Daily thoughts

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I see the universe in the fruit I eat. To be honest, I see the universe everywhere I go!

I am not a master of my emotions. (And that is okay with me.) Is that okay with you? IS IT!!!

You ever feel like a fortune cookie copywriter?

How long will these words exist?


Do they exist? Whoa.

I have only worn a shirt well 5 times in my life. If you can, tailor your clothing people! I still don’t, but it is good advice.

You are either getting better or worse. Only one outcome takes a decision from you.

I have a friend named Kinga. Do you? She is so kind she could have been named Kinda!

Cob houses give me hope. Tiny homes too. Dont even get me started on treehouses!

I stubbed my toe and it hurt so bad I laughed. I laughed so hard I split my pants. I split my pants so hard I stubbed my toe.

Interspecies Friendship Friday

If I were a woman I would only wear sundresses. If I were a man I would only wear sundresses. You do understand how comfortable they are right?

I have used at least 20 crayons down to a nub. It is not a competition or anything, but I am winning.

Salvia Divinorum broke the clock. Time pieced it together again. Consciousness, what a trip we are all on!

Help, I am a voice trapped in your head! Nice layout. Spacious. Plenty of room for activities...

Don’t look now but someone Loves you - I said don’t look! Ok, you can look now it was just me.

Why was it not explained to me in school that mathematics is the language of the Universe? Oh, right. That is not what school is for‌

To live authentically is a curse worth having.

I would really like to see what you would have written here. Cause I woke up with nothing.

If I won 19 million dollars, I still wouldn’t buy nice clothes. Deal with it Becky!

I get jealous of dogs on the freeway with their heads sticking out of the car window. Jealousy is ugly but I can’t help it£

I had a water frog named Todd that lived 3 years. His head was as small as a sunflower seed. I loved him.

Vegan beekeeping exists and I’m glad it does. Hi Will!

We must look ridiculous to hummingbirds. Like trees I would imagine. Would it hurt your feelings to find out that I do not care what you look like?! I am looking for ... flowers.

We must look like hummingbirds to trees!

Most people have a pooped my pants story�. Not me though, I am perfect. Plus I never wear pants.

I stared into the eyes of a dragonfly once. I have not seen anything more beautiful.

Want to stop eating chicken? Get to know one. They are hilarious. Want to stop eating cow? Get to know a chicken. They are hilarious.

Octopuses might be smarter than me. And they swim faster too! They got it all I tell ya. This is Paul The Octopus - famous for his powers of prediction.

The USD is really weak compared to the Sand Dollar but the Sand Dollar pays for itself. Of course, if you’re looking to buy a Sand Dollar, they cost about two dollars. What were we talking about?

If you are triggered by bad spelling it is time to grew up. Its bad grammar that really makes me rage!

She sees the world the way she needs to see the world. I love her for that.

Everything from your mouth to your anus is outside of your body. That’s not an insult, it’s a fact.

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