CP June 2020 a

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JUNE 2020

since 2010

ISSUE: 126


since 2010

JUNE 2020

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GROUP EDITOR Gill Sherry FASHION DIRECTOR Abir Achkar FASHION EDITORS Sandra Carina Yasmeen AlSalem

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CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Aisha AlSanad Eman AlAwadh Hend AlSanad Iman Matwally Jim West Jose Berrocoso Nada AlMuzaini Paul Tunbridge Sana Mrad Yassarina

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since 2010






68. Range Rover Marks 50 Years Of All- 8. Goodness Will Prevail 11. ‫العنصرية قنبلة موقوتة‬ Terrain Innovation 70. The Fuel Efficient 2021 Chevrolet Captiva 13. Letting Go 15. ‫طرق التخلص من الملل‬ Goes The Extra Mile 16. Travel To These Countries While In



58. Pollen Bee

18. Consistency Is Key To Quality Sleep 37. Interior Staples For The Perfect Iftar


20. Aniya Varghese 24. Niloufar Torabi 28. Fatma Albahrani 54. Laura Deleuze


Table Setting 74. CP Journal 50. 7 Lessons For Making A Lifestyle Change


72. New Book Releases For June 2020



40. The Power Of Rtt 42. What Is Formerlyme?

32. Off To Seychelles 62. Mine: Saudi Arabian Unique Bags & HEALTH 18.The Effects Of Smoking On Your Eyes Accessories 52. Experts At Mehd Warn Residents Of The 64. Spanish Inspired

Risk Of Developing Cataractsh


16. Connect With Nature After Quarantine 44. Bonus Miles - Luxury & Sustainability

In Vietnam 61. A Room With A View

REGULARS 78. Homework For Grownups 80. Horoscopes

Photo Credits: Z_UALBboBHE




JUNE 2020

Gill Sherry


’m not sure any of us could have predicted the consequences of the ‘Disease Outbreak’ first reported by the World Health Organization way back on 5th January. That said, some forwardthinkers certainly knew what was coming when they stripped the shelves of toilet paper long before the lockdown had even been announced. Many assumed the sudden and unforeseen demand for this everyday essential was due to another, undisclosed symptom of the disease; a third, unpleasant indication (in addition to the high fever and persistent cough), that COVID-19 had infiltrated their body’s natural defences. Only when the stockpiling of pasta and tinned foods began, did the mystery of the disappearing toilet paper become clear. Thankfully, supermarkets were (eventually) able to replenish their stocks, although, even now, shortages of some items remain. Hand sanitizer is back on the shelves (albeit at a higher price), dried pasta is readily available, and fights are no longer breaking out in the toilet paper aisle. As the seriousness of the situation become clear and social distancing put paid to the pushing and shoving, it was now a race to see who could make it to the home baking section first. Priorities, it seems, had shifted and people were now willing to sell their soul for self-raising flour. Anyway, what started out as a bread-making necessity, forced upon us when the supermarket shelves were bare, has ended up as a popular and healthy pastime. Not only are we making our own bread, we’re also baking cakes, pies and puddings and, evidently, loving every minute of it. We’re blowing the dust off our recipe books and enjoying hours of endless fun in the kitchen. Home baking may have kept the boredom at bay during lockdown, but it will, I suspect, continue to entertain (and feed) us when this pesky disease is long gone. Keep those flour mills grinding! Away from the supermarkets (and kitchens), people began to appreciate the joy of the great outdoors. Denied their usual routines, a daily walk was, for some, a new phenomenon. Born from frustration and the need to escape from quarantine, people donned their walking shoes to take advantage of

the limited window of opportunity. Whilst they were confined to their own neighbourhoods they were still able to appreciate the beauty on their doorstep. This precious dose of fresh air and exercise, once unheard of and previously only experienced under duress, was now the highlight of their lockdown lives. For many, the walks continued once restrictions were lifted and their regular appointment with the outdoors was retained, their post-curfew health all the better for it. Of course, we’re not the only ones to benefit from the ‘stay at home’ guidance. Our planet, if it could talk, would be expressing its gratitude for releasing it (if only temporarily) from the smog that was slowly suffocating it. Whilst it’s inevitable that frequent air and road travel will resume and that things will, eventually, return to some form of normality, it would be nice to think that some of us will reconsider our previous habits and adopt a greener, more sustainable way of life. The habits we have adopted during our enforced isolation may not have been voluntary but, with hindsight, could be worth continuing. Our beaches are so much cleaner, the sea is so much clearer and is it my imagination, or are the stars so much brighter? Another positive side effect of the pandemic is our new found love and respect for key workers. Never have our doctors and nurses been so appreciated and admired. In fact, all medical and care staff are now looked upon as heroes. This recent gratitude is long overdue and a sign that goodness really does prevail. But respect for each other is equally important. Regardless of our colour, religion, age, gender, nationality or profession, we are all human beings. As individuals, we are entitled to our own beliefs and opinions but we are also entitled to respect from others. Immigrants from all over the world are proud to call Kuwait their home and without them, it would not be the country it is today. Without them, our recovery from this pandemic, from both a health and an economic point of view, would be so much more difficult. Something to remember when emerging from this crisis.






‫العنصرية قنبلة موقوتة‬

‫د‪ .‬دينا عبدالكريم الشمري‬

‫‪Dr. Dina A.Karim Al-Shammeri‬‬

‫تبدأ ثقافة اإلنسان منذ نعومة أظفاره حينما يترعرع‬ ‫في أحضان والديه‪ ،‬فيتعلم أسلوب الحوار والتعبير‬ ‫عن الرأي والصدق والكذب والحب والبغضاء والخير‬ ‫والشر‪ ،‬كما يتعلم منا (أي والديه) احترام اآلخرين و‬ ‫تقديرهم والعطف عليهم ومساعدتهم بتقديم العون‬ ‫والرأفة وحسن الظن وغيرها من المبادئ والقيم‬ ‫اإلنسانية الشريفة‪.‬‬ ‫وبما أن الطفل يتعلم باالقتداء فإن العنصرية‬ ‫التي نمارسها سواء في اللون أو األصل أو الجنسية‬ ‫أوالمذاهب واألديان والمكانة االجتماعية تدفع الطفل‬ ‫‪11‬‬


‫أيضا لممارستها دون إرادة منه‪ ،‬لذلك علينا بكل وعي‬ ‫أن نرتقي ونرتفع عن درك العنصرية ونتميز باإلنسانية‬ ‫البحتة بغض النظر عن كل ما سبق‪ ،‬وذلك إلنشاء‬ ‫جيل إنساني يحب الجميع ويتمنى الخير والسالم لكل‬ ‫مخلوق على وجه األرض‪ ،‬ويجب أن نعلم أبناءنا أيضا‬ ‫أن لكل إنسان مشاعر وأحاسيس وأنه مخلوق من‬ ‫دم ولحم يشعر باأللم والحزن فتنزف دموعه وتدمي‬ ‫جروحه ويسهر إذا ُظلم ويتأوه إذا مرض‪ ،‬لنرتقي‬ ‫مع أبنائنا كي ال نكون سببا في صناعة المجرمين‬ ‫والحاقدين المشحونين‪ ،‬أن تكون إنسانا يعني أن‬ ‫تمارس إنسانيتك مع اآلخرين‪.‬‬


APRIL 2020

nadia_omnia enquiries.nadia@gmail.com

Nadia AlHaroon


hen presented with certain situations in life, we can tend to get highly emotional and not understanding the reason why. Although when we start to understand what makes us react to certain things in life in particular ways, then we are able to tackle the problem. It is so important for each and every one of us to understand the depths of our mind, even though science still does not fully understand it and consider our minds one of the greatest mysteries known to man. As humans do, we tend to overcomplicate things or sometimes work in “auto-pilot” not even realizing our behaviors towards situations and life in general and justifying our over-reactions. What if I told you that in the majority of cases, it comes down to one thing in particular? And knowing this one thing, can help you take control of your life and see your life change right before your own eyes. I will also share a few different stories that clients have allowed me to share in order to see which resonates with you. A lot of our over reactions and emotional responses come down to control. Whether you want to say it is not getting the desired outcome out of a scenario, or things didn’t go your way, or losing control of the steering wheel, it again all comes down to control. Below are two stories with clients that brought them to a lot of awareness about themselves and this awareness has helped them to become more mindful and now do not give heavily emotional reactions to what they deal with.

Anna was physically abused as a child and as an adult this has affected her tremendously where she has sleepless nights and it has made her feel unworthy of love. When I asked her about her relationship now with her mother, she said it is OK but she still holds this resentment. I then broke it down to her. Any child feels the need to be loved and protected as children. It is a time of vulnerability and a time we entrust the adults in our life to provide us with the basics. It is undeniable that this is every child’s right. She came to her own conclusion through several sessions with me that the current resentment is because she did not have her basics rights met as a child. She did not have control over what a child deserves. She was able to heal by realizing that what she has control over is her life now and that her past does not define who she is today. She was able to observe the situation for what it is and let go. Letting go is extremely important for healing and to ensure it doesn’t affect your present moment or future. (names have been changed for the privacy of my clients)






‫طرق التخلص من الملل‬ ‫‪Lulwa AlKhamees‬‬

‫قرائي االعزاء‪...‬‬ ‫بما اننا نمر ب ظرف استثنائي‪...‬‬ ‫ولدينا الكثير من الوقت الذي نقضيه‬ ‫بالمنزل‪..‬‬ ‫موضوعي اليوم عن (طرق التخلص من‬ ‫الملل)‪..‬‬ ‫اول نقطة مهمة يجب ان نضعها في عين‬ ‫االعتبار هي التعامل بشكل صحيح مع‬ ‫الوقت عن طريق تنظيم (روتين منتظم)‬ ‫يومياً‪.‬‬

‫ثانياً‪ :‬الرياضة مهمة جدا ً للصحة النفسية‬ ‫والجسدية‪ ،‬لذا حاول ان تمارس الرياضة في‬ ‫المنزل‪.‬‬ ‫ثالثاً‪ :‬فكر في ما تحب ان تقوم به وابحث عن‬ ‫شغفك‪..‬‬ ‫فكر معي‪...‬‬ ‫ماهو الشيء الذي كنت تتمنى ان تملك‬ ‫الوقت ل فعله ؟‬ ‫مثال‪ :‬فكرة (مشروع) يراودك ولم تملك‬ ‫الوقت الكافي للتخطيط له‪...‬‬ ‫او هواية كنت تتمنى ان تمارسها او تتقنها‬ ‫ولم تملك الوقت‪...‬‬ ‫بعد ان تكتشف ماذا تريد ‪...‬‬ ‫عزيزي القاريء جرب ان تشعل فضول‬ ‫المعرفة واالكتشاف في المجال الذي‬ ‫اخترته‪...‬‬ ‫خصص لك ‪ ١٥‬دقيقة يوميا ً في التركيز‬ ‫والبحث‪...‬‬ ‫وفي حال اذ شعرت ب حاجة للمساعدة‬ ‫ل ا كتشاف شغفك ‪ ...‬ال تتردد ب طلب‬ ‫المساعدة من ال ‪.life coach‬‬




QUARANTINE Latifah Al-Hazza

With the world slowly peeking out from under the covers of quarantine some of you may be eager to start planning, whether for later this year or for 2021. This time, it may be a different type of planning. After being cooped up, there’s nothing quite like the call of the great outdoors. Here are some trip suggestions that celebrate wide open spaces, mother nature’s splendor and will help reconnect you with the outdoors.

Photo Credits: Holger Link

Photo Credits: josie-lopez



JUNE 2020

AUSTRALIA Uluru, a huge sandstone formation, is situated in Australia’s Northern Territory. The aboriginal people consider it a sacred site. From the caves, ancient paintings, watering holes and reddish hue contrast against the blue sky, there is plenty of beauty in this area.

Photo Credits: Ines Álvarez Fdez

Photo Credits: Jessica Knowlden

Photo Credits: Lucija Marjanovic


Off of Ireland’s Galway coast lie the Aran Islands. The three islands have a collective population of 1,200 people and there are more sheep than humans on these islands. Accessed by ferry, the beaches, maze of stone walls, flora and archaeological sites make this a dreamy nature getaway.

Asturias is a lesser known region of Spain that should not be overlooked. The area is home to incredible hikes, mountain peaks, alpine lakes, waterfalls and sparsely populated beaches. The Covadonga Lakes, Picos de Europas and Playa del Toro are a few scenic places to visit while in the region.

Photo Credits: Erik Mclean

Photo Credits: Alex Lee


Most traveler have heard about the infamous Lake Bled but, just 40 minutes away, is a lake that offers a more tranquil wilderness experiences and stunning shades of green everywhere you turn, Lake Bohinj. At the south side of the lake, you can choose from a number of hikes at Mount Vogel that end in breathtaking views overlooking the lake.

Photo Credits: Latifah Al-Hazza


For a more tropical, nature retreat, Virgin Gorda is the place. The island is known for giant granite boulders that form sea pools on the beach, The Baths. You can also get your fix of swimming, snorkeling and water sports on the island. To experience the best of the beaches and the forest, Gorda Peak National Park is another place to visit and is a great place for hiking to see the flora and fauna of the island.

Photo Credits: Quentin Fahrner


Newfoundland’s Gros Morne National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and is part of the Long Range Mountains. The park has dense forests, freshwater fjords, dramatic cliffs, picturesque shorelines, lowlands and moose. It is also a place to discover unique geological formations. Hiking, canoeing, kayaking and camping are popular pastimes here, but cabins and cottages are also available

Photo Credits: Latifah Al-Hazza


Aside from the classic Golden Circle tourist path (which you should not miss!), Lake Myvatn is also an escape for nature lovers. The lake is a microcosm of natural wonders. You will marvel at everything from the geothermal caves and bizarre rock formations to the bubbling mud pools and steaming vents. The region is also home to Godafoss, impressive waterfalls that are 12 meters high and 30 meters wide.

Photo Credits: Michael Behrens





Who hasn’t been in awe when seeing pics of the Swiss Alps? Switzerland is home to some of Europe’s most dramatic natural scenery. Lush valleys, colorful wildflowers and snow-covered peaks, how can you not fall in love with this nature retreat? Matterhorn is the most famous of the peaks and it straddles the Swiss-Italian border. The views from the top are indescribable. If you’re not up for climbing it, a cable car can also take you to the summit.

You may not know that amazing biodiversity exists in Vietnam. Cloud forests, limestone hills, wetlands and unique species can all be found in the country. Top sights to visit are Ha Long Bay for paintinglike sunrises and sunsets; Ninh Binh Province for limestone mountains; Ca Tien National Park for primate species and more than 250 bird species; and Tram Chim National Park for wetlands

Having once been connected to Australia, the biodiversity on this island is insane. Forests house giant tree ferns, reptiles, butterflies and endemic bird species. The lagoon surrounding New Caledonia is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and offers worldclass snorkeling. A few island highlights: Blue River Park, Park of the Great Ferns, and Ouvea Island.





he World Health Organization (WHO) estimates tobacco use in the Eastern Mediterranean Region to be nearly 25%, compared to the worldwide prevalence rate of 22.7%. A number that is even higher when non-cigarette tobacco products like shisha and dokha are included. While these non-traditional tobacco devices are on the rise, so is the prevalence of smoking in the United Arab Emirates, as the country reigns in among the leading countries in the region in terms of Self-reported tobacco use. Most people are very aware that smoking in all forms can cause cancer, lung and heart disease, as well as many other chronic health ailments. But did you know that smoking is one of the most harmful habits for the eyes? A study by the British Medical Journal found that smokers are up to four times more likely to go blind in old age; however, many smokers are not aware of the risk. Below, I will discuss four eye-related risk factors that smokers and those frequently exposed to tobacco smoke should know. Dry Eye Syndrome Dry eye syndrome is a common condition, especially in the gulf area, where the dry climate can severely aggravate the eyes. Dry eye syndrome occurs when your eyes do not have enough amount, or the right kind of tears. Cigarette smoke is known to have over 7,000 chemicals, many of which can irritate and damage in the setting of dry eye syndrome. Symptoms of dry eye syndrome include burning sensation, scratchy eyes, redness, sandy sensation and severe irritation. Experts recommend that people prone to dry eye avoid smoking and contact with smoke all together as smokers are twice as likely to develop dry eye syndrome. Cataracts A cataract is clouding of your eye’s naturally clear lens. It causes blurry vision and makes colours look dull, faded, or yellowish. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness and moderate visual impairment worldwide. Therefore, preventing cataracts carries the potential for significant health benefits, removing the financial and clinical burden of the disease. Thus, identifying risk factors for cataracts is important and may help to establish preventive measures. If you smoke, you are at an increased risk of developing cataracts. Smoking alters the cells of the eye lens through oxidation and aids the build-up of heavy metals on the lens, contributing to the formation of cataracts.


JUNE 2020

Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) AMD occurs when a part of the retina called the macula is damaged. You lose your central vision and cannot see fine details, but your peripheral (side) vision stays normal. In some cases, certain medical treatments can help reduce AMD complications, but there is no cure. While age is the number one risk factor for the disease, smoking is a close second. Smokers are four times more likely to get this condition than nonsmokers, and people who live with smokers are two times as likely to develop it as well. Recent medical improvements have introduced a treatment for the severe form of AMD in the form of injections in the eye to restore vision loss. Research has proven that smokers are much less likely to respond to these injections than non-smokers. Diabetic Retinopathy Smokers who also have diabetes risk getting diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is when blood vessels in the eye are damaged. Smoking causes vasoconstriction or narrowing of the blood vessels, which reduces the blood supply to the eyes. The condition can lead to diabetic retinopathy, a disease characterized by symptoms such as blurry or distorted vision and possibly blindness. Treatment includes medication or surgery. Additionally, smoking raises blood sugar and can cause your body to become more resistant to insulin, which can lead to higher blood sugar levels. Uncontrolled blood sugar can lead to serious complications from diabetes, including diabetic retinopathy. Smoking is the single most controllable risk factor that contributes to the development of many eye-related illnesses. The risk factors listed above are just a few of the many risks that smoking imposes. We advise patients to participate in programs to support them in their journey to quitting this harmful habit. Removing smoking from your lifestyle is one of the many healthy habits associated with optimal eye health. Quitting smoking will not only reduce the likelihood of patients developing eye issues throughout their lives, but it will also aid in the improvement of their overall lifestyle.


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"It is necessary to be kinder to yourself. Now, more than ever."

Aniya Varghese is an illustrator, artist and designer based in Mumbai, India. Her work was recently exhibited in INDERNET 2020 FESTIVAL representing India in Cologne Germany among the 6 Indian Inspired Creatives. Aniya also has the privilege of being a part of curated art platforms like Kulture Shop and Art & Found and magazines such as Cosmopolitan India and Creative Gaga. 20

JUNE 2020



What is your form of art best described as? Retro pop realism. What are your favourite materials to use? Earlier I loved inking and watercolors. I have recently started digital painting, and I have to admit, it's quite addictive! Why do you prefer illustration over other forms of art? It’s how I started my design journey, hence it is irreplaceable. Where do you take the inspiration for your work? I take cues from what’s going on, current issues, or any particular character that really struck a chord with me. I generally try to merge different elements and topics to create a story. What is your process of completing a piece from start to finish? I generally ideate for a long time before starting any piece. I get my direction and mood in place and then combine those ideas to come up with an artwork.

Thank you for joining us for this interview. Thank you for reaching out! Excited to be a part of your magazine. Please introduce yourself to our readers. I am Aniya Varghese, an illustrator, artist and designer based in Mumbai, India. I’ve had the privilege of being a part of curated art platforms like Kulture Shop and Art & Found and magazines such as Cosmopolitan India and Creative Gaga. My work was recently exhibited in INDERNET 2020 FESTIVAL representing India in Cologne Germany among the 6 Indian Inspired Creatives. Tell us about your education. I have a degree in BA(hons) in Fashion from MITID (Pune, India) affiliated with University of Creative arts, UK and a Masters degree in Communication Design from NIFT (Mumbai). What got you interested in arts? I am a science student who switched to design while graduating because I realised that it was designing that truly gave me happiness. Are you a self-taught artist or did you take any formal training? I was self taught when I found my inclination towards designing, which is why I chose to take formal training to grow as a designer. 22

JUNE 2020

How has your professional life been affected by the pandemic, the ongoing issues with coronavirus? More than affecting me, this pandemic lockdown has helped me grow as an artist. With so much time in hand, I finally got a chance to illustrate for myself. I have adapted my creativity by experimenting with different mediums while using the current situation as the main context. Surprisingly, it has given me an overwhelming response. What’s it like where you are? The lockdown has been called off at the moment, but it is still not safe to step out because the numbers are increasing drastically. What does an average day look like for you under lockdown? Getting back to drawing, learning to cook and trying to exercise (at least 5 times a week :P). This has immensely helped me keep my mind on track. How are you dealing with this sudden change in lifestyle? It's been so long now, that it

What 3 things could you not live without under lockdown? Home-made food, my ipad and my phone. What are you missing most about the outside world? Street food, my friends and travelling. What are you most looking forward to doing once the lockdown is over? Meeting my friends. How do you think life will be after Covid-19? It's quite unpredictable to be honest. The mask is here to stay as we are headed towards “a new normal”. People in the post-pandemic world will pick themselves up and carry on. The future is scary, but we will face it, together! Finally, your message for us at CP magazine. To inspire more artists like me by publishing and promoting our work while building awareness.

feels like I’ve grown used to this life in quarantine: having an odd sleep cycle, spending time with my parents and doing things I absolutely love. What are the important lessons you have learned during this time? That everything is uncertain. It's your perspective that matters in the end. What are you doing now that’s ultimately constructive to your life and/ or career? I am drawing, trying to learn and improve in terms of techniques and skills. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve realized during this period of social distancing? That I miss my normal life, my friends and street food. Did you develop any new interest or hobby or learned a new skill during this time? I learnt cooking. What income-producing work have you lost due to the pandemic? I am currently working as an apparel & lifestyle designer and I was put on furlough for a month. What's your favourite music/songs for the moment? I switched genres, but at the moment I’ve been listening to a lot of Lo-fi music. Any advice on staying sane & relatively positive through this situation? It is necessary to be kinder to yourself. Now, more than ever. The changes that I have made during this time is that I have started giving priority to drawing more than I ever could before. We get so caught up in work life and social life, that we often tend to forget the little things that actually bring us joy and peace. It's the little things that matter most when it comes to mental peace and happiness, that is what I would encourage everyone to look into while being in this situation. www.cpmagazine.net



“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.� -Friedrich Nietzsche

Niloufar is a self-taught artist based in Iran. She further enhanced her passion for art by earning a BA degree in painting. She uses different art forms to express her work and loves trying new materials and techniques. Niloufar is also conducting workshops to teach art and at the moment conducting online workshops.

Thank you for joining us for this interview. You are most welcome. Many thanks to you for your time. Please introduce yourself to our readers. My name is Niloufar Torabi, I am a Visual Artist. The fields I work on is painting, sculpturing and digital arts. Tell us about your education. I graduated with a BA degree in painting from Soore Arts University of Tehran. What got you interested in arts? As a person who lived all her life with art since. I was a 3 year old child since when my one and only passion was to depicting my perception of reality and my dreams. Are you a self-taught artist or did you take an formal training? I am a self-taught artist. What is your form of art best described as? Well, it varies for different collections. In some of 24

JUNE 2020

traditional works it's near to realism and expressionism and in digital works its near to pop-art. Collectively it can be categorised as realism. What are your favourite materials to use? Every material has its own absorbing properties to work with. I usually work with the almost all kindd of materials and always enjoy trying new materials. Why do you prefer creating variations of existing art? Personally, I'm very fond of being creative with new experiences. I get tired of repetitious routines very soon. So, I feel it's a new way to present my work. Where do you take the inspiration for your work? The best inspiration for my work are the portraits of people. Particularly people who are influencers in human life. Such as scientists, artists, philosophers, etc. Painting their portraits gives me a way of decoding their knowledge and intelligence at the same time it changes my point of view influenced by their perception.




What is your process of completing a piece from start to finish? My process usually starts with an unstoppable passion of painting. Unconscious lying I have a keen concentration on finding shortcuts for doing my process as fast as is possible. Speed has a main role in my working process. How has your professional life been affected by the pandemic, the ongoing issues with coronavirus? Unlike many other peoplethe Corona virus pandemic have had so much positive effects in my life. For instance It has made me my focus on my work deeper and has provided me the solitude I need more than before. What’s it like where you are? The situation here is very different as we don't have a government forced lockdown. People lockdown themselves if they want to. I personally take proper care and precautions and try to go out as less as I could. What does an average day look like for you under lockdown? I usually wake up early in the morning and after an hour doing sport and doing housework like cooking then I go to my studio and start working on art projects. At night I get home and spend time on reading book and doing meditation before sleep. 26

JUNE 2020

How are you dealing with this sudden change in lifestyle? This sudden situation hasn't changed things extremely in my lifestyle. Indeed It made me more careful about my health and diet. What are the important lessons you have learned during this time? 15. I think life is too short and we don't know how much long it lasts. So, what I've learned during this time is to be more patient and to love the loved ones sincerely and to emphasize on love, happiness and gratitude. What are you doing now that’s ultimately constructive to your life and/or career? I am teaching online and producing new artworks related to the pandemic. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve realized during this period of social distancing? What made me surprised is that many people in our era don't know how to face the tough situation. They are unable to make themselves happy even for few minutes. Actually we in the 21st century haven't learned efficient skills to be relaxed in order to encounter the crisis . Did you develop any new interest or hobby or learned a new skill during this time? In pandemic period I've started to learn music from my

husband and practicing piano that makes a wonderful time for me. What income-producing work have you lost due to the pandemic? I cancelled all of my painting and drawing physical classes due to pandemic. It reduced my income but recently I've started running online classes which provides some income for me during this pandemic.

What are you missing most about the outside world? What I've lost during this pandemic is having parties with friends and spending happy time with them

What's your favourite music/songs for the moment? My favourite music is classical music. I have a keen interest in Bach, Beethoven and Chopin.

How do you think life will be after Covid-19? In my opinion after this pandemic people will be very stronger in case of facing hard situations. As Fredrich Nietzche the German philosopher said; "that which does not kill us, makes us stronger".

Any advice on staying sane & relatively positive through this situation? My best advice to your readers is to try staying positive. Change the old habits. Stop being passive and find something new that makes you happy. What 3 things could you not live without under lockdown? My painting tools, books and a connection to internet.

What are you most looking forward to doing once the lockdown is over? The most thing I love to do after pandemic is to travel to the nature for at least one week.

Finally, your message for us at CP magazine. I have a special appreciation to CP Magazine for inviting me to this interview and have my artwork as one of your cover. I also applaud your idea of paying attention on the lifestyle of people during this pandemic which is very valuable and helpful. This is a positive action in the way of well being and having a happier life. Thank you so much.





Fatma is a self-taught Kuwaiti artist who describes her art as Contemporary Narrative. Fatma also teaches art and paints to provide a voice for the voiceless. Soul for the soulless to bring forth the reality of modern life.


JUNE 2020

Thank you for joining us for this interview. Thank you. It's my pleasure. Please introduce yourself to our readers. I am an artist from Kuwait and an art trainer at the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training. Tell us about your education. I have a BA in art having graduated in 2005 in Kuwait. What got you interested in arts? Ever since I was born, I felt connected and fascinated by the vibrant colors of life and my interest in art and colors continues to grow with every moment. Are you a self-taught artist or did you take an formal training? Yes, I am self taught and I've been drawing since I was 7 years old. At that time my parents noticed my talent and encouraged me to continue on this path and that's exactly what I did. What is your form of art best described as? My work can be described as a contemporary narrative . What are your favourite materials to use? Of course water color mediums. What is the message that you like to convey through your art? My art provides voice for the voiceless. Soul for the soulless to bring forth the reality of modern life. Where do you take the inspiration for your work? I take inspiration from my daily routine and my daily work at home.

What is your process of completing a piece from start to finish? It starts and finishes with me. How I convey my feelings of the world that surrounds me and I pour all of those feelings into the sketch by using the appropriate colors. How has your professional life been affected by the pandemic, the ongoing issues with coronavirus? On the contrary, I don't believe that the pandemic affected me negatively, while it certainly took my freedom but it also provided me with all the time in the world to practice and improve my craft. What’s it like where you are? Life was hard on all of us but we managed to adapt and overcome this trail. What does an average day look like for you under lockdown? My day consists of many different activities such as reading, drawing www.cpmagazine.net


and exercising. Because I've been trying to fill the gaps in my day. Since life under lockdown can be devoid of any meaning and I think that we just need to fill it. How are you dealing with this sudden change in lifestyle? I faced reality and accepted the truth of the situation. It's as simple as that. What are the important lessons you have learned during this time? I learned how life is insignificant and how we're just hollow actors dancing and singing in vanity on the brightest stage of Life and that's why we need to live our life's freely. Because you never know when will you dance your last dance. What are you doing now that’s ultimately constructive to your life and/ or career? I am currently contemplating my life decisions and my action. I believe that by doing that not only will I be able to improve my life but I will also improve my career. What’s the most surprising thing you’ve realized during this period of 30

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social distancing? I've realized the importance of the human life and how death is not merely a number on a paper. Did you develop any new interest or hobby or learned a new skill during this time? I learned how to write poetry and how to bake. It may seem as trivial things but for me they really did help me cope with the pandemic. What income-producing work have you lost due to the pandemic? Fortunately, I haven't lost anything. What's your favourite music/songs for the moment? All of Ed Sheeran's songs. Any advice on staying sane & relatively positive through this situation? Try to educate and to take care of yourself both mentally and physically and do whatever you like to become calm and happy. What 3 things could you not live without under lockdown? My children, my pencil and my precious holy Quran. What are you missing most about the outside world? The freedom that comes with it is the thing that I miss the most. What are you most looking forward to doing once the lockdown is over? To see my family and friends. How do you think life will be after Covid-19? Life will be brighter, better and full of new experiences that teach us new lessons. Finally, your message for us at CP magazine. Thank you for all your hard work. Don't give up in your important endeavors and continue reporting the pandemic for future generations. I hope that we will meet in the future after this pandemic. www.cpmagazine.net





MAY 2020 JUNE 2020




JUNE 2020




MAY 2020 JUNE 2020

Influenced by the traditional ‘Kazak’ worn by the Seychellois paved the way to designs that incorporate puffed sleeves, dropped shoulders blended with shirt collars, double placket and pleats. Dramatic flares and ruffles symbolizing traditional arts are added, highlighting a playful twist. While the vast natural beauty of waves and mountains are portrayed through curved panels and drapes. The Spring/Summer 2020 collection presents an array of dresses, separates and throws that embrace the exquisite beauty and carnival-like spirit of the emerald island nation.

Year round sunshine and luscious nature with an eclectic culture is the foundation of Seychelles. For the Spring/Summer 2020 collection, Twisted Roots translates these elements into a collection that emphasizes flowy silhouettes with pops of color. The collection, titled ‘Striation’ aptly depicts its meaning with detailing in the form of stripes representing the raw beauty of the island. Seychelles is home to pristine beaches, coral reefs, azure waters, mountains and nature reserves that inspired the crisp color palette. Lighter tones of beige, white and grey are fused with vibrant shades of coral, terracotta red and blue to pay tribute to the spirited culture of the island.




JUNE 2020

LATIFA AL-GURG Born to an Emirati father and Danish mother, Latifa AlGurg fuses her diverse and unique cultural background to bring forth a brand that defines classic with a twist. Established in 2014, Twisted Roots is a Dubai based brand that emphasises affordable luxury through timeless designs. An electrical and electronic engineer by degree, Latifa steps out of the highly technical world and channels her creativity through an outlet dedicated to fashion viewed from a versatile angle. Inspiration stemming from travel, Latifa designs collections that pay tribute to the cultural and natural elements of each city by presenting them with a modern and feminine edge. Each season, Twisted Roots explores a new city or country influencing silhouettes and color palettes that transitions from traditional to modern and contemporary. Her appreciation for architecture and eye for structure are portrayed through careful detailing of clean lines and elegant yet simple silhouettes. The use of high quality fabrics and finishings emphasise the impeccable tailoring of each and every piece. As the name suggests, Twisted Roots blends two contrasting cultures together to mix and match their aesthetics, much like it’s collections.





Alona Demjanova


y journey started with health struggles which I had to figure out on my own. While I was finding and fixing the root causes of my health issues I became a personal trainer and a life coach. Seeing tremendous improvements in my physical and mental wellbeing, I started restoring my clients health through exercise, better sleep, quality food and above all instilling a positive mindset. I started noticing that some of my clients achieved better results than others, some changed permanently but others changed for a short period of time and some were not even able to make any lifestyle changes despite their strong desire to do so. Why is that ? I kept asking myself. What stops them from making the change happen? Why can’t they be disciplined in order to reach their goals? Why do they sabotage themselves ? What holds them back ? Why do they keep falling back into their old habits ? I realized that everything I teach is perceived with the conscious mind, they understand how important that is and truly want to make all the changes. But as soon as they leave the session, the subconscious mind takes over, our habitual mind , that runs the show 95% of the day. The conscious mind is creative and it can be very smart. But the issue is, downloading new knowledge into the conscious mind does not change the program in the subconscious. It’s a different mind, and learns in a completely different way. The subconscious mind is the habit mind that runs on the programs that we downloaded in the first seven years of our lives. “So how can I put new programs into my clients subconscious minds? How can I replace the habits that are sabotaging them?- I asked myself” And I found my answer in Rapid Transformational Therapy.


JUNE 2020

Rapid Transformational Therapy is a sensational method created by a celebrity therapist Marisa Peer. Marisa has spent over 30 years working with an extensive client list including royalty, rock stars, Hollywood actors, Olympic athletes, CEOs, and political leaders delivering great results. RTT transforms lives and I’m immensely proud to be one of Marisa’s therapists. This method is a combination of psychology, hypnotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy and inner child’s work that rewires the beliefs and behaviors behind your fears, phobias, and negative habits by tapping into your subconscious mind. It can free you from whatever is holding you back: low self-esteem, unhealthy eating habits, toxic relationships, so you can live a joyful, successful, abundant life. Lots of people worry about being in hypnotic trance and being out of control, but hypnotherapy is not like anything you’ve seen on stage shows. I can reassure you that you will always be in control and will stay awake throughout your session, sharing with me what you’re seeing, feeling and experiencing. A light trance or hypnotic state will likely feel no different from relaxation. Many people don’t even realize they are in hypnosis until they come out of it. My role as Rapid Transformational Therapists is being like a detective and a dentist. The detective part gathers information, looks for clues and works out what went wrong with a client and why he has an anxiety, a fear of cats, depression, low self esteem, nail biting or unhealthy eating habits, to name just a few. The dentist part extracts all the toxic beliefs and the poisonous old stuff in the form of habits and behaviors and leaves the client feeling happy, balanced and adjusted. No matter who you are or what you've gone through, you have the power to change and the only person who can do that is YOU. It’s only a DECISION away.



FormerlyMe.com presents “Month One”

WHAT IS FORMERLYME? FormerlyMe is an online movement to motivate and inspire people to become the best version of themselves by showing them my journey and experience in trying a new workout and lifestyle regime every 30 days. Every post, update, and video is ‘formerly me’ as I endeavor to become the best version of myself and become FormerlyMe. Each month CP Magazine will showcase a part of my journey to becoming the best version of myself. I hope that in turn this inspires and motivates you to start your own journey as well. For this month’s story we will focus on the first month of my journey. I started my journey on November 8, 2019. I signed up at a local gym called Legacy Barbell in the Woodlands, Texas (LegacyBarbell.com). I met Gene Labrada who is the younger brother of pro bodybuilding Hall of Famer Lee Labrada. Gene Labrada is a Master Trainer, Rehab Specialist, Health Coach, and Nutrition Specialist. He is also the 2019 Branch Warren Classic Overall and Master’s Bodybuilding Champion. He has over 25 years of experience, originally getting certified in 1990. Gene has held certifications with the National Academy of Sports Medicine, the International Fitness Professionals Association, the International Dance and Exercise Association, and currently holds two certifications with the American Council on Exercise as a certified personal trainer and fitness nutrition specialist. He is also a member of the American College of Sports Medicine.

Jim West


ith Gene’s extensive knowledge in bodybuilding, sports nutrition, strength and conditioning, functional movement and performance, and corrective exercise and rehabilitation he was able to get me off to a great start. He measured my Basel Metabolic Rate (BMR) which is the rate your body burns calories just to survive and function on a basic level. Once we knew this number he was able to work on a nutrition plan tailored to me. A plan that would focus heavily upon protein sources. One of the main protein sources that Gene recommended for me were eggs. He calls the “perfect” protein. I started to eat four eggs a day (two in the morning and two at night) along with two Labrada Lean Body Ready to Drink Protein Shakes, and would eat one portioned regular meal for lunch. I was eating a total of 1900 calories a day to create the 500 plus calorie deficit I needed to start my weight loss safely. 42

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You can watch my videos of me training with Gene Labrada on the FormerlyMe YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/ playlist?list=PLETeUyZdPdyoV3F_ wpdB8kWHSyv1wUCpo Follow my journey online at FormerlyMe.com and on the YouTube channel. Next month I will cover my time at F45 HIIT Training and my plant-based protein nutrition plan experience. Until next time that has been FormerlyMe!

We had the nutrition plan set, and then it was time to hit the weights in the gym. Gene would train me for an hour five days a week. We were covering all of the typical weight exercises you expect. Curls, bench press, leg press, and we also did a lot of mobility exercises such as bird-dog yoga poses. Yet the most tremendous thing Gene taught me was to change the words I used to things that come with negative connection. Like the word diet. That word invokes a feeling of restriction and hunger. Instead he told me to use the word nutrition. It means nourishment. Instead of cheat days he had me use the word victory days because it was something earned not gained by cheating. I loved how these simple word changes became something powerful for me to focus on. Mindset is everything when making a huge change in your life. Words can help tremendously. I ended the first month with a total weight of 11 pounds lost! I attribute the loss to the nutrition plan that Gene tailored to me. The benefits of utilizing a proper nutrition plan cannot be understated. At the end of the day what you put in your body is the most important thing you do for your health. I lost an average of .16 kilos a day on this plan. I was down 11 pounds, and that to me was a great start as I felt no hunger and was gaining energy day by day. I also started to notice other benefits like being able to get in and out of my car easier. Being able to walk longer without sweating so much as I used to do. I was seeing the small changes and beginning to believe I can really make a lasting change.

facebook.com/FormerlyMe twitter.com/MeFormerly instagram.com/formerlymeofficial Follow Gene Labrada at https://www.instagram.com/genelabrada/ www.cpmagazine.net



Six Senses Con Dao is true to the collection’s philosophy of choosing remote destinations in areas of natural beauty for their chic eco-luxe properties. This resort makes every effort to protect its surrounding natural environment, support the local community and educate its guests about wildlife conservation

www.sixsenses.com 44

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joseberrocoso since 2010



In the quest to identify places of outstanding natural beauty, Vietnam’s Con Son Island was selected as the breathtaking setting for Six Senses Con Dao; an awesome site protected for decades as a national and marine park, and recently declared as Vietnam’s only marine Ramsar Convention environmental site. Set on a pristine beach, Six Senses Con Dao is contemporary in design and embraces the essence of a traditional fishing village, modernized with elegant architecture. The villas offer generous personal space, lush tropical vegetation, and spectacular ocean vistas plus their own private rim-flow swimming pools. 46

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Six Senses Con Dao gives new meaning to the term “Rustic Luxury”, where sustainable living meets total indulgence. Featuring the charming essence of a traditional fishing village while showcasing contemporary flair, the resort possesses a unique construction that reduces its environmental footprint. The 50 villas incorporate more than a thousand teak carvings with butterfly-style roofs designed to minimize the use of air conditioning and maximize air flows throughout the resort. Forget crowding around a communal swimming pool: here, you’ve got a massive private beach with resident crabs and sweeping views www.cpmagazine.net



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of the snap-worthy islands. Each villa has its own private pool, too. If you are feeling sociable, there’s a peaceful curved pool below the Market Place. Palm and mahogany trees provide shade, and signature-green sunloungers are clustered around the water. The superb spa is set with the dramatic backdrop of the Lo Voi Mountains and is surrounded by tropical gardens. It offers four indoor treatment rooms, three outdoor treatment salas, a yoga and meditation pavilion and hammam treatment. As you can expect from the Six Senses brand, spa treatments are of the highest quality. In collaboration with National Parks, Six Senses Con Dao has become the proud custodians of selected clutches of turtle eggs, relocated by the National Park team to protect the eggs from being poached from nests on neighboring islands.




MAY 2020


7 LESSONS FOR MAKING A LIFESTYLE CHANGE Fatema AlOthman f you’re looking to make a lifestyle change, here are 7 things I’ve learned in the past 12 months that have helped me and my client to make the change and stick to it.


5. Take a break from exercise when you need it Breaks from exercise are still part of your healthy lifestyle change. In fact, breaks actually help you get fitter.

1. You don’t need the “perfect body” to be happy. Being healthy is how exercise makes you happy.

6. A balanced diet is what works for you You can literally drive yourself crazy trying to keep up with all the latest diet trends, or you can craft your own sustainable diet.

2. Regular exercise pays off everywhere else in your life. With every passing week of exercise, you’ll experience more motivation, more confidence, more energy, and a greater ability – and desire – to push the envelope on your personal growth.

7. You can achieve way more than you think Exercise fills you with motivation and inspiration because it helps you realize that you’re brimming with untapped potential!

3. Sleep is more important than you probably think it is the only way to make it work for the long term is to make sure you are getting enough sleep.

Change will only happen if you’re consistent. And you can only be consistent if your routine is sustainable for the long-term!

4. HIIT can actually be enjoyable Our bodies are made to move, it just takes a little getting used to!

Have you made a lifestyle change or are trying to make one? What are your struggles or successes? Reach to me and share your experience. www.cpmagazine.net


Experts at MEHD Warn Residents of the Risk of Developing Cataracts


n line with Cataract Awareness Month (June 2020), Moorfields Eye Hospital Dubai’s expert team of ophthalmologist warn MENA residents of the two major risk factors for cataracts: age and diabetes. Cataract, the leading cause of blindness in the world, affects roughly 25% of the population living in the MENA region. An ageing population combined with the high incidence of diabetes raises concerns and yields an environment with an elevated prevalence of cataracts across the MENA region. Cataract is generally a slow age-related process where the transparent natural lens gradually loses its transparency resulting in cloudy or dull vision. The word ‘cataract’ comes from the Greek word meaning ‘waterfall’ – in Arabic it translates into ‘white water’ as with advancing severity, the lens appears white.


Initially, there may be no symptoms of cataracts, but over time the quality of the vision deteriorates. The sharpness of vision may be lost, and colours may appear washed out and lack definition. Glare, myopia (near-sightedness), and rapid changes in the spectacle prescription are key indicators a patient may be developing cataracts.


Intraocular lens implants a treatment for cataracts is a highly effective yet simple procedure that has become one of the most common and most successful procedures performed worldwide. The procedure causes minimal discomfort and takes about 15-20 minutes to be completed and often can be done under local anaesthesia. During procedure, the cloudy lens is removed, and an artificial lens is implanted. While, modern medicine has provided a hassle-free solution to this condition, if left untreated cataract can become very dense and surgery becomes riskier. In severe cases, there can be inflammation and a rise in eye pressure, which can damage the vision. Therefore, it is advised that patients over 40 have regular screenings for cataracts so that the condition can be treated promptly. 52

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Risk (Age & Diabetes) Age

Most patients become aware of cataracts after the age of 60. However, cataracts can develop much earlier and affect people of any age, including children and young adults. However, in adults, symptoms may not appear until the age of 40. The causes are not clear but could include hereditary factors, illness, eye trauma and smoking. With this in mind, cataracts still disproportionally affect people over the age of 65. As the region’s naturally ageing population grows, it will lead to more age-related health issues, including cataracts. Although there is no way to prevent age-related cataracts, a healthy lifestyle – including healthy eating, not smoking and wearing sunglasses with proper UV blocking filters – can slow their progression.


The risk of cataracts is much higher amongst the large community of people with diabetes in the GCC – those with type 2 diabetes statistically face a 60% greater risk of developing cataracts and research has also shown that people with type 2 diabetes who lower their HbA1c level by just 1% can reduce their risk of cataracts by 19%. In a 2018 study published in the journal, Eye, research found that the risk of cataracts in diabetic patients is double that of individuals who do not have the disease. This relates to the connection between uncontrolled glucose and the impact it has on the nourishing properties of the aqueous humor (watery fluid located in the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye), which can cause lens opacity. The good news is that cataracts can be treated very effectively with modern surgery to remove the cloudy lens and insert a high-quality lens implant and once treated, cataracts do not return. While many factors contribute to cataracts, age and diabetes are the most prominent. The best way to prevent early-onset cataracts is to monitor your blood sugar and have regular check-ups with your eye doctor.




“It’s all about PASSION. I love to create, invent and constantly renew myself” 54

JUNE 2020

Talent Radar Words: JosĂŠ Berrocoso


Her unique style, creating strong visual messages about what femininity looks like for the modern woman, have become Laura Deleuze as one of the most requested graphic designer and illustrator from brands and companies worldwide.




ased in Toulouse, France, where she studied Graphic Arts and Visual Communication at École de Condé – Axe Sud, she has always been inspired by curves and vibrant colours. And this is what you can see in her work: a defined aesthetic within a women world. It’s all roundness and feminity. Laura likes to depict women and female forms. Laura’s approach to design was multidisciplinary. Creatively speaking, music, cinema, fashion, nature or love are a big influence for this talented artist with a strong eye for detail that perfectly manages the clear art direction from a client and her own creative freedom. She had recently worked for a leading printing company in Califormia, creating cards unther the theme “I miss you” as part of a love campaign during the lockdown. She is very happy about her latest collaboration with LÉGER, a Hong-Kong based start-up. Together they developed illustrations for yoga mats made by recicled plastic bottles. One of those projects that are truly unforgettable for every artist, combining creativity and sustainability. Her next challenge: the Middle East. A region that intrigues her a lot. She loves the colours associated to the arabic world, warm and harmonious. She is currently learning more about the Middle Eastern graphic design and the culture in general. Hope we can see some new pieces inspired by the region soon. Inshallah. 56

JUNE 2020

Spring (2020) A tribute to the arrival of Spring.

Exoticism (2020) Reinterpretation. Part of the #DrawThisInYourStyle challenge by Clémence Gouy.

International Women’s Rights Day (2020) Representation of different and complementary women. Sisterhood and solidarity are the watchwords of this illustration.

Sunflowers (2020) Reinterpretation. Part of the #DrawThisInYourStyle challenge by Lila Lefranc.

Lookdown activities (2020) Personal series of illustrations made during the quarantine and inspired by the confinement’s activities. Strawberries passion (2020) The piece blendes the two passion of the artist: strawberries and woman with big curves, big arms and big hands.

Les Échos (2020) Reinterpretation of Les Échos Journal logo according to the daily news. Laura’s version was inspired by the lockdown activities at home. #Jolimai (2020) One word and one illustration a day. A social media excercise to explore new ways of illustrating and new textures. Jaune – Yellow Nager – Swim Jardin – Garden Arbre - Tree www.cpmagazine.net




The pollen collected from bees constitutes a natural source of antioxidants such as phenolic acids and polyphenols. Bees may hold the secret for better skin, according to a recent study in the Asian Journal of Beauty & Cosmetology. In that study, researchers found nano-sized bee pollen to have antioxidant, anti-wrinkle, hydrating and lightening benefits for skin, bee pollen is loaded with free amino acids, flavonoids and protein. The clinical study showed nano-sized bee pollen is filled with antioxidants, and 1% bee pollen reduced lactate dehydrogenase release by 18.73% in skin fibroblasts. Results also showed the bee pollen had benefits for skin roughness, hydration, transparency, wrinkles around the eyes and the skin's melanin index, it also did not have any undesirable effects on the skin. bee pollen was proven to be an ideal ingredient as a cosmetic resource with various skin benefits. Pollen contains from 10 to 35% protein, composed of eighteen different amino acids, vitamins A, B, C, D, and E, hormones, enzymes and an antibiotic.

Benton Snail Bee You get bee AND snail goop in one moisturizer that gives you dewy hydrated skin while working to perfect your complexion with its healing and texture-smoothing capabilities. Snail mucin extract reduces redness or irritated skin with its healing inflammatory properties, while a peptide in bee venom tricks your body into thinking it’s been stung, thus producing more collagen to heal itself. Bee venom also has lots of beneficial enzymes which help other active ingredients penetrate your skin’s barrier more thoroughly. (Benton Snail Bee High Content Steam Cream, $15.50, Amazon)


JUNE 2020

Burt’s Bees Royal Jelly EYE CREAM Burt’s Bees WOULD have plenty of bee-made products, this Royal Jelly Eye Creme, being a heavy hitter. The royal jelly helps smooth the delicate skin around your eyes while also plumping it up gradually, and beeswax helps moisturize and keep the area hydrated with the aloe and vitamin E-infused formula. (Burt’s Bees Royal Jelly Eye Creme, $12, Burtsbees.com)

MANUKA DOCTOR reduce the appearance of fine lines. Over time this is a scarreducer too, since your skin cells have a chance to rejuvenate and reproduce with shiny new healthy cells. the mask itself is superhydrating from the manuka honey. Major win. (Manuka Doctor Rejuvenating Face Mask, $85, Sephora)

Egyptian Magic This all-purpose product is excellent for healing scratches and wounds more quickly while keeping the area moisturized. It’s also great for lips, cuticle, elbows—anywhere skin gets chapped. As a night cream, you can let the honey, bee pollen, royal jelly, and propolis extract do their thing, evening and soothing your skin to wake up to a glowing complexion. This may not be a great moisturizer for the day because, it’s like rubbing Vaseline on your face.

Mario Badescu If you’re looking for a hard-working night cream, this one should be on your list. The honey and bee pollen in it work to hydrate and improve your skin’s texture so you can wake up with a freshly rejuvenated complexion. So easy you could do it in your sleep. (Mario Badescu Bee Pollen Night Cream, $20, Mariobadescu.com)

(Egyptian Magic, $26, Urban Outfitters

Lancôme Nutrix Royal


This “royal” cream from Lancôme touts that it’s for “seriously very dry” skin so that we may understand the seriousness of skin care. Their RoyalLipideum complex, which is enriched with royal jelly, is the star ingredient that works to help your skin create more of its own lipids to hydrate itself.

The bee venom in this cream of Nip+Fab works to tighten your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines while simultaneously plumping and hydrating your complexion. The same dewy look of “bee-stung” lips can also apply to your skin without the actual swelling—just youthful-looking hydrated skin.

(Lancôme Nutrix Royal Intense Lipid Repair Cream, $66, Lancome-usa.com)

(Nip+Fab Bee Sting Fix Cream Deluxe, $19.95, nipandfab.com)




MAY 2020

by travel-expert JosĂŠ Berrocoso


https://www.luxresorts.com/ For adventure travellers, honeymooners, solo travellers and families seeking an eco-conscious island experience, LUX* South Ari Atoll Resort & Villas provides the quintessential Maldivian retreat. The teeming marine life around the property is protected by the resident marine biologist, with whom travellers can take guided tours to swim with whale sharks, Earth’s gentle giants. Enjoy maximum privacy, spacious indoor-outdoor living and panoramic views in the presidential suite. The villa has a glass floored living and dining room, extensive outdoor spaces to rest, relax and play by the infinity pool accompanied by catamaran nets. The spacious bathroom offers an oversized bathtub as well as an outdoor shower. www.cpmagazine.net




Saudi Arabian Unique Bags & Accessories

MINE is a Saudi new born brand - Handbags & Accessories, offering unique interchangeable items that allow you to create your own style. One can transition from a casual look to an elegant look with ease. Noor Zahid and Meriem Tamarzizt, founders of MINE, share the way of their creation and challenges from early 2019 up to these days.


JUNE 2020

When did the creation story of Mine begin? The concept of the brand ‘MINE’ began in 2016 when the cofounders of the brand - Noor Zahid and Meriem Tamarzizt - met for the first time at an event in Jeddah Saudi Arabia. Meriem’s family has a background in producing leather goods in Tunisia, while Noor’s background is mainly in jewelry design and Arabic calligraphy. We met and spoke about fashion and mainly handbags, the idea of a collaboration sparked from there. We wanted to create something new and exciting. It took us over 2 years after this to perfect our designs and launch our first collection in February 2019.

Please tell us if it is easy to design and create the embroidered line of Mine? Our brand consists of 2 lines, an embroidered line which is made in KSA by local women, NGOs and charitable organizations. The other line is our premium leather line, designed by the cofounders and produced in Tunisia. The embroidered line of MINE took years to perfect. Each design was meticulously drawn, measured and edited by the designers. This process was not as easy as it might look as prototyping a new concept is technically challenging. Our ‘Hobb Mouth’ embroidery for example, has a subtle black outline embroidered in the center of the lips with the word ‘hobb’ ‘‫'حب‬ written inset in Arabic calligraphy. This was done to highlight our Arabic heritage in a subtle and artistic way. The main designer, Noor, is a calligrapher and has designed every aspect of the lips. After which, it is sent to a graphic designer to perfect The High Resolution Design. This is then sent to the embroiderers who make countless prototypes using different threads and embroidery techniques before the final approval and production. The difficulty we face is a labour of love, trial and error, it includes choosing fabrics, intricate measurements, color and style while staying true to our own personal tastes and finally, with teamwork a design is made and perfected.

Do you come up with designs for a particular woman? Our designs are meant to be interchangeable and versatile. This is the reason we called our brand ‘MINE’. It gives you a chance to create your own style and make it evolve over time. This is why our brand is in the sustainable and slow fashion segment. Our leather handbags for example, are very simple, classic and timeless. We incorporated a center hole where a brooch/pin can be placed, removed and exchanged. The brooches are sold separately. The brooches are made and designed in Saudi Arabia. The range of brooches is very extensive, from small, simple styles to large extravagant ones. This allows a lady to take her bag from day to night by merely switching her brooch or strap. Our slogan is ‘ Style it YOUR way’.

What has been the hardest challenge in your designing career? We had 2 very tough challenges. The first was creating the leather line in KSA. This we tried to do for a full year, however, after many failed prototypes, we decided to produce the bags in Tunisia, with Meriem’s family overseeing the production and therefore keeping the quality and finish art at world class levels. We are very proud of this decision. Our second challenge was designing the mechanism for the brooch to fit in the tiny hole that we designed in the center of the bag. Believe it or not, this small detail drove us crazy, taking 2 full years to perfect!

What inspires you to create The Premium line of collection? When Meriem and I - Noor- met, I was wearing an embroidered handbag which Meriem admired. We then discussed the possibility of creating a line of leather handbags incorporating embroidery. We wanted the embroidery to be removable and interchangeable. Our story developed from there. Meriem later had the idea of adding leather straps, belt bags, phone carriers and clutches to the collection using handpicked premium leather sourced directly from the local market in Tunisia. We only produce a few items in each color leather and therefore, our styles remain ever changing and evolving. We are not yet into to limited editions but we can say that we try to avoid repetition.

Which is your favorite model bag from your collections? Our collection is truly diverse and is completely designed by us. It is hard to choose a favorite. It’s like asking a mother to choose between her children! However, our first baby will always be our first love. This is the ‘Single Hole Leather Handbag’. We particularly love it paired with the Arabic Letter brooches. These truly personalize the bag while incorporating the Arabic language and Culture into a timeless piece. www.cpmagazine.net



Sandra Carina

BUTTERFLY PRINTS It’s time to replace spring florals with butterfly prints! Recently we have been seeing the butterfly print flying across a number of pieces from clothings to accessories and Social media filters There are various ways to wear this cute and colorful trend so I’ll be sharing some outfit inspirations for you to wear the butterfly print without going overboard. 64

MAY 2020 JUNE 2020

Take your outfit to new heights pair a high waisted butterfly printed denim jeans with a print T-shirt.

A casual perfect look!

A vintage look

Keep it minimal and classy

Sandra Carina

¡Hola ! Beauties, The spanish-girl style is taking over this season , we’re talking polka dots , chiffon and lantern sleeve dresses. Normally when asked to name the most influential country in the modern world in terms of Pair your butterfly mesh fashion, countries like France and Spain come to mind immediately, so this month’s top with style sweatpants inspiration will help you add a touch of Spain to your summer outfits . and sneakers

Replace florals with butterflies



Puff/lantern sleeves chiffon printed dress.

Spanish Girl Vibes Polka dots are having a major moment this summer


JUNE 2020

Puff sleeve corset T-shirt

Off-shoulder wide sleeve & a flowy print skirt Don’t forget the earrings !





ange Rover celebrates 50 years of pioneering innovation, peerless refinement and unparalleled all-terrain capability with the introduction of the new Range Rover Fifty. The original luxury SUV has defined the market since 17 June 1970 and, five decades on, the Range Rover has evolved to become a family of desirable and capable luxury vehicles. Its compelling blend of design, refinement and engineering innovation has ensured its place as the benchmark for all luxury SUVs. Over its 50 year lifespan, the Range Rover has achieved many world firsts and completed numerous impressive feats. It was the first SUV to feature a permanent 4WD system when it was launched, and in 1989 was the world's first 4x4 to be fitted with ABS anti-lock brakes. Later in 1992 it became the world's first 4x4 to be fitted with electronic traction control (ETC) and automatic electronic air suspension – ensuring the refined driving feel Range Rover is so famous for, both on and off-road. In 2012, the latest generation Range Rover became the world’s first SUV to feature an all-aluminium lightweight construction, making it lighter, stronger and more efficient. It has crossed the notoriously impassable ‘Darien Gap,’ was the first vehicle to ever be displayed at the Louvre Museum in Paris, and has even won the Paris-Dakar rally – twice. No other vehicle combines the levels of luxury, comfort and sophistication with off-road capability and on-road performance like Range Rover. With its clamshell bonnet, distinctive floating roof, split tailgate and trademark front fender vents, the Range Rover of today can still trace its roots back to the 1970 original. In its golden anniversary year it is now the most efficient, connected, luxurious and capable yet. To celebrate 50 years of a motoring icon, the limited-run Range Rover Fifty will be restricted to just 1,970 vehicles globally, in recognition of the year the original Range Rover was launched. Building on the luxuriously appointed Autobiography, the Range Rover Fifty features a number of bespoke exterior accents in Auric Atlas as well as two unique 22-inch wheel designs. The badging features a ‘Fifty’ script created personally by Prof Gerry McGovern OBE, Land Rover’s Chief Creative Officer, which will appear on the exterior of the vehicle and throughout the interior on the unique “1 of 1970” centre console commissioning plaque, headrests, dashboard and illuminated treadplates. Prof Gerry McGovern OBE, Land Rover Chief Creative Officer, said: “In the world of luxury vehicles, the Range Rover has always stood apart as peerless and enduring. Its unique and pioneering sensibilities together with an unrivalled engineering approach have been the intrinsic values which our customers have admired since the first of the breed was revealed in 1970.” The Range Rover Fifty will be available in both standard and long wheelbase body designs with customers able to choose from four carefully curated exterior colours; Carpathian Grey, Rosello Red, Aruba, and Santorini Black. In extremely limited numbers, Land Rover Special Vehicle Operations is also offering the Range Rover Fifty in one of three Heritage exterior solid paints reproduced from the original Range Rover paint palette; Tuscan Blue, Bahama Gold and Davos White. A range of powertrain options will be available; petrol, diesel and even a plug-in hybrid P400e version.* Now in its fourth generation with over a million sold in its lifetime, the Range Rover is the ultimate expression of luxury. It’s unmistakable, sophisticated design and classleading all-terrain capability has ensured the Range Rover is as peerless and relevant today as it was in 1970.


JUNE 2020


After three decades at the top of the luxury SUV sector, the Range Rover became a family in 2005 with the launch of the Range Rover Sport, a vehicle which combines the luxury and capability of the larger Range Rover with a sporty and engaging driving character. In 2010, the compact Range Rover Evoque made its debut, aimed at a younger and more urban customer base. In 2017, the family grew once again with the introduction of the Range Rover Velar, filling the space between the Range Rover Sport and Range Rover Evoque. Taking its name from the first Range Rover prototypes, the Range Rover Velar broadened the Range Rover portfolio with a statement reductionist design and a technology-rich interior.


Today marks 50 years since the first Range Rover was revealed, but the story goes back even further. During the mid 1960s, in a bid to revolutionise the growing 4x4 leisure market, the Rover car company's engineering chief for new vehicle projects, Charles Spencer 'Spen' King (nephew of the founders of Land Rover), hatched a plan to combine the comfort and on-road ability of a Rover saloon with the off-road ability of a Land Rover. Development of the first 100-inch station wagon prototype began during the late 1960s, with the first model being released to the world’s media to critical acclaim in 1970. Its blend of ability – motorway cruising, off-roading, and even towing in style and comfort – ensured its instant popularity. The original Classic model was cited as an 'exemplary work of industrial design' when it became the first vehicle to be displayed at the world famous Louvre Museum in Paris in 1971. The first generation Range Rover (1970-1996) was originally only available as a two door when it went on sale in 1970. During its 26 year lifespan the Classic continued to evolve with the introduction of the four-door model in 1981 and an automatic gearbox in 1982. The first diesel Range Rover arrived in 1986. The second generation Range Rover known as the P38A arrived in 1994 and was instantly recognisable thanks to its familiar silhouette, floating roof, clamshell bonnet, practical split tailgate and continuous waistline; all of which continue to this day. The vehicle also displayed an even more luxurious interior without compromising on its on-road ability and off-road capability. It also featured enhanced height-adjustable suspension as well as a 2.5-litre diesel and 3.9 and 4.6-litre versions of the V8 petrol, providing greater performance than ever before. The third generation Range Rover (2001-2012) delivered a wealth of improvements on all predecessors during its 11 year period. Engineering innovations included a stiffer monocoque body (replacing the traditional 4x4 ladder frame) and fully independent suspension with interconnected air springs (at the time nearly all 4x4s had rigid axles). The interiors of these vehicles were inspired by high-end yachts, fine furniture and first class airline seats, providing more space and luxury. In 2012, the fourth generation and most recent Range Rover debuted. It was the first SUV to feature lightweight all-aluminium construction, saving 420kg in weight compared to its predecessor. Featuring a wealth of new off-road innovations such as automatic Terrain Response™ 2 and All-Terrain Progress Control, it has evolved to include efficient new electrified Ingenium engines, a plug-in hybrid electric version and innovative infotainment and safety technologies. For the last five years the Range Rover SVAutobiography has been at the pinnacle of the model line-up, with the most powerful and refined vehicles in Range Rover’s history. Produced by Land Rover's Special Vehicle Operations division, customers can also choose from the Range Rover SVAutobiography and SVAutobiography Dynamic – which feature powerful V8 engines and finely crafted cabins.

‫رينج روڤر تحتفل بخمسين عاما ً من االبتكار‬ ‫والفخامة على كل التضاريس عبر إصدار‬ ‫حصري جديد‬

‫تحتفل رينج روڤر بخمسين عاما ً من االبتكارات الرائدة‪ ،‬واإلتقان بال مثيل‪ ،‬والقدرات الفائقة على كل‬ ‫التضاريس‪ ،‬عبر تقديمها لسيارة رينج روڤر فيفتي (‪ )Range Rover Fifty‬الجديدة‪.‬‬ ‫وقد رسمت سيارة الدفع الرباعي الفاخرة مالمح السوق منذ ‪ 17‬يونيو ‪ ،1970‬وبعد خمسة عقود‪،‬‬ ‫نمت رينج روڤر لتصبح عائلة من السيارات الفاخرة المحبوبة ذات القدرات الفائقة‪ ،‬فما تحمله من‬ ‫مزيج بين االبتكار في التصميم والصقل والهندسة ضمن لها مكانتها كمعيار لكل السيارات الرياضية‬ ‫متعددة األغراض الفاخرة‪.‬‬ ‫على مدار ‪ 50‬عاماً‪ ،‬احتلت رينج روڤر العديد من المراتب األولى عالميا ً وحققت عددا ً مبهرا ً من‬ ‫اإلنجازات‪ .‬وقد كانت أول سيارة رياضية متعددة األغراض مزودة بنظام الدفع الرباعي الدائم عند‬ ‫إطالقها‪ ،‬وفي عام ‪ 1989‬كانت أول سيارة دفع رباعي في العالم يتم تزويدها بالفرامل المضادة لالنغالق‬ ‫(‪ ،)ABS‬والحقا ً في عام ‪ 1992‬أصبحت أول سيارة دفع رباعي في العالم يتم تزويدها بنظام مراقبة‬ ‫الجر اإللكتروني (‪ )ETC‬ونظام التعليق الهوائي الكهربائي األوتوماتيكي‪ ،‬لتزيد هذه اإلضافات من روعة‬ ‫القيادة التي تشتهر بها سيارات رينج روڤر على الطرقات العادية والوعرة‪ .‬وفي عام ‪ ،2012‬أصبح الجيل‬ ‫األحدث من سيارة رينج روڤر أول سيارة رياضية متعددة األغراض تعتمد على بنية خفيفة الوزن من‬ ‫األلومنيوم‪ ،‬ما ساهم في جعلها أخف واقوى وأ كثر كفاءة‪.‬‬ ‫كما نجحت رينج روڤر في عبور أخدود داريان الذي كان يعتقد أن المرور منه مستحيل‪ ،‬كما كانت أول‬ ‫سيارة يتم عرضها في متحف اللوفر في باريس‪ ،‬وفازت ببطولة رالي باريس – دا كار مرتين‪ ،‬وال تجمع‬ ‫سيارة سواها بين الفخامة والراحة واإلتقان رفيع المستوى مع األداء والقدرات الفائقة على الطرقات‬ ‫الوعرة والطرقات العادية‪.‬‬ ‫ما زال بإمكاننا تتبع تاريخ سيارة رينج روڤر الحالية إلى جذورها التي تعود إلى التصميم األصلي في‬ ‫عام ‪ ،1970‬وذلك بفضل غطاء المحرك الصدفي‪ ،‬والسقف الطافي المميز‪ ،‬والباب الخلفي المقسوم‬ ‫عامودياً‪ ،‬وفتحات التهوية األمامية المعروفة‪ ،‬وفي عامها الخمسين‪ ،‬ما زالت حتى اآلن أفضل سيارة‬ ‫بالنسبة للكفاءة واالتصاالت والفخامة والقدرات الفائقة‪.‬‬ ‫واحتفاال ً بمرور خمسين عاما ً على أيقونة السيارات هذه‪ ،‬سيتم تحديد كمية سيارات رينج روڤر فيفتي‬ ‫ليكون ‪ 1,970‬سيارة فقط عالمياً‪ ،‬وذلك تمثالً بالعام الذي صدرت فيه سيارة رينج روڤر األصلية‪.‬‬ ‫وبنا ًء على طراز أوتوبيوغرافي المتسم بالفخامة‪ ،‬تحتوي سيارة رينج روڤر فيفيتي مجموعة من‬ ‫التفاصيل الخارجية المخصصة لها بلون "أطلس" الذهبي‪ ،‬إلى جانب تصميمين فريدين للعجالت‬ ‫بقياس ‪ 22‬بوصة‪ ،‬ويحتوي شعار السيارة على كلمة "‪( "Fifty‬خمسين) المكتوبة بيد المدير اإلبداعي‬ ‫في الند روڤر البروفسور جيري ماكغفرن شخصياً‪ ،‬وستظهر الكلمة على الهيكل الخارجي للسيارة وفي‬ ‫تصميمها الداخلي على لوحة "‪ 1‬من ‪ "1970‬الفريدة على وحدة التحكم المركزية الفريدة‪ ،‬ومساند‬ ‫الرأس‪ ،‬ولوحة التحكم‪ ،‬ودواسات العتبات‪.‬‬ ‫وقال البروفسور جيري ماكغفرن‪ ،‬المدير اإلبداعي في "الند روڤر"‪" :‬في عالم السيارات الفاخرة‪ ،‬لطالما‬ ‫كانت رينج روڤر مختلفة عن السيارات األخرى بتميزها وقوتها‪ .‬ميزاتها الفريدة والمتقدمة‪ ،‬مع‬ ‫توجهاتها الهندسية غير المسبوقة‪ ،‬تش ّكل قيمها الجوهرية التي تنال إعجاب عمالئنا منذ إطالق أول‬ ‫سيارة عام ‪."1970‬‬ ‫وستتوفر سيارة رينج روڤر فيفتي بقاعدتي العجالت القياسية والطويلة‪ ،‬إلى جانب عدة خيارات من‬ ‫األلوان المختارة بعناية‪ ،‬وهي "الرمادي الكارباتي" (‪ )Carpathian Grey‬و"روزيلو األحمر" (‪Rosello‬‬ ‫‪ )Red‬و"آروبا" (‪ ،)Aruba‬و"سانتوريني األسود" (‪ ،)Santorini Black‬كما يوفر قسم عمليات السيارات‬ ‫الخاصة (‪ )SVO‬في الند روڤر عددا ً محدودا ً جدا ً من سيارات رينج روڤر فيفتي بألوان "التراث" الثالثة‬ ‫المعاد إنتاجها من لوحة ألوان رينج روڤر األصلية‪ ،‬وهي "توسكان األزرق" (‪ )Tuscan Blue‬و"باهاما‬ ‫الذهبي" (‪ )Bahama Gold‬و"دافوس األبيض" (‪ ،)Davos White‬كما ستتوفر عدة خيارات لمجموعة‬ ‫نقل الحركة‪ ،‬بما فيها البنزين والديزل‪ ،‬وطراز كهربائي هجين قابل للشحن (‪ )PHEV‬بقوة ‪ 400‬حصان‪*.‬‬ ‫واآلن مع وصولها إلى رابع جيل وبيعها أ كثر من مليون سيارة‪ ،‬أصبحت رينج روڤر تعبيرا ً مطلقا ً‬ ‫عن الفخامة‪ ،‬فتصميمها البديع الذي ال تخطئه العين‪ ،‬مع قدرتها الفائقة والفريدة على خوض كل‬ ‫التضاريس‪ ،‬يؤكد أن رينج روڤر ما زالت بذات الفرادة واألهمية التي كانت عليها سنة ‪.1970‬‬ ‫عائلة رينج روڤر‬ ‫بعد ثالثة عقود قضتها في مقدمة السيارات الرياضية متعددة األغراض (‪ ،)SUV‬تحولت سيارة رينج‬ ‫روڤر إلى عائلة سيارات في ‪ 2005‬مع إطالق سيارة رينج روڤر سبورت‪ ،‬وهي سيارة تحتوي على ما‬



‫تتميز به سيارة رينج روڤر األكبر حجما ً من فخامة وقدرات فائقة‪ ،‬مع شخصية رياضية وقيادة أ كثر‬ ‫متعة‪ .‬وفي ‪ ،2010‬انطلقت سيارة رينج روڤر إيڤوك المدمجة‪ ،‬والتي يتم إنتاجها من أجل العمالء‬ ‫األصغر سنا ً واألكثر ارتباطا ً بالمدن‪ .‬وفي ‪ ،2017‬انضم فرد جديد إلى العائلة مع تقديم سيارة رينج‬ ‫روڤر ڤيالر‪ ،‬لتمأل الفجوة بين رينج روڤر سبورت ورينج روڤر إيڤوك‪ ،‬وتستقي هذه السيارة اسمها من‬ ‫وسعت رينج روڤر ڤيالر من مجموعة منتجات رينج روڤر‪ ،‬وتميّزت‬ ‫أوائل نماذج سيارة رينج روڤر‪ّ .‬‬ ‫بتصميمها المبسط ومقصورتها الداخلية الغنية بالتكنولوجيا‪.‬‬ ‫لمحة عن تاريخ رينج روڤر‬

‫تم ّر اليوم خمسون عاما ً على الكشف عن أول سيارة رينج روڤر‪ ،‬ولكن الحكاية لها بدايات أقدم‪ .‬خالل‬ ‫منتصف الستينات‪ ،‬وفي رهان على تحقيق ثورة في سوق سيارات الدفع الرباعي اآلخذ بالنمو‪ ،‬قام‬ ‫المدير الهندسي لمشاريع السيارات الجديدة في شركة روڤر للسيارات‪ ،‬تشارلز سبينسر "سبين"‬ ‫كينغ (ابن أخت مؤسسي الند روڤر)‪ ،‬بتقديم خطة للجمع بين الراحة والقدرات الفائقة على الطرقات‬ ‫العادية لسيارة الصالون روڤر مع قدرات الطرقات الوعرة في الند روڤر‪.‬‬

‫بدأ تطوير أول نموذج لسيارة الصالون العائلية بقياس ‪ 100‬بوصة خالل أواخر الستينات‪ ،‬ليتم إطالق‬ ‫أول إصدار لوسائل اإلعالم حول العالم ويحصل على رضا النقاد في عام ‪ .1970‬تتمتع تلك السيارة‬ ‫بمزيج من القدرات المميزة على اجتياز الطرقات السريعة‪ ،‬والطرقات الوعرة‪ ،‬وحتى القطر بأناقة‬ ‫وراحة‪ ،‬ما ضمن لها تحقيق شعبية واسعة على الفور‪ ،‬و ُوصفت سيارة كالسيك األصلية بأنها "تصميم‬ ‫صناعي نموذجي"‪ ،‬وذلك حين أصبحت أول سيارة تُعرض في متحف اللوفر الشهير في باريس سنة‬ ‫‪.1971‬‬ ‫وفي البداية كانت سيارات الجيل األول من رينج روڤر (‪ )1996 – 1970‬متوفرة مع بابين فقط حين‬ ‫بدأ بيعها سنة ‪ ،1970‬وواصلت سيارة كالسيك تطورها خالل ‪ 26‬عاما ً لتصل إلى تقديم أول إصدار‬ ‫بأربعة أبواب سنة ‪ 1981،‬وناقل السرعة األوتوماتيكي سنة ‪ ،1982‬ومن ثم تقديم أول سيارة رينج‬ ‫روڤر تعمل بالديزل سنة ‪.1986‬‬ ‫أما سيارات الجيل الثاني من رينج روڤر‪ ،‬المعروفة باسم ‪ ،P38A‬فظهرت عام ‪ ،1994‬وتم تمييزها على‬ ‫الفور بفضل مظهرها العام المألوف‪ ،‬وسقفها الطافي‪ ،‬وغطاء المحرك الصدفي‪ ،‬والباب الخلفي العملي‬ ‫المقسوم عمودياً‪ ،‬والجوانب الممتدة‪ ،‬وجميعها سمات استمرت حتى يومنا هذا‪ .‬كما احتوت هذه‬ ‫السيارة على المزيد من تفاصيل المقصورة الداخلية الفاخرة دون التنازل عن قدراتها على الطرقات‬ ‫محسن يتيح تعديل االرتفاع‪ ،‬إلى جانب إصدارات ديزل‬ ‫العادية والوعرة‪ ،‬كما احتوت نظام تعليق‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫بسعة ‪ 2.5‬لتر و‪ 3.9‬لتر و‪ 4.6‬لتر من محرك البنزين ثماني األسطوانات‪ ،‬ليصبح أداؤها أفضل من‬ ‫أي وقت مضى‪.‬‬

‫كما احتوت سيارات الجيل الثالث من رينج روڤر (‪ )2012 – 2001‬على مجموعة غنية من‬ ‫التحسينات عن سابقاتها على مدار ‪ 11‬عاماً‪ ،‬وتتضمن االبتكارات الهندسية هيكالً قاعديا ً أحاديا ً (بدال ً‬ ‫من اإلطار السلّمي التقليدي لسيارات الدفع الرباعي) ونظام تعليق مستقل تماما ً مع نوابض هوائية‬ ‫مترابطة (في ذلك الحين كانت كل سيارات الدفع الرباعي مزودة بمحور ثابت)‪ .‬أما التصميم الداخلي‬ ‫لهذه السيارات فكان مستلهما ً من اليخوت الفاخرة‪ ،‬واألثاث الراقي‪ ،‬ومقاعد الدرجة األولى لدى الخطوط‬ ‫الجوية‪ ،‬لتضيف المزيد من المساحة والرفاهية‪.‬‬ ‫في عام ‪ ،2012‬انطلق الجيل الرابع واألحدث من رينج روڤر‪ ،‬وكانت أول سيارة رياضية متعددة‬ ‫األغراض تحتوي هيكالً خفيف الوزن من األلمونيوم‪ ،‬حيث انخفض وزنها بمقدار ‪ 420‬كغ مقارنة‬ ‫بسابقتها‪ ،‬كما احتوت على العديد من االبتكارات الخاصة بالطرقات الوعرة مثل نظام "االستجابة‬ ‫للتضاريس ‪ "2‬األوتوماتيكي ونظام مراقبة التقدم على كل التضاريس‪ ،‬كما تط ّورت لتحتوي محركات‬ ‫"إنجينيوم" كهربائية جديدة ذات كفاءة مرتفعة‪ ،‬ونسخة كهربائية هجينة قابلة للشحن (‪ )PHEV‬مع‬ ‫احتوائها على التكنولوجيا المبتكرة ضمن أنظمة األمان ونظام المعلومات والترفيه‪.‬‬ ‫في السنوات الخمس األخيرة‪ ،‬كانت سيارة رينج روڤر ‪ SV‬أوتوبيوغرافي األبرز بين مجموعة سيارات‬ ‫رينج روڤر‪ ،‬ولذلك لكونها أ كثر السيارات قوة وإتقانا ً في تاريخ رينج روڤر‪ .‬تم إنتاج هذه السيارة من قبل‬ ‫قسم عمليات السيارات الخاصة (‪ )SVO‬في الند روڤر‪ ،‬ويمكن للعمالء أيضا ً أن يختاروا بين طرازي‬ ‫رينج روڤر ‪ SV‬أوتوبيوغرافي و‪ SV‬أتوبيوغرافي ديناميك – والتي تحتوي على محركات جبارة ثمانية‬ ‫األسطوانات ومقصورة داخلية أنيقة‪.‬‬



wning an SUV that delivers low fuel consumption may seem like a paradox. The all-new Chevrolet Captiva is here to prove that you can drive a seven-seater while still being economical with your fuel. While every drive is more comfortable in Chevrolet’s newest stylish and spacious SUV, Chevrolet Captiva also scores high on fuel efficiency. In essence, Chevrolet Captiva truly goes the extra mile. One full tank in the 2021 Chevrolet Captiva - 52 liters - covers a maximum driving range of 696 KM, resulting in an impressive fuel economy of 13.4 Km/L. In other words, and still have gas left over! Fuel efficiency does not only mean spending less money filling your tank. It also reduces the amount of time you need to spend stopping at a gas station. With its strong fuel economy, driving the Chevrolet Captiva gives you back your time to spend doing things you want to do, like spending time with your loved ones. Chevrolet Captiva’s fast-response turbocharged engine is focused on efficiency. Turbocharged engines use exhaust gases - which would have otherwise been wasted - to spin a turbine that pushes more air into the cylinders to create increased power while consuming smaller amount of fuel.


JUNE 2020

2021 Chevrolet Captiva is powered by a 1.5-liter petrol engine with Double Overhead Camshaft (DOHC), Dynamic Variable Valve Timing (DVVT) and fast response turbocharger that delivers 149 horsepower at 5,000 rpm and 255 Nm of torque at 2,400 rpm. Furthermore, Chevrolet Captiva’s modern new grill design features the Chevrolet badge and dissipates heat quicker from the engine further improving performance. Additionally, to smoothen acceleration and deceleration, 2021 Chevrolet Captiva is equipped with an automatic continuously variable transmission (CVT) with shift control. Chevrolet Captiva has a rear gear ratio of 5.511 and a reverse gear ratio of 1.754. Its transmission gear ratio is 2.631-0.378 which supports in delivering the vehicles’ fuel efficiency. Available now across showrooms in the Middle East, all-new Chevrolet Captiva appeals to the eyes and the wallet. In addition to the safety, comfort and technology features packed in the car, while maintaining its spot as one of the most affordable seven-seaters in its segment, Chevrolet Captiva rewards customers with efficient fuel consumption.

‫’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ للعام ‪ 2021‬تتم ّيز بتوفير المال والوقت‬ ‫بفضل كفاءتها العالية باستهالك الوقود‬ ‫إن امتالك مركبة رياضية متعدّدة االستعماالت (‪ )SUV‬تتمتّع‬ ‫باستهالك منخفض للوقود قد يكون أمرا ً فيه الكثير من‬ ‫المفارقات‪ ،‬لكن ’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ الجديدة كلّيا ً تبرهن أنه يمكن‬ ‫فعالً قيادة مركبة رحبة بسبعة مقاعد واالستفادة أيضا ً من ميّزة‬ ‫توفير الوقود‪ .‬وبينما تضمن مركبة الـ‪ SUV‬األنيقة األحدث من‬ ‫’شفروليه‘ منح المزيد من الراحة في كل رحلة‪ ،‬فإنها تتألّق أيضا ً‬ ‫بكفاءتها العالية باستهالك الوقود‪ .‬وباختصار‪ ،‬تُعتبَر ’شفروليه‬ ‫كابتيفا‘ بجوهرها متميّزة فعالً لجهة توفيرها للمال والوقت على‬ ‫حد سواء‪.‬‬

‫تأتي ’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ للعام ‪ 2021‬بمح ّرك سعة ‪ 1.5‬ليتر من‬ ‫وقود البنزين مع عمود كامات رأسية مزدوج (‪ )DOHC‬وميّزة‬ ‫التوقيت الديناميكي المتبدّل للص ّمامات (‪ )DVVT‬وشاحن‬ ‫توربيني سريع االستجابة‪ .‬ويولّد هذا المح ّرك ق ّوة قدرها ‪149‬‬ ‫حصانا ً عند ‪ 5,000‬دورة بالدقيقة و‪ 255‬نيوتن‪-‬متر من العزم‬ ‫عند ‪ 2,400‬دورة بالدقيقة‪ .‬من ناحيته‪ ،‬يتألّق الشبك األمامي‬ ‫العصري الجديد لمركبة ’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ عبر شعار ’شفروليه‘‬ ‫البارز‪ ،‬وهو يتيح بفضل تصميمه الجديد التخلّص من حرارة‬ ‫المح ّرك بشكل أسرع مما يسهم بتحسين األداء أ كثر‪.‬‬

‫فمع خ ّزان واحد سعته ‪ 52‬ليترا ً مليء بالوقود‪ ،‬يمكن عبر‬ ‫’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ للعام ‪ 2021‬قطع مسافة قصوى قدرها‬ ‫‪ 696‬كيلومتراً‪ ،‬حتى دون أن يفرغ الخ ّزان تماماً! وهذا يعني أن‬ ‫’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ الجديدة كلّيا ً تتمتّع بمعدّل استهالك مبهر‬ ‫للوقود عند ‪ 13.4‬كيلومترا ً لكل ليتر واحد‪.‬‬

‫إلى جانب هذا‪ ،‬وبهدف تسهيل عمليتي التسارع وتخفيض‬ ‫السرعة‪ ،‬تم تجهيز ’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ للعام ‪ 2021‬بنظام نقل‬ ‫خاصية‬ ‫حركة أوتوماتيكي بميّزة التغيير المستمر (‪ )CVT‬مع‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫التح ّكم بتبديل السرعات‪.‬‬

‫وهذه الكفاءة العالية ال تعني فقط إنفاق أموال أقل على الوقود‪،‬‬ ‫ّ‬ ‫محطات‬ ‫بل تسهم أيضا ً بتقليل الوقت المطلوب تمضيته في‬ ‫التعبئة‪ .‬وبالتالي‪ ،‬وبفضل هذه الميّزة‪ ،‬يمكن للسائق عند قيادة‬ ‫’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ االستفادة من المزيد من الوقت المتاح‬ ‫له واستغالله بأشياء ته ّمه أ كثر مثل االستمتاع مع العائلة‬ ‫واألصدقاء‪.‬‬ ‫يتميّز مح ّرك ’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ ذو االستجابة السريعة والمز َّود‬ ‫بشاحن توربيني بكونه يتمحور حول الفعالية والكفاءة‪ .‬فالمح ّركات‬ ‫بالشواحن التوربينية تستفيد من غازات العادم لتحريك التربين‬ ‫الذي يدفع المزيد من الهواء إلى داخل األسطوانات لتوليد طاقة‬ ‫إضافية‪ ،‬وفي الوقت ذاته استهالك كمية أقل من الوقود‪.‬‬ ‫‪71‬‬


‫وتتمتّع ’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ بمعدّل جيد للمحور الخلفي عند‬ ‫‪ ،5.511‬ومعدّل تعشيقة خلفية عند ‪ .1.754‬أما معدّالت نسب‬ ‫التروس فتتراوح بين ‪ 2.631‬و‪ 0.378‬مما يساعد في تمكين‬ ‫المركبة من تحقيق كفاءتها العالية باستهالك الوقود‪.‬‬ ‫أصبحت ’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ الجديدة كلّيا ً متوفرة اآلن في مختلف‬ ‫صاالت العرض بالشرق األوسط‪ ،‬وهي تتميّز بتصميمها الملفِت‬ ‫وسعرها المعقول‪ .‬وإلى جانب الخصائص الغنية للسالمة والراحة‬ ‫والتقنيات المتوفرة فيها‪ ،‬فإن ’شفروليه كابتيفا‘ تكافئ العمالء‬ ‫بفضل ما تتمتّع به من فعالية عالية باستهالك الوقود‪ ،‬إضافة‬ ‫لحفاظها على مكانتها كواحدة من أ كثر المركبات ذات السعر‬ ‫المعقول ضمن فئة مركبات الـ‪ SUV‬بسبعة مقاعد‪.‬‬

since 2010



I Was Told It Would Get Easier by Abbi Waxman

We Came Here to Shine by Susie Orman Schnall

Devolution: A Firsthand Account of the Rainier Sasquatch Massacre

by Max Brooks Squashed among a bus full of strangers, motherdaughter duo Jessica and Emily Burnstein watch their carefully mapped-out college tour devolve into a series of off-roading misadventures, from the USA Today bestselling author of The Bookish Life of Nina Hill. Jessica and Emily Burnstein have very different ideas of how this college tour should go. For Emily, it’s a preview of freedom, exploring the possibility of her new and more exciting future. Not that she’s sure she even wants to go to college, but let’s ignore that for now. And maybe the other kids on the tour will like her more than the ones at school. . . . They have to, right? For Jessica, it’s a chance to bond with the daughter she seems to have lost. They used to be so close, but then Goldfish crackers and Play-Doh were no longer enough of a draw. She isn’t even sure if Emily likes her anymore. To be honest, Jessica isn’t sure she likes herself.

The Last Train to Key West by Chanel Cleeton

In 1935 three women are forever changed when one of the most powerful hurricanes in history barrels toward the Florida Keys in New York Times bestselling author Chanel Cleeton's captivating new novel. Everyone journeys to Key West searching for something. For the tourists traveling on Henry Flagler's legendary Overseas Railroad, Labor Day weekend is an opportunity to forget the economic depression gripping the nation. But one person's paradise can be another's prison, and Key West-native Helen Berner yearns to escape. The Cuban Revolution of 1933 left Mirta Perez's family in a precarious position. After an arranged wedding in Havana, Mirta arrives in the Keys on her honeymoon. While she can't deny the growing attraction to the stranger she's married, her new husband's illicit business interests may threaten not only her relationship, but her life.


JUNE 2020

28 Summers by Elin Hilderbrand

Gorgeous Vivi is about to begin filming her first starring role in a Hollywood picture when the studio head ships her off to New York as a favor to a friend. She’s assigned the leading role in the heralded Aquacade synchronized swimming spectacular at the World’s Fair, a fate she believes will destroy her film career. If she performs well, she’ll have another chance at stardom, but with everything working against her, will her summer lead to opportunity or failure? Plucky Max dreams of becoming a serious journalist, but when her job at the New York Times doesn’t pan out, she finds herself begrudgingly working for the daily paper of the World’s Fair. As her ideas are continually overlooked by her male counterparts and her career prospects are put in jeopardy, Max must risk everything to change the course of her life. When Max and Vivi’s worlds collide, they forge an enduring friendship. One that teaches them to go after what matters most during the most meaningful summer of their lives.

The #1 bestselling author of World War Z takes on the Bigfoot legend with a tale that blurs the lines between human and beast--and asks what we are capable of in the face of the unimaginable. As the ash and chaos from Mount Rainier's eruption swirled and finally settled, the story of the Greenloop massacre has passed unnoticed, unexamined . . . until now. But the journals of resident Kate Holland, recovered from the town's bloody wreckage, capture a tale too harrowing--and too earth-shattering in its implications--to be forgotten. In these pages, Max Brooks brings Kate's extraordinary account to light for the first time, faithfully reproducing her words alongside his own extensive investigations into the massacre and the legendary beasts behind it. Kate's is a tale of unexpected strength and resilience, of humanity's defiance in the face of a terrible predator's gaze, and inevitably, of savagery and death.

By the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Summer of '69: Their secret love affair has lasted for decades -- but this could be the summer that changes everything. When Mallory Blessing's son, Link, receives deathbed instructions from his mother to call a number on a slip of paper in her desk drawer, he's not sure what to expect. But he certainly does not expect Jake McCloud to answer. It's the late spring of 2020 and Jake's wife, Ursula DeGournsey, is the frontrunner in the upcoming Presidential election. There must be a mistake, Link thinks. How do Mallory and Jake know each other? Flash back to the sweet summer of 1993: Mallory has just inherited a beachfront cottage on Nantucket from her aunt, and she agrees to host her brother's bachelor party. Cooper's friend from college, Jake McCloud, attends, and Jake and Mallory form a bond that will persevere -- through marriage, children, and Ursula's stratospheric political rise -- until Mallory learns she's dying.


The Only Good Indians

Playing Nice

by David Gerrold A master of science fiction introduces a world where everything is large and the problems of survival even larger in this exciting new novel. Hella is a planet where everything is oversized— especially the ambitions of the colonists. The trees are mile-high, the dinosaur herds are huge, and the weather is extreme—so extreme, the colonists have to migrate twice a year to escape the blistering heat of summer and the atmosphere-freezing cold of winter. Kyle is a neuro-atypical young man, emotionally challenged, but with an implant that gives him real-time access to the colony’s computer network, making him a very misunderstood savant. When an overburdened starship arrives, he becomes the link between the established colonists and the refugees from a ravaged Earth.

by Stephen Graham Jones

The creeping horror of Paul Tremblay meets Tommy Orange’s There There in a dark novel of revenge, cultural identity, and the cost of breaking from tradition in this latest novel from the Jordan Peele of horror literature, Stephen Graham Jones. Seamlessly blending classic horror and a dramatic narrative with sharp social commentary, The Only Good Indians follows four American Indian men after a disturbing event from their youth puts them in a desperate struggle for their lives. Tracked by an entity bent on revenge, these childhood friends are helpless as the culture and traditions they left behind catch up to them in a violent, vengeful way.

by J.P. Delaney What if you found out that your family isn't yours at all? How far would you go to protect them? A gripping new psychological thriller from the bestselling author of The Girl Before. . . . Pete Riley answers the door one morning and lets in a parent's worst nightmare. On his doorstep is Miles Lambert, a stranger who breaks the devastating news that Pete's son, Theo, isn't actually his son--he is the Lamberts', switched at birth by an understaffed hospital while their real son was sent home with Miles and his wife, Lucy. For Pete, his partner Maddie, and the little boy they've been raising for the past two years, life will never be the same again. The two families, reeling from the shock, take comfort in shared good intentions, eagerly entwining their very different lives in the hope of becoming one unconventional modern family.


The new HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e: 2 weeks battery and a sportier look

Apple’s WWDC20 Swift Student Challenge winners determined to shape the future

Imagine you have a smartwatch with a two-week long battery life. A smartwatch with solid performance, smart health tracking features and a look that complements and goes with these exquisite features – say hello to the HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e!

Abundant Amount of Power With social distancing in effect and most of us working from home we often are occupied with our corporate work, homework and parenting. It will come, as a great relief knowing the HUAWE WATCH GT 2e comes with a staggering 2-week long battery life, isn’t that just awesome. Obviously, there is source behind the long-life battery. Thanks to the Kirin A1 chip, Huawei’s first self-developed chipset for wearable products. This low-power wearable chipset, uses advanced architecture and low-power computing to maintain long lasting battery life for all your workout sessions, heart rate detection, sleep monitoring, audio playback, and many other cool features. A Sportier Look The HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e is sporty and gorgeous with its straps that are tailored for sporty activities. The HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e also has a 316L grade stainless steel that is minimalistic and robust completed with a sandblasted surface for a finer finish. Unlike its predecessor, the HUAWEI Watch GT 2e has implemented a unibody design integrating the 1.39-inch AMOLED dial of the smartwatch into the strap for a more refined and streamlined look. This also makes it comfortable to wear, especially during workout sessions, while also allowing for more accurate tracking of data. Monitor your Fitness Levels With HUAWEI WATCH GT 2e smart tracking of up to 100 sports, keeping track of your fitness levels has never been easier. With 15 professional workout modes, eight of which are outdoor sports (running, walking, climbing, hiking, trail running, cycling, open water swimming and triathlon), while the other seven are indoor sports (walking, running, cycling, pool swimming, free training, elliptical machine and rowing machine). It can track another 85 types of sports in six categories, including extreme, leisure, aquatics, fitness, ball games, winter sports, rock climbing, parkour, skateboarding, surfing, tennis, baseball and even aerobic exercise as a part of hip-hop dancing. It also detects six different workouts, including outdoor running, outdoor walking, indoor walking, indoor running, elliptical and rower automatically, tracking all the data on its own, while precise satellite tracking allows for accurate GPS and GLONASS tracking if you go for a run outside. The HUAWEI Watch GT 2e is also capable of monitoring and tracking accurate real-time data. Featuring the new self-developed TruSeenTM 3.5 heart rate monitoring technology, accurate heart rate is tracked and combined with AI smart heart rate algorithm, making the monitoring much more faster and accurate.


JUNE 2020

Mishaal Kandapath

Omar Alweheshy

When the Apple 2020 Worldwide Developers Conference kicks off on June 22 in a new virtual format, a global community of 23 million developers will have the opportunity to join from around the world for free through the Apple Developer app and the Apple Developer website. Now in its 31st year, WWDC20 will bring together the largest group of innovators and entrepreneurs ever assembled to connect, share, and create. Among them will be 350 Swift Student Challenge winners from 41 different countries and regions. The students were chosen based on their original Swift playground submission, part of Apple’s annual WWDC student challenge, which recognizes and celebrates the next generation of coders and creators. The winners include six individuals from the Middle East including Mishaal Kandapath from Kuwait, Peter Yaacoub from Lebanon, Omar Alweheshy, Omar Nader, Hassan El Desouky, and Mohamed Salah respectively from Egypt. Mishaal Kandapath, winner from Kuwait says "It’s truly an honor to be recognized by a brand that I love. I only learned the Swift language recently so when I heard about the Swift Student Challenge, I thought it was fate and I should apply and it was actually a fun experience!” He adds "I've always been a self-learner, never waited for anything to be taught in school. If I found a particular subject to be interesting, I would learn about it, experiment with it, and share the knowledge with my peers at school. Coding has always been one of these interests that have stayed with me until today. For this reason, I developed an app that would be available to everyone called ‘FreeLearn’ which helps students to learn the language in a more practical way. I hope to launch it very soon!” Omar Alweheshy, one of the winners from Egypt started his coding journey at the age of nine and wanted to achieve something with his coding knowledge. He shares “when Apple created the Swift Student Challenge I didn’t think twice before registering. But I never thought for a second that I would win, I just wanted to overcome my fear by participating and submitting the best I can.’’ He excitedly comments “Going to WWDC will always be a dream for me but I am so happy to be part of the winners this year, this is a big milestone and recognition for me as everything I know, I have learned on my own.“ Peter Yaacoub, a Lebanese student who is also amongst this year’s winners says "I feel proud to be amongst the winners from all over the world. I initially applied to Swift Student Challenge because I believed I had enough experience to be at a level to compete with others and show my talent. It's truly a testament to see that when you practice and do something you love, you can thrive and achieve the goals you never thought you could.” Apple is proud to support and nurture the next generation of developers through its annual WWDC student program — and it’s just one of the many ways that WWDC20 is recognizing and celebrating coders and innovators of all ages and backgrounds. For the first time ever, there will be a special collection of curated sessions perfect for budding coders and designers, and daily Swift Playgrounds challenges that anyone can participate in and enjoy.

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Now available for order: All-new Porsche Taycan

Starting today, the all-electric Porsche Taycan is officially available for order at Porsche Centre Kuwait, Behbehani Motors Company. Available in three variants comprising the 4S, Turbo and Turbo S, the Taycan writes a new chapter in Porsche’s 70-year history as it welcomes in the era for electromobility for the luxury sports car manufacturer. Callum Bottomley, General Manager at Porsche Centre Kuwait, said: “Today marks the beginning of the future for Porsche in Kuwait, as we start taking orders for a car that redefines motoring. The all-new Taycan is a sports car in the purest form but one which ticks every green credential box. With a driving performance on the level of a super car and reproducible acceleration without loss of power, it presents a real performance solution in an age of electric mobility,” He added: “Unlike a car with a combustion engine, the Taycan is able to deliver its full torque instantly and with the lowest centre of gravity in the brand’s model range, this car feels like a real Porsche sports car, true to its badge on the bonnet.” True sports car performance The Taycan Turbo S matches the iconic 911 GT2 RS acceleration time from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.8 seconds, while the Turbo completes this in 3.2 seconds and the 4S covers it in 4 seconds. The Turbo S is among the most powerful production models in the Porsche range, generating 761 PS (560 kW) overboost power in combination with Launch Control, while the Turbo delivers 680 PS (500 kW) and the 4S follows with 571 PS (420 kW) when equipped with the Performance battery Plus. Power comes via two permanently excited synchronous motors, one mounted on each axle, making the four-door saloon an all-wheel drive. Performance is further enhanced by the world’s first two-speed transmission in an EV, installed on the rear axle, enabling fast acceleration and high end speed. The electric all-wheel drive is paired with variable torque distribution and Porsche Traction Management (PTM). The Taycan Turbo and Turbo S share the same top speed of 260 km/h, with the 4S coming in at 250 km/h. According to WLTP tests, all three derivatives feature a generous driving range. When equipped with the Performance battery Plus, the Taycan 4S leads the range with a driving range of up to 463 km, followed by the Turbo derivative with 450 km and the Turbo S with 412 km. Single-tier and two-tier battery The Turbo and Turbo S both feature a 93.4 kWh, two-tier Performance Battery Plus pack, while a 79kWh, single-tier battery is standard on the entry-level 4S. Owners of the Taycan 4S can opt for the two-tier pack at a surcharge which boosts its power and efficiency.


JUNE 2020

The Beat goes on as Sony Middle East & Africa launches the New WH-CH710N Noise Cancelling Headphones in Kuwait

Sony Middle East & Africa introduced the latest addition to its wireless noise cancelling headphones range in Kuwait, the WH-CH710N, providing perfect hassle-free headphones for life on-the-go. “We are proud to deliver Sony’s latest audio innovations, created with our great customers in mind,” said Takakiyo Fujita, Managing Director, Sony Middle East & Africa. “These new models offer more ways to experience Sony’s EXTRA BASS™ and noise cancelling technology.” Cancel Out the World with WH-CH710N Hear more music and less background noise with the WH-CH710N noise cancelling headphones. While taking a long-haul flight or commuting to work, the Artificial Intelligence Noise Cancellation (AINC) constantly analyses environmental ambient sound components, and automatically selects the most effective noise cancelling mode for users’ surroundings. Additionally, dual microphones feeding forwards and backwards mean the WH-CH710N headphones catch more ambient sounds than ever before. Near Field Communication (NFC™) lets users start streaming their music with just one touch while a built-in Li-ion battery allows for up to 35 hours of audio on a single charge. Plus, with quick charging, customers get 60 minutes of playback from just 10 minutes of charging. With an adjustable metal slider, users can make their headphones the perfect size, while soft, oval-shaped earpads mean they’ll never need to take a break from their favorite music.


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1. Ashtanga Vinyasa, Bikram, and Hatha Vidya are styles of what?





































2. The American 1893 Nix v Hedden court case determined (and still), for US customs taxation purposes, based on conventional usage, what to be a vegetable and not a fruit? 3. In music theory what is the relative minor chord of C major? 4. Traditionally made of paper over a wooden frame what is a Japanese 'shoji'? 5. What financial term, especially referring to state/government revenues, derives from Roman/Latin meaning a rush basket or purse? 6. What ominously named plant family includes potatoes, chili peppers and tobacco, and its particularly toxic eponym? 7. What pop-culture slang expression of impressiveness derives from the military term 'Standard Regimental Concentration' for a focused heavy bombardment?


8. What popular computing term, originally prefixed 'magic-' and referring to a data packet sent and received unchanged by a computer program, lost its prefix when introduced to web terminology in 1994?


9. What word prefixes business, room, case, and down to produce four other words?

Which of the following is a sign of efficiency? a. getting work done by deadlines

c. suggesting new projects to the boss

10. What was salvaged from HMS Lutine after it sank in 1799 and is still used on the main underwriting floor at Lloyd's of London?

b. ignoring emails and memos from coworkers

d. admitting responsibility for failures

11. The ancient Roman silver coin called fully/originally 'denarius nummus' meant and equated to a 'Coin containing [worth] ten (what?)': Asses; Camels; Slaves; or Loaves? 12. The French-English word billet-doux refers to a: Price tag; Parking ticket/fine; Return fare; or Love letter? 13. The standard international maritime/aeronautical term 'SOB' for the number of people aboard a ship a plane means what in full? 14. In media 'small ads' what do the similar abbreviations ONO and OBO mean?

measurement of what goes into a thing versus what comes out of it. A process with high efficiency requires only a little work to produce big results. fuel, or appliances that do the same work with less electricity. But this noun isn't restricted to an environmental context. Efficiency can also simply be a Nowadays, efficiency often refers to energy efficiency, the effort to get more energy from existing resources: making cars that can go farther with less

ANSWER: a. Efficiency is avoiding a waste of time, effort, or resources. Many people have begun to use compact fluorescent light bulbs because of their greater energy efficiency.

15. What interesting old English word refers typically to a person's pale complexion but in origin and other contexts may also mean dark?



16. What is the more common name for synchronous diaphragmatic flutter (SDF)?

A number is greater than 3 but less than 8. Also the number is greater than 6 but less than 10.

17. What time-related term was given to the American Patriot 'rapid response' militia forces assembled before and active during the American Revolutionary War of 1775-83? 18. What is a temporary doctor or dentist or other professional stand-in, from Latin 'place holding'?

What is the number? A. 5

19. What virtual digital currency, divided into 100 million units called satoshis, was created by the pseudonymous developer Satoshi Nakamoto?

B. 6 C. 7 ANSWERS: C


JUNE 2020

ANSWERS: 1.Yoga, 2.Tomato, 3.A minor, 4.Sliding door, 5.Fiscal, 6.Nightshade, 7.Stonking, 8.Cookie, 9.Show, 10.Compass; Captain's desk; Bell; or Globe? Bell, 11.Asses, 12.Love letter, 13.Souls On Board, 14.Or Nearest Offer and Or Best Offer, 15.Wan, 16.Hiccups, 17.Minutemen, 18.Locum Tenens, 19.Bitcoin

D. 8









HOROSCOPES (March 21 - April 19)

(July 23 - August 22)



June 2020 holds many twists and turns on the path for you, Aries. Interestingly enough, though, many of these roads before you may actually be calling you to retread avenues from the past. A major theme this month is about revisiting and reviewing your life, as well as reconnecting with people from chapters you likely thought were closed. With Mars, planet of energy, powering through the most hidden part of your chart (your solar twelfth house) throughout much of June, you could be deeply reflective and focusing on private affairs. With the past being activated, you could be passionately handling situations you thought were tied up and done from before but aren’t. Other Aries could be focusing immensely on finding closure, healing, and letting go. Mercury, planet of the mind, also goes retrograde in your sector of the home (your solar fourth house) on the seventeenth, further urging you to review how you are building your future and if you’re on the right track to manifest your greatest ambitions.

(April 20 - May 20)

TAURUS Taurus is a zodiac sign that loves pleasure, romance, and all of the Venusian blessings that life can give. And with your ruler dancing in your prosperity sector (your solar second house) for many months, you are certainly attracting more abundance into your life. However, the reason she is spending more time in this piece of the sky is because she is retrograde at the beginning of June. This affects you tremendously because when your ruler is moving backward, you feel as if your energy is off and you’ve stepped into a portal of the past. You are highly affected by Venus retrograde, which takes place until June 24. You may already have or could yet this month reconnect with an ex, twin flame, or past-life connection who possesses a karmic purpose in your life. Sometimes in life, we reunite with people because the timing has aligned and you both have grown and are ready to pick up the pieces where they fell and build something anew. However, another reason you could be crossing paths is because you must face them, realize what you learned from it, and release them forever. This clears space for better relationships to come into your life once there is room for love to breathe.

(May 21 - June 20)

GEMINI June is a month you could end up remembering forever, Gemini, with so much planetary activity written in the stars. Some moments will feel electric, as if your life is changing overnight like the onset of a hurricane. But there will also be times when everything feels frozen. The first thing to note is that Venus, planet of love and harmony, is spinning backward in your zodiac sign (your solar first house) until June 24. You could feel as if you’re in a vortex of romantic passion and you don’t know what is real or illusion. Another possible manifestation of this could be that you feel like you’ve stepped into the twilight zone and been transported into the past. Your life could suddenly be filled with much nostalgia—old friends, places from the past, or even old lovers. If you decide that you’d like to rekindle a connection with someone, you can. Otherwise, reflect on the past, appreciate it for what it was, and learn from it what you can. This focus on the past is even stronger for you when your ruler Mercury begins its regular backward cycle (in your solar second house), starting on the seventeenth and continuing for the weeks to come. Your mind won’t be clear this entire month, so do your best to not make any final decisions until the dust has settled near the end of July.

(June 21 - July 22)

CANCER As the sun moves through the most private sector of your chart (your solar twelfth house) throughout most of the month, many Cancers will be enjoying the time to rest, recharge, and lie low. Many of the planets this month are in backward motion as well, further convincing you that the time to chase all of your plans and ambitions may not be right now. Venus retrograde until June 24 could be tempting some Cancers to reconnect with old flames or friends. If you do so in a private setting, you could see luck in rekindling the connection. Just don’t be tempted into a clandestine affair! Also, beware when Mercury goes retrograde later in the month in your zodiac sign (your solar first house). You had a similar transit like this in the summer of 2019, and you could feel as if your mind and emotions are very clouded. This begins on the seventeenth officially, but with Mercury in preshadow all month, you’ll likely notice that something feels off. However, despite the planets telling you to slow down, the universe has some destined surprises coming your way. Eclipse season is always a time when powerful beginnings and endings take place, the ones you look back on and realize changed your forward path forever.


JUNE 2020

In a month with so much planetary activity, Leos will be wondering where to place their attention first. One of the key themes will certainly be fun and recreation, as the sun will be igniting your social sector (your solar eleventh house). This arena has ties to not only your friends but to all of the communities—and the global community—that you are a part of, too. You could be building your network or relying more on the people you know no matter where you live. Venus, planet of joy and harmony, will be spending a great deal of time in this same sector, bringing sweetness to your life. However, throughout much of this month she’s retrograde, helping you to reconnect with many old friends—and possibly old lovers—during this time. Her backward shimmy began in May and lasts until June 24, with her post-shadow phase echoing until the end of July. If you’d like to reach out to someone you’ve lost touch with, this is certainly an auspicious time to do so. Mercury’s retrograde begins in your privacy sector (your solar twelfth house) on the seventeenth and lasts for several weeks. You could notice some secrets emerge that you didn’t know about or you could be seeking closure on things that have come before. Do not sign contracts or make agreements during Mercury retrograde, as they will falter later.

(August 23 - September)

VIRGO When the world has so much going on, you, Virgo, are the zodiac sign that usually knows how to juggle all of the pieces. This is because your logical and rational approach to life can organize even the most chaotic storms. Yet you’ve never lived in June 2020 before, so don’t be surprised if it pushes you to your limits. Many of the planets at this time will be spinning backward, causing major projects, plans, and relationships to spiral off the rails. This is because the universe is showing you that even though you thought you had everything figured out, not everything is what it seems. The universe has an even brighter and better plan ahead of you, but first you must watch as the past catches up with you. With Venus retrograde taking place, there’s an opportunity to reconnect with old friends and lovers. However, the actual retrograde transit takes place in your career sector (your solar tenth house), so you may have an opportunity to once again work with professionals you knew in the past. If this happens to be stalling some of your work projects, don’t be frustrated. Be grateful, actually, because they aren’t meant to debut in their current incarnation and need more time to ripen and then bloom.

(September 23 - October)

LIBRA June will be a time when you’re wondering about your place in the world and watching as your present and your past blur together like a song that keeps skipping forward and back. Venus, planet of love and beauty and also your ruler, will be spinning backward throughout most of the month, until June 24 (in your solar ninth house). Whenever one’s planetary ruler is retrograde, one often feels as if it’s harder for them to achieve satisfaction and harmony in their life. The key to working with this energy is to realize that you must release control and watch as the world shifts around you so that you can react rather than impulsively take action. Sometimes, too, these transits bring forth important reconnections with old flames or friends you’ve lost touch with. If you choose to, use the early weeks of June to reminisce and learn how they have grown. Perhaps you can reignite a connection that is as joyous as it once was. However, if you reconnect and realize that you’ve both gone in different directions, set that relationship to rest peacefully so you can happily move toward more fulfilling ones ahead. Mercury goes retrograde in your career sector (your solar tenth house) on the seventeenth, so when that occurs, it’s likely that some work-related endeavors could be stalled or need to be reconsidered. This is okay. Take it in stride.

(October 23 - November)

SCORPIO As Mars, planet of passion, powers through your romance sector (your solar fifth house) throughout most of the month, you are smoldering with desire. Energy to build love and express yourself will radiate from you during June. This is also a magnificent time to create art or involve yourself in a hobby, as you will not only feel more fulfilled but also show the world more of the color upon your soul. Venus, the planet of love and romance, will be spinning backward in your intimacy sector (your solar eighth house) throughout much of the month, until June 24, meaning that, if attached, you could be revisiting relationship needs with a partner. Single Scorpios could be reconnecting with past lovers during this time as well, either to learn if they’re finally ready to give each other what each party needs or if they can release each other fully once and for all. Venus retrogrades affect you quite intensely because she rules your sector of marriage (solar seventh house). When Venus revisits the past, so do you reflect or reunite with significant ones from before, too. Mercury retrograde begins on the seventeenth in Cancer (your solar ninth house), so expect that some things may become even fuzzier at the end of the month.

(November 22 - December)

SAGITTARIUS June 2020 has arrived, Sagittarius, and your energy will mark the world around you. You have entered a pivotal point in your lifetime that will help you not only stand up for your worth but also rise in your personal power. For too long you haven’t seen your energy respected or cherished, but the seeds of this occurred because you did not stand up for yourself. The time has come now to rectify that and watch as the world sees you for who you truly are. This month, you will see the beginning of eclipses in your sun sign (solar first house) that will shoot out to the stars like fireworks. They will continue on later this year and into 2021. Later this year, you’ll have eclipses in your partnership sector, too (your solar seventh house). You are undergoing a powerful transformation in relation to your partnerships and how you own your thoughts, opinions, and desires in congruence—or opposition—to those you unite with. The lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on June 5 will see you rising as an important dream within your heart puts you front and center. Later in the month, on the twentieth, a solar eclipse in Cancer (your solar eighth house) will push you to understand your partnerships and work as a team—or finally move on.

(December 22 - January 19)

CAPRICORN Relationships have been a powerful learning curve for you over the last few years, Capricorn, as you are better learning how to stand up for yourself but also work better as a team with someone who truly respects and values you. This trend will continue into June 2020 for many reasons, most notably because of the cycle of eclipses that bring destiny to your doorstep. In life, we have free will, but there are also mighty forces that help us evolve into who we are meant to be and teach us that as much as we try to orchestrate our life, we aren’t in complete control. The dominion of the universe can be scary to many Capricorns because you like to strategize your plans. One of the things that eclipses can teach you is that life happens when you’re open to it rather than letting the fear of the unknown cripple you, and not trying to always control it so it’s “perfect” in your eyes. On June 5, an electric lunar eclipse in Sagittarius resounds (your solar twelfth house). It marks a moment when you will feel the need to lie low and potentially run for cover. This is because some of your secrets and fears could be exposed, or you must face the truth about something you took for granted that isn’t what you had demanded it be. Oftentimes, this is about anxieties and illusions you hold within you in an attempt for selfpreservation of the ego rather than attacks from someone else. This is an excellent time to heal, release, and surrender love into the universe.

(January 20 - February 18)

AQUARIUS Aquarius, June 2020 is your opportunity to walk into the heart of a storm and emerge victorious. Many cosmic factors work in your favor as long as you’re aware of the currents that are moving. Most important to note is that this is a month highly focused on the past because so many of our planetary forces are already retrograde, or will be. Your greatest asset is that Uranus, planet of liberation and your ruling planet, will be strong and direct during the month. While many other people can’t think as clearly, you’ll be able to see light through the smoke and come up with brilliant solutions. The most notable retrograde to affect you this month will likely be the movement of Venus, planet of love, in your true love and creativity sector (your solar fifth house). This means that many Aquarians could be reconnecting with a twin flame during this time, most likely a soul mate in this lifetime who may be a past-life connection. You may crave this person deeply, but it’s important for you to assess whether or not you will reignite that connection or merely reminisce on how beautiful the rapport once was. It’s also likely that you’re doing a great deal of thinking about what love is to you and what you want it to be. Some Aquarians could be revising the entire way that they feel about love and realizing the function it has had in their life until now must change.

(February 19 - March 20)

PISCES Pisces, June 2020 is here and you are on fire. Your energy is ignited, your goals are within reach, and above all, you believe that you are unstoppable. Mars, the planet of passion and drive, resides within your zodiac sign (your solar first house), gifting you with confidence, sexual magnetism, and hunger. This transit doesn’t happen often. In fact, it happens but once every two years. It’s of the utmost importance that you utilize this power to your greatest magnitude and push toward everything that resides within your soul. Whether it’s love, success, community, or true happiness, you must use your strength now to create that reality around you. Do not settle. Take charge and command. This isn’t like you, Pisces, as you’re typically a more gentle soul. That doesn’t matter, though. It is your time. This is clear instantly as the month begins, when a lunar eclipse in Sagittarius (your solar tenth house) on June 5 ignites your name in the sky. Eclipses mark destined and pivotal moments in our lifetime, and for you, this is all about rising in success, power, and achievement. You are so tremendously blessed, Pisces, because not only do you have people around you who believe in you and wish to support you, but the universe wants you to go even higher.


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