It grows in mixed stands with oak, and in some areas beech, and is also a common tree in scree forests. Hornbeam was also known as 'Yoke Elm'.

Elms are deciduous and semi-deciduous trees comprising the flowering plant genus Ulmus in the plant family Ulmaceae. The genus first appeared in the Miocene geological period about 20 million years ago, originating in what is now central Asia.These trees flourished and spread over most of the Northern Hemisphere, inhabiting the temperate and tropical-montane regions of North America and Eurasia, presently ranging southward across the Equator into Indonesia.

Tilia is a genus of about 30 species of trees native or bushes throughout most of the temperate Northern Hemisphere. Commonly called lime trees or "'lime bushes'" in the British Isles, they are not closely related to the lime fruit. The genus occurs in Europe and eastern North America, but the greatest species diversity is found in Asia.

Pyrus calleryana, the Callery pear, is a species of pear native to China and Vietnam, in the family Rosaceae. It is a deciduous tree growing to 5 to 8 m tall, often with a conic to rounded crown. The leaves are oval, 4 to 8 cm long, glossy dark green above, and slightly paler below. The white, five-petaled flowers are about 2 to 2.5 cm in diameter. They are produced abundantly in early spring, before the leaves expand fully.

An oak is a tree or shrub in the genus Quercus of the beech family, Fagaceae. The genus Quercus is native to the Northern Hemisphere, and includes deciduous and evergreen species extending from cool temperate to tropical latitudes in the Americas, Asia, Europe, and North Africa.


Types of animals in folanini park A hedgehog is any of the spiny mammals of the subfamily Erinaceinae, in the eulipotyphlan family Erinaceidae. There are seventeen species of hedgehog in five genera, found through parts of Europe, Asia, and Africa, and in New Zealand by introduction. Like many of the first mammals, they have adapted to a nocturnal way of life. Hedgehogs' spiny protection resembles that of the unrelated porcupines, which are rodents, and echidnas, a type of monotreme.

Squirrels are members of the family Sciuridae, a family that includes small or medium-size rodents. The squirrel family includes tree squirrels, ground squirrels, chipmunks, marmots (including woodchucks), flying squirrels, and prairie dogs amongst other rodents. Squirrels are indigenous to the Americas, Eurasia, and Africa, and were introduced by humans to Australia.

Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae of the order Lagomorpha, found in several parts of the world. There are eight different genera in the family classified as rabbits, including the European rabbit, cottontail rabbits, and the Amami rabbit. There are many other species of rabbit, and these, along with pikas and hares, make up the order Lagomorpha. The male is called a buck and the female is a doe; a young rabbit is a kitten or kit.

Turtles are reptiles of the order Testudines characterized by a special bony or cartilaginous shell developed from their ribs and acting as a shield. "Turtle" may refer to the order as a whole or to fresh-water and sea-dwelling testudines. The order Testudines includes both extant (living) and extinct species.

The dog and the extant gray wolf are sister taxa as modern wolves are not closely related to the wolves that were first domesticated, which implies that the direct ancestor of the dog is extinct. The dog was the first species to be domesticated and has been selectively bred over millennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physical attributes.

The Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), also referred to as the common rat, street rat, sewer rat, or wharf rat is one of the best known and most common rats. One of the largest muroids, it is a brown or grey rodent with a body up to 25 cm long, and a similar tail length; the male weighs on average 350 g and the female 250 g . Thought to have originated in northern China, this rodent has now spread to all continents except Antarctica, and is the dominant rat in Europe and much of North America.

Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the European honey bee, for producing honey and beeswax. Bees are a monophyletic lineage within the superfamily Apoidea and are presently considered a clade, called Anthophila. There are nearly 20,000 known species of bees in seven recognized biological families.

Woodpeckers are found on every continent with the exception of the polar regions, Australia and Madagascar. The smallest species of woodpecker is the Bar-breasted Piculet that only grows to 8cm in height. The Gray Slaty woodpecker from south east Asia is the largest living woodpecker in the world with some of these woodpecker individuals growing to nearly 60 cm tall. The woodpecker has a distinctive long beak, which the woodpecker uses to make holes in trees.

Duck is the common name for a large number of species in the waterfowl family Anatidae, which also includes swans and geese. Ducks are divided among several subfamilies in the family Anatidae; they do not represent a monophyletic group but a form taxon, since swans and geese are not considered ducks. Ducks are mostly aquatic birds, mostly smaller than the swans and geese, and may be found in both fresh water and sea water. 13

schools in milan


schools in milan with metro station


schools in lombardy


educational project concept

In these two graphics on the left is possible to see the number of students for each schools in Milan and also the number of the schools. In the last column of each graphics is written the total number of students and schools, in this way if all the students in Milan visit our project in one year we have 459500 visitors coming from the schools.

In these two graphics on the left is possible to see the number of students for each schools in Lombardia and also the number of the schools. In the last column of each graphics is written the total number of students and schools, in this way if all the students in Lombardia visit our project in one year we have 1171004 visitors coming from the schools.



project idea


Use of existing buildings Educational Project

Use of existing buildings


Cascina Taverna

Cascina Canavese

Share knowledge

Not Abandoned

Cascina Salesina

Cascina S.Ambrogio


Parco Sud

Cascina Cavriana

New activities

Immigrants’ knowledge

Cascina Casanova

Bird cage Farfallario

AgriLab AnimaLab

Parco Nord

Cascina Cascina Casanova Pessina Cascina Salesina

Cascina Pessina


Cascina Canavese

Cascina Taverna Immigrants center

Educational Project Cascina S.Ambrogio


Cascina Canavese











Cascina S. Ambrogio


Parco Nord

Educationa project concept Educational Project

Use of existing buildings


Cascina Taverna

Cascina Canavese

Share knowledge

Not Abandoned

Cascina Salesina

Cascina S.Ambrogio


New activities

Immigrants’ knowledge

Parco Sud

Bird cage Farfallario AgriLab

AgriLab AnimaLab

Parco Nord

Cascina Cascina Casanova Pessina Cascinet


Bird cage

AnimaLab Immigrants’ knowledge

Educational Project

Cascinet Farfallario











Parco Agricolo Milano Sud


Share knowledge Cascinet

Parco Agricolo Milano Sud

Cascinet is an association no profit made up of people who share a dream: to make Cascina Sant'Ambrogio an important place for agriculture. They are working on new farming technologies in this way we image to share their knowledge to establish the AgriLab. AgriLab is a agricoltural area where people could live a strong experience with the field, we would like to create different activities for different ages ( adults, children and families) to involve people coming in Parco Forlanini to discover something and to learn something.

The South Milan Agricultural Park is a metropolitan park where agriculture is the main activity of the territorial and environmental system: its main characteristic is therefore to preserve the territories of agricultural nature as evidence of a fertile and productive agricultural plain with different cultivation addresses ranging from corn, rice, meadows, autumn-winter cereals and more. In our project we would like to use their knowledges to increase and to take care the agriLab and generally all the park’s sistem. Parco Agricolo Sud is a very good example also for the rennovation of the Cascine and take care of different types of animals.

Immigrants’ knowledge

Parco Nord

The immigrants center located in Via Corelli inside Parco Forlanini, in our project could be a resource because we are convinced that if you are familiar with a different culture you can learn something incredible and useful for you. In this way we suppose to share the knowledges of the people you lives inside the Immigrance Center, about food to create something very intresting. We can organize some cocking lessons where Immigrants can show how we can prepare a partical and tipicall dishes of thei culture. To create this activity we suppose to use the Cascina Canavese (Crazy jungle), it was a restourant before, so the forniture are already present.

Parco Nord Milano is a public association founded with the intention of redeveloping the suburbs of the northern suburbs of Milan. The idea dates back to the late 60s and the first official recognition is in 1970 with the decree establishing the Park of public interest in North Milan. In 1975 the Lombardy Region designated it as a Regional Park, inserting it as a protective area in Lombardy. Parco Nord is a very active arganisation, they coordinate a lot of events about public life, animals, agricolture and so on... We would like to use their experince to organize all the activities in Parco Forlanini.

He is Afghan chef who lives in the Immigrants center of Via Corelli. For Christmas 2017 Cascinet organized a particular and very nice event where this chef cooked tipical dishes of his culture.






sections and time line







sections and time-line







On the first phase, we are going to use the existing places and potential actors to have the chance to start the educational project. The principal actors in this phase are CasciNet, Immigrants, A2A, Municipality of Milan and Municipality of Segrate their assignment is to cooperate, to share their knowledge. Still in the first phase, we start the renovation of gasometer to build up a Farfalariom and start to build some birdcages to recreate a good condition of a small life cycle in aviaries.

The second phase will start more or less about 5 years from now which is the same period of time metro line M4 is going to open and give people much easier accessibility to the park. We start to renovate Cascina Taverna and Casanova to built two farm house to do that we want to collaborate with two actors Parco Sud and Parco Nord. In the third phase we concentrated in the space located under the highway bridge to make it a new strength in the Edu Park taking inspiration from Rubattino Park.


axonometry 1: new entrance Novegro

In this first part is possible to see the new entrance very close to the station, the Cascina Sant’Ambrogio, Cascina Canavese and two important activites: the AgriLab and the re-using of the gasomether as a farfallario.

Re-using of the gosomether Re-using the structure of the gasomether to create a farfallario with more than 100 different butterflies Idroscalo

Linate Airport

City Center

Cascina Sant’Ambrigio and Cascina Canavese


Inside these buildings will be organized some workshop, some lectures for children, adults and families.

People can live a strong experince with the field throught agricolture Viale Forlanini

Cascina Triulza, Milano




the new Gasomether


program of activites



Jardin Botanique De

Bordeaux, Ange-Jacques Gabriel, Bordeaux France, 1629

Living Library, Roosevelt Island Living Library& Think Park , Bonnie Ora Sherk , New York , 2001




Axonometry 2: heart of the park AnimaLab

In this axonometry is possible to see three important parts of our project: the immigration center, the renovation of the space under the highway and the new renovated farm house. Idroscalo

In the farm house during the week there are different workshops and different activities about animal for different age: schools, adults and family.

Linate Airport

Renovation of the Space Under the Highway

Immigation Center

We designed the renovation of the space under the highway (tangenziale) that today is totaly adandoned.

Our main idea is focus on education in this way we are trying to make the people who live in the immigration center an active part of our project and not only spectators. Viale Forlanini

Space under the highway in Rubattino park


program of activities



Parckfarm Alive Architecture Taktyk, Taktyk studio, Brussels, 2014




axonometry 3: new activities for the romantic park In this axonometry is possible to see three activities present in the Edu Park: Farm house, AgriLab and the Birdcage. In all these three activites is possible to live a particular experince about animals, birds and agricolture.


AgriLab The AgriLab is one of the most important activity present in our project. People could learn something through agricolture, through Earth. Idroscalo

Linate Airport

City Center

Birdcage AnimaLab

The birdcage is one of the activity present in the park related with animals.

In the farm house during the week there are different workshops and different activities about animal for different age: schools, adults and family. Viale Forlanini

Birdacage designed by Studio 8


program activities



Birdcage, Studio 8, Geneva Switzerland, 2008

Urban River, Urban River , Chicago , 2013




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