11 minute read
from CP September 2022
by CPmagazine
(March 21 - April 19) ARIES
You’ll be in high gear reorganizing your life and getting back on track this month, dear Aries, as Virgo season pushes you to collect yourself after a summer of fun in the sun. This luminary placement also presents the perfect opportunity to reconnect with your favorite workout routine, though you might need to leave your yoga mat or running shoes by the door as a gentle reminder that it’s time to get moving. This increase in your efficiency could cause you to set high standards for yourself, though you should remain mindful that such goals aren’t unreasonable. Luckily, Venus enters Virgo on September 4, bringing a compassionate element to the mix and allowing you to add “self-love” to your list of priorities. Mercury begins its retrograde journey through Libra on the ninth, dusting off stories from the past in the sector of your chart that governs romance. Don’t be surprised if a few exes slide into your DMs, though you might also find yourself tempted to break the silence with an old flame. Rather than succumbing to the romantic nostalgia in the air, look for ways to nurture and love yourself on a deeper level. (July 23 - August 22)
Your need for financial and emotional security will become more pronounced this month, dear Leo, as the Virgo sun shines brightly in your solar second house. This cosmic climate is perfect for meditating on your financial goals, giving you an opportunity to pragmatically plan ahead. Unfortunately, an equally pronounced taste for the finer things in life could throw off your motivation to save for the future, making it important that you strike a healthy balance between smart spending and indulgence. Watch out for miscommunications, brain fog and messy vibes on September 9, when Mercury retrograde makes its dreaded return. This planetary backspin will impact you on a cognitive level, so you might need to incorporate to-do lists into your daily routine lest you forget your tasks and personal responsibilities. Following this same thread, pay special attention that you have everything you need before leaving the house, double-checking that your wallet, ID, phone and keys are with you before waltzing out the door. (November 22 - December)
It’s no secret that you’re one of the more laid-back members of the zodiac, dear Sagittarius, with an uncanny ability to actualize your goals without a concrete plan on how to get there. However, Virgo season will ask you to take a short field trip from your easygoing ways in order to assume control over any messes in your life that might have gotten a bit too out of hand recently. From inconsistent routines to toxic work environments to malicious frenemies, it’s time to draw some boundaries with both yourself and others. Just try not to abandon your warmth in the process, because it would be easy to lose your compassion with anyone you’re fed up with. Watch out for drama in your social circle beginning when Mercury heads retrograde in your solar eleventh house on September 9. Issues from the past could also resurface now, so you might want to steer clear of any grudge holders in your circle. Plan on staying home during Pisces full moon on the tenth. Emotions will be running high, and you might not be in the mood to dry other people’s tears.
(April 20 - May 20) TAURUS
You’ll be busy with crafts, passion projects and creative endeavors this month, dear Taurus, as the Virgo sun shines bright in your solar fifth house. This luminary placement can trigger the artist within you, inspiring you to pick up new projects at home. You’ll feel more detail oriented than usual, though you should be mindful that a drive for perfection doesn’t take the fun out of your latest endeavors. Feeling good in your body will also be a priority and have a direct impact on your energy level and confidence. September 9 marks the beginning of Mercury’s retrograde journey through Libra, which is poised to bring some disruption to your daily routine and wellness goals. Finding time for yourself could feel particularly challenging, especially if others rely on you to take care of them. An increasingly busy schedule could make it difficult to eat well, meditate or exercise, and you might need to plan ahead in order to find time for yourself while nurturing your body. (August 23 - September)
Happy solar return, dear Virgo! With the sun in your sign you should be feeling elevated, motivated and more popular than ever. These vibes could also inspire you to play with your identity, especially if you’ve been working toward a new look, hobby or professional path. The Universe will support your ambitions right now, which means where your energy goes, manifestation will flow. Unfortunately, you could end up feeling overly tense if you take on too much at once, making it important that you remember to space out your goals so you can reach them all at a comfortable pace. Your planetary ruler Mercury begins its retrograde journey through Libra on September 9, and it’s poised to shake things up for you financially. On the one hand, this drift in reverse will remind you of the importance of selfcare, giving you permission to pamper yourself from time to time. On the other, unexpected expenses could arise right now, so you might want to keep some extra cash on hand. If your mind begins to feel clouded during this time, grounding in nature and indulging your senses can help you find clarity once more. (December 22 - January 19)
Though Virgo season has a reputation for triggering stress and perfectionism in the masses, dear Capricorn, you’ll be in a more peaceful and philosophical headspace as the sun illuminates your solar ninth house. These vibes are all about higher thinking, giving you an opportunity to slow down, take a step back and appreciate what you’ve built up until this point. Don’t worry, though, because your ambitious nature will still have a role to play, only reaching your goals will happen more seamlessly as the stars align to guide and support you. A cleansing and empowering energy will find you when the sun shares a supportive connection to Pluto, currently camped out in your sign, on September 18. An unwavering belief in yourself will allow you to make major headway with your dreams, though you might need to let go of certain habits, situations or people in order to truly move forward. This cosmic climate will remind you of the power that comes with destruction, and that starting from scratch doesn’t always have to be scary. No matter what your situation is right now, take a look at your life to identify what lifts you up or weighs you down, then make your next moves accordingly.
(May 21 - June 20) GEMINI
Maintaining your space will have a huge impact on your mental health this month, dear Gemini, as Virgo season activates your solar fourth house. The state of your home is likely to fluctuate along with your mood, resulting in a tidy interior when you’re on top of your business or a scattered mess when you’re overburdened with work and responsibilities. However, these effects go both ways, which means keeping your abode clean will do the same for your aura. Fortunately, people will be in the mood to help you right now, but you’ll need to be vocal and ask for assistance. Don’t be afraid to ask your roomie to do a few extra chores, though you might need to pick up the slack at another time. Your planetary ruler Mercury goes retrograde in Libra on September 9, which could bring some insecurities and ego issues. Remember to be kind and compassionate with yourself during this time, especially if your confidence begins to falter. On the plus side, this planetary backspin presents the ideal time to revisit creative projects that have fallen by the wayside as your imaginative spirit stirs from its slumber. You’ll also have an opportunity to reconnect with old friends as the Universe pushes you to embrace the people and activities that fill your heart. (September 23 - October)
There’s a risk that you might overthink things or spend too much time in your head this month, dear Libra, as the Virgo sun illuminates the sector of your chart that governs the subconscious. This solar placement could lead to insomnia, nervousness and unrealistic expectations of both yourself and those around you, potentially elevating your stress level. On the plus side, you’ll also have an opportunity to sort through your deepest thoughts and feelings, putting everything in its right place. Quiet time and solitude will feel like more of a priority now. Indulging in silence can help you examine your life and where you’d like to be in six months to a year. Luckily, you’ll have a chance to release whatever ails you during the Pisces full moon on September 10, because the cosmos will bless you with a rush of emotional support and compassion. Use the energy from this lunar event to connect with your body and health, giving your muscles a break from any tension that you’ve been carrying around recently. Baths, stretching and communing with nature can help you make the most of these vibes, though you might shed a few tears in the process of letting go. (January 20 - February 18)
A desire for control might turn self-destructive this month, dear Aquarius, as the Virgo sun illuminates your solar eighth house. This cosmic climate could create issues if you try to do too much at once, especially if you equate success with power. Though you’ll be eager to show your strength and capabilities, you should avoid indulging in competitive dynamics at work. On the plus side, an opportunity to forge healthy business alliances can help you get ahead, though you and your companions will need to keep a clear dialogue around expectations and exchanges. Your love life will intensify beginning when Venus enters Virgo on September 4. However, your aura will be more intense and direct than usual, so you might want to gauge your expressions of love based on how your partner is acting. Established relationships can benefit from celestial support, especially when it comes to planning for the future. These vibes can also help you on your journey toward empowerment and personal evolution, though you’ll need to be willing to acknowledge and move past any behavioral patterns that have been holding you back.
(June 21 - July 22) CANCER
Your mind will be busy this month, dear Cancer, because Virgo season brings a flurry of activity to the sector of your chart that governs thought processes and communication. Learning will happen more organically right now, though new knowledge will come more easily through doing rather than watching. Unfortunately, a desire to appear well informed and intelligent could discourage you from asking questions when you need to, especially once Mercury goes retrograde on September 9. Try not to let your ego get in the way of your inquisitive nature. The tenth marks the Pisces full moon and one of the most spiritually invigorating days of the year for you. You’ll likely find your Tarot readings, magickal workings and meditation practices to be more potent than usual as the stars align to provide you with a window into the other realms. Don’t mistake synchronicities and signs for coincidence. The Universe will be eager to speak with you right now using a variety of tools to make contact. Keeping a pen and paper handy can also be helpful, especially if you hope to piece together any messages that come through from beyond the veil. (October 23 - November)
Your words, actions and even fashion choices will have an effect on others this month, dear Scorpio, as Virgo season amplifies your popularity and position in society. Though you might not realize how much power you have right now, the moves you make will ripple further than you can imagine. Use your influence to advocate for causes you believe in by educating yourself on issues of importance and then relaying the information to your friends and colleagues. If you’re feeling particularly ambitious, these vibes are also ideal for organizing fundraisers or volunteering at a nonprofit that speaks to your soul. A playful energy will find you during the Pisces full moon on September 10 as Luna shines bright in the sector of your chart that governs self-expression and fun. You’ll be in the mood to connect with your loved ones, but you should be mindful to only surround yourself with positive people. You’ll be more sensitive to the energy around you during this time. The inspiration will flow freely and therapeutically, so any artistically inclined Scorpions out there should schedule time for passion projects and creative endeavors now. (February 19 - March 20)
You’ll understand the value of health and love more clearly this month, dear Pisces, as the Virgo sun illuminates your solar seventh house. This cosmic climate will inspire you to become a more efficient and puttogether version of yourself while encouraging your closest companions to do the same. You’ll feel motivated to live well while working hard toward your goals, helping you strike the ideal balance between work and play. Unfortunately, you could end up placing too high a standard on your romantic connections, making it important that you maintain a positive disposition with your partner. The full moon manifests in your sign on September 10, elevating your emotional and psychic sensitivities. Luckily, your energy level will also benefit from a significant boost unless you haven’t been practicing enough self-care lately. Check in with yourself without considering the needs of others for once, just to make sure you’re not putting the wants and desires of others above your own. Luckily, people will be in the mood to cater to you right now, giving you an opportunity to catch up with any imbalances within yourself or your relationships.
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