CP August 2020 f

Page 42

FormerlyMe.com presents “Month Three”


FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the third month of my journey. Jim West


Back when I started in November 2019, I recalled I could barely do 8 minutes of cardio on the elliptical machine. I decided I needed something low impact for my feet as I was still suffering from gout attacks while trying to work out how much to reduce in the plant-based protein amounts. Everyday I was in the gym in the elliptical machine pushing to run further and longer time wise. There were days I was out of breath, or the pain was becoming unbearable. With persistence and determination I eventually made it up



to an hour, and then I was able to do two one-hour sessions. I maintained this daily cardio routine as I was not ready to take on a new fitness routine. As I began to run further and longer, I shared my achievements with social media and with a friend who told me, “You’re ready to run a marathon!”. Then on February 17th, 2020 (my 43rd Birthday) I ran an indoor marathon of 27.5 miles (42.195 km) in 4.5 hours. Quite a long way from the person who could only do 8 minutes just over 90 days prior.

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