3 minute read
Our Children’s Immunity Starts With
from CP September 2020
by CPmagazine
With kids back in school, parents have prepped everything on their checklist – from stationary supplies to the uniform and even the lunchbox. The real question is: Have you thought about what ingredients you need in the kitchen to prep a perfectly healthy lunch? Now, more than ever, ensuring our children’s immune system is strong has become our key priority. A healthy and balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals, fibers and whole grains will help jumpstart their metabolism and give them a dose of energy for the full day while boosting their immunity. Choose a healthy, easy and nutritious lunch that they are excited to get to. Ensure that their meal is 100 per cent organic and absolutely free from any nasties. With Earth Goods products, you can guarantee a lunchbox that is free from GMOs, preservatives, chemicals and added sugar. Every product from the Earth Goods range is non-processed and full of the good bres, vitamins and minerals. It also helps that healthy lunches are usually easy to prepare, looks fun and tastes great. Remember, sunshine and exercise are equally important in building your child’s immunity.
Here are five healthy swaps to include in your child’s lunchbox: 1. Choose whole or sliced fruits instead of fruit juices that are high in added sugars 2. Make the box rich in whole grains. Swap those processed grains seen in breads, sugary cereals and pizza for whole grains like oats, brown rice and quinoa. 3. The more veggies, the better. Helps keep the box colourful. Swap potato fries or potato for carrots and tomatoes. 4. Focus on healthy proteins. Eggs are a great choice and kids love them. Opt for beans over red meats like processed sausages and bacon. When using oils, use trans fat-free oils and limit the use of butter where possible. 5. Make water cool again. Choose water over any drink. It’s always sugarfree and easy to finish. If your kids dislike water, infuse it with fruits. Earth Goods is an all-natural and organic health food brand that continues to empower and inspire people living in the UAE, by going the extra mile to help achieve a more mindful and responsible way of eating. Proudly handpicking ingredients to form a range of products all free from GMOs, preservatives, chemicals, processed foods, added sugar and additives, Earth Goods’ mission is to inspire people to live more mindfully and eat more healthily resulting in a better way of thinking, feeling and acting. Earth Goods is more than just your average health food brand. With a team of experts sourcing their ingredients from the best places they naturally grow in; every ingredient is hand selected from premium harvests ensuring the highest nutritional products from over 20 countries worldwide. Earth Goods products are on a mission to inspire you to prepare a healthy and delicious breakfast to immunize your body and build resilience while getting it ready to burn the day’s calories. Earth Goods Granola Fruit Mix Organic Gluten-Free Granola Fruits Mix is a perfect nutritious blend of whole-grain jumbo oats, freeze-dried fruits and healthy nuts that is full of the GOOD vitamins, minerals, fibers and antioxidants. Made with organic whole grain Scandinavian Gluten-free Oats, naturally delighted with a hint of 100% natural and rare Blue agave for a touch of sweetness.

Earth Goods Chia Seeds Premium organic Black Chia seeds are harvested from the lands of the ancient Aztecs. Known for centuries as one of the most nutritious Superfoods on the planets. Gold of the Aztecs, as they are called, are packed full with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, fibers, vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.
Earth Goods products are available for purchase instore at leading supermarkets including Spinney’s, Choitram’s, Waitrose, Union Coop, Sharjah Coop, and online at www.amazon.ae, www.mumzworld.com,
sprii.ae, noon.com

To discover Earth Goods breakfast options and mindful recipes, please visit: https://earthgoods.com. To keep up with the latest news, visit @ EarthGoodsOfficial on Instagram and Facebook.