1 minute read
The Right Thing To Do
from CP October 2022
by CPmagazine
Yasmeen Bahman
How does the world come to order?
Ethics is the code of morals practised by people. Morals are personal principals of what people believe right and wrong.
Ethical values help guide us to deal with dilemmas that eliminate behaviour that do not confirm to our sense of right and wrong. Moral principals are crucial in this world so humans would be able to live amongst each other in a civilized, equal social life.
Creating a moral conscience towards others in society is based on social and cultural norms taught through their upbringing. It differs with each household according to which moral aspects is their priority. Generally, they all focus on healthy relationships and love above all. When there is a common ground, there will be less likelihood to have friction between them. guide for right and proper conduct in a person’s daily activity. There is an extent of international ethical obligation in an era of globalization, expecting fairness, truthfulness, tolerance, equality and non-violence. Ethical standards respected everywhere results in the well-being of the nations.
The golden rule is to treat people the way you want to be treated. So how you are brought up and your moral foundation will determin how you treat others. One’s potential to spread goodness is a step to make the world a happier place by encouraging others to repeat what they have experienced themselves leading to a more positive community.
“Give charity without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity.” The Prophet Muhammed PBUH
Consider the outside world’s view and bare in mind that we are among many. Ultimately aiming to achieve a righteous life.