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Panasonic Observes Mental Health Awareness Month
from CP November 2021
by CPmagazine
The sessions, aimed at creating awareness on the importance of mental wellbeing and destigmatizing the issues related to it, were attended by 116 employees
ةحصلا ةيمهأ ىلع ديكأتلل افظوم 116 تبطقتسا ةلمحلاب ةصاخلا ةيعوتلا تاسلج اهب ةقلعتملا لكاشملل ةئطاخلا ةيطمنلا روصلا نم دحلاو ةيسفنلا
تاطاشنلا نم ددع اهميظنت نع قيوستلل ايقيرفأو طسولأا قرشلا كينوساناب تفشك ءافتحلاا دعب ةوطخلا هذه يتأتو .ةيسفنلا ةحصلاب ةيعوتلا رهش ةبسانمب اهيفظومل ةصاخلا رشن فدهب ،ماع لك نم ربوتكأ 10 ،ةدحتملا مملأا ىدل ةيسفنلا ةحصلل يملاعلا مويلاب عيجشتو ،ملاعلا ءاحنأ فلتخم يف ةيسفنلا ةحصلاب ةقلعتملا لكاشملا ةيمهأ لوح يعولا .ةيسفنلا ةيحصلا ةياعرلل يداملا معدلا ميدقت ىلإ ةيمارلا ةيلودلا دوهجلا
ةيلوؤسملا ةردابم ،"دوج روف زينابموك" عم نواعتلاب ،كينوساناب تفاضتسا امك ةيضارتفا تاسلج ةدع ،ةيعامتجلاا "رذيجوت رتيب" ةسسؤمو ،تاكرشلل ةيعمتجملا ىلإ ةفاضإ ،ةيسفنلا مهلوح نم ةحصو مهتحصب مامتهلاا ىلع اهيفظوم عيجشتل ةرشابمو تمظنو .ةيسفنلا ةحصلا لكاشم عم نولماعتي نيذلا دارفلأل يفاضإ معد ميدقت ةلواحم يف رظنلا ةداعإ ىلع كراشم 116 عيجشتل عانقلا فلخ ناونعب تاسلج سمخ ةكرشلا .مهتايصخش نم صاخلا بناجلا ىلع ءوضلا طيلستو ملاعلا مامأ اهب نورهظي يتلا ةروصلا مهتانونكم نع ريبعتلاو يتاذلا لمأتلا ىلع روضحلا عيجشت ةعنقلأا مسر طاشن نمضت امك ضرعم ضرعتسا نيح يف ؛ميماصتلاو لاكشلأاو ناوللأا مادختساب ةقمعم تاراوح ءدبو .ةلمحلا قاطن نمض ايلخاد نوكراشملا اهمسر يتلا ةعنقلأا عيمج هيف يضارتفا
كينوسانابل يرادلإا ريدملا ،يناتوبيش يكويوريه ديسلا لاق عوضوملا اذه ىلع اقيلعتو ،حاجن يأ قوف انيفظوم ةيفاع كينوساناب يف عضن" :قيوستلل ايقيرفأو طسولأا قرشلا دوعت ةيحص لمع ةئيب عنص يف نيفظوملل ةيسفنلاو ةيدسجلا ةحصلا ةيمهأب ةقث انلكو ."عيمجلا ىلع عفنلاب
قرشلا كينوسانابل ةيرشبلا دراوملا مسقل ةماعلا ةريدملا ،نيفثور تينوس تلاق اهرودب يذلا مدقتلا ىلع درف لك دنع ةيسفنلا تافلاتخلاا سكعنت" :قيوستلل ايقيرفأو طسولأا ةيسفنلا ةحصلا معدل ةيمهلأا ةياغ يف ارمأ ةحتفنملاو ةيحصلا لمعلا ةئيب دعت اذل ،هققحي ضعب نأ ثاحبلأا تدجو ثيح .مهمعدل ةبولطملا دراوملا نيمأتو نيفظوملا ىدل اهببست يتلا تابوعصلا سفن ببست دق قلقلاو رتوتلاو بائتكلااك ةيسفنلا لكاشملا عيمجلا ىلع -19ديفوك ةمزأ تايعادت ترثأ امك .لاثم لصافملا باهتلاك ةيدسجلا ضارملأا ام اذهو .ةيئانثتسلاا ةرتفلا هذه يف لمعلا تاطوغض ريثأت نم فعاض امم ،ايسفنو ايدسج ىلع ةرداق ةيحص لمع ةئيب نيمأت ىلع زيكرتلل انيدل نيفظوملا ةيفاع زيزعت تاردابم عفد ."درف لكب ةصاخلا لكاشملا باعيتسا
تاريغتلا دعب ةصاخ افورظ ماعلا اذه ةيسفنلا ةحصلل يملاعلا مويلا تايلاعف تدهشو تاطوغض اهتفلخ يتلا راثلآا ىلإ ةفاضإ ،-19ديفوك ةمزأ رثإ ملاعلا اهدهش يتلا ةريبكلا لئاسرلا نم ديدعلا كينوساناب تعزو امك .نيفظوملا عيمج ىلع ةرتفلا هذه يف لمعلا ثيدحلاو رتوتلا عم لماعتلا قرط لوح اهيفظوم فيقثتل ةيضارتفا تاودن ترجأو ةيرابخلإا .ةيسفنلا ةحصلا لكاشم نع
Panasonic Marketing Middle East and Africa (PMMAF) organized month-long activities for its employees as a part of World Mental Health Day. Every year, October 10 is observed as the United Nations' World Mental Health Day to promote the significance of spreading awareness about mental health issues across the world and encourage international efforts to provide financial support to mental health care.
Organized in collaboration with the CSR agency ‘Companies for Good’ and social enterprise ‘Better Together’, Panasonic hosted online and in-person sessions to encourage employees to be conscious of the mental health of their own and those around them, as well as try to offer extra support to individuals with mental illness around them. The company organized five sessions under the ‘Behind the Mask’ theme that pushed 116 attendees to think about how they portray themselves to the external world and what part do they keep to themselves. With the mask painting activity, attendees were encouraged to self-reflect, express and start difficult conversations through colours, designs, and shapes. All painted masks were then showcased internally through a virtual exhibition.
“We, at Panasonic, put employee well-being on top of our agenda as it is important for any business’ success. We strongly believe that when an organization becomes proactive in ensuring its employees’ physical and mental well-being, it can create a healthier workplace where everyone wins,” commented Hiroyuki Shibutani, Managing Director, PMMAF.
“It is crucial to remember that every individual is different, and so their progress will likely differ as well, therefore, it's important to create an open environment that promotes mental well-being and provides resources for employees. Some researchers found mental illnesses like depression, stress, and anxiety to be just as unbearable as some organic medical diseases like arthritis. Furthermore, the pandemic has taken a toll on everyone physically, mentally and emotionally. Work pressure during such a tough situation has also made its due impact. Hence, our employee wellbeing initiatives focus on providing a healthy workplace, which also understands the unique needs of each employee,” commented Sonet Ruthven – General Manager, Human Resources Division at PMMAF.
This year, World Mental Health Day is being celebrated at a time when the world has gone through massive changes in the aftermath of the Coronavirus pandemic and its repercussions, work pressure during such a tough situation has also made its due impact. Panasonic is also created informative newsletters and conducted webinars to educate employees on how to manage stress and talk about mental health issues.