2 minute read
End Of The World
from CP March 2021
by CPmagazine
WORLD Othman Qalfas
This article will touch you in the heart and I intended to do it so. As we all feel or have experienced that Covid-19 affected everything and everyone around the world in one way or the other. From postponing movies to scheduling filming for the new movies. Since we are talking about movies, let’s focus on movies that discussed the end of the world by a “Virus” not any other natural phenomenon. So, let’s get started with the list with the oldest to the newest movies on this subject.

This Movie is about a monkey who was captured in Africa and Delivered to the United States to be sold. But this Monkey has a deadly virus within him. So it’s the mission of the Doctors to find the monkey and find a cure to prevent the virus from spreading into the world. BUT there is a surprise in the end!
Resident Evil (2002).
One of the most successful franchises in the world. Based on a video game known as Resident Evil and in Japan they called it Biohazard with more than 7 video game stories and a collection of 6 movies with many animated movies. This Franchise talk about a virus released in a lab on purpose whom change humans into Zombies, and thru the franchise you can see how they try to control it.
REC (2007).
A team of firemen received orders to help an apartment building but what you will witness is far from helping someone. You will be watching from the Camera of the reporter and her cam-eraman who witness an old woman who they wanted to help is infected by a virus. One of the most terrifying movies.
I Am Legend (2007).
This movie is one of my favorite movies and I saw it in the cin-ema. It’s starring Will Smith who is a Military Doctor trying to find a cure for the disease that spread all around New York. This disease was meant to cure cancer in the first place. It’s a breath taking movie.
Zombieland (2009).
I will take you guys From the upsetting movies that I mentioned above to one of the most iconic movie of all time while it mix between Horror and Comedy. With great rules to stay alive to meeting the new group this movie will make you laugh hard. PS, if you love this movie you should watch Shaun of the Dead (BONUS).
Contagion (2011).
This movie the most related movie to our lives nowadays during Covid-19. You will see most of the process happening in your daily life. How government will react and how they try to constrict the Pandemic from continuing spreading through the world. In the end they will explain how it happened in the be-ginning so be awake and don’t miss anything.
Train to Busan (2016).
This movie is Korean and it discuss how an outbreak can effect people behaviors. It’s about a divorced father who takes his daughter to her mum. But during their trip from Seoul to Busan an infected person rides with them in the train. If it wasn’t good, it won’t be part of this list.