6 minute read
CreateCtrl AG
from PRO50 2017
Create Control of Your Content: lInear. on DeManD. at all tIMeS.
CreateCtrl AG is a solutions provider and software manufacturer for the media industry. With more than 15 years of experience, CreateCtrl is specialised in supporting media companies along the entire content distribution value chain, including linear television and radio broadcasters, OTT and VoD providers as well as content providers.
CreateCtrl’s easy-to-use, versatile media applications include tools for programme planning, management and controlling, trailer and campaigns scheduling, licence and content management. Based in Munich, Germany, CreateCtrl offers 360°
Wael Yasin, Sales Director, CreateCtrl.
software solutions, including consulting, customisation, development and support, providing its internationally growing customer base with full control of their content at all times.
StronG eXPertISe In tHe Mena reGIon
Building upon its expertise in customising solutions that suit a changing media landscape, CreateCtrl has been expanding its portfolio to meet the demands of the UAE and the Middle East. CreateCtrl has a presence every year at CABSAT, Dubai and for over three years, the media application specialist has been strengthening its business
relations in these growing markets. Through partnerships with leading industry experts, CreateCtrl is constantly evolving its products and services to help customers establish seamless workflows and optimise processes. CreateCtrl recognises the increasing appreciation of local quality content in the Middle Eastern broadcast and production industry. Its software solutions form a comprehensive tool set that support content creators as well as content providers in structuring their daily work from start through to playout. Broadcast planning solutions support the local media industry
CreateCtrl’s innovative solutions for the entire lifecycle of content for linear TV and VoD.
in cost-efficient content production and its revenue generating multi-platform distribution.
MeetInG CuStoMer neeDS In a CHanGInG MeDIa lanDSCaPe
The pace of change in the media industry continues to accelerate owing to advanced technology and infrastructure and change in consumer behaviour. Content distribution business allows for a diversified range of opportunities to monetise content whether from traditional advertising models, subscription or transaction-based revenues or business-to-business content licensing services.
In addition, with the number of digital platforms, distribution channels and programmes on the rise, roles in the traditional media value-chain find themselves in a process of transformation to further drive growth and profitability. As a result, content distributors such as licence traders, broadcasters, OTT and VoD providers are looking for cost- and timeefficient ways to optimise their processes in the distribution, management and reporting of content, as well as in the administration of content rights.
There is a need for flexible media
foX – faCInG future CHallenGeS In MeDIa ManaGeMent
How CreateCtrl’s dynamic and adaptive software solutions helped the payTV channel reduce workload and increase efficiency in its licencing and programme management processes.
Like other broadcasters, pay TV channel Fox Networks Group Germany, a subsidiary of 21st Century Fox, is faced with the challenges of structuring massive amounts of data associated with its current productions and effectively integrating them into its work processes.
Fox organises management of rights and licences for international formats, as well as broadcast scheduling and programming, using software solutions from CreateCtrl. Linear and non-linear programming of Fox currently runs entirely on CreateCtrl applications such as Programmer, Campaigns and Planner as well as Web-Suite for handling the provision of VoD titles.
SaVInG tIMe anD reDuCInG WorKloaD tHrouGH autoMatIon
At the beginning of Fox’s broadcasting operations in Germany, most programming
The VoD department within the Fox site.
management was performed using manually-created programme schedules. However, this was costly and inefficient and the reason why the channel was looking for a solution to shorten the work processes. CreateCtrl has tailored and expanded the ContentExplorer to precisely meet these needs. As a result, the individual series programmes no longer need to be managed manually; once the basic framework for a schedule has been set up for a particular month, connections can easily be made and loaded with the software.
SeaMleSS CoMMunICatIon anD InteGratIon of tHIrD-PartY SYSteMS
When commissioned by Fox, one of the key challenges for CreateCtrl was to develop and connect interfaces for seamlessly communicating with, and integrating third-party systems. Every Fox supplier platform has individual standards, specifications and requirements with regard to metadata. The task for CreateCtrl was to integrate these in their entirety and to allow for automation and control processes. For instance, the system is configured so that multiple licences can be compared. A warning message appears if entries are not congruent.
aDDreSSInG CoMPleX reQuIreMentS In VoD
Unlike linear TV, VoD schedules vary from partner to partner. Fox Broadcast maintains different transcoding profiles for a variety of media formats for their four VoD operators. Each platform has its own metatags, own file IDs and own requirements. ContentExplorer was adapted for optimal integration of the complex VoD schedules used by individual partners. With ContentExplorer, an automated message is sent as soon as a VoD flag changes, thereby minimising errors and saving time.
faCIlItatInG rePortInG CaPaBIlItIeS In lInear tV
Fox monitors audience figures and channel
ratings using Campaigns and the associated dashboard. Data from market research institutes is imported into ContentExplorer and displayed visually. The Campaigns application accesses this data and evaluates the reach of a campaign. In this way, Fox gains accurate insights and experience-based data, enabling it to better reach its target audiences in the future. In combination with other analyses, such as those of social media channels, an overall picture of the campaign reach can also be obtained.
SIMPlIfIeD rIGHtS ManaGeMent
In order to simplify the complicated process associated with different types of rights, Fox and CreateCtrl are currently working on a new rights matrix. This is intended to optimally map out both locally-purchased content and international rights. Plans are on for CreateCtrl to customise the existing rights matrix to work with the interfaces of the German pay-TV platform Sky.
CollaBoratIVe aPProaCH anD trenDSettInG SolutIonS
In each project delivered by CreateCtrl, all deliverables are optimally fine-tuned with each other to meet the specific individual requirements in terms of content and technology. In addition, CreateCtrl relies on a rather unusual business model that allows for the implementation of developments that have been initially created for other customers. In that way, different users can benefit from already-established features, thus saving time and money. management systems that enable media companies to implement a variety of new workflows, integrate third-party solutions and help them retain an overview of the growing number of licences and programmes – seamlessly, automated and according to individual needs.
CreateCtrl SuIte 10: fleXIBle SolutIonS tHat GroW WItH CuStoMer BuSIneSSeS
The latest CreateCtrl Suite 10 is a highperformance media applications software family for the entire exploitation process including content acquisition, management and scheduling.
The core of the software consists of the asset management system, CreateCtrl ContentExplorer 10, which enables management of media content, contracts and licenses, as well as the handling of workflows. The software can also be expanded to meet individual needs using additional components, such as CreateCtrl Scheme 10 and CreateCtrl Programmer 10 for strategic and license-orientated programme planning respectively, as well as CreateCtrl Planner 10 for day-to-day scheduling.
CreateCtrl Suite 10: the innovative broadcast management system.
CreateCtrl Web-Suite VoD allows for powerful VoD highlight planning for optimised placement of premium titles in different repositories and end-customer devices.
CreateCtrl also offers the application CreateCtrl Campaigns as an extension, which enables campaigns and on-air promotions in linear TV to be planned and managed seamlessly.
CreateCtrl aG
Friedenheimer Bruecke 21 80639 Munich, Germany Tel: +49 89 55 27 77 0
Email: sales@createctrl.com Website: www.createctrl.com
Wael Yasin Sales Director
Social Media
Twitter: @MyCreateCtrl Facebook: @CreateCtrl