2 minute read
What Is Formerlyme?
from CP JULY 2022
by CPmagazine
FormerlyMe.com presents “Trainers”
Jim West

become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the “Trainers” during of my journey.

When people make the decision to take action in regards to their health they often find it immediately daunting of where to begin. Most just show up at a gym or start dieting, but after a few weeks many people just give up. Either they tried too much, too hard, or just didn’t have the proper knowledge and guidance to be successful in their journey. This is where a professional trainer can tremendously impact your ability to achieve your health goals. Many think of trainers as big muscular ‘know it alls’ and fear they will be embarrassed or pushed to extremes. Unfortunately, this happens sometimes, but don’t hesitate to find another trainer who will tailor a plan that works for you. Think of a trainer as your Sherpa up the mountain of fitness. They are there to guide and show you the way and most of all empower you with their knowledge of nutrition.

Perhaps more so than the encouragement in workout sessions and weight training guidance, their knowledge on nutrition is perhaps where you will get the most “gains” or “losses” in your pursuit of whatever your health and fitness goals are. If you want abs, every trainer should tell you those are made in the kitchen. If you want to lose weight, it’s nutrition. Nutrition is the biggest factor is any weight loss or muscle gain journey. Where to start can be intimidating, but consider the fact that most trainers where just like you and me. Often they were overweight and unhealthy at some point in their lives and they took charge of it. They not only serve as a trainer, but also as an example of what can be achieved if you stay focused and dedicated to your plan and goals.

In this article I want to highlight my trainers that I have had so far in my journey. Gene Labrada, IFBB Pro Jason Brown, Bethany Hope, Ali Wetzel, Carey Drilling, and Kelechi Mbonu. They have all played a huge part in my journey. I hope you find a trainer that is just good as these trainers are. Every gym has great trainers. Just take the steps to find them and begin your journey towards becoming the best version of yourself!

Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my more unique experiences I had in 2021-2022. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe! facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial