CP August 2020 y

Page 10


COPING WITH COVID The world often feels like it’s spinning away from us especially at this time when the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our sense of normalcy. In this article, we will discuss some coping strategies to help you exhale, reset, and maintain your daily activities when overwhelmed. Staying at home has been the number 1 activity recommended for all since the coronavirus of 2019 started. Governments have ordered citizens to stay at home as much as possible and practice social distancing to curb the spread of the virus. To a generation that has been used to going out for work and travel, staying at home has been a challenge to most of us. With the constant changes (advisories every day!) and hurdles that we face nowadays, it is easy to feel overwhelmed and lose focus. Despite how excessive productivity can be emotionally exhausting and lead to burn out, it is always important to continue the everyday tasks that come our way. Below we are listing some helpful ways to manage and overcome the stress that this pandemic has created. Dr. Fariha Eshrat



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