5 minute read
Is Using A Face Mask Causing Skin
from CP July 2020 a
by CPmagazine
A lot of us have found that wearing the mandatory protective face mask for regular or long peri-ods of time, especially during the hot season when humidity is high, leads to unwelcome skin irri-tations and breakouts. The lack of air circulation and increased temperature around the nose and mouth causes excess perspiration and clogged pores, a perfect breeding ground for bacteria. In some cases, irritation can also be due to the chemicals used to treat the facemask reacting with sensitive skin. To minimise the negative effects of wearing a face mask, it is recommended to remove it as soon as you reach home, or whenever you are not required to use it, and rinse your face with a mild cleanser to remove the sweat and any harmful buildup. Using a gentle moisturiser, such as KJ Serums’ SkinKarma, post cleansing is an added layer of protection you can afford your skin to avoid a problematic complexion. SkinKarma provides natural hydration in the form of Vegan Hyaluronic Acid, along with Niacinamide (vitamin B3) which improves skin texture and strengthens the protective barrier function while reducing inflammation and redness. SkinKarma is also highly effective in your day-to-day skincare routine, offering anti-pimentation, anti-ageing, anti-acne, non-comedogenic and antioxidant properties. KJ Serums’ SkinKarma is available to UAE customers on www. kjserums.com and is priced at AED 145 for 30ml or AED 195 for 60ml.
ي ف ا أن ارتداء أقنعة الوجه الواقية، والتي ال خيار لنا ّ الحظت الكثيرات من ج البشرة وانتشار ّ ى تهي ل ي هذه األوقات غير اآلمنة، يؤدي إ ف ارتدائها بانتظام ي موسم الصيف وارتفاع معدالت الرطوبة ف البثور بشكل ملحوظ، خاصة ب درجات الحرارة ّ وكذلك طول المدة الزمنية الرتداء هذه األقنعة. تتسب ق، ّ د الهواء حول منطقة األنف والفم زيادة التعر ّ المرتفعة وقصور تجد ب ّ ومن ثم انسداد المسامات، وهي بيئة مثالية لتكاثر البكتريا. قد تتسب ج ّ ي تهي ف ي تصنيع أقنعة الوجه الواقية كذلك ف المواد الكيميائية المستخدمة اسة. ّ البشرة وخاصة الحس ي، ينصح بخلع القناع ق لتقليل اآلثار السلبية الناتجة عن ارتداء قناع الوجه الوا ي أي وقت ال يتطلب ارتداءه، وكذلك غسل ف ى المنزل، و ل بمجرد الوصول إ ف لطيف إلزالة العرق والشوائب المتراكمة التي تضر البشرة. ّ الوجه بمنظ – من SkinKarmaب لطيف مثل ‘سكين كارما’ – ّ يضيف استخدام مرط ‘كيه جيه سيرومز’ بعد تنظيف الوجه، طبقة حماية إضافية لوقاية بشرتك بشرتك SkinKarmaب ّ دة. يمنح مرط ّ من حدوث مشكالت البشرة المتعد ى حمض الهيالورونيك عل الترطيب الطبيعي من خالل مكوناته التي تحتوي ن نسيج ّ )الذي يحس13 ى النياسيناميد )فيتامين ب ل ي، باإلضافة إ ت النبا من االلتهاب واالحمرار. ّ الشرة ويقوي وظيفة حاجز الحماية بها، بينما يحد ي روتين العناية اليومي ببشرتك ألنه يمنع ف ال كذلك ّ منتج فع SkinKarma ي العمر، وظهور حب ف غ البشرة، ويحميها من ظهور عالمات التقدم ّ تصب الشباب، كما أنه مضاد للتأكسد وال يسبب انسداد المسام. ي اإلمارات العربية المتحدة ف من ‘كيه جيه سيرومز’ متوفر SkinKarmaمنتج 195 مل، و 30ي لعبوة ت درهم إمارا 145 بسعر com.kjserums.wwwى عل مل 60ي لعبوة ت درهم إمارا


The modern driver is looking for a little something extra from their SUV. Space and comfort goes without saying while attractive design and good fuel economy is a bonus. The SUVs that stand out from the pack are the vehicles that can offer a premium tech experience, enabling the driver to be in command without having to take their eyes off the road. The all-new Chevrolet Captiva is the culmination of over 80 years of SUV engineering, encapsulating what the modern family is looking for in their daily vehicle. The 2021 Chevrolet Captiva delivers on this with smart and thoughtful technologies to make every journey safer and more enjoyable.

The cockpit of the all-new Chevrolet Captiva is driver-focused, distinguished with a center-mounted 8-inch infotainment touchscreen, to ensure you’re always in control while on the move. Providing safer communication and an array of entertainment options supported by devices via Bluetooth and USB connectivity, you can navigate through playlists without taking your eyes off the road. With seamless Apple CarPlay integration, everything you want is within reach in Chevrolet Captiva. Giving its driver added confidence on the road, the all-new Chevrolet Captiva comes standard with a rear-view camera and is equipped with four-position reversing sensors, empowering the driver in narrow or unfamiliar driving conditions. Drivers of the Chevrolet Captiva Premier will also have front parking ultrasonic sensors that help detect nearby objects in front of your vehicle. 2021 Chevrolet Captiva is also packed with technology for the driver’s convenience and comes standard on all trims. A 6-way adjustable driver seat allows you to easily customize your comfort zone for the ultimate drive. Likewise, an electronic parking brake allows you engage or disengage the handbrake with the touch of a button – it couldn’t be easier! However, it’s not just the driver that can enjoy the Chevrolet Captiva’s technology offering. Thoughtful tech and design touches such as USB ports are featured in all three rows of the Captiva’s seating, allowing all passengers to stay connected throughout the drive, a bonus when you’re transporting the whole family on long road trips. Another standout feature of the newest SUV from Chevrolet is its price: as one of the most affordable seven seaters in its segment, the all-new Chevrolet Captiva offers its driver a lot of car, for a very affordable price. With a full suite of convenient technology and Safety features, the 2021 Chevrolet Captiva will make every moment on board worthwhile, for the driver and all passengers.