Hair Stylist: Mariya Matveychuk (@mariya_matveychuk)
MAU: Haneen Samad (@haneen.samadd)
Photographer: Riyaz (@riyasphotokw)


8. Lost And Found
18. What Is Formerlyme?


Hair Stylist: Mariya Matveychuk (@mariya_matveychuk)
MAU: Haneen Samad (@haneen.samadd)
Photographer: Riyaz (@riyasphotokw)
8. Lost And Found
18. What Is Formerlyme?
I was reading an article recently about the things people had left behind in hotel rooms. This included a 6ft Japanese temple, a five-tier wedding cake, a 24ct gold photo frame (complete with a photograph of Queen Elizabeth II on her coronation) and, most bizarrely of all, two professionally trained sheepdogs. Apparently, Hamish and Ramsey (aka Ham and Ram) were perfectly behaved whilst waiting for their owner to make the four-hour drive to reclaim them. Good boys!
This got me thinking about my own misplaced possessions. Admittedly, I’ve never left my dog behind when checking out of a hotel (although, there were times I was sorely tempted), but the things I did forget were still an inconvenience. Phone chargers, for example.
I know I’m not the only one guilty of this oversight. My husband has donated more iPhone chargers than I care to mention to various hotels around the world, left in the plug socket beside the bed or entwined with the lead of the plastic kettle. I’d like to think they were made available to those guests who had lost or forgotten their own charging cables but I’ve yet to see this on the list of guest services in any hotel.
I once left my nightdress under the pillow of a hotel room in the UK. In this particular case, having contacted the hotel asking for its safe return, it arrived two weeks later complete with marmalade stains. Well, you can’t beat breakfast in bed when you’re away for the weekend.
More recently, I left a pair of jeans hanging in the wardrobe of a hotel room in France. I remembered as soon as I stepped out of the front door. I returned immediately to the hotel reception only to be told I wasn’t allowed access to the room because I had already checked out. Five minutes later, after telephoning the housekeeping department, the receptionist cheerily told me there was nothing in the wardrobe and that I had obviously made a mistake.
I loved those jeans. You know when you find a pair that are just right? Perfect fit, perfect rise, perfect length. But it wasn’t just the jeans I was upset about, it was the 30 Euros in the back pocket. I was still seething as I cycled towards my next destination, picturing the housekeeper dining out on my hard-earned cash, the imaginary smell of moulesfrites taunting me all the way to Reims. As for the jeans, they were the only pair I had with me, the baggage allowance on my charity cycle ride restricting my choice of attire to more essential items i.e. Lycra, Lycra and more Lycra. I tried to console myself with the thought that perhaps the jeans wouldn’t fit. Maybe the housekeeper was a size 16 or only 5ft tall. Maybe she was actually a he. All that did was conjure images of a brand new listing on an online auction site: Guess jeans, size 10, excellent condition, one not very careful owner. Still, I had no-one to blame but myself.
I suppose it could have been worse. A friend of mine once left her hair straighteners in a hotel room. Again, the hotel denied that anything had been left behind. From her point of view, that was a very costly mistake.
Other things I’ve lost include socks, an umbrella, a hairbrush, perfume… the list is endless. I’ve also got history when it comes to sunglasses…
My husband bought me a fab pair of designer shades for our tenth wedding anniversary. To this day, I’m not sure why I thought it was a good idea to take them on a girls’ weekend away, but take them I did. To be fair, they looked great on the various photographs – proof that I did get to wear them at least once – but there was no sign of them when I woke up in the hotel the next morning.
Despite retracing my steps, looking in every toilet, under every table, behind every chair, there was no sign of my (very expensive) sunglasses. They hadn’t been handed in at the hotel either. To be honest, I didn’t expect to find them. I already knew that someone had claimed them as their own and was probably parading around the city doing their finest impression of Kim Kardashian.
I lost my second pair of (very expensive) sunglasses during a holiday in Dubai. They, too, were a gift from my husband. There I was, sailing over the desert in a hot air balloon, gazing in awe at the sunrise, admiring the peaks and troughs of the dunes, marvelling at the skittish run of a lone gazelle. One minute I was peering over the side at a caravan of camels, the next I was watching, open-mouthed, as my sunglasses fell from my head and disappeared into the sandy abyss.
To this day, I remain convinced there’s a camel somewhere in the Dubai dessert, rocking a pair of Prada shades, the envy of the rest of its squinting flock.
Although my husband vowed never again to buy me a pair of sunglasses, he’s not really in a position to criticise. In addition to the many iPhone chargers he’s guilty of losing, he once left a scarf, his favourite tie and a pair of trousers in a hotel in Scotland.
“Sorry, Sir,” said the staff. “There was nothing left behind in room 12.”
Yeah, right. If you say so.
He did once manage to retrieve a pair of lost spectacles, though. I’m guessing the housekeeping staff at this particular hotel either had perfect vision or a very different optical prescription to his own. Or maybe they were just honest, we live in hope. Anyhow, having telephoned the hotel concerned as soon as he realised his mistake, they promised to rummage through the mountain of glasses in their lost property box in an attempt to identify his specific pair. Obviously, leaving glasses behind was a ‘thing’.
“Can you describe them please, Sir?”
“Well, they’ve got two arms, two lenses…”
Only once we’d paid for the courier fee in full, did they agree to send the glasses to our home address. I had little faith the correct pair would turn up but sure enough, there they were, none the worse for their three-hour journey in a padded envelope.
Which reminds me, my other half once left an envelope full of documents (passport and birth certificate included) on a train. Does that beat the sheepdogs? Probably not.
Art Direction: Jameel Arif (@jameelarif)
Photographer: Riyaz (@riyasphotokw)
Please introduce yourself to our readers. I come from a mixed background. I’m Kuwaiti-Malaysian, my father (rest his soul) was Kuwaiti, and my mother is originally from Malaysia. I learned early on how different cultures and languages can impact meaning, connections and understanding. I find it fascinating and perhaps that’s what led me to where I am today. I’m an avid reader, I enjoy art in all its forms, and I love discovering new methods of learning and self-development. I now run and own the Art of Language for Training and Consultancy; I’m a language and leadership coach and I strive to help others reach their goals.
Tell us about your education.
I graduated from Kuwait University with a Bachelors in English Language & Literature. I didn’t stop there and got my certifications as a TESOL instructor as well as a Business & Executive Coach. I’m looking to further my studies in the future as well.
Some of my favorite childhood memories were spent in Malaysia, growing up there was an experience. I learned a lot. I loved taking my bicycle out for a ride around the neighborhood with friends and I would constantly get into interesting encounters with different animals and creatures.
Interesting enough, I was trying to avoid entering the teaching sector. I was very passionate about psychology, understanding the human mind and behaviors and how our psychology impacts our quality of life. Yet I recall taking AP psychology in high school, and we had studied an entire section on the psychology of education. It was fascinating how different factors can affect the level of learning and education we receive. This immediately grabbed my interest, as through learning we shape our lives, values, thoughts and personalities and I shifted my focus towards a career in education and teaching.
Who has been your greatest inspiration?
I have always been truly inspired by Oprah Winfrey, how she teaches in a different form using different mediums but shares incredible wisdom with the world. I was also inspired by my high school English teacher in my senior year, Dr. Christi Hebert. I still remember her and all the things I learned from her. She taught us the value of reading with purpose and also taught us how to annotate the books we read to truly explore its content further. I was inspired by how she taught us the skills we needed, and though it was tough at the time, she never belittled us in any way and was always a source of kindness and patience.
Where do I start? Honestly, when I first started teaching, I quickly realized the importance of self-regulation when dealing with classes of students. Each student has their own personality, come from different backgrounds, have different learning styles and challenges. As a teacher, it is our job and role to find a way to help each of these different students get the best out of each class. This is not always easy, and I found there is a huge challenge with implementing creative teaching styles in some schools, as
we are expected to follow a strict and specific format and it may not always serve the students.
What made you to decide to start you own teaching business?
I realized that the only way I could have the freedom to truly teach, train and coach effectively was under my own management. I wanted to reach more people, offer them the support they need and provide a safe environment for them to learn the skills they seek to learn. I believe that education and learning can only happen when there is a level of trust, acceptance, empathy, understanding and the willingness to try even if we may get it wrong. I also enjoy researching new methods to add into my own programs, I am also passionate about coaching and have found a way to combine both elements to create a more impactful learning environment for my clients.
Why did you name it “The Art of Language”?
The name came to me when I was in the middle of an argument, interesting enough. I started to really emphasize on the importance of communication skills, the power of speaking with purpose and I called it an art. It then came to me, language is an art, no matter how it is used. Thus, the Art of Language came to life. I want to share my appreciation for language learning with the Middle East and how to best portray themselves at work, with family and friends and more by using language effectively.
What subjects or topics do you teach?
I mostly coach and train my clients in English language acquisition, public speaking & presentation skills, communication skills and effective teaching strategies for fellow educators, leadership, and management skills. I am also a coach that helps clients achieve their goals in different areas of their lives.
Who are you typical clients?
My usual clients are fellow educators, students, business professionals, doctors, lawyers, and individuals interested in advancing their communication skills in English to help them take advantage of opportunities that come their way, flourish in their careers and daily lives. Even for those who have mastered the basic skills in English, I help them reach the next level in terms of strategic communication skills and influential public speaking/presentations.
What is your overview of the current situation in the corporate world in terms of effective communication implementation?
I feel as though communication skills are taken for granted. There is a lot about communication that we can learn and implement especially in the workplace. I’m quite pleased to see more companies today seeking to train their new employees in effective and business communication skills. Through my experience, I noticed that the focus would revolve around getting the “job done” more than building connections among peers through strategic communication. This is an element that would shift the environment in the corporate world if taken more seriously.
What makes your training unique and different?
I combine different tools, strategies, and concepts to help my clients and coachees develop in their skills. I don’t have
a one-size-fits-all approach or curriculum. I research each person’s learning style, ask them how they have learned best in the past and depending on that, I tailor the training materials to them and practice accordingly. I use coaching tools and strategies to help develop their self-awareness and build on their self confidence to be open to learning these new skills.
What are some of the challenges in running your training business?
I would say the challenge is setting up my time in such a way where there is time to run the business, time to train, time to coach and time to develop the tools and materials needed. I wear different hats throughout the day and must keep up with it. It can get overwhelming at times but seeing the results in my clients makes it all worthwhile. How can organizations benefit from your training?
As a coach and trainer, I learned to use the gamification of concepts to best get the message across in my training. I sincerely believe that part of the success that organizations achieve come from their investment in their employees in terms of skill training, development and ensuring the working environment is an active and healthy one. This is what I promote through my programs.
What programs do you offer for Trainers/ Teachers?
I offer workshops and training programs for teachers called “Teach the Teacher,” in these workshops and programs I aim to develop our fellow educators in the coaching skills and techniques that can be used in the classrooms for more impact. I strongly believe combining the best of both approaches will transform education in the future.
How important is effective communication for organizations?
I sincerely believe it’s one of the most important skills to master. It could make or break a business deal quite frankly. I have also seen and experienced when communication breaks down in organizations, there is not much cooperation, more tension and confusion. This leads to chaos rather than smooth operations. We are human at the end of the day, however, the sooner we realize the impact communication has on the working environment, results and cohesion, the sooner matters can get back on track.
What are your future plans for your business?
I plan on expanding my business to include more coaching and training programs that can benefit individuals and organizations. I also hope to be a part of the change in our education methods.
What are some of your other hobbies?
I love art. I’ve always been a fan of watercolor painting. Recently, I’ve discovered digital art and have been practicing. I use my digital art and designs for products and tools in my business. I also enjoy shooting and
reading. I read a lot, and it’s something I encourage even for my clients.
If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?
I want everyone to know that it’s more important to work on developing yourself, your skills, and the value you have to offer more than anything else. There will always be ups and downs and challenges. However, the more you skill up, the more you are equipped to handle these challenges and persevere.
Your message for us at CP magazine.
It’s critical to have dreams, and it’s important to bring these dreams to life by setting specific goals and acting on them. I don’t think we emphasize enough on the importance of goal setting and building the discipline it takes to achieve them. We should always seek to improve and learn more throughout life. Learning is a life-long process. One of my absolute favorite quotes is “Get comfortable, being uncomfortable. This is where growth happens” and it truly shifted my perspective on life. We are so often told that we need to be “comfortable”, and it gets misconstrued. Growth and change are uncomfortable processes.
“For Fall Winter 2023, we began our dialogue with images from the french Illustrator Francois Berthoud and his book titled ‘Facsimile.’ First commissioned by Anna Piaggi for Conde Nast’s Vanity Fair, his work soon appeared in all leading magazines, including Vogue, Numero and Interview.”
“Beautiful high–impact imagery that blends art, fashion and communication created in tones of black, grey, and browns – this was a starting point.”
“Sometimes we are so busy looking outward that we forget to look inward and this season, we also looked at the things surrounding us growing up. Art, culture and the beauty of our home.”
The new season creative – a catwalk film – was captured on the grounds of RAK Art Foundation in Bahrain, a non-profit art gallery founded by Bahraini artist and collector HE Shaikh Rashid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa. Originally built in 1930, the converted traditional Bahraini house, where the painter was raised, contains myriad works from international artists and his oeuvre.
Original artwork by Shaikh Rashid titled ‘CUSP’ (2020) set the perfect catwalk backdrop, showing the moment of transition between the sun and the moon, the point where two curves meet. A portrayal of the brand’s love for East meets West. Masculine and feminine, light and shade. The sun and the moon.
“As we developed the 3-dimensional silhouettes on our house model, we took photographs both in the studio and outdoors. Clothes move and are lived in, so we always want to see the collection on the body.”
A depiction of elongated shadows created under the Bahraini sunshine, the new season collection begins with a silhouette for Fall Winter 2023 that is long, lean, and chic – where skirts and coats graze the floor.
Working with a contrast of dense, opaque cloths and light transparencies to create a wardrobe inspired by the core inspiration of “shared” or “borrowed” menswear pieces translated into a reconsidered idea of seasonal wardrobe dressing. Longlasting pieces that fit within the client’s wardrobe forever.
Column-cut cowl front dresses carry precise cuts and constructions and are as easy to wear as a t-shirt. Classic sailor collars are seen on t-shirt shaped shirts or tunics. Lean quilted coats and jackets worn with dresses.
Long, languid looks in bias cuts created from soft melton wools. Jackets are cut with precision and shape, often patched together using tones of noir. Paired back designs reflect a 90’s minimal new york scene combined with an understated element of tradition, craft and avant-garde glamour. The familiar made new.
Founded in Bahrain in 2008 by Designers Shaikha Noor Al Khalifa and Shaikha Haya Al Khalifa – business partners and cousins –Noon By Noor is a womenswear designer label. In 2013, Noon By Noor was recognised as the first GCC-based fashion brand to show at NYFW prior to its shift to LFW.
FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 90 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “On The Go: Brussels” days of my journey.
A small city in a small country in Europe would grow into one of the major centers for international politics and diplomacy. As the capital of the European Union, it host many principle EU institutions. NATO HQ is also located here. Nestled between The Netherlands and France, it is obvious to see why both Dutch and French are the two primary languages spoken, but no worries as English is the most common second language in the country. Yet Brussels and the country of Belgium is perhaps better known for its cuisine with Belgium Waffles, Chocolate, and of course their various beers.
Although travel sites will say that March through May and September through October are the best times to visit, I would say Brussels is lovely all year long with temperatures that range from low 30 degrees to mid- 70s Fahrenheit (-1 to 24 Celsius). Just pack a coat and an umbrella and wear some walking shoes. No matter when you go or how long you stay…buy some chocolate!
Don’t let all of these sweet and savory foods distract you from the fact that Brussels is also hailed as a capital of the comic strip. With two of their most world known comics being the Smurfs and Tintin. There is even a Comic Book Route with murals that cover the entire sides of buildings throughout the city. In fact you will find a majority of the sights within a two miles radius which makes Brussels and very walkable city.
Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my more unique experiences I had in the past few years. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial
Brussels is a city that loves and fully embraces the Arts and Sciences. Boasting over 80 museums, it would take weeks to visit every single one. Yet if you find yourself with just a few days the best are the Royal Museum of Fine Arts and the Musical Instruments Museum are among the top ones to see. Yet don’t leave town until you swing by to see the Atomium. The Atomium is a structure that blends art with science. Standing over 300 ft. tall (103 meters), it represents a model of an iron crystal atom magnified 165 billion times! Simply astounding to see the scale of an atom.
Bil Arabi is one of the most exciting brands to emerge from the Middle East reaching limitless horizons, the brand thrives on creativity, innovation and design in showcasing the most luxurious creations in the jewelry scene. Merging the artistic movement in calligraphy and the originality of intricate design concepts, the brand invites you to create memories and experiences for whoever wears them.
Launched in 2006 by Lebanese Nadine Kanso, Bil Arabi’s bespoke designs reflect introspective messages and deep meaning into unparalleled striking jewelry for all outspoken generations. Each versatile creation symbolizes true craftsmanship that pours into individualism. The creations hold an abundance of power with their reimagination of calligraphic shapes and forms.
Kanso is an artist photographer, a jewelry designer and a cultural entrepreneur. She represents the bicoastal reality of many Arabs today, a reality that informs her work as both a photographer and a jewelry designer.
With her unique twist on design, Bil Arabi’s creations includes an array of rings, earrings, bracelets, pendants and cufflinks drawing on the inherent beauty, calligraphic
contour and lyricism taken from the artistic shapes and forms of the alphabet.
Nadine crafts contemporary visual language that nestles comfortably on the body and face allowing for a strong recognizable self-expression. Bil Arabi captures the esence of the modern arab identity in the 21st century as she sees it – unique, unavoidable and with a need to be seen, head and worn.
Using Yellow, White and Rose gold, along with dazzling precious and semi-precious stones, Kanso updates the traditional letters with her own funky twist, creating a new contemporary visual language that nestles comfortably on your hand, wrist, ear or dangles from your neck. How's that for powerful self-expression
Makeup list for this look:
Teint Idole Ultra 24H Long Wear Matte Foundation
Roller Lash Curling & Lifting Mascara
Soft Pop Blush Stick
Always On Waterproof Gel Eye Liner
Cream Highlighter
Gimme Brow+ Tinted Volumizing Eyebrow Gel
Nude Obsessions Eyeshadow Palette
Rhinestones for face
Sana Mrad
“Love is like the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it.”
Maryam Alwazzan is an Art Historian, Curator, Interior Architect, and conceptual photographer. Her interest and excitement for the exploration of Art, Architecture, education, and culture form her practice and way of thinking.
She practiced design work, teaching, and museum work in the United States, the United Kingdom, and the Middle East. Her work in photography has been exhibited previously in London, Sharjah, and Bahrain while featured in several electronic magazines. Maryam was the recipient of the Gloria Tover Lee Graduate Scholarship in Art history Grant, where she received her M.A. in Art History with honors, specializing in contemporary photography art of the Arab and Muslim Worlds from the University of Oregon, December 2018.
She was a teaching assistant in the History of Art and Architecture department where she taught the History of the World Architecture and the History of Photography. Maryam received her first M.A. in Architecture with an Emphasis in Interior Architecture focusing on Historic Preservation from the School of The Art Institute of Chicago, May 2016, where she worked extensively on historical preservation
projects alongside a highly professional team both at EXP global Engineering Consulting Company and the Historical Preservation Department at the School of The Art Institute of Chicago.
Maryam was a Research and Strategic Development Specialist/Representative of the MENA region art institutions at Vastari, London, an online platform where museums can source privately owned pieces for their forthcoming shows, list, and exchange exhibitions with other institutional and private venues around the globe. Vastari has worked with over 6,500 curators, over 1,100 museums and institutions, including 6 of the top 10 most visited museums worldwide.
Upon her return to Kuwait, Maryam has founded her creative consultancy company, where she worked extensively with various companies providing them with historical research, art advisory, and display proposals. She has curated exhibitions at the Hub Gallery and Wejha art space, while provided both established and mid-career artists with consultations, creative writing, and mentorship services.
She’s now a faculty of art history at the American university of Kuwait.
Art Direction, Concept & Styling: Jameel Arif (@jameelarif)
Hair Stylist: Mariya Matveychuk (@mariya_matveychuk)
MAU: Haneen Samad (@haneen.samadd)
Photographer: Riyaz (@riyas.photokw)
I have always been interested in art, my parents actually encouraged my siblings and I to draw and all our paintings/ drawings were hanged on big super long wood panels in our basement. I never thought I would be working in the arts and art education field especially that I started my educational and career journey in Architectural Engineering and historical preservation, working on rehabilitation and repurposing of historical buildings mostly in Chicago. However, during my search and tremendous application submissions to different Art and Architectural P.h.D programs in the states, I received an acceptance letter to a masters in art history program at the University of Oregon in 2018. It was for sure a tough position to be in especially that I was supposed to get my P.h.d at that time, but the fellowship and teaching assistance paid position that was offered by the university’s department was tough to turn down. And that’s when I started my career in the education field of art and architecture history.
As an architect with a focus on historical preservation, my practical background has also had a significant impact on my career in arts and art education. Through my work in architecture, I have developed a keen eye for design, form, and function, which has greatly influenced my approach to art education. I am able to teach students how to think critically about the design and composition of art, and how to use these elements to create meaning and communicate ideas.
Architecture is a field that combines creativity and technical expertise to design and build structures that serve both functional and aesthetic purposes. The creativity and attention to detail required to design and build a building that is both functional and beautiful is what inspires many people to pursue a career in architecture.
On the other hand, art has the power to evoke emotions, tell stories, and provoke thought. It can provide a window into the human experience and help us understand different cultures and perspectives. The process of creating regardless of what is it that you are “creating”, is a source of inspiration, as artists use their skills and imagination to bring their vision to life.
Moreover, by studying the art and artists of the past, we can gain a deeper understanding of the world and the human experience. We can see how art has evolved over time and how it has been influenced by historical events and cultural attitudes. Additionally, art history helps us to appreciate the creativity and technical expertise of past artists, and to understand the impact that their work has had on the world.
My practical background in architecture has also provided me with a unique perspective on the historical and cultural context of art. I am able to teach students about the ways that art has been influenced by different historical periods and cultural movements, and how these influences have shaped the evolution of artistic expression over time. I am able to help students understand the connections between art and the built environment, and how the two can work together to create meaning and convey cultural values. It has also influenced the way that I approach my own artistic practice. I am able to approach my own art from a more practical and functional perspective, thinking about how my work can be used in different settings and how it can interact with the built environment.
Overall, I believe that my practical background in architecture
has greatly enhanced my career in arts and art education. It has provided me with a unique perspective and a set of skills that I am able to apply in a variety of creative and professional settings.
How would you explain “Art Historian” to someone new to this term and why art history?
As an Art Historian, you would spend your time researching, writing, and teaching about various aspects of art and its history. Your work might include analyzing specific works of art, examining the historical and cultural contexts in which they were created, and exploring the motivations and techniques of the artists who created them. You might also write papers and give lectures on various topics related to art history, such as the development of specific art movements, the impact of historical events on art, or the ways in which art reflects cultural values and beliefs.
One of the key reasons why studying art history is important is that it provides us with a deeper understanding of the world and the previous human experience. It is in fact a universal language that transcends time and culture, and helps us to decode that language to assess the past in order to build for the future. By studying the art of different time periods and cultural contexts, we can gain a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experience and a deeper understanding of the ways in which art reflects and shapes our beliefs, values, and attitudes.
Since Art history helps us to develop critical thinking skills, Art historians must be able to analyze works of art in a systematic and analytical manner, and they must also be able to write about their findings in a clear and concise manner. These skills are not only valuable in the field of art history, but also in many other areas of life, such as business, law, and politics.
Can you describe the importance of art, what it means to keep studying it and why it's important to society?
Art is an important aspect of human culture and has played a significant role in shaping society throughout history. For instance, art expresses and reflects human experience: Art has the power to evoke emotions, tell stories, and provide a window into the human experience. Through art, we can learn about the beliefs, values, and attitudes of different cultures and historical periods. Practicing and artistic form promotes creativity and innovation: The process of creating requires imagination, creativity, and technical skills. It is also important to highlight the social and cultural impact: Art has the power to shape society and cultural attitudes. Works of art can challenge existing norms, raise awareness of important issues, and inspire social change. That said, art education fosters critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Studying art requires critical thinking and problem-solving skills, as art historians and artists must analyze works of art and interpret their meaning and significance. These skills are valuable not only in the field of art, but also in many other areas of life, and that’s one of the reasons why the classes I teach at the American University of Kuwait focuses more on critical analysis than memorizing dates and names. Art is an important part of our cultural heritage and a record of human history.
What would you consider an achievements?
An achievement can be defined as a significant accomplishment or success that one has worked hard to attain. It can take many different forms, such as academic or professional success, personal growth, or creative pursuits. However, in my opinion, the greatest achievement is the understanding of oneself.
To truly understand oneself is to be aware of one's strengths and weaknesses, values and beliefs, and to have a deep sense of self-awareness. This achievement requires a great deal of introspection and self-reflection, and it can be a lifelong journey.
In the digital age, what are the most exciting opportunities technological advances offer to our experience of art?
The digital age has brought about many exciting opportunities for the experience of art, and technology has had a profound impact on the way we create, view, and interact with art. Some of the most exciting opportunities include:
Access to a wider range of art: Technology has made it easier for people to access and view art from around the world. Online galleries and museums, for example, offer virtual exhibitions that allow people to experience art from the comfort of their own homes.
Enhanced viewing experiences: Digital technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) can enhance our experience of art by allowing us to immerse ourselves in an artwork or exhibition.
Interactive and participatory art: Technology has also enabled the creation of interactive and participatory art, allowing audiences to engage with art in new and innovative ways. For example, some artists are using sensors and other digital tools to create interactive installations that respond to the movements and actions of viewers.
New forms of art: Digital technology has also given rise to new forms of art, such as digital painting and 3D printing, which allow artists to experiment with new techniques and materials.
Increased collaboration and community building: Technology has made it easier for artists to collaborate and build communities with others from around the world. Social media platforms, for example, provide opportunities for artists to share their work, connect with other artists, and receive feedback from a wider audience.
Preservation and conservation: Digital technology has also made it easier to preserve and conserve art for future generations. Digitization and 3D printing, for example, allow for the creation of high-quality digital archives and replicas that can be used to preserve art and cultural heritage.
Overall, technology has opened up new and exciting opportunities for the experience of art and has had a transformative impact on the way we create, view, and engage with art.
Tell us about your consultancy firm “M.W. Creative Consultancy”. Why did you decided to start your own firm? Did you face any challenges establishing your firm?
Without any doubt, it wasn’t an easy birth and it’s definitely isn’t getting any easier, but that in itself keeps giving me the drive to find ways even through small services such as mentorship and art consultancy for artists which might not be a good source of financial growth especially if you’re trying to build while also introduce a new practice and different approach away from heavily commercialized art and the culture of mass production that a lot of artist now suffer from.
It is also essential to highlight that the government doesn’t really invest much in arts and the creative human development
the way our neighboring countries started to do in the last 10 years.
Kuwait has a rich cultural heritage, and art has played an important role in the country's history. However, in recent years, there has been a lack of proper critical art scene in Kuwait. There is a growing need for the development of a thriving art community that can support emerging artists and showcase their work to a wider audience.
While there are some galleries and museums in Kuwait that display artwork, there is a lack of critical discourse and analysis around the art scene. Without proper criticism, it becomes difficult for artists to develop their work and for the community to grow and evolve.
In recent years, there has been an increased focus on the development of the arts in Kuwait. The government has invested in cultural initiatives, and there are now several annual arts festivals that provide opportunities for local artists to showcase their work. However, more needs to be done to support artists and to create a sustainable art scene. One area that needs attention is the development of educational programs that can help artists hone their skills and develop their creative practice. Additionally, there is a need for more funding and resources to support the work of artists and to provide them with the tools they need to succeed.
Ultimately, the lack of proper critical art scene in Kuwait is a challenge that must be addressed if the country's art community is to flourish. By providing greater support for artists and investing in the development of the arts, creating proper art residencies, Kuwait can create a vibrant and thriving art scene that can contribute to the country's cultural identity and economic growth.
You have worked extensively on historical preservation projects outside Kuwait, why didn’t you focus on this coming back to Kuwait? Practicing historical preservation in Chicago whether it was with the architectural team at the Engineering consulting company I worked at or the projects and building diagnosis training I received at the School of the art institute of Chicago was by far the most rich learning experience in my career as an Interior Architect.
Chicago has a long and rich history, and the city has made significant efforts to preserve its cultural heritage. In contrast, Kuwait's historical sites and buildings have not been adequately preserved, and efforts to do so have been met with significant challenges.
One solution to the issue of historical preservation in Kuwait is to increase public awareness and appreciation for the country's cultural heritage. Education campaigns and cultural programs could be organized to showcase the significance of Kuwait's historic buildings and sites. This would help to create a sense of ownership and pride among Kuwaiti citizens, making them more likely to value and protect historical landmarks.
Another solution is to develop and implement comprehensive laws to protect historic buildings and sites. The Kuwaiti government could create a registry of historic buildings and structures and establish guidelines for their preservation. The government could also provide incentives to private property owners to maintain and preserve historic buildings, such as tax breaks or subsidies.
Furthermore, the government could establish a dedicated agency or department responsible for historical preservation. This agency could coordinate efforts between government agencies, private property owners, and preservation organizations to ensure that historic buildings and sites are adequately protected and maintained.
To address the issue of Kuwait's harsh climate, preservation efforts could focus on adapting historic buildings to withstand extreme temperatures and humidity. This could include the use of modern materials and technologies that are designed to be durable and energy-efficient without jeopardizing the authentic essence of the building or its surviving parts and materials.
To sum it all up, I do believe that historical preservation in Kuwait faces significant challenges, but there are solutions that could be implemented to address this issue. Increasing public awareness and appreciation for Kuwait's cultural heritage, developing and implementing comprehensive laws, establishing a dedicated agency for historical preservation, and adapting historic buildings to withstand the harsh climate could all help to preserve Kuwait's history and cultural heritage for future generations.
One of things I enjoy most is cooking. I find the process of preparing ingredients, experimenting with new recipes, and sharing the final product with others to be both enjoyable and rewarding. I got my love for cooking from my great grandmother, may her soul rest in peace. She was an excellent cook and would spend hours in the kitchen, preparing traditional family recipes and teaching me her techniques. She did not use measurements and she always goes by how she feels during the process of making, I still remember her saying a little bit of this and a handful of that, and I used to pay extra attention to the amount so I can sense what feels right at the moment.
Her love for cooking was contagious, and I found myself drawn to the kitchen as a child, eager to learn from her. Today, when I'm cooking, I often think back to those times spent with her. I remember her patience, her attention to detail, and the joy that she took in creating delicious meals for her loved ones, it was her way of showing love and care to those around her. Cooking has become a way for me to carry on her legacy and to keep her memory alive through the food that I prepare and share with others.
"The sun shines down, and its image reflects in a thousand different pots filled with water. The reflections are many, but they are each reflecting the same sun. Similarly, when we come to know who we truly are, we will see ourselves in all people."
Shams TabriziI have received many amazing advices through out the years from mentors, professors, colleagues. However the best advice was given by my beloved father. He once said: silence is the most powerful weapon especially in conflict, reacting impulsively doesn’t always solve anything but rather perhaps creates further damage. So keep attention to what people say and do, observe in silence before reacting.
What are your plans for the future?
I have many plans but my main goal is to incorporate art education and critical thinking in the educational system in Kuwait. I am working on it in my classrooms and I do believe
there are many other professors and educators who are applying progressive teaching methods and strategies each on their own at a small scale. However, such approach requires support from different educational and art institutions for us to be able to enhance the entire educational system starting from kindergarten.
What advice would you give young people trying to climb the arts career ladder?
Build a strong foundation: Acquiring a solid education and technical skills in your chosen art form is essential for success. Consider enrolling in a formal arts program or taking workshops to develop your skills.
Create a portfolio: A strong portfolio is essential for showcasing your work and securing opportunities. Focus on creating high-quality, diverse pieces that demonstrate your range and abilities.
Network and build relationships: Building relationships with other artists, curators, and art professionals can be valuable for learning about opportunities and getting your work in front of a wider audience. Attend art events, join professional organizations, and connect with others in your field through social media.
Be persistent: Climbing the arts career ladder can be challenging, but persistence and dedication to your craft can help you overcome obstacles. Don't be discouraged by rejections or setbacks; instead, use them as opportunities to learn and grow.
Seek out opportunities: Look for opportunities to showcase your work, such as exhibitions, competitions, and residencies. Apply for grants, awards, and other funding opportunities to help advance your career.
Stay open to learning: The arts are constantly evolving, so it's important to stay up to date with new developments and trends. Attend exhibitions, read about art, and take workshops to continue developing your skills and knowledge.
Believe in yourself: Confidence in your abilities and a strong belief in your work are key to success in the arts. Surround yourself with supportive people who believe in you and your work. Remember, success in the arts takes time and effort, but with hard work and dedication, you can achieve your goals. You can do anything and you can be anyone!!
I had a delightful experience with CP magazine and their director Jameel Arif! From discussing details, interview, to the magazine cover shoot, it was a fun and interesting experience. The team was passionate and creative, and it was great to work with them.
I am truly grateful for their interest in my story and I look forward to potentially working with CP magazine team again in the future.
Taking Daily trips from and to her hometown Ghayathi, Salmah Al Mansoori developed a strong desire to explore the route she observes for hours. Starting from the desert, and demolished buildings, to the abandoned houses that were left with untold stories that Salmah attempts to narrate. Composing a series of works inspired by the neighborhoods she ran across and the uninhabited homes that were once populous, Salmah shares the obscurity of the places she witnessed and the multiple transitions they underwent.
Through “Ghayathi" Al Mansoori outsets an investigational journey into houses that were built during the 1980s in the western region of the emirate of Abu Dhabi. She highlights the condition of these buildings between the past and the now. Seeing familiar spaces being disrupted by elements of gloominess and isolation, realizing that these residents are no longer what they once seemed to be. With attentive observation the walls of these demolished kitchens, bedrooms and living rooms- she reimagines the moments, feelings, and experiences of former inhabitants in spaces that burst with uncertainty. With every object left behind, Salmah sees many possibilities for nostalgic narratives, that documents of the historical transition that many individuals, families, and spaces have witnessed. she is inviting the spectator to reimagine the scenarios that might have once happened, which remain open to possible meanings and interpretations.
Salmah Al Mansoori is an Abu Dhabi-based multidisciplinary artist. Born in Ghayathi, Aldhafra in 2001. Investigating the intersections of place and memory. She has developed a diverse practice that includes painting, sculpture, ceramics, installation photography, and video. She currently interns for i.e. Art projects and works as an exhibition assistant for Engage 101, helping foster a greater arts ecosystem and community locally and internationally. And volunteers as the Student Council President for her college.
While her career continues to grow, Almansoori’s work has already been featured in recent exhibitions at Dubai’s ZUUSS Gallery(2022), Puertas Adentro, Punta Del Este, Uruguay( 2022), Dubai Design District(2022), and the 4th International Digital Media Triennial (2021). She completed residency programs, including Volume 6, Samt Alternative Art School residency program(2022), and MANGO Residencia para Artistas together with Puertas Adentro, casa de artista, Argentina, Uruguay(2022). Recent projects have included: Abu Dhabi Family Forum (Art and Culture), Abu Dhabi, UAE (2020); TwoFour54 Media and Art Souq, Abu Dhabi, UAE (2020);She will receive her Bachelor of Fine Arts in Visual Art from Zayed University, Abu Dhabi, UAE, in August 2023.
Fatima Al Kurdi, a Senior Curator and an Art Advisor at Iris Art Advisory. She has an academic background in Art History and Archeology from Sorbonne Abu Dhabi. Her experience is focused on both the Art market & Art education. She has worked at the Louvre Abu Dhabi and the art collections of the Presidential Palace of Abu Dhabi. Along with curation, Fatima continues to work with New York-based galleries providing south Asian artworks to a variety of clientele between UAE, New York, and India.
In 2022 Fatima produced 6 Art Exhibitions Including, "Versus collective consciousness", "Fractured Existence "and "Chill" Summer in the city". "Fractured Existence" "I hear their Echoes" and "Imaginary Burdens". Her exhibitions are a way to encourage the public to re-evaluate their opinions on art and to change their experience and perception of the Art world. @ fatimalkurd
Dubai is the ultimate foodie getaway thanks to ultra-gourmet restaurants. The prestigious Michelin Guide has recognised Dubai as a world gastronomic destination of note. The emirate’s enviable culinary reputation is sprinkled with innovative dining experiences, hidden neighbourhood gems, and creative menus that reflect Arabian traditions, world flavours and new-age fusión, all to delicious effect. Just a recommedation, don’t weight yourself when you get home.
Some people travel for great adventures, for amazing art and architecture, or for picture-perfect beaches. But if you’re anything like me, you travel for the food!
Adding culinary activities to your holiday itinerary is one of the best ways to experience the culture of the destination you’re in. And, what better way to spend Kuwait National Day holiday? If you love food and want to explore some really fantastic foodie destinations, I got the list for you! These restaurants in Dubai are visually arresting and offfer impeccable service and scruptious food.
Dubai is filled with delicious surprises at every turn. Whether you’re looking for exceptional fine dining that celebrates a world of cuisines or wallet-friendly hotspots that serve up affordable treats, you’ll find it all on its sparkling shores. There are thousands of eateries in the city but if you’re keen to go off the beaten track and discover fresh authentic flavours, it’s time to start a new culinary journey.
Located on the 54th floor of the world renowned Sky View Address Hotel, you’ll find the contemporary, Asian inspired CE LA VI. It’s name taken from the French saying “This is the Life”, this MICHELIN Guide restaurant aims to provide pleasure, and inspire passion in all of its guests. Expect to be amazed by this venues surroundings, boasting unmatched views of the Burj Khalifa, and downtown Dubai. Chef Howard Ko brings to the table several years of gastronomic experience, an astonishing flair and a renewed novel viewpoint. Many have tried to give a new twist to Asian classics, but only few have managed to accomplish this feat as successfully as Chef Ko. Humble dishes are carried off with intelligence and expertise. Its à la carte menu is indulgent, stylish and gutsy.
Bringing a true French brasserie experience to Dubai, Brasserie Boulud is a concept by Daniel Boulud, renowned chef-owner of several global award-winning and Michelin starred restaurants. Inspired by the French art de vivre, Boulud’s very first restaurant in the Middle East offers French contemporary cuisine, rooted in tradition. Stepping into timeless elegance, the beautiful décor of Brasserie Boulud will capture the imagination of the most discerning of diners. As guests walk into the restaurant, the art
deco design theme is apparent throughout the venue as modern styles are combined with fine craftsmanship and rich materials. The open kitchen offers a multi-sensory dining experience as the Chefs showcase their skills and create an authentic experience. Expect trademark brasserie plates like garlicky escargot snails, salad Nicoise, beef tartare and duck confit served with charred sourdough bread to start. When it comes to mains, Boulud’s signature Burger slathered in raclette cheese is wonderfully rich and indulgent, bringing a casual vibe to a cool night out in fine surroundings. Else there are more classic like a buttery trout, peppercorn beef rump or mushroom roast chicken. It’s one of the only places in town where you can find the cloud-like vanilla custard dessert Ile Flottante. Brasserie Boulud was recently awarded a Bib Gourmand in the 2022 edition of the MICHELIN Guide Dubai and One Chef's Toque in the Gault&Millau UAE Guide 2022.
Hollywood celebrity hotspot The Nice Guy is bringing its signature decadent aesthetic to Dubai in what is its first international outpost. The new Dubai location at the Jumierah Emirates Towers Boulevard, features the same comforting American classics with a strong Italian influence found at the flagship location, set in an equally impressive venue. The Nice Guy Dubai’s menu reinforces the restaurant’s culinary excellence and aptitude offering the beloved classic Italian dishes featured on the original menu. Diners can expect distinctly Italian plates with a unique LA spin such as Lobster Pizza, Kale Salad, Cacio e Pepe, and Margherita Pizza. A special late-night menu is sure to please the after-hours crowd with Truffle Fries, Shrimp Scampi and the NICE GUY Burger, all of which can be paired with indulgent-meets-iconic craft cocktails such as The Jojo, The Spicy Siena, and Drake’s Spritze. Menu items unique to the Dubai outpost include Burrata with candy cherry tomatoes and fire roasted black grapes, Saffron Arancini and a vegan-friendly twist on a classic, the Meatball Pizza. The dessert selection is equally distinctive, featuring The Nice Guy favorites such as the Warm Chocolate Chip Cookie served with cold milk, and the classic Tiramisu, as well a lineup of dishes unique to Dubai including the Lemon Tart and the Vanilla Panna Cotta with a basil twist.
Mekong, located on The Palm, takes guests on a journey along the legendary river in Asia through authentic eastern recipes served to rickshaw-style seated tables. The food from this pocket of the world, needless to say, is phenomenal and sticking to just one country is too difficult. Thankfully, just like the river it’s named after, Anantara The Palm Dubai Resort’s restaurant is one culinary journey across the region. Chefs rustle up Thai, Vietnamese and Chinese dishes in a semi-open style kitchen, as huge panes of glass provide a complete view of the hot stoves, while blocking out the heated conversations usually associated with a busy service. Try the delicious Mekong Tasting Platter, including green papaya salad, lemongrass prawn ball, baked mussels, crispy vegetable spring roll, crispy sun-dry beef and vietnamese prawn roll chicken pandan, the selection of house-made dim sum is insane and the roasted Beijing Duck is perfect to share.
Breath-taking views and delicious food are awaiting you at Filia on the 70th floor at SLS Downtown Dubai. From delicious pasta like Ravioli Quattro Formaggi and truly Italian pizzas like Estate in Verde to irresistible starters and rich flavorful wines brought to you from Italy, enjoy your favourite bites in a serene ambience of white and green colours that’ll make you feel Zen. And if you’re looking for something sweet, don’t miss out on trying one of its speciality desserts: Apple Cinnamon Crostada of rich vanilla flavour, apple, and cream put together perfectly in a crunchy yet soft dough that’s to die for.
A mother’s food never misses, and so neither can Em Sherif‘s. Translating to “Sherif’s Mother,” this Lebanese-founded restaurant embodies freshness, rusticity and an absolute gluttony. The protagonist is Lebanese cuisine itself, prepared traditionally yet always generously- as the Lebanese do best. With an aesthetically lit interior, the warm smiles of its staff and plates detailing “Beirut, mon amour,” you will certainly feel at home, making Em Sherif one of the best Arabic restaurants in Dubai.
Vacheron Constantin reveals a new face of the Overseas chronograph: the ‘Panda’ version. It signals the legitimacy of the sporty elegance concept in Haute Horlogerie.
In 1999, with the launch of the very first chronographs in the collection, Vacheron Constantin made Overseas watches the symbol of horological pleasure geared towards travel and escapism. In 2004, the design of these chronographs evolved to become part of an enduring exploratory momentum. Finally, in 2016, the Manufacture opened up new horizons for these emblematic watches with a collection featuring a revisited look yet perpetuating its initial extremely sporty-chic spirit.
In keeping with this tradition, the collection now includes a chronograph in a new steel "panda" version: silver-toned, sunburst satin-finished dial, snailed black counters, black velvet-finished flange, 18K white gold hourmarkers and hours, minutes, seconds and counters hands, highlighted with Super-LumiNova®.
For Vacheron Constantin, Overseas watches express a desire for exploration across all territories: they are elegant, endowed with a strong personality and adaptable to every situation via the interchangeability system. This new model can thus be fitted with a steel bracelet for a casual look, a leather strap for a dressier style, or a black rubber version for sportier wear.
The impossibility of Haute Couture - an expansion of the imagination, a space beyond reason. Couture is a sphere of fantasy and freedom, of the unique and exceptional, where craft is not a fetishistic reflection of value but a means and methodology to achieve improbabilities, to challenge perceptions, to create bold new realities. Fabric becomes a chiaroscuro across the body, volumes float, cuts are imperceptible, a ribbon of chiffon may suspend a ball gown. The unbelievable becomes material, imagination becomes real.
Harnessed to this fundamental virtue of Haute Couture, Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli conceives an impossible rendez-vous, between the universes of Couture and the club. Perceived polarities can provoke dialogue, another impossibility: a synergetic, spontaneous language is found between the lexicon of Couture and the world of nightclubbing. Their shared values: mutual gestures of extravagance, the notion of clothes as tools of transformation, crafting a true self, a dichotomous yet dual vocabulary of display and revelation, performance through life. And, above all, a plurality of beauty, beauty as individuality, a heroic expression of inner truth made outer. Fashioning a dream - the opportunity to become.
Shifting perception and perspective, context is alteredCouture is presented within new environs, as emphasis to this essential exchange. There is a symbiosis between the characters of the club and the imprimatur of Maison Valentino, boldness conveyed through colour and graphic pattern, embellishment and volume. Volant ruffles invent new architectures around bodies, polka-dots and stripes are reinterpreted through cut, forming two dimensions from three. Couture tropes are challenged through their celebration, embroideries and hand-drapes, pale pink feathers knotted with black satin bows. A play with scale magnifies details, to resonate. The glamour of Valentino is resignified, reflective of the self-expression of a new generation.
And within the egalitarian arena of the club, Couture itself transmutes ideologically: here it may become democratic, a proposition of universal enjoyment, a symbol of emotional resonance. The sign value of Haute Couture is thus transformed - Couture becomes an emblem of uniqueness, personality, identity and character, and an evocation of the purest human joy of dressing and dressing up.
Please introduce yourself to our readers.
My name is Nadina Zarifeh. I was born in Beirut, Lebanon during the Civil War. I am mostly known as the Vola girl for my performance “Vola Vola Palombella (Tiri Tiri Ya Asfoura)” at the 1986 Zecchino D’oro Festival in Bologne, Italy where I won the La Targa G D’oro. This performance gave everyone in my country a moment of hope in such a dim reality that we were all living. I was so blessed to have had Vola spread across the Middle East. To this day, I am deeply touched by how fans from all over the Arab world continue to reach out to share with me how my performance gave them hope and empowered them to follow their dreams.
Tell us about your education.
My education is quite eclectic! I graduated computer programming with honours and minored in English Literature. I’m an NCCP certified swim coach and also certified in Bare Above with Pilates focus.
What are some of your childhood memories?
The great memories were the ones I made while using my spotlight to make a positive impact in people’s lives and be able to help them through hard times. All my revenues from my
performances during the war were donated to different charitable organizations. The bad ones, hiding in shelters and the fear that we faced daily from all the bombs, explosions and fighting. Not knowing if we will live to see another day.
What or who got you
My parents exposed my sister, brother and I to many different sports when we were kids. My dad was a ballet dancer and also had a black belt in karate! He was also a folkloric dancer and performed at the Baalbek International Festival back in the late 50’s. So, it’s safe to say that I inherited the love for arts and sports from my dad.
It was in 1988. I was invited to a TV interview at LBC where I was being honoured for representing Lebanon at the Banner of Peace festival in Bulgaria where I was invited by the President to perform and chosen to represent the children of the world. We stopped for a quick bathroom break at a Wimpy restaurant on the way home as the drive was a long one. On the way out of the restaurant we noticed we were being watched and then once we got on the road we saw a car following us. They cornered us. One guy pulled out a gun and struck my dad across the head with it and took over the steering wheel and the other guy pointed his gun at my sister, brother and I and sat in the back with us. After driving us around for nearly an hour they stopped the car in a deserted place, it was a pitch black area, surrounded by deep pits and hills of rubble and dirt. “Give me all your jewelry and money,” they demanded! My mom, the bravest person I know, spoke to the guy very calmly, gave him whatever she had from her wallet. He didn’t believe that’s all she had and began to get aggressive, yelling and waving his gun at her. I don’t know what possessed me to do this but I’m grateful that my instinct guided me. I yelled
back at him that my mother isn’t a liar and turned the light on in the car. During the war we were told to never turn that light on because it drew attention and there could be snipers that might shoot at you. At that point I had tunnel vision and I just wanted his yelling to end. Turning the light on jolted them because they were now sitting targets so they grabbed everything they had including everything they had stolen from us and fled. They left us with no money and in the middle of nowhere. Funny though, that after threatening our lives and stealing everything we had, they told my dad “if you don’t know how to get out of here you can follow us”! We were all sick from the terror and from this horrible ordeal of the reality that we almost faced our deaths, so we decided to go. We had experienced a lot during the war but this was the moment that made us take action and leave our home.
We chose Canada because of its diversity and multiculturalism. As soon as we arrived my mom studied for one month but because she was helping all the other students, they offered her a job immediately as an instructor for post-secondary. For me it was challenging especially at school. When asked about my life before Canada my schoolmates and teachers would accuse me of lying. One teacher even made me bring in photos as proof. They would make fun of my Lebanese accent and when my parents would give me treats to share with my schoolmates, I remember one girl telling me that I can’t buy friends with chocolate. That was so foreign to me because in our Arab countries we are incredibly hospitable and we love to share. In swimming, early on I became faster from my other teammates and instead of supporting one another they would hide my goggles before my swim race and even my bathing suit to slow me down or to have me miss my race. I really took all this to heart, I couldn’t understand why people were being this mean and honestly it didn’t make sense to me. How was I helping so many people through my music yet here I’m not even being given the chance because I’m different. It made me feel that they didn’t want to accept other cultures.
In spite of the Civil War that was taking place in Lebanon, I was lucky to swim for the Nadi El Najah swim club in Beirut with my older brother and sister. When I moved to Canada, my parents made sure I continued my swimming because I was in love with the water, the community and just competing. But during a high school PE class, we were playing handball, and I jumped to get the ball and one of my teammates came charging and collided with me knocking me to the ground. I landed on my tailbone and the sudden pain was so intense I remember feeling a moment where I felt like I was going to black out. At first the doctors thought I only had a bruised tailbone but after a year of excruciating pain they decided to do a CT scan and found that I had in fact fractured my back in two places! I wore a brace for nearly a year and was in and out of massage and physio! I had my singing taken away from me due to the war so I wasn’t prepared to have my Olympic dream taken from me too. So I continued to push through the pain and train and compete but eventually I couldn’t feel my legs anymore and I had to leave the sport. I had already stopped swimming for several months but in 1997 the Pan Arab Games were taking place in Lebanon and I was asked to represent Lebanon. So I went and competed and despite not training and still having pain in my back I won 5 bronze medals for our country. Right after that I came back to Canada and began to coach competitive swimming so I could still be involved with the sport that I loved.
Now, we are all excited about your new venture which is your fitness app. Tell me how did the idea come up?
To be honest, the first time I ever thought of creating something like this was in 2006 when I was on a trip to Los Angeles. I was talking to a famous fitness trainer who trained the stars, about my transition from retiring from swimming and how I was able to strengthen
myself after such an injury and how I developed my own way of exercising and doing circuits. He recommended I create a DVD and he would connect me with the right people in the industry. I guess the universe lines things up for you when the timing is right and it happened to be now, after all these years!
How long did you take to come with the final app since the initial idea?
Even though I had come up with the idea years before, I took about a year of working on it. With the help of my husband, I filmed over 2000 different exercises and their variations to create the programs. I’m really happy with the outcome!
When was the app launched and where all is it available?
I launched the app on January 17th and its available now! Visit NadinaFitApp.com to see what’s in the app!
Who are or is the main target-user of the app?
My main target-users are busy women who want to get fit without going to the gym. I have programs specifically for women who want to begin their fitness journey but have no idea how or where to start and those who have started but found other “beginner” programs were still too challenging so they gave up. The programs are designed through a progression of levels from beginner to advance so that no matter their starting point, women will find a starting place to begin their fitness journey towards a healthier stronger, more confident version of themselves.
What makes the app different than the other apps in the market?
When women join my app, they will also get access to thousands of other online trainers for one super low price.
What kind of memberships are you offering and what are its perks?
Women have the choice of a monthly or annual membership. Monthly memberships are only $14.99 USD per month, but if they choose the annual membership, it’s only $99.99 USD per year (or $8.33/Mo) so you save 44 percent! A huge perk is that we get to be on this journey together virtually with support and direct access to me in the app.
How has the app been received so far? What has been the feedback?
Great! So excited to share it with more women! Here are a couple of testimonials: “Great first workout! Easy and enjoyable exercises. I feel limber, energized and happy!” “Did this workout twice in a row, just started working out again and found this is a good way to start, it is easy on the body and my joints. Plus it was actually fun!” “Loving how I can easily fit these workouts in my day, nice and easy.” “On day 4 and feeling stronger and more flexible every day!” “Started out easy and before I knew it I was sweating! Very clear instructions. Can’t wait to ‘level up’.”
What message would you like to give to our readers for staying fit and specially women from this part of the world?
As we get older more and more responsibilities stack up and trying to keep up with our health gets challenging! We, especially as women, put so much pressure and expectations on ourselves, including how we look. We often lose sight of what’s really important. Our health, physically and mentally and where our bodies can take us. I’m here to empower women to take control! Forget all those goals, forget all the expectations, forget all the pressures we put on ourselves that end up weighing us down because unexpected things in life do happen! In my app I will do the thinking for you! All you have to do is show up, move with me, hang with me and just be present with me! Together we can push one another to achieve a healthier, stronger, more confident version of ourselves.
I workout 3-4 days a week. To be honest, my working out is more for my mental state than my physical state. It keeps me grounded. I make sure to take days off to recover. Some days I’ll do active rest where I will go for a walk with my dog and hubby, play laser tag with my niece and nephew, or make sure I’m moving in some way or another, like take the stairs instead of the elevator or do random squats as I am walking around the house! Because I run my own business there are many times where I might only have 15 or 20 minutes to workout. Even today as I write this, this happened, but I reminded myself that 15 minutes of something is better than nothing. It’s all about progress. Imperfect action is always better than perfect inaction.
I wanted to thank CP Magazine and especially you Mr. Jameel Arif for creating a space that gives us a voice to share what we love in order to reach and touch others and be able to make a difference in each other’s lives. You have been a supporter of mine starting with my music and I’m grateful for this opportunity in order to empower women to invest in themselves!
I’m now 43, and people ask me all the time what my secret is. This is it — inside this app! So let’s do this together! You got this!
Off-WhiteTM announces the launch of the “Ramadan” Capsule collection featuring trendy and comfortable pieces which has been designed to suit the region for a laid-back yet glamorous style with exclusive pieces in honor of the month of Ramadan.
The exclusive “Ramadan” Capsule drop takes on various interpretations of modest dressing focusing on matching sets and relaxed silhouettes for men and women, blending the traditional spirit of the holy month with a stylish edge.
The artwork on the curated menswear pieces represents a wide landscape surrounded by clouds creating an impression and atmosphere of peace and introspection. Off-WhiteTM enriches the women’s collection with a golden floral pattern as a representation of hope and prosperity.
Timeless and understated, the “Ramadan” Capsule is designed to elevate your style for the holy month. The collection will be available from February 14th in the Off-White store in Kuwait, Avenues Mall and Riyadh, KSA, Mode Mall.
Words: José Berrocoso
Photography: Jehu Molina
Uzbekistan is a mysterious country of the East, where the history of cities gathered in legends, where the sun shines all year round and this reflects the unique nature and beautiful hearts of people. It’s the country of magnificent architecture and ancient traditions preserved a unique heritage.
Uzbekistan, a deserted landscape where timestood still or, that’s what everyone thinks! In reality, Uzbekistan is a well-developing country with beautifully-tiled mosques, palaces with detailed ornaments, tasty food with their fresh vegetables and fruits, a high-speed train network and best of all, some of the friendliest and welcoming people out there.
This undiscovered gem of Central Asia has a rich history due to its location on the legendary Silk Road. The great blend of the old and the new is a pleasant touch to the country. But why has Uzbekistan been so under the radar? Samarkand, Bukhara and Khiva are three of Uzbekistan’s most famous destinations. On one hand, you have the grand Registan in Samarkand. On the other hand, Bukhara is home to some of Uzbekistan’s most intricate and important ancient buildings. As one of the dreamiest places on Earth, Khiva resembles an ancient sandcastle town. Think clay-colored houses and glittering minarets enclosed within gigantic fortress walls.
While the three are gorgeous, which should you visit? Read on to find out in this short guide of the top destinations in Uzbekistan.
The greatest poets and philosophers of the world have given the city many names – the garden of the soul, the pearl of the east, the mirror of the world and even the face of the earth. However, they was not be able to describe the beauty and richness of this beautiful city.The cultural heritage of Samarkand is quite large, for many centuries the city has been a key centre of the Great Silk Road. At the beginning of the XXI century, the city was included in the UNESCO World Heritage List under the name “Samarkand – Crossroads of Cultures”.
Having visited the city, you will be surprised with the number of historical monuments located here. We will try to show you the most popular attractions, which are certainly worth seeing!
Did you know that Samarkand is the same age as such ancient capitals of the world as Rome and Nanjing? Yes! The city founded about 2,750 years ago, which gives it the right to be called one of the most ancient cities not only in Central Asia, but in the world as well. The peak of prosperity of the city falls on the reign of Amir Temur (Tamerlane) and his descendants. At that time, Samarkand became the capital of his mighty empire.
There is a legend about how Temur has chosen his capital. In order to make a choice, he ordered his subjects to ride through all the cities and hang a ram carcass on their gates and a month later personally bypassed them. At all the gates, the carcasses decayed, and only at the gates of Samarkand, it was almost completely intact and even became wilted. Had seen this, Temur said: “This city has the cleanest air and healthy land. The capital will be here”! Tamerlane’s grandson, Mirzo Ulugbek, made this city the centre of world science. Samarkand was included in the List of “50 cities worth visiting in this life”.
Bukhara is one of the most ancient cities of Uzbekistan, situated on a sacred hill, the place where sacrifices were made by fireworshippers in springtime. This city was mentioned in a holy book "Avesto". Bukhara city is supposed to be founded in the 13th cent. B.C. during the reign of Siyavushids who came to power 980 years before Alexander the Great. The name of Bukhara originates from the word "vihara" which means "monastery" in Sanskrit. The city was once a large commercial center on the Great Silk Road.
Bukhara lies west of Samarkand and was once a center of learning renowned throughout the Islamic world. It is the hometown of the great Sheikh Bakhouddin Nakshbandi. He was a central figure in the development of the mystical Sufi approach to philosophy, religion and Islam. In Bukhara there are more than 350 mosques and 100 religious colleges. Its fortunes waxed and waned through succeeding empires until it became one of the great Central Asian Khanates in the 17th century.
Bukhara with more than 140 architectural monuments is a "town museum" dating back to the Middle Ages. 2,300 years later, ensembles like Poi-Kalyan, Ismail Samani Mausoleum, Ark, LyabiKhauz are attracting a lot of attention. The city consists of narrow streets, green parks and gardens, historical and architectural monuments belong to the different epochs, but locate very close to each other.
If you visit Uzbekistan, Khiva is a city that you shouldn’t miss. It has many architectural vestiges of the past and so much history. Within the framework of the XI session of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Baku, Khiva was declared as the tourist capital of the Islamic world in 2024!
Khiva is a museum city that impresses with its tranquility. No wonder it is considered the pearl of Uzbekistan, located in the desert. Once the caravans of the Great Silk Road passed here. Khiva was also the capital of the Khanate of Khiva. Once in Khiva, you will find yourself in a real medieval city, where the spirit of modernity is given out only by electric wires. Cobbled streets, clay mosques, elaborate patterns and majestic fortress walls will impress even the most advanced tourist. The entire old town is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.
Ichan-Kala is the Khiva point of attraction. This is an ancient fortress surrounded by a high defensive wall. Ichan-Kala occupies 26 hectares. Today, about 300 families live here, most of whom are hereditary artisans. The state Historical and Archaeological Museum-reserve is located on the territory of the fortress. All the significant attractions of Khiva are located in Ichan-Kale. The construction of the fortress began in 1598. Most of the buildings that have survived to the present day were built in the XVIII-XIX centuries, but there are also earlier ones. Scientists suggest that Ichan-Kala stands on an old fortification, which was located here in the V century.
The Kalta Minor Minaret (Kalta Minar) is perhaps the most iconic landmark of the city. Translated from Uzbek, "kalta minor" means "short minaret". According to the plan of the initiator of the construction, Muhammad Amin Khan, the height of the minaret was to reach 70-80 meters, which would make it the highest in the Muslim world. But in 1855, when the height of the minaret was at around 29 meters, the construction was stopped. Historians say that this is due to the death of Muhammad Amin Khan. The minaret was decorated with blue, green and white majolica and tiles. Today, Kalta Minor is one of the most beautiful minarets in Central Asia.
The madrasah of Muhammad Amin Khan was built in 1855. It is located near the Kalta Minor minaret. The construction of the madrasah was carried out simultaneously with the construction of the minaret. The initiator of the construction of the spiritual educational institution was Muhammad Amin Khan. This is the largest madrasah in Khiva. It is also decorated richer than the rest. There were 125 cells, in which 260 students lived. The peculiarity of the cells lies in their duality. Today, a hotel and a cafe are located in the building of the former madrasah.
Khiva serves traditional Khorezm cuisine – shivit-oshi and tukhum-barak. Shivit-oshi is green noodles made from dill dough and combined with red vegetable gravy. Tukhum-barak is a kind of dumplings stuffed with raw egg, which "seizes" when cooking.
When siblings Jacob and Belinda Nti were growing up in Ghana, their goal was simple: to move to America. For them, the United States was both an opportunity and a struggle, a goal and an obstacle.
Jacob, an awkward computer programmer who still lives with his father, wants a visa so he can move to Virginia to live with his wife—a request that the U.S. government has repeatedly denied. He envies his sister, Belinda, who achieved, as their father put it, “what Napoleon could not do”: she went to college and law school in the United States and even managed to marry Wilder, a wealthy Black businessman from Texas. Wilder’s view of America differs markedly from his wife’s, as he’s spent his life railing against the racism and marginalization that are part of life for every African American living here.
For these three, their desires and ambitions highlight the promise and the disappointment that life in a new country offers. How each character comes to understand this and how each learns from both their dashed hopes and their fulfilled dreams lie at the heart of what makes such a compelling, insightful read.
A queer hijabi Muslim immigrant survives her coming-of-age by drawing strength and hope from stories in the Quran in this daring, provocative, and radically hopeful memoir. When fourteen-year-old Lamya H realizes she has a crush on her teacher--her female teacher--she covers up her attraction, an attraction she can't yet name, by playing up her roles as overachiever and class clown. Born in South Asia, she moved to the Middle East at a young age and has spent years feeling out of place, like her own desires and dreams don't matter, and it's easier to hide in plain sight. To disappear. But one day in Quran class, she reads a passage about Maryam that changes everything: when Maryam learned that she was pregnant, she insisted no man had touched her. Could Maryam, uninterested in men, be . . like Lamya?
From that moment on, Lamya makes sense of her struggles and triumphs by comparing her experiences with some of the most famous stories in the Quran. She juxtaposes her coming out with Musa liberating his people from the pharoah; asks if Allah, who is neither male nor female, might instead be nonbinary; and, drawing on the faith and hope Nuh needed to construct his ark, begins to build a life of her own--
Berlin 1933. Following the success of her debut novel, American writer Althea James receives an invitation from Joseph Goebbels himself to participate in a culture exchange program in Germany. For a girl from a small town in Maine, 1933 Berlin seems to be sparklingly cosmopolitan, blossoming in the midst of a great change with the charismatic new chancellor at the helm. Then Althea meets a beautiful woman who promises to show her the real Berlin, and soon she's drawn into a group of resisters who make her question everything she knows about her hosts--and herself.
Paris 1936. She may have escaped Berlin for Paris, but Hannah Brecht discovers the City of Light is no refuge from the antiSemitism and Nazi sympathizers she thought she left behind. Heartbroken and tormented by the role she played in the betrayal that destroyed her family, Hannah throws herself into her work at the German Library of Burned Books. Through the quiet power of books, she believes she can help counter the tide of fascism she sees rising across Europe and atone for her mistakes. But when a dear friend decides actions will speak louder than words, Hannah must decide what stories she is willing to live--or die--for.
Oscar Wars: A History of Hollywood in Gold, Sweat, and Tears
by Michael SchulmanAmerica does not have royalty. It has the Academy Awards. For nine decades, perfectly coiffed starlets, debonair leading men, and producers with gold in their eyes have chased the elusive Oscar. What began as an industry banquet in 1929 has now exploded into a hallowed ceremony, complete with red carpets, envelopes, and little gold men. But don't be fooled by the pomp: the Oscars, more than anything, are a battlefield, where the history of Hollywood--and of America itself--unfolds in dramas large and small. The road to the Oscars may be golden, but it's paved in blood, sweat, and broken hearts.
In Oscar Wars, Michael Schulman chronicles the remarkable, sprawling history of the Academy Awards and the personal dramas--some iconic, others never-before-revealed--that have played out on the stage and off camera. Unlike other books on the subject, each chapter takes a deep dive into a particular year, conflict, or even category that tells a larger story of cultural change, from Louis B. Mayer to Moonlight. Schulman examines how the red carpet runs through contested turf, and the victors aren't always as clear as the names drawn from envelopes. Caught in the crossfire are people: their thwarted ambitions, their artistic epiphanies, their messy collaborations, their dreams fulfilled or dashed.
It’s the winter of 1998 and Isabel Rosen has one semester left at Wilder College, a prestigious school in New Hampshire with a wealthy, elite student body and the sort of picturesque buildings college brochures were invented to capture. The only daughter of a Lower East Side appetizing store owner, Isabel has always felt out of place at Wilder, and the death of her mother shortly before she arrived on campus left her feeling unmoored in a way that’s proven hard to shake. Now, right as she’s coming to believe she’s finally found her place, the fallout from a nonconsensual sexual encounter with one of the only other Jewish students on campus leaves Isabel reeling.
Enter R.H. Connelly: a once-famous poet and Isabel’s married writing professor, a man with secrets of his own. Connelly makes Isabel feel seen, beautiful, talented; the woman she longs to become. His belief in her ignites a belief in herself. The two begin an affair that shakes the foundation of who Isabel thinks she is, for better and worse.
Set against the backdrop of the Clinton and Lewinsky scandal, My Last Innocent Year is a coming-of-age story about a young woman on the brink of sexual and artistic awakening, navigating her way toward independence while recognizing the power, beauty and grit of where she came from.
Arcade and Daffodil are twin sisters born one minute apart. With their fiery red hair and thirst for an escape, they forge an unbreakable bond nurtured by both their grandmother's stories and their imaginations. Together, they create a world where a patch of grass reveals an archaeologist's dig, the smoke emerging from the local paper mill becomes the dust rising from wild horses galloping on the ground, and an abandoned 1950s convertible transforms into a time machine that can take them anywhere.
But the two sisters can't escape the generational chaos that grips their family. Growing up in the shadow of the town, the sisters cling tight to one another. As an adult, Arcade wrestles with these memories of her life, just as a local woman is discovered drowned in the river. Soon, more bodies are found. While her friends disappear around her, Arcade is forced to reckon with the past while the killer circles ever closer. Arcade's promise to keep herself and her sister safe becomes increasingly desperate while the powerful riptide of the savage side becomes more difficult to resist.
Drawing from the true story of women killed in her native Ohio, acclaimed novelist and poet Tiffany McDaniel has written a powerful literary testament and fearless elegy for missing women everywhere.
A successful film professor and podcaster, Bodie Kane is content to forget her past—the family tragedy that marred her adolescence, her four largely miserable years at a New Hampshire boarding school, and the murder of her former roommate, Thalia Keith, in the spring of their senior year. Though the circumstances surrounding Thalia’s death and the conviction of the school’s athletic trainer, Omar Evans, are hotly debated online, Bodie prefers—needs—to let sleeping dogs lie. But when the Granby School invites her back to teach a course, Bodie is inexorably drawn to the case and its increasingly apparent flaws. In their rush to convict Omar, did the school and the police overlook other suspects? Is the real killer still out there? As she falls down the very rabbit hole she was so determined to avoid, Bodie begins to wonder if she wasn’t as much of an outsider at Granby as she’d thought—if, perhaps, back in 1995, she knew something that might have held the key to solving the case.
In Have Some Questions for You, award-winning author Rebecca Makkai has crafted her most irresistible novel yet: a stirring investigation into collective memory and a deeply felt examination of one woman’s reckoning with her past, with a transfixing mystery at its heart.
The first comprehensive, global history of Silicon Valley, from railroad capitalists to microchip assemblers, showing how Northern California created the world as we know it Palo Alto is nice. The weather is temperate, the people are educated, rich, healthy, enterprising. Remnants of a hippie counterculture have synthesized with high technology and big finance to produce the spiritually and materially ambitious heart of Silicon Valley, whose products are changing how we do everything from driving around to eating food. It is also a haunted toxic waste dump built on stolen Indian burial grounds, and an integral part of the capitalist world system.
In PALO ALTO, the first comprehensive, global history of Silicon Valley, Malcolm Harris examines how and why Northern California evolved in the particular, consequential way it did, tracing the ideologies, technologies, and policies that have been engineered there over the course of 150 years of Anglo settler colonialism, from IQ tests to the "tragedy of the commons," racial genetics, and "broken windows" theory. The Internet and computers, too. It's a story about how a small American suburb became a powerful engine for economic growth and war, and how it came to lead the world into a surprisingly disastrous 21st century.
Paul Rudd has long been a fan favorite Hollywood leading man. His boyish looks and charm seems to never age. In 2015’s Ant-Man. he was brought into the Marvel Comic Universe to portray Scott Lang, aka Ant-Man, no one could imagine a better suited actor to bring this character the levels of comedy and drama that drive the themes and narratives of the films. What is very interesting about this film is that it is written by a single writer and his biggest work prior to this film was writing four episodes of season four of the animated series Rick and Morty. He is now attached to writing on the upcoming Avengers: The Kang Dynasty. This means this guy has some solid writing talent going for him.
Movie starts with showing us a past event of Janet Van Dyne (Michelle Pfeiffer) in the Quantum realm and a small ship crash lands nearby. She comes to meet with a strange man. We jump forward to present day we see our hero, Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), walking along the street and greeting people along his walk and getting his morning coffee. Then he gets a call from the police station as his daughter has been arrested for trying to help homeless people. As we get reacquainted with the family of Scott, Cassie, Hope Van Dyne (Evangeline Lilly), and Hank Pym (Michael Douglas) as they sit for dinner and suddenly end up in a basement lab where Cassie shows off something she has been working on with Hank that is a device to send signals down to the quantum realm. Janet gets upset and yells at them to turn it off. As soon as they do, the machine comes back on automatically and creates a vortex that sucks them all into the quantum realm. They all land with Scott and Cassie separated from Hope, Janet, and Hank. Janet has to reluctantly reveal information about why she is so scared in the quantum realm. She reveals her meeting with Kang and how she helped him repair his ship that allows him to time travel across the multiverse. She reveals that he was exiled to the quantum realm and that they must at all costs prevent him from getting out.
Scott and Cassie cross paths with the Micronauts and they see that they too fear the conqueror. Soon Kang sends his right hand to capture them and we get a surprise reveal of Darren Cross (Carey Stoll), who somehow survived the events of Ant-Man (2015). He is now mostly a head in a floating suit and his name is now M.O.D.O.K. (Mechanized Organism Designed Only for Killing). He takes them to Kang who offers Scott the chance to return home with his daughter if he helps him retrieve a device. He needs his power sphere to power his ship to get out from the quantum realm. Kang causes his daughter pain which convinces Scott to
do as Kang says. Scott goes and retrieves it with some help from Hope, and Kang shows he is not a man of his word. I will stop here as there is quite a lot of things happening with this film that I don’t think people would appreciate upon a first viewing. The theme of family together is there from the opening few scenes. Themes of fighting together against evil is there. The theme of time lost is also very prevalent in this film. Scott losing out on many birthdays with Cassie and Janet missing out on seeing Hope grow up. What should have happened is to pit people against each other.
If I was to make a significant change to this film it would be this: When Scott is about to give Kang the sphere have Janet aggressively implore Scott not to. Scott hesitates and Kang without hesitation kills his daughter. As Scott runs to her side in agony Kang tells him that he can fix it if Scott gives him the sphere. This now pits Scotts desire to get his daughter back against saving the world. What parent wouldn’t seriously consider this? Scott gives into Kang’s offer knowing he may not honor his word. Kang assures him he can even put Scott back to before the blip and get back all the time he has lost. Of course Scott would at the last moment turn against Kang and destroy the sphere and the film would carry on much as it did in theaters. Except when the scene of strolling down the street occurs it is without Scott and the weather is grey skies. We jump to an empty dinner scene where no one is at the table. We get cuts of scenes where Hope and Scott become estranged due to his depression and loss. Hank isolates himself in his lab to try to figure a way to manipulate time like Kang did to fix things. Janet therefore leaves Hank because she doesn’t support his attempts to meddle with time. Back to the empty table as the camera pans out and screen fades to black. This family is now forever broken. The micronauts rebellion won and the world may have been saved from Kang the Conqueror, but it came at a great loss to our heroes. This would be the gut punch Marvel should’ve given its fans to establish Kang as a terrifying and truly unpredictable character they need to raise all stakes when it comes to our heroes in this next phase of films.
Is Kang better than Thanos? Yes. The idea of multiple Kangs working together is terrifying. The idea of mad scientists working across generations, centuries, etc. is a very terrifying thought indeed. I would rate this film a solid 6.5 out of 10, but if they incorporated my changes it could have easily been an 8. Nonetheless I am looking forward to the Kang Dynasty.
Thanks for reading Writing Movie ‘WRONGS’.
Please introduce yourself to our readers. First and foremost, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Sabika AlNuaimi, graduated from Kuwait University, and I've been a dietician and research associate at the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research for the past 5 years. For many years, I have been interested in healthy eating, fitness, and mental wellness. Many individuals believe I am the food police or that I will judge what they eat. But, I would never do that. I simply want to educate you and teach you how to make healthy choices without restricting yourself or dieting.
Tell us about your education.
At Kuwait University, I majored in both Food Science and Nutrition. My concentration is on therapeutic nutrition, which refers to the practice of utilizing food and the nutrients that it provides to either prevent or treat a condition or disease. I spent four years taking classes that were directly connected to therapeutic nutrition. These included dietetics, anatomy, and human physiology, in addition to biochemistry, biology, and biostatistics. The fantastic aspect about this is that I am able to gather information at college and then give that knowledge to the community so that everyone can benefit from it. Post-graduation, working opportunities were divided into two categories, either academic practices or theoretical practices. Either we work with patients one-on-one in hospitals or we are engaged in research and other academic endeavors. I am an incredibly emotional person; therefore, I found that connecting with patients in hospitals was challenging for me. As a result, I've decided to pursue a career in academic research instead of working in healthcare.
Tell us about your work experience.
My area of employment is research. The best part is that nutrition is an evolving science, so I should keep my knowledge and diet advice techniques up to date. Recent findings from my research included an estimation of the radioactive emissions found in plant-based milk, since there has been some radiation all around the country lately.
I would love to know how you became interested in food. Was it an early passion? What was your motivation?
Truly, I can say that sweets and chocolate dominated my younger years. also, I come from a family that puts a premium on sugary treats. But when my nephew, who was just 2 years old at the time, was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, it was a severe shock for me, and I wanted to find some method to cure him. I did some research and exploration to find out how to treat diabetes, and I discovered that a patient with no pancreas function could only be managed by a dietician. This is where I made the decision to become a dietitian.
What lead you to decide to leave your job and start your own business?
In point of fact, I haven't quit my day job; rather, I continue to work as a research associate at the Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research (KISR) as my primary occupation, and I run this company on the side since I am so enthusiastic about it.
What challenges did you face at the initial stage of establishing your company?
It was on Corona that I made the first step toward
establishing my own business. All of the necessary paperwork has to be completed online, and the system on Corona is really poor. I must have rescheduled my allocation a hundred different times. However, I did not give up and I did not lose hope until I opened this year. So, approximately one and a half years from now, I had planned to launch my own company. However, the certification of license from Ministry of Commerce and Industry took place in July of the previous year and the grand opening was the beginning of this year January 2023.
What is the most common misconception people have when meeting with you the first time?
The majority of my relatives and friends are under the impression that I will evaluate them based on the foods that they choose to eat. Before beginning to work with a client, I make it clear that I will not make judgement on their dietary choices but will instead offer suggestions for how they might make healthier choices going forward.
What differentiates your approach from the rest?
My focus in health and more is on the general community's health and changing the thinking and viewpoint of a healthy life in all elements (nutrition /psychological/physical) in well-studied ways, with long-term impact. This is accomplished by addressing the underlying causes of the problem, such as behaviors, thoughts, or feelings, and assisting in their resolution and development. A healthy lifestyle is not a one-time objective, but rather a continuing state of mind that we may build.
How can we easily follow healthy eating habits? As adults, children, teens?
One of the most effective strategies to establish healthy eating habits in your child is to set a good example for them yourself in terms of the foods you eat. It is crucial to convey to your child that maintaining a healthy diet is a priority for you. This can be accomplished in a variety of ways, such as beginning each day with a healthy breakfast and making it a point to select nutritious meals whenever you go out, as well as when you go grocery shopping. Your child will have an easier time making healthier decisions regarding food if you and the rest of your family maintain a healthy eating environment. Teach your child to eat when they are hungry and to stop when they are full. This will help them develop healthy eating habits. This teaches your child to distinguish between eating because they are truly hungry and eating because they are bored or tired, which can lead to overeating. However, you should anticipate that your child will consume more food as they grow and develop.
Can you define the term “healthy eating?” for our readers.
I would characterize healthy eating as including these things:
•Eat three balanced meals a day and a couple of healthy snacks.
•Include more fiber in your diet and reduce the amount of sodium you consume.
•Drink water. Make it a point to keep away of beverages that contain a lot of sugar. Avoid imposing dietary restrictions or labeling foods as "good," "bad," "naughty," or other similar terms. Instead, make striking a balance your goal: maintain a healthy diet the majority of the time, but
don't be afraid to indulge in your "occasionally" meals once in a while.
How can we easily raise the value of fiber in a meal and why is fiber so important, and with which foods can it can be combined?
Let's begin by defining fiber: fiber is a form of carbohydrate that the human body is unable to break down. In spite of the fact that the vast majority of carbohydrates are converted into sugar molecules called glucose, fiber cannot be broken down into sugar molecules; as a result, fiber helps control how the body uses glucose, which in turn helps to keep hunger in check and maintain stable blood sugar levels. Dietary fibers come in a variety of forms and are derived from a variety of plant foods. It's vital not to focus too much on a certain fiber because of its specific suggested effect, as each type provides some level of health benefit. As a result, consuming a diverse range of plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds to meet the fiber intake of 25-35 grams daily is the greatest way to gain those advantages. Here are some suggestions for boosting fiber intake:
•Consume entire fruits rather than fruit liquids.
•Replace white rice, bread, and pasta with brown rice and other nutritious grains that have been lightly processed.
•Include high-fiber foods in your current diet: To cereal, add 1-2 tablespoons of almonds, ground flaxseeds, or chia seeds;
•Choose cereals with whole grains as the first item for breakfast.
•Look for cereals with 20% or more of the Daily Value (DV) for fiber on the Nutrition Facts label.
•Instead of chips and crackers, snack on crisp raw vegetables or a handful of almonds.
•If it is difficult to consume enough fiber through diet, a fiber supplement such as psyllium may be used, but only under the guidance of a doctor.
What non-related issues (e.g., sleep habits) are important to healthy eating?
For the body to operate at its best, sleep is absolutely necessary. Multiple studies have found a correlation between not getting enough sleep and an increased likelihood of becoming overweight or obese. There is mounting proof that getting enough nutrients is crucial for restful sleep. Lack of calcium, magnesium, and vitamins A, C, D, E, and K was linked to sleep disorders in one major study. We're taught from a young age that eating healthy helps us look and feel our best. What we aren't frequently taught is that healthy eating has a huge impact on our mental health as well. A balanced, healthy diet can help us think more clearly and feel more awake. It also helps with concentration and attention span. Conversely, an inadequate diet can lead to fatigue, impaired decision-making, and can slow down reaction time. In fact, a poor diet can actually aggravate, and may even lead to, stress and depression
What’s the one thing you’d suggest people keep in their kitchen if they want to cook healthy meals?
Healthy eating is certain kind of lifestyle. It takes more than just buying healthy foods or making plans to cook from scratch.
You have to physically set up your environment to accomplish your wellness goals. If you always have fresh fruits and veggies available in your home, you will have a higher tendency to consume those items as ingredients in your meals and snacks on a daily basis. Make an effort to prepare fruits and vegetables on the weekends so that they may be used as quick grab-and-go snacks throughout the week. Don't bother buying any dressings, marinades, or sauces that have already been prepared! To add flavor to your meals in a way that is both natural and beneficial to your health, stock your kitchen with fresh herbs and dried spices.
What are some of your plans for the future?
It is my intention to expand the number of health awareness campaigns, public talks, and school lectures that I give in the future. In addition, I would like to enlarge my facility so that it includes other services, such as a fitness center, a canteen selling nutritious snacks, and a laboratory for doing blood tests.
What’s your life motto?
"You are what you eat" meaning that the food we consume supplies us with the necessary amount of energy as well as other inputs that allow the body to operate effectively.
Your proudest moment thus far?
Let me tell you about a client who fell into the category of disabled. He was a 10 years child on a wheelchair, but when I consulted with his mother and suggested some alternate foods, he was able to walk unassisted for the first time in two months. I found great joy in assisting others in need and felt so proud.
What is the best advice you have been given and by who?
When it comes to health and diet, it's easy to become confused. Even qualified experts can appear to hold competing viewpoints, making it difficult to determine what you should be doing to enhance your health. Despite all of the differences, science backs up a number of wellness advice that I love to share summaries by the following:
•Limit sugary drinks
•Eat nuts and seeds
•Eat fatty fish
•Get enough sleep
•Feed your gut bacteria
•Stay hydrated
•Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and adequate protein.
•Get moving
Your message for us at CP magazine.
My message to CP magazine readers is whether your objective is to eat better, lose weight, exercise more, or reduce stress, the best piece of advice is to get started right away. But set yourself a specific, individualized goal to ensure you'll want to keep doing it, such as eating at least one serving of vegetables every weekday for lunch, prepared in any way you like. If you take it slow and steady, you can build a healthy routine without ever realizing it. then go on to another objective.
HONOR the leading global provider of smart devices held the “GO BEYOND media gathering” on Tuesday, 31st of January 2023 at the Four Seasons Hotel, Kuwait.
The objective of the gathering was to introduce the Iconic Tech brand HONOR and highlight its global innovations along with strengthening the ties between HONOR and the local media and its partners.
The main highlight of the gathering was emphasizing the brand’s strategy of how to GO BEYOND and create a new intelligent world for everyone. It emphasized that with intelligent technology, you and the world can move forward together. It explained how the brand GO BEYOND INNOVATION, BEYOND PREMIUM, BEYOND FREEDOM and BEYOND TRUST.
Mr. LEON MENGLIANG, Country Head – Kuwait, came on stage and welcomed the guests, and thanked them for their attendance. Mr. Leon gave an overview of HONOR Company by giving some key insights such as its 13000+ employees, 6 R&D centers, and 100+ innovative labs. He explained the three core values of HONOR as Openness, Contribution, and Collaboration.
Mr. Leon then gave a brief on HONOR’s Success Journey and shared how the brand is continually establishing its global presence in 100+ markets with 200+ carrier and channel partners and the growing number of 3000+ service centers with 9 regional call centers. He also mentioned that HONOR had received 35 awards at the IFA 2022.
The evening continued with a presentation and demonstration of HONOR’s premium smartphone series – the HONOR Magic Series -– and the launch of HONOR Magic4 Pro. After a brief history of the Magic series since its introduction in 2016 and explaining its evolution, the outstanding features such as its Ultra Fusion Photography with the World’s First 10-Bit log 4K Video World’s First 10-Bit log 4K Video, AI Privacy Call, and Dual 100W HONOR SuperCharge in addition to tons of other key features. At the MWC 2022 HONOR received 19 awards for the Magic4 series.
The Magic also gives users LTPO Display with 1920Hz PWM Dimming and is available in Black and Cyan color options.
HONOR’s latest device HONOR X9a that provides the best, strongest and most advanced screen in the market was also introduced during the event. Embodying the series ethos of going the “eXtra” mile to deliver great user experiences, the HONOR X9a delivers best-in-class visuals and performance with a with a 120Hz All-round AMOLED Curved Display, 256GB Large Storage, and a high-capacity 5100mAh battery, all engineered to fit in a pocket-sized body. Available at an affordable price, the HONOR X9a is set to make technology and reliable quality more accessible to users around the world.
The evening concluded with Q&A from media and a visit to the experience gallery at venue where the guest had the opportunity to see and experience the HONOR devices.
The pinnacle of Rolls-Royce, Phantom Series II is a legendary maverick and icon of inimitable perfection. Commanding the attention of an elite-stratum of individuals across the world, in Saudi Arabia, Phantom’s unique character came to life, and turned heads, against unequalled landscapes as it embarked on a ‘magic carpet ride’ across AlUla, a place of extraordinary human and natural heritage.
Led by the Spirit of Ecstasy, Phantom Series II discovered new horizons as it immersed itself in a magical adventure
across the extraordinary expanse of Al Ula, Saudi Arabia. The stunning silhouette of this motoring magnum opus in Gunmetal and Tempest Grey was seen gracefully gliding across this living museum, journeying across 200,000 years of human history and ancient civilisations. As Phantom’s commanding presence and assertive modernity came to life by day against the golden sandstone outcrops, at dusk, its subversive, almost rebellious character came to light –youthful, dynamic and daring under desert moon.
BMW M GmbH will maintain its focus on adding highly appealing special-edition models to its product range in 2023. The all-new BMW M3 CS brings even greater intensity to the racing allure that marks out the company’s successful high-performance models for the premium midsize segment. This gives the BMW M3 CS a unique character profile and the ability to serve up the undiluted M feeling that excites and enthralls over every mile on the road as well as on the track.
The powertrain concept for the new BMW M3 CS teams a 550 hp six- cylinder in-line engine with an eight-speed M Steptronic transmission and the M xDrive intelligent all-wheel-drive system. This setup produces a 0 to 100 km/h time of 3.4 seconds. The BMW M3 CS comes with the M Driver’s Package as standard and has an electronically limited top speed of 302 km/h. The new BMW M3 CS will be built in a limited run at BMW Group Plant Munich from March 2023, with its phased launch getting underway the same month.
More power, less weight, compelling performance.
A more power/less weight formula instils the new BMW M3 CS with compelling performance qualities. It draws its power from a specially upgraded version of the high-revving six-cylinder inline engine with M TwinPower Turbo technology developed for the BMW M3 and BMW M4 models.
The engine under the bonnet of the new BMW M3 CS therefore also boasts a wealth of technological details derived directly from the race-car unit. Its crankcase has a sleeve-free, closed-deck construction and is extremely rigid, making it suitable for very high combustion pressures. Its cylinder head has a 3D-printed core, allowing the coolant ducts to be routed in an optimum arrangement for temperature management that would be impossible to achieve using conventional metal casting methods. The system of oil supply is designed to handle the specific challenges of track use, as is the cooling system.
Straight-six engine produces 550 hp.
The unit’s considerable upgrade potential paved the way for a 40 hp hike in peak output compared with the BMW M3 Competition Sedan with M xDrive, resulting in 550 hp. In addition, a specially designed engine mounting with increased spring rates creates an extremely rigid connection between the power unit and the vehicle’s structure. A press of the accelerator is therefore greeted by even sharper engine response and direct transmission of its power to the drivetrain. The engine in the new BMW M3 CS puts peak torque of 650 Nm (479 lb-ft) on tap from just 2,750 rpm and sustains it all the way to 5,950 rpm.
This is accompanied by the emotionally stirring soundtrack produced by the dual-branch exhaust system featuring electrically controlled flaps, a titanium rear silencer with weight-minimising design and – in customary M fashion – two pairs of tailpipes painted in matt Black. Selecting the SPORT or SPORT+ modes for
the engine setting in the M Setup menu dials up the drive sound to produce a note with unmissable racing car undertones.
Extensive, model-specific lightweight design measures play a major part in moulding the performance qualities and exclusive character of the new BMW M3 CS. The use of components made from carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) both inside and out is of key importance here. Besides its carbon fibre roof, the specialedition model also uses this lightweight, high-tech material for its bonnet, front splitter, front air intakes, exterior mirror caps, rear diffuser and rear spoiler. Its centre console, the shift paddles on the steering wheel and its interior trim strips are likewise all manufactured from CFRP. The standard M Carbon bucket seats also do their bit to keep weight down in the cabin. The titanium rear silencer, meanwhile, shaves more than 4 kilograms off the weight of the exhaust system fitted on the new BMW M3 CS. The various lightweight design measures bring about a total weight saving of some 20 kilograms compared to the BMW M3 Competition Sedan with M xDrive.
The new BMW M3 CS instantly announces its sharper character with a series of individual design features. The Frozen Solid White metallic paint finish available for the exterior is exclusive to the latest special-edition model from BMW M GmbH. Exposed carbon-fibre surfaces for the roof, the two indents chiselled into the bonnet, the front splitter, front air intakes, M exterior mirror caps, rear spoiler and rear apron combine with the Black side skirts and M gills to provide a stunning contrast to the new paint finish. Signal Green solid, Brooklyn Grey metallic and Sapphire Black metallic are available as alternative exterior colours.
1. What highly influential movement of artwork is considered established by Picasso, Braque, Metzinger and others in Paris, 1911?
2. Nuclear 'What?
3. The UK-based ASOS corporation is a leading international online provider in which sector: Education; Fashionwear; Holidays; or Mapping?
4. vIn which modern nation was the city-state called in Hebrew: Babel?
5. Apples, plums, cherries, apricots, raspberries and strawberries all belong to which plant family: Honeysuckle; Lily; Magnolia; or Rose?
6. D'addario, Elixir, Rotosound and Ernie Ball are leading makers of what musical accessory?
7. The terms crutching, wigging and ringing refer to elements of which animal process, prevalent in Australia and New Zealand?
8. The term 'mondegreen' refers to: Gardening; Climate change; Cooking; or Misheard lyrics?
9. The AZERTY keyboard layout is standard in: France; Germany; Denmark; or Wales?
10. The expression 'sour grapes', from one of Aesop's Fables, involves which creature?
11. From what fruit is perry traditionally made?
12. The term 'cytoplasm' originated in: Star Wars; Dr Who; Batman; or Biology?
13. What creatures were trained by Croatia's Zagreb university in 2013 to detect landmines: Pigs; Bees; Cats; Rats, or Bats?
14. In motion-detection and automated lighting sensors what does PIR mean?
it means you like to be
ANSWER: b.The general meaning of energy is the ability to be active. If you have
What is –10 – (–6) equals to?
15. What metaphor aptly refers to the marketing of US multinational US corporation Bausch and Lomb: Focus; Target; Concentrate; or Penetrate?
16. The Japanese food word sushi referred originally to: Raw; Rice; Cold; or Conveyor-belt?
17. The words vagary/vagaries refer specifically to unpredictable: Vagueness; Change/changes; Unhappiness; or Problems?
18. The diacritical mark resembling a wavy hyphen (here shown above the letter ñ) is called a: Streg; Bolle; Tilde; or Cedilla?
19. What is the hardest working muscle (i.e., total power output) in the lifetime of the human body?
20. What homonymic word refers both to a pit and a hunted animal?
Your month could be full of commotion, dear Aries, as the sun travels through social Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs communities. These vibes are perfect for banding together with like-minded individuals, though you should avoid alienating or admonishing those who don’t agree with your point of view. Try not to let your competitive side get the better of you during the Leo full moon on February 5, or you could wind up with hurt feelings, arguments, and estrangements.
Don’t be afraid to speak frankly around the office when Mercury crosses over intense Pluto on the tenth. The transformative nature of this cosmic climate can help you speak success into existence, marking the ideal occasion to push for what you’re owed professionally. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to unwind, socialize, and enjoy your weekend as Mercury migrates into Aquarius the following day, bringing an invigorating vibe to the table. This planetary placement asks you to vocalize your beliefs in the coming weeks, especially when it comes to human rights issues and the health of the environment.
The vibe could be a bit unpredictable on your professional path this month, dear Taurus, as the sun travels through eccentric Aquarius. Whether you’re contending with new colleagues, a change in your responsibilities, or dissatisfaction with your career, you can expect the unexpected right now. These sentiments could feel particularly pronounced during the Leo full moon on February 5, which forms a harsh t-square with rebellious Uranus. Feeling overworked or as though you’re not seen by your superiors could trigger resentment, though you should tread lightly if you decide to confront your boss or coworkers about any issues you’re struggling with. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to focus on socializing and building a community of friends beginning when the sun migrates into Pisces and your solar eleventh house on the eighteenth. Pay attention to any acquaintances who enter your sphere during the Pisces new moon the next day, especially if you encounter a kindred spirit or feel an instant bond with someone. Unfortunately, the watery nature of this lunation could bring some emotional upheaval in your circle of friends, and you might be called on to lend support to someone you love.
Your curiosity will peak this month, dear Gemini, because the Aquarius sun brings a rush of brilliance to the sector of your chart that governs philosophy and higher thinking. Don’t be surprised if you find yourself chatting up strangers, exploring different cultures, or diving deeper into your personal interests as the Universe pushes you to expand your horizons. These vibes are also perfect for mapping out vacation plans for the summer, so be sure to research destinations, find a clear spot in your schedule, and make some arrangements!
February 10 and February 11 bring some serious shifts your way as Mercury crosses over transformative Pluto before making its debut in Aquarius. This cosmic climate can bring massive relief to your heart and psyche, providing you with an opportunity to step into your power while releasing thought patterns or memories that no longer serve you. Though the energy at play could be a bit heavy at first, you’ll ultimately come through this transit feeling lighter and mentally liberated.
The eighteenth marks the beginning of Pisces season, putting you in a serious yet compassionate mood. You’ll take pride in the fact that you’re excellent at giving advice as your family and friends come to you for help with their issues. Unfortunately, you could get frustrated with anyone who hasn’t been evolving or learning important lessons, and it might be necessary to set some boundaries with such companions. On a personal level, you should use this solar placement as motivation to nurture your professional ambitions as the Universe conspires to help you achieve success.
Your patience could run thin this month, dear Cancer, because the sun travels through reactive Aquarius and your solar eighth house. This luminary placement could be fairly triggering, especially if you’ve hit your wits’ end in certain situations or relationships. Unfortunately, issues could arise if you allow your ego or emotions to get the better of you, making it important that you find healthy ways to channel your frustration. On the plus side, airing your grievances with compassion can help you get your point across once and for all, allowing you to manifest change where it matters most.
You’ll feel like the cat that got the cream during the Leo full moon on February 5, as the stars align to boost your ego while filling your heart with joy. This luminary grants you celestial permission to indulge in luxury and unleash your inner diva, though you should be mindful not to rock the boat with others. People will be temperamental and a bit full of themselves during this time, but if you stay focused on tapping in to your gratitude and feeling satisfied with what you have, you can thrive under these warming vibes.
(July 23 - August 22)
You’ll be in a relationship-oriented headspace this month, dear Leo, because the Aquarius sun shines brightly in your solar tenth house. This luminary placement can help you feel loved for your flaws, talents, shortcomings, and kindness as the stars fill your sphere with people who accept every angle of your personality. Meanwhile, Venus traverses through sensitive Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs profound bonds, carrying surface-level friendships or romantic connections into deeper, more meaningful waters.
A need to nurture your independence and identity could bring ripples to your social sphere during the Leo full moon on February 5. The vibe could get a little heated on this day, especially if you haven’t had much time to yourself recently. Try to carve out a couple of hours for solitude, so you can reflect on the ways in which love has both positively and negatively impacted your life. If you feel as though you’ve been abandoning your interests or goals in favor of what’s comfortable, you might need to adjust your priorities.
You’ll notice a shift when the sun enters Pisces and the sector of your chart that governs transformation on the eighteenth. You can expect to undergo an emotional overhaul throughout the next month as the sun illuminates thoughts and feelings you may have buried too deeply. Use this energy to finally let go of any grudges you’ve been carrying, understanding that your heart will benefit from focusing on yourself and your most loyal companions rather than fuming about people or situations that caused you sorrow in the past.
You’ll feel high energy this month, dear Virgo, as the sun moves through Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs efficiency and wellness. Though the unpredictable nature of this cosmic climate could throw a few curve balls in your direction, you’ll easily put out any fires before they spread out of control. However, you might want to be mindful of your mind/body connectivity, because these cerebral vibes could cause you to lose your center. Eating well, stretching, and taking small moments for quiet each day will keep you grounded while allowing you to exceed any expectations you set for yourself.
Your aura will pack a serious punch when Mercury cozies up to empowering Pluto on February 10. This celestial union asks you to step into any roles you’ve been hoping to fill, simply allowing yourself to transform into a higher version of yourself. You’ll also have a magnetism that’s hard to deny, making it a great time to further your agenda, ignite passion with a love interest, or express yourself through the arts.
You’ll be equally focused on fun and order this month, dear Libra, as the sun moves through Aquarius and Venus settles into Pisces. Use this energy to bring balance to your social and professional responsibilities, understanding when it’s time to party versus focus on work. Nurturing your health will play an important role in your ability to maintain the lifestyle you desire, making it important that you prioritize healthy eating, sleeping, and exercise patterns that work with your busy schedule. The more you embrace wellness and vitality, the happier you’ll feel in every aspect of your existence.
Your body and aura will become more sensitive when Pisces season commences on February 18, activating the sector of your chart that governs health and daily routines. If you’ve spent the first half of your month thinking about lifestyle changes, this is the point at which you can move forward with such plans. You’ll also find yourself in a more benevolent mood, eager to help others with small favors and random acts of kindness. You can score some serious karma points by approaching the world with grace and lending a hand where you can, but try not to let these sentiments burden you, understanding when it’s necessary to focus on yourself.
You’ll be busy in your personal life this month, dear Scorpio, because Aquarius season illuminates your solar fourth house. These vibes are poised to usher in excitement in your domestic sphere and family life, so be sure to devote your free time to nurturing such bonds. This solar placement has a reputation for bringing forth surprises, and you might want to brace yourself for news of babies on the way, engagement announcements, and employment shifts in your family, though less happy news could emerge as well. On a personal level, try to stay on top of your domestic responsibilities lest you find yourself overwhelmed by lingering chores or broken appliances. February 10 can bring magnetism and strength to your voice and mind as communicative Mercury crosses over profound Pluto in your solar third house. This celestial union ushers in one of the more empowering days of the year for you, though you’ll need to use your words in order to transform your circumstances. Transparency about your thoughts and feelings will help place you on a higher path, though you should recognize the difference between honesty and oversharing. Edit your voice so it can be effective, allowing you to make important points without betraying your mysterious persona.
It might be hard to catch a break this month, dear Sagittarius, as the sun moves through Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs learning and communication. You’ll crave stimulation as each day goes by, plastering your schedule with social engagements and opportunities to learn. This cosmic climate can help you break through walls that once prevented you from forging bonds or absorbing information, so be sure to flex your voice and mind through the first half of February. Unfortunately, you could run into issues with insomnia, because mental chatter can act as an unfortunate side effect of these airy vibes.
Circle February 5 on your calendar. That’s when the Leo full moon activates the sector of your chart that governs spirituality. This cosmic climate can streamline messages from beyond the veil, making it the ideal time to chat with a spiritual adviser, meditate deeply, and dance in the ethereal realms. You’ll feel invigorated by visions of what the future may hold, though a harsh t-square with Uranus could spell trouble if you don’t apply reasonable steps to make such dreams a reality.
A wave of emotion could come crashing down on you when the sun enters Pisces on the eighteenth, triggering your sensitivities and bittersweet nostalgia. This solar placement could cause your heart to ache over time lost and painful memories, though appreciating where you are now can help you value and treasure the past. Give yourself permission to indulge in more downtime at home to give yourself space to process emotions as they bubble up.
You might want to keep a tight rein on your finances this month, dear Capricorn, as the sun travels through Aquarius and the sector of your chart that governs money. On the one hand, these vibes can bring forth prosperity in unassuming ways. On the other, an impulsive and reckless energy could take over your senses, causing you to get carried away with your spending. Be particularly on guard when it comes to standing in line at the grocery store or your favorite boutiques, and refuse to be enticed by the carefully curated items that are placed near each register.
You’ll be in a chatty mood when Mercury crosses over Pluto on February 10, bringing intensity to your thoughts and words. While this cosmic climate can help you advocate for yourself or deepen important relationships, a destructive element will come into play as well. Avoid speaking without thinking or you could find yourself inadvertently burning bridges. On the plus side, if you’re wise with your message, you just might carve out a few new opportunities for yourself.
Pisces season emerges on the eighteenth, bringing an emotional vibe to the table, which might not be your favorite. Your friends or colleagues could seem moodier than usual, and there’s a danger they’ll turn to you as a source of comfort while airing their grievances. Try to soften up anytime someone reveals their vulnerable side, but don’t feel obligated to pander to sob stories that don’t resonate as real issues.
The month kicks off with a hefty dose of cosmic healing, dear Aquarius, as the sun journeys through your sign while forming a supportive connection with Chiron. This celestial exchange can give you the strength to discuss any issues that have been bothering you, though you’ll want to keep an eye on your temper when delving into triggering topics. Luckily, people won’t be in the mood to fight with your birthday season in full swing, so be sure to soak in all the love, attention, and adoration coming your way.
Cracks in your relationship could show during the Leo full moon on February 5, and a harsh t-square with Uranus threatens to throw your emotions for a loop. Try not to hold your partner to unreasonable expectations right now even if it’s date night. Whether you’re single or coupled up, these vibes are best spent cozied up at home. Romance and self-love will bring forth a glorious harmony as long as you take care to pamper yourself and your loved ones.
Though it’s true your season could be filled with highs and lows, you’ll have a chance to stabilize your heart and mind once the sun enters Pisces on the eighteenth. Though this solar placement tends to trigger sensitivities, you’ll feel grounded anytime you stay focused on the present. The stars ask you to embrace your senses while searching for beauty and deeper meaning, especially when it comes to natural wonders, neighborhood wildlife, or relationships that you don’t always take the time to fully appreciate.
You might feel as though you aren’t always in control of your thoughts this month, dear Pisces, because the Aquarius sun travels through the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. The erratic nature of Aquarian energy could stir up old memories or propel you into a state of uncertainty. This solar placement might feel exhausting at times, so don’t feel guilty about slipping into hermit mode when you need to. On the plus side, these cosmic winds can bring forth a certain amount of genius, helping you feel inspired, intelligent, and independent throughout the coming weeks.
On February 5, you’ll be asked to tidy up your life during the Leo full moon as the stars push you toward a more efficient existence. As a Neptune-ruled sign, you can sometimes fall into a state of disorganization, but this lunation is poised to help you get back on track. Nurturing your health should also be a priority, especially if your energy level has been inconsistent. Listen to your intuition and check in with your body in order to piece together exactly how you can work with these helpful vibes.
A rush of uplifting energy will wash over you when the sun makes its debut in your sign on the eighteenth. With family and friends eager to celebrate you, it’s unlikely that there will be many dull moments. However, you should be mindful to use this time wisely, because the energy at play can help you make significant strides on your personal goals. The Pisces new moon on February 19 is particularly poignant, so be sure to make a secret pact with the other side.