CP August 2020 f

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HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



Feel the power of Mars roaring through your spirit as you begin August, Aries. You will be blessed with the strength and vigor of your guardian planet until January 2021 (solar first house). Throughout this month, be certain to focus its energy into all of your personal and professional goals. You are creating patterns now that can echo for the coming two years, so embrace your dominance and manifest the life you wish. You won’t have to deal with any irritating personal planetary retrogrades, so August is a wonderful time to not only have fun but to also reach toward your goals. The full moon in your social sector on August 3 brings your attention to an important event or networking opportunity (solar eleventh house). Significant news may arrive from a friend at this time as well. This should be a festive moment for you, so interact with those you enjoy. Also, with so much attention on your romance and fertility sector throughout most of the month, it’s likely love, art, and recreation are on your mind. Mercury enters this sector on the fourth, but the new moon on August 18 officially opens a door to blessings that will fill your heart with light (solar fifth house). Use this new moon to improve your romantic life, whether you’re single or attached.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS Privacy is on your mind, Taurus, as the mighty Mars powers through your sector of solitude (solar twelfth house). This trend continues until the beginning of 2021. The early months of 2021 will be extremely important for you both personally and professionally, so be sure to use the second half of 2020 to truly plant the seeds you wish to flourish in the future. During these months, you may focus on a project behind the scenes that requires tremendous concentration and energy. Others may feel the need to take a break, whether that is an actual vacation for relaxation or because you need to heal. Be certain not to do anything secretive or wicked in the coming months, because karma could certainly come back to haunt you. The month also brings you a jewel of a full moon in your sector of achievement on August 3 (solar tenth house). Prepare to welcome in favorable press, public recognition, a promotion, or the opportunity to stand in your own glory. This all ties to how hard you’ve been working in recent months, and you are given a taste of the professional advancement that should be coming to you from 2021 to 2023.

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI You’ll be thinking about all of your hopes, dreams, and goals now and in the coming months, Gemini. With Mars energizing you to think big for many months, you’re setting out to reach greater fulfillment (solar eleventh house). Some Geminis may also notice that their social life is especially active now—and it’s about time, because you’re ready to spread your wings and fly. The full moon on August 3 falls within your expansion sector, encouraging you to step out of your comfort zone and embrace new horizons (solar ninth house). For some of you, this may signal an important decision regarding immigration or overseas travel. Others may be focused on opening up their mind, whether through academics or spirituality. If you happen to be involved in media or publishing, this full moon should also signal exciting developments. Throughout much of August, your mind is especially speedy, and you’re fueled to express yourself even more than usual. With Mercury, bringing wit and persuasive power to you, all of your communications should go well.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER Of all the zodiac signs, you, Cancer, have so much to look forward to in the coming six months. Not only do you have Jupiter, the planet of luck, gracing you with happy relationships for much of that time (solar seventh house), but Mars, the planet of energy, will be bringing power and fuel to your professional goals, too (solar tenth house). Of course, you must take action to receive the greatest benefit, but the universe has shown you a hard time in recent years, so it looks like a lucky break may be headed your way. A full moon in your sector of shared assets lights up the night on August 3, which will help you to assess the current balance in a primary relationship (solar eighth house). Some Cancers may realize it’s time to let go and move on, while the happily coupled will pull their significant other even closer. As this zone also has ties to money, a large lump sum could arrive, whether that is from a government stimulus, a payout, a royalty check, or even a small lottery win. Money is definitely on your mind this month, with Mercury (your thoughts) joining the sun (your focus) in your financial sector. A new moon on the eighteenth should open up more opportunities for abundance, so look for a new job or raise your rates at that time (solar second house).



With so much planetary energy invigorating you, Leo, you’ll certainly adore August. While you are obviously within your solar return—the time when the sun once again crosses the point where it was at your birth—you are now able to better establish the patterns you’d like to continue in the coming year. Your solar return is a snapshot of what’s in store, so use this time to meditate upon your vision board and then go forth to create it (solar first house). The month begins with a full moon highlighting your partnerships (solar seventh house) on August 3. This may unite you more closely with someone, perhaps by moving in, getting engaged, or forging a business agreement. It also could push you apart if you’re no longer in alignment, such as a breakup, parting of ways, or divorce. Single Leos may notice that someone with long-term potential crosses their path, so now is the time to be clear on what you want in a significant other. Mercury enters your sun sign on the fourth, bringing you mental clarity (solar first house). Uranus, the planet of revolution, turns retrograde in your career zone on August 15, so over the coming months you may notice that the newfound paths you’d been taking to lift higher in your industry begin to slow down. This will offer you an opportunity to improve your plan of attack (solar tenth house).

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO The month arrives like thunder, with a full moon in your productivity sector appearing on August 3 (solar sixth house). No one knows how to work quite as effectively as you, Virgo, so now could be a time when you finish up a major work project or hear news about your employment. Since this same sector of the stars also rules your health and fitness, if something flares up and needs medical attention, handle it quickly. This is a phenomenal time to assess how you’ve been building your routine for the year so far, so take out your red pen and prioritize your schedule. Despite the focus on work at the month’s beginning, so much of the universe is telling you to take a step back. A great deal of energy will certainly be moving into your sun sign later in the month and on into September, so this period requires you to prioritize rest, relaxation, and solitude. Healing, meditation, and reflection are especially favored now, so be sure to assess what you want to release and what you wish to soon begin. The new moon on the eighteenth will especially highlight your need for privacy and could push you to visit a therapist, health specialist, or rehabilitation center (solar twelfth house).

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA Partnership, collaboration, and union are top priorities at this time, Libra (solar seventh house), as well as a focus on your domesticity and family (solar fourth house). Over the coming months, Mars will encourage you to work one-on-one with the perfect partner because you can make more progress as a team. This could mean working with someone professionally, such as an agent, attorney, publicist, social media manager, or fitness trainer. Single Libras may be hungrily looking for the perfect match, and with the full moon on August 3 igniting your heart, you could see a breathtaking romantic moment appear. Whether you’re single or attached, use this to plan something memorable that can align your heart with a twin flame (solar fifth house). This blessed full moon may also bear fruit in the form of a pregnancy, birth, or exciting news related to a child. Last, if you are creative, an exciting opportunity to showcase your work could also appear. More fun is written in the stars as the sun and Mercury both heat up your social sector throughout much of the month (solar eleventh house). When the new moon arrives on the eighteenth, you could be invited to a lovely event or social gathering that promises to be especially lively. If you’re choosing to social distance instead, engage with your network digitally.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO Since 2019, Scorpio, you’ve been noticing that the way you have approached your partnerships your entire life is no longer in alignment with who you are. This is because Uranus, the planet of liberation and change, has been gracing your commitment and relationship sector and will continue to do so until 2026 (solar seventh house). For some of you, this means that you’re being freed of outdated relationships and toxic patterns, whereas others are requiring more freedom or excitement with their significant other. If single, you may be enchanted by different kinds of partners that may not have inspired you before, whether that means outside of your normal type or lifestyle. However, with Uranus turning retrograde on August 15, you will spend the next several months reviewing the changes you’ve made in your relationships and how you can still embrace more fulfillment within them. Earlier in the month, though, other planetary activity highlights different areas of your life. A full moon on the third energizes your domestic sector and may bring news of a move, home renovation, or family issue that requires your attention (solar fourth house).

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS The month begins with you speaking your mind, Sagittarius, with a full moon in your communication sector taking place on August 3 (solar third house). This may elicit an important contract that requires your signature, or you could be engaged in a writing or speaking project. Some Sagittarius can harness this fuel toward a marketing or advertising endeavor as well. Expansion into new territory calls your name at this time, which is exactly the kind of music you love to hear! This is because the sun and Mercury will be spending most of the month in this sector (solar ninth house). Depending on your lifestyle and location, this may foretell a desire to travel overseas or interact with new cultures. Other Sagittarius could suddenly become focused on expanding their mind, whether that is through academics, self-education, or spiritual practices. If you are at all involved with the media or publishing, now would be an excellent moment to work aggressively. The new moon on the eighteenth will open doors to you here, so prepare to venture to new horizons.

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN Until the beginning of 2021, you will feel energized about your domestic life, perhaps you’re moving, redecorating, or renovating. Some Capricorns may notice a very significant focus on a family member (especially a parent) during this time, whether that means helping them out or going to bat to defend them. This is because Mars spends an especially long time here and wants you to be on the most stable ground possible (solar fourth house). The month brings a great deal of news to you, beginning with a full moon in your income sector on August 3 (solar second house). This may trigger a raise at work or the arrival of a wonderful check. Some Capricorns may end a job—especially freelance—and move on to new endeavors at this time. However, with so much planetary action continuing to highlight your relationships, this will remain a focus for you throughout the weeks ahead (solar eighth house). Finding the best balance in your partnerships—the give and the take—is key. Your needs in your relationships will be on your mind. Are you receiving everything that you need financially, intimately, emotionally, and sexually? If not, this may be a wonderful moment to communicate this to unite your connection even more.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS A full moon in your sun sign rocks the night on August 3, Aquarius. This will be one of the most important times of the year for you, as you will likely see a personal goal close to your heart come into bloom (solar first house). You are in the spotlight at this time, so use your dominance to strategically move toward your goals. However, as much as this moment is all about you, the planets are also drawing a great deal of attention toward your significant partnerships (solar seventh house). With Mercury joining the sun here within the first week, you will likely see that you are being required to work as a team. Collaboration will shine now. Also, if you’d like to make long-term plans with your significant other, even as far as engagement, marriage, or honeymoon planning, be sure to use the new moon on the eighteenth to start orchestrating this. While there is a possibility that you could experience a breakup during this time, it is less likely because this is more often a time of union rather than separation. This bodes well for single Aquarius as well, who could find someone with serious partner potential.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES With Mars, the planet of energy, activating your financial sector until early 2021, all Pisces are being taught a great deal about money (solar second house). On the positive side of things, this could bring you much more, especially if you are working hard and fighting for it. Contrarily, though, this may indicate that you are spending money and savings rapidly and can barely keep it within your grasp. If you need help, reach out to a financial adviser or accountant to guide your way. August should be quite a busy month for the most part, except that the full moon on August 3 may demand you take a step back, rest, and relax. This full moon emphasizes healing, privacy, and solitude (solar twelfth house). However, this may also signal that you’re working steadily behind the scenes on an important project that is not yet ready to see the light of day. Just be careful not to burn yourself out! The sun and Mercury will energize your productivity sector throughout much of the month, though, so it’s likely you’re quite needed on the job (solar sixth house). If looking for work, the new moon on the eighteenth may signal that a hiring manager finally reaches out to you.

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